Maria Maksakova's father left her without an inheritance. The black year of Maria Maksakova: why the opera diva hid the death of her father and abandonment of her children. Who are Maksakova’s children from her first marriage?

In the program “New Russian Sensations” it was stated that Maria Maksakova refused parental rights on his older children Ilya and Lyudmila, whose father is businessman Vladimir Tyurin. By the way, it was he who was named by the Ukrainian security forces as the mastermind behind the murder of Denis Voronenkov, the singer’s husband. Maria commented on this information.


According to Maksakova, Tyurin “begged” her consent for the children to live temporarily with him. He motivated this by the fact that he has two criminal cases, because of which he could go to a pre-trial detention center. “Allegedly, the children may be taken away from him, he will sit in a pre-trial detention center, and the children will be given to guardians. I did not renounce parental rights to my children! All these statements by journalists are complete nonsense,” Maksakova said harshly, without unnecessary sentimentality.

According to her, it was about a document determining the place of residence of children. “I wrote that I don’t mind that the children will temporarily live with their father. Moreover, I signed this paper unilaterally. My signature was certified by a notary. But still, this agreement is void, has no legal force, because there is no signature of the father of my older children. Children will grow up, come to their senses and do right choice“They will live with me,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the singer.

Maksakova commented on the information according to which her father cannot be buried because they are waiting for the artist to arrive. “The story about my father is complicated. I don’t know why they took him somewhere for treatment without asking me... They buried him today. The farewell took place in his homeland, in Germany. I was there today. Only my mother was not at the funeral ..." – noted Maria Maksakova.

“I’ve been thinking all day about what happened in Kiev. I really want to hear Lyuda’s voice, but she doesn’t answer the home phone, although she always answered the phone before. Her mobile is turned off. Perhaps Lyuda went to a rehearsal at the theater. She is an extraordinary worker. In any situation, she pulls herself together and works,” praised her friend Natalya Selezneva.


The actress called Lyudmila Maksakova a very good mother. "When Masha was studying, Luda hired her the best teachers. Masha went to best schools, she had excellent private teachers and extensive vocal practice. Masha is a very educated person. She is capable, with a good memory. Luda did a lot for her, as well as for her son and grandchildren,” noted the legendary actress.

By the way, as Selezneva said, it is not the famous grandmother who is babysitting Maria Maksakova’s older children, but ex-husband. “They are with their father,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the actress. At the same time, Natalya Selezneva categorically refused to say anything about Maria’s ex-lover.

But the actress spoke about the conflict between Lyudmila and Maria. "IN Lately Luda doesn’t keep in touch with her daughter... Even before they left. Luda was categorically against this marriage. She is a strong, very strong-willed person. Holds on, distracts himself from sad thoughts. But, believe me, all this is too difficult for her,” Selezneva said. At the same time, the actress expressed confidence that after the loss of her husband, Maria Maksakova will return to Russia.

Let us remind you that Maria Maksakova has three children. From previous relationships, the artist has a son, Ilya, and a daughter, Lyudmila. They say that their father is the leader of the Brotherhood group, Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurya, Tyurik, Dad, Projectionist). Journalists refer to an interview with the opera diva given to the magazine "Relax! Names" and which was once posted on her official website, where Maria recalled how Vladimir beautifully courted her, fell in love after seeing her on TV, and gave up everything for her. Let us note that Tyurin was 19 years older than the artist, and, according to the singer, they were not officially married.

In the fall of 2010, Vladimir was arrested on charges of creating a criminal community and money laundering. However, in the winter of 2012, Tyurin was released from arrest because he had allegedly retired from criminal matters and owned only legal businesses.

I decided to make revelations about my parents as part of an interview with the YouTube channel “SELFI”. The 41-year-old artist, in particular, stated that she was born thanks to her father, German entrepreneur Peter Andreas Igenbergs, who insisted on the birth of her daughter, the publication reports.

