Which island in Pattaya is better? Nearest islands from pattaya

If they tell you that there is no beach holiday in Pattaya, and the sea there is dirty and ugly, don’t believe it. Pattaya has everything - white sand and clear sea water.

Pattaya's bustling central beaches may not offer crystal clear waves, but close to the city there are secluded, quiet beaches with stunning scenic views. And if they are not enough for you, go to the islands near Pattaya. Here on the Pattaya Islands you can go snorkeling, take great photos and have a great time relaxing in nature.

Koh Larn Island

Koh Larn is located west of Pattaya about 8 km from the coast. This is a small island, its area is approximately 4 square kilometers. Ko Larn is also called Coral Island. You can get there by ferry. It will take you about 45 minutes. And if you go by boat, you will reach the island in 15-20 minutes.

Koh Lan has everything you need for a holiday - beautiful beaches, clean water and an abundance of corals and fish in the sea. Don’t believe it if they tell you that the clear sea is not Pattaya. Photos of the islands near Pattaya will not convey the bright colors, purity and magic of the extraordinary islands and beaches. Besides, it’s close – it’s really close, you won’t even have time to get seasick before you get to the islands.

Koh Phai Islands

The Koh Phai island group includes several islands located very close to each other. But Koh Phai is the largest island of them all. Phai is also called bamboo island. These islands are located about 13 km from Pattaya. It takes about 2 hours to reach the Phai Islands by boat.

There is a lighthouse on the top of a hill on Phai Island. The view from there is simply incredible. Come enjoy the wonderful nature of the islands themselves, as well as swimming in clear waters, snorkeling and diving. Excursions from Pattaya to Phai depart daily.

Koh Krok Island

Koh Krok is a very small island with an area of ​​about 0.05 square kilometers. Krok is located approximately 8 kilometers from the coast. There is only one sandy beach in the east 100 meters long. But it’s worth a trip to Krok even for this beach alone.

Koh Sak Island

Koh Sak is located approximately 10 kilometers west of Pattaya and 600 meters from Koh Larn island. Ko Sak is shaped like a horseshoe. There are two beaches, one in the north where boats with tourists usually stop, and the other in the southern part of the island. Sands, corals, fish - all this is in abundance on the island of Koh Sak.

What else can you do in Pattaya, besides sea and beach holidays? Read about this in.

In any price list for excursions in Pattaya you will see many different programs to the islands. Which island to go to from Pattaya? What do you advise? – we hear these questions 9 times out of 10 when it comes to excursions from Pattaya to the islands. And, since there are really a lot of offers, we have developed an easy algorithm for how to choose the most suitable excursion for yourself.

Which islands to go to from Pattaya: the content of the article

The most popular excursions to the islands from Pattaya are as follows: Koh Samet, Koh Chang, Koh Sichang, Emerald Island, Monkey Island Koh Ped, etc.. Some of them can be visited only for a beach holiday, and some can be visited as part of interesting programs. To choose the best excursion to the islands from Pattaya, our questionnaire will help you.

1. Do you want to go to the islands for one or two days?

The easiest answer to the question “Which excursion to the islands from Pattaya should I go on?” If you want to go to the islands from Pattaya for one day, then Koh Chang and Koh Kood excluded, since only two-day excursions are possible there - these islands are located 400 km from Pattaya, and it is not advisable to go such a distance for one day.

But if you want an excursion to the islands from Pattaya to include an overnight stay (otherwise how to experience all the romance of a tropical island!), then you can go for two days to the same Koh Chang and Koh Samet. Koh Samet is located 80 km from Pattaya.

Landscapes on the island of Koh Samet. Crazy, right?

2. Koh Chang or Koh Samet – which island to go to for two days?

Koh Chang or Koh Samet - which island to go to from Pattaya on a two-day excursion? The starting price for two-day excursions to these islands is close: 2450 baht on Koh Chang and 1800 baht on Koh Samet. In fact, this is the price for a round trip transfer, hotel accommodation and breakfast at the hotel, this does not include entertainment and other meals. You just come to the island, swim, sunbathe and think about your leisure time yourself.

If you want activity and a rich program, you can consider the option of a two-day trip to Koh Chang with a tour of three uninhabited islands (Premium program). In addition to the beaches of Koh Chang itself, you will have a boat trip, during which you will visit three tropical islands with stunning water and sand. There you can also snorkel, fish from a ship, and relax on the beach. The Premium program costs at least 1,000 baht more, depending on the hotel chosen.

