Fortune telling where the lost thing is. How to find a lost item, psychic advice

The layout for the Lenormand “Search” deck will help you find a lost item and clarify the circumstances of the loss. It is based on the principles of horary astrology, but much simpler. The cards in the layout are located in certain positions - analogues of astrological houses, which indicate the possible location of the loss and the direction of the search.

Before starting your prediction, ask a question that concerns you and determine the signifier of the loss, based on the symbolism of each card. The significator is selected based on the meaning of the card or by external similarity. For example:

1 Rider Courier. Taxi. Bike. Scooter. Any means of communication: telephone, smartphone, etc.
2 Clover Small inexpensive decorations, lottery tickets.
3 Ship Car, vehicles, boat.
4 House
5 Tree Medicines. Medical policy.
6 Clouds
7 Snake Bracelet. Anything flexible, wires, cables, etc. Magical objects or from the sphere of sex.
8 Coffin Empty boxes, caskets, containers.
9 Bouquet Small gifts. Invitations. Any beautiful things, clothes.
10 Scythe Knives. Forks. Needles. Tools. Sharp, piercing and cutting objects. Weapon. Garden tools. Lawnmower.
11 Broom A belt, but a belt can go more like a snake because of its shape than as a “tool” of punishment. Items from the sphere of sex. Vacuum cleaner.
12 Birds Birds. Small animals. Telephone.
12 Owls
13 Child Significator of a child, when one of the parents asks about him, if the child is already an adult, then you can take a Horseman for a son or a Bouquet for a daughter.
14 Fox Hunting equipment.
15 Bear Items associated with the father.
16 Stars Everything related to astrology and esotericism.
17 Stork
18 Dog Friend. Security system, everything related to security, alarm.
19 Tower Subjects related to government organizations.
20 A park
21 Mountain Stone druse. Semiprecious stones. Something big and large, heavy.
22 Fork
23 Rats Poisons. Traps. Poison.
24 Heart All that is important emotionally, love correspondence.
25 Ring Jewelry. Wrist watch. Agreement.
26 Book Textbooks. Books. Card deck. Any printed products.
27 Letter Any documents and papers.
28 Man Significator of a man.
29 Woman Significator of a woman.
30 Lilies Awards. Medals. Regalia. Items with the image of a lily. Art objects. Antiques.
31 Sun Items made of gold.
32 Moon Items made of silver. Grandma's thing.
33 Key Keys. Pass. Small metal objects.
34 Fish Money. Food products. Fishing equipment.
35 Anchor Heavy objects. Large metal objects.
36 Cross Religious objects.

If the question is asked about finding a person, then the Man, Woman or Child cards are taken. But you can choose from other cards, for example, the significator of the father can be the Bear or the Sun; and the mother is the Moon; A friend is not only a Dog, but also a Bouquet; Companion – Ring; A bear is a patron, boss, any influential person. Snake, Fox, Rats - an attacker, a thief, a swindler.

After you have chosen a card that signifies the loss, lay out the cards according to the scheme face down, so as not to be confused or distracted. After you have laid out all 36 cards, we turn over each of them and look for our significator. Open the cards adjacent to it in the same house. They will provide additional information.

Traditionally, in the “Search” layout, only these 3 cards are read in connection with the house, the rest are not considered.

Brief meanings of houses in the Lenormand “Search for Lost” layout

First house:

In this house, the Querent's personal space, a room or place in which he spends a lot of time, stores his personal belongings. The item may be in the Querent's things that are directly close to him - a pocket or bag. First of all, the lost should be looked for there or in the dream where the thing is usually stored. Other possible places are the porch, entrance to the house, hallway. If it is known that relatives are involved in the loss, the 1st house indicates the maternal grandfather (in the system of derivative houses). If the significator of the loss is in the 1st house, then it is not difficult to find it, it will be found soon, or has already been found. The search direction is east. Search time – minutes or hours.

Second house:

If the signifier of a lost item is in the 2nd house, then it may be among valuables, bank cards or the fortuneteller’s belongings, anything related to movable property. This could be a place where the Querent keeps money, such as a safe or a shelf in a closet. Or in places where food accumulates. Other possible premises from the derivative house system are a friend's house. The item is not in its usual place and will be more difficult to find. The search direction is east of northeast.