“My dad is actually my main and main childhood memory in general. Because dad really wanted me to be born. Dad took on all the burden of worries.

Mom, she suffered with her first child: they lived in the Soviet Union, difficult births, difficult relationships with her previous spouse, and so on. She really didn't want a second time. Dad persuaded her and was ready for absolutely anything,” said the opera diva.

According to Maria, her parents, against the background of these disagreements, even drew up special agreement, who allegedly “made rich” People’s Artist Lyudmila Maksakova, the singer’s mother.

“It was a purchase, at a high price, I’ll tell you. Everything was written out there until I turned 16 - everything she wanted. In the case of my birth, I made her rich with my appearance,” she emphasized.

According to Maksakova Jr., her parent thought that she could solve most of her problems by becoming the wife of a rich foreigner, but life decided otherwise.

“Her level of talent was higher than that of her contemporaries. And they really envied her because of him, for her appearance, because of her voice, her famous grandmother. She started feeding them all. The effect was absolutely the opposite,” noted Maria.

She concluded by saying that she didn’t want to repeat her mother’s mistakes: “It ruined her whole concept. She hated dad, who gave her all this. It hasn't been filmed for 10 years. There was a black mark on it. In the end, it turned out that she gave away her talent for a well-fed life. She didn’t get her recognition on time.”

Previously, the mother of a former Ukrainian deputy killed in Kyiv in March 2017 accused Maksakova, her son’s ex-wife, of being addicted to alcohol and using illegal substances. She stated this on the air of the “Actually” program on Channel One. According to a relative of the politician, Maria also allegedly has a bad influence on her granddaughter Ekaterina, Denis’s daughter from her first marriage. As the mother of the ex-deputy and her lawyer told during the show, relatively recently they allegedly even tried to kidnap the girl from rehabilitation center, where she received treatment for depression and addiction.

“These year and a half that Katya spent next to Maria Petrovna made themselves felt. Maria Petrovna is also one of those people who do not shy away from drinking strong drinks and other substances. The girl had a desire to be present in that family in Kyiv, on the other hand, she was very helpful in terms of obtaining an inheritance. She was useful to her. It was very convenient for Maria Petrovna that Katya was in such a state. I am not a doctor, and I cannot say what substances were discussed. But health problems intensified when she moved into Maksakova’s apartment. Grandma will confirm this,” said the lawyer.

In turn, Voronenkov’s mother said that Maksakova was threatening her family members and demanding that they general power of attorney, which will help her manage the property of the murdered ex-deputy.

“She said that since you did not give me the power of attorney, which I really need, you will get everything you deserve,

- said a relative of Voronenkov. “You can expect anything from such a person.” She may be involved in crime. I admit that my granddaughter had a drug problem. And I’m almost sure that this problem intensified - or even arose - precisely after Katya’s communication with Maksakova.”

In addition, the woman questioned the relationship between Voronenkov and Maksakova’s son Ivan, born in 2016.

“Why doesn’t she let me see him? I’ve already looked at all the photos—of my daughter, my granddaughter, and Vanechka. I doubted it, so I started looking at the pictures together with my lawyer. But I didn’t find any resemblance between Vanya and Denis. I doubt it, yes, since she is actually blackmailing her with communication with her grandson. But I can’t somehow confirm this, only DNA can be done,” she complained.

For three generations, the Maksakov surname was glorified exclusively by women. Moreover, in many moments their biographies turned out to be surprisingly similar - each in some way repeated the fate of their mother. Such "Maksakov Matryoshka dolls", as Nikita Mikhalkov called them, no one has yet managed to unravel all their secrets - some new facts are constantly emerging.

Stately, talented beauties who were applauded by the audience! On the surface, they seemed very successful, but passions, pain from mistakes, and even fear for their lives raged inside. own life. And all because of the men who, as luck would have it, they met “the wrong ones.” Sometimes so much so that different time they were called “enemies of the people”, defectors and simply traitors. But, they say, you can’t command your heart... Moreover, the Maksakovs were surprisingly lucky, something always helped them get away with it.