There are no similar excursion programs for two-day Koh Samet, so it is worth choosing it if if you don't want unnecessary movements during your island holiday.

Which island - Koh Chang or Koh Samet - is more beautiful? This is a subjective opinion and depends on what islands you have seen before. We think they're both great. To make it easier for you personally to make a choice, we suggest reading these two articles with a large number of photographs:

A lush frenzy of tropical greenery on the island of Koh Chang.

3. Koh Chang or Koh Kood - which island is better? Choosing excursions to distant islands

Which island should you go to for two days from Pattaya - Koh Chang or Koh Kood? Despite the fact that these two islands are located next to each other (20 km), we believe that the excursion to Koh Chang is superior to the excursion to Koh Kood in all respects:

1) there is a Russian guide there,
2) hotels on excursions to Koh Chang have hot water, air conditioning and no power outages,
3) the starting price of an excursion to Koh Chang is 1000 baht less than to Koh Kood,

4) there is an opportunity to go on a cruise to three neighboring uninhabited islands.

And if there is no difference in the beauty of the beaches and the underwater world of these islands, then why pay more and choose a worse level of service?

What could be better than a beautiful island? Only four beautiful islands! This becomes possible only on an excursion to Koh Chang with a cruise included.

Despite the fact that Koh Chang is one of the largest and most populated islands in Thailand, there are enough wild places for everyone :)

Reviews from our tourists on an excursion to Koh Chang island from Pattaya.

4. If for one day, where to go just to relax?

If you just want relaxation, there are the following options: Koh Samet Island, Emerald Island, Princess Island, Koh Talu Island (aka Pink Island), Koh Pai Island. In all cases, you are simply brought to the island in a calm environment, without animators, where complete relaxation and beautiful scenery awaits you. But there are two nuances.

Firstly, of all the listed excursions to the islands, only on the island of Koh Samet there are departures every day all year round. The remaining mentioned programs from Pattaya to the islands are carried out only in the high season (from November to March), and not all agencies offer trips there.

Secondly, excursions to the Emerald Island and Princess Island include a short program: you visit the plantation of sea anemones and Nemo fish, the Mountain of the Golden Buddha. On the island itself you can play beach games, swim in kayaks and glass-bottom boats - all props are included in the price of the excursions.

The beautiful island of Koh Talu, excursions to which from Pattaya take place mainly in the high season.

5. We only want a beach holiday, which island has fewer tourists?

If you want a beach holiday on an island where there are few tourists, the best options are Emerald Isle, Princess Island, Koh Talu and Koh Pai. These are uninhabited islands and a day trip there costs almost twice as much a day trip to Koh Samet – that’s why there are few people there :).

Another option - Koh Sichang island, there are never many people on the beach there either, plus it, like Koh Samet, is accessible all year round, but we will tell you more about this island a little later.

The uninhabited Emerald Island, where the day flies by like an hour.

6. We want a vacation on a yacht and on the islands with an active program, what to choose?

The main boat trip with an active program around the islands in Pattaya is "Madagascar". It comes out consistently for several years and throughout the year. There are similar programs that are also produced at a high level, but are not released during the low season - and “Pirate Passions. Admirallika." Other similar programs are “Dolce Vita” and “Three Wonder Islands”.

"Madagascar", like other sea excursions from this point, takes place on a large three-decker ship; the program includes visits to the uninhabited islands of Ko Sak (or Ko Rin) and Ko Ped. On the first one you can have a wonderful rest on the beach, and on the second one you can feed the impudent monkeys. Each program includes food and alcohol, cool animators with excellent competitions, fishing, and beach games. What is their difference?

In addition to the output schedule and cost, the following can be highlighted.

"Admirallika" takes place on a cool pirate galleon in the company of real pirates. You won't find anything else like it in Pattaya!

"Dolce Vita" takes place on a catamaran, and not on a three-deck yacht, and has the highest price for no apparent reason. A tour of the islands with a huge number of people, which is not a plus.

"Pattaya Bay Cruise"- the newest program, the only one that continued to transport to the island of Ko Rin when other companies were prohibited from doing so. Ko Rin and Ko Sak are deserted islands, but Ko Sak is closer to Pattaya, so there are still a lot of tourists who arrive there by boat.

"Three Wonder Islands"— a visit to three small and uninteresting islands near Pattaya, is carried out not only for Russian tourists; among the participants there are many guests from the Middle East and India.