Third house:

It is worth starting the search for the lost from the table, from places where magazines, newspapers, papers, letters, writing materials are located, where someone is working at a computer, writing or doing homework, studying; on bookshelves, in the library; in places where there are means of communication and information (telephone, computer, radio, television), where people meet to exchange information. Possible places: library, office, mailbox, place where someone does manual work, such as typing or making calls; car, garage; passage place; from a brother or sister, from a neighbor. The loss may even lie in plain sight, where there are many people and many different small items and papers.

If the significator of the loss is in the 3rd House, then it will be quite difficult to find it, but if good cards fell nearby, then it will be found soon. Direction - north-northeast.

Fourth house:

This is, first of all, the fortuneteller’s own house, inside the house itself - a bedroom, a room where a person often visits, relaxes, the center of the house or its oldest part, a kitchen, a closet, a basement or the room of elderly relatives, places. Also along the 4th house there is a place where there is land - a front garden, garden or courtyard around the house. Other possible locations are the parents' house. It is very difficult to find something missing in the 4th house; it is somewhere away from view, in a quiet, secluded place, perhaps under something or inside something, especially if the significator card came out in the middle of the triplet. This is the deepest place in the astrological chart, the IC, the bottom of the horoscope. Direction - north.

Fifth house:

First of all, in the 5th house there is a children's room, as well as a living room, places for entertainment (cafes, bars, cinemas, exhibitions, casinos, discos). Also in astrology, the 5th house is associated with lovers and mistresses. The item is in plain sight, because... Yansky house is sunny. Direction - north-northwest.

Sixth house:

The loss is in your workplace, office or any work premises, regardless of whether it is at home or at your place of work. Other possible locations are a clinic; gym; places where pets are located; service sector institutions. Direction - west of northwest.

Seventh house:

In the husband or wife's room or personal belongings; in the living room; from a business partner. Other possible places from the system of derivative houses are with the maternal grandmother; from my paternal grandfather; from a nephew or niece. But, because The 7th house is the house of open enemies, then most often, if a card of a lost thing gets into it, then it is stolen, especially if there is a Fox or Rat card next to the lost card. In this case, the chances that the lost item will be returned to the owner are very small and depend on neighboring cards. Direction - west.

Eighth house:

This house, like 12, is very unfavorable. An item may be thrown away, damaged, disassembled, or in a landfill. In astrology, the 8th house is death and transformation; most often, a thing is lost forever, especially if there are bad cards nearby. If an item is lost at home, then the 8th house indicates latrines and dirty places; as well as places where there is water, plumbing, sewerage (toilet, bathroom, trash can). An analogue of the map Braid and Coffin. If there are very positive cards nearby, especially the main card to search for is the Sun, then the 8th House may indicate places where the Querent’s partner stores money, bank cards, things or valuables. Other places - banks, tax office, police, cemetery. Direction - southwest.

Ninth house:

The ninth house speaks of places such as institutes, colleges, churches, places associated with long-distance and foreign travel. The item may be in the possession of the husband's brother or sister; from your distant relatives, from your godfather, from a foreigner, from a person of a different nationality. This house indicates that the loss is very far away. It will take a lot of time to find her. Direction – south-southwest.

Tenth house:

The tenth house in astrology is the zenith of the horoscope, career and social achievements. The search should begin with a place of work, mainly outside the home, in an office or study. If you are sure that the item was lost in the house, then inspect the places where you work, your mother’s or grandmother’s room. But most often this is an indication that the item was lost in a public place. Direction - south.

Eleventh house:

Meeting place for friends, public organizations, club rooms. Also, the 11th house is associated with the Internet and the most modern technology, so you can search in the house, in places related to this topic. Direction - south-southeast.

Twelfth house:

The twelfth house, like the eighth, is considered unfavorable; there is very little chance of finding a thing. Possible places inside the house: in the bedroom, under the bed. The 12th house describes places that are difficult to reach, places of meditation or isolation, such as a hospital, a sanatorium, a refuge, places where medicines, chemicals or ritual places are stored. Also, it could be a darkroom. The lost item is located in a secluded secret place, away from view or very well hidden, in any case it is difficult to find, and in most cases impossible, this is an analogue of the Coffin card. The direction is east of southeast.

