Justin Timberlake: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Jessica Biel gave birth to Justin Timberlake's son Justin spoke about an emergency caesarean section

April 8th to my son famous artists Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake turn 3 years old. On this occasion, Hollywood stars decided to give a short interview about the birth of Silas, which was included in a book called “Nanny Connie’s Method: Secrets of the First Four Months of the Life of a Baby and His Parents.”

The son decided to do everything his own way

Her story about how she prepared for the birth of her first child a beautiful couple, Jessica decided to start by talking about preparations for childbirth. Here are the words the movie star said about this:

“When I found out that I was pregnant, my first thoughts were about how to protect our baby from dangers, because there are so many of them in the world. I wanted to protect him from everything. I rushed around the shops in search of children's clothes that would be made only from natural fabrics, toys, without harmful dyes, etc. In addition, we decided to make a nursery that would be fully equipped with harmless furniture, appliances, etc. To be honest, this was the hardest thing to do. In general, then my life was completely devoted to preparing for the birth of my son. Over time, when most things were done, I took care of myself and preparing for childbirth. I started visiting special courses, did gymnastics, read a lot of literature. In addition, we looked at a good clinic for childbirth and were very happy about it. All that was left was to wait, but the son decided to do everything his own way.”
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Justin talks about emergency caesarean section

After this, his dad decided to continue the story about the birth of Silas. Here's what Timberlake said:

“It all happened very suddenly. We did not expect that the birth of our son could not go according to plan. As a result, Jessica ended up in the hospital, where she was urgently given a caesarean section. It was a blow of such force that we barely got out. We returned from the hospital crushed and devastated. Everything we had been preparing for for 9 months did not end as planned. Despite this, Silas was born a healthy baby, and this is the most important thing for us.”

Justin Timberlake- popular American pop singer, R'n'B performer, actor, composer, producer, dancer. Winner of 4 Emmy awards and 9 Grammy awards.

Childhood and youth

Justin Timberlake was born in Memphis, Tennessee on January 31, 1981. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. The singer has English, German, French roots and unconfirmed Indian ancestry. His father, Randall Timberlake, worked as a conductor in a church choir, and his paternal grandfather was a Baptist minister, so the boy was raised in classical Baptist traditions. However, despite his religious upbringing, Timberlake still considers himself a Christian rather in spirit.

Justin's parents separated in 1985, when the boy was not yet 5 years old. Both soon started own families. This is how Justin got a stepfather, as well as two half-brothers on his father’s side. Despite popular beliefs, the divorce of his parents did not affect the psyche of the future star - the boy grew up healthy and ambitious beyond his years.

First steps in musical career Justin did on the TV show "Star Search". There he performed a country song. The singer's idols since childhood were Al Green, .

Like many Hollywood stars, the musician began his path to fame by participating in the then popular children's television show “The Mickey Mouse Club.” Together with 12-year-old Justin, they performed, who later became his fiancée, and Jacey Chases, Justin's future partner in "N Sync". After the end of the show in 1995, Justin and Jacey teamed up to create a new boy band - "N Sync".

Justin Timberlake in the movie "In Time"

During the same period, Justin visited snow-covered Russia for the first time, arriving at the premiere of the film “Sex for Friendship” together with his partner, a sultry actress. In 2013, Timberlake came to Moscow again, this time to present the crime thriller “Va-bank”, in which he played one of the main roles. At the same time, the musician came to visit the program. Timberlake talked about his new film, played forfeits and played with spoons. And at the end of the show, the singer received unusual bast shoes as a gift from the host.

Justin Timberlake with Ivan Urgant

A year later, the musician gave concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow as part of a tour in support of the album “The 20/20 Experience”.

Personal life

Justin Timberlake's personal life has always been associated with high-profile female names. In the period 1999-2002, during the “N Sync” era, Justin experienced a serious romance with Britney Spears. However, the much-anticipated wedding did not take place. The 4-year relationship ended, culminating in the worldwide popular hit “Cry Me a River.” According to Britney, their love story ended because they "wanted different things in life."

Then for some time the singer had a relationship with the actress and almost immediately with the popular Stacey Ferguson. This was followed by a romantic meeting with the love of his childhood, an actress, but this relationship lasted no more than six months, the couple broke up under unpleasant circumstances: journalists photographed Justin at a romantic meeting with an unknown girl.

In 2003, Timberlake began dating a popular actress. The couple looked happy, and Justin was not bothered by the 9-year age difference (at that time the singer was 22, and the actress was 31). But after 4 years, this relationship also ended.

In January 2007, Timberlake began a dizzying affair with. They appeared in the press joint photos snowboarding during Sundance. However, Justin and Jessica officially began dating in early 2008. And in 2011, the tabloids were full of news that the couple had broken up, but maintained friendly relations.

