Curious children. Children's curiosity - how to develop it? What is curiosity

In Korea, the 9 months that a child is in the womb are counted as age. Therefore, according to documents, Korean children are always a year older than their peers from other countries, although purely physically there is no difference in age. We’ll talk about this and many other interesting facts about children in our article.

The father with many children is Sultan Ismail from Morocco. He has 340 daughters and 548 sons;

Interestingly, a newborn baby can distinguish between red and green, but he cannot see blue. But you will learn about other children's characteristics, everything about the care and health of the child, about childhood diseases and their treatment at;

According to statistics, children 3-4 years old ask 900 questions every day and pronounce more than 12 thousand words;

Parents sought to entertain their offspring many hundreds of years ago. During excavations on the territory of Ancient Persia, a children's toy was found; it is now kept in the Louvre and dates back to the 1st millennium BC.

Nigeria is a country of twins; for every 11 births, one case is certainly twins or twins. But in the Land of the Rising Sun this phenomenon is rare - twins are born only in one case out of 250 births;

Does anyone consider themselves a young grandmother? – in fact, the youngest grandmother in history is 23-year-old Romanian Rifka Stanescu. Her daughter ran away from home at the age of 11 and gave birth to a son;

· According to the registry offices of Russia, a catalog of the most unusual names has been compiled: these are Vanna, Trishka, Afigenia, Banana, Gryazina - for girls, as well as Yarobog, Bluetooth, Luchezar, Zhiromir, Darius - for boys;

· There are more and more cases when parents name their babies after cartoon or book characters - Harry Potter, Anakin Skywalker, Casper and others;

11-year-old Egyptian resident Mahmoud Weil is recognized as one of the smartest children in the world. He has a phenomenal intelligence, the child is able to divide and multiply nine-digit numbers at the speed of a computer. The child has two older sisters, but they do not have such characteristics;

· Scientists have concluded that the hand grip of a newborn baby is much stronger than that of a one-month-old baby;

· Denmark is a country where “home” births are very common, approximately 80% of women agree to them;

Scientists have confirmed that babies who actively crawled in childhood have an easier time learning than those who immediately started walking;

· In many languages ​​of the world, the words “dad” and “mom” sound very similar, and here the point is not in the semantics of the languages, but in the fact that babbling children pronounce very similar sounds first;

· We all know that June 1 is Children's Day, but in the Seychelles this holiday lasts a whole month;

· Many parents are literally obsessed with the safety of their children. Romanians are no exception; even a kindergarten has been created in this country, where not only teachers, but also security guards look after the kids. Each child even has a mobile phone for emergency calls to their “ancestors”;

· The most “advanced” in terms of computerization and modern technology are German children. On average, every nine-year-old child in the country manages to change at least two mobile phones during his life and owns a computer;

· The most popular day of the week for the birth of children is Tuesday. But few babies are born on weekends;

· The real record holder for childbirth is considered to be a Russian peasant woman who lived in the 18th century. She gave birth to 21 triplets, 32 twins and 16 twins. This couple had 69 children, and only two died in infancy. And you also talk about the oddities of physiology;

In Europe, quite strict requirements are imposed on soft toys: for example, the head of a teddy bear for children over 3 years old must withstand a force of no less than 10 kg;

· Interestingly, but true, in one of the schools in Wales, a primary school teacher was fired who told 6-year-old children that Santa Claus does not exist;

Ganesh Seetham-palam is also considered one of the smartest boys on the planet. At the age of 7, he was already a university student and successfully mastered his courses, planning to obtain an academic degree by the age of 13;

· In many large cities of the world there are closed clubs for indigo children. They are closed not because they want to isolate the kids from the world, but because compared to their peers they look like black sheep. There are children who, at the age of 5, already speak 4 foreign languages ​​or write poems. Previously, such people were considered either geniuses or obsessed; just remember Mozart, Da Vinci and other famous personalities.