"Search" layout

Search layout- a technique of fortune telling on the original Lenormand cards, based on the principles of horary astrology and its methods of searching for lost objects (missing people): the cards in the layout are located in astrological houses, which indicate the possible location of the loss and the direction of the search.

Description of fortune telling. A layout will appear in front of you from 36 cards, where in each of the 12 astrological houses there are 3 closed cards.
Before you start opening cards, you need to decide which card will be responsible for the loss:

1) if we are talking about search person, then it is best indicated by card 28 “Man”, 29 “Woman” or 13 “Child”, depending on gender, age or relationship (for example, if a mother is telling fortunes for her child, even an adult, card 13 “may work better Child"). In special cases, you can also use animal cards: 7 “Snake” - an attacker; 14 "Fox" or 23 "Rats" - deceiver, thief; 15 "Bear" - patron, boss or other influential person; 18 "Dog" - friend;

2) if you are looking for a lost one item, then you need to choose a map that describes it as accurately as possible. There may be some difficulties at this stage, so try to be creative. Here are some guidelines for notation:
1 “Rider” - any means of communication: telephone, pager, fax, computer, etc., storage media: cassettes, disks, floppy disks;
3 "Ship" - a car and any other means of transportation;
9 “Bouquet” - this card can designate any thing if it is valuable as a gift, i.e. was given to you;
10 "Scythe" - piercing and cutting objects, knives, tools, weapons;
21 "Mountain" - semi-precious and ornamental stones, objects made of natural stone;
25 "Ring" - jewelry, costume jewelry, watches;
26 “Book” - books and any printed products;
27 “Letter” - letters or any papers, documents;
33 "Key" - keys and any small metal objects;
34 "Pisces" - money, valuables, as well as food products;
color cards (2 “Clover”, 9 “Bouquet” and 30 “Lilies”) can indicate objects of art, any beautiful things, clothing;
31 “Sun” is associated with objects made of gold, 32 “Moon” - made of silver.

After the missing card is selected, you will need to find it in the layout: closed cards should be opened until you see the card you need. Cards adjacent to it (in the same house) must also be open.
Only the position of the card denoting loss in the house and in combination with two other cards located in the same house are interpreted in the layout. The rest of the cards are not informative.

Brief meanings of houses:
First house. Indicates the fortuneteller’s personal place, a place or room in which he spends a lot of time or stores his personal belongings. Other possible places: entrance to the house, porch, veranda. If relatives may be involved in the loss, the 1st house indicates the maternal grandfather. Lost items should be looked for first, either where the item is usually stored, or somewhere very nearby. It's not very difficult to find. Search direction - east;
Second house. The lost item may be among the fortuneteller’s valuables or belongings. It could also be a safe or a place where the fortuneteller keeps money. Other possible locations: basement, outbuildings, friend's house. The item is not in its usual place and will be quite difficult to find. The search direction is east of northeast;
Third house. Try to look for lost items on or in the table, in places where means of communication and information are located (telephone, pager, fax, computer, radio, TV), books, magazines/newspapers, papers, letters, writing instruments are stored, maybe even in the post office box or car. Possible premises: a library, an office where someone does written work (manual, on a typewriter, at a computer) or study, a garage, with neighbors, with brothers/sisters. An item that is not in sight (among something, under something) is difficult to find, but it is possible if there are good cards next to the loss card. Direction - north-northeast.
Fourth house. The place where you should look first of all is the fortuneteller's own home: a room where the fortuneteller often visits, the center of the house or the oldest part of it, a kitchen, closet, basement or room of elderly relatives, places where there is land (for example, a yard or garden around Houses). Other possible locations are the parents' house. It's not very difficult to find. Direction - north.
Fifth house. Children's room, recreation room, places for recreation and entertainment (theaters, exhibitions, casinos, discos, bars, cafes, restaurants, etc.). For lovers or children. The item is not in plain sight and needs a more thorough search. Direction - north-northwest.
Sixth house. The loss is inside something, in a box, drawer, pocket, closet. In a work space, be it a home or a place of work. Other possible places are a clinic, a store, any service sector establishments; places where pets are located. The thing is well hidden and you will have to spend a lot of time searching. Direction - west of northwest.
Seventh house. At the marriage partner's room, at the business partner's office, in the living room. Other possible places are with a paternal grandfather, with a maternal grandmother, with a nephew/niece. But more often than not, if there is a card of a lost item here, then it is stolen (if there is a 23 “Rats” card next to the loss card, for sure!), and its return is a big question (depending on the neighboring cards). Direction - west.
Eighth house. This house is extremely unfavorable. An item can be pretty damaged, disassembled, thrown away, in a landfill, or lost forever (especially if there are bad cards next to the lost card). Within the house, it indicates dirty and latrine places, as well as places where there is water, plumbing, sewerage (bathroom, toilet). Other possible places are where the partner stores money, belongings or valuables. Direction - southwest.
Ninth house. Institutes, colleges, churches, places associated with long-distance and foreign travel. From a foreigner or a person of a different nationality, from the partner’s relatives (brothers/sisters). This house usually indicates that the loss may be very far from the bereaved person. The search will take a lot of time. Direction - south-southwest.
Tenth house. The search should start from the place of work (home or office). If definitely at home, then other possible places are the front room, the dining room, the mother’s room. But more often this is an indication that the item was lost somewhere in a public place. The time spent searching is calculated in days. Direction - south.
Eleventh house. Club premises, public organizations, place of meetings, meeting place of friends or at a friend's place. The time spent searching is calculated in weeks. Direction - south-southeast.
Twelfth House. In the bedroom, under the bed. This house describes hard-to-reach places, places of isolation, hospitals, sanatoriums, shelters, ritual places, as well as places where medicines, various chemicals are stored, it could be a darkroom. If the loss card hits this house, then the item is in a secluded place or very well hidden and is difficult to find. The direction is east of southeast.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

