A poem about what I did in the summer. Eliseyka, club of caring mothers

It already smells like summer outside, now is the time to talk to your children about this wonderful time of year and offer to learn one or more beautiful poems about summer.

We have prepared and made a small selection of beautiful poems about summer for children. Here you will find short poems about summer for children 3-4 years old and longer poems for children 4-5 and 6-7 years old.

Teaching beautiful poems about summer with children is one of the the best ways development and memory training.

Short and beautiful poems about summer for children 3-4 years old

Wears a dandelion
yellow sundress.
Grow up to dress up
In a little white dress.

Summer is a hot time,
The sun is shining in the morning,
Even if it rains -
Everything around is shining and singing.
Summer - blue river
And the clouds float in it,
The berries burn like ruby,
It's vacation time for the guys.

-Why for all the guys
Is summer not enough?
Summer is like chocolate
It melts very quickly!

We walked, sunbathed,
They played near the lake.
They sat on the bench -
We ate two cutlets.
They brought the frog
And they grew up a little.

June has arrived.
"June! June!" –
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fly apart.

Haymaking occurs in July.
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the work.
The sun over the spacious
Nivami is worth it.
And sunflower grains
Full of blacks.

I paint summer -
What color?
Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,
And green is the field,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And the stream is singing.
What kind of paint?
Will I leave the cloud?
I paint summer -
It's very difficult...

Poems about summer for children 4-5 years old

“Walk!” - beckoned
Forest path.
And so he walked
Along the path Alyoshka!…
After all, in the summer in the forest
Interesting, like in a fairy tale:
Bushes and trees
Flowers and frogs,
And the grass is green
Softer than a pillow!…

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
It's a great time
When summer comes
And it's hot.
I'm on nice days
I don't like sitting in the shade
I love swimming here:
There is a beach, sand and a pond.
I'm swimming, I'm swimming,
And I dive and splash,
I'll take a little rest
And I'll start all over again!

Accidentally, unexpectedly,
Suddenly summer has come.
On the street and in the park,
It's already quite warm.
The foliage has all blossomed,
The streams have dried up.
Cheerful kids
They play by the river.
Where does all this light come from?
That sun has risen!
Summer has already arrived
Warm outside!

The sun is shining brightly.
There is warmth in the air.
And wherever you look -
Everything is bright all around!
The meadow is colorful
Bright flowers.
Covered in gold
Dark sheets.

There is Heat in the middle of the courtyard,
It sits and roasts in the morning.
You climb into the depths of the yard -
And in the depths there is Heat.
It's time for the heat to go away,
But everyone is in spite of the heat!
Today, tomorrow and yesterday
It's hot, hot, hot everywhere...
Well, isn't she lazy?
Standing in the sun all day?

Summer is laughing again
Out the open window
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!

Poems about summer for children 6-7 years old

The blue cloud was walking
In the clear blue sky,
Suddenly it fell like rain
And summer thunder rang out.

Where the droplets fell,
Sea of ​​blue cornflowers,
Where the lightning flashed,
There were no traces left.

The sun is in the clear sky again
A white light illuminated.
Daisies bloomed in the field
And there is no more bad weather.

Multi-colored arc
A rainbow is blooming in the sky,
With barely audible steps
The July day is upon us.

- What will you give me, summer?
– Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
– What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

I woke up early this morning.
The sun is just rising
And with your rosy ray
Calls to travel.
Past dad, past mom
I'm walking on tiptoes.
And outside the door there is a bird noise,
Rustle of leaves in the garden.
What a summer! How much light!
In our morning garden!
And I couldn't be happier!
I'm going to travel!

Golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And a cheerful cloud.
In the morning he wakes up,
The sun is shining,
Closed at night
Yellow eyelashes.

In summer our sunflower -
Like a colored flashlight.
In the fall we will have little black ones
He will give you some seeds.

Both children and adults love short poems about summer. How can you not love sunny lines about a beautiful, long-awaited time of year? Summer - cheerful white daisies, ringing bells, wonderful berries and cunning mushrooms.

“Hello, golden summer!”
Author of poems: Iris Review
Hello, golden summer!
What is brighter in the world?
What is sweeter in the world?
Lighter, more beautiful, hotter?

Here is the spider web yarn.
Warm rain laughs
The robin sings,
And the rye is earing.

