Does peroxide lighten things? How to change hair color with hydrogen peroxide? Traditional recipes and how to carry out the procedure

Any woman, even if she is completely satisfied with her own appearance, from time to time has a desire to make some adjustments to her usual appearance. And the first thing that changes is the hair, or rather, its color. Blondes dye their hair darker, while brunettes and brown-haired women, on the contrary, strive to make their locks lighter or even snow-white.

The modern cosmetology industry offers women many different ways to lighten their hair - these include chemical dyes, natural products, and tinted shampoos or balms. However, in order to become a blonde or at least give your curls a lighter shade, you can use not only factory products specially designed for this purpose - they can be replaced with alternative products that have not lost their relevance for many decades. And one of these remedies is hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide), a medicine that can be purchased at any pharmacy. The use of peroxide is not a new method, and yet it is in quite high demand among those who prefer to carry out hair lightening procedures not in the salon, but at home. So, what is the reason for the popularity of this product and how safe is it for curls?

Advantages and disadvantages of lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a drug widely used in medicine for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, capillary bleeding from superficial wounds and gynecological diseases. This drug is available in different forms and concentrations: in the form of a ready-made aqueous solution (perhydrol, peroxide, hyperon, hydrogen peroxide) and in the form of tablets (hydroperite).

As for hair lightening, peroxide, being a strong oxidizing agent, enters into a chemical reaction with the natural pigment (melanin) contained in the hair shaft and destroys it (this process, which occurs as a result of the release of active oxygen, is called oxidation). The higher the concentration of the product and the longer the oxygen released from the peroxide affects the curls, the higher the effectiveness of the hair bleaching procedure. The main disadvantage of using peroxide as a lightening agent is that this substance, by destroying the pigment, damages the hair structure, making it more porous, as a result of which the curls can lose their natural shine, become brittle and brittle. Despite the fact that hydrogen peroxide cannot be called a completely safe product for hair, this drug also has positive qualities:

  • accessibility - hydrogen peroxide in any form and concentration can be purchased at every pharmacy at a relatively low price;
  • ease of use - no need to prepare complex formulations (in order to lighten hair, you only need a ready-made peroxide solution or tablets);
  • a fairly quick effect - provided the correct dosage of the drug is used, you can bleach hair of any length and structure in a short time;
  • no harmful effects on the body - peroxide affects only the hair (the only side effect that may occur when using this product is an allergic reaction, manifested in the form of redness, burning or itching of the skin of the scalp).

When planning to use hydrogen peroxide as a hair lightener, you must take into account that only healthy curls should be bleached, otherwise their condition can be aggravated. In this case, it is very important to choose the right concentration of the product, which is determined in accordance with the type of curls, their thickness and rigidity. Thin hair can be treated with a 3–5% peroxide solution, curls of medium thickness can be treated with 6–10%, and for thick and coarse hair, it is permissible to increase the concentration of the drug to 8–12%. Since peroxide dries out hair greatly, it is better for women with very dry hair to avoid such procedures and choose a more gentle bleaching method.

Hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide: preparation for the procedure

To maintain the beauty and health of your hair when using peroxide as a bleaching agent, you must properly prepare for the bleaching procedure. To do this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • 2–3 weeks before lightening your hair, avoid various manipulations that have a harmful effect on your hair, such as perm and dyeing. Also try to eliminate or at least minimize the use of styling devices (flat irons, electric curling irons and curling irons).
  • Minimize the use of hair sprays and gels that contain chemical components that have a negative effect on curls.
  • Wash your hair properly. Use warm, not hot, water and only shampoos and conditioners that suit your curl type. It is advisable that the detergents contain no sulfates, since they dry out the strands greatly.
  • Don't forget about additional care for your curls - make moisturizing and nourishing masks, factory-made or homemade, 2-3 times a week. In order to strengthen your hair and protect it from external influences, after removing cosmetic mixtures, use various rinses made from decoctions of medicinal herbs (nettle, burdock or chamomile).

Proper preparation of hair for lightening is the key to a successful procedure. If you did everything correctly, you can proceed to the next stage - purchasing the necessary paraphernalia that you will need to bleach your curls.

