Placement and design of weapons depots. The Operational Manual for Missile and Artillery Weapons (hereinafter referred to as the Manual) is a fundamental document that establishes common principles for formations


General provisions

1. Storage places mean all types of storage facilities, sheds and open areas.

2. The following areas are used to locate storage areas:

having, as a rule, natural camouflage from air and ground surveillance and natural ventilation from different directions;

with minimal amount of dew fall;

not inundated by floods and storm waters;

not adjacent directly to swamps and to the territory of industrial enterprises that emit gases, vapors and mechanical impurities into the atmosphere, accelerating corrosion and aging of weapons;

located in close proximity to access roads, sources of electricity and water supply.

3. The equipment of storage areas must ensure fire safety, work at night, and the widespread use of mechanization.

4. Storage locations are divided into:

for heated storage facilities- structures equipped with heating and ventilation systems to maintain temperature and relative humidity within specified limits and provide protection for RAV from the effects of precipitation, wind, dust, sand, solar radiation and sudden temperature changes;

to unheated storage facilities- structures equipped for storing RAS and providing its protection from precipitation, solar radiation, dust, sand, wind, sudden changes in temperature and humidity of the outside air;

on awnings- semi-closed structures (roof on supports, with or without walls), protecting RAV from direct exposure to precipitation and partially from solar radiation;

to open areas- open areas of the territory equipped for storing weapons, but not protecting them from environmental influences.

5. Storage areas are equipped with lightning protection devices, fire-fighting water supply, fire alarms, fire equipment, and lighting for work at night.

6. Each storage location must have a passport, which is filled out by the person. responsible for storage.

Storage requirements *

7. By design, storage facilities must provide:

safety of weapons;

storage conditions specified for this type of weapon;

convenience of placing weapons, monitoring them and maintaining them in good condition;

speed of acceptance, issue and evacuation of weapons;

use of mechanization means.

The gates (doors) of storage facilities must open outward, and their design and dimensions must allow the use of mechanization. Gates (doors) must only be locked from the outside.

8. The inscription ENTRANCE is placed on the entrance gates (doors). Shoe cleaning grilles are installed at these gates (doors).

9. For the convenience of rolling in and out of wheeled equipment (moving in and out of box loads), ramps (ramps) and platforms are arranged in front of the gate.

10. Outside, along the walls of the storage facilities, asphalt or concrete blind areas with a slope for water drainage are installed.

11. The floors of storage facilities must have a hard surface (asphalt or concrete) and be resistant to the formation of crumbs and dust, and withstand the load created by weapons (property) and mechanization.

12. Access routes to storage facilities are equipped to ensure access for tractors with weapons.

13. The thresholds of external gates (doors) of storage facilities to protect against the flow of surface water must be higher than the level of the blind areas and have protective easily removable canopies against the penetration of rodents.

14. Storage windows must be glazed and have protective metal bars or mesh. Depending on the required conditions, the glass windows are painted white on the inside or covered with curtains to protect weapons from solar radiation.

15. Storage facilities must contain:

documentation board;

fire-fighting equipment;

a desk or bedside table with writing instruments and a stool;

emergency lighting;

hand-held electric torches for work at night;

special (depending on the purpose of the storage) equipment;

fire crew board;

instructions and posters for maintenance, tables (maps) for lubrication of weapons located in storage.

16. The following is placed on the documentation board:

passport of the storage location;

inventory of internal equipment and inventory located in the storage facility;

instructions on fire safety measures;

instructions to the person responsible for the storage facility on the procedure for ventilation, maintenance of the storage facility and the RAV stored in it, the procedure for receiving and handing over the storage facility;

* Construction of new storage facilities and reconstruction of existing ones should

be carried out according to projects approved for use by the Central Subsidiary Authority.

plan for placement, departure (removal, evacuation) of weapons, missiles, ammunition and property in case of emergency (in case of fire) with a diagram of the arrangement of racks or stacks printed on it;

instructions for using security and fire alarms (frequency of checking and preventive measures).

