Why do I have prophetic dreams? Prophetic dreams.

Sleep is a place where all our old dreams and nightmarish fears come true, a place where things happen that will never happen. But is it?

Probably everyone has heard about prophetic dreams. Many people believe that only psychics, soothsayers and sorcerers are capable of such dreams. But, as practice suggests, any person can have a prophetic vision.

Prophetic dreams absolutely do not fit into any scientific theory dreams, because most of these theories tend to consider any vision as a processing of past experience, but not of the future.

At night, a person experiences what is in the deep subconscious, so it becomes easier for him to let go of what he cannot accept consciously. Thus, this is simply the activity of the unconscious, which plays with us, giving us various images, and we dream of what we either fear or want. And the interpretation of such dreams does not make much sense unless you want to understand the depths of your personality.

From the point of view of astrologers, during dreams a person connects to the information field of the universe and sees possible options for the development of his life, finds himself on those layers or lines that could have happened to him if he had previously made a different choice.

Also, at night a person can “wander” onto a life line that will be realized in the near future. Such dreams will be prophetic. Sometimes, in order to tune in to a certain wave, you need to read something like a spell or, as it is also called, a conspiracy.

So, what are prophetic dreams? These are visions in which you are visited by images of something that has not yet happened, but will only happen. These are visions in which events occurred with one hundred percent coincidence in real life.

More often, such a vision is dreamed of as a warning about some danger that may overtake us. Since there is a theory about fate as a program, it is therefore important to pay attention to such a warning dream and try to change the course of events.

It must be said that prophetic dreams do not occur once a quarter, this is quite a rare event. But people are no strangers to belief in miracles, so we often tend to “adjust” what we see in a dream to the events that happened later, complementing the images and deciphering the symbols, adding them to what is not there.

But once again let us draw your attention to the fact that a prophetic vision is prophetic, that the events unfolding in it are exactly repeated in reality.

Who has prophetic dreams is an ambiguous question, and if you turn to scientists, they distinguish two types of dreams.

1. Ideal prophetic visions. They dream of those people who are absorbed in some business to which they devote all their time, thoughts and dreams. Such people may come in a dream scientific discovery or they will hear incredible musical composition, which has not yet been written by anyone.

This happens because Full time job working on the same thing for days and nights, as it were, loads the brain with information, which is systematized in a dream, and as a result, you dream of a certain systemic product. This is how Dmitry Mendeleev “saw” his future table. Such dreams are usually seen by talented, brilliant, gifted people; for this you do not need to read a conspiracy, but only complete dedication to your favorite work is required.

2. Double dream. Caused by obsessive thoughts and prolonged tension regarding a single problem, which takes over the person so much that he begins to dream. As a result, what you were able to see in a dream becomes just an impulse, a starting point for realizing this dream in reality.

If, for example, you are afraid that your purse will be snatched on the street, you suspect everyone and everyone, and then you also have a dream in which this happens, then most likely it will become a reality, because you yourself you will attract to yourself what you do not want, assuring yourself that the dream is prophetic.

Normal dream?

Many people are interested in when prophetic dreams occur. According to scientists, this is difficult to find out, but circumstances have been identified in which you definitely will not have a prophetic vision.

  • If you go to bed on an empty stomach, you may dream about food, and if you go to bed on a full stomach, you may have nightmares (yes, if you are afraid scary dreams, then eat at least 2 hours before bedtime).
  • Alcohol, drugs or pills with a sedative effect will also give you either dreamless sleep or not entirely pleasant images.
  • If you are sick, have a fever, aching or acute pain, then dreams will neutralize your pain, but certainly will not become prophetic.
  • If you have had long-term sexual abstinence, you usually have visions as compensation for what is not there.
  • Well, any external stimuli will take you away from prophetic dreams, such as stuffiness, draft, light, noise, etc.
  • If you had a dream the day before the holiday. Usually, before a celebration, the body is in an excited state. Or a dream on the eve of a day off, for example, Sunday.

