Calendar to find out the gender of the child. Traditional methods for determining the sex of a child

Apples, peaches, bananas - a child usually just falls in love with one of the new tastes, but parents have to constantly make sure that he doesn’t choke on the treat or puree everything. This is where nibbler comes to the rescue.

11.01.2016 2439 12

Your baby has already tried porridge and purees, and it’s time for new, adult food. Apples, peaches, bananas - a child usually just falls in love with one of the new tastes, but parents have to constantly make sure that he doesn’t choke on the treat or puree everything. This is where nibbler comes to the rescue. What is it and how to choose the right one?

Nibbler for feeding- this is a new product for many mothers and grandmothers. A couple of decades ago, the nibbler was successfully replaced by gauze or a bandage scalded with boiling water, but this was unpleasant for the child’s tongue and gums and often led to swallowing of the threads.

You can safely leave the Nibbler to your baby and do household chores while he is busy with the tasty toy. Time is freed up, and the child develops the skill of eating independently.

What is a nibbler?

This item is similar to a pacifier, but instead of a rubber or silicone tip, the nibbler has a mesh built into it. Mommy can put any fruit or vegetable in this net and offer it to the child. The baby will learn to chew, and the mesh will help grind the product. The device is ideal for introducing complementary foods, because you don’t worry about the baby choking, and he can try new tastes without dropping pieces or getting everything dirty.

Nibbler can also be sold in pharmacies and children's stores under the name fruittaker, this is the same device, only it has a silicone chewing part with larger holes.

What to look for when buying a nibbler?

When choosing this device, look at the materials, dimensions and accessories

  1. It is better to purchase a nibbler with a silicone chewing part. It feels similar to a pacifier, and the baby will get used to it faster. However, nibblers with mesh are also well received by children. Focus on your budget; silicone options are more expensive.
  2. The handle should be comfortable for the child. See what he holds in his hands more readily, a rattle or large toys, and build on his preferences when choosing a nibbler.
  3. Fastener strength. The net should be fastened well to the handle, the baby should not unfasten it under any circumstances. Ideally, the nibbler has two types of fasteners, such as a thread and a latch.
  4. A cap or closing lid. You will need it if you have to take the nibbler on the road to protect the chewing part from dirt.
  5. Sometimes a nibbler comes with different attachments; if you have the opportunity to buy this option, then it is ideal for introducing different types of complementary foods. If you take a nibbler with one mesh, then the size is not important, the baby will adapt to the device in his own way.

Do not choose too bright colors; the child may perceive the nibbler as a toy, and it will be difficult to take it away to wash or replace the food inside.

A few words about the rules for using the device

In principle, the way to use nibbler is intuitive. You open the lid, put food inside, close it, and hand it to your baby so he can try a new taste or chew on his favorite treat.

After the baby has eaten, take the nibbler, spin it, rinse thoroughly, and put it to dry. You need to wash the nibbler immediately after eating, because after 15-20 minutes the food will dry out and it will be much more difficult to wash it. And the mesh, if you often leave food inside, will become covered with brownish spots that cannot be removed.

Do not leave the nibbler on your child for long periods of time. Firstly, he may stop being interested in the new item and the food in it, and secondly, the product may simply go bad. For example, apples become weathered very quickly, becoming ugly and tasteless.

You can use Nibbler at a very young age, as soon as you introduce complementary foods to your child. There are no restrictions here; usually the start of feeding through this device is 4-6 months.

Some mothers use a nibbler to give their babies medicine or relieve teething pain. For example, baby syrup can be given by placing it in a nibbler, along with a peach, mixing with peach pulp. The child will not even notice how he eats the medicine; you can also give crushed tablets. If your baby’s teeth hurt, then put something tasty in the nibbler, moistened with a children’s pain reliever. Thanks to the nibbler, the child himself will place the medications on the gums.

What's best to put in a nibbler?

The nibbler is filled according to the baby’s taste and the mother’s choice. If this is your first time asking your child to try using a nibbler, use something soft and easy to chew out of the device. Pay attention to pears, bananas, peaches.

