How to understand that a girl is cheating. Why wives cheat on their husbands: reasons, opinions of scientists Circumstances of random female infidelity


The most common reason for going left is boredom. After several years of family life, everything repeats itself, every day is similar to the previous one. There are no longer bright feelings, they have dulled, there are no surprises, since everything about the partner is familiar. And this causes a feeling of hopelessness. In such a family, both a man and a woman can change. Often they do not seek to destroy the union, but simply want to brighten up their lives a little. Cheating sometimes even helps to unite the family, because after this the partner feels guilty and shows more love for loved ones.

Lack of love is the second most popular reason for divorce. This can manifest itself in different ways, for example, a life partner is too keen on work or children, he does not have enough strength for his loved one when he really needs support and understanding. If there is no mutual pastime, and declarations of love have replaced reproaches and demands, the likelihood of adultery increases greatly. And often these are not casual affairs, but serious romances that can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Cheating can be an accident. Representatives of the stronger sex often find themselves in such situations, when alcohol and a pleasant atmosphere simply encourage relaxation. And if at this moment a beautiful stranger appears, he may succumb to her charms. The next day, even her face will become a mystery to him, but the fact of betrayal will remain. This is called an accident due to external circumstances. Usually they don't tell anyone about such things.

Refusal of intimacy by one spouse can also push the other to cheat. Some women try to manipulate their partner by denying him intimate contact. At first this can be very effective, but after a while the spouse will begin to look at other women. It turns out that the wife herself pushes him into her arms. Of course, it also happens the other way around, when a man refuses to fulfill his marital duties, and his companion seeks pleasure, but such options happen much less frequently.

Treason for revenge is also a common occurrence. If one spouse begins to cheat, the other may also decide to try a similar method of relaxation. This is how they take revenge for insults, for the inability to get what they want, or for mutual reproaches. Each act on the side becomes a moment of revenge, which, perhaps, no one will know about, but the inner pride will be satisfied.

And then there are people who simply cannot live with just one partner. They always need variety, experiments and unusual sensations. They never stop looking for something new, and the passion for love adventures is in their blood. When meeting such a person, it is already clear that you should not expect fidelity, so in a relationship with him you will have to turn a blind eye to many things.

Why does a man cheat on his beloved? After all, sometimes he cheats on the one he loves and with whom he has a wonderful relationship. He cheats with someone who means nothing to him. Why does he risk losing everything? The consequence of adultery is the collapse of the marital relationship. Statistics show that cheating happens very often these days. Moreover, men cheat five to six times more often than women. Cheating is a rather complex phenomenon, which is based on many reasons.

Reasons for my husband's cheating

The topic of male infidelity in marriage remains an eternal mystery. It survives centuries and runs through the entire history of marital relationships. There are many reasons why men cheat, and often they are quite absurd. They lie in the field of physiology and psychology, in education and character. Recently, the sexual revolution of the middle of the last century and the obsessive propaganda of free sexual relations at the present time have played a significant role.

Physiology and love

Male love has its own characteristics, according to psychologists. Yes, there is something about a man's passion that distinguishes it from a woman's passion. Man's love is fundamentally in the field of physiology, while woman's love is in the field of psychology. Sexual need feeds all a man's feelings. Having achieved its satisfaction, the passion gradually fades away. A woman’s love is long-lasting and a man needs to try very hard to make her stop loving him. Find out more on our website.

The next feature of men, according to experts, is their polygamy. What does it mean? Is this good or bad? Nature made them this way. Men have an inherent desire for sexual variety. They are biologically programmed to leave as many offspring as possible. To do this you need to have many sexual relationships with many women. This postulate can be taken into account, or you can treat it with skepticism.

Another reason that lies in the field of psychology is the difference in temperament. Pronounced extroverts cannot stand the routine and monotony of family life. They, like air, need new impressions and experiences, relationships and new contacts.

Love, family, betrayal

The reason for a husband's infidelity often lies in family relationships. When young people get married, they dream of a lifelong romantic adventure. But after just six months, dreams are shattered by family life, material problems and the difficulties of living together. First, disappointment appears, and then boredom in the relationship, diluted by endless showdowns. Boredom and the monotony of life push men to infidelity. Most often, infidelity begins after 4 or 5 years spent together. Each person is a separate, unique and very complex world. Especially it concerns . According to psychologists, men who cheat on their wives because of their desire to add variety to the gray, boring family everyday life, to avoid solving those problems that naturally arise in marital relationships. Constant dissatisfaction with sexual relations with his wife is also a source of men's infidelity.

