Presentation on methods of dealing with stress. Stress and ways to overcome it

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Stress concept

Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed on it. Stress (English – tension). Introduced by Canadian physician and biologist Hans Selye in 1936.

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Stress is a natural reaction of our body to external stimuli. Often noise and conflict situations at work and in the family are the causes of stress. It should be noted that as long as our body is able to respond to these stimuli, there is no need to worry, but if the body succumbs to these aggressors and cannot withstand their “pressure,” we should be wary.

  • Slide 4

    Signs of stress

    • anxiety,
    • fear,
    • voltage,
    • uncertainty,
    • confusion,
    • depression,
    • defenselessness,
    • panic, pallor or redness,
    • increased heart rate,
    • shiver,
    • sweating,
    • dry mouth,
    • difficulty breathing,
    • pupil dilation,
    • muscle stiffness,
    • difficulty swallowing,
    • stomach spasm.
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    Ways to deal with stress

    • eat regularly and exercise;
    • Avoid excessive caffeine consumption, which can cause feelings of anxiety and agitation;
    • do not smoke or take drugs;
    • develop self-confidence, for example, express your feelings in a politely assertive manner: “I get angry when you yell at me. Please stop shouting";
  • Slide 6

    • learn to cope with complex tasks, for example, divide a task into several small ones;
    • get rid of a negative attitude: replace negative thoughts about yourself with alternative neutral or positive ones: replace the phrase “My life will never get better” with “Although I am in a hopeless situation, but if I make an effort, everything will change for the better”;
    • learn to accept a positive work result, not an ideal one, stop demanding perfection from yourself and others;
  • Slide 7

    • take a break: listen to music, talk with friends, play with your pet;
    • Form a circle of friends who can help and encourage you.
    • Switch to something good, remember happy moments.
    • Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves.
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    Set of exercises

    1. Grasp the seat of the chair you are sitting on with both hands, tense and stretch upward. Count to six, lower your arms along your body and relax.
    2. Reach your arms behind your head and apply firm pressure to your neck at the base of your skull while counteracting the pressure.
    3. Massage your fingers from base to tip. Men massage their left hand first, while women start with their right hand.
    4. Inhale slowly (mentally counting to six), hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale slowly (counting to 12).
  • View all slides

    Goal: to teach how to cope with stressful situations. Objectives: Give the concept of stress and indicate its consequences. Show the importance of coping with stressful situations. Teach children to work in a team, the ability to defend and defend their point of view.

    Portrait of a mentally healthy person If he is not in a state of depression, when the whole world appears before him in the darkest and most unattractive features; If you do not suffer from loneliness - a permanent or temporary awareness that our relationships with people are not as extensive and significant as we would like; If his behavior does not bear traces of constant anxiety (for example, painful shyness); If a person is not experiencing constant stress.

    Test: “My Stress Level” Instructions: Answer the questions below. Place a check in the column that corresponds to your answer. In recent months, you: 1. Wrote a test at school 2. Had a strong argument or fight with someone 3. Was late for class somewhere else 4. Something exciting happened to you 5. Feeling sad or lonely 6. Performed in front of the class 7. Met someone new 8. Had problems with a relationship problem with parents 9. Tried my best to win a competition 10 Was overly busy with work 11. Had problems with preparing lessons 12. Could not fulfill the duties assigned to you 13. Should have been the first in some business 14. Helped in organizing a major event 15. Felt confused Add up the number of your affirmative answers (yes).

    Rating scale: from 0 to 5 – low level of stress; from 6 to 10 – average stress level; from 11 to 15 – high level of stress. Conclusion: Every person is subject to stress. It is very important to know about the causes of stress and to be able to deal with the negative consequences of stress.

    The concept of stress was formulated by the Canadian pathophysiologist Hans Selye (). The nervous and immune systems are especially affected by stress. People under stress are more likely to become victims of infection, since the production of immune cells drops markedly during periods of physical or mental stress. Stress (from English stress tension) is a set of protective reactions of the body caused by any of the stress factors

    Increased sensitivity to noise; Feeling tired before bed; Restless sleep; Lack of feeling of rest after waking up; Inability to concentrate; "Memory lapses"; Lack of patience; Increased conflict; Making a big deal out of nothing; Constant anxiety and dark thoughts; Frequent headaches; My heart is beating wildly; Sweaty palms; Stomach cramps; Breaks out in sweat, etc. Signs of stress:

    Is this always a bad thing? If previously it was believed that a stressful state only leads to a negative effect on the body, now in some cases the effects of stress are welcomed. Take extreme sports, for example. If we keep in mind the traditional view of stress, then extreme sports enthusiasts should have an extremely depleted immune system, but in reality it turns out that they are sometimes much healthier than “normal” people. The impetuosity of their movements, the sparkle in their eyes and the irrepressible thirst for activity all indicate that these people simply live one hundred percent. Conclusion: short, sharp psychological “pressure” from the outside activates the immune system and ultimately prolongs life. This type of stress, called stimulus stress, is positive.