The child already has teeth and either uses it well, then add apple slices or chopped carrots. By the way, over time, you can put more complex products into the nibbler, for example, bread, chicken, and adult dishes. Psychologically, your baby will get used to the fact that eating from this device is delicious, and introducing new complementary foods will be much easier.

Manufacturers of goods for children never cease to amaze young parents with original new products. Many of them also include nibbler as such, although this is not entirely correct. Despite the fact that today this device has acquired new forms, has become colorful and attractive, the principle of its operation was known to our great-grandmothers.

A long time ago, they successfully used an analogue of the modern nibbler for children: in a piece of clean gauze they wrapped various foods (vegetables, fruits) intended for the first feeding. Carrots, crackers, and apples are foods that are allowed to be given to a baby after six months, but their brittle structure does not eliminate the risk that the child will bite off too large a piece and choke on it.

This possibility was partially excluded by the same grandmother’s gauze. The piece placed in it was not in a very strong, but protective shell. The baby sucked it, chewed it, rubbed his gums and at the same time received a healthy and tasty product in small portions.

What is a nibbler

History is silent about who decided to restore the old device, giving it an attractive appearance and making it more convenient for the baby and mother. Probably, many young parents already know that a nibbler is a small device that looks like a pacifier. The rubber “bulb” at its end was replaced by a bag made of nylon mesh with small holes or silicone, into which you can place pieces of fruits and vegetables.

Let us add that the nibbler is an accessory that is very convenient when introducing the baby’s first complementary foods. Its main advantage is safety for the child.

Types of nibblers

Today, the domestic market offers a huge range of nibblers for children. Their design is identical, but different companies have interpreted its design in their own way, using different materials. The devices differ in the shape of the holder and more.

Naturally, every mother wants to buy the safest, most attractive, comfortable, and best nibbler for her baby. We will tell you below how to do this and what to look for when purchasing.


The shape of the handle can be anything - it depends only on the imagination of the specialists of the company that developed the model. The most common classic form is the ring. It is comfortable for a child to hold; usually the ring has a textured or rubberized surface. At the same time, the straight handle (such models are also on the market) promotes the development of the baby’s grasping reflex.

Why do you need a lid?

When choosing a nibbler, pay attention to this detail. It is an undeniable advantage of the device, which protects the mesh and, naturally, the product contained in it from contamination.

Nibbler with mesh

The mesh container for these models is made of high quality nylon. Nets made of this material darken and wear out quite quickly, but they can be easily replaced: some models are equipped with spare containers, and they can also be purchased separately. The mesh is very strong, so the baby with his sharp teeth is unlikely to be able to bite through it. The handle and ring are made of impact-resistant plastic.

Description of silicone nibbler: reviews

Many parents prefer these models. Why? Silicone is a hypoallergenic material that is tasteless and odorless, so it will not cause any harm to the baby. The silicone nibbler retains its shape perfectly - it does not need to be maintained. It is easy to clean and more hygienic. It can be washed thoroughly and even boiled, which cannot be said about nylon mesh, which can simply “cook” and change shape.

The silicone nibbler, according to parents' reviews, is more pleasant for children because it resembles the pacifier they are used to. Such devices do not change color under the influence of vegetable and fruit juices. At the same time, the silicone nibbler has one drawback - if the nozzle fails, it is almost impossible to buy a spare one. And yet, parents give the palm to these models.

It must be said that both types of nibblers are completely safe for children. But when buying, you should not forget that the baby should like the product. Otherwise, he simply will not pick it up.

When can you use a nibbler?

This is a very important question that undoubtedly interests all parents. At what age will a nibbler not only interest a child, but also be useful to him? As follows from all of the above, such a device will be needed by the time of the first complementary feeding, that is, by the age of six months. For the smallest children, the size of the mesh (container) is smaller and the holes in it are smaller. Accordingly, for older children these parameters increase.

