Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region. Ai River

The Southern Urals is famous for its picturesque nature, and its amazing rivers, surrounded by rocky shores, deserve special attention. Our story today is about the beautiful Ai River, “ To the lunar beauty"(this is how its name is translated from the Bashkir language).

basic information

So, the Ai River originates between the ridges Southern Urals- on the slope of Elauda in the Cranberry Swamp at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, not far from Zlatoust.

Conventionally, it can be divided into two parts: mountainous - from the source to the village of Lakly, and flat - from Lakly to the mouth. Ai flows into the Ufa River.

The total length is about 540 kilometers, half of which the Ai River flows through the Chelyabinsk region, and half through the Republic of Bashkiria. The average depth is only 1 meter.

Its main tributaries are the rivers Ik, Kigi, Melekes, Kusa, Lemazy, Bolshaya Arsha and Bolshaya Satka. But still, it receives its main nutrition from snow melting.

For some unknown reason, the Ai River is always muddy. Perhaps the answer lies in its swamp origin or in the special rocks of the coastal soil.

Another one interesting feature- frequent change So, with extreme heat the river becomes completely shallow, and during rains its level rapidly rises, and the water becomes even more turbid.

Rafting on the Ai River

Fans of extreme sports will certainly appreciate this unforgettable adventure - rafting along dangerous mountain rapids, stunning coastal views, rocks and caves that will be encountered along the way. By the way, along the course of the Ai there are 38 unique caves, of which Laklinskaya and Kurgazanskaya are considered the most famous.

Another attraction is the Karst Arch - a 15-meter rocky ledge on the right bank of the river near the village of Novaya Pristan. Scientists believe that this is the remnant of a very ancient cave that was destroyed by water and time.

The Ai River is also a meeting with the past, because it’s not for nothing that archaeologists from all over the world come here. The right bank is literally strewn with various historical monuments. For example, a few kilometers from the village of Vanyashkino there is the famous “Korotaevsky Stone”, on which ancient hieroglyphs are visible - images of the Sun, running people and animals.

Mountaineering lovers will also find something to do here. Their most popular place is the 80-meter “Devil's Finger” rock, sheer and very dangerous. It is located a kilometer from the village of Petropavlovskoye.

Fishing on the Ai River

While rafting down the river, you can entertain yourself with good fishing. Here you can find pikes, chubs, bleaks, minnows, perches, and, less commonly, aspirants.

And the Ai River is also famous unique fish- grayling, which you can’t catch anywhere else in the Urals. This species is rarely found due to unfavorable ecology and dry years.

The main catch of fishermen are small chubs weighing up to a kilogram. You can catch something larger, but to do this you need to experiment with bait and fishing method.

Fish in Aya constantly migrate, so it’s difficult to choose permanent place for a successful bite. It happens that one day brings a rich catch, and on the next you can be left empty-handed in the same place.

Here you can catch perch, asp, and chub with a spinning rod, and perch and grayling bite well with a float.

Ay, river. Left tributary of the river Ufa (basin of the Kama river). Flows through the territory. Zlatoust, Kusinsky and Satkinsky districts, Republic of Bashkortostan. Dl. 549 km (within the borders of the Chel. Region 271 km); Bass area 15,000 km2 (in the Chel. Region 5,580 km2). Within Pers. region the river valley lies between the ridge. B. Taganay, Zhukatau, Suleya, Uraltau, Uralsky, Urenga, etc. The flow is regulated by 9 ponds and reservoirs with a total water surface area of ​​21.9 km2 and a volume of 66.4 million m3.

The Ai River flows from the Cranberry Swamp, located. between ridges Yagodny (in the south) and Urenga (in the north) at altitude. OK. 880 m along the BS, 70 km to the south-west. from the center of Zlatoust. The general direction of the current is north-west. Flows into the river. Ufa in the Ust-Aisk tract at a height. OK. 160 m according to BS. Within Pers. region accepts 54 tributaries long. more than 10 km each; most, the largest of them: B. Arsha, B. Satka, Kusa.

