Who is Will Smith married to? Star Children: Willow Smith - Will Smith's Daughter

Success came to him early, he became known as .

Little Willard Christopher Smith Jr.'s life began in Philadelphia September 25, 1968. The mother of the future star of the screens and music charts, Caroline, was a teacher and chairman of the school board, and her father, Willard Smith Sr., was the owner small company refrigeration equipment.

Will Smith Jr. graduated from Catholic High School. West Philadelphia has always been considered a melting pot of diverse cultures, with Orthodox Jews coexisting with a sizable Muslim population and many migrants from different corners peace. It was in such an environment that the formation of Will Smith's character took place.

Ability young guy solve any difficult situations problems arising in companies, as well as his ability to always get away with it, thanks to his well-spoken tongue, became business card, and soon his company came up with the nickname “prince” for him.

Will Smith and music

At the age of 16, William met DJ Jeff Townes at a party thrown by his friends. A strong male friendship began and a little later he appeared duet DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince. The friends began actively recording music, the first single: “Girls Is not nothing but trouble” became a real hit in 1986.

So young Mr. Smith became a millionaire at the age of 18, the guy happily forgot about his studies and college. Two years later, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince did not slow down the speed of development of their success, the first album “I`m the Rapper” was recorded, and they immediately received a Grammy in the Rap Performance category. The album's popularity was simply stunning; it was played constantly on the radio.

Will Smith's film career

Two years later, Smith began his film career, drawing on quite a lot of experience for his age, starring in an NBC comedy about a smart kid from the streets of Philadelphia who is transported to California to live with wealthy relatives in Bel Air. Amazing acting and lively charisma young actor brought comedy "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" A huge success, the show lasted for 6 seasons.

Together with DJ Jazzy Jeff, he recorded another album, “Homebase,” on which such hits as “Summertime” and “Ring My Bell” were recorded, and this was the final album in the work of this duo.

Without wasting any time, Will Smith is trying his hand at big-screen films. The first big role was played in the magnificent 1993 film "Six degrees of alienation."

Critics praised the actor's performance very highly. In the film, his character was a psychologically complex gay pickpocket - a completely different job from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The film was a moderate success.

Later, this duo of cops was recognized as the best. This role brought Will fame and job offers poured in.

Afterwards there was a good action movie "Independence Day" and thundered throughout the world "Men in Black" in a duet with Tommy Lee Jones.

Smith's roles in the sequels to the first parts "Men in Black" and "Bad Boys" were successful, but compared to their predecessors.

Staying in the science fiction theme, Will Smith played the role in the cult film "I am a robot" in 2004.

(this film was the beginning of the success of the now very popular actor Shia LaBeouf -).

Then there was the main role in comedy "Hitch Method", light comedy was a phenomenal success.

After a role in an almost biographical film " The Pursuit of Happyness" with her son Jayden in 2006.

Inspirational excerpt from the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness"

Set a goal - achieve it. And period.

This was followed by a four-year break from work. A triumphant return to the screens took place together with “ Men in Black – 3" and the film " After Earth"- it was also filmed with the participation of Jaden Smith's son.

Will Smith is a simple kid from Philadelphia who achieved incredible success twice: in the mid-80s, becoming a pioneer in the genre of “comic hip-hop,” and ten years later, achieving recognition from audiences and film critics around the world. Among his most outstanding works are the films “Independence Day”, “Men in Black”, “Bad Boys”, “I, Robot”, “I Am Legend”, “The Pursuit of Happyness”, “Hancock” and many other wonderful films , which have become classics of Hollywood cinema. The actor was twice nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor: in 2002 (“Ali”) and 2007 (“The Pursuit of Happyness”).

Will Smith's childhood

Will Smith is the second of four children in large family a schoolteacher and a worker from a refrigeration company. As a child, Will was called “Prince” by his school friends.

The actor received this nickname due to his innate charm and loose tongue. The young man could deftly get out of any trouble, and besides, he studied well and even received an offer of a scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. However, Smith refused it because he preferred a career in show business. Since childhood, Will has been involved in modern music, and in his youth he made rap his profession.

Will Smith's rap

Together with your best friend Jeff Towson, Will Smith created the group DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince. All the lyrics for the duet were written by Will, and not a single composition contained obscene language, so records of “DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince” could be bought by teenagers without parental permission, which helped make the project commercially successful. On the other hand, performers of aggressive gangsta rap made fun of guys who, in their opinion, made “snotty rap for girls.”