Maksakovs: Maria Sr., Lyudmila, Maria Jr.

“Where is my Carmen?”: how Stalin saved Maksakova Sr. from repression

Let's start with the fact that the family name of these three beautiful women not the Maksakovs, but the Sidorovs. According to all laws, ladies in this family had to bear either her or the surnames of their husbands and fathers. But when did the Maksakovs follow any rules?

Their roots should be sought in Astrakhan. The father of the founder of the creative dynasty, Maria Petrovna Sr., was a shipping company employee, Pyotr Sidorov. The family lived in prosperity, but when Maria was only 8 years old, her father died. She was forced to earn extra money by singing in a church choir to help her mother feed her other five brothers and sisters.

Lyudmila and Pyotr Sidorov are the parents of Maria Maksakova Sr. Photo:

At the age of 17, Maria already worked at the Astrakhan Opera Theater, where she ended up after the revolution new manager— 50-year-old Maximilian Maksakov. In fact, his name was Max Schwartz, he was born in Austria-Hungary into a Jewish family. But Maria found out about this much later. So, Maksakovs is a completely fictitious surname, a pseudonym.

They say Maximilian, in the past too Opera singer, did not gain much recognition on stage, and therefore became an entrepreneur. He was a stern leader, but it was thanks to him that Maria Petrovna became prima. According to some reports, he married her with the blessing of his wife, who was dying of cholera. Be that as it may, he and Maria lived together for 16 years, until he himself passed away. They had no children in their marriage.

Maria and Maximilian Maksakov. Photo: RIA Novosti

Child from an “enemy of the people”

All these years, Maria was haunted by fear for her foreign husband; she even destroyed his documents, where he was recorded as Schwartz. But in in the following respects the fate of the woman “enemy of the people” did not escape her. Yakov Davtyan - former ambassador The USSR was in Poland and Maria’s lover was shot, and she herself faced deportation.

But Maksakova was lucky. One day, Stalin, arriving at the Bolshoi Theater, did not find his favorite artist, saying:

Where's my Carmen?

Since then, she has been forgiven a lot. Even a daughter from a dissident, whom she gave birth to at the age of 38, right before the war. There were even rumors that Lyudmila Maksakova was the child of Stalin himself. They rarely talked to their mother about her father; she preferred to protect her daughter from problems. Especially when the leader, their patron, passed away in 1953. Then Maksakova Sr. was fired from the Bolshoi.

Maria and Lyudmila Maksakov

Meanwhile, Lyudmila’s father turned out to be Alexander Volkov, a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater who fled to the USA during the war. The people of Maksakova would not have forgiven another enemy, so she chose to completely hide his name. Lyudmila's middle name is Vasilyevna.

Rebel Lyudmila Maksakova

Maria Maksakova never married again. After Bolshoi sent her into early retirement, she had a hard time. She disappeared all the time at work - in order to feed her family, she went to concerts around the country, and was engaged in teaching. People loved her, but, as usual, there was no time for her daughter. Lyudmila was raised by her grandmother, and her mother was too strict with her. Apparently, that’s why the daughter began to rebel!

Her mother saw her as a translator, and out of spite Lyudmila entered the theater school. Her youth fell during the period of the so-called Khrushchev's thaw- bohemian companies, experiments with appearance. There she subsequently met the artist Lev Zbarsky, for the sake of Lyudmila he left his wife, fashion model Regina Zbarskaya, who in the West was called the “Red Queen”.

Lyudmila Maksakova and Lev Zbarsky

As they say, you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. Zbarsky’s life partner was unlucky - constantly in debt and on sprees. He didn’t even have the money to put a divorce stamp in his passport to sign with Lyudmila. And she pulled everything on herself. When their son Maxim was born in 1971, Lev had to adopt him.