17. Special storage equipment includes:

trestle stands for unloading the wheel travel of weapons;

linings (beds) for the tracks of weapons mounted on caterpillar tracks;

device for removing samples of weapons from trestles;

instruments for measuring temperature and air humidity (in heated and air-conditioned warehouses);

workbenches for ease of maintenance work;

tugs for weapons evacuation;

racks (cabinets) for storing optical instruments, lighting devices, spare parts, covers and other property;

portable metal ladders, carts, mats and other equipment necessary for carrying out maintenance;

cabinet (pyramid) for tools and equipment for cleaning storage (broom, brushes, dustpans, vacuum cleaners, etc.).

18. Storage facilities must have natural or artificial ventilation. Ventilation and its scheme are determined taking into account the types of weapons (property), the capacity and layout of the storage facility, as well as the storage mode.

19. Heating of storage facilities should be central.

20. Heated storage facilities must maintain a temperature of 5 to 40° C and a relative air humidity of no more than 70%. A short-term increase in relative air humidity up to 80% is allowed (but in total no more than one month per year). The daily temperature difference should not exceed 5° C.

Requirements for canopies and open areas

21. For open storage of weapons, areas and sheds are equipped in a dry, flood-free area. There are two types of sheds and open areas: equipped and unequipped.

22. Equipped sheds and platforms must have a hard surface made of concrete or asphalt concrete and correspond in size to standard storage facilities. Equipped areas and sheds must be located in strict accordance with the requirements for the placement of storage facilities.

23. Unequipped sheds and platforms must have coverings in the form of a compacted layer, gravel-sand mixture in the storage area and the entrance to it.

24. When equipping open areas or sheds, the following requirements must be observed:

a) the site is equipped on a site with a slight overall slope (from 2 to 3°) of natural relief;

b) the surface level of the site must be at least 0.5 m above groundwater. The soil on the site must withstand a pressure of at least 5 kgf/cm2;

c) the site should be rectangular and, if possible, oriented with the short side in the direction of the prevailing winds;

d) there must be drainage ditches (ditches) around the site;

e) the boundaries of the site are marked by pillars 1.5 m high and 10 cm in diameter (for open areas);

f) a sign is installed at the entrance to the site indicating its number, surname and initials of the person responsible for storing weapons and maintaining the site. The shape of the sign is shown in Fig. 5 (Appendix 35).

25. When planning driveways, it is possible to leave equipment stored with trailers in rows without turning around. The open area (shed) and the area around it at a distance of at least 20 m are cleared of trees and bushes.

APPENDIX 16(to Art. 163)

102. In the troops, engineering ammunition is stored in engineering ammunition warehouses, which are divided on permanent and temporary (field).

Permanent warehouses include warehouses located in areas of permanent deployment of military units. Temporary (field) warehouses are organized in wartime, as well as during exercises, maneuvers and practical combat training.

The locations of permanent warehouses are established by the commanders of military districts (groups of troops) in agreement with local authorities.

Temporary warehouses are located at a distance of at least 1 km from populated areas, railways and high-voltage power lines by decision of the commander of the military unit.

103. Security and defense of engineering ammunition depots is carried out by guards.

Guard service is organized in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The security of the engineering ammunition warehouse must be ensured by reliable communications, technical support, fire alarms and lighting. Post communication and alarm lines must be laid covertly around the perimeter.

104. Entry into and exit from the technical territory of persons arriving at the engineering ammunition warehouse to receive ammunition or inspect the warehouse is carried out only when accompanied by warehouse officials and with the appropriate documents (passes).

The procedure for admitting persons, importing (exporting) and bringing in (removing) ammunition at engineering ammunition warehouses is established by the commander of the military unit.

It is prohibited to bring or transport weapons, smoking and incendiary materials into the technical area.

105. Keys to technical territory facilities are handed over to the warehouse (warehouses) duty officer or the guard chief in a sealed tube (pencil case). The second copies of the keys to the storage facilities are stored in the secret police department of the military unit in a tube (pencil case) sealed with the seal of the warehouse manager. Spare keys are issued only by order of the commander of the military unit.

106. Engineering ammunition in storage must be placed in storage facilities in accordance with the Rules for maintaining stocks of missiles, ammunition, explosives and products based on them according to the degree of explosion and fire hazard. Temporary storage of engineering ammunition (except for explosive means, finally loaded ammunition, ammunition with an expelling charge and products marked “Secret”) is allowed in specially equipped open areas and loading and unloading platforms until they are sent or delivered to storage facilities in accordance with the requirements of the “Warehouses” manual engineering ammunition", approved by the chief of engineering troops of the Armed Forces in 1984.