All the more amazing was the news that on Christmas Eve 2011, Justin proposed marriage to Jessica Biel. Love turned out to be stronger than friendship, and on October 19, 2012, Timberlake and Bill got married in Italy. Their son Silas Randall Timberlake was born in April 2015.

And only when the boy was three years old, his parents lifted the veil of secrecy over his birth. Timberlake and Biel said they were preparing for natural childbirth, found a clinic, agreed with the obstetricians, prepared the house to welcome the baby. The woman attended special courses and read a lot of literature. But at the last moment everything did not go according to plan. As a result, Jessica ended up in the hospital, where she was urgently given a caesarean section. Justin admits that this was a real blow for them. The family returned from the hospital crushed and devastated. But they thank fate that, despite such difficulties, Silas was born absolutely healthy.

Now the artist continues to go on tour, often accompanied by his beloved wife and son on these trips.


  • 2002 – “Justified”
  • 2006 – “FutureSex/LoveSounds”
  • 2013 – “The 20/20 Experience”
  • 2013 – “The 20/20 Experience: 2 of 2”
  • 2018 – “Man of the Woods”


  • 2005 – “Edison”
  • 2006 – “Alpha Dog”
  • 2006 – “Stories from the South”
  • 2008 – “Sex Guru”
  • 2009 – " Open road back"
  • 2010 – " Social network»
  • 2011 – “Very Bad Teacher”
  • 2011 – “Time”
  • 2011 – “Sex for Friendship”
  • 2012 – “Curve Ball”
  • 2013 – “Va-bank”
  • 2017 – “Wheel of Wonders”

The star gave birth to her first child to her beloved husband Justin Timberlake, a son whom they decided to name Silas Randall Timberlake. AND happy father did not wait for the moment when his heir took his first steps or said his first word, and published the first photo of the baby.

“The Timberlake family is assembled! Go Grilzz!” - Justin wrote on the social network. The singer posted on Instagram a photo of his beloved wife holding her charming son in her arms. The baby sweetly yawns and stretches, and his parents are already dressing the child in a T-shirt with the logo of their favorite sports team, of which they are ardent fans and admirers.

Jessica Biel's pregnancy was successful: literally until birth, the actress worked hard and could often be seen on the set. Future parents carefully hid the sex of the child and did not comment on their personal life. Justin and Jessica have long dreamed of children and tried to have a child. The couple's relationship was difficult, but the birth of the baby only strengthened their marriage.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel became parents

The actress gave birth to her husband's first child

It's finished! Happy Event happened today in the family of Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake. The actress gave birth to the musician's first child - a son, whom they decided to name Silas Randall Timberlake. Celebrity representatives officially confirmed this news to People.

The actress’s managers said that mother and child feel great, and the happy dad is “simply delighted.” Currently more detailed information the birth of the first child is not covered. After star couple After keeping her pregnancy a secret for months, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake have finally confirmed that they will soon become parents for the first time.

Celebrities became parents for the first time

“Thank you for the birthday wishes! This year I will receive the biggest gift in the world in my entire life. I can’t wait,” Justin wrote. Despite the fact that the musician’s fans wondered who the couple would have, the celebrities themselves kept the sex of the child a secret. A few weeks before the birth of the baby, Jessica Biel celebrated her 33rd birthday.

Justin Randall Timberlake is a name known to many pop music fans. Justin is an outstanding performer with unique appeal and charisma. The idol of millions and the conqueror of girls' hearts, he is also endowed with other talents, such as acting, composing and producing.

During his journey to fame, he did a great job, and never stopped halfway. I learned new things and strived to conquer the next peaks.
A womanizer in the past, Justin Timberlake is now an exemplary husband and father, which does not particularly please his fans.

Height, weight, age. How old is Justin Timberlake

The singer's personal life has always been the subject of research and study. It is known that the singer’s family included Englishmen, Circassians and even Indians. Justin Timberlake: photos in his youth and now his fans really like to look at them. The girls dreamed of knowing everything about their idol: height, weight, age. They easily calculated how old Justin Timberlake was by his date of birth.

It's hard to hide anything when they write about you every day in the tabloids, and journalists are guarding your every step.

Everyone knows that Justin is 181 cm tall and weighs 76 kg. Timberlake will turn 37 in January 2018. According to his horoscope, Justin is an Aquarius. Representatives of this sign strive for big victories, thrills, unknown horizons and new friends.

Biography and personal life of Justin Timberlake

On January 31, 1981, the biography and personal life of Justin Timberlake began. He was born in the USA, in the city of Memphis.

Father Randall was a conductor in a church choir. Mother Lynn owned a small business. From his father, the boy inherited a love of music and excellent hearing. He could listen to Michael Jackson and Elton John for hours. He loved to dance and he was good at it.

As a child, Justin Timberlake loved watching the children's TV series about Mickey Mouse. A few years later he was invited to play in this series. After the show closed, Justin and 4 friends formed the group “N Sync”. The young musician was 14 years old at the time.