Are they the same as us adults? Sometimes it seems that they are special creatures from another planet. Scientists make amazing discoveries related to babies so often that soon the number of the most incredible facts about them will reach seven figures. In the meantime, here are 40 of the brightest of them.

  1. 206 vs 207
    No, this is not the result of a football mast, but the number of bones in a newborn and, accordingly, an adult. It’s just that later the bones of the child’s skull and spine grow together.
  2. Small and big-eyed
    The child grows quickly, and only his eyes change less noticeably. Because a baby's eye size is 75% of an adult's size.
  3. Dad has 2 mm stubble, and Uncle Seryozha has almost 3 mm
    The sensitivity of babies is so high that already in the first days of life they can distinguish stubble of varying degrees.
  4. Time for the first smile
    You will have to wait at least a month before the child gives his first smile to his mother. But there is nothing more expensive than it in the world.
  5. Your chest is closer
    Incredibly, newborn babies can distinguish by smell (perhaps by some other characteristics) their mother’s breasts from all the others, which they most often ignore.
  6. Funny pictures
    If you hang a picture of a smiling face above a baby’s crib, then the baby’s mood and condition will be positive.
  7. You - for me, I - for you
    A sense of justice visits children as early as 12-15 months. Kids are ready to share their toys and expect the same from others.

  8. "Everything is purple"
    In the first months, all babies do not distinguish colors, and they are also myopic - they can distinguish people and objects only from a close distance.
  9. In native language
    Scientists have made an amazing discovery: a child’s knowledge of intonation and speech begins in the prenatal state. Babies in each specific country even cry in their own way.
  10. Coral for each
    In many European countries, children are still given, as many centuries ago, rattles made of natural coral. On the one hand, people believe that such an item is the best amulet against the evil eye, on the other hand, it is an excellent teether.
  11. What's in a name?
    Whatever you call the baby, so... the child will live his life. Studies have shown that a girl with a male name is distinguished by tougher character traits and an obstinate disposition.
  12. I remember here, I don’t remember there...
    Infantile amnesia, with rare exceptions, is present in all children. Until the age of 3, they do not remember their early experiences.
  13. The main device of motherhood is diapers
    Just imagine that on average, about 3,000 are spent on one child every year.
  14. Music lovers from birth
    Infants up to six months old are able to distinguish melodic music from more rhythmic ones, showing different emotions. They learn to distinguish good from bad later.
  15. "About injury hazards"
    According to statistics, the greatest number of injuries occur in children under 6 years of age.
  16. Walk yourself
    Canadian children are learning to take their first steps without walkers. This invention, which is advocated by many parents in other countries, is prohibited there. There is an opinion that they cause great harm to children’s still weak bones.
  17. Born with a gadget
    Where are the most advanced children under 10 years old? No, not in Japan, but in Germany. Children there use modern smartphones and tablets from birth.

  18. Loudest of all
    A three-year-old child can speak louder than 200 adults talking at the same time. Presumably, children need such a gift so that their mother will always hear. Debatable.
  19. "The Bad, the Good, the Ugly"
    In Japan, which is loyal to children, the words “bad” and “bad” are prohibited in relation to them. They address children there only in a positive way.
  20. A little about geniuses
    The diagnosis of “prematurity” is by no means a death sentence for the child’s future talents. And this is an example of Albert Einstein (he did not speak until he was 9 years old), Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill and many other famous personalities of different years.
  21. Works 100%
    In indigo children, the right and left hemispheres of the brain work autonomously.
  22. And again about geniuses...
    A toy truck with a folding body was invented by a 6-year-old kid. He drew it and invited his dad to make him one. And plasticine, so beloved by all children, was invented by a schoolgirl, and initially it was a means for cleaning wallpaper from coal dust. But they added almond oil and dyes to it. And the children were happy.
  23. In the corner... or naked?
    An effective, but not entirely humane way to prevent children from disobedience was invented in one Indonesian school. Hooligans had their heads shaved for several months for fighting and absenteeism. Discipline soon became exemplary.
  24. Recommended to laugh
    Laughter is the best medicine or the main defense of the immune system. For health, children are recommended to laugh at least 300 times a day, which is an average of every 3 minutes.