Finding a lost item is sometimes very difficult. Especially if a lot of time has been spent searching for it, but the theft cannot be confirmed. How many people are looking for a relative who has passed away but never returned? Thanks to fortune telling about missing items, the search is much easier. You are given a clue not only where to look, but also who might have defrauded you into taking possession of your belongings, jewelry, or friend.

Although it is possible that the fortuneteller himself put the money or rings away from prying eyes in a new place and forgot where exactly. The main thing is that they are not in their usual place.

How ancient is fortune telling?

Fortune telling with cards for loss appeared immediately with the advent of tarot cards. People tend to lose, forget and go into searches. But if initially the search and fortune-telling of the lost went as “Yes - No”, then each time there were more and more options, and an already lost thing could be found in several ways. Each layout was individual:

  • find your favorite dog or other animal;
  • tell fortunes to find things in the house;
  • loss of a person;
  • whether the person is alive;
  • burglar in the house;
  • identify the thief;
  • finding lost things of any format, weight and size.

There are more than five dozen ways in total. But not all of them are effective and truthful after a certain time. In other words, most of them have a time limit. If you lost an earring a month ago, then you can only ask the question: “Will I find the lost thing?”, but you may not get an answer to where exactly it is now. To search for lost things, a specific option is selected.

But there is one universal method that will indicate all possible places associated with its current location. Reading information requires certain knowledge.

Therefore, the most suitable option is predictions for free online. Finding lost items has become easier and more accessible.

Would you like to schedule it yourself? It is quite affordable to make cards with images of animals yourself or buy them in a store of esoteric items. But there is another more convenient way. If you have a picture of the missing item, use a standard deck of cards. Carefully examine the lost item and think about where it might be.

Now we take out 9 cards and fan them out on three sides, three at a time. Read the information and draw the right conclusions. If there are figures, it means that there are male or female culprits in search or loss. On the left, the cards answer the questions:

  • how the theft occurred;
  • on the right – the development of events;
  • below - what to be afraid of and should be avoided during the search.

Why is it so simple?

“Will the loss be found” online fortune telling is the simplest. You just need to ask a question and get a one-word answer: “yes” or “no.” But for more complex rituals, a different method is chosen: making a card that will represent the lost. The received data is read from all adjacent pictures. They will help you find your lost item in a matter of days or minutes.

What should be done for this? It couldn't be simpler. People who want to immediately find a missing tool, wallet or person select a card from the proposed list:

Choose the card that suits you best x characteristics, and click on the “Make layout” button. The nearby figures will help you determine who is responsible for the loss. So the Snake is a traitor,
a person posing as a friend, and the Fox and Rat are thieves whom you may not personally know. The location of the loss is also indicated: where it was and where it is currently located. It will reveal the secret of whether it is worth continuing the search and other possible places where your lost item, relative or friend may end up.