Of all the rivers of the Chelyabinsk region. Ai is the 4th longest and has the highest water consumption: at the exit from the region near the village. Lakly (Bashkiria) its value reaches 48.2 m3/s (in the Zlatoust area - 8.5 m3/s, near the village of Novaya Pristan - 43.7 m3/s). Key Features rivers in the Zlatoust area: Wed. freeze-up date - November 31, ice break-up - April 17; Wed freeze-up duration 169 days; maximum ice thickness 90 cm (March); max. the high-water month is May (38% of the annual runoff), the lowest is February. (1.4% of annual flow); max water temperature 19.5 °C (June). Most of the bass. located on the Yuryuzan-Ai Plain and Ufim. plateau, notch river valleys. Below Zlatoust bass. karst in places. The soils are loamy and sandy. The soils are mountain forest, light and dark gray forest. Bass. b. h. covered with conifers and foliage. forests. In the upstream, in the area from the source to Zlatoust, the river valley is well defined, wide. its 1.3 km. Asymmetrical banks: lion. above rights. The top, parts of the coastal slopes are rocky, the bottom. covered with conifers and mixed forests. Floodplain 2-sided, wide. 40-200 m, cut by oxbow lakes, covered mixed forest and meadows; there are numerous exits groundwater. The riverbed is moderately indented. On the shoals the width rivers 8-10 m, depth. 0.3-0.4 m, current speed 0.4-0.6 m/s; on the reaches of the wide up to 20-30 m, depth. 1-2 m, current speed 0.1-0.2 m/s. The bottom is sandy-gravelly on the rifts, silty-peaty on the reaches, overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Shores high 0.6-1.5 m, steep. On the section from Zlatoust to the Chel border. region with the Republic of Bashkortostan the structure of the valley and river bed is several. others. The valley is prime here. U-shaped, wide. 1-1.4 km. High slopes decreases, width. the floodplain increases to 300-600 m. The channel is winding, moderately branched, wide. it varies from 20-40 m on the rifts to 50-60 m on the reaches. Current speed is 0.5-2.0 m/s. The banks are steep and often merge with the slopes of the river valley. There are 19 islands in this area. The river bottom is pebbly and gravel, and on the rifts it is often composed of large fragments of stones. The mineralization of river water varies from 70 mg/l in the upper reaches to 200 mg/l in the middle. flow. The water is hydro-carbonate-calcium, moderately hard, in the area from the source to Zlatoust it has good drinking qualities, and below that it is polluted. The river valley in the area between the tributaries Beida and Sikiyaz (Satk district) was declared a natural monument in 1987. There are numerous here. prites are limestone coastal cliffs rising vertically above the river. Naib. the most famous of them are the Small and Large Prites. Grows in a variety of ways. river valley world. The left bank forests are pine, the right bank are birch. Honeysuckle, raspberry, broom, rowan, bird cherry, and rose hips grow in the undergrowth. Rare plants- Prince Sib. and curly lily; medicines—golden cape, snakeweed, burnet, lungwort, etc. Large-scale household use. the development of A. began in the 2nd half. 18th century with the construction of Zlatoust. w-yes. In prom. For this purpose, river hydropower was used (water wheels drove machine tools through complex transmission systems). Along A. (hereinafter Ufa - Belaya - Kama - Volga) during the period spring flood finished products of the Zlatoust plant were floated on barges, and later - of the Zlatoust factories, mountain district (until the completion of the Samara-Zlatoust railway in 1888-92). The following figures indicate the scale of transportation: in 1870 from Zlatoust. 19 ships with 210,565 pounds of cargo (3,370 tons) left the pier. In the lower parts of Zlatoust, west - where A. turns sharply at the southwest. spur of Kosotur, - to the left. On the shore there were B. and M. Barochny and Pristanskaya streets, where the barges were equipped (now this is the site of the production building of the I. Bushuev Production Association). In the 18th-20th centuries. along the A. and its tributaries (the rivers Veselovka, Kuvash, Semibratka, Yurak) timber rafting was carried out for the needs of Zlatoust plant. In the upper reaches of A. (in the area of ​​the villages of Verkhneaisky, Plotinki, Semibratki and St. Yurak) reservoirs were built, from where water was discharged during the rafting period and in case of congestion. Water was discharged using sluices. The last timber rafting in Zlatoust took place in 1960, subsequently, in connection with the construction of Novozlatoust. reservoirs, discontinued. Nowadays, A.'s time is not used for timber rafting; it participates in water supply, which means parts of the territory. Person region and the Republic of Bashkortostan. There are 60 settlements and localities in A. (13 of them are in the Chechen region: the cities of Zlatoust and Kusa, 11 villages and localities). Despite its relatively small size, A. is the cause of fairly large floods in Zlatoust. Naib, large of them were recorded in 1768 (June 7), 1862, 1896 (spring), 1909 (May 16, June 2), 1922, 1924 (Sept. 24), 1941 (April 24), 1943 (late July - beginning of August), 1964 (end of June). The center and north-west were subject to flooding in one step or another. parts of the city, located on the relatively low left bank (including factory buildings). The cause of the floods was either heavy floods (1941) or rain floods (most often in June - July). Thus, during the spring flood of 1941, the volume of water in Azerbaijan exceeded the average. long-term values ​​2.1 times, highest high. the water rise per day reached barely 77, and for the entire period of the flood - 383 cm. Very large rain floods were observed in 1943 and 1964. During the flood of 1943 heavy rains took place July 21-25 and August 1-3. (the amount of precipitation reached 80 mm) at the highest altitude. The rise of water in the river per day barely reached 182, the largest volume being 18.3 million le3. Detailed hydrological research A. began in the first 10 years of the 20th century. In 1917, for energy needs, the Internal Administration. waterways A. was examined in the area from Zlatoust to the mouth: visual surveys, depth measurements, and longitudinal leveling were carried out. plots. All R. 1920s During the rectification of the Zlatoust Pond dam, it was even planned to install hydro-electric power here. turbines (the project was not implemented). In 1932-65 there was a water metering post in the Zlatoust area, from 1965 - in the area of ​​the village. Veselovki. Name rivers has no unambiguous interpretation. In the lane from the head ay - “moon”. Probably, the image of the celestial body revered by the ancient Bashkirs was reflected in the name of the picturesque river: A. - “lunar” in the meaning of “beautiful”, “bright”, like the moon. He was one of the first to express such a version in the 18th century. historian and geographer V.N. Tatishchev (“Ay the Tatar name is bright”). According to the head version. scientist R. G. Kuzeev, called. rivers comes from ethnic. naming ay or aide (ayle), belonging to the clan. group, once Russell. in the bass river, which had a generic sign (tamga) in the form of a crescent (ai). In the dictionary of toponyms Bashk. In the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic the word ai is given in the meaning of “river”, “river branch”, “river tributary”. The word ai finds correspondences in the Finno-Ugric words oy, oy, ui - “stream”, “hollow”, “valley” and is found in the toponyms of other territories. Perhaps it was brought to our region by pre-Turkic people who came here in ancient times. tribes, and later used by the Bashkirs.