Tools and materials for lightening hair

To carry out the hair lightening procedure, you need to prepare the following items:

  • a solution of hydrogen peroxide of the required concentration (if you use hydroperite in tablets, then it must first be diluted in water). 1 tablet dissolved in 50 ml of water gives a 1% peroxide solution;
  • empty plastic spray bottle;
  • ceramic or glass bowl;
  • thin plastic comb;
  • latex gloves;
  • cotton pads;
  • hair clips and foil;
  • greasy face cream (they need to treat the skin at the border with the hair);
  • mild shampoo and hair conditioner;
  • towel.

Once all the necessary tools have been prepared, you can begin the hair lightening procedure, which is recommended to be carried out in accordance with the instructions given below.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide: instructions

Self-lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide is a simple procedure. In order to achieve the desired result, you just need to follow a certain procedure:

  • Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo and pat dry gently with a towel. In order to protect your curls from the aggressive effects of peroxide, you can additionally use a moisturizing conditioner or conditioner.
  • Comb your curls thoroughly. Lubricate the skin along the hairline (on the forehead, on the back of the head and behind the ears) with a rich cream, put gloves on your hands, and cover your shoulders with a piece of unnecessary fabric.
  • Mix the peroxide solution of the required concentration with warm water in equal proportions and pour the prepared liquid into a spray bottle. You can also pour the prepared peroxide solution into a ceramic or glass bowl and soak cotton pads in it. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to conduct a test on a separate strand of hair. Treat it with the prepared solution and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse off the product and evaluate the result. If it meets your requirements, you can safely lighten your entire hair or individual curls.
  • To lighten all your hair, you need to first separate it into parts using clips and spray each strand one by one from the sprayer, starting from the roots to the very ends. If you want to bleach individual strands, dab them with a cotton pad soaked in peroxide solution and wrap them in foil.
  • To speed up the lightening process (if you plan to bleach your entire hair), it is recommended to collect your hair in a bun, wrap it in foil and heat it with a hairdryer for several minutes. The lightening effect is usually noticeable after 30 minutes - you can rinse 1-2 strands and evaluate the result. If you are not satisfied with it, leave the peroxide on your hair for another 10-15 minutes.
  • The time for lightening procedures depends on the original color of your hair. If you have light curls, then you will need about 30 minutes to bleach your strands; if you are a brunette, the session duration for you can be from 45 minutes to 1 hour. It is recommended to monitor the lightening process, assessing the result every 5-7 minutes, since the effect of peroxide on the pigment and the time of its bleaching are individual for each woman.
  • To rinse the peroxide solution from your hair, you need to use cool (preferably settled or filtered) water. Next, you need to apply a restoring balm along the entire length of your curls, leave it on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse off and leave your hair to dry naturally.

For owners of light brown hair, a single application of peroxide is usually sufficient to obtain a lighter shade; brown-haired women may need 2-3 sessions, and brunettes will have to undergo at least 5 procedures. You just need to take into account that repeated bleaching can be done not immediately, but after a day. By taking into account all the nuances relating to the preparation of curls for lightening with hydrogen peroxide, the acquisition of the necessary tools and materials, as well as the procedure itself, you will be able to refresh your image without any special material or time costs, give it brightness and expressiveness, without fearing for your health and the appearance of your hair.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is a medical product used in various fields of human activity. Skin lesions are treated with a peroxide solution as a disinfectant during surgical procedures.

Housewives use diluted hydrogen in the kitchen to treat wooden surfaces, remove mold, and disinfect linen. Women and girls use peroxide solution to bleach curls and lighten unwanted hair on the face, legs, arms, and abdomen.

The medication is sold in pharmacies in liquid form and in the form of a solid dosage form - tablets. The percentage of hydrogen varies: 3%, 6%, 12%. Perhydrol – 30% concentrated solution of H202.

What happens to hair under the influence of hydrogen solution?

Industrial chemical dyes for lightening hair contain peroxide. Experts are developing a new type of dye without H202, as its negative effect on hair has been proven.

When peroxide solution is absorbed into the hair structure, an oxidative process occurs, discoloration of natural melanin. To blonde light strands, a small concentration of the active substance is required; for brunettes with coarse hair it is stronger.

There are maximum standards for the concentration and time period of exposure to a substance, the violation of which has a detrimental effect on the hair.