But this fact did not force the freedom-loving artist to settle down. In the end, Maksakova got tired of it all and left Zbarsky. And then she filed for adoption... Leo emigrated to America and this could ruin their son’s life. Maxim never met his own father.

And then Lyudmila began an unsuccessful affair with Mikael Tariverdiev, which ended in tears. He hit a man with his car and was convicted for it. But they rumored that it was Lyudmila who was driving then. This story formed the basis of the plot of Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Station for Two.”

Maxim and Peter Maksakov

Lyudmila Maksakova with her son Maxim and granddaughter / Pyotr Maksakov with his wife Galina Yudashkina

Lyudmila, raised by a strict mother, vowed that she would treat her children differently. Who knows whether she was right in this, but then things happened as they happened... Maxim did not follow in the footsteps of his mother and grandmother. Early he married the Ambassador's daughter, and they had two children. He was engaged in business, and not long ago he was accused of major thefts budget funds. Now he lives, it seems, somewhere in Italy with his second family.

And his son Peter, who was raised by his grandmother, received a good education. He is also involved in business and is married to the daughter of the famous fashion designer Galina Yudashkina. Maybe at least everything will work out for him as a human being.

Maria Maksakova Jr.

Daughter Maria was born to Lyudmila and her only legal husband, Peter Igenbergs, in 1977. It wasn't easy again. Peter is the son of Baltic emigrants who fled from the USSR to Germany. All this time they were drawn back to their homeland, and therefore Peter, having received a good education, also began to visit the USSR on scientific affairs. He sought Lyudmila for a long time. He accepted Maxim as his own son, but they could not get married.

Wedding of Lyudmila Maksakova and Peter Igenbergs

Lyudmila - famous actress, the daughter of the people's favorite Maria Maksakova, and Peter is a foreigner. Gossip and complaints began to spread in the theater, and Lyudmila was invited to the cinema less and less often. in her arms Small child, a seriously ill mother and loved one who was banned from entering the USSR. Out of desperation, she dialed the number of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Yes, yes, the Maksakovs could probably just dial this number and solve their problems.

With threats to jump out the window, Lyudmila achieved her goal. Perhaps the name of her mother, who was still adored, played a role. She and Peter got married and remained in the Union. Maksakova did not want to emigrate on principle.

Maria Petrovna Sr. no longer found her granddaughter. She died five years before the birth of Maria Jr. It was she, named after great grandmother, was destined to follow in her footsteps. But, alas, they surpass, perhaps, all the Maksakovs combined in terms of scandals.

Her father Peter never lived to see his daughter return home from Ukraine. He passed away in 2018.

Maria Maksakova Jr. with her parents

The most scandalous Maksakova

When you read old interviews with Maria, you might think that she always had complete understanding with her mother (source MK, 2001):

My mother and I never argue, we don’t swear, we don’t try to defend our own opinion - we share one opinion. My mother and I even have common friends at home.

But Lyudmila Vasilyevna has always been a difficult woman, with character, and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then...

Maria Maksakova with Vladimir Tyurin and Denis Voronenkov

At first everything went well. Maria graduated from Gnesinka and sang at the Bolshoi Theater and the Mariinsky Theater. She gave birth to two children in abundance and love. And in 2011, for some reason, I plunged into dirty world big politics. Apparently, this was her strategic mistake.

It immediately became clear that her husband and children’s father was a famous Criminal authority, thief in law Vladimir Tyurin. I had to immediately disown him - they say, they were never painted. Then Maria definitely officially marries Denis Voronenkov, and they have a son. And again the husband turns out to be a thief and a traitor. There’s no point in stopping here, but Maria runs with him to Ukraine and becomes a traitor herself.

We hope that the children of the Maksakovs Jr. will continue this truly talented dynasty, but without scandals. Already, probably, enough for one family.

Fame and attention general public Maria Maksakova received as a soloist Mariinsky Theater, where she performed various roles. Over the years creative biography she was also able to realize her abilities in another area, appearing on television as a film actress and presenter. For about five years, Maksakova’s activities were connected with politics: being a member of the party “ United Russia", the opera singer sat in the State Duma.