After 2 years, the guys released their first disc, which instantly became popular. Album sales exceeded all expectations.

The second and third discs came out one after another. The group's last disc sold 15 million units.

Justin Timberlake started solo career in 2002. Already in 2006, the new album took first place in the charts. The singer was recognized as one of the most sexy men on the planet. It would seem: what more could you want? He had worldwide recognition a large number of awards and prizes, but Justin decided to plunge into the world of cinema.

Justin Timberlake's first film did not bring him success, but just 5 years later, the film "The Social Network" with his participation received 3 Oscars and 4 Golden Globes.

On next year viewers saw Justin in several films at once, where the artist had prominent roles. These are: “Sex for Friendship”, “Very Bad Teacher” and the action movie “Time”. Timberlake proved that he has reached the top in this matter as well.

Justin Timberlake's return to music happened in 2013. He recorded new albums and a video. Conducted a large concert tour to support his albums.

The voice of an artist and musician can often be heard in animated films. Justin willingly agrees to voice cartoon characters. First it was in “Shrek”, and in 2016 the hero of the film “Trolls” spoke in his voice, and even sang songs.

Timberlake's personal life has always been turbulent. His girlfriend in his youth long time there was Britney Spears. After breaking up with her, Justin recorded a song that became world famous.

For the next 4 years, Justin Timberlake dated Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz. The girl was older than the singer, but Justin did not notice this. The couple wanted to get married, but fate wanted to do everything differently.

Perhaps meeting Jessica Biel was the reason for the breakup with Cameron. Already at the beginning of 2007, Timberlake was seen in the company new beauty.

Not everything was perfect in Jessica and Timberlake's relationship. After 3 years, the couple separated, but not forever. The test showed that love did not pass.

In 2012, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel were married in Italy. The young people did not reveal the wedding date until the last moment. Even the guests had no idea why they were invited to the south of Italy.
In April 2015, a son was born into the family of actors. The boy was named Silas.

The actor's early years were tumultuous. Justin Timberlake's family and children changed everything. True, there is only one child in the family, but recently it became known that the couple is expecting the birth of a second baby.

According to Justin, the birth of his son is the most amazing and incredible event that changed him, made him a different person. He realized how much he loved his wife and his boy. They also help you understand yourself, what you are really worth. They help you look at yourself from the outside.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are a very beautiful and sincere couple. Their relationship is charming and glowing with love. They don't hide it at all.

Justin Timberlake's son Silas

little son Justin Timberlake - Silas full name Silas Randall Timberlake, very similar to his father in childhood, especially given the resemblance curly hair. The first word Silas said was "Daddy", which is very flattering for the child's father.

After the birth of the baby, the parents themselves showed his photo to subscribers on Instagram, without waiting for the “hunt” of journalists.

The baby's parents love to joke. They often post online photos of Silas in clothes with funny captions.
We hope that the boy will inherit a sense of humor and a cheerful parental disposition, and in the future he will delight us with his own cheerful images.

Justin Timberlake's wife - Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake's wife is Jessica Biel. Real name is Jessica Claire Timberlake. After her marriage, Jessica added her husband's last name to hers, which is very rare in celebrity circles.

Jessica is one year younger than her husband, born in 1982. As a child, she studied singing. Once at one of the performances at beautiful girl representatives of the modeling business noticed. From that moment on, Jessica began acting in commercials.

At the same time, Jessica auditions for roles in films. At the age of 14, she was filmed in the series “7th Heaven,” where she plays the daughter of a priest. The film played on screens for 11 years. To get out of the boring image, the girl poses topless for the cover of a magazine. Subsequently, Jessica will say that she regrets this action.

For my creative career the actress played with such celebrities as Edward Norton, Nicolas Cage, Kristin Scott Thomas and Colin Firth. Received several prestigious awards.

Jessica Biel is also trying her hand as a producer and director, but so far she has achieved more success in her main profession.

Jessica lived in Los Angeles before her marriage. This is her favorite city. She and Justin continue to live there now.

Before meeting Timberlake, Biel had several long-term relationships. After meeting Justin, she forgot all her fans.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. Wedding, photos - such headlines did not leave the pages of newspapers and magazines after the wedding famous couple.

Family relationships were sometimes marred by quarrels. Journalists were in a hurry to say that the couple was getting a divorce. The rumors always turned out to be just another “duck”. Now little Silas is growing up and everything is fine in the family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Justin Timberlake

Instagram and Wikipedia for Justin Timberlake have been available since the onset of popularity, that is, for a long time. The number of subscribers is growing steadily, now their number has exceeded 48 million people.

In anticipation of the release of new albums, Justin communicates more actively with fans on Instagram. He can post dozens of photos at once. The fans' reaction is predictable - they are delighted!