– Bolshie Pritesy rock. This is a high and extended rock wall, up to 100 meters high.

The Ai River is certainly one of the most beautiful rivers Ural. Translated from Bashkir, its name means “Moon” or “Moon River”. Flows through the territory of the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkiria. The length of the river is 549 kilometers. There are many picturesque rocks and many caves on it.

Big Prites – business card Ai River. They impress with their scale and beauty.

The definition “Large” conveys the size of the rocks. “Pritesy” in relation to rocks is very common in these places (unlike, for example, Chusovaya, where rocks are called stones). Cliffs that fall vertically to the river are called cliffs here. The word comes from “hew”, “cliff”.

And the Tatars and Bashkirs call these rocks differently - Sybar-Kaya, which means “motley rock”. And indeed it is. The rock wall of the Great Prites has all kinds of shades, including thanks to the lichens.

The rock, almost a kilometer long, curved in an arc along the left bank of the river, making a right turn here.

The Big Prites are completely vertical. Only in one place (and even then not without difficulty) can you go upstairs.

In Bolshie Pritesy there are several caves (Yunosheskiy Grotto, First and Second Kuluarnye, etc.).

Visit Grotto Yunoshesky Only climbers can do this by rappelling down a completely vertical rock wall from above. The height of the grotto from the foot of the rock is 56 meters, and from the top to the entrance to the cave is 26 meters.