All characteristics are indicated on the nibbler packaging: at what age can it be given to a child, what material is used. If you do not find such information, contact your sales consultant for help. It should show you the grid size. If it is small in size and oblong in shape (regardless of the material), then the nibbler is intended for babies up to 8 months.

Selection rules

When choosing a nibbler, first of all take care of the safety of your child. Inspect the clasp: it should not open too easily. The feeder must have a protective cap. In this case, you can close it and take the device for a walk or on the road. The nibbler has attachments of various sizes, which should also be taken into account when purchasing. Small ones - for six to seven month old babies. Medium - for babies seven to eight months old or large babies. Large - for children over eight months. Some manufacturers advise not to give up using nibblers even after a year, but most often the need for them will disappear by then.

Knowing that a nibbler is such a necessary device for a baby, be careful when choosing it. Do not be tempted by the low price of products from unfamiliar companies: sometimes the child’s health may depend on this. And to make it easier for you to navigate the large assortment, we will introduce you to some well-known brands.

Nuby (USA)

A world-famous brand that specializes in the production of goods for babies. It should be noted that this company was the first on the Russian market to introduce a nibbler, which looks like a rattle. The handle is made of rubberized plastic, painted in a bright color. The brand’s models use both mesh and silicone containers, which can easily accommodate products of different shapes and volumes.

The products of this company are widely represented in the pharmacy chain. According to reviews, a nibbler from a well-known brand has both advantages and disadvantages. Parents include the following advantages of such products:

  • opportunity to purchase in any city;
  • original and bright design that kids like;
  • two color options - pink and blue, which allows you to choose a product that matches the gender of the child.
  • the cost is higher than other analogues (from 400 rubles);
  • The nibbler handle is so bright and comfortable that sometimes it attracts the child’s attention even more than the contents of the container.

And at the same time, parents believe that the company’s products deserve attention.

“World of Childhood” (Russia)

Nimbler for children from Russian manufacturers is in no way inferior in quality to foreign analogues, and its cost is much lower (from 220 rubles). The products are equipped with nylon bags.

In retail chains they are called “weaning nets”. These devices have some design features. The handle is rounded, comfortable for the baby. The advantages of the World of Childhood nibblers for mothers include:

  • low cost;
  • availability of replaceable nozzles;
  • convenient design in which the baby is interested in the contents of the container.


  • difficult to buy in small towns;
  • the contents of the nylon mesh sometimes leak not only into the child’s mouth, but also to the sides.

MamaSense (UK)

Products of an English brand entering the Russian market under the name fruittaker. Available only in silicone version. The container holds its shape perfectly, and numerous small holes allow the baby to “get” complementary foods.

The rounded handle resembles models from the World of Childhood TM. In addition, the device can be secured to a high chair so that it does not periodically end up on the floor.


  • the denser structure of the container does not allow the contents to splash around;
  • gums are better massaged;
  • The volume of the mesh is small: it is perfect for babies up to eight months.


  • the price of the device is higher than from Russian manufacturers (from 350 rubles);
  • Replaceable nozzles are not provided.

And again returning to the question “which nibbler is better,” it should be said that only a child can answer it. There is no consensus on this, so you will most likely have to try both the mesh and silicone models.


The vast majority of mothers believe that the nibbler is a device that is easy and convenient to handle. After purchasing the product, open the package, wash all parts in soapy water, and rinse several times under running water. Nylon containers should not be treated with boiling water, as they may become deformed. All that remains is to put the treat in the container and screw on the device.

Do not leave your child alone with a nibbler, especially if we are talking about products from a little-known manufacturer on the Russian market. It should be taken into account that a persistent baby may bite through the mesh or put the device in his mouth too deeply. After use, remove any remaining food from the container and wash it thoroughly with soap and water.

Over time, the nylon mesh tank begins to darken. Don't be afraid of this: the material is colored with natural dyes, so you can continue to use it. Replacement is only necessary when you notice microdamage on the mesh.

