How to gain weight for a girl at home? Can skinny people gain weight without problems? I want a girl to get fat quickly.

Girls are always worried about their appearance. Some people lose weight, while others consider themselves too thin and dream of gaining weight. I love girls and will help solve this problem.

There is nothing complicated. In addition to the question of how to gain weight for skinny people, we will look at how to generally correct a girl’s figure, what exercises she needs to do, whether she needs a gym, what kind of nutrition she needs.

Nutrition for weight gain for skinny people

If you are not interested in a toned athletic figure, and you just need to gain weight, then take the recipe from and put it into practice. In two weeks you will noticeably improve! But if you need not just to gain weight, but to improve your figure, then read this article to the end and the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Problem areas for women

As I have already said in other articles, the figure of a man and a woman is formed differently, although you already know this without me. Accordingly, their problem areas are also different.

In women, this is the back of the arm (), thighs and. We cannot influence the size of the breast, so we will not touch it.

Problem one.

The triceps are most often flabby and covered with a layer of fat, which is why they shake like jellied meat.
Solution: fat burning, training.

Second problem.

Hips. There are two diametrically opposed situations: either too much fat and cellulite, or too thin and not fleshy.
Solution: in the first case it is burning fat, in the second case it is building muscle mass through exercise and diet. More on this below.

Third problem.

We have identified the main problem areas, and now let’s move closer to practice.

How to gain weight for a girl

And so the cherished question, or rather the answer. If you just want to gain 2kg, then follow the recommendations in. There are simple recipes for weight gain. But if you are really skinny, then you need to gain a few kilograms of muscle, then your figure will become not only meatier, but also more elastic, which is what every skinny person wants.

Even the thought of gaining a few kilos of muscle probably frightens you. But don’t be afraid, you won’t turn into Schwarzenegger, you won’t look like a man either. Have you seen the fitness girls? Do they have a good figure? Here! And they lift weights, train muscles to achieve such a figure.

Why don't all girls become skinny?

It's all about genetics. You've probably noticed that not all guys are athletic and have a muscular figure. Why should it be different with girls?

If you are naturally skinny, it means you have little muscle mass. Therefore, even a small increase in adipose tissue will lead to cellulite and loose forms. The fact is that it doesn’t matter how much you weigh, but what matters is what % of fat and muscle mass you have. If your muscles don't grow and your fat percentage increases, then you're just getting fat.

For example, you have skinny legs. For this reason, you decided to get better. But without resorting to strength training (don’t let these words scare you), you will gain weight only due to fat! But fat, unlike muscles, is located where he wants, not you. And together with your hips, your butt and stomach will grow, and your waist will increase.

The most annoying thing is that as soon as skinny people gain a few kg of fat, it is immediately deposited in the most visible places and spoils the whole picture.

There is nothing worse than a skinny girl with folds of fat! Believe me, getting fat is much easier than burning fat.

I hope I have convinced you that you need to gain mass, not weight.

Exercises for gaining weight for girls

First of all, girls should train their legs, namely the inner thighs and back. By training these muscle groups, they are also captured. Only indirect load should be placed on the hands. Always place the main emphasis on your legs.

Firstly, these muscle groups are the largest in a girl’s body and by developing them you will immediately turn from a skinny person into a slender and beautiful lady.

The main exercises for the inner thigh:

  • Wide Leg Squats
  • Leg abduction in the simulator

The most effective exercises for the back of the thighs and buttocks:

  • Bend forward with a load
  • Push-ups with narrow arms. If it’s hard right away, then rest on the floor with your knees, not your feet.

This is not a large list of exercises that any girl can do.

If you are training in the gym

To help a girl gain weight, I recommend going to the gym, there is the necessary equipment. The main thing is that your working weights gradually increase. In squats with a barbell, do up to 50 kg. You will have enough. In deadlift you can limit yourself to 40-50kg.