Nevertheless, the duo quickly gained popularity. For example, a single called “Parents Just Don't Understand” (“Parents Just Don’t Understand”) instantly became a real hit, and two albums of young rappers quickly went platinum. In 1988, Will Smith and his friend became the first rappers awarded the prestigious Grammy Awards.

At the age of 21, the already fantastically famous Will Smith suddenly realized that all the millions he had earned had evaporated somewhere, moreover, by that time he had accumulated debts worth a million, and creditors were already demanding payment.

Will Smith and his son in “Evening Urgant”

As luck would have it, the band’s popularity had just begun to decline – new players appeared on the American humorous hip-hop scene. Will and Jeff's main competitors were the guys from De La Soul, and after them similar groups began to appear like mushrooms after rain.

Will Smith's film career

And then Will Smith found a lifeline in the form of an offer from NBC. The young man was invited to play himself, cool guy from West Philadelphia, who came to the Hollywood celebrity district of Beverly Hills in the television series "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will Smith's first role

The series aired on American television for six for long years, and his success allowed the actor to pay off his debts and get into professional Hollywood circles. Inspired by his triumph, Will decided to move from television to the big screen. Smith made his debut in big cinema in 1992, in the film “A Day in the City of Angels,” playing the homeless man Munny. The following year, the actor successfully portrayed the role of a reckless guy in the film Made in America. And his appearance in the role of the charming swindler Paul in the film “6 Degrees of Separation” created a furor among viewers and critics.

People's love audiences came to Will Smith after the release of the action movie “Bad Boys” (1995). Here the actor appeared in the role of a policeman along with Martin Lawrence. The contrast of their lifestyles (Will Smith played a cheeky playboy, while Lawrence played an exemplary family man) and memorable humor brought the film high marks from critics.

The heyday of Will Smith's acting career. Independence Day and other roles

The mid-90s were marked by another surge in popularity for Will Smith. In 1996, he appeared before the audience of the science fiction blockbuster “Independence Day” in the role of the brave pilot Stephen Hiller.

In 1997, the actor appeared before the audience in a role that remained with him throughout his entire career. The adventures of the charming Agent J from the action comedy Men in Black were loved by millions of people around the world, and Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones were among the best acting duos of the 90s. The story about a secret agency, a kind of immigration service for aliens, increased the size of Will Smith's account by another five million.

At this time, the actor remembered his forgotten musical career and released two albums in a row: “Willenium” and “Big Willie Style,” which, as expected, became successful.

Will Smith on how he achieved success

At this moment, the older generation of film stars became proud of Will. And Whoopi Goldberg even called young man"sons." Another victory was not long in coming. The actor played alongside Gene Hackman in the film Enemy of the State. True, the next work, a cowboy in the comedy “Wild Wild West” directed by Barry Sonnenfeld, was a failure, although the track from the film again conquered the American charts.

The most offensive thing is that for the sake of this picture, Will Smith refused the main role in The Matrix, and the world forever associated Neo with Keanu Reeves.

Soon the actor starred in the iconic role of Muhammad Ali in the biographical film Ali. This film, which received many rave reviews, greatly changed the actor himself. According to him, he has reached the limit of his physical, spiritual, and emotional capabilities. Will Smith took the role extremely seriously: he exhausted himself with 6-hour daily workouts, went on a boxing diet, and as a result gained 15 kilograms muscle mass. In addition, Will learned the language and gave up sex for a while, like his hero.

After the film's release, Smith didn't even have to worry about his future. Every year the actor appeared in several films. But he still played clueless cops and alien fighters. Will regularly joked and joked in the film “Men in Black 2” and the film “Bad Boys 2”.

Will Smith in the movie "Bad Boys"

At this time, the actor decided to switch to dramatic roles in order to find professional balance. Smith's key work is the role of a strong-willed and serious detective in the action film “I, Robot!” Alex Proyas.

Next years Will Smith chose his roles carefully; he only took on significant characters, not ordinary ones. Thus, the actor’s heroes were a doctor-matchmaker in the 2005 melodrama “The Hiring Rule: The Hitch Method,” as well as a heroic single father in the 2006 drama “The Pursuit of Happyness,” which also starred Will Smith’s son, Jaden Smith.