During the first years of marriage, it is very important to learn to communicate with each other. At the early stage of the relationship there was mutual understanding and a desire to hear and understand your partner. Over the years, we seem to forget how to communicate with our loved ones. And men who cheat on their wives say that no one in their family understands that they are lonely. Are they capable of understanding their wives themselves? Love is a bonus given to us by nature for building relationships. But this is work, and she does not accept “freebies”. Unfortunately, modern man does not know how to work in love.

But they deceive not only the one they are tired of, but also the woman they love. Why do men cheat on their beloved wife, jeopardizing existing relationships? What are the reasons for this inconsistent behavior? This:

  • the eternal desire of men for self-affirmation, including in the sexual sphere. By starting new relationships on the side, he increases his importance not only in the eyes of his friends, but also proves to himself that he is still good for something;
  • high self-esteem pushes men to rash and often dangerous actions;
  • the desire to feel at least sometimes free from the family and fatigue from its problems;
  • monotony of family life. And a mistress is a real adventure, full of new impressions;
  • indifference to female charm. Men have a pronounced desire for conquest. If he likes a woman and she is not against a relationship with him, it is difficult for him to refuse another adventure, because not only women love with their ears, but also the stronger sex is susceptible to flattery and compliments;
  • banal alcohol intoxication;
  • when his wife turned out to be a random person for him. And this is a question of a man’s serious attitude towards choosing a life partner;
  • the mental immaturity of a man who does not know how to control himself and his primitive complexes.

How do men explain their infidelity?

Why do husbands cheat on their wives from a male point of view? Their explanations about having affairs on the side are astonishing. Everything is simple for them, and an adventure on the side has nothing to do with feelings. Just think:

  • a little romance with a woman with whom he had a relationship even before meeting his wife. Well, I met my ex-girlfriend, talked and just slept with her;
  • an easy adventure that meant nothing to him, since the woman was indifferent to him;
  • there were several meetings and in general these were all temporary hobbies;
  • professional activities associated with frequent business trips;
  • features of male physiology and so on. And every unfaithful man has his own excuses.

Explaining their adventure, most men say that there was nothing interesting there, that it was just a small adventure. It somehow came out by itself, it just happened that way. And their love affair had nothing to do with their wife at all. A situation arose when he simply could not resist. What's going on? Are men simply slaves to their physiology, their hormones? Or they like to feel like conquerors of women’s hearts, confidently walking from one bed to another. And they, men, are sincerely surprised by the reaction of women to their deception: after all, nothing serious happened from their point of view, and her response seems to them inadequate.

What is the reaction of a woman who has been cheated on by a man? This is depression and confusion, misunderstanding and resentment, a dead end in marital relationships. Cheating on her husband, among other things, is a powerful blow to her self-esteem for a woman. The woman feels humiliated and violated in her trust. This causes aggression, which then gives way. What is worth going through? The woman faces the question: “What should I do? What path should I choose to solve this difficult problem?” Psychologists offer the following solutions: forgive the deception, come to terms with the situation and leave everything as it is, develop a plan and act on it and not forgive. Which one is the best? It all depends on the state of family relationships.

If the marriage has existed on paper for a long time, then it is better to get a divorce and not torment each other. At least there is an opportunity to meet new love, find a new relationship for yourself. If this is the first crack in the relationship, then you should understand that the partner’s infidelity is already the result of the existing marital relationship, that the time has come to change yourself and communication in the family. What is needed is a cold analysis of the situation, a calm showdown and action according to the developed plan.

Another option: think about the reasons for the betrayal and forgive. Divorce is not always the best way out of a situation. Forgive and never remind your spouse of this. But this does not mean that everything should remain unchanged.

It's time to work on yourself. Or the following option: proudly and with dignity wear branched horns on your head. Of course, each woman chooses her own model of response to deception. But whatever the way out of the situation, betrayal changes everything: the family, the relationship, and the spouses themselves.

Women's love is long and patient. The cure for a woman's passion can only be the time that separates her from her lover. But her love is able to save the relationship. But to do this, you need to follow several rules from the very beginning of the relationship.

  1. We are all selfish. If we do something for another, we do it, first of all, for ourselves. Therefore, you need to learn unconditional love and not demand rewards for it from your loved one.
  2. Remembering what is good for us may be bad for our loved one. In a relationship, “good” should be for everyone. And forget about complaints: they are the worst enemy of a love relationship.
  3. Never dissolve in love and in your loved one. In this case, we risk being left alone. They love interesting, strong, self-confident women. A tattered book that has been read many times is, at best, pushed farther away.