The main thing is to start with small weights and do a high number of repetitions

Training methodology

  • General warm-up, stretching
  • 20 times in one approach.
  • 2 warm-up sets (approaches). Start with a small weight and then increase it.
  • 3 working sets
  • 2-3 exercises per day maximum
  • 3 workouts per week

This will allow you to stimulate your muscles to grow, but leave the energy for recovery and weight gain. And you remember that this is our goal.

Training program for weight gain for girls

First day

  • Squats 3x20 times
  • Squats with wide legs (hold the load between the legs) 1×20 times

Second day

  • Push-ups with narrow arms 3×10-15 times
  • Dumbbell overhead press 1×10-15 times

The third day

  • Deadlift on straight legs 3×20 times
  • Standing calf raises 3×20 times

The program does not indicate warm-up approaches. Do at least 2 warm-up sets before the first exercise! If you are still squatting without a load, then warm up with a small number of repetitions of 5-7, but be sure to use the full amplitude. When you start doing weighted exercises, warm up with 10, 20 repetitions, and then move on to weighted exercises.

Warm-up is needed to warm up the muscles, ligaments and joints for work. Without warming up, you simply cause significant harm to your body.

If you are training at home

A girl can gain weight at home, which cannot be said about guys. Although you need to make or buy some equipment. For example, you don’t have dumbbells. No problem. Take a regular plastic bottle, pour water into it and the dumbbell is ready.

In the case of squats, you won’t get away with just one bottle. Take a five-liter beer or bottled water bottle and fill it with water. When this weight is not enough, fill it with sand. During wide-legged squats, hold the handle between your legs and squat down. You can also tie several bottles together.

When you squat in a regular stance, hold the load at your sides with your arms down, or lift it to shoulder level and place part of the bottle on your shoulders.

For convenience, you can attach fabric handles to the bottles. You don’t need any special sewing skills here, so I think you can handle it. Or wait for updates. There are plans to make a whole series of articles on how to make various training equipment at home. Maybe there will be a small mini-course, free!

I was horrified when I read what they advise on many women’s sites on how a girl can gain weight or how thin women can gain weight. I have never seen such terrible advice!

By following these tips you will ruin your health!

Here are some of them:

  • Move less
  • Eat at night, especially sweets and starchy foods
  • Load up on cakes, flour and sweets
  • And other nonsense

Never do this! That's all for me! See you on the pages of Factor of Strength. And finally, watch the video with funny and very creative kittens)))

Not all representatives of the fair sex dream of losing weight. There are many girls who want to become more feminine, and to achieve this goal they must gain weight. Excessive thinness can cause self-doubt and even lead to deterioration in health. And if for those who want to become slimmer, gaining a couple of kilograms and no more is not a problem, which becomes the main reason for excess weight, then such a “luxury” is often not available to those suffering from excessive thinness. To gain appetizing shapes, they must try no less than those losing weight.

Achieving your goal involves developing a clear action plan that will allow you to quickly gain the desired weight. It comes down to three fundamental points:

  • changing eating habits;
  • regular strength training;
  • revising your lifestyle.

Each requires detailed consideration, clear perception, and application to daily routine. Otherwise, the weight will either remain unchanged or, conversely, begin to decrease.

What lifestyle contributes to weight gain?

Stressful situations and constant depressed mood in naturally thin people are accompanied by the loss of kilograms. Constantly being in a good mood and positive emotions, on the contrary, will help the body quickly adapt and readjust to the fact that you need to gain weight, and not spend existing and incoming energy sources.

No bad habits. Neither large nor small doses of alcohol provide any health benefits. Smoking not only has a detrimental effect on the body, but also speeds up the metabolism. By giving up smoking, gaining the desired kilograms will become much easier. All this is true only when activities that consume excess energy are eliminated.

The latter means that you should refrain from any aerobic exercise. Dancing, running, swimming, aerobics, exercise on bicycle and elliptical trainers require energy expenditure, but have virtually no effect on the growth of muscle tissue, and, therefore, lead to an even greater decrease in volume.