Previously, local residents from the village of Kulmetovo called the dark, inaccessible cave dark in the rock Karatash or Karakuashi (Black Stone, Black Hole). Modern name arose in 1969, when the cave was first explored by students of the club of young geologists from the city of Korkino under the guidance of speleologist S.M. Baranova. The following year, 1970, a topographic survey of the cave was carried out.

The grotto has a rectangular entrance hole measuring two by three meters, oriented to the southeast. Soon after entering, a well four meters deep is formed. From the four-meter grotto at the bottom of the well there is a narrow gap leading to the rest of the cave. In cold weather and until the beginning of summer, this part of the cave is covered with beautiful ice formations. The last hall is called the Hall of Ice Sabers for a reason. The ice stalactites hanging from above are shaped like sabers, their length reaches 12 meters.

Another passage goes from the entrance to the cave deep into the rock. It is narrow, 30 meters long. In total, the total length of the cave is 90.5 meters, depth 21 meters (in the Hall of the Ice Sabers).

Nowadays, someone has erected a cross on the rock near the Yunoshesky grotto.

To the right of the Yunoshesky grotto, clearly visible from the water, along a crevice (couloir) you can climb to the top of Bolshie Pritesy. When rafting along the Ai River, you should not miss this opportunity. There are boards laid here with bars nailed across them. This makes it easier to climb, but there are stones near the boards that fall down and can injure people walking below. Be careful!

Just before the end of the climb up the mountain there are two small caves - First and Second Backstage, named after their location on the sidelines. Their length is 23 and 44 meters. First explored by Satka speleologists of the Poisk club in July 1978 under the leadership of V.V. Roshchin.

Climbing Pritesy, it seems like you are climbing a mountain. But, having climbed up, you see the plain and understand that it is the Ai River flowing in a deep canyon.

From the top of Bolshie Pritesy one can see beautiful view to the rocks and surroundings, to the valley of the Ai River. Rocks are visible up and down the river. From here, ships sailing along the river seem very tiny. There is an equipped observation deck on Bolshie Pritesy. Behind the trees large field, where you can see horses grazing. Here is the Alekseevskaya livestock farm. There are karst sinkholes on the field. In the southeast, behind the field, the mountains are blue - the Kukshik ridge.

Climbers train on Bolshie Prites, and extreme sports enthusiasts also jump from them. I suggest you watch a beautiful video about these.

Video about the entertainment of extreme sports enthusiasts on Bolshaya Pritesy:

Malye Pritesy and Dry Waterfalls

Malye Pritesy (or Yuldashkin Ridge) is smaller in scale, but also good. Like Bolshiye, they are located on the left bank of the river (3 km upstream of the river or 1.5 km straight on foot across the field).

The length of the rocks is 750 m, the height is 60-80 m. The age of the limestones composing the rock is 370-350 million years. If you look closely, you can notice the long ledge. The rocks are covered with mosses, lichens, and partially overgrown with grass and even shrubs. The rocks facing north are faintly illuminated by the sun. They begin immediately after a rapid roll.

But the main “trick” of Malye Pritesy is Dry waterfalls(second name - Alekseevsky log).

Dry waterfalls are not visible from the water, so you can easily swim past. They are located on the left bank, just below the rocky outcrop of Malye Pritesy.

They are a dry land with several cascades - transverse ledges. You can climb them like the steps of a stone staircase. In ancient times a river flowed here.

At the top there is a rock, at which the ravine running from above across the field breaks off. In spring or after heavy rains, a waterfall 16.5 meters high forms here. Under the rock there is a small lake in a water hole.

In my opinion, Dry Waterfalls are one of the most worthwhile, memorable places on the Ai River. Take care of these wonderful places!

Alekseevskie (Dry) waterfalls in spring, video Vladimir Timkin :

The Legend of Prites

This story happened before the revolution. Horses began to disappear in the village of Termeneva. And not just in units, but in whole herds. The Termenevites became alarmed and began to watch for the thief. And the thief turned out to be the Kulmetyevo Tatar Yuldash. Yuldash secretly stole horses and sold them to gypsies.