Under the influence of ammonia alkali, the destruction of the upper protective layer of hair is accelerated, and oxygen atoms penetrate into the structure of the hair shaft. Due to these processes, melanin discolors faster.

An ammonia solution in the wrong dosage can lead to the loss of the coloring properties of the peroxide even before applying the solution to the strands, and the formation of a red color on the curls. It is recommended to add one drop of ammonia for every 10 ml of peroxide.

After applying the solution to the hair, a feeling of warmth appears. When using the product at home, some women put a cellophane cap on their head to speed up the lightening process.

You can control the effect of the drug by the sensations that arise under the “heat cushion”: if the hair becomes hot, a strong tingling sensation is felt on the skin - the solution should be washed off immediately.

Priorities for staining with peroxide solution

If all points of the rules for applying the solution and the procedure are followed, lightening curls with hydrogen at home has a number of advantages compared to coloring in a salon or an expensive lightener.

Proper use of peroxide gives the most lasting results on any hair.
Simple preparation rules, use of a coloring solution.
The components of the composition can be purchased at the pharmacy at an affordable price.

Negative points

If the dosage is not observed or the exposure time is increased, side effects may occur:

Violation of the integrity of the upper and middle layers of the dermis (burn).
Complete or partial destruction of the bulbous apparatus (alopecia, hair loss)
Violation of the hair structure. The strands become thinner, become brittle, and the ends become cut off.

When should you not use hydrogen solution to bleach hair?

There are nuances when using peroxide is not recommended. Hair should not be dyed if:

The curls have a persistent dark pigment after exposure to chemical dyes.
The process of natural hydration and nutrition of curls is disrupted.
A woman often uses devices to straighten, dry, and curl her hair.
There is a history of allergic reactions.
On the scalp there are birthmarks, growths of unknown etiology, damage to the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis (scratches, wounds).

Preparation of the solution

The composition is prepared and immediately applied to the hair. After a certain period of time, the mixture loses its coloring ability.

Water – 60 ml
Hydrogen solution - 70 ml
Liquid soap – 50 g
Ammonia solution – 7 drops

Hydrogen peroxide 3% is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.


For light curls – 3%
For hard (dark) strands – 8%
For hair of medium hardness – 6%

To prepare 3% hydrogen peroxide tablets:

Water – 0.054 l
Hydroperite tablets – 6 pieces

Preparing hair for dyeing with peroxide at home

Dyeing your hair lighter colors should not be spontaneous. It is recommended to prepare curls for the procedure in advance. What is needed for this?

Use natural sulfate-free shampoo for 3–4 weeks.
Apply nourishing balms to your hair twice a week and strengthen your hair with medicinal herbal compositions.
For two weeks, it is not recommended to use hair cosmetics that contain chemical additives.
It is not recommended to dry strands with hot air, use straighteners or hot rollers.

Before the main coloring, carry out testing: separate a small curl from the back of the head, treat with a lightening solution, evaluate the result after 20 minutes.

It is recommended to test on the skin: soak a cotton swab in peroxide, treat a small area of ​​skin on the inside of the wrist with the solution. The composition can be used if there are no signs of allergy: redness, peeling, itching.

What do you need to remember?

If the concentrated solution gets on the skin, rinse under running water.
If peroxide gets into your eyes, immediately seek help from a medical facility.
Do not carry out the procedure for more than 60 minutes.
The finished solution is toxic to animals and children.
The concentrated solution is strictly prohibited from being used undiluted for dyeing strands.
To lighten curls, each woman requires an individual amount of time. It is recommended to monitor the staining process every three minutes.

Lightening Tools

In order for the process of coloring curls to be as effective as possible, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary accessories:

Aerosol sprayer (you can purchase a special bottle with a dispenser for watering flowers in the store).
Ready-made peroxide solution for dyeing strands.
Personal protective equipment for hand skin.
Plastic clips (metal clips are not recommended).
Wooden comb, comb with large, sparse teeth.
Shower cap.
Detergents for hair hygiene.
Air conditioner.
Cotton wool.
Vaseline oil (greasy cream).

Lightening technique

The dyeing procedure at home is carried out on dirty hair. The products of the sebaceous glands on the surface of the scalp provide protection to the hair from various types of damage. In this regard, it is not recommended to wash off sebum three days before the procedure.