You definitely need to believe in your own strength and success. Having a clear idea that the goal will be achieved is motivating. Otherwise, no results will be achieved. Another important point that should not be misleading is that, of course, it will not be possible to build a beautiful body in one month. It takes much more time, but every change that occurs will bring an incredible sense of satisfaction and make you work further.

The pounds you gain represent both fat and muscle tissue. And if you don’t get rid of the former, the result will not be rounded feminine outlines, but folds that will in no way add attractiveness to the figure. This can be avoided by strength training aimed at increasing mass primarily through muscles.

Energy consumption for an hour of strength exercises ranges from 350 to 450 kilocalories, which will not allow weight loss, but will give a significant impetus to the growth of muscle tissue. It is the part of the body that is being worked that will increase in volume. Thus, you can easily adjust your silhouette and the most problematic areas by pumping up your buttocks, abs, calves, and so on. The main thing is to choose the right exercises.

Nutrition is the basis for weight gain

Without changing your diet, it is impossible to make any progress in weight gain. Weight gain occurs in the body when nutrients are supplied in excess. The surplus is spent on:

  • building muscle tissue during strength training;
  • support of glycogen and fat depots, which are energy reserves.

Fat deposits, that is, unwanted folds, appear only when nutrition is uncontrolled and vigorous activity is reduced to a minimum. This necessitates the need to perform strength exercises.

You need to consume more calories than you burn during the day. If they are smaller, it is simply impossible to achieve any progress in gaining weight - neither muscle nor fat will increase.

Finding the balance point allows you to answer this question - this is an indicator of when the weight remains stable, that is, a person neither gets better nor loses weight. To do this, you need to weigh yourself and eat as usual for a week, counting your daily calorie intake.

Sudden jumps should not be allowed. You need to eat within the same calorie limit every day. You should not deny yourself anything. You just need to strictly count calories, including both main meals and snacks.

After seven days, re-weighing must be repeated. Better at the same time as the first. If the weight has not changed, then the average calorie intake for the week is the equilibrium point at which body weight remains unchanged.

Girls are recommended to gain 500 g per week, that is, approximately 2 kg per month. For some, the figure, depending on individual characteristics, will be a little lower. However, the total increase over 30 days should be between 1 and 2 kg. And if you stick to this course, then over time you will gain the desired weight.

An increase of half a kilo provides an increase in calorie intake. There are no exact recommendations here. For some girls, it is enough to introduce 400 kilocalories into their diet, while for others, even 500 kilocalories is not enough. Finding the exact number can only be done experimentally.

During the first week of starting a “weight gain program,” caloric intake should be increased from the equilibrium point by a minimum of 300 kilocalories. If there is no increase or it is less than 500 g, you should slightly increase the daily caloric intake and so on until the required increase is achieved.

What should the diet be like?

Calories represent the energy expended by the body both to maintain vital functions and systems, and to carry out any physical activity that a person performs. It comes exclusively from the food consumed. The source of energy can be any basic nutrient - protein, fat, carbohydrate.

For 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates there are 4 kcal, and fat - 9 kcal. Therefore, it does not matter what kind of food you eat to gain weight. The main thing is how many calories the body receives along with it. This allows you to eat as balanced as possible and not deny yourself various tasty things, which are mostly carbohydrates.

Principles of weight gain - BZHU ratio

A girl who wants to gain weight, but gain kilograms mainly from muscle tissue rather than fat deposits, should correctly distribute nutrients in her diet.


Training increases the need for protein, but the amount per kilogram of body weight varies from 1 to 2 g per day. Recommendations from sports nutrition manufacturers are a little higher, but they are often driven by the desire to sell a rather expensive nutrient, which is protein.

Its excess is converted into glucose when energy is needed, or excreted when it is not needed. Girls should take an average number equal to 1.5 g per 1 kg of their own body weight. This amount is enough not only to replenish energy costs, but also to build muscle fibers. And if your weight is 50 kg, you need to consume 75 g of protein per day.