Summer is its own bast basket,
Stuffed with onions and radishes.
Everywhere at lunch the chairman is okroshka,
And the substitute is the boletus mushroom.


Red summer warms us
July warmth,
Breath of ripe berries
The forest is filled with dense.

"What is summer?"

What is summer?
That's a lot of light.
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles.
There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights
There are a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet.


The sun has a rule:
It spread its rays,
Spread out in the morning -
And it's hot on the ground.

It's across the blue sky
Spread rays -
The heat is so intense
At least shout guard.


- What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
— The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

From the poem “In the Night”

Summer evening. Behind the forests
The sun has already set;
At the edge of the distant sky
Zorka turned red.

Grabbing the horses by the mane,
Children are jumping at school.
That's joy and fun,
That's the way for the children!


Should I tell you, flower children:
Light - about the planets,
Ruse - about the little star,
Pan - about the picture,
Tyulus - about the bright months,
Lule - about beautiful stairs,
Lyuline - about the clear sun,
Lilya - about the wonderful bucket?

Poems about summer for children is one of many collections of poems selected specifically for your beloved children. Both children and adults adore summer because it always brings a lot of joy to life: sweet berries and fruits, trips to nature, to the forest, and most importantly, holidays and vacations give parents the opportunity to spend more time with their children!

We invite you to read simple, memorable poems about summer for children with all the summer impressions. Learn a few poems, train your memory and prepare your child for the first classes at school, when summer days will be remembered with special warmth.

In the collection of poems about summer for children, we tried to collect all the summer emotions so that each poem would be interesting to children and easy to learn.

So much light! So much sun!
So much greenery all around!
Summer has come again
And warmth came to our house.

And there is so much light around,
It smells like spruce and pine.
If only it were summer
It was with me for a whole year!

Summer gifts

What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
"Tell me your fortune quickly!"
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

Ripe summer

Ripe summer
Dressed in berries
In apples and plums.
The days have become beautiful.
So much color!
How much light!
The sun is at the top of summer!

Happy summer

Summer, summer has come to us!
It became dry and warm.
Straight along the path
The feet walk barefoot.
Bees circle, birds fly,
And Marinka is having fun.

The sun is shining brightly...

The sun is shining brightly.
There is warmth in the air.
And wherever you look -
Everything is bright all around!
The meadow is colorful
Bright flowers.
Covered in gold
Dark sheets.

The sky has cleared
The distance has turned blue!
It was as if it wasn’t raining
The river is like crystal!
Over the fast river,
Having illuminated the meadows,
appeared in the sky

Sunny morning

Lots and lots of sunshine
The sun is a whole country!
The sun's legs are getting stuck
In the low branches by the window.

Here it is a little more
He will accumulate strength in the heights,
Golden centipede
He'll sneak into my house!

In the summer heat

How beautiful it is in the summer heat
Take a walk with mom in the forest,
Enjoy the silence
Bright blue skies.

Summer sun rays

What a good day!
A light breeze is blowing.
Summer sun rays
So nicely hot!

How we spent our time in the summer

We walked, sunbathed,
They played near the lake.
They sat on the bench -
We ate two cutlets.
They brought the frog
And they grew up a little.

All year round. June

June has arrived.
"June! June!" -
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fly apart.

All year round. July

Haymaking occurs in July.
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

All year round. August

We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the work.
The sun over the spacious
Nivami is worth it.
And sunflower grains

What does the sun look like?

What does the sun look like?
On the round window.
Flashlight in the dark.
It looks like a ball
Damn hot too
And on the pie in the stove.
On a yellow button.
On a light bulb. Onion.
On a copper patch.
On a cheese flatbread.
A little bit for an orange
And even on the pupil.
Only if the sun is a ball -
Why is he hot?
If the sun is cheese,
Why are there no holes visible?
If the sun is a bow,
Everyone would cry around.
So it’s shining in my window
Not a nickel, not a pancake, but the sun!
Let it look like everything -
still the most expensive!

The meadow is buttoned up for all the dewdrops.
Silently a ray made its way to them,
Collected dewdrops into a web
And hid it somewhere between the clouds.