Wear personal protective equipment on your hands.
Prepare a mixture for coloring, pour into a spray bottle.
Lubricate the skin with Vaseline oil and greasy cream on the front surface of the frontal area up to the hairline.
Use the end of the comb to make a central parting.
Divide the left and right zones with a horizontal parting between the crown and the back of the head: secure the upper strands with a hairpin.
Spray the curls with the solution, starting from the back of the head. First, the strands themselves are processed. Then the root zone of the curls is sprayed.
If you have coarse dark hair, you can cover your head with a shower cap and put a knitted hat on top. It is not recommended to use a “thermal cushion”.
Monitor the progress of staining. After twenty minutes, evaluate the staining result. If the strands are lightened, finish the procedure. If required, coloring can be continued. Peroxide should not be left on the hair for more than an hour.
If you have coarse hair, you can speed up the process by exposing your head to hot air. Attention: if there is a strong burning sensation, the solution is heated, rinse the mixture immediately.
After achieving the result, rinse your hair under running warm water with the addition of natural shampoo.
Rinse your hair with a weak solution of vinegar: one tablespoon of a 9% mixture per liter of water. Vinegar will help remove yellowness.

How to lighten hair for brunettes?

Girls who have naturally light-colored hair can use peroxide to give their hair a lighter shade. This will require one or two staining procedures.
Brunettes can also count on changes in the basic tone, but this will require more procedures, patience, and proper hair care between procedures.
To speed up the clarification, you can add an ammonia solution. Attention: large doses of ammonia can give your hair a burgundy tint.
Ultraviolet rays accelerate the process of exposure of hair to hydrogen. After the procedure in the summer, it is recommended to spend some time in the sun.
To neutralize the red tint after dyeing, it is recommended to use a special shampoo with a purple composition.
Before and after dyeing, it is not recommended to perm your hair.

Hair care after the procedure

After exposure of hair to chemicals, regular hair care is required.

Use nourishing, moisturizing masks for strands.
free of surfactants.
Once every seven days, rinse your hair with a herbal infusion of chamomile.
After coloring, do not wash your hair more than once every three days.
It is recommended to dry your hair naturally.
Do not comb wet hair after washing.

April 18, 2014, 12:50


Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide: proven methods

Hydrogen peroxide has been used by women to lighten their hair for decades. This method is quite controversial, and has both ardent supporters and opponents. When used correctly, the product can give the strands not only a light shade of hair, but also softness and shine, but if used incorrectly, it can lead to stiffness and yellowish hair.

What it is

Peroxide is a liquid that dissolves well in alcohol and water. It has a characteristic metallic taste and lacks color and odor.

It is widely used in medical practice, food and chemical industries and in everyday life. Also common among women is the method of lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide at home.

Effect on hair

When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with oxygen, it oxidizes. Due to the oxidation process, melanin (the pigment contained in the hair and determines its color) becomes discolored. This is precisely the effect of peroxide on strands.

Pros and cons of peroxide


  • Low cost and availability (you can buy it at any pharmacy).
  • Relative safety (doesn’t burn hair as much as some ammonia dyes).
  • Rarely causes allergies and does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • After lightening, the hair becomes more manageable, acquires shine and elasticity.
  • Hydrogen peroxide helps to obtain a beautiful shade, reminiscent of slightly sun-bleached strands.


  • If the concentration of the solution is chosen incorrectly, the curls may acquire an unnatural yellowish or reddish tint.
  • You should not resort to the procedure too often, as your hair will become dry.
  • If the lightening time is chosen too long when the hair is initially thin and fragile, subsequent hair loss is possible.
  • Unlike dyeing in a salon, using peroxide can result in uneven coloring of the hair.

The lightening process, for all its simplicity and accessibility, can affect the condition of the hair both positively and negatively.

Photos before and after lightening hair with peroxide

Dark-haired girls will not achieve a platinum shade, but they will be able to lighten their hair by 2-3 tones. In this case, you need to be prepared that your hair will acquire a slightly reddish tint.

If your hair is naturally light brown, you can lighten it to blonde.

Red-haired people should use peroxide especially carefully, as there are cases when, after bleaching, the strands acquire an orange tint.

For those with naturally fair hair, lightening is easiest: depending on the exposure time, the end result can vary from wheaten to California blonde.