Thus, in order to have a prophetic dream, many conditions must be met, but it is not a fact that you will see it. If you do not rely on traditional science, but ask astrologers and other specialists, they will be able to give several options for when you have prophetic dreams.

1. During the holiday week (from January 7 to January 19). These days, your ancestors may come to you to tell you your future fate.

2. In one of Orthodox holidays. Usually such dreams come true before lunch, or two weeks after such holidays. On such days, before going to bed, you need to read the plot.

3. Every month on the third (but you need to understand that not every month a prophetic vision will appear to you, there is just such a possibility).

4. On even days.

5. From Thursday to Great or Personal Friday. Such Fridays have names associated with events described in the Bible ( Old Testament). On such days, the visions are especially clear; the boundary between sleep and reality is lost. It is important to treat such days with caution, because dreams almost always come true.

6. The vision you had in the morning. Usually, it is in the morning that the astral body goes far enough beyond the boundaries of your body and is capable of receiving a greater flow of information; the interpretation of morning dreams must be done immediately upon awakening.

Let's look in detail at other days of the week.

  • From Monday to Tuesday, as well as from Wednesday to Thursday and from Friday to Saturday, bodily dreams usually come; you should not pay attention to them. They can come true selectively, from Tuesday to Wednesday.
  • From Thursday to Friday, as already mentioned, dreams can be prophetic and usually come true after 3 years.
  • From Saturday to Sunday, visions may come that will be fulfilled right there, literally before lunch.
  • From Sunday to Monday, many suffer from insomnia and do not see dreams.

Therefore, to understand whether the vision was prophetic or not, it is necessary to take into account the days of the week. But in addition to the days of the week, it is important to pay attention to the time of day.

As already mentioned, a prophetic vision can occur in the morning, but at night and in the evening one usually has bodily dreams.

Therefore, if you wake up at night in a cold sweat because you are having another nightmare, just look in the dream book, look at the interpretation and be calm, such a vision will not come true exactly. Sometimes daytime visions can come true, especially if you sleep on your back, then your body will not have barriers to connecting with the information field.

1. It should not be on the eve of a working day (it all depends on when you work, if the working day is Tuesday, then you do not need to make such a dream on Monday evening, make it on Saturday or from Sunday to Monday).

2. Do not use an alarm clock; you must wake up yourself.

3. Don’t get up abruptly, lie down as long as you need to remember all the details.

4. If you were unable to remember the vision, then repeat the procedure on the same day of the week or on those days that meet all the necessary conditions.

Our subconscious knows a lot, it remembers absolutely everything, on the one hand, and has access to the universal consciousness, on the other. Therefore, you can ask your subconscious to give you the answer to some question that has interested you for a long time, or to help you make a difficult choice, or to determine what to do next.

The answer will come in different forms, you may see an ancestor who will tell you something important, or read something in a book that you need to know. Perhaps you will see a mirror in which you can see images of the future.

You may see a calendar in which important days or weeks will be highlighted (here it is important to remember all the highlighted dates and periods), and then regularly refer to these days. It is especially worth paying attention to visions on the eve of Palm or Easter Sunday.

To understand what a prophetic dream means, it is not enough to consult a dream book. Such a vision demonstrates the reality in which you live, and the images that appear to you are far from those that can be analyzed.

Here you are faced with the task of understanding what events, or decisions, or people in your life can lead to what you saw in a dream; it is important to feel the environment in which you are. Remember that a prophetic dream usually comes true after three years. Therefore, perhaps some events have not yet begun to occur, and here the main strategy is to wait.

As soon as you feel that events similar to those you have already seen begin to occur, think about how you can neutralize the consequences or, on the contrary, help them come true.

It must be said that there is no clear recipe for “inducing” prophetic dreams, just as there is no recipe for getting rid of such a gift. Determining whether a vision was prophetic or not is also very difficult.

Prophetic dreams can pass unnoticed by you, and you will only find out that they were prophetic after the events repeat themselves. This could happen in days, months, or possibly years. And it happens that a person forgets about dreams, they come true, but no one draws parallels.