  25. Breastfed babies are able to perform a unique trick: they can swallow and breathe at the same time. At 9 months the magical ability disappears.
  26. Born in a car - get a registration number
    In the United States, about 300 babies are born on the road every year. As their place of birth, they are given not the name of the locality, but rather the license plate number of the car into which the stork “flew”.
  27. Growing higher
    If a person were to grow at the same rate and intensity as a child under 4 years old, he would ultimately be over 7 meters tall.
  28. No taste
    In the first 3 months, the child is not able to sense the salty taste.
  29. Special boy
    Each crown prince in England, in the 15th century, had a single friend and also a whipping boy. And all because punishing high-status children was strictly prohibited. This is how the expression was born.
  30. "Bears" to the rescue
    Children in Miami are luckier than others. Miami police departments have bear patrols. Toy bears accompany law enforcement officers on patrol and often come to the rescue when meeting a crying baby.

What pushes a child to explore the world? What makes him seek and explore? Young children have an innate sense of curiosity about themselves and the world around them, which in turn helps them understand themselves. Children learn to observe the world around them, identify objects and people, distinguish sounds, images, tastes, smells and tactile sensations. It is curiosity that determines the development of learning abilities, which will be very useful for the child in the future.

Parents often experience a feeling of irritation when answering numerous and seemingly endless questions from their children, because it is not always easy to come up with a worthy and understandable answer for the child. But you need to understand that for a child, everything around is new, and therefore exciting. This curiosity of children makes them look at any object or event with awe. Thus, children often notice things that adults pass by indifferently, or are able to admire things that do not evoke any emotions in adults.

At the age of eight months, the baby's brain begins to actively ask questions. Why now? The child is already strong enough and has mastered his body, he is already able to move in space: stand up, roll over, crawl, and some babies are already starting to walk. He can already consciously pick up various objects; his attention is attracted by the variety of shapes, colors, and textures. The development of physical activity stimulates the development of curiosity in children, and since they are naturally curious and are attracted to the world around them, they take it upon themselves to explore it first. This happens mainly during the game.

In fact, new research from neuroscientists and psychologists studying early child development encourages parents to foster a sense of curiosity in their children.

How can you develop your child's curiosity?

Games and exercise recognized as perhaps the best way to instill curiosity in children. Children are usually very attached to their toys and things, so a great tip for parents would be to come up with and organize various interesting activities and games that will help your child satisfy his curiosity. Toys and games, plus your interest and attentiveness to your child, are an excellent tool for the development of a child's brain, from infancy to adulthood. At each age, the requirements for games and toys will be completely different, but the principle is unchanged: the game should pose a specific task for the child, which he can solve on his own or with a little help from his parents.

So, for a one-year-old child, examples of educational toys will be various pyramids, sets of cubes of different colors, and simple construction sets with large elements.

Older children need more complex tasks - mosaics, puzzles, Lego-type construction sets, thematic sets that will help the child get acquainted with various animals, birds, learn about professions and various objects that surround him in everyday life.

Starting from the age of three, computer educational games also become relevant. By using this tool correctly, parents can achieve great success in the development of their child. Educational online games will help your child much more quickly remember the names of colors and basic geometric shapes, learn numbers, letters and basic counting, and are also very effective in learning foreign languages.

When organizing games for your child (no matter - board games, sports games or computer games), do not be afraid to help your baby - everything that he learns to do with you, after some time he will be able to use it independently. But on the other hand, you should not rush to do everything for the baby - you should give him time so that he tries to solve the problem on his own.

