Renat Ibragimov biography personal life. Renat Ibragimov: biography

“Yellow Leaves”, “In the Land of Magnolias”, “Old Maple” - these songs seem to be from the distant past.

And their performer, Renat Ibragimov, has no intention of aging at all. Moreover, today he is expecting the birth of his ninth child! And thereby dispels rumors that he is allegedly experiencing problems in the male area...


It is rare that any artist is happy in one marriage all his life. Let's say Lyudmila Gurchenko was married six times. Alla Pugacheva is in her fifth (and not necessarily her last) marriage. 70-year-old Renat Ibragimov is still far from these star ladies; Svetlana Minnekhanova is his third wife. True, the artist’s chosen one is younger than his children from his previous wives!

Sveta and I have a 40-year difference, but we don’t feel it at all, because we are spiritually close,” Renat smiles. - There is a phrase in the Koran: “To a sinner I will give a sinner, and to a believer I will give a believer.” So it was faith that brought us together.

I performed Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca, a city in Saudi Arabia, where the main shrine of Islam, the holy Kaaba, is located in the Al-Haram mosque. - Ed .), the wife regularly performs namaz (canonical prayer, one of the five pillars of Islam. - Ed .). Together we observe all the fasts (fasts. - Ed .)».

But Ibragimov met his third wife quite simply.

She came to Moscow, entered the university and, in order to survive, got a job as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant. That’s where we met,” says the artist. - When I saw Svetlana, my heart sank! This 20-year-old girl, so modest and so beautiful, fell into my soul.

He admits that he immediately fell in love with the pretty Sveta. However, he was married then and, as a decent person, decided to tell his wife about his new hobby. But the singer was unable to part ways with his former wife Albina.


Their family litigation continued for several years - the former spouses could not divide property or deal with alimony for a long time. Albina was getting frustrated talking to reporters:

I can’t believe that my husband exchanged me for someone who is good enough to be his granddaughter. I think this is a real betrayal of our love. We lived together for 25 years, we have two children. There were, of course, disagreements, as in any family, but by and large we lived very happily. Therefore, his novel came as a shock to all our friends. Nobody imagined that this could happen.

It’s interesting that Albina was also once just a mistress for Ibragimov. One day she asked him for an autograph - and that’s how their whirlwind romance began. Although Renat was married and raised two daughters.

I didn’t understand how difficult and painful it is when you are separated from your loved one. If only I knew then how this would come back to haunt me... - Albina later lamented.

By the way, Ibragimov not only married his second wife, but also went through the “nikah” ceremony. During this ceremony, the newlyweds were asked if they agreed to polygamy in their marriage.

I answered “no,” and Renat said that he would never offer this, Albina recalled.

And years later, the deeply religious Ibragimov finally decided to bring him into the house younger wife- the same waitress Sveta from the Chinese restaurant. Of course, Albina was categorically against it. She called out to common sense, explained that in the Koran, which Renat reads, there are several points that determine when a husband has the right to have a second wife - if the first wife agrees, if she is childless, if there is a war in the country and there are not enough men... None of these conditions the situation does not match. As a result, a divorce and a new marriage followed.


From previous relationships, Renat Ibragimov has five heirs - Nadezhda, Vera, Sultan, Aya and Atilla. By the way, all of them came to the anniversary concert that their famous father recently gave in the Kremlin. According to the artist, his children reacted normally to the fact that in a few months their 70-year-old father will have a baby again.

This will be the fourth child from his young wife (she has already given him three daughters, whose names are Asylbika, Aisha and Maryam) and the ninth for Ibragimov himself.

We must be fruitful while we have the strength and opportunity,” the singer believes. - It’s strange when there are no children, and not when they are. I think I won’t stop at the ninth child.

Apparently, this is why colleagues call Renat Ibragimov nothing more than a hero father. It is noteworthy that his youngest girl was born... in a bathhouse. Renat and Svetlana passed special courses independent birth, and the singer cut the umbilical cord himself.