In 2007, his hero was the only survivor of New York from the film “I Am Legend.” Next, his portfolio was supplemented by a guy in love with a terminally ill girl in a drama called “7 Lives.” Well, then came the role of a homeless superhero in the comedy “Hancock” along with Atticus Schafer and Charlize Theron.

After such an impressive filmography, Will Smith does not need to appear on the big screen every year. Among his latest works is the intricate crime drama “Focus” in tandem with the luxurious Personal Life of Will Smith For three years, Will Smith lived with his first wife, Cherie Zampion. In 1995, the actor divorced. Will Smith's eldest son, Willard Christopher Smith III, chose to live with his mother.

The actor's second wife was his colleague Jada Pinkett. Will met this mulatto beauty during her audition for the role of Smith's partner in the series about The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Then the thin and fragile Jada did not suit the huge two-meter Will Smith, and the girl left with nothing. But that didn't stop them from becoming friends real life, and when Will Smith's first marriage cracked, he remembered forgotten feelings. The couple had a son, Jaden, and a daughter, Willow.

Jada is not as popular an actress as her star husband, but still boasts an impressive filmography. Among her latest famous works: the series “Gotham” and the comedy “Bad Moms.” There is harmony in the Smith family; Jada is calm about the rumors that arise around her husband’s personal life after the premiere of each film in which a love line appears: “I’m fine with the fact that Will is attracted to other women. After all, if he doesn't appreciate feminine beauty in others, then how can he admire my appearance?

Will Smith now

IN last years Will Smith does a lot of executive producing (the series “Cobra Kai”, the drama “Life in a Year”, “The Karate Kid 2”). The actor has plans to film a sequel to “Hancock”, but the status of the project has not yet been determined. Also, as a director, Will Smee intends to film the biblical legend of Cain and Abel with a “vampire” twist.

It's hard to imagine a person who hasn't seen at least one film with Will Smith. His life is full interesting details and facts, which makes the review of his life more attractive.

The forty-nine-year-old artist was born on the 25th of the ninth month of 1969, and was named Willard Carroll Smith Jr. at birth. It happened in Philadelphia, PC. Pennsylvania (USA). On this moment, the man managed to become famous for his acting, directing and singing talent. Smith has been nominated more than once for various prestigious awards, including an Oscar (2 times) and a Golden Globe (5 times). In addition, for her work in the hip-hop style, the star received her Grammy statuette.

At the moment, the celebrity is considered one of those actors who receive the highest payment for their work. So, over the last period, the average amount Will receives per year has reached $80 million.

It is also noteworthy that most of the films in which the actor was involved were box office successes. So, to today Will is considered the first to star in 9 films in a row that grossed a hundred million dollars at the box office.

However, let's get acquainted with the details of personal and creative life stars.

Some facts from personal life

The future celebrity Will was born into a very simple family, whose income was above average. Will's mom is a teacher, his dad is an engineer who owns a refrigeration company. At the age of 13, the boy experienced a break in his parents’ relationship, but they were able to officially attest to this fact only in 2000.

A charming and very sociable guy, from childhood he established an intelligent and smiling image, thanks to which all his friends and acquaintances called him exclusively by the nickname “Prince”. Will did well in school and, as a result of his efforts, will receive an official invitation to study at technical institute Massachusetts. It is worth noting that the actor chose to ignore it, deciding to devote himself entirely to the creative side of life.

The artist was married twice. His first wife was Sheri Zampion. He lived in marriage with this woman for three years, and after that a divorce followed in 1995. From their marriage, the actor’s eldest son, Willard Christopher Smith III, was born. After the divorce, the boy remained in the care of his mother, but maintained a good relationship with his father and meets with him very often.

The second wife, with whom the star lives to this day, was famous actress Jada Pinker. Their fateful meeting occurred on the set of the youth sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” It is noteworthy that at the very beginning, the young people did not see each other as a soul mate, and decided to be just friends. However, two years later, after the artist became officially single, the couple finally got together. In 1997, their marriage was officially registered on New Year's Eve. The couple has two children together – son Jaden and daughter Willow. With both of his offspring, the actor took part in the creation of various films.

Musical creativity of Will Smith

Enough in at a young age celebrity Will gets thanks to his musical creativity, or rather the creation of a popular duo performing in the style of hip-hop. The young man gets the opportunity to engage in this type of activity after meeting J. Townes, who was a musician by that time. Having chosen the name “DJ Jazzy Jeff and FreshPrince”, the guys quickly gained popularity. Smith wrote all the lyrics to his raps, without using prohibited/obscene expressions in them, which made it possible to distribute their albums among teenagers and teenagers. Thus, making the project, on the one hand, successful in commercial terms, and quite funny in the eyes of venerable rappers of a more aggressive nature. However, this did not stop young performers who easily won their audience.