A few centuries ago, young mothers came up with a way to accustom their children to solid food that needed chewing - they wrapped bread dipped in milk or pieces of fruit in a clean cotton cloth and gave it to the child. Modern manufacturers of children's products have developed a special device - a nibbler - that works on the same principle. Parents often have many questions related to the operation of the device. At what age can it be used? Is it reasonable to start introducing complementary foods with its help? What materials should a useful device be made of? How should the feeding process itself proceed? Everything is quite simple - if you learn how to use a nibbler, it will become an indispensable assistant in caring for your baby.

What is a nibbler and what are its feeding benefits?

A nibbler is a device consisting of a special container with a rim and a plastic holder. In fact, this design is called a feeder (translated from English as “feeding device”), and Nibbler is the company that was the first to produce this product.

The main function of the feeder is to prepare the baby’s oral cavity for the basics of processing solid food and the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. A baby of several months old will not be able to swallow pieces of fruit, softened cookies, vegetables or bread, but he will learn to “chew” them, begin to use his tongue, and will be able to get acquainted with new tastes.

Today, this useful tool is used not only for teaching children to eat solid food. Bright, colorful and absolutely safe products can replace toys, pacifiers or teethers. Some parents are concerned about the environmental friendliness of the materials used. As practice and consumer reviews show, the components of the structures do not pose any risk to the health of babies who are only a few months old.

The main advantage of the device is the convenience and safety of the feeding process, starting from a fairly tender age. The feeder will not allow the baby to choke or choke. Moreover, by the time the baby finally has teeth, he will be fully prepared to process “adult” food.

Skeptics argue that the use of auxiliary instruments can negatively affect the shape of a child’s mouth. This is only partly true - an incorrectly selected container can indeed create problems for the normal development of the muscles of the mouth. On the other hand, a poorly chosen or simply low-quality nibbler will cause inconvenience to the baby, so the baby will simply refuse it.

From what months can Nibbler be used?

From birth to 5-6 months, the oral cavity of children has a unique ability - a thick tongue and dense cheeks allow only liquid food to pass through well. If a child aged 2-4 months is given even a small piece of solid food, he will spit it out. The baby still doesn’t know how to chew (and there’s nothing to chew with), the hard edges of the food irritate the delicate mucous membrane, and the tongue blocks the natural passage.

If foods intended for feeding are crushed, the baby may try to swallow the mixture, but there is a high risk of choking. That is why the child needs to be prepared for a new serious manipulation using a feeder.

Many new parents believe that the child can chew if he has teeth, and he does not need any nibbler. In fact, the front teeth are designed for biting food, and they will not help much in chewing.

The optimal time to start using the feeder is when complementary foods are introduced. This is often 6 months for breastfed newborns and 4 months for those accustomed to formula milk.

The timing may change depending on the individual characteristics of the baby. Some children at first refuse the offered “toy” simply because they do not like the new taste. In this case, you need to take a break or choose another product. It is important to remember that you cannot force a child, otherwise, given the negative experience, he will not use the feeder at all.

How to choose the optimal feeder?

In the process of choosing a suitable feeding product, you need to follow some recommendations.

  • The product must be made of special plastic used only in the food industry. Moreover, this applies not only to the container, but also to the handle.
  • The mesh of the container for placing complementary foods must be strong enough, otherwise the baby will gradually chew it and choke. Nylon and silicone products are considered the best option. The former are characterized by increased strength, the latter do not irritate the child’s oral mucosa.
  • Experts recommend purchasing spare replacement containers at the same time as purchasing a feeder. Under the influence of fruit acids, the mesh quickly loses its whiteness, which is not restored after washing.
  • It is strictly not recommended to purchase cheap products. As a last resort, you can create something like a nibbler yourself, but you shouldn’t risk your child’s health by trying cheap, uncertified plastics.

When choosing a nibbler, you should ask how well it tolerates exposure to cold temperatures. If a child develops itching in the gums, their swelling and pain, you can fill the mesh with frozen berries or pieces of fruit and give it to the child. This simple device relieves discomfort well and works even better than special balms or lotions.

How to use a nibbler correctly?