One day, after another hijacking, Yuldash returned to his native village. But an ambush awaited him. Termenevites on horseback surrounded Yuldash. On the right began the wide Alekseevskoe field - there was no hiding, on the left there was a rock on the Ai River - there was also no way to move. Seeing that he could not escape from the ring, Yuldash unharnessed his horse, accelerated and, accompanied by the angry whistle of his pursuers, jumped off the cliff with his horse, finding his death below.

The angry men did not spare the cart with Yuldashka’s goods. They overturned it in the same place where the owner jumped. In that cart there was a samovar, which Yuldash took with him everywhere. He flew out and got caught in a rock crevice. This happened exactly in the place where the entrance to the mysterious cave (Youthful Grotto) opens. For decades, that samovar hung “on my word of honor.” The wind howled in it, causing superstitious fear among people. Then he finally fell and drowned in the river (in the mid-1960s).

The legend was recorded by Satka local historian V.P. Chernetsov.

How to get to Malye and Bolshiye Pritesy?

Bolshie and Malye Pritesy are located on the border of the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region and the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is best to visit the places described above and many other attractions while rafting along the Ai River. But if this is not possible, then you can get there by transport. By car you need to move along the M5 highway (Chelyabinsk - Ufa), turn to Satka. After passing through the city, head towards Mezhevoy. Pass Suleya, Paramonovo and turn left before Novaya Pristan. Beyond the village of Blinovka you will pass the old riverbed of Kamenka and the caves on it, and the former Kurgazak mine will be nearby. Drive in the direction of the village of Alekseevka to the Alekseevskaya farm. The map below will help you navigate. The distance from Chelyabinsk is 220 km, from Yekaterinburg 340 km.

GPS coordinates of Bolshie Pritesy: N 55º 08.942´; E 58º 41.756´.

GPS coordinates of Malye Pritesy: N 55º 08.446´; E 58º 42.799´.

GPS coordinates of Dry Waterfalls (Alekseevsky Log): N 55º 08.718´; E 58º42.433´.

In addition, during the trip you can visit the Kurgazak (Kurgazakskaya) cave, you can also get to the Laklinskaya cave. You can also make a stop in Satka along the way and get acquainted with the sights of the city. If you have time, it’s worth stopping by

Ai River left tributary of the Ufa River. This is one of the most picturesque rivers Southern Urals.

The word “ai” in the Bashkir language means “moon, moon river"Perhaps the name comes from another source.

The source is the Great Cranberry Bog between the Avalyak, Berry Mountains and Urenga ridges, at an altitude of 760 m above sea level.

In its upper reaches, the Ai River flows from southwest to northeast. In the middle and lower reaches from southeast to northwest. The Ai River flows into Ufa 392 km from its mouth.

The length of the Ai River is 549 km, of which 271 km flows through the Chelyabinsk region, and 278 km through Bashkiria.

The fall of the river is 595 m, that is, over a meter per kilometer. The tortuosity of the river is 3.1. The basin area is about 15 thousand km2.

The average depth is 60 cm, holes are rare.

The food is predominantly snowy.

The average annual water flow at the mouth of the Ai River is 84 m3/s. Ai freezes in mid-November and opens at the end of April, beginning of May.

The Ai River is conditionally divided into two parts. Mountain, from the source to the village of Lakly. And the flat one, from the village of Lakly to the mouth.

On the river there are the following cities: Zlatoust, Mezhevoy, 3 reservoirs. One is located at the source of the river, and two are in the city of Zlatoust. The main polluter of the river is the city of Zlatoust.

Main tributaries: Kusa, Bolshaya Arsha, Kigi, Bol. Ik, Bolshaya Satka, Lemazy, Melekes.

The valley is overgrown with forest and belongs to the wettest region of the Southern Urals (700 mm per year).

The ends of the ridges - Zhukatau, Bashukty, Kazan-Salgan, Yamantul, the Tuytyube mountain rise approach the river from the south in the form of picturesque rocks.

Rocks: Bear's forehead. Women's butt, Zanozinsky stone, Cow stone, Averkin stone, Korotaev stone, Vanyashkinsky prites. Tsar, Tsarevna, Ivanovsky prites, Tsepilovsky (Cherepanovsky) prites, Paramonovsky prites, Small prites (Yuldashkin crest). Large prites (Sybar-kaya), Kyzyl-tash, Olo-tash, Oblique ridge. Robber, Kasy-tash, Transverse ridge, Kapka-tash (Stone gate), Funeral stone.