For the first time I was present at a birth youngest son. In the maternity ward they even handed me scissors, but psychologically I was not ready for this,” the artist admits. - And during the last birth, Sveta knelt down, leaned on the side, I started giving her a back massage, and 10 minutes later Maryasha appeared. Naturally she dived straight into the water. I took my daughter in my arms, handed it to Svetlana, she put the baby to her chest... But the umbilical cord cannot be cut right away. In maternity hospitals they do this incorrectly. The umbilical cord must pulsate, because from there food continues to flow to the child... Yes, I’m already a scientist in this matter!

Photo by A. Lomokhov.

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov(November 20, 1947, Lviv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981), People's Artist of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, laureate of the Republican Prize of Tatarstan. Producer.


Born in the city of Lvov, in the family of a military man. Tatar. The child’s musicality and artistic talent were noticed as early as kindergarten. Simultaneously with receiving secondary education at school No. 6 in Kazan, Renat graduated from music school. In 1967-68. Renat served in the song and dance ensemble of the Volga Military District. In 1973, Ibragimov graduated from the Kazan State Conservatory and began his career on the stage of the Tatarsky academic theater Opera and Ballet named after. M. Jalil, where he performed leading roles in operas, including Prince Igor, Escamillo (Carmen), Valentin (Faust), Eugene Onegin (Eugene Onegin), Yeletsky (The Queen of Spades).

All-Union success and fame came to Ibragimov after his participation in the “Scarlet Carnation” song competition in Sochi in 1975, where Renat Ibragimov received the main prize. Creative path Ibragimov's work spans several decades. Along with musical performances, Ibragimov also starred in a number of films, the most famous of which is “The Italian Contract” (1993). In Italy, the press called him the “Russian Pavarotti.” He owns deep secrets vocal skill, knows how to excite the hearts of listeners.

Former member of the United Russia party.

Personal life

Married. From his previous two marriages, the singer has a 17-year-old son, Sultan, and three adult daughters, Nadezhda, Vera and Aya.

In October 2009, R. Ibragimov married for the third time - to Svetlana Minnekhanova, a native of Tatarstan, with whom he had two daughters.

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov is a Tatar by nationality, born in 1947 in Ukraine, in the city of Lvov. Since childhood, he showed a passion for creativity: he loved to recite poems, sing songs, and take part in school plays. Thanks to his perseverance, natural charm and talent, he managed to win the recognition of thousands of people.

He worked as the artistic director of his song theater. When Ibragimov went to serve in the army, he was able to find something he liked there too - he sang in a song and dance ensemble of the military district in the Volga region.

Height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov - this information is freely available. Renat Islamovich celebrated his 70th birthday in 2017. Without knowing his year of birth, you could be mistaken about his age by 25 years, the singer looks so good. The performer weighs ninety kilograms and is 1 meter 78 centimeters tall.

The pop singer considers himself a spiritual person, a deeply religious person, therefore he does not eat meat, does not smoke, and prefers hot tea to alcohol, which he has loved since childhood; his grandmother adored this drink. Photos in her youth and now Renata Ibragimova clear example the fact that if you approach the issue of nutrition, daily routine and life in general correctly, you can look at 70 years old like you did at 50.

Biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov

The biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov was similar to the life of a nomad. Since his father was a military man, they moved often, and his mother, due to his father's profession, was a housewife. When the boy had to go to school, they returned to Tatarstan. There Renat graduates from regular and music schools. Then he entered the State Conservatory, receiving a diploma in 1973, and performed on the stage of the Jalil Opera and Ballet Theater.

The young performer became famous throughout the country after participating in the Scarlet Carnation competition, which was held in Sochi in 1975.

Family and children of Renat Ibragimova

Renat Ibragimov’s family and children occupy an important place in the artist’s life. Ibragimov has always been popular with fair half humanity, during his life, he was married three times and he has eight children from different marriages. He is still on excellent terms with some of his wives; with others, the divorce proceedings lasted three years. Now the father of many children lives with his third wife, they are happy and have four children together.

Renat Ibragimov tries to help all his heirs as much as possible, the current wife is not against it, on the contrary, for her part, she is trying to maintain contact with the children from her lover’s previous marriages.

Sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla

The sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla - were born from different marriages of the producer. It is known that today the eldest son studies and lives in Kazakhstan, and it is too early for the youngest to think about a profession, because he is just a baby. Father of many children loves each of his children, but is still very glad that he has two sons - after all, these are the heirs, the successors of the old Ibragimov family.

According to Tatar beliefs, when a daughter is born in a family, it is a gift sent from heaven, and when a son is born, it is like a sign that the father of a newborn child did not come into this world in vain.

Daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Vera, Nadezhda, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam

Renat Ibragimov’s daughters – Vera, Nadezhda, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam – according to the artist, are “the flowers of his life.” The two eldest daughters from her first marriage are already quite old. They live permanently in Moscow, in apartments that their father bought for them. The remaining girls were born in the third marriage. The eldest is eight years old, the youngest is not even a year old. Famous father Now he spends a lot of time with his young wife and children, as he himself admits - “he wants to make up for lost time in his youth, when he devoted most of his time to his career and not to his family.”

The married couple tries to raise their children together according to all the laws and traditions of Islam. At home, the children speak only their native language – Tatar.

Renat Ibragimova's ex-wife - Tamara

Renat Ibragimov's ex-wife, Tamara, categorically does not want to communicate with the press. The first wife of the People's Artist was his support and support in the days of Renat Islamovich's formation as a public figure. But, as a creative person, he always wanted variety, some changes in life.

When their children grew up, Renat announced his decision to divorce and went to new passion leaving all his property ex-wife and children.

The former father always keeps in touch with his offspring and when they need any help or just advice, he is happy to help them.

Renata Ibragimova's ex-wife - Albina

Renat Ibragimov’s ex-wife Albina, the celebrity’s second wife, fell in love with him at first sight after seeing a New Year’s performance on TV. Renata is flattered by this true love and he leaves his wife for his girlfriend. They live for three years without registering their marriage, which displeases Albina’s parents. However, after some time, the couple performs the wedding ceremony according to all religious rules, and live happily in marriage for twenty-five years.

However, this family union gave a crack. The People's Artist, like a boy, falls in love with a young waitress and invites Albina to become the eldest wife (according to their law, this is allowed), but she refuses and a long divorce process begins regarding the division of property.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minehannova

Renat Ibragimov's wife, Svetlana Minehannova, is some 39 years younger than her husband. But, as they say, all ages are submissive to love. Despite big difference aged, Renat Ibragimov and his young wife are happy together.

Svetlana manages the entire household with a skillful hand, National artist appears on stage less and less - helping his wife raise children, and there are already four of them in the family, and the Ibragimovs are not going to stop there - Svetlana Minehannova is pregnant for the fifth time. A loving father really wants another son.

Instagram and Wikipedia Renata Ibragimova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Renat Ibragimov are not one hundred percent complete. The People's Artist is not registered as a user on Instagram at all.

There is an official website of Ibragimov, where it is posted short biography artist, and Wikipedia describes in more detail about the discography, awards and other regalia. After all, the Tatar artist did not just sing, he simultaneously tried himself as a producer, director and composer. At the beginning of his career he also performed opera roles. He even managed to star in several films.

What is real popularity and people's love the singer found out when he was not yet thirty, and last year he crossed the seventy-year mark, and during this time many events happened not only in the creative, but also in the personal life of Renat Ibragimov. He was married several times, he has many children, and now the singer is experiencing a second youth with his last wife. So how many wives did Renat Ibragimov have?

The singer's personal life

Renat Islamovich admits that in his youth he had many affairs, and he often broke up with women who loved him, and there were many of them. Officially, the singer was married three times, and each time the age difference with his next wife was greater.

There is no information about the singer’s first wife, we only know that her name was Tamara, and he lived in marriage with her for fourteen years. In this marriage, the first children of Renat Ibragimova were born - daughters Nadezhda and Vera, who are now adults and have been living an independent life for a long time.

Second wife Albina first saw Ibragimov on TV - then she was only fourteen, and fell head over heels in love with handsome singer with a magical voice. They met thanks to chance - Albina’s family received an apartment in the building where the Ibragimovs lived, and she could not miss the opportunity not to meet him in person.