107. Permanent warehouse storage facilities are constructed from fireproof materials (brick, stone, concrete, reinforced concrete and slag concrete). The use of metal prefabricated structures is allowed.

The roofing of storage facilities is made of fireproof materials; wooden structures must be treated with a fire retardant mixture. Storage facilities for jet engines must have a reinforced concrete ceiling. Floors in storage rooms must have a hard surface.

The windows of the storage rooms are equipped on the inside with a metal mesh (grid) and on the outside with iron-clad shutters. Window glass should be frosted or coated with white paint.

Vault doors must be strong and lock securely. For ventilation, storage facilities are equipped with internal lattice doors and the required number of hatches, equipped in accordance with the requirements of Art. 18 of this Instruction.

Gates (doors), windows, storage hatches must be equipped with a TSO with access to the guard commander.

108. A protective rampart made of plastic and granular rocks is installed around ground-type storage facilities. The shaft must be 1.5 m higher than the storage eaves and at least 1 m wide at the top.

109. The placement of ammunition in the warehouse is carried out in accordance with the plan, which is approved by the superior commander (chief). A diagram of the placement of engineering ammunition is attached to the plan. Storing explosives and explosives in the same storage facility is prohibited.

110. Stacks of ammunition are stacked evenly and steadily, packages with lids up, marked towards the aisle. To ensure stability of the stack, the packages are secured in it with spacers (bars). When securing stacks, spacers, slats and bars must be laid evenly and flush with the packages. Fastening gaskets, slats and bars to packaging with nails prohibited.

In storage facilities, depending on the size of the package and the means of mechanization used, working passages 1.5-2 m wide are arranged opposite each door, in the middle of the storage facility or along one of the walls - working passages 1.25-1.5 m wide, and inspection passages along the walls passages 0.6-0.7 m wide.

111. Engineering ammunition is stored in factory-functional sealed packaging, which must be clearly marked with full markings in accordance with the technical documentation. On the front side of the consumable (incomplete) box there is additionally marked “Consumables, ___ pcs.” The number of products in consumable packaging may be marked with chalk. All consumable packages must have lids with hinges and latches.

One batch of engineering ammunition should not contain more than one consumable package, which is stored on top of the stack, on the side of the working or inspection aisle. Consumable packaging must be sealed.

Packages containing engineering ammunition with broken factory seals must contain packing slips indicating the amount of ammunition in it. The placement of ammunition in packaging, including consumables, must prevent the possibility of their movement during transportation.

Wedging of engineering ammunition in consumable packaging is carried out each time after dispensing the ammunition.

Opening of sealed packaging with engineering ammunition, in addition to control checks, is carried out only with the permission of the higher command, under whose subordination the warehouse is located. Opening and packaging of containers is carried out only at work stations.

112. Engineering ammunition with electrical (electronic) circuits and clock mechanisms, as well as electrical networks, control equipment, optical instruments included in the ammunition kit, must be stored in the original packaging, in dry heated rooms with an air temperature of 5 to 25 ° C and relative humidity not higher than 70%.

FROM. Jet engines must be placed in casing, reinforced concrete or metal storage facilities of an arched or other structure. Temporary storage of jet engines is allowed in standard ground-based storage facilities lined with a protective rampart, located in the first row, near a wire fence with the head parts laid in the safest direction, but not towards storage facilities with engineering ammunition, populated areas and railways.

114. Combat elements of practical engineering ammunition (jet engines, cartridges, releases, disconnecting devices, etc.) must be stored with ammunition of combat equipment, taking into account the rules of joint storage. Components of practical engineering ammunition containing igniter caps, detonator caps, propellant charges, etc., must have a distinctive red stripe on the packaging and on the products themselves. On the rack (stack) labels there is a clearly visible inscription “PRACTICAL”.

115. Training engineering ammunition should be stored separately from combat weapons or in storage facilities with ammunition elements that do not contain explosives or explosives. and have a distinctive marking on products and packaging - a white stripe. The inscription “EDUCATIONAL” is written on the rack (stack) labels.

54. Storage of weapons and ammunition is permitted to legal entities and individuals who have received permission from the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies to store, or store and use, or store and carry weapons.