The body needs essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. If they are excluded from the diet, it leads to health problems. Fears about fats are largely unfounded. Fats contain a large number of calories, which quickly and satiate well. The main thing is to adhere to the daily norm of 20-30% of the total diet. If the daily caloric intake is 1500 kcal, then fats should account for approximately 375 kcal (25%), that is, 42 g (375/9).


They represent the cleanest source of energy. Having calculated the amount of protein and fat, the rest of the diet can be safely filled with both slow and fast carbohydrates. The main thing is to stay within calorie limits.

Approximate daily diet

If you consume 1500 kcal per day, and the initial weight is 50 kg, then the nutrients may account for the following ratio:

  • Protein: 75 g per day x4 = 300 kcal
  • Fats: 44 g per day x9 = 400 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1600 – 700 = 900 kcal/4 = 225 g per day

Based on this calculation, you can easily calculate your daily caloric intake.

Nutrient distribution is not the only principle that should be followed when creating a menu for weight gain. It is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid, but not only water, but tea, compote, juice, and so on. Liquid is directly involved in all processes occurring in the body. The main indicator of sufficient moisture is the absence of the feeling of thirst.

You should definitely take vitamins. It is better to give preference to sports ones. If this is not possible, pharmacies will do. The cost for them is different, but it is formed not due to the difference in quality if the composition is similar, but due to the brand. You should carefully study the list and dosages of minerals and vitamins included in the complex.

The diet should include vegetables. They are a valuable source of minerals, vitamins and fiber. Their amount from the daily menu should not exceed 30%. They may not be included in the total caloric intake. The main thing is not to replace the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins necessary for weight gain with vegetables.

The number of meals should be determined based on your own feelings of hunger. You can eat three to six times a day, and make up for missed meals with larger portions. Weight increases not due to frequent snacking, but due to increased caloric intake.


If you eat right and do strength training, your body will soon acquire beautiful feminine shapes.

Find out why it's hard for a girl to gain muscle mass and how to structure her workouts and diet to achieve results at home.

The content of the article:

Now you can find many articles about proper weight loss. However, girls often pursue a different goal. In practice, it turns out that gaining weight for thin girls is much more difficult than losing excess weight. The inability to gain muscle mass can be due to various reasons. It is possible that you will even have to see a doctor. Today we will talk about how to quickly gain weight for a thin girl at home.

Why is it difficult for girls to gain weight?

A person can be naturally thin and it all comes down to his unique genetics. At the same time, the problem of low weight may be due to poor nutrition. If your body weight is low, this negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. First of all, we are talking about possible problems with the immune system; even small wounds can take a long time to heal, etc.

Another reason for unhealthy thinness is problems with the thyroid gland. Some people do not cope well with stress and because of this they cannot eat normally. As a result, their body weight falls. In addition to all of the above, a thin person is exposed to other dangers. They see that body weight is not increasing, and they try to gain it through nutrition, using unhealthy foods.

This can help, but being overweight also takes a toll on the body. This can cause an increase in blood pressure, the development of type 2 diabetes and an increase in the concentration of lipoprotein compounds. If you want to know how to gain weight quickly for a skinny girl at home, then first of all, avoid junk food. By consuming such foods, you will definitely face the problem of obesity at some point.

Let's note the most common causes of low muscle mass:

  1. Genetic characteristics of the organism.
  2. Basal metabolism - disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland are possible and you should conduct a diagnosis.
  3. The presence of serious illnesses.
  4. Constant stress.
  5. Insufficient time for sleep.
  6. Eating disorders such as anorexia.
  7. High physical activity.
  8. Low rate of absorption of nutrients.

    Now we will look at all the negative effects of being underweight for the female body:
    • There may be problems with the functioning of the reproductive system, resulting in irregular periods. As a result, it is extremely difficult to get pregnant and carry a child to term.
    • Low weight contributes to an increase in blood sugar concentrations and the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes.
    • Problems with the functioning of the hormonal system.
    • Due to a very low percentage of body fat, internal organs cannot function normally.
    • Excessive thinness can cause kidney problems, such as prolapse.
    • Problems with the functioning of the digestive system and decreased activity of defense mechanisms. As a result, frequent colds and infectious diseases occur.
    • In ordinary life, there is a high risk of overloading muscles and internal organs.