"Madagascar"- luminary and old-timer of all sea excursions around the islands in Pattaya. This says a lot :)

Foam disco on the Pattaya Bay Cruise.

Delight, joy, squealing - an excursion to the Madagascar islands from Pattaya is all that.

“Admirallika” is especially popular among families with children, you can see why 😉

Hi all!

Monkey Island, which is included in all of the above programs.

7. We want to go to the island for one day, so that there is a program, and relaxation, and few people, and inexpensively

And dessert for those who have read up to this point :) There is such a golden mean - this our favorite island Koh Sichang. The excursion program on Koh Sichang is as follows: a trip on unique tuk-tuks, a funicular ride to the temple, walks along the most beautiful alleys in the former royal park, a visit to the observation deck, caves, etc.

You are accompanied by a Russian guide who, without any competitions or alcohol, will tell you many interesting things about the island, which for a long time was the favorite residence of Thai kings.

After the excursion part, you will go to a beautiful beach, where there are never many people, you will have plenty of time to swim in the turquoise water and sunbathe on the clean sand.
This is the island we chose to host. It was wonderful!

About the author Olga Devitskaya

Born in 1984 in the Voronezh region. By education and profession - journalist and editor. Now I work for myself, write articles and books for Uekhali.com, and develop websites. We travel and live abroad.

Koh Sak Island is a small island with two beaches with a coral reef. The island is located next to Koh Larn.

The sandy beaches of the island are clean and white. There are no corals on the northern beach and the water is crystal clear. The northern beach of the island extends 250 meters in length.

Koh Larn Island

Koh Larn island is a piece of paradise, not far from Pattaya. It fully meets tourists' expectations of a wonderful holiday on a snow-white sandy beach and swimming in the purest emerald water. In a word, everything is like in the famous video about heavenly pleasure.

On the island you can find very secluded beaches, and there are crowded places. Here you can meet small monkeys, and you can watch the funny jumping of crabs. There are beaches on the island that are perfect for extreme sports. The island is connected to the mainland by regular ferry services.

Monkey Island Koh Pet

Koh Pet is an uninhabited island in the Gulf of Thailand near Pattaya.

The name Koh Pet means “Duck Island”, but this unique island is not inhabited by ducks at all. A huge number of monkeys live here, which is why Koh Pet is also known as Monkey Island. According to legend, in the 60s of the last century there was a camp for American soldiers on this island, and monkeys were brought here for their entertainment. After the war, the monkeys continued to live on Koh Pet. Now there are several thousand monkeys on the island. They are not afraid of tourists and happily accept treats. Despite this, there are some rules that must be followed on Ko Pet: do not tease the animals or do anything that could provoke them into aggressive behavior, and also take care of your personal belongings.

Uninhabited island of Koh Rin

The uninhabited island of Koh Rin, located in the Gulf of Thailand, is a great place to experience the wild nature of Thailand.

Every couple of days a ship travels to the island, bringing and taking away those who want to retire to this amazing place.

The island was once used as a training ground, so used shells can easily be found here. It is believed that spirits live here, for which small dwellings have been built on the left side of the island.

Arriving here, you can wander around the mysterious island and a small forest, admire the incredibly beautiful and picturesque rocks and even climb them, as well as watch the life of monitor lizards, red Tuque lizards and other inhabitants of the island.

Koh Si Chang Island

Located in the Gulf of Thailand, the island of Koh Si Chang often receives tourists who leave crowded Pattaya for a few days on a nearby island. A trip to Koh Si Chang is an opportunity to combine two types of recreation: beach and cultural and educational.

To get around the island, tourists often rent motorbikes on the beach. There is only one beach on the island, but what a beach it is: white sand, gentle sea and few people.

Si Chang has a Chinese temple located on a mountain. Interestingly, mountain caves were also used to build the temple. In one of the caves there is a golden figure of the Monkey King, in the other there is an image of the Spirit of the Cave, bringing good luck in work. The most active ones walk 300 steps to the “footsteps of Buddha”: on the mountain there is a golden imprint of Buddha’s foot.

You can also visit a nunnery on the island. Part of the monastery is located in caves, part in small houses on the mountain, from where an amazing view of the island opens. Koh Si Chang has a beautiful royal park where you can take a quiet walk, enjoying the amazing nature of the island.