This section contains free online fortune telling from various systems that will help you open up to your intuition, improve relationships, predict your future, get the necessary answers and make the right decisions.

The art of prediction can be traced throughout the history of mankind and began even before the advent of writing. Any online fortune telling is based on secret knowledge hidden from the uninitiated. It is no secret that many signs lie literally on the surface, but few see them. All we need to do during a fortune telling session is to tune in and ask the right questions that the Universe will answer.

We are pleased to present you various tools for fortune telling on the Internet. You are going on a magical journey, during which you should leave your everyday logic behind. Read the answer that is relevant to your problem and listen to your own intuition, which will allow you to go beyond simple cause and effect.

Online fortune telling options:

Traditional fortune telling: dominoes, Book of Changes, online fortune telling with simple cards, fortune telling with quotes, layouts of the soothsayer Lenormand, Tarot, online fortune telling with a crystal ball, folk fortune telling (with coffee, wax, etc.)

Ancient fortune telling: Book of Fates, Catherine's fortune-telling, Oracle of Sibylla, Mirror of the World, Tibetan fortune-telling MO, Pythagorean fortune-telling, Mahjong Oracle, Wheel of Fortune, Arabic fortune-telling.

Modern fortune telling: Goldfish, fortune telling on hearts, fortune telling for a guy or girl.

Ancient fortune telling using the Book of Fates. The most important questions in the life of every person, the answers to which on the Internet will help lift the veil of your destiny.

An ancient fortune-telling based on 40 characters - a favorite pastime of ladies-in-waiting at the court of Catherine I, implemented in the form of an online prediction.

The virtual fortune telling uses a little-known translation of an ancient Chinese book of wisdom with additions by the philosopher Confucius.

Fortune telling using ancient magical symbols online. There are many ways to tell fortunes with runes, each of them can correspond to the topic you choose. We offer you 2 of the most famous of them: and.

Tarot cards are probably the most famous and most mysterious of all known prediction systems. These cards can provide answers to almost any question.

A collection of various fortune-telling: a layout for one card, a layout for three cards, card fortune-telling by name, card fortune-telling for four kings, fortune-telling for a desire, fortune-telling for the success of an enterprise.

Fortune telling is based on the system of zodiac constellations and their features. With the help of this fortune telling, you will be able to look at your question from an astrological point of view.

Fortune telling online for four cards, “Cross” layout, “Gypsy layout for 36 cards”.

This fortune telling will help you better understand how things will turn out during the beginning of the day. Fortune telling is based on the effect that crystals have on a person and his Destiny.

The numbers on the front of the domino will predict one event or another. Just online fortune telling.

With the help of this love fortune telling you will learn everything about your loved one.

Find out which wish will come true the fastest?

With the help of this fortune-telling, you can immediately illuminate the most important aspects of your life and get advice on how a specific matter will be resolved.

This numerological fortune telling will help you find out how to act to resolve the issue.

The magical fortune telling "Wheel of Fortune", created by a medieval occultist, will help you find out the future.

Ask your question to the soothsayer.

Ask your question to the Mirror and find out if your wish will come true.

A collection of traditional fortune telling that you can do yourself, and a database of figure meanings that can be used for fortune telling with tea and coffee, as well as fortune telling with shadows, mirrors and wax.

This fortune telling gives an exact answer to the question posed. The basis of this fortune-telling is the Arabic cabalist, who predicts the future and predicts the fate of each person.

This is one of the modern fortune tellings that gives a forecast for the near future. You need to guess no more than once a month, or when there is a significant change in the situation you were guessing about.

This fortune telling is based on the ancient game of dominoes, originally from China. The wisdom of Mahjong Fortune Tellers will help you find a solution and learn more about your situation.

Have you often had to worry about lost things, money, keys, documents? Has it ever happened that lost things brought, in addition to stress, big problems in life? You lost your keys - you can’t close the front door and go to work, and the next day you received a reprimand for absenteeism, or even got fired?! Or have you lost your passport and cannot process important documents on which your life depends?! Or maybe, on the eve of important transactions or urgent payments, you cannot find your wallet, although you have turned the whole house upside down?

Then you definitely need urgent help from above, which will help you quickly understand where the loss is and if it is in the house, quickly find it.