    Types of thinness

    Scientists distinguish two types of unhealthy thinness:
    1. Physiological- after passing all diagnostic procedures, the cause of low body weight remains unidentified. Most often this is associated with increased metabolism, a special mode of operation of the endocrine system, or genetics.
    2. Pathological- can be detected during a medical examination and is most often associated with disruption of the functioning of internal organs.
    Today we will try to answer in as much detail as possible how to quickly gain weight for a thin girl at home. First of all, you need to review your diet. And also the right approach to spot training. Remember, only moderate physical activity is beneficial for the human body.

    How to gain weight for a thin girl at home quickly and correctly?

    There are not as few people who want to gain weight as it might seem. Most often, this problem is relevant for young people, regardless of their gender. In adulthood, the problem of excess weight most often arises. Let's figure out how to quickly gain weight for a thin girl at home.

    Principles of proper nutrition for weight gain

    First of all, it is necessary to increase the energy value of the diet. For the average girl, the recommended daily calorie intake is in the range from 1.5 to 2 thousand calories. But for thin people, due to their high metabolism, they can consume 3–4 thousand daily.

    Of course, it will be extremely difficult for the body to immediately process such a large amount of food. To avoid problems with the functioning of the digestive system, we recommend switching to a fractional nutrition system. It involves snacking one and a half to two hours after the main meal.

    Equally important is changing your diet. You should increase the number of meals per day to at least five, and preferably six. Thus, you will have to eat every two hours. Never skip breakfast, and try to eat hot food during your first meal. These can be porridges prepared with milk and butter with the addition of candied fruits or dried fruits. In addition to lunch, make two dinners in the evening. Spend the first one as usual at six o’clock, and consume protein foods 120 minutes before bedtime.

    You can't give up a single nutrient. The body needs all nutrients, but a certain balance must be maintained between them. In percentage terms, it looks something like this - 25/20/55 (protein compounds/fats/carbohydrates). Note that fats are extremely important for the normal absorption of protein compounds, and you should never give them up.

    An increase in the energy value of dishes is achieved thanks to carbohydrates. You can safely eat simple carbohydrates, but don’t overdo it. Dairy products are high in calories and should be included in your diet. Scientists have found that milk fats have a positive effect on the body.

    Start eating more meat. To normalize metabolism. You need to drink at least two liters of fluid throughout the day. Note that when calculating the amount of water consumed, all liquids should be taken into account, even those contained in fruits or vegetables. You don't have to drink only water; coffee and green tea are also great.

    Vegetables do not have a high energy value, but are extremely important for the body. In addition to the presence of micronutrients in their composition, you should also remember about plant fibers. Thanks to them, the functioning of the digestive organs improves, and the processes of toxin disposal are accelerated.

    Your diet should not be complete without fruits. You can eat those that are undesirable during weight loss - bananas, peaches, grapes. However, do this in the morning to avoid fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. Pay special attention to dates and bananas, which can be bought in the supermarket throughout the year.

    Various bee products will also help increase body weight. Let us remind you that this is not only honey, but also beebread, royal jelly, and pollen. Nuts contain healthy fats, and we recommend consuming them together with honey and dried fruits. If you want to know the answer to the question of how to quickly gain weight for a thin girl at home, try not to constantly increase the size of your dishes so as not to overload the digestive organs.

    Principles of organizing the training process for gaining weight

    Without regular exercise, you will not be able to gain weight properly. Since the energy value of your diet must be increased, the risk of fat accumulation increases. You don’t want to turn from skinny to fat, do you? To prevent this from happening, you will need physical activity.

    Exercising will allow you to use the nutrients your body gets from food to increase muscle mass. It is not only useful in everyday life, but also improves the appearance of your body. However, the main difficulty for many is determining the required loads. If they turn out to be excessive, then you will only harm yourself.