Try to avoid searching for an interpretation for every dream you have. After all, as the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud said, “a banana can sometimes be just a banana,” and what you dream about should not be believed one hundred percent.

Initially, it was believed that prophetic dreams were experienced by people associated with religion: priests, clergy, monks. Orthodox priests on this moment they do not recognize prophetic dreams among the laity and believe that the interpretation of dreams is not from God, just like any other type of fortune telling.

However, there are monks who are considered to be endowed by God with the ability to predict the future. (Read How to model the future)

There are several opinions about who has prophetic dreams. Scientists suggest that prophetic dreams are experienced by people endowed with an analytical mind, as well as fine mental organization and sensitivity.

The brain analyzes a combination of factors and produces its conclusions in the form of a dream. Elementary coincidences are also possible. Science denies the mystical origin of prophetic dreams. However, he cannot give them a complete, intelligible explanation. Dreams are still an unexplored phenomenon for science.

Psychics and fortune tellers believe that prophetic dreams are experienced by people who have developed intuition or as yet undiscovered clairvoyant abilities. In this way, these still hidden abilities supposedly manifest themselves.

By folk signs prophetic dreams occur on certain days, for example, from Thursday to Friday or on specific days of the solar or lunar cycle, on the night before Christmas. On such days, in order to have a prophetic dream, you need to read conspiracies or perform certain actions in order to see the future in a dream.

In most cases, prophetic dreams occur, predicting dark events: death, disaster, problems. They are a warning and warning to man.

How to understand that you had a prophetic dream, how to distinguish it from an ordinary dream? Often we do not give of great importance dreams. The average person, upon waking up, remembers the events from the dream until approximately the middle of the day.

Signs of a prophetic dream: events occurring in a dream do not leave your head for a long time, the dream is very vivid and realistic, unusual for you. A sign that you are having prophetic dreams is that they come true very quickly. One of the problems is that the realization that a prophetic dream comes only after the occurrence of the events that the dream predicted, so often prophetic dreams do not bring any benefit.

In order to understand the meaning of a dream, you can resort to dream interpreters or simply build an associative series. There are many dream books: the dream book of Miller, Freud, Pythagoras, Maya, lunar.

Often interpretations of the same dreams in different dream books are very different and even contradict each other. Therefore, in interpreting prophetic dreams it is better to rely on your intuition. (Read How to solve life issues like a woman)

However, often people, after reading the interpretation of a dark dream, become so frightened that they themselves unconsciously begin to push their lives to fulfill the “given scenario.” This is where the danger lies in getting carried away with the interpretation of dreams, as with any other type of fortune-telling.

Therefore, you should not attach great importance to prophetic dreams. You just need to listen a little to what your intuition is trying to tell you through dreams.

Many people, when they see dreams, view them as some kind of prediction of future events. However, not everyone’s dreams come true, but there are special dreams that come true; as a rule, they are called prophetic. Why do only some people have prophetic dreams?

It turns out that in ancient times people had prophetic dreams much more often than modern residents of megacities. Our ancestors paid great attention to their dreams, so they remembered them better and could retell them in detail.

Dreams are different

Prophetic dreams can be divided into several categories. The most common dreams are about solving some painful problem in a dream. Such dreams are dreamed by people who for a very long time cannot find a way out of their complex life situation. In a dream, a person seems to observe himself from the outside, he disconnects from the influence external factors and the answer comes to him in a dream about what to do in a given situation.

The next category of prophetic dreams seems to warn us about future events related to loved ones. For example, a person may dream that his relative is sick, or in a dream he meets an old friend whom he has not seen for many years. These dreams can be explained as follows, for example, a person who needs your help sends certain signals on an energetic level that reach you in a dream.

Sometimes people dream of relatives who have died a long time ago. This may indicate that they are offended by you for something, for example, that you forgot about them. It is imperative to go to the cemetery and light a candle in the church and order a prayer service for the repose of their soul. There is another reason why the dead souls of relatives may appear to you in a dream. For example, they can warn you about some danger that threatens you. You should definitely listen to their advice, because they just aren’t like that.