55. Legal entities, after receiving from the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies permission to store or store and use weapons in the manner established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, are obliged to store weapons and ammunition in conditions that ensure their safety , safe storage and excluding access to unauthorized persons.

(see text in the previous edition)

Weapons and ammunition, in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, must be stored in isolated premises, specially equipped for these purposes, equipped with technical security equipment and other means of protection, in locked safes or metal cabinets. In this case, the storage volumes of cartridges in factory packaging, safes or metal cabinets are determined by a commission formed in the prescribed manner, based on fire safety requirements.

(see text in the previous edition)

The procedure and conditions for storing weapons and ammunition during their production are established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

56. The procedure for accepting weapons and ammunition for storage, transferring them, issuing and processing the necessary accounting documents is established by orders of the heads of legal entities in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

The procedure for carrying out these actions with weapons and ammunition placed under the customs procedure is established by the Federal Customs Service.

(see text in the previous edition)

57. Storage of sports firearms, including those with a rifled barrel, or sports pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J and a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, sports cold bladed and throwing weapons, and hunting weapons can be carried out by legal entities that have received permission Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or its territorial body for the right to store weapons and (or) store and use weapons at a shooting facility, in premises equipped taking into account the requirements of these Rules.

(see text in the previous edition)

58. Requirements for engineering and technical equipment with security means, organization of access control and regime inside the facility, in warehouses and storage facilities for weapons and ammunition, in premises for display, demonstration or trade in weapons and ammunition, in shooting ranges and at shooting ranges located outside production facilities territories, as well as requirements for the placement of weapons and ammunition in places of their storage are established by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

59. Weapons and cartridges belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as initiating and flammable substances and materials (gunpowder, primers) for self-loading cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms must be stored at their place of residence in compliance with conditions ensuring their safety, storage safety and excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes, safe cabinets or metal cabinets for storing weapons, boxes made of high-strength materials or wooden boxes lined with iron. The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies, internal affairs bodies at the place of residence (stay) of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of registered weapons.

(see text in the previous edition)

The storage of weapons, cartridges, as well as initiating and flammable substances and materials (gunpowder, primers) for self-loading cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms by citizens of the Russian Federation in places of temporary stay must be carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to them by unauthorized persons.

(see text in the previous edition)

Citizens of the Russian Federation who are members of sports shooting societies and clubs may store their weapons and ammunition at sports shooting facilities at the site of shooting training and competitions.

Ammunition is part of the weaponry. With their help, specific targets are hit, and various training and combat missions are carried out. The design of ammunition depots is always carried out in full compliance with departmental construction standards.

Ammunition hazard categories

Each ammunition belongs to a certain hazard category. This must be taken into account when designing ammunition depots. To determine which category a particular ammunition belongs to, you need to perform a sequential check of whether it belongs to one of nine weapon hazard groups - E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, B, D. In this list, category is in the first position with a higher danger, and at the last - with a lower one. Each group of ammunition is characterized:

  • the diameter of the dispersion of fragments during an explosion;
  • degree of fire hazard;
  • the formation of a powerful shock wave;
  • large thermal radiation;
  • the degree of destruction of buildings and structures;
  • distance of fire propagation.

In order to accurately determine the category of a specific weapon during design, it is necessary to use a special table in departmental building codes.

Design of master plans for ammunition depots

The location of the ammunition depot must be approved by the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. In order for the draft master plan for the weapons storage base to meet security requirements, it is necessary to maintain certain minimum distances from its perimeter to the following objects:

  • 15 km to airfields;
  • 15 km to civil aviation routes;
  • 30 km to nuclear power plants;
  • 20 km to thermal and hydroelectric power stations;
  • 20 km to petrochemical industry facilities;
  • 15 km to main gas and oil pipelines.

When designing facilities intended for storing ammunition, it is necessary to provide a sorting, demolition and helipad site, utility, barracks and residential area. A security perimeter around the warehouse is also being designed.

Any warehouse where ammunition is stored must be protected from entry by unauthorized persons with wire fencing. There must be a distance of at least 1.5 km from the field of the warehouse complex, where the shells are detonated, to separate residential buildings, highways, railways, and sorting sites. At the same time, the warehouse must be located at a distance of 3 km from the populated area. In addition, the helipad is located from the technical territory and sorting area at a distance of 1.2 km. During design, it is also necessary to provide a restricted zone around the warehouse, the width of which will be at least 400 meters.