    Now we will look at a set of simple movements that can be performed at home. Each of your workouts should begin with a warm-up. To do this, run in place, perform circular movements with your limbs, and you can work with a jump rope for a few minutes.

    Squats should definitely be included in the main complex. This is a basic exercise that uses almost all leg muscles. The feet should be located at the level of the shoulder joints. The back must be straightened, and the hands can be placed on the belt or extended in front of you. Perform the movements in four sets of 15 repetitions each.

    The next exercise could be a squat followed by a jump. This movement is also designed to strengthen the leg muscles. In addition, it has a positive effect on all elements of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Perform three sets of 8–15 repetitions.

    Push-ups will help you tone your arms and chest muscles. If you have not played sports before, then start with a simplified version - emphasis on your knees. Once your muscles are stronger, move on to the classic version of the movement. It is enough to perform four sets of 8–12 repetitions.

    We recommend purchasing collapsible dumbbells. With their help, you will be able to progress much faster. An excellent exercise with dumbbells would be the Roman deadlift. During its execution, the muscles of almost the entire body are involved in the work. Place your feet at the level of your shoulder joints, and lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Keeping your back straight, begin to lean forward, while moving your pelvis back. Perform four sets of 12 repetitions.

    The next exercise is called “boat”. Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended. Imagine yourself flying like Supergirl. From this position, begin to raise your legs and arms at the same time, trying to bend your back as much as possible. At the end point of the trajectory, pause for 10 seconds. This is an excellent exercise to strengthen your back muscles.

    If you wish, you can start visiting the fitness center. This will speed up progress, because the choice of sports equipment there is much better. If you have your whole day scheduled minute by minute, then study at home.

    This video will tell you how a girl can quickly gain weight:

Some women find it as difficult to gain weight as it is for most women to lose weight. However, there are many safe and effective ways to gain 0.5-1 kg in a week. Larger portions and more nutritious meals are a quick way to add extra calories to your regular diet. Aim for high-calorie foods that are rich in nutrients. Don't forget to make other changes to your lifestyle: add more exercise - this will help you gain the required weight faster.


Change your eating habits

    Consume 500 more calories per day. As a rule, you can gain 0.5–1 kg per week without difficulty or harm to your health. To reach this goal, add an additional 500 calories to your daily diet. The best way to do this is to eat more nutrient-rich foods.

    Increase your portion sizes. Take a second serving or just immediately give yourself a little more than usual. If you find it difficult to eat more, try not snacking before meals to work up your appetite.

    • If you find it difficult to eat double portions, try increasing your portions gradually. Start with an extra scoop of rice or add some extra sweet potatoes to your plate. Over time, make larger and larger portions.
  1. If you don't like large portions, try eating small portions more often. For some people, large portions are generally unacceptable. Instead of increasing your portion size, try eating 6 meals a day (with small portions).

    • Make it a habit to eat every 3-4 hours after you wake up.
  2. Do not drink water 30 minutes before meals. Liquid fills your stomach, making it harder for you to eat a large meal. Eat first and then drink water.

  3. Treat yourself to a snack before bed. If you eat something small before bed, your body won't have time to burn those calories. In addition, the body can build muscle mass during sleep. By snacking before bed, you provide the nutrients you need to build muscle while you sleep.

    • If you have a sweet tooth, save it for dinner and eat it before bed. You can eat some fruit, a serving of ice cream or a few pieces of chocolate.
    • If you really like delicious, filling meals, eat a bowl of macaroni and cheese or cheese crackers.
  4. Before eating, try to work up an appetite. There are many ways to get hungry before eating. These simple tricks will help you eat more. Below are some simple ways to increase your appetite:

    • Walk a little before eating. Exercise will help you get hungry.
    • Prepare a dish that you really love. Make your favorite dish so you can eat it all.
    • Prepare a dish according to a new recipe. This way, you will be excited to try it.
    • Eat in a calm, comfortable atmosphere. If you are constantly in a hurry or distracted, you will not be able to eat much.