Let's look into history

Many monarchs had at court certain people who predicted the future through dream interpretation. Even in ancient times, people were sure that prophetic dreams could be dreamed by people who were somehow connected with religion, for example, priests and clergy. However, modern clergy believe that prophetic dreams are not from God, they can lead people astray.

Prophetic dreams have not yet been studied enough, but scientists refuse to believe in the mystical origin of prophetic dreams. They believe that such dreams can be dreamed by very impressionable people with a fine mental organization. According to scientists, the human brain is designed in such a way that it can analyze a set of facts in a dream, and then draw a certain conclusion in a dream. Psychics believe that prophetic dreams can be experienced by people who have very developed intuition and certain clairvoyant abilities.

Among the people there are signs associated with dreams. For example, prophetic dreams may occur from Thursday to Friday, or on Christmas Eve. Most prophetic dreams are warnings. As a rule, prophetic dreams are always different from ordinary dreams. They are more vivid and, one might say, realistic; a person always remembers prophetic dreams, such dreams usually come true soon.

Man is an extremely curious creature, if your dream haunts you, then try to interpret it with the help of popular dream books. You can often see in different dream books different interpretation the same dream, so first of all, trust your intuition and try to figure out for yourself why this or that dream occurred. If you have a bad dream, don’t give it too much importance, just try to listen to your intuition, maybe it’s just a warning.

Eat certain days, dreams in which come true. If you dreamed unusual dream, then we recommend finding out whether it will come true or not? To do this, we suggest getting acquainted with the calendar of prophetic dreams.

Days of the week when dreams come true

  • Sleep from Monday to Tuesday- dream empty dreams. You shouldn’t give meaning to what you see.
  • Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday- on this night dreams tend to come true, only, as a rule, in a slightly wrong interpretation. If you see a person in a dream, you will very soon see him in reality, or receive news about him.
  • Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday- I have dreams that don’t come true.
  • From Thursday to Friday- I have prophetic dreams. But the implementation of what is seen in reality can take up to three years.
  • From Friday to Saturday- the dream does not come true.
  • From Saturday to Sunday comes true before lunch.
  • From Sunday to Monday often reveals our fears and doubts.

Time of day and dreams

The meaning of the dream also depends on the time of day when you dreamed of something.

  • Sleeping during the day is usually empty.
  • Evening and night sleep can come true if the vision was clear and symbolic.
  • Sleep in the morning is the most reliable. Morning dreams come true most often.

Signs and dreams

If you believe folk superstitions, then big dreams church holidays are prophetic. It is most likely that a dream will come true if it was seen on the following days:

  1. During Christmas time.
  2. In the first week of Lent.
  3. On the night of Ascension.
  4. On the night of Trinity.
  5. On Christmas night.
  6. From August 1 to 2 - before the day of Elijah the Prophet.
  7. On the night of the Assumption. (August 28).
  8. On the night of Archangel Michael's Day (September 19)
  9. On the night of Epiphany (January 19).
  10. It is also believed that a prophetic dream can occur on the third day of every month.

It should be noted that a dream can come true regardless of the day of the week, time of day and lunar day. There is such a category of dreams - dreams-visions. They tend to repeat themselves, remind us of something or show stories from the past. You need to listen to such dreams, regardless of when they were seen. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.03.2015 09:52

Love will unexpectedly appear when you least expect it... This line from the song is not at all relevant. ...

People are often frightened by dreams in which they see dead people. Many people think that dead people dream of trouble...

A prophetic dream is a dream in which a person sees events from the future. Probably each of us at least once in our lives had a dream that fully or partially came true. And some people have prophetic dreams very often. How can one explain the phenomenon of prophetic dreams? What are prophetic dreams? How to induce a prophetic dream? And how to react to what you see?