In her personal life, she made many mistakes and even with her family she was never able to find an idyll in her relationship. After tragic death Maria, her beloved husband, did not return to her homeland and now lives in Kyiv. She continues to develop her creative career, and her little son, born in marriage with her beloved man, gives her strength and inspiration.

Children's music lessons

The future singer was born in 1977 in Munich. Her father, Peter Andreas Igenbergs, a Baltic German by nationality, was successful businessman and had his own profitable business. Mom, Lyudmila Maksakova, is a famous actress, People's Artist RSFSR. It was no coincidence that the girl got her name, since her maternal grandmother is the famous opera singer Maria Maksakova. Due to the fact that Maria’s father was a citizen of Germany, serious problems often arose in the family, and her mother was forbidden to go on tour outside of Russia. Her parents were also involved in raising her older brother Maxim, who was born in her mother’s first marriage.

Even in his early childhood years, the future opera star received comprehensive education: hired governesses taught her music and several languages. At that time, the girl lived in the village of Snegiri near Moscow, and hardly saw her mother. Only after reaching the age of 11, she could visit her mother more often, however, even then their relationship was difficult.

As a schoolgirl, Masha attended a music school at the Moscow Conservatory, learning to play the piano. But after a few years, her mother realized that she was unlikely to become a professional pianist. In high school, the girl discovered that she had good vocal abilities, which she decided to develop. She asked her mother to introduce her to a famous opera singer, who became her teacher and mentor. Thanks to these lessons, the girl successfully entered the Gnessin Academy of Music, and later was able to gain knowledge abroad, studying with recognized masters of the opera stage.

Opera career and work in the State Duma

Having received a musical education, Maksakova joined the staff of the New Opera Theater, where she was soon entrusted with performing the role of the Snow Maiden. Then she sang on stage Bolshoi Theater Russia, and three years later received an offer from the management of Helikon Opera. All this time, the young singer dreamed of joining the staff of the Mariinsky Theater, and only in 2011 she became its soloist. During her time in this troupe, Maria demonstrated her vocal abilities in such opera productions as “This is what everyone does,” “The Cloak,” “Ariadne auf Naxos,” “The Tales of Hoffmann” and many others.

Soon the singer's fans could listen to her creative works not only on the theater stage, but also on records, of which more than five have already been released. In 2009, Maksakova began collaborating with the Kultura TV channel, where she hosted a music program for five years, performing in close collaboration with other artists. In addition to her musical activities, the singer tried her hand as a film actress, playing small roles in various films and TV series: “The Barber of Siberia,” “Tycophs,” “About Love,” “Between the Notes, or the Tantric Symphony” and others.

In 2011 she took up political activity, becoming a member of the United Russia party. Maria took part in the elections to the State Duma and soon represented the interests of cultural workers there as a deputy. In 2017, Maksakova was expelled from the United Russia party, citing the fact that she had violated the charter and concealed dual citizenship.

Murder of a husband and a new life

In the singer’s personal life there were many relationships with men, but only in her official marriage did she feel absolute happiness, which was cut short due to the death of her husband. Her first chosen one was Vladimir Tyurin, who was then engaged in criminal activities. The man did not immediately approach the girl he liked, and watched her for some time. A few months later, Maria nevertheless accepted the courtship of Vladimir, who turned out to be 19 years older than her. Soon the lovers began to live as one family; in 2004, their first child, son Ilya, was born, and four years later their second child, daughter Lyudmila, was born. The husband had a difficult character and was constantly jealous of the singer, which is why quarrels often arose between them. In 2010, he was arrested, thanks to which Maksakova had the opportunity to leave him and live her own life. She did not forbid her ex-husband to see the children and take part in their upbringing.