Why do men cheat but prefer to stay in the family?

When a husband cheats on his wife, he does not think about leaving for his mistress or a casual girlfriend and considers his wife’s reaction to be excessive. Why does he stay in the family? There are reasons for this:

  • passivity and male laziness to change anything. Everything is very good with him - he has a home, a family and also a mistress. And if the wife has no idea about the presence of another warm nest, then this is simply a miracle. Is it worth changing something, building new relationships;
  • fear of the future. It is unknown. An unfaithful husband does not know what awaits him if he separates from his wife. It is difficult to predict the reaction of close and distant relatives, or even friends, who are set up by his wife against him, and how to communicate with the children later. The problems are quite serious. Why complicate life if everything is fine. Who knows what surprises await him in his new relationship.

Unfaithful husbands try to stay in the family, even when their deception becomes known to everyone. Breaking up with your wife and leaving your family is a very serious step from a psychological point of view. It’s easier to justify your behavior with thousands of reasons.

Kings or Destroyers?

Men are like kings who often enough find themselves in the ruins of their kingdom. They are destroyers. This is their psychology.

It is no coincidence that the commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery!” has existed since ancient times and remains relevant today. This is a serious warning to men: betrayal is a path to loss of health. Relentless statistics show that out of sixteen representatives of the stronger sex who suffered a heart attack, eleven were victims of affairs.

In general, treason remains treason, deceit and betrayal, no matter what verbal garb it is dressed up in. It is not the strength of a man’s sexual desires, but the weakness of his psyche that leads to cheating on his wife. And the glorified predisposition of men to polygamy is a mixture of immaturity and cowardice, immaturity and weakness of personality. This is the inability to make serious and responsible decisions, the lack of readiness for independent action.

Men find it difficult to accept that they are getting old and will die sooner or later, no matter how many lovers they have had or what kind of beds they have been in. And a family where you are needed, where they believe in you and love you, probably means more than a series of sexual affairs. So why do men cheat on their wives? Psychology does not give us an exact answer.

Cheating is becoming commonplace in the modern world, and this is very sad. If earlier the institution of marriage or relationships dictated harsh conditions, according to which betrayal was punished in some way, now the relations of society as a whole have become more loyal. It is no longer a sin, and people have begun to view adultery as one part of a bunch of bad habits imposed by society. It seems like nothing bad will happen if your partner cheats. In fact, in each of the betrayals there are a lot of reasons that push a person to a temporary, momentary desire, which then turns into a snowball of problems.

10 reasons for male infidelity:

Men constantly hide behind saying that they should cheat. In order to assert themselves and leave as many offspring as possible, they forget that there are many psychological factors hidden in the background of their actions. So what is the reason for male infidelity, how to figure it out and prevent it?

1. Interest in another partner

Most often, a man’s betrayal is quite banal; he wants to try something new. All friends have mistresses or simply brag about them, laughing at each other. And then, he decides to try it too, in order to become more confident in himself. Such meetings can be either one-time or permanent, it all depends on the type of man and who gets in his way. Sometimes interest drags on, turning into a strong connection, and even influences leaving the family.

How to prevent: Try to be interesting to your partner. If a man feels good and is interested in you, then he is unlikely to cheat, even if his friends laugh. Why does he need other women when he has his own mystery at home?

2. “In a drunken shop”

Many betrayals happen by accident, they just drank a lot at a corporate party and wanted sex, no one minds, it just happened that way. Most often, such meetings do not last long because the man is not interested in them. But, if suddenly the relationship dragged on, it means that everything was not at all accidental, and the partners had been looking closely at each other for a long time.

How to prevent: Maybe you should go to corporate events with your husband more often? Seeing you, beautiful and interesting, women will think about whether it’s worth fighting off a man? Well, your partner will be busy with jealousy and will have no time for outside relationships, he would like to keep you.

3. At home there is no attention, respect, life has become gray

More often than not, this becomes one of the reasons for cheating. A small child, a lot of problems, fatigue, all this pushes a man to somehow diversify his life, and then a woman appears who gives him a lot of pleasant moments, does not scold or nag, and most importantly does not demand anything. These relationships are very addictive and often provoke family breakdown. In someone else's bed, everything seems sweeter, but sometimes, after leaving, a man realizes that not everything is so sweet, many problems are repeated, and then a series of betrayals or remarriages is inevitable.