When you have prophetic dreams

The nature of prophetic dreams has not been fully studied, but, nevertheless, prophetic dreams can definitely be divided into 3 large groups. The first group includes those dreams that are directly related to a person’s daily activities. The most striking example of such dreams is Mendeleev’s invention of his periodic table chemical elements, which, as you know, was dreamed of by a scientist after a long time of work on its creation. This principle works for many creative people. Poets dream of rhymes not found during the day, artists see their paintings in their dreams, and engineers wake up in the morning with ready-made ideas that were previously spinning in their heads and did not “stick” into a coherent picture.

It is very simple to explain such prophetic dreams. During the day, a person’s consciousness is heavily loaded. He is distracted by extraneous sounds and various everyday issues. But on a subconscious level, a person constantly continues to think about his idea, which is of particular interest to him. During sleep, the brain rests, but does not stop its work. Inertia, he continues to think about solving an important problem. And it is in complete silence and darkness that an idea arises in a person’s mind that could not be born during the day because of the noise and bustle. Nothing supernatural happens in this case. There can be no talk of any gift of clairvoyance here. It’s just that our brain, which we use only 10%, gives us a pleasant surprise in the form of such a dream.

The second group of prophetic dreams are those dreams that come true by the will of a person. When prophetic dreams occur, people who believe in them can simply make them come true. Everything here is also connected with the functioning of the brain. For example, a girl who really wants to get married constantly thinks about her loved one, about life together, about family and children. It would not be surprising at all if she dreams of this same man who invites her to go on vacation together. And by believing in her dream, a girl, even without suspecting it, can push her friend to really go to exactly the place that she dreamed about. Because any attentive man is able to notice what his other half dreams of and what pictures of cities or resorts she opens on the Internet.

And finally, the third group are those dreams that are truly associated with clairvoyance. They dream of people with a subtle emotional sphere. People who are able to see the future in their dreams explain this in different ways. Some say they can travel between the past, present and future. Others explain their dreams by communicating with deceased relatives. And still others use special spells to make them have a prophetic dream. There are no objective explanations for this. However, dreams come and they do come true.

For a long time in Rus' there were days of prophetic dreams, when girls told fortunes about their betrotheds and tried to predict their fate. These were the holidays for Epiphany, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, Christmas, the days of summer and winter solstice and full moon. It was also believed that prophetic dreams most often occur on the night from Thursday to Friday. Although the idea that you can see your happy future in prophetic dreams is a little exaggerated. According to statistics, about 80% of prophetic dreams are quite sad. People see in them impending accidents, misfortunes, deaths of loved ones and even natural disasters.

Interpretation of prophetic dreams

If you had a colorful dream, before trying to interpret it, you need to decide whether it was prophetic. People who see prophetic dreams claim that they have special lighting. At first glance, it is difficult to understand what kind of lighting should be in a dream. But if you one day see a dream that comes true, remember how you felt in it and what emotions you experienced. Then you will probably remember the special colors that were in this dream. Try to remember the dreams you see at night. But don't turn it into an obsession. A prophetic dream will definitely remain in your memory and emerge at the right moment.

It is also important to understand that the interpretation of prophetic dreams is appropriate only when they are not related to events, objects and people that concern you. If you ate too much before going to bed, or the room was very hot, and as a result you had nightmares all night, this is quite natural, and there is nothing wrong with it. real life will not happen. If you drank alcohol in the evening, your dreams may turn out even more colorful, but they will have nothing to do with your future. Dreams can also be influenced by a person’s well-being. Prophetic dreams occur in a healthy state and when normal conditions. They are often not connected to the present. And when waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains that would lead to their fulfillment.

People who interpret dreams take into account many factors - on what day of the lunar and solar month did they have the dream, what zodiac sign was the moon in at that time, and what zodiac sign does the person belong to, since predictions can be not only direct, but also reverse. We will not go into these details. If you have a prophetic dream, you will definitely feel it. But don't under any circumstances judge bad dreams as a given. This is just a small part of your future that may have different interpretation depending on your actions.