A reason was quickly found - the girl approached the singer for an autograph, and this was the beginning of their communication, which quickly grew into a whirlwind romance. Renat was married at that time, his daughters were growing up, but this did not stop either Albina or himself.

“I didn’t understand how difficult and painful it is when you are separated from your loved one. If only I knew then how this would come back to haunt me... Renat left his wife, but he always helped her...,” said Albina.

Ibragimov was fifteen years older than his new chosen one, and therefore her parents were categorically against their daughter’s marriage.

However, she married a famous singer, with whom she not only married, but also performed a Muslim wedding ceremony, Nikah. Renata Ibragimova’s second wife bore him two children - a daughter and a son, and twenty-five years after the wedding, her husband invited her to become the eldest wife in their family, since he had met another woman and was going to bring her into the house as his second wife.

Albina was shocked by this decision and, of course, refused. But an even bigger shock for her was the news of how old new darling her husband, Svetlana Minnekhanova, was almost forty years younger than Ibragimov.

The divorce from his second wife was scandalous - through the courts they had to divide the property acquired during their life together.

His young wife Renata Ibragimova, whom he also married according to Muslim customs, was his secretary. And for the first time they saw each other in one of the capital’s restaurants, where Svetlana, a student at the University of Public Administration, worked part-time as a waitress.

Ibragimov invited the girl to his production center, then gave her a job, and then things started between the boss and his subordinate love affair at work, and Svetlana was ready to become the singer’s second wife, but since his first wife was categorically against this, she turned out to be the only one.

Svetlana Minnekhanova gave birth to her wife four children - three daughters and a son, but the couple want their family to have at least five children.

For obvious reasons, the wives and children of Renat Ibragimov do not communicate, but this does not bother him; the singer believes that he lives according to Muslim customs and does not do anything reprehensible.

He tries to help his eldest son Sultan financially, but the relationship between them does not work out, and Renat Islamovich blames his ex-wife Albina for this.

The outstanding singer, composer, producer declared throughout the country that he could freely support a whole harem - in life he follows his principles, however, he does not live with several wives at the same time, but changes them one after another. First wife of Renata Ibragimova Tamara she lived with him for fourteen years and gave birth to two daughters - Nadezhda and Vera. They are already independent adults, living and working in Moscow.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov with his second wife Albina

The “Tatar nightingale” lived with his second wife Albina for twenty-five years and also exchanged her for a young girl. Albina still cannot calmly remember her ex-wife, to which she has many complaints. Second wife Renata Ibragimova fell in love with her future husband when she was only fourteen years old. She saw him on TV and fell in love at first sight, but never dreamed that she would ever marry him. Life itself brought them together - Albina’s family moved to the house where the Ibragimov family lived, and one day she dared to ask her idol for an autograph - from that moment their unforgettable romance began.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov and Svetlana

Then Albina was not stopped by the fact that Ibragimov was not free - he had a wife and two daughters. But her parents were categorically against her union with famous singer However, Renat packed his things and came to their house, where they lived with Albina, who was fifteen years younger than him. It so happened that she repeated the fate of Renat Ibragimov’s first wife - after living with Albina for a quarter of a century, giving birth to two children - a son and a daughter, the singer found a younger replacement for her.

Secretary Renata Svetlana Minnekhanova, a graduate of the Faculty of International Economics of the State University, was forty years younger than her boss, which did not prevent Ibragimov from having a whirlwind romance with her. When Albina found out about Svetlana, it didn’t even occur to her that Renat would leave her and the children for the sake of this girl, but that’s exactly what happened.

The young secretary became the third wife of Renat Ibragimov, with whom he not only married, but also got married according to Muslim customs. Svetlana gave birth to two more children, the last of whom was born when the singer was sixty-three years old. For a long time after the divorce from Albina, they divided the property - the abandoned wife was offended that she received only four and a half thousand rubles in alimony for her son, and when he had to study at elite school, Ibragimov refused to pay tuition fees of twenty thousand a month, saying that he left his ex-wife expensive real estate.