    Choose the right food and drink

    1. Choose foods that are high in calories and rich in nutrients. Fast food and other processed foods are high in calories, but they are empty calories because they don't contain enough nutrients. Nutritious foods are high in calories, as well as healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

      • For grains, you can choose whole wheat products and black bread. Bran, whole grain bread and sprouted wheat are also great options.
      • As for fruits, you should give preference to bananas, pineapples, raisins, dried fruits and avocados. In general, you'll want to choose starchy fruits over those that are high in water and liquid (like oranges or watermelon) because starchy fruits contain more calories and nutrients.
      • For vegetables, try eating more peas, corn, potatoes and pumpkins. Like fruits, vegetables rich in starch are better than those rich in liquid.
      • Dairy products include cheese, ice cream, frozen yogurt and whole milk.
    2. Target three main food groups. When you eat, you shouldn't give preference to just one type of food. Include several different food groups in your diet (and each meal). This way, you will increase your calorie intake by eating more.

      • For example, you shouldn't just eat toast. Try spreading peanut butter on it and adding sliced ​​bananas on top. Or slice and sprinkle avocado on top and pour yourself a glass of kefir.
      • If you love eggs in the morning, try scrambling and frying them with peppers and sausage.
      • Instead of just eating a carton of yogurt, top it with berries and granola.
    3. If you have trouble eating solid foods, try drinking them. Sometimes it's hard to force yourself to eat something extra. Try drinking high-calorie drinks between meals if you can't stand solid snacks. You can try the following:

      • smoothies made from whole fruits, vegetables and yogurt;
      • freshly squeezed juice from real fruits is rich in vitamins and fiber;
      • milk, milkshakes, protein shakes are also great options.
    4. Add a few extra ingredients to your food. You can grind up high-calorie, nutritious foods and add them to your favorite meals to help you consume more calories without feeling like you're overeating. Here are some great ways:

      • add milk powder to drinks, soups, stews and sauces;
      • add some nuts or cereal to the salad;
      • add some ground flaxseeds to your salad, cereal, or smoothie;
      • sprinkle some cheese on a casserole, scrambled eggs, soup, salad or sandwich;
      • spread a little butter or nut butter (you can use creamy processed cheese) on toast, crackers or rolls.
    5. Cook more dishes with butter and cheese. Food cooked in sunflower and butter enriches the body with additional calories without increasing the amount of food eaten. Healthy fats include:

      • olive oil, which contains 119 calories per 15 ml;
      • canola oil, which contains 120 calories per 15 ml;
      • coconut oil, containing 117 calories per 15 ml;
      • butter, containing 102 calories per 15 ml.
    6. If you want to build muscle mass, eat more protein foods. Muscle weighs more than fat, which means that building muscle mass is a great way to gain weight (without excess fat). Proteins are needed by the body to build muscle.

      • Lean meat and eggs are excellent sources of protein. Other sources of protein for vegetarians include peas, nuts, hummus and beans.
      • Protein bars and protein shakes are great snacks. They are rich not only in proteins, but also in nutrients.

« How can a girl get fat quickly?“- this question torments many female representatives, but there are many more who want to lose weight. First you need to understand why you strive for completeness. Look at yourself in the mirror, weigh yourself. If thinness is given by nature, then this is a genetic predisposition or a fast metabolism - metabolism.

A girl can lose weight for many reasons:

In addition, almost always there is not one reason, but a whole complex of factors, which must be removed gradually.

How can a girl gain weight quickly at home?

As you know, deviations in body weight from the norm can provoke disruptions in the body’s functioning. Start gaining weight immediately if underweight has caused a weakened immune system and you often suffer from viral diseases.

It is also recommended to gain weight for girls who experience a lack of strength, frequent fatigue and disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Review your diet if the condition of your hair and nails worsens. Thin girls sometimes cannot get pregnant.