How to use peroxide

Exposure time and solution concentration:

  • For short haircuts you need about 30 grams of solution.
  • To lighten medium-length hair, you will need about 50 grams of solution.
  • For long hair you need to take 50 or more grams of solution.
  • If your hair is thick and coarse, take a concentrated solution - 8-12%. The soak time of the solution on the hair varies from 2 hours to one night. Due to the thickness of the hair, it may need to be bleached several times.
  • For hair of medium thickness, a 6-8% solution is suitable. The contact time of the strands with it should be from 1 to 2 hours.
  • If the hair is very thin, use a 3-5% solution. Keep the hydrogen peroxide on your hair for half an hour to an hour.

When choosing the concentration and time of lightening, you must also take into account the density of the hair. If the hair is porous, the contact time should be minimal.

This also applies to the concentration of the composition: for porous hair that quickly gets wet during washing, the hydrogen peroxide solution should have a lower concentration than in the case of strong, difficult-to-wet hair.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

The result of lightening depends on proper hair preparation. Before you bleach your hair with peroxide, you need to make it look healthy.

Dry hair cannot be washed for 2-3 days; for oily hair, you can limit yourself to daily preparation. During this time, the hair will be covered with a thin layer of natural fat, which will protect it from the negative effects of the dye. At the same time, you need to not go too far: if there is excess fat on the strands, the hair may be dyed unevenly.

Conducting a test

Before lightening, you need to carry out 2 tests: the first - for the absence of allergies, and the second - for the concentration of the solution:

  • A cotton pad should be moistened with the solution and applied to the skin behind the ear: if a burning sensation, redness or rash does not appear within half an hour, you can begin the procedure.
  • To determine the percentage of concentration, select a strand at the back of the head or from the lower layers of hair - the main thing is that the test curl is not visible if the result is unsatisfactory. Using a sponge, apply hydrogen peroxide to your hair and leave for the required time. After it has expired, evaluate the result - if you like it, proceed to lightening.

What is needed for the procedure

To lighten your hair you need to prepare:

  • Peroxide of the required concentration.
  • A bowl or bowl. It should not be metal.
  • Fat cream.
  • Water.
  • Gloves.
  • Cotton pads.
  • A spray bottle.
  • A comb with a thin handle for separating strands.
  • Hair clips.
  • A rubber cap with holes (if you plan to lighten individual strands).

Possible compositions

Prepare the mixture immediately before use, as peroxide quickly oxidizes and its effect disappears.

Option #1:

The simplest option is to dilute hydrogen peroxide with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Option #2:

  • 40 ml peroxide.
  • 30 ml water.
  • 1 tsp ammonium bicarbonate.
  • 20 ml liquid soap.

Ammonium bicarbonate accelerates lightening and opens the scales of the hair cuticle for the fastest penetration of the mixture into the hair shaft.

Option #3:

You can prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia at the rate of 1 drop of ammonia per 10 ml of peroxide - you should not take more, as ammonia can give your hair a reddish tint.

Lightening sequence

  • If you want to do highlights, you will need a swim cap with holes. Pull the strands through them and treat them with a spray or sponge.
  • If you are planning to do an ombre dye, apply peroxide to the ends of your hair, creating a soft transition to the roots.
  • If the resulting color does not seem light enough, reapply. But for a more gentle effect of peroxide, it is recommended to apply not 2-3 times in one day, but daily for a short time during the week.
  • To get a slight effect of sun-bleached strands. It is necessary to generously spray your comb or comb with hydrogen peroxide and comb your hair for a long time, then dry your hair with a hairdryer. This procedure must be carried out over several days in a row, since lightening occurs slowly.

Where and how much to buy hydrogen peroxide?

The product can be purchased in pharmacies. It is sold in dark glass bottles or plastic bottles with a volume of 40-100 ml at a price of 5 to 80 rubles. The most common is a 3% aqueous solution, but there are also more concentrated forms of release - 5-12%.

Solutions of high concentration (from 30 to 98%) are used in the chemical and textile industries and are not suitable for clarification.

  • Don't wash your hair every day, as this will make your hair even dryer.
  • Use a curling iron and hair dryer less often.
  • Do not wring out your curls after washing.
  • Make nourishing masks.
  • Use a quality conditioner.