During his musical path, the group was able to conquer many Olympus:

  • instant recognition as a hit, one of the guys' first songs, called "Parents Just Don't Understand";
  • achieving Platinum status for 2 of the group’s albums;
  • receiving the prestigious Grammy music award in 1988, and the guys became the first performers in this genre to be awarded the award.

Such popularity logically led to huge savings. However, already at the age of 18, he realized that he had gone too far, and all the money he had earned musical career the funds simply disappeared, leaving behind a significant debt of several millions. The problem was also that the peak for the group had already passed, and they began to be forgotten. This was also due to the fact that in their niche of “rap with humor” another strong group arose, and after it a number of other similar groups began to form.

The straw for Will was an offer to star in a youth TV show, which is how the artist’s film career began.

Acting achievements of Will Smith

The saving role was the character who practically copied the behavior and character of Will himself, and the character’s story was one in one life - about a boy from Philadelphia who ended up in Big city and became successful. So, since 1990, Will became the leading actor in the series “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” The show was to the taste of the viewer, and stayed on the air for six years. During this time, the actor became very skilled in the art of acting, was able to cope with the problem of debt, and entered the elite of American show business.

While filming the series, the star decided to try her hand at filming a film on the big screen. And in 1992, the guy got to shoot the film “A Day in the City of Angels.” He got the role of a homeless guy named Manny. In 1993, Will was lucky enough to play a reckless crazy guy in Made in America. The star's abilities as an actor were greatly appreciated after his role in the film Six Degrees of Separation, where he played a conman. After the tape, he will receive approval not only from his fans, but also from professional critics.

However, the star gained worldwide popularity and fame after the release of the action comedy film “Bad Boys” on the big screens, in which Smith played in the company of M. Lawrence. The film also pleased both viewers and critics.

Further, starting from the mid-nineties, there has been a significant increase in the actor’s fame:

  • 1996 gave us the wonderful film “Independence Day,” where the actor played the role of a brave pilot;
  • 1997 became a landmark year for the creation general image an actor that haunts him to this day. A fantasy comedy, Men in Black, is being released, where Smith has the honor of playing Agent J. To this day, his duet with Tom Lee Johnson is recognized as one of the most memorable and funniest. In addition, in this period Several new music collections by the artist are also being released.

The actor’s next successful project was the film “Enemy of the State.”

However, then the celebrity made the wrong decision, choosing to star in the movie “Wild Wild West” instead of the main role in the film “The Matrix.” The film failed at the box office and was simply trashed by critics. Although it is worth noting that we love this film and watch it with pleasure.

Next, the man carefully chose his future role and played in the autobiographical film “Ali.” The star approached the embodiment of this character with all responsibility - and it’s not just about the constant physical activity And vocational training, but also in morale. To the point that Smith refused sex, like his prototype.

This bore fruit, and after the film was released, Smith no longer worried about his relevance. The second parts of “Bad Boys” and “Men in Black” appeared in his portfolio. However, after this, the artist decided to focus on more dramatic roles, after which the film “I-Robot” was released. Interesting work in his career was the characters in the films “Rules of Filming: The Hitch Method”, “The Pursuit of Happiness”. In the latter, by the way, the actor starred with his middle son. The heroes of the films “I Am Legend” and “Seven Lives” were no less interesting. Separately, mention should be made of the completely atypical superhero film “Hancock,” where Smith became a reckless, drunken homeless man with supernatural powers.

Such efficiency and dedication did their job and earned a name for its owner. Now the actor easily selects interesting and unforgettable roles for himself. Among the latter, it is worth mentioning such films as:

  • "Focus";
  • "Defender";
  • "Suicide Squad";
  • "Phantom Beauty";
  • "Brightness".

It was also recently confirmed that Smith will play the Genie in Disney's cinematic adaptation of Aladdin.

Separately, it is necessary to mention both the screenwriting and directing experience of the artist. There were several such cases during his career, and examples include such films as “After Earth”, “All About Us”, where Smith wrote the script, and in the latter he is also a director.