If there are no health problems, then let’s look at some tips on how to safely and quickly make a girl gain weight at home.

First, pay attention to your lifestyle. If you often drink alcohol and smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, then any amendment is out of the question. A weakened body spends all its reserves just to overcome intoxication from tobacco and alcohol.

Experiences are also the cause of weight deviation. Of course, life is not always easy and simple. Sad events occur in the life of every person. However, learn to accept the bitterness of everyday life more easily.

Think about your diet. Food must be healthy and contain all the necessary vitamins to keep the body healthy. Hamburgers are not suitable for every day. Eliminate carbonated drinks, chips and other junk foods. Now let’s solve the issue of proper nutrition to quickly gain muscle mass.

What should a girl eat to gain weight quickly?

Proper nutrition requires compliance with several rules. You need to eat 3 times a day. In addition, have light snacks between meals. If your lunch portion does not satisfy your hunger completely, increase it, but do not overeat. Hunger and overeating are equally harmful to the stomach.

To quickly gain weight at home, you need to eat high-calorie foods:

To avoid overloading your stomach, eat small portions, but often. The stomach should receive about 2-2.5 kg of food per day, but no more than a handful at one sitting.

Menu for gradual weight gain

A set menu for every day will help you gain weight. Eating at the same time will saturate the body with nutrients and calories.

  • Breakfast - food should be varied and enjoyable. For example: porridge, oatmeal, sausage, cheese. Healthy: butter, bread, scrambled eggs, milk soups. Tea or coffee with milk, nuts, muesli. After breakfast, have a snack with the same foods. The list contains a sample menu. Choose according to your desire and taste.
  • Lunch - first and second must include meat or fish.
  • Afternoon snack - a light snack with vegetable or fruit salad, nuts, muesli.
  • Dinner is a second course that includes pasta or cereals with meat or fish.
  • Snack before bed - fruits and dairy products an hour before bedtime.

During the day, drink more fluids - juices, milk drinks, tea. Drink coffee on rare occasions.

How to quickly gain weight for a 14 year old teenager

It is more difficult for a teenager to recover than for an adult, because children are always on the move. They attend clubs, sections, and go swimming. Sports are good, but you can hardly gain weight without eating. At 14 years old, teenagers pay little attention to nutrition. Some eat normally, while others forget to eat on time. This is where underweight arises.

At this age, in order to gain weight, you need to follow the same rules as for adults. Try to go to bed on time to avoid sleep deprivation.

Eat high-calorie foods and engage in moderate exercise. Strengthen your muscles by swimming. Drink protein shakes made at home from protein, vegetable and fruit juices.

Try to gain weight with milk powder or baby formula. This method is used by bodybuilders. Milk contains many nutrients similar to breast milk. If the mother, after the birth of the child, lost milk and was unable to fully feed him, then at the age of 14 the child may be underweight.

So, try diluting 4 tablespoons of powdered milk or formula in one glass of warm boiled water and drink 3 times a day.

If you have homemade milk, it is better to consume at least a liter of it per day. Drink homemade milk at night. Goat's milk will help you gain weight; it contains a lot of vitamins and fat.

How to quickly gain weight by 20 kg at once

It is impossible to immediately gain 20 kg. Gaining weight takes time.

Protein shakes will help a girl gain weight:

  • Banana milkshake made from milk, banana and cottage cheese. Mix the products to a drinkable consistency, add sugar and beat with a blender. It is advisable to drink this drink 3 times a day.
  • A protein shake made from cottage cheese, milk and fruit syrup with the addition of thick protein foam.
  • A cocktail for women, prepared from cottage cheese, orange juice, chocolate or cocoa, banana and jam. The ingredients are mixed to a drinkable consistency. Use as much as you like, the main thing is that you are not allergic to the components.
  • Place banana, milk, raw egg and honey in a blender and drink 3 times a day.

There is another proven recipe, but this is not a cocktail, but a pasta. And it is prepared from pork fat, chocolate, green apples, yolk and sugar.