If you want to change something in your own appearance, but do not dare to make drastic changes, you can use the traditional method of lightening your hair.


Bleaching hair is the highest degree of lightening. As a rule, hydrogen peroxide is used for this purpose. You can bleach your hair with peroxide at home. But the main rule is: do no harm. Like any hair dye, bleaching causes damage to your hair. And to keep this harm to a minimum, when lightening your hair with peroxide, you need to take into account various nuances that will help you achieve the desired effect.


The hair bleaching procedure should be started no less than 3-4 days after washing your hair. There is no need to wet your hair before treating with hydrogen peroxide; the natural layer of fat should protect the hair and scalp.

The container for preparing the solution should not be metal, because... When a metal combines with oxygen, an undesirable reaction can occur. Hair bleaching is done using solutions and creams that contain hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide of varying concentrations is used to lighten and bleach hair. The concentration of the solution depends on the desired hair color and structure. For thin, porous hair, the peroxide concentration is reduced, and for strong and thick hair, it is increased.

For lightening thick hair: 8-12% hydrogen peroxide solution, for medium-thick hair: 6-12% solution, for thin hair: 3-6%.

You can always adjust the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide solution to the concentration you need.
To obtain a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide: add nine parts of water to one part of perhydrol. For a 6 percent solution: to two parts perhydrol - eight parts water, 9 percent solution: to three parts perhydrol, add seven parts water, 12 percent solution; to four parts perhydrol - six parts water.

The amount of solution depends on the thickness and length of the hair. As a rule, for medium-length hair, 50-60 g of solution is sufficient. To enhance the effect of peroxide: add ammonia to the bleaching agent (5-6 drops of ammonia per 50-60 ml of solution). To prevent splashing or dripping of the hydrogen peroxide solution with ammonia, you can add a little liquid soap or alkaline shampoo. Ammonia can be replaced with ammonium bicarbonate, which slightly thickens the composition, which is important when lightening. The thick composition does not flow onto the face and neck, it is easier to apply to the hair.

The peroxide solution must be prepared immediately before the bleaching procedure. And it’s better to cook it with some reserve.

You can use other options for lightening composition to bleach your hair.

Lightening composition for normal, not very fine hair: 40 g perhydrol, 30 g water, 20 g liquid soap and 1 tsp. ammonium bicarbonate.

Another way to lighten: 3 bottles of 3% peroxide, 5-7 drops of ammonia, a little liquid soap. Apply this mixture to your hair for 30 minutes.

Lightening composition made from hydroperite tablets. To obtain a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide per 30 ml of water, take three tablets, to obtain a 6% solution - per 30 ml of water, take 6 tablets, for 9% - 9 tablets per 30 ml of water.

As an alternative, hair can be lightened with Blondoran Supra, which has a strong bleaching effect. To lighten your hair, you can try the following composition: “blondoran supra” – 20g, “londestral emulsion” – 5g, 18% hydrogen peroxide – 15ml, liquid soap – 10 ml.

So, let's begin the hair lightening process. First you need to properly lubricate your forehead at the roots of your hair with greasy cream or Vaseline. You need to apply the solution with gloves on, starting from the back of your head, making partings. For short haircuts, apply the solution with a cotton swab starting from the roots of the hair, and for long, undyed hair, starting from the ends. After dyeing is completed, the hair is combed to ensure air access. There is no need to use an insulating cap or wrapping your head in a plastic bag, because... It is important to control the discoloration process. Without air access, the bleaching composition heats up, causing the reaction on the hair to accelerate and you can easily burn your hair and scalp.

To lighten the roots of regrown hair, apply the composition only to the regrown roots, being careful not to get it on previously dyed hair, so as not to damage it. This can be done carefully in 2 ways: 1. Apply a thick composition. 2. If you bleach your hair with 3% hydrogen peroxide without adding other ingredients, gently spray it onto your hair roots using a spray bottle. You can use the second method before each wash, but not more than once a week. Even better - once every 2 weeks, so as not to further damage your hair. The advantage of this method is that the roots of your hair will always be light.

Lightening dark hair is somewhat more difficult than lightening it. It is better to lighten them in several stages every week. This is done so that the scalp receives protection in the form of the resulting oil. However, with the first hair bleaching, dark hair becomes chestnut, after the second - red, then straw and only then blonde. Red hair cannot be dyed light; the red tint still remains. Light hair is bleached well.