Minerals of the river basin: iron ores, the world's largest deposit of magnesite, deposits of dolomite, limestone, quartzite, granite, marble, siderite deposits, brown iron ores, ocher, barite, titanomagnesite, sandstone, flint, bauxite.

In the XVIII - 19th centuries the river served as an important transport route for iron alloys from the Zlatoust, Kusinsky and Satkinsky factories. In the spring the ponds descended and big water barges with iron set off on a difficult journey along the Ayu, Ufa, Kama, Volga before construction railway(it was opened here in 1892

Natural monuments .

1. Kamenka Cave. On the right bank of the old dry river bed. Kamenka (the left tributary of the Ai River), 7 km west of the Suleya railway station and 1.2 km south of the village. Blinovka Geological and geomorphological natural monument. A combined vertical karst cavity - ponor with horizontal corridor-type sections, has important environmental, educational and educational significance, and is of great scientific and practical interest as a real model for illustrating the processes of karst formation, accumulation and movement of fissure-karst waters underground.

2. Geological section of the Proterozoic near Mount Argus. Located on the banks of the Ai River within the city of Kusa. Geological natural monument. Remains of a reef with colonies of blue-green algae, or stromatolites. The section serves as a standard and marker for drawing geological boundaries between rocks of different ages and determining the age of rock strata.

3. Ay River from the mouth of the Beyda River to the village of Sikiyaz-Tamak. The natural monument Ai River is located on the territory of the Kusinsky and Satkinsky districts, in two areas it is a border river with the Republic of Bashkortostan. Hydrological natural monument.

4. Averkiev Yama Cave 3 km south of the village of Staraya Pristan, on the left bank of the river. Ai, below the so-called White Ford and about 300 meters from Vinokurny Klyuch. Geological-geomorphological natural monument. A unique landscape formation, including one of the beautiful caves in the Chelyabinsk region, the habitat of a colony of bats ( bats), and natural communities with rare and protected species of lichens, plants and animals.

5. Kurgazakskaya cave. 5 km southwest of the village. Mezhevoy, 6 km north of the Kukshik railway station, on the left bank of the Ai River, 2 km northwest of the former Kurgazak bauxite mine. Geological-geomorphological natural monument. The main purpose of declaring the Kurgazak cave a natural monument is to preserve natural complex, including a picturesque cave with a perennial underground glacier and habitats for bats, in a natural state.

6. Cave Nadezhda. 7 km west of the Suleya railway station, on the right bank of the old dry bed of the Kamenka River (left tributary of the Ai River) and 1 km south of the village. Blinovka, 50 m northwest of the entrance to the Sukhokamenskaya (Ponornaya) cave. Geological-geomorphological natural monument. A multi-tiered karst cavity - a corridor-grotto type ponor with a complex system of narrow passages and vertical wells, developed in a massif of dense Paleozoic limestones of the Upper Devonian age and located under former bed Kamenka River.

7. Cave Sukhokamenskaya (Ponornaya). On the right bank of the old dry river bed. Kamenka (the left tributary of the Ai River), 7 km west of the Suleya railway station, 1.2 km south of the mining village of Blinovka and 50 m east of the Nadezhda cave. Geological-geomorphological natural monument. An inclined 2-story karst cavity is a corridor-grotto type ponor of complex shape. It is a natural model for studying karst processes in the conditions of exploration, development and exploitation of ore deposits, and has important environmental, educational, scientific and practical significance.

8. The floodplain of the Ai River near the village. Pulmetovo (Bashkiria), botanical natural monument.

9. Stone gate on the Ai river near the village. Lakly, Bashkiria.

Fish - Chub, pike, roach, perch, gudgeon, bleak, rarely - asp and grayling.


Photo by E. Ushakov

This night, unlike the first, was warm. Waking up even early in the morning was a pleasure.

After a ritual trip to the forest, while the camp was still sleeping, I rummaged through the grass throughout the clearing, focusing Special attention sector around the fire, and at the same time collected the garbage in a bag. The flashlight has sunk into oblivion. There was a hope that one of our people saw it and tidied it up so that it wouldn’t get lost, but it later did not come true. A little annoyed, I went to get some sleep.