Parents should encourage children to explore the world around them. Experiencing the outside world paves the way for introspection, which in turn further inspires curiosity.

Children should be encouraged to ask questions. As we all know, asking the right question is the first step towards knowledge.

Children should be encouraged to seek answers to their questions. This will give them more confidence, as well as improve their understanding and encourage the development of logical and abstract thinking.

Parents should teach children to be good observers. Observation is the perfect complement to an inquisitive mind. Parents should also help develop their child's attention span. Concentration is the ability to focus on a specific task or subject. It is concentration that makes it possible to look “at the root,” to see internal and external relationships, and to find analogies. Higher levels of attention lead to higher levels of curiosity.

Why is it good when it's interesting?

  • Curiosity expands a child's mind. A broader mind contributes to the holistic development of a child's personality.
  • A curious child is always actively looking for answers. This curiosity pushes him to unravel the mystery of everyday life.
  • Curiosity increases the ability to perceive; if a child is interested, he is able to perceive new, even complex concepts easily. Thus, curiosity increases a child's learning potential.
  • Curiosity plays a key role in a child's spiritual and intellectual development and is the main key to learning. Curiosity should never be suppressed or it can have a very negative impact on a child's early development.

Thus, the main job of parents is to encourage the curiosity of their children and watch them grow into well-rounded and complete individuals! Good luck to you!

Children's curiosity can be called an innate instinct of self-survival. Already from the cradle, the child is interested in everything new that surrounds him. He tries to touch it, taste it and even chew it. And the older he gets, the more his desire for knowledge increases, that is, the baby becomes more and more curious.

Thus, from one to three years of age, children are attracted to bright colors, new sounds, shapes and sizes. Having thoroughly studied the surface of the object, they try to find out what is inside it - they break it, open it, break it, unscrew it, etc. Hence the broken toys, damaged mother’s cosmetics, and jewelry. Everything that comes under the curious gaze of a child becomes his unquestioning target. In such situations, children should never be scolded. After all, they don’t understand that they did something wrong, that they broke a good thing. There is only one thought in their head, to find out and understand what kind of object it is and “what it is eaten with.” Your task, on the contrary, is to push the child to further knowledge, so that he becomes inquisitive from curious. You have to try develop curiosity in a child.

For information. Curiosity and inquisitiveness These are completely different directions. A curious child is driven only by external factors, instinct, while an inquisitive child is driven by factors of the desire to learn as much new things as possible, to explore the whole world.

The benefits of children's curiosity.

At the age of three, children's brain system, the hippocampus, begins to function. It is she who retains the new information received, turning it from short-term to long-term. During this period, it is very important to develop the hippocampus. To do this, the child needs to be provided with new impressions and information, not only mental, but also physical.

How many times have I heard from parents how they complain that their child is overly curious - “sticks his little nose where they don’t ask.” But it's not a problem! After all, children's curiosity is the strongest foundation for developing curiosity. Motivated by his curiosity, the child will become independent, begin to experiment and try his hand at creativity! By developing curiosity in such a child, the first thing you will do is make your life easier - you will not need to constantly occupy him with something. He will take excellent care of himself. In addition, an inquisitive child quickly finds a common language with other children. He knows a lot of new games, most of which he comes up with himself. He studies better and masters a new program and a new team faster.

So, how to develop curiosity in a child.

Most parents find it easier to prevent a curious child from climbing around the house and getting into mischief than to help him find something new for his actively searching brain. Of course, fatigue after a hard day at work and household chores will exhaust any person, but do not forget about your child. Moreover, it is not so difficult to provide new food for information. For example:

When doing something with your child, try to come up with new variations. Think creatively!

It is known that for adults everything in life is very banal, but for a child it is not! See the world through his eyes. Find something new for yourself in the subject he likes. Find out why he was so interested in it. You may be very surprised that this is actually interesting. How come you didn’t pay attention to this before? Everything is new for children. They are interested in even inhospitable fog or chilly rain.