I learned about this method, which helped me, in a desperate period of my life. At that time I was a little over twenty. I didn’t have a personal life, so I moved from the provinces to the capital for a happy life. I found a job, rented a room on the outskirts and started working without days off or “passing days.” Almost a year passed when I realized that the money I earned was only enough for rented housing, food and travel. Therefore, I could not afford unplanned waste of money, much less lose it.

On December 31, I was invited to a nightclub to celebrate the New Year. Since I had no more offers, and I was left alone in the rented accommodation, I accepted the invitation from my colleagues and went to the club.

I got ready in a hurry because the invitation arrived at 10 pm the night before and I mechanically grabbed my bag and didn’t bother to put out my documents and wallet, taking with me only a small amount of money for the club. I traveled economically, using public transport, so as not to spend an extra penny, because immediately after the holiday I had to pay for rented housing.

At the club, I tried not to order too much and not to overindulge in drinks, so as not to get drunk, and I was sorry for the money. But either lack of sleep due to a busy work schedule, or malnutrition due to a weak financial budget, affected my condition and a couple of glasses of tequila and a couple of glasses of champagne were enough for me not to remember some details of the New Year's Eve.

I woke up the next morning, in my apartment, alone. From a phone call I learned that after the club, me and a couple of friends went to my house. At home we continued the banquet and drank several more glasses of champagne. I didn’t remember how my friends left, in principle, I didn’t remember how we came to my home either.

The first thing I did was reach into my bag to count how much money I ended up spending, since I had to pay rent on the third. But when I put my hand into my bag, I didn’t find any money, wallet or passport there. According to my friends, we returned by taxi, which, due to my drunken generosity, I paid for alone. This means that there was a possibility that the wallet, which also contained the passport, could fall out in the taxi. Since my friends did not see me take out my wallet, it is possible that I could have lost it all before getting into the taxi and paid with money from my pocket. And I could have lost it anywhere before getting into the taxi. On the dance floor, in the club toilet, at the bar, or when getting into a taxi.

Perhaps I didn’t lose it at all and was naively robbed. I also did not disdain the version that one of my two friends could have stolen the wallet with money while visiting me and drinking champagne with me. After all, we were all drunk.

Nevertheless, having cast aside all my suspicions, first of all I began to search. She searched long and carefully, even turning over carpets. But all to no avail.
When I realized that there were no places left in the apartment where I would not go around the fifth circle, I sat down on the bed and cried out of hopelessness.

I have already imagined how during the January holidays I will be left on the street with a suitcase in my hands. And without money I will have nowhere to go. And there is no one to ask, because I know almost no one in a foreign city. The prospect is to “become homeless”! In general, the situation is such that you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy.

After crying for 2 hours, I remembered that along the way of my search I came across a book with an interesting title in the bookcase. It was about some kind of pendulums and magic. I was automatically drawn to her. Opening the first page I came across, somewhere in the middle of the book, to quickly see what it was about, I came across an interesting title “how to use a pendulum to find a lost thing?” It was like some kind of sign “from above”! My surprise knew no bounds! I was literally amazed by this coincidence of events.

Having wiped my tears with my sleeve and noticeably improving in my mood, I eagerly began to read it. The book said that if you make a pendulum and ask it questions, you can find out not only whether the lost item is in the house, but even find it, because the pendulum can accurately indicate in which closet and on which shelf the lost item is located.

So, I started fortune telling. And now I will describe step by step what actions I did from “A” to “Z”

First of all, I turned off my mobile phone, locked myself in the room, and lit candles. The book said that a pendulum can be made from any object suitable for a weight: pins, nuts, spools of thread, earrings, pendants, or rings. I had a ring on my finger, I decided to use it as a weight, because this item was the best charged with my energy, because I wore the ring for several years.

I put a thread equal to thirty centimeters through the ring and tied the ends with a knot. I drew a circle on a piece of paper, and in the circle and in the center I drew two lines. One is horizontal, the other is vertical. The result is a cross in a circle.

Now I needed to find out from the pendulum which movement it would answer me with “yes”, with which “no”, with which “I don’t know” and with which “stupid question”. I asked questions mentally, to myself and in free form, because the book did not specify how to do this. My mental questions were: “Pendulum, tell me, how will you move if your answer to my question means YES?”