In contrast to yesterday, no one dared to get up first, thinking that it was still early, since the others were sleeping. The rise was announced after Lisya, looking at her watch, announced the beginning of eleven. The guys complained that in the morning someone was rummaging around the camp, they wouldn’t have stolen anything! I honestly admitted that this insidious type is me.


Because of the island on the main... (part one)

I really love adventures, but at the same time I am a “hedgehog, a proud bird, until you kick me, I won’t fly.”

The stars aligned so well that my friend Lisya became the main magic kick in my life. She herself is still that adventurer in in a good way this word: always somewhere involved in something interesting.

What am I talking about? After several years of silence, adventure found me! With the arrival of spring, everything began to move, the current of life was picked up and carried into a seething stream, which previously bypassed me (or did I?) and only occasionally showered me with blinding splashes.

Whatever one may say, almost all the bright and unforgettable days of this year (and not only this) are rooted in the significant day of my acquaintance with Lisya.
At the beginning of June, another adventure overtook me in the person of Lisia and her brother Igor.

Rafting on Ayu! ALLOY!!! Previously, I, a person far from tourism, knew about this only by hearsay. Of course, I had the experience of spending the night in a tent in nature, but it could not be compared with a four-day trip along the river: with catamarans, rocks, caves, a guitar by the fire.

I was heading into the unknown. When my husband asked me: “Where to?” and how much? but how and what?”, I answered carefree: “I don’t know!” Such trifles were not interesting to me. I was fascinated by the prospect of something magical, unknown. I was jumping for joy in between sewing comfortable hiking clothes and other things.

By Friday evening the backpack was packed. My Zhelenka tried with slight trepidation to make me change my mind, but I didn’t give up. Lisya and her husband stopped by around six, and we went to the rendezvous point for all participants in the event.

We arrived with a decent amount of time. This allowed us to eat a wonderful dinner prepared by Fox's mother (mmmm, yum-yum!).

Then I remember the flashing of bags with catamarans, bags of food, backpacks with things, two pieces of plywood (“plywood?!”), someone’s hands, at that time still unfamiliar faces and thoughts in my head: “how will all this fit into the minibus? ! But sleight of hand (and no fraud!) - and everything was compacted and distributed, there was enough space for everyone.


A trip to the Deaf Island, to the Devil's Finger rock in Petropavlovka

After I sent Kolya and Olya, I went to dig potatoes and wait for the signal that it was time to leave. If they hadn’t gotten in touch at the appointed time, I would have moved to Glukhoy Island by seven o’clock in any case - with a stop at Aya’s in Petropavlovka.

My friends got in touch at about four, and I went to meet them.

1. "View". You have to climb higher to see something.


One-day rafting on the Ai River. Part 3

We are approaching one of the most mysterious places on the Ai River. Many will argue with me and say, “What about the caves?” I will answer - caves are a mystery hidden from the human eye, and not everyone will dare to crawl in the cold, impenetrable darkness. This same riddle is available to everyone, adults and children. I think you already guessed that we are talking about “Dry Falls”


One-day rafting on the Ai River. Part 1

Well, it’s finally summer in the Urals. Heat, heat, dust and complete calm give rise to thoughts of winter in my head. About how cold it was outside and how cozy it was under a blanket with a hot mug of tea in your hands. Ehhhh, now I wish I could cool down. Stop! What an idea! Damn it, how did I not think of this right away! "Rafting on the Ai River"


May ones. Path to nature. Prites on the Ai River.

After a long time winter period the soul demanded nature. And of such a nature that would absorb you completely and not let go. That year in the summer we went to a not yet popular place in Bashkiria, the godforsaken village of Irgizly. I wanted repetitions, but something new and unknown.

The time was early, I had not yet had time to really dig up anything on the hacienda, so the tent camp was in great doubt. But, nevertheless, we decided to compromise. One night in a tent, one in civilization, because Elena Andreevna definitely would not have endured two cold tortures in nature. As it turns out later, not only would I not have survived it, but I would probably have died, spending the night in a tent.