Buildings and structures located on the sorting site and technical territory must be diked. If they belong to hazard categories B and D, then they are allowed not to perform such a procedure.

The main difficulties and mistakes when designing yourself (with your own hands)

Solutions LLC "Region"

  • Lack of an agreed upon design of the Sanitary Protection Zone (SPZ)
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare Terms of Reference for the SPZ project. If necessary, we will carry out the design of the sanitary protection zone and coordinate it.
  • Lack of metering devices and objective (calculated) data on the required productivity.
  • We will collect all the necessary data, carry out calculations and present it to the customer for consideration. If necessary, we will carry out temporary installation of metering devices.
  • Lack of title documents for land.
  • We will assist in the preparation of documentation and, if necessary, include it in the design specifications.
  • Inaccuracies in the preparation of the Technical Specifications: all necessary research was not taken into account, the above listed documents were not taken into account.
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare the correct technical specifications.
  • The price justification was not carried out correctly, based on commercial proposals from non-specialized organizations, without taking into account compliance with the requirements of technical specifications, the need to inspect buildings and structures, etc.
  • We will prepare an estimate for design and survey work and inspection, according to reference price guides.
  • Inspection, research, design are carried out by different companies - this causes delays and the appearance of additional work.
  • We have significant experience and qualifications to organize a full range of design and survey work. The Region company has SRO approvals for both design and survey work. We are guaranteed to provide a positive expert opinion and support during construction and installation work.
To date, Region LLC has more than 150 successfully completed survey and design works. Our customers are the largest organizations in Russia.Numerous official reviews from organizations confirm our professionalism and responsibility in working with customers.


We have experience in using BIM design technologies and are ready to develop a BIM project, taking into account customer requirements and technical specifications. Technological BIM design is a special art that requires extensive experience and high qualifications, which Region LLC collected bit by bit.


To determine the basic (initial) cost of design estimates and survey work, Region LLC uses a time-tested method: drawing up estimates for design and survey work using reference price reference books. The estimated cost of design and survey work is a justified initial cost of work, which is clarified in the process of clarifying the scope of work and negotiations. An estimate for design and survey work compiled according to reference price reference books can serve as a justification for the price during the competitive procedure in accordance with Federal Law No. 44 and No. 223.

Assistance in completing applications for participation in Federal Target Programs (FTP). We make all technical and technological decisions based on variant design and comparison of all technical and economic parameters, including operational ones.
Assistance in processing applications for funds from regional budgets (feasibility study, Justification). Development of a feasibility study (feasibility study) of the project at the initial stages of implementation of the investment plan.
Consultations on lending from European banks and attracting grants.
Assistance in the development of investment programs. Consulting in the field of design, design stages, design stages, approvals, necessary initial permitting documentation, etc.
Assistance in attracting credit funds for the implementation of energy service contracts (energy efficiency) and environmental projects.
The Region LLC company is part of a number of large design and construction holdings and is ready to implement turnkey projects throughout Russia.


30% Costs of construction and installation works. Based on alternative design and modern technologies, we select the optimal solution. 3D modeling technologies help to avoid waste of materials and minimize the likelihood of errors.
25% For the cost of design and survey work, you get a high-quality project that allows you to implement your plan on time. Thanks to an integrated approach, everything is in one hand (collection of initial data, surveys and measurements, surveys) and the experience of our specialists, we can optimize costs and offer you a competitive price.
20% Time during construction and installation work. The decisions made by our engineers and architects are not only reliable and aesthetic, but also thought out in terms of convenience and speed of implementation (flexible solutions in terms of work execution).

We always include warranty obligations as part of the design contract.
and financial liability for failure to meet deadlines.

Region LLC specialists are ready to provide assistance at all stages of decision-making, both at the stage of considering the project concept and when considering options for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures. At the design preparation stage - prepare technical specifications for design and the necessary research.
And also prepare estimates for design and surveys based on collections of basic prices (price justification for holding a competition).