In the same way, I asked about all the other designations. How you ask questions is, as I have learned from experience, not important. Because when I was guessing for the tenth or twentieth time, my questions sounded like this: “how do I know if you say yes to me” or “show how it will mean “YES-NO-I DON’T KNOW”. And everything worked! The pendulum answered me, even when my question sounded without reference and consisted of three words “how will YES be?”

Accordingly, at this time I was sitting at a table on which there were lighted candles; my right hand rested on my elbow and was slightly relaxed; fingers held the thread with the weight in the place where the knot was; and the weight (ring) hung directly above the center of the circle that I drew on the sheet. And when I asked questions, one by one, the pendulum began to swing along a certain trajectory, and this meant that it was with this movement that he answered me YES (no - I don’t know - stupid question). The trajectories of his movements were as follows:

Circular movement clockwise
counterclockwise circular motion
direct swinging back and forth (just along the vertical line that was in the circle)
straight swinging left and right (just along the horizontal line that was in the circle)

Unfortunately, I don’t remember which movement meant a certain answer, but for you this is not necessary and your pendulum can answer the question with a completely different movement. And, for example, if for me moving in a circle clockwise meant “yes,” then for you it might mean “no.” Moreover, when you make fortunes on other days and on other questions, the pendulum may answer differently than it answered you the first time. Therefore, you need to clarify his movements every time you sit down to guess.

I wrote down all the designations that I learned from the pendulum on a separate piece of paper so as not to forget during fortune telling.

Actually, everything was already ready in order to begin the most important part of fortune telling and find out where my missing item was, on which my life depended. And, of course, the first question that I mentally asked the pendulum sounded like this:
-Is my wallet in this apartment?

The pendulum responded with a movement that meant “YES”. I can’t convey to you my feeling at that moment, because then I almost jumped to the ceiling with happiness.

Notice how precisely I posed the question. I asked “my wallet”, because without a pronoun I could find the wallet, but it would not be mine, but, for example, a neighbor’s, who rented the next room. I also specified “in this apartment,” because if I had asked “is my wallet in the apartment?” - the pendulum could answer “YES”, and it would be right, because my wallet could really be in the apartment, and not in a private house, hospital, police station. But only in an apartment not mine, but the apartment of a thief, or an innocent person who was simply lucky to find my wallet.

The second thing I started to do was find out exactly where in the apartment the pendulum was located. The apartment I lived in was four rooms, had one kitchen and two toilets.
It took me a few questions to figure out that the wallet was in my room and not in the kitchen or in one of the toilets.

My room was large. And there was a lot of furniture in it, so the third step was to find out in which specific furniture my wallet was hidden. So I found out that the wallet was in one of the closets, which had several compartments and shelves. Gradually, I found out exactly what part the wallet was in, and even on what shelf it was lying.

The closet had one high and narrow compartment on which there were 5 shelves. Sweatshirts, pants, towels, bed linen and a blanket were neatly laid out on the shelves. At that moment, I couldn’t understand what was happening and I already wanted to be upset, because I rummaged through this closet several times and didn’t understand how my wallet slipped past my hands.
“Probably the pendulum is deceiving and all this is nonsense,” I thought and began to lay out one item at a time, feeling every detail of clothing.

When I came across a winter jacket that I rarely wore, I felt something thick in it, but not hard. Inside the jacket there was a large zippered pocket. It was in this pocket that I found my wallet!

Out of joy, I sat down on the floor and sat with my jacket for 10 minutes, in a daze, practically not moving. I couldn't believe this miracle! At the same time, I was happy that I would not end up on the street, because money was found and I would be able to pay for rented housing. I was also pleased that the amount in my wallet was almost the same as before the trip to the club, minus 800 rubles. So, I didn't spend much. But then I had to be upset! I didn’t find my passport in my wallet. Although the disappointment was temporary. Putting down my wallet and picking up the pendulum, I began to ask further questions. A few minutes, and with the help of a pendulum, the passport was found in the area of ​​my sleeping place, shoved along the carpet, the edges of which went straight under the bed.

Likewise, by asking questions to a pendulum, you can find everything! From your wallet being lost in the hallway, which is in the next apartment, hidden in the closet, because the neighbor accidentally found it and decided not to admit it, so as not to return it! To a needle that was hidden in a specific haystack that stands in a specific field.

And in the next article, I will tell you,