To ensure that using Nibbler brings only positive emotions, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • It is believed that a small child is not able to open a nibbler, but it is better not to take risks and not leave the baby alone with the device.
  • Plastic used in the food industry does not have a specific odor. In any case, after purchasing the product, you must disassemble it and wash all parts using a weak soap solution and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • Before each use, the device must be doused with boiling water and dried thoroughly.
  • It is recommended to use soft and sweet fruits (peach, nectarine, banana) as the first fillers. This will help gain the child’s trust in the unusual device. After getting used to it, you can introduce other products.
  • To carry out the feeding procedure, you simply need to place a pre-prepared piece of food in a container, secure it carefully on the handle and squeeze it into the child’s fist. He will do the rest himself.
  • After the baby has squeezed out all possible juices from the container, the product is cleaned and thoroughly washed.

At first, it is necessary to strictly monitor the child’s actions while using the nibbler. Out of habit, he may overdo it with juice and choke. Over time, the baby will completely get used to it and will already demand a tasty toy.

Despite its scary name, “Nibbler” is nothing more than a very ordinary net for feeding children.

A weaning nibbler consists of a container in which parents can place various products in a special mesh, allowing babies to get acquainted with the world of adult food not only practically, but most importantly, safely.
The name nibbler is the most common name for this feeding device. It is also called a feeder, fruit taker and even a “net for complementary feeding”. All these new English-language names were founded as almost a new discovery - a device for safe feeding. In fact, it is built on an old prototype. Grandmothers and great-grandmothers took a small piece of thick gauze and wrapped various foods in it - bread, fruits and vegetables. Then they tied it tightly so that small parts could not fall out of the gauze, and the result was exactly that Soviet “chewing”, which received such a fashionable name “children’s nibbler”.

At what age should a child be given Nibbler?

When to start using a nibbler, each mother decides for herself. Usually you can start with the start of complementary feeding, but sometimes the baby is not yet able to hold the nibbler by the handle, so usually mothers start later than giving the first complementary feeding.

You can offer your baby a nibbler for complementary feeding at any time, don’t hesitate - children love this convenient and “tasty” device so much that they won’t refuse it themselves.

When can you give your child Nibbler?

Here we mean at what feeding time is it better to offer the baby a new product. Since mothers usually try to put pieces of fruit in the nibbler - apples or bananas, and sometimes cookies, it is worth giving the child a nibbler for dessert.

How does a nibbler work?

Let's take a closer look at the details of the device. The base is a container with a mesh that is tightly fixed to a comfortable handle. The mesh can be silicone or nylon; there are mainly silicone nibblers and nylon nibblers. Both are very durable and prevent small parts from getting into your baby's mouth, making them safe to use. The mesh and container are firmly and securely installed in the plastic base.

They are the most popular variety, which has increased strength and reliability, as well as flexibility and ease of use. But it is precisely because of the nylon mesh that nibblers quickly lose their attractive appearance and can also cause irritation to the baby’s oral mucosa.

Unlike nylon, they always remain attractive in appearance, they are much faster and easier to clean and wash, they also have no taste or smell, and do not cause irritation or allergies. An excellent advantage is that the silicone nibbler can be boiled and sterilized, so you can easily clean the device from dust and dirt, as well as from food debris in the small holes of the mesh.

From the point of view of children, a silicone nibbler outperforms a nylon one - it is more interesting for them to chew, gnaw and suck, it has an elastic structure and quickly returns to its original shape.

While assessing all the advantages of a silicone nibbler, it is worth considering the disadvantages - if the mesh is damaged, it cannot be replaced - a nibbler for a child will have to buy a new one. Silicone also has a higher wear rate if children chew on it frequently.

How to use the nibbler?