    Ways to deal with stress Communicate with people who are strong, optimistic, and united by common interests. Support from loved ones. External sources of strength (nature, music, books). Switch to something good, remember happy moments. Set feasible goals, look at life realistically. Do physical exercise and sports. Eat right, follow a daily routine. Enjoy life. Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves.

    Give stress your "Ha!" A vigorous burst of physical activity is the most physiologically justified way to relieve stress. Take a deep breath. Hold your breath. Exhale forcefully, saying “Ha!” (Or something like that). It helps a lot (especially at work). Impulsive and explosive natures can benefit from an instant emotional release. You might break a pencil or throw a book at the wall. Moreover, the more brutal your face and feeling of anger you do this with, the better it will help. You can jump or squat (just don’t forget to warn your colleagues that this is how you fight stress).
    Ways to prevent a nervous breakdown “Go out into the world” more often - on a visit, to a theater, restaurant or club. Neurologists note that their patients are usually people who prefer a secluded lifestyle. Master some new activity - sign up for a driving course or a sports section. This will break the chain of everyday routine and increase creativity in both personal and professional life. Listen to classical music in the morning - it increases the body's resistance not only to stress, but also to infections. Even in the midst of the work week, find time for small joys - meeting with friends, playing with children

    Our life is speeding up. And a huge burden falls on a child during adolescence. In order for you to be able to cope with stress, you need to learn to recognize when and what emotions and feelings can cause stress and how to deal with it.

    Pay attention to this moment. If your mind is constantly occupied by anxious thoughts, for example: “I’m worried about..., I’m worried about...”; If you constantly make involuntary movements such as twirling your hair, biting your nails, or shifting from foot to foot, these are signs of nervousness. Therefore, you must learn to look after yourself and recognize them.

    9 ways to help your teenager cope with stress

    1 . You don't have to deal with everything alone. If you have too many responsibilities, you can ask your parents, siblings, and friends to help you. Even a simple heart-to-heart conversation about how many problems you have will already provide some emotional support.

    6.You can keep a diary in which you describe your feelings, thereby materializing them on paper, freeing yourself from them and understanding what was behind them.

    Or you can try to depict your negative emotions using paints, and then destroy this drawing.

    Don't forget the saying that

    “Business people who don’t know how to deal with stress die young.”

    Remember, that:

    The most important thing in life is the ability to develop a certain state of mind, a positive attitude towards the world around us.

    A person suffers not so much from what happens, but from how he evaluates what is happening.


    Every person has the ability to AUTO-REGULATE – you just need to be able to use it in a timely manner.

    A person is not helpless in the face of stress.

    Ways to quickly relieve stress. Exercise is the best way. A break from everyday life: vacation, book, cinema, auto-training, meditation - reflection, massage, self-massage. Heart-to-heart conversation, tears, humor (contribute to the production of endorphins) Ancient wisdom says: THE ONE WHO CONTROLS HIMSELF IS STRONGEST OF ALL.” Don't imitate others, be yourself, develop an attitude towards life that will free you from anxiety.

    Slide 17 from the presentation “Pedagogical conflict” for psychology lessons on the topic “Conflicts at school”

    Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a slide for free for use in a psychology lesson, right-click on the image and click “Save image as...”. You can download the entire presentation “Pedagogical Conflict.ppt” in a 580 KB zip archive.

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    Conflicts at school

    “School conflicts” - Questions for discussion: “Punishment of parents” Opera - [punishment of parents 2:: Video on RuTube -]. Quarrelsomeness and aggressive behavior of parents. What is wrong with the teacher's behavior? Preliminary conversation. Seneca. Is it possible to do without conflict in school and family education? Disobedience and aggressive behavior in children.

    “Pedagogical conflict” - The main causes of pedagogical conflict. Poet Douglas Mallon. Exercises to relieve stress (in the central block). Pedagogical conflicts. Solving pedagogical situations. Techniques for preventing conflict. Stages of stress. Conflict situation. Conflict is one of the stressors. Types of conflicts. Ways to quickly relieve stress.