There are small and large islands near Pattaya where you can go to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and swim in the clear sea. They can be divided into near and far. The first are Ko Lan, Ko Sichang, Ko Krok, Ko Sak, Ko Phai and other small islands. The second are the islands of Koh Chang, Koh Samet, Koh Kood, Koh Wai and Koh Mak. So, which islands are worth visiting from Pattaya?

Nearby islands of Pattaya

The nearby islands near Pattaya are Ko Lan, Ko Sichang, Ko Krok, Ko Sak, Ko Phai. The first two, in principle, can be considered independent resorts, since there are hotels there, which means you can live your entire vacation. All others are for day trips, diving, snorkeling and fishing.

1. The most popular island near Pattaya is Koh Larn.

3. Koh Krok, Koh Sak, Koh Phai near Pattaya.

Koh Krok, Koh Sak, Koh Phai - these islands near Pattaya are an excellent place for diving, snorkeling and fishing. The first two are located a couple of kilometers from Koh Larn, and the third is 23 km from Pattaya. You can only get there by boat; there are no inexpensive ferry connections with them.

Distant islands near Pattaya

1. Koh Samet.

Located one and a half hours from Pattaya.

It is located on the territory of the National Marine Park, so the environment is very carefully monitored here, even there are almost no asphalt roads. The sea is very clean, the beaches are half empty (especially the southern ones, away from the pier). You can come here for a week, a month, a year - there will be no problems with housing, food and entertainment: bars, restaurants, fire shows, Thai boxing.

2. Koh Chang Island.

The second largest island of Thailand, after . It is located 300 km from Pattaya and quite close to the border with Cambodia.

Completely “ready to eat”, there are hotels, shops, small markets, banks, restaurants, massage parlors, bars (including girls), fire shows in the evenings, live music, Full Moon Parties on Lonli beach (an open-air disco, similar to the one that takes place on the island of Koh Phangan). It makes sense to come here for at least a few days. The sea is clean, there are few people, and in some areas of the coast there is no one at all. There are motorbike and kayak rentals. Motor sports are practically absent, as they monitor the environment.

Since few people want to swim in the sea near Pattaya, many tourists go to the islands that are located near this resort area. We decided to highlight the best islands near Pattaya so you can know which islands deserve the most attention.

Koh Larn.
Koh Larn means "Coral Island" in Thai. The island is located in the Gulf of Thailand, eight kilometers from the shores of Pattaya. This is a popular destination for tourists from Pattaya who come here to enjoy the sandy beaches and clear waters.
The most popular beach on Koh Larn is Taewan Beach with beautiful white sands. This beach stretches for over a kilometer and is lined with small restaurants, shops and other tourist attractions.
Regular ferries from Pattaya run to Koh Larn throughout the day. Since there are six beaches on the island, all tourists will find the best place to relax.

Koh Samet.
If we remember all the best islands near Pattaya, then we cannot fail to mention Koh Samet, which is one of the most popular islands on the east coast of Thailand. The best features of the island are its beautiful white sandy beaches and clear blue waters, which attract a large number of foreign tourists and Thais from Bangkok.
Koh Samet is easily accessible from Pattaya as you first need to drive to the pier in Rayong (about a 40-minute drive) and then take a boat to the island.
The best beaches are on the eastern side of the island, and Sai Kaew Beach is the most famous of all the beaches on Koh Samet. Nightlife on Koh Samet can be quite lively as there are many bars and restaurants. Beach parties with fireworks and fire shows are often held on the island.

Ko Si Chang.
Koh Si Chang is a hidden gem near Pattaya as not many tourists know about its location. This island is located 12 kilometers from Sriracha in the Gulf of Thailand, just half an hour from Pattaya. Si Chang Island is easily accessible from Sriracha by regular boat service that departs every half hour. The trip by water takes about 40 minutes.

Koh Chang.
Koh Chang is the largest island in an archipelago of more than 50 islands located in the Gulf of Thailand near the Cambodian border. Its endless expanses of sandy beaches are the main “magnet” that attracts many tourists here.
To get to Koh Chang, you need to spend about 3-4 hours driving from Pattaya to the pier where ferries depart for Koh Chang. There are many hotels on the island, including five-star resorts. At the same time, the cost of living in hotels is slightly lower than the cost of living in similar hotels in Pattaya.
Most hotels are located on the eastern side of the island, where you can find a large number of restaurants, bars, shops, bakeries and cafes.