How to use such an interesting and convenient feeding device?
1. Before starting, it must be washed. To do this, you need to remove the detachable components and wash it with either baby soap or boiling water - this process will remove all harmful microbes and bacteria that could have formed or been present there.
2. Next you need to prepare the food. What can you put in a nibbler?? You need to put something tasty in the mesh or something that you need to teach your child to eat. You can put everything that the baby should eat according to his age. For example, it could be a banana, apple, carrot, cookies, bread and other products. The product needs to be cut into smaller pieces.
3. Now you need to insert the mesh into the device with the handle and secure it tightly using the rotating mechanism. After making sure that the fastening is secure, the nibbler can be given to the child under close supervision. The reason for this is the abundant presence of juice inside fruits and vegetables, which the baby may choke on if he is not used to it.
4. After finishing the meal, you can apply the reverse process. The mesh with food debris is separated from the handle using a rotating mechanism, and each of the component parts is thoroughly washed. The storage rules for the nibbler are the same as for all other children's dishes.

Pros and cons of nibbler

We list the advantages and disadvantages of nibbler so that you can choose the best one for yourself.

Main advantages:
the child can feed himself;
no risk of choking on food;
excellent massager for teeth and gums;
The child independently gets acquainted with the gastronomic world.
Main disadvantages:
problematic keeping the nets clean;
when juices are secreted, the child will easily get dirty, since there is no protective covering;
problematic introduction of complementary feeding to babies from six months of age due to the considerable weight of the device full of food;
nylon mesh quickly loses its pleasant aesthetic appearance.

That's all about this wonderful device. Now you can choose the best nibbler for your child. As a rule, mothers believe that the best nibbler is a silicone nibbler!

Manufacturers of children's goods delight young parents with the appearance of new accessories that make caring for their child much easier. One of these inventions was the nibbler - a silicone or nylon mesh used to feed the baby pieces of solid food.

What is a feeding nibbler and why is it needed?

A nibbler is a special device designed to introduce the first solid food into a baby’s diet. It allows the child to develop chewing skills. The device is known under different names: nubler, feeder, feeding net, fruit taker. The predecessor of the nibbler was ordinary gauze, in which small pieces of fruits, vegetables, bread were wrapped and given to the baby. Our grandmothers called this “bag” chewing gum.

In addition to developing chewing skills, the nibbler is a massager for the gums and relieves itching from teething.

Types of feeding nets

The device is a small container made of silicone or nylon mesh, which is attached to a body with a handle using a twist ring or latch.

Varieties of nibbler - photo gallery

The nibbler, complete with a cap, protects food from contamination. The nibbler with a round handle can not only be handed to a baby, but also hung in a stroller.
The Happy Baby Fruit Taker differs from other models in its design with a rotating piston that pushes the product closer to the edge of the mesh
The silicone fruit taker looks like a pacifier, so a child accustomed to a pacifier takes it into his mouth with pleasure. Some nibblers from the Mir Detstva brand have built-in cooling containers for water, which keeps food fresh longer

From what age and for how long can it be used

You can use the nibbler from the beginning of introducing complementary foods. In most cases, this happens at 6 months of age - until six months the child is not able to chew and swallow ungrinded food (this is explained by the structure of the baby’s tongue and mouth). If the pediatrician recommends starting complementary feeding at 4–5 months (depending on individual characteristics and the rate of weight gain), you can give your baby Nibbler earlier.

By the age of one year, when the child already has several teeth, he tends to chew mixed with swallowing and sucking movements. The baby is still unable to properly grind food in his mouth and often swallows large pieces, so the feeding net can be used from 6 months to 1.5 years.

Parents should know that after 6 months, the baby’s chewing reflex begins to develop naturally. If this does not happen before the first teeth appear, the situation may develop into a problem later.

Doctors' opinions regarding the use of a feeder are divided. Some experts believe that this is not only useless, but also dangerous. The fact is that a fine mesh is difficult to wash from the remains of fibrous food (banana, berries, boiled vegetables). In the hot season, this can lead to the proliferation of bacteria and serious illnesses. Another part of doctors believes that the nibbler introduces the baby to “adult” food, and with it the child quickly learns chewing skills.

Features of different models

Nibblers differ from each other in the shape of the handle, the material of the mesh and the type of fastening.