  1. Customer's idea
  2. Preparation of pre-design solutions and variable design
  3. Development of technical-economic feasibility study (feasibility study)
  4. Protection of basic solutions to the customer, selection of the optimal option
  5. Preparation of detailed technical specifications for: project development, engineering surveys, survey
  6. Development of working documentation
  7. Approvals
  8. Author's supervision
  9. The customer's vision embodied


Region LLC is a member of voluntary quality certification in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Registration No. SMK.RTS.RU.03121.17


We design on nanoCAD - a Russian universal CAD platform containing all the necessary tools for basic design and drawing production.

Our PCs are equipped with Windows 10, an operating system for personal computers developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family. After Windows 8, the system received the number 10, bypassing 9.

We work on Microsoft Office 2010 - a package of programs focused on the requirements of modern business and the needs of its employees.
The use of licensed software guarantees information security, legality of work and reduces the risks of company closure due to inspections by regulatory authorities.


Small arms include both combat and training pistols, revolvers, submachine guns, machine guns, carbines, rifles, hand, mounted, tank and heavy machine guns, devices for silent and flameless shooting, sports and target weapons, hand grenade launchers, edged weapons (bayonets, bayonet knives, daggers, checkers, etc.), devices for training shooting using PUS-7, PUS-9 cartridges.

The head of the arsenal (base, warehouse) and the head of the storage department are responsible for organizing the storage of small arms and ammunition. The manager of the storage facility bears direct financial responsibility for the safety of property.

The lids of boxes with small arms are additionally secured on three sides (on the sides and on the side of the box locks) with 4-8 screws. The screws must be at least 5 cm long and at least 4 mm in diameter. Sockets for screws are drilled with a drill with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm to a depth of no more than 25 mm. The screws must be screwed in. They are allowed to be driven in no more than three turns of thread.

The equipment included in the small arms kit is stored in the same closure and is not removed from the closure, but must be isolated from the weapon by placing it in a separate place in the closure and wrapping it in two layers of waxed paper.

Spare parts, tools and accessories included in a single spare parts kit are stored in standard closures in places provided for by the design of the weapon and closure.

When stacking boxes with personal weapons in stacks, after every two stacked boxes, passages at least 0.7 m wide are left for inspection from the end of any box

WITHsmall arms are stored assembled in standard closure, stacked.The order in the stacks should ensure their daily inspection, loading and unloading operations and timely issuance of materials.

The storage departments keep a numbered record of pistols and revolvers indicating the year of manufacture. Accounting books are maintained until complete use, after which they are stored for 10 years.

Compatible storage allowed:

  • small arms cartridges, hand grenades and fuses for them, anti-tank missiles, short-range anti-aircraft guided missiles, rocket ammunition (missiles, grenade launcher rounds, rocket-propelled anti-tank grenades), fully and partially loaded projectiles and mines of all types and shots for them, elements of dynamic tank protection;
  • lighting and signal cartridges, ground signals, checkers simulating the explosion of artillery shells, imitation means, simulators of an atomic explosion, explosive packages, and the like.

Ammunition for each of these groups must be placed in separate storage facilities.

Joint storage of ammunition from different groups is prohibited.

Pistols and revolvers in the warehouses of a military unit (formation) they are stored in locked metal safes sealed with the seal of the head of the warehouse, placed in nests and in standard containers (for long-term storage).

Instruments are also stored in the warehouse.Storage of compasses, topographic instruments, photographic equipment

The keys to the boxes (cabinets) are handed over to the storage manager in a sealed case every day upon completion of work, along with the keys to the storage facility to the guard chief.

Spare keys are stored in a pencil case, sealed with the wax seal of the storage manager in a secret part of the arsenal. They are obtained with the permission of the head of the arsenal (base, warehouse).

The procedure for issuing weapons and ammunition from the RAV warehouse of a military unit when an alarm is declared is determined by the commander of the military unit.

The issuance of small arms, ammunition and hand grenades is carried out on the basis of which they are issued in the accounting and operational department of the arsenal (base, warehouse).

Registration of acceptance of small arms, ammunition and hand grenades is carried out by the commission of the arsenal (base, warehouse) with the execution of an acceptance certificate (form 4), order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1979 No. 260, on the basis of which the accounting and operational department issues accounting cards for categorical material assets ( Form 43), in duplicate. One copy of the card is given to the warehouse manager.

Inventory small arms and ammunition with the drawing up of an inspection report by order of the head of the arsenal (base or warehouse) is carried out at least once a year with a piece-by-piece inspection of at least 20% of the weapons.