How to solve a problem: Try to pay more attention to the man. Do not refuse sex, appreciate and love him, respect him, try to become interesting and attractive to him.

4. Differences in the couple's sexual temperament

The most interesting thing is that this reason is quite common. If at first this does not play a special role, then over time the problem accumulates, and a man who does not have enough sex simply has nowhere to go except to look for it on the side.

How to solve a problem: The best test is sex before marriage. If you are suitable for each other in bed, then it is easier to change your characters than vice versa.

5. He found the one he had long dreamed of

This happens, especially when the marriage was forced, out of luck, out of convenience, and the man rushes between two women. He doesn’t seem to want to leave his family, he believes that he has no right to leave his family “at a difficult moment,” and at the same time he found the one he dreamed of. Such connections can last for years and even decades until the lover gets tired and shows him the door. She doesn’t need such a temporary man at all, otherwise it turns out like in the song: “They picked the sweet berry together, I picked the bitter berry alone.”

Prevent the problem: It’s difficult to advise anything here; everything is decided individually. Many people put up with this situation, knowing about it, but they believe that it is better this way than without a man.

By the way, we already wrote in the previous article that we ourselves.

6. Revenge, thrill, guilt

In fact, the problem is vast. A man can take revenge on a woman, his mother, circumstances in life, that everything turned out this way and not differently, and it is difficult to find the exact reason. He wants to consider himself macho, more worthy, in demand, to prove that he is a male.

Solution to the problem: Figure out what caused the betrayal and try to give him self-confidence. Prove that he is the best and you are satisfied.

7. Solve life's problems through sex

Infantile men resort to such methods. When there are a lot of problems, and he cannot solve them, or he is unable to change something, for example, there is a sick child in the family, and care is impossible, then the man throws himself headlong into work or sex or continuous drunkenness.

Prevent the problem: only radically - leaving the family. This man will not decide anything, he has already decided, and it will always be like this as long as you are with him.

8. Mistress is assigned according to status

It is common for businessmen, politicians and simply wealthy men to have mistresses. It's like a car, a house or a bank account. He simply brags about the possibilities of his money and buys a new toy. There may not be love there, but it still hurts. If you are not satisfied with this course of events, then you will have to choose, either endure and have a decent life, or go nowhere and rely only on yourself.

Prevent the problem: Anything is possible, but after weighing all the pros and cons. Try to become a businesswoman, suddenly you will become no less successful.

9. Can't resist

Sometimes women are quite persistent and drag a man into bed themselves. If your man is weak in character or cannot refuse, then do not be surprised. Sometimes such meetings can end sadly; a strong woman will take him into her hands.

Solution to the problem: just be around more often and show everyone that this is your man.

10. Next to him is a gray mouse

A fairly common reason for cheating is when a woman stops taking care of herself. Men want to have a beautiful, well-groomed, smart and sexy woman. If you gave up on yourself, don’t be surprised that the man started cheating. Although men claim that they don’t like makeup and don’t listen to high heels, this is their jealousy speaking. In fact, they love to show off their girlfriend and you have to live up to it.

Solution to the problem: watch the program “Take It Down Now” or similar.

Whether to forgive your loved one for betrayal or not, read this article:. And we move on to women's reasons for cheating.

10 reasons for female infidelity:

Women aren't always angels either. Each can change under certain circumstances, which sometimes lead to a break. Especially often, betrayal occurs due to a basic misunderstanding in the family, so the first reason is:

1. Misunderstanding

A woman is a sensitive and emotional creature. Especially if the marriage arose at an early age, when you really want romance and love, but suddenly it’s not there. Of course, the thought of betrayal does not arise immediately, but a sensitive man can seduce a woman, and she, throwing away all thoughts about morality, becomes emotional.

Solution to the problem: try to pay attention to a woman, surround her with care and love, and she will not leave you or change you.

2. In retaliation for betrayal

A woman who has been cheated on will never forgive her, especially if she was preferred to a friend, an older woman, or someone who is simply no match for her, and then she can cheat herself. Such romances often do not last, but under certain circumstances they can lead to divorce.

Solution: You shouldn’t cheat on your wife, and if you can’t resist, you shouldn’t let her know about it. Wounded pride wears away the soul like water wears away stones.

3. “Drunken”

Women can also drink, and this, as we know, causes many troubles. Many are inadequate, and in this state they can cause trouble. Here everything depends on the woman herself, and you will not be able to influence this, except to simply leave, why do you need a drunken wife.