Handle shape and material

The handle can be straight, slightly curved, ring-shaped or with two handles. In any case, it should have a rubberized part or a textured surface to make it comfortable for the baby to hold. The latch (handle with ring) is made of food-grade plastic, which is shock-resistant. The container can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher.


The silicone or nylon nozzle is fixed to the handle using a screw-on ring or latch.

Both types of fastening are reliable and do not allow the baby to get pieces of food out of the container.

Mesh and container shape

Feeders with silicone and nylon mesh are available for sale. These materials do not cause allergies, are odorless and tasteless.

A silicone container is more durable, easy to clean and dries quickly, does not darken or lose its appearance with prolonged use. When teeth appear, it can act as a teether.

It should be taken into account that the baby can chew through the silicone part. Some manufacturers produce fruit takers without the ability to replace the mesh, so you will have to buy a new device.

Nylon has a strong structure and increased flexibility, and has a greater carrying capacity for fibrous ingredients, such as banana. But such a mesh quickly loses its appearance (darkens), and with prolonged use (more than three months) it can damage the oral mucosa, and therefore requires replacement.

When purchasing a device, you must take into account the age of the child. For babies up to one year old, manufacturers produce oblong-shaped nets with small holes.

For older children - a round container with larger holes.


The following are often included with the feeder:

  • protective cap that prevents contamination of the mesh;
  • built-in water container to keep food fresh longer;
  • spare nylon and silicone mesh.

On the packaging of a high-quality nibbler you can find the release date, information about the material, and age recommendations.

How to choose a nibbler for feeding

Before purchasing, you need to carefully inspect the nibbler for possible defects, and also check the reliability of the lid. It is advisable to purchase products only from well-known companies that are trusted in the children's goods market. The most popular of them:

  • Canpol;
  • The world of childhood;
  • Nuby;
  • MamaSense;
  • Happy Baby.

A sign of quality and safety will be the presence of an appropriate certificate and medical certificate.

Cheap analogues from little-known manufacturers should be avoided so as not to endanger the child’s health.

Dr. Komarovsky's school: how to choose a nibbler - video

How to use

Before using the nibbler you need to prepare:

  1. Remove from packaging and disassemble into parts.
  2. Wash all parts with baby soap and rinse with warm boiled water. The use of aggressive detergents is strictly prohibited!
  3. Place chopped pieces of fruits, vegetables, bread or cookies into the mesh and secure it to the handle with a ring.

Despite the fact that the nibbler is absolutely safe, you should not leave your baby alone while using it. The baby may choke on its own saliva or fruit juice. In addition, small children often use the feeder as a toy, so it should be given when a snack is needed.

Care of the device

After each use, the nibbler is disassembled and thoroughly cleaned of food debris. Particular attention should be paid to the mesh, since it is in the holes that small pieces and fibers of food get stuck. You can use a new toothbrush to clean it. The washed feeder is dried in a disassembled state and stored in the same way as other children's dishes.

The nylon nibbler can be washed in a machine, and then washed with baby soap to remove powder residue, and the silicone mesh can be boiled.

What fruits and vegetables can be put in the feeder?

You can place any age-appropriate products in the net. Pediatricians believe that it is better to start introducing your baby to adult foods with vegetables. If some products are used for complementary feeding for the first time, you should not immediately give them in large portions, it is better to introduce them gradually.

The first time a baby tries a new dish is in the form of puree, so a nibbler is not suitable for this purpose.

Products that are suitable for nibbler with nylon and silicone mesh - table

Mesh material Products
  • apples;
  • cookie;
  • crackers;
  • bread;
  • fresh vegetables (zucchini, cucumber);
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, potatoes);
  • Positive and negative sides

    • formation of chewing skills;
    • relief of teething pain;
    • turning feeding into an interesting and educational process;
    • safety of use (baby will not choke on a large piece).
    • the nylon mesh quickly loses its appearance from fruit and vegetable juice and does not look very attractive (although this does not affect the baby’s health in any way);
    • After use, it is problematic to clean the fine mesh from the remains of fibrous food, for example, banana or peach.