    “Conflict management at school” - The child spends most of his time at school. Prevention of conflicts. General recommendations for resolving a conflict situation. Advice for parents. Conflict Management. Compromise. Causes of conflicts. An interesting typology of pedagogical conflicts. The teacher has to resolve conflicts.

    “School reconciliation services” - Objectives of the ShSP. School conferences. Organization of activities of ShSP. Operating principles of ShSP. Group of teenagers. Training in conciliation programs. Causes of teenage shooting. Circles of care. Service work with the school community. School reconciliation services. Types of programs. The operating procedure of the school reconciliation service.

    “Conflicts at school” - Work in groups. Result from the group: strategies for teacher behavior in typical conflict situations have been developed. Draft solution: Result from the group: 3-4 typical conflict situations that I would like to sort out. Conflict at school Ways out of conflict situations. Determination by teachers of the behavioral characteristics of a conflict personality and conflict resolution styles.

    The concept of stress The concept of stress Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed on it. Stress (English – tension). Introduced by the Canadian physician and biologist Hans Selye in 1936. Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed on it. Stress (English – tension). Introduced by Canadian physician and biologist Hans Selye in 1936.

    Stress is a natural reaction of our body to external stimuli. Often noise and conflict situations at work and in the family are the causes of stress. It should be noted that as long as our body is able to respond to these stimuli, there is no need to worry, but if the body succumbs to these aggressors and cannot withstand their “pressure,” we should be wary.

    “Signs of stress” anxiety, worry, fear, fear, tension, tension, uncertainty, uncertainty, confusion, confusion, depression, depression, helplessness, helplessness, panic, pale or red, panic, pale or red, increased heart rate, increased heart rate, trembling, shaking, sweating, sweating, dry mouth, dry mouth, difficulty breathing, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, dilated pupils, muscle stiffness, muscle stiffness, difficulty swallowing, difficulty swallowing, stomach cramp. stomach spasm.

    Ways to deal with stress: Ways to deal with stress: eat regularly and exercise; eat regularly and exercise; Avoid excessive caffeine consumption, which can cause feelings of anxiety and agitation; Avoid excessive caffeine consumption, which can cause feelings of anxiety and agitation; do not smoke or take drugs; do not smoke or take drugs; develop self-confidence, for example, express your feelings in a politely assertive manner: I get angry when you yell at me. Please stop shouting; develop self-confidence, for example, express your feelings in a politely assertive manner: I get angry when you yell at me. Please stop shouting;

    Ways to deal with stress: Ways to deal with stress: learn to cope with complex tasks, for example, divide a task into several small ones; learn to cope with complex tasks, for example, divide a task into several small ones; get rid of a negative attitude: replace negative thoughts about yourself with alternative neutral or positive ones: replace the phrase “My life will never get better” Although I am in a hopeless situation, but if I make an effort, everything will change for the better; get rid of a negative attitude: replace negative thoughts about yourself with alternative neutral or positive ones: replace the phrase “My life will never get better” Although I am in a hopeless situation, but if I make an effort, everything will change for the better; learn to accept a positive work result, not an ideal one, stop demanding perfection from yourself and others; learn to accept a positive work result, not an ideal one, stop demanding perfection from yourself and others;

    Ways to deal with stress: Ways to deal with stress: take a break: listen to music, talk with friends, play with your pet; take a break: listen to music, talk with friends, play with your pet; Form a circle of friends who can help and encourage you. Form a circle of friends who can help and encourage you. Switch to something good, remember happy moments. Switch to something good, remember happy moments. Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves. Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves.

    Set of exercises 1. Grasp the seat of the chair on which you are sitting with both hands, tense and stretch upward. Count to six, lower your arms along your body and relax. 1. Grasp the seat of the chair you are sitting on with both hands, tense and stretch upward. Count to six, lower your arms along your body and relax. 2. Reach your arms behind your head and apply firm pressure to your neck at the base of your skull while counteracting the pressure. 2. Reach your arms behind your head and apply firm pressure to your neck at the base of your skull while counteracting the pressure. 3. Massage your fingers - from base to tip. Men massage their left hand first, while women start with their right hand. 3. Massage your fingers - from base to tip. Men massage their left hand first, while women start with their right hand. 4. Inhale slowly (mentally counting to six), hold your breath for two seconds, exhale slowly (counting to twelve). 4. Inhale slowly (mentally counting to six), hold your breath for two seconds, exhale slowly (counting to twelve).