Solution: Control how much a woman drinks, or simply separate, because cheating will happen all the time.

4. Curiosity

Anyone who didn’t have enough fun in his youth can go on a break later. There is not enough attention, the husband is a bad lover, problems in the sexual sphere, stories from friends can give a woman the idea of ​​​​trying another man. If it happened once, then you can forgive and forget, if it happens again, it’s your right to decide whether you will share your wife with someone permanently or not. Trust in each other disappears, and the old feelings may no longer exist.

Solution of the problem: There are two options: forget and pay more attention, finding out the reason, or break off the relationship.

5. Not satisfied

Sexual factors also influence infidelity. If the husband is weak in bed and does not satisfy, then a woman with a good sexual appetite will look for a replacement. It all depends on whether the spouses find a compromise. Some allow a woman to walk around, turning a blind eye to infidelity, because they love her, or this marriage is beneficial for them. Others follow the principle and destroy relationships, getting a bunch of complexes about the fact that they are untenable.

Solution to the problem: Try to find a way to give a woman satisfaction with the help of various sexual toys, diversify your sex life, try to make your sex life more intense.

6. Both people cheat in the family.

It also happens that the family remains only nominally, on a stamp in the passport. They both cheat on each other, having gotten used to such a life. The only things that unite us are children and no desire to change anything. This happens in many families and suggests that the marriage was accidental, not for love.

Solution to the problem: if one of the partners falls in love and leaves, then such a family is doomed to divorce, otherwise such an existence can continue for decades, it suits both, and no complaints are made.

7. Feel wanted

A woman feels very subtly whether a man is in love with her or not. If sexual contacts are more out of habit, then she will look for another partner who really wants her. Sexuality and emancipation arise precisely when a woman feels the adoration of a man. Often this is why older partners are chosen, because at this time a man understands that he needs to pamper a woman, literally carry her in his arms, then she will not only blossom, but also bring an abyss of pleasure. A young partner rarely understands this, and if he is emotionally cold, then the woman’s betrayal is inevitable, it’s a matter of time.

Solution to the problem: cultivate sensuality in yourself, make a woman understand that she is desired and loved.

8. Marriage at an early age, or forced marriage

Often, marriages are registered not for love at all, but for “failure” or other reasons. The bride wants to leave home from her soulless parents, start her own life, and some begin sexual activity too early, and men are simply forced to get married in order to recognize the child. Such a marriage does not last long; it is already ready for failure from the very beginning. Different mentality, upbringing, difficulties at a young age to find a compromise lead to betrayal, sometimes mutual. Sometimes a woman realizes that she has made a mistake and her partner is not the same, and begins to look for a replacement.

Solution to the problem: pay more attention to each other, find common ground, then there is a chance to save the marriage. Forgiving betrayal, trying to improve relationships.

9. My husband is always away from home.

Oddly enough, this is also a common reason for cheating. A man is constantly away from home, and it doesn’t matter whether he is busy with business, has business trips, or wants to go for a walk. A cold bed constantly reminds a woman that she is not in demand, and the years pass. A woman ages faster, so she wants to somehow compensate for her desires and become in demand. She decides to cheat. This can be either a one-time incident or constant trips to the left. It all depends on whether she loves a man or not. If he loves you, he will return; if not, then such sprees can lead to a breakup.

Solution to the problem: Pay attention to a woman more often, call, write SMS, arrange romantic dinners, satisfy sexual and emotional hunger, solve family problems even at a distance. When a man tries to compensate for his absence, they wait for him; if he does not make these attempts, then the woman will find someone else.

10. Emotional connection, benefit

Sometimes a woman needs a strong emotional connection, which not every man can provide. Having experienced several refusals of sex and help, a woman will look for a more sensitive partner. He will not only catch her mood, but also solve problems and help her feel happy. For this she will pay him back with sex. Women often use sex as a gift for caring, so they don't consider it cheating, they just don't have anything else to offer in return. You can call it free prostitution, but many women go for sex to achieve some overall goal, and do not consider this a big problem.

Solution to the problem: Career women may well cheat in order to get a long-awaited position; if you do not want cheating, let your wife be at home, surround her with warmth and attention. If a woman is unhappy with you, then she will look for partners who will solve her problems, and if you do not want this, help her solve them as much as possible. Change, look for alternative ways, you may have to find a higher paying job, or at least help in small things. A woman will even accept help around the house with gratitude.