The duration of action of the bleaching solution depends on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, as well as on the characteristics of your hair and the desired effect. In this case, it is better to underexpose the composition a little in time than to overexpose it. For example, damaged, thinning hair may burn but not achieve the desired color. Therefore, during the process of bleaching hair, it is very important to carefully monitor the process and periodically comb the hair strands at the temples to make sure that the hair structure is not damaged.
On average, the dyeing process takes 20-30 minutes. But this is an average. You can keep the peroxide mixture on for 3 to 20 minutes if you want to achieve a slight lightening, or if your hair is thin and lightens quickly. When applying 3% peroxide without using other components, the time can be increased to several hours. The most important thing: do not “overdo it” with time. The desire to increase the time of hair bleaching more than necessary can lead to burns of the hair and scalp, when the hair breaks off and remains on the comb. Therefore, if you do not doubt your capabilities, it is better to lighten your hair in a beauty salon.

After lightening your hair, you need to wash your hair with a mild shampoo or non-alkaline soap and rinse with warm water. If after drying a difference in color is detected, you can re-apply the composition to darker areas. It is advisable to use mineral water, or at least boiled/filtered water, rather than tap water. After this, apply balm for damaged (dyed, blond) hair for 20-30 minutes. You can also apply a nourishing mask such as warm olive oil.

After washing, your hair should be rinsed with water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice to wash away the hydrogen peroxide and lye, and also to restore some damaged hair.

Bleached hair requires special care. Hair should be combed carefully and washed infrequently. Washing your hair with yolk, sour milk or curdled milk is especially useful. You also need to make nourishing oil masks for hair, or purchased masks to restore hair structure. In addition, bleached hair should be protected from exposure to sunlight.


It is very undesirable to bleach your hair if you have an inflamed scalp, hypersensitive skin, allergies, or if your hair has split ends, is thin and fragile. In such cases, it is better to use traditional harmless methods of lightening hair. The effect will be less, but your hair will be healthy.

Before bleaching, test your hair and scalp for sensitivity. To do this, you need to apply a drop of the composition with a cotton swab to the skin behind the ear and rinse it off with water after 5-10 minutes. If your skin becomes irritated or itchy, you should not bleach your hair with peroxide.

Hair previously colored with metal-containing dyes should under no circumstances be lightened with hydrogen peroxide-based formulations.
If after bleaching you get an undesirable yellowish or reddish tint, this can be corrected with the help of a tint product or by dyeing your hair some light shade.

The number of natural blondes and blonds on earth is minimal. Most people are born with dark hair of varying shades. In this regard, many products have been developed for lightening hair on the head or individual strands. Strands are lightened by treating them with a special chemical composition.

Most often used for these purposes hydrogen peroxide, which helps remove old darker paint and acquire a lighter shade of curls.

You can buy regular hydrogen peroxide at the pharmacy. It is sold in the form of tablets or a ready-made solution. For successful lightening, it is recommended to use solid peroxide.

What kind of hair can be lightened with peroxide?

Subject to lightening all hair types. Curls must be clean and undamaged. Hydrogen peroxide has a negative effect on curls, so it is recommended to lighten only healthy hair.

Before lightening, it is necessary to direct efforts to strengthen strands, use natural shampoos and conditioners, as well as balms.

And hair dryers also violate their structural integrity, so it’s better not to use them.

How does it work on hair?

Hydrogen peroxide does not contain elements hazardous to the body, because this is a completely safe product.

The only possible side effect is excessive dry strands, which occurs when peroxide is used in the wrong dosage.

Attention! Improper use of the solution can cause large-scale hair loss.


There are no obvious contraindications for using hydrogen solution. It is natural that allergic reactions cannot be ruled out, itching and redness of the scalp, but this occurs in rare cases.

The solution can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding; there are no significant contraindications to this. Regular ones also contain hydrogen peroxide in one form or another.

What is needed for lightening

To lighten the strands you will need:

How to prepare your hair

Preparing for lightening does not take much time.

It is enough to wash your curls using conditioner or rinse. Dirt and grease must not come into contact with the solution.