Forget about your preferences. If you like painting, don't try to teach your child to like it. It must develop comprehensively! Let him try himself in different directions. After all, once upon a time you had a choice. So provide it to your child, even if he jumps from one place to another. This also has a positive side – he learns a lot of new and interesting things. So I still, even though I’m no longer a child, move from one hobby to another. You need to look at the world more broadly and try new directions! This is curiosity!!!

Take your child to museums, exhibitions, the zoo, the circus and other equally interesting events. Broaden his horizons. He should not live in a world where there is only a home and a kindergarten. Remember, to develop curiosity in a child, you need to give new food for his mind!

Help your child learn correctly. Explain to him that what is important in learning is not the result obtained, but the learning process itself. He should enjoy it and want ever greater achievements.

If a curious child asked you about something, but you decided that it was too early for him to know about it, then rest assured that sooner or later he will find the information of interest elsewhere. And here there is no longer a guarantee that it will be correct and useful. Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and try to appease children’s curiosity yourself.

Also, children's questions may not come out of curiosity, but as a request for help. It’s just that kids can’t always formulate it correctly, which is why they ask questions that are not entirely clear, and we adults think that this is just because of idleness and brush our children off, saying: “Oh, leave me alone, why don’t you have something to do?” Do you think that after this the child will want to continue studying and learn new things? Hardly! Your go-ahead shows him that it is not necessary to study at all, it is better to just play with toys.

Allow your children to jump in puddles and sofas, run around the house, scream and frolic. This is the best incentive for developing curiosity!

Show your child that you don’t know everything either. Explain to him that this is not scary and quite natural. Just don't make yourself look completely stupid. Children should consider their parents to be the smartest and kindest.

Read children's books together, look at pictures, watch educational cartoons, play educational computer games, study using special computer programs. All in all, .

Reading fairy tales is, of course, useful. A child must believe in miracles, but he must also know that there is a more real world in which he lives and where, unfortunately, everything does not always end well. Don't cover your baby's eyes with pink curtains!

Sometimes children cannot correctly explain what they want to ask and begin to say everything that comes to mind. We, adults, at best, impatiently begin to prompt the child and sometimes incorrectly, and at worst, we simply turn away, like “leave me alone.” The kid, not knowing how to tell you, runs away to his room in upset feelings. This is our big mistake! Never rush your child! It’s already difficult for him to express himself, and you confuse him even more.

If your curious child comes to you with the same question several times already. This does not mean that he has already forgotten your answer. He just wants even more information about the subject that interests him. Follow his request and everything will be fine.

Now knowing all the subtleties of how to develop curiosity in a curious child, you can confidently guide your baby in the right direction! Good luck and success to you! Remember, children's curiosity is not a problem, but on the contrary, a good help in development.

And for a snack, an educational cartoon for children under 3 years old.

The child is growing and every day the number of questions he is asked increases exponentially. The question "why?" pursues parents at every step, sometimes even driving them into a stupor. It is completely unacceptable to dismiss a child’s curiosity, because a little person learns the world in this way and learns to obtain the necessary information. But it happens that a child asks such tricky questions that even the parents do not know the answer to them. There are two ways out: find answers in books, the Internet, the library, or watch, together with a curious child, an educational program aimed specifically at covering all possible aspects of life.
The series "Family of Why".

“The Family of Why” belongs to precisely such programs. This is an animated series in which diverse family members give comprehensive answers to the numerous questions of the boy Vova.

By looking at it, you can find out:

  1. How plants grow from seeds;
  2. What is lightning;
  3. Why does my head hurt?
  4. Why do animals hibernate?
  5. How did the Earth appear, etc.

There are only 25 episodes, which contain quite a lot of answers. The series is designed for children 5-6 years old, but my 4-year-old daughter is watching it with pleasure even now. Adults, after watching this program with their child, will also find a lot of information for themselves and expand their knowledge base.