In any case, it all depends on the men and women themselves. If they love each other, they will not cheat or offend each other. Every betrayal has a reason that prompted it. Try to understand not only the cheating partner, but also yourself, because it means you also did something wrong.

Many men are perplexed as to what exactly pushes a woman to cheat. We tried to understand this subtle matter.

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Little fire

In the first place in the ranking of reasons for female infidelity is, as banal as it may seem, ordinary sexual dissatisfaction. As a rule, we are often simply afraid to say that our husband is doing something wrong in bed. If the problem is hushed up, it will never be solved. A woman can completely accidentally meet a person with whom, even in the absence of an emotional connection and an all-consuming feeling, she will experience unknown pleasure. And the shaky path of adultery will be irrevocably trodden.

In addition, if we talk about the physiological side of the issue, women are driven to adultery by dissatisfaction not only with the quality of sex, but also with its quantity. It happens that at some point the number of sexual contacts in the family declines on the initiative (more precisely, due to lack of initiative) of the man. He has a headache, he’s tired, he just doesn’t understand why a woman needs so much attention.

What to do? Psychologists and psychotherapists recommend talking. Moreover, in conversations you should call things by their proper names, without trying to “soften” them, otherwise, dear ladies, you risk being misunderstood or not understood at all. In particularly advanced cases, it makes sense to contact a psychotherapist who specializes in family relationships.

“We’re even, dear!”

The second reason, no less common, is “out of spite.” The concept of “cheating out of spite” includes a fairly wide range of circumstances that push a woman to take a lover. This may be a desire to get rid of psychological dependence, when the dominant husband deprives the wife in a couple of any manifestation of individuality. “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” (“Children, kitchen, church”) - how many family boats are broken by the ideal, in the opinion of well-fed German burghers, format of marriage. When a husband strives to make a home hen out of a free, individual, extraordinary personality, he should remember the phrase about the nightingale, which does not sing in a cage.

Alas, if this is the only format of relationship in marriage for a man, he better immediately prepare for the appearance of horns. A woman will seek recognition in the eyes of other men, in the eyes of someone who will again give her the opportunity to feel like not just a mother, cook and obedient housewife, but a Woman with a capital W. Sometimes, with different men, a woman realizes different sides of her individuality, and the number of lovers is not limited to one. The percentage of divorces in couples where the man suppresses the female individuality is quite high.

In addition, a significant example can push a woman to cheat. After learning that their spouse is having an affair, many women do the same. Firstly, “look, I can do it too,” and secondly, so that it doesn’t become excruciatingly painful, bitter and offensive. Again, it greatly improves self-esteem.

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Love that drives a woman to cheat

There is another common and completely banal reason: sometimes we just fall in love with someone else. A disgusted marriage, a cold bed, an unloved and bored to hell husband remain in the background, and He, the man of your whole life, appears on the horizon. You will be surprised to know how many remarriages in such cases have a chance of a long and happy existence. A lot can be said here about family psychotherapy, about the fact that “marriages are made in heaven,” but there is also an opinion that marriage should not be hard labor. Humans tend to make mistakes.

We can all make a mistake, mistake the wrong man for the one and discover this only as a result of empirical testing. Some women, and men too, when they find themselves in such a situation, are frankly afraid of change. They are afraid that “not for the best”, they are afraid to break off relationships that have long exhausted themselves, they are afraid of losing stability. And they end up living a joyless life with an unloved person. But at the same time, they actively go to the left, justifying their indecisiveness with anything - from children to a sense of responsibility for the one they have tamed.

Everyone chooses for themselves

It is difficult to judge what is more honest - to live in a hateful marriage all your life and with a sense of accomplishment, awareness of your own heroism, leave behind a string of random relationships, among which there will be one that could change your whole life. Or become remorseful and cut the Gordian knot of relationships that have outlived their usefulness. Take a risk, move to a new level, give yourself and another person a chance, give your former unloved half a chance to find happiness with someone who loves your ex-husband or wife. In any case, everyone decides for themselves. You won't be nice by force. As for cheating, before deciding on it, it makes sense to talk with your spouse and try together to find something that doesn’t suit you. And eliminate it. One of the components of a happy marriage is mutual understanding and the ability to be attentive to the problems, needs and desires of a loved one. Or, if the defect cannot be eliminated, at least honestly dot all the i’s. Believe me, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. And finding out that they are cheating on you is painful. Both women and men.