Children of Maria Maksakova: son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila

Pretty soon the popular blonde could be seen in company with Baku jeweler Jamil Aliyev. She tried not to advertise this relationship so as not to frighten off her happiness. However, soon her lover disappeared from her life forever. Many suspect that this separation was provoked ex-husband singer, who most likely threatened the jeweler.

Happened in 2015 an important event: she married Denis Voronenkov, a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The lovers often collided at meetings, but the romance between them did not begin immediately, but after they were on a business trip together. Because of the opera diva, the deputy left the family where he has two children growing up. Soon the happy couple learned that they were having twins. This happy event coincided with difficult period: the prosecutor's office accused the husband of fraud. Due to nervous shock, the singer was unable to bear children and had a miscarriage. But the love of the spouses helped them cope and survive all the misfortunes. A year later their son Ivan was born.

Family happiness was overshadowed by the persecution of creditors and bailiffs, which is why the deputy decided to move to Kyiv. Maksakova supported her husband and followed him, leaving the two older children with their father. In March 2017 there was terrible event: Voronenkov was killed unknown person. Later, a version was put forward according to which Tyurin became the organizer of the murder.

Her eldest son studied at the Suvorov Military School in St. Petersburg, however, after three years the young man left there. The daughter attends a school with an economic focus and learns to play the harp. The girl is already making her first progress in creativity, taking prizes in competitions.

Having survived the loss of her husband, in the summer of 2018, Maria secretly formalized a fictitious marriage with Dalkhat Khalayev, thus intending to solve her problems in Russia. According to the former State Duma deputy herself, for a year and a half he helped her resolve all everyday and legal issues, since she was not in Moscow. After the official marriage, the man gained access to necessary documents, and soon sold the apartment that the singer gave him. As soon as Maria found out about this, she sued him and demanded that the deal be annulled. Khalaev tried to escape, but thanks to the prompt actions of the police, he was soon detained.

What is the singer doing now?

Now former MP State Duma lives in Kyiv, where he not only performs on stage with concert numbers, but also teaches vocals to students. She also continues to record new compositions and intends to create charitable foundation memory dead husband. Her plans also include helping talented children living in Ukraine. The singer radically changed her image: she lost more than 10 kg and cut her hair short.

According to Maria, she practically does not talk to her older children who live with Tyurin. She also does not want to communicate with her mother, with whom she has always had a tense relationship. The singer does not hide the fact that now she does not maintain relationships with friends who turned away from her after tragic events. Maksakova is still in shock from the accusations ex-mother-in-law, claiming that it was she who addicted Voronenkov’s daughter from her first marriage to illegal drugs. Now the artist directs all her attention and love to raising her little son. The opera diva often publishes pictures of her baby on her page, sharing her maternal happiness with her fans.

  1. The ex-State Duma deputy spent her childhood in the center of Moscow, where her famous grandmother’s apartment was located. The girl often met her celebrity neighbors - Kozlovsky, Nezhdanova, Lepeshinskaya, who also lived in this house. Their family occupied two apartments, in one of which lived the father and the future singer with a nanny, and in the other the mother and brother.
  2. When young Maria She started wearing makeup for the first time, and her mother was terribly angry. One day, a parent couldn’t stand it and began to wash off the makeup from her daughter’s face, using a dirty sponge. The poor girl almost cried, but she endured this humiliation, however, she remembered it forever.
  3. Once her mother spoke very wittily about one of her suitors: “You are cups from different sets.” The parent dreamed that her rebellious daughter would choose a worthy role for herself and would consider pianist Denis Matsuev as a candidate for this place.
  4. As a high school student, Maksakova attended a modeling school under the guidance of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Having high growth(175 cm) and slender dimensions, the girl was an active participant in Fashion Week shows.
  5. While developing her opera career, the young singer decided to enroll in legal academy on criminal law. Another profession did not stop her, and in the future this knowledge was very useful.
  6. The opera diva resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, having undergone several operations to correct her nose and face shape, and also enlarged her breasts by several sizes.