After washing your hair, the curls should be allowed to dry. Using a hair dryer for these purposes is prohibited. To speed up the process, the curls need to be thoroughly dried with a towel, and then each strand carefully. Fully no need to dry the strands, slightly damp curls will react faster with peroxide.

Lightening methods step by step

If you plan to lighten your hair at home, you must be extremely careful and follow the recipe instructions below. Otherwise, the strands may be seriously damaged.

Before you start lightening, you need to do a small allergy test.

To perform the test, you will need a small amount of diluted hydrogen peroxide solution and one strand of hair. It is necessary to apply the prepared solution to the strand and wait 25-30 minutes. If there is no itching or other unpleasant sensations during the specified time, you can begin lightening.

Hydrogen peroxide

Lighting must be done using a spray bottle. Any bottle of window cleaner will work as such. You can purchase a new spray bottle at a hardware store. The lighting rules are:

The selected strands should not be too thick; it is necessary to ensure that every hair is exposed to peroxide.

To achieve the best effect you will need to several highlights with an interval of 5-7 days.

With ammonia

Mixing hydrogen peroxide with ammonia You can achieve better results and lighten your hair by 3-5 tones in just a few procedures. To prepare a mask from peroxide and ammonia you will need:

  • 50 milliliters 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 5-6 drops of ammonia.

The ingredients are mixed in a plastic or glass container, and then immediately applied to the head. This should be done at least 2 times a day, for 3-5 days. In this case, each time the hair will be 2-3 tones lighter.

If you wish completely bleach your hair without damaging them, you will need to take at least a week's break between procedures.

Video review: lightening hair at home

Here you can find out how to lighten your hair with hydrogen peroxide yourself and how it affects your hair.

Features of lightening

All hair is lightened, regardless of color and structure.

It is important to remember that the effect when lightening natural curls can be completely different than when trying to lighten already colored strands.

The intensity of the resulting color, as well as the shade, depend on the original color of the curls. So, red strands can become red, and light blond ones can become ashy. To understand what color you will end up with, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary test as described above.

Particular care should be taken when bleaching thin strands. Such curls need careful care and long-term recovery after lightening, so you should stock up in advance on strengthening conditioners, masks and masks that can both preserve the original hair structure and restore already damaged curls.

Dark hair

Chestnut or red color is complicated procedure. It will take at least a month to go from a natural brunette to a blonde, but it is still possible. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide in small proportions, applying to your hair daily.

Applying even a large amount of peroxide once will not only not give the expected effect, but can also cause harm. As mentioned above, a lot depends on the original color. The darker the shade, the longer it will take to completely lighten.

Dyed hair

Hair can be lightened after coloring hardly, especially when it comes to dark colors. Dark dye literally eats into the scalp, so changing the color to a lighter one can be extremely difficult.

It will take 2-3 times longer to achieve the desired shade than when trying to lighten natural hair of the same color. It is better to lighten colored curls in a salon; home lightening will require a lot of patience from the girl.

Blonde hair

For blondes, lighten their curls easiest way. In most cases, just one procedure is enough to make light brown or brown hair 3-4 shades lighter.

It is important not to overdo it with peroxide; the hair may turn out too light and unnatural. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of a yellow tint.

Individual strands

To lighten selected curls, you will need to separate your hair. into several equal parts, selecting just one strand from each, which will be exposed to the clarifier.

To restore dull and brittle hair, you can use oak bark.

Find out on our website how it helps against hair loss and other hair problems.

To prevent the remaining curls from coming into contact with the solution and also partially losing their original color, you need to tie them into a bun, or separate them from the rest using hairpins.

You should not abuse hydrogen solution, overdried strands become brittle, quickly lose their shine and begin to fall out. Hydrogen peroxide in combination with ammonia, diluted in violation of the specified proportions, can cause irreparable harm to curls.

Before performing any actions, it is strongly recommended to consult a cosmetologist.

Video: lightening hair ends

In this video you will learn how to lighten your hair at home in the ombre style.

Necessary Avoid getting peroxide on your forehead and face, as it may also become noticeably lighter. To avoid this, it is better to cover your face with a small amount of moisturizer before applying peroxide. The fat will prevent the peroxide from getting on your skin and protect it from discoloration.

It is best to bleach curls in winter, in this case it will be easy to hide the failed experiment under a headdress and repaint, or continue lightening.