Having performed at Luzhniki with the anthem of the 2018 World Cup, together with his wife Jada Pinkett and three children (20-year-old Jaden and 17-year-old Willow, as well as the actor’s 25-year-old son from his first marriage, Trey), he went on a well-deserved vacation. Star family vacations in Italy and periodically shares funny pictures and videos. For example, yesterday Smith recorded a short video with his wife, in which he asked her to demonstrate herself in all her glory.

Jada Pinkett, however, at that moment looked as relaxed as possible, which, in principle, is normal for a person enjoying a walk on a yacht. But after some time, the actress decided to follow her husband’s advice and published seductive photo in a bikini. “Since Will Smith made me look crazy in his video, I have to answer him somehow,” Jada captioned the photo.

By the way, yesterday Smith’s wife shared another rather provocative photo. She posted a shot of herself sitting on the deck with her back to the camera and sunbathing without a swimsuit top. “PEACE,” the actress left a laconic signature.

Will Smith vacationing in Italy with his family

Let's remember that a couple of weeks ago Jada Pinkett Smith admitted that for a long time struggled with addictions. According to the actress, in her youth she suffered especially greatly from addiction to sex and alcohol. Fortunately, over time she managed to overcome her addictions, and now Jada leads healthy image life.

Note that Jada starred in the action movie " Fallen Angel", about the plot of which almost nothing is known. But the film has an impressive cast: in addition to Pinkett Smith, such stars of the action genre as Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, as well as Piper Perabo and others took part in it. “Fallen Angel” will be released worldwide on March 14, 2019; the film has not yet been purchased for Russian distribution. In addition, this summer the comedy " Cool girls", in which Jada played one of the main roles. The story of the journey of four best friends for the festival in New Orleans, won an MTV Award.

Promo for the film “Awesome Girls”

Many people believe that Hollywood actor Will Smith, adored by millions of fans around the world, has two children. In his marriage to Jada Pinkett, concluded in 1997, he acquired a son and daughter. However, this marriage is not the first for the actor. In 1992, Shiri Zampino became his first wife, but three years later the relationship between the couple went wrong, which led to a divorce. Shiri gave Will a son, Willard Christopher Smith, named Trey. After the divorce, the boy lived with his mother, and the father’s participation in raising the child was limited to regular financial assistance. Will Smith's first son today practically does not appear in the actor's biography, so many are sure that the boy born in 1998 is the eldest child of the Hollywood star.

In my father's footsteps

In the family of Will and Jada, the first child appeared seven months after the wedding. The couple prefers not to talk about this topic, but it is obvious that the hasty marriage was due to the pregnancy of the actor’s long-time girlfriend. What is the name of Will Smith's son? The boy, who was born in July 1998, was named Jaden Christopher Sayer Smith. But in some sources you can find other information. Will Smith's eldest son is credited as Jason Smith. A mistake made, most likely, several years ago in printed edition, was replicated.

How old is Will Smith's son? In the summer of 2015, he celebrated his seventeenth birthday. Despite young age, the guy has already managed to make himself known. The boy did not attend school because famous parents decided to give it to the children. An individual training schedule allowed Jaden to devote a lot of time to his hobbies, which over time grew into a profession. Today, the teenager is an actor, rap artist and dancer. In addition, together with his younger sister Willow, he holds the position of young ambassador for the Hasbro charity, which provides assistance to HIV-infected African children.

In 2006, eight-year-old Jaden made his film debut. His father kept him company on the set. It turned out that the boy was really talented, because he was named the film breakthrough of the year at the MTV Movie Awards 2007. Two years later, Jaden Smith again found himself in the spotlight of movie lovers. Joining Keanu Reeves, he starred in the film “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” A remake of the 1951 fantasy film made a ten-year-old boy a star. He got his first leading role in 2010. Starring on the same set with action-comedy legend Jackie Chan, Jaden demonstrated a confident performance in The Karate Kid. Another outstanding work young actor became the film “After Earth,” in which he and Will Smith starred. By the way, the premiere of this film in St. Petersburg in 2013 was held on a wide scale. Among the invited guests were both Jaden and Will Smith. The film starring Will Smith and his son grossed more than $243 million.

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As for his vocal career, the most outstanding project for Jaden Smith was a duet in which he sang with the favorite of teenage girls. The song Never Say Never exploded onto the charts in 2010. After that, Jaden collaborated with Bieber twice, but less successfully. In 2012, the young rapper introduced him to his hobby younger sister. They have already recorded two songs with Willow.