Summer, summer, fabulous summer!
Miracles make your head spin...
Here in rainbow-colored chain mail
Islands emerge from the river!
In the scales, in the flickering of shells,
With an uncovered mane of talniks,
From the courtyards of coastal villages
The fishermen are taken captive in silence...
On sands covered with mud,
To shallow waters sharp as swords
Then the joint will go down like a goose,
Then, loudly, the rooks will fall down.
Summer, summer...
With a song unsung
Hot grass is waiting for the rain.
Together with the sun, in the haze of dawn,
From the river
Coming out

Belozerov Timofey

Summer is the brightness of colors,
A ray of sunshine on the wall.
The whisper of the wind is weak and gentle.
And there is not a drop of sadness!
It's so nice to smile
Everyone on the street in a row,
Enjoy the warm night
Know that life is getting better.
And boating
And nightingale concerts,
Everything around you laughs
The whole Universe is yours!
And it works easier
Vanity recedes.
Summer is just summer.
This is relaxation and a dream.

Who doesn't like summer here?
- Festival of the sun, festival of light!
A warm wind blows in the field,
The wheat is ripening on the hills.
Birdsong can be heard everywhere,
Every day there are more cherries.
Here is a ruddy-sided apricot,
Filled with fragrant juice.
This sun is hot
So he was gilded!
Cucumbers in a mountain in the beds,
The smell of early melon is sweet...
Pears, apples, nuts!..
Rip, children, without hindrance.
The wind pours into our hems
The hail is fragrant and heavy.
The wind plays with the branches...
There is plenty of fruit in our region.

Sadullah Sh.

Summer is just around the corner:
The touch-me-not bees are hovering,
Majestically on guard
Attractive hives
So that all sorts of worries
Drowned in a measured roar,
Like alarm bells drowning in the gospel,
And in June, and in July,
And especially
In August.

Martynov Leonid

I'm glad to swim in the summer
And sunbathe on the beach,
And ride a bike,
Play badminton with my sister.
After reading a good book
Take a nap in a hammock in the heat.
Summer's delicious gifts
Collect at the end of summer.

Antonova L.

Everything around has turned green,
Turned red, turned blue!
It's summer!
It's summer!
With the warm sea,
With bright light.

Lagzdyn G.

Summer is laughing again
Out the open window
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!

Where does summer come from?
Does anyone know this?

The mole looked out of the hole fearfully:
“He’ll probably come by train.”

The hedgehog snorted: “Read in the chat -
He’ll ride on a scooter!”

The snake hissed: “Summer will come
On an old bike!

Drozd whistled: “Well, you give it!”
Summer is flying on the plane!”

The magpie chirps: “This time
Keep your eyes on him.

Me last year in May
I saw summer on the tram.”

- Not true! We're all used to it
By summer on a motorcycle.

- I saw him being taken
In a white car.

- Not true! It's in the carriage!
- In the carriage?.. Well, what can I say?

— I’ll tell those who don’t understand:
There's a yacht at sea in the summer!

And summer came on foot,
Spun barefoot in the meadows.
And everyone was surprised by this.
Hello summer!

Jan Brzechwa

It's great that it's summer again.
It's great that you can forget everything
And again from dusk to dawn
On quiet summer streets to roam.
Look closely at the greenery of plants,
Listen to the nightingale's trills
And feel how it melts into ecstasy
Your soul frozen in the snow.
For relaxation, to the garden, to the sea, to nature -
And away from the hated table!
If only the weather was capricious
Out of spite, I didn’t let you down...
But what then? Bad weather There is not:
Anything is suitable for relaxation,
After all, even heavy rain happy summer -
He walks in a special way somehow.
Let there be summer! Sunny and bright
Mother Nature will give it to us.
And we will say “thank you” for the gifts
And let's run to rest soon.

- What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
— The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

Orlov Vladimir

Summer has arrived -
Strawberry blushed:
Turns sideways to the sun -
Everything will be filled with scarlet juice.
There is a red carnation in the field,
Red clover. Look at this:
And wild rose hips in summer
All covered in red.
Apparently people are not in vain
Summer is called red.

Evensen M.

Walking along the path
Golden summer.
Fords the river,
A bird is whistling somewhere.
Walks and wanders through the dew,
Through the colorful meadow,
Wears a rainbow in her braid,
Braided tightly.
He gets up and sighs joyfully -
The wind will pick up.
He waves his hand at the clouds -
Warm rain will fall.
He will even visit the city.
Stay for a while - and that’s fine.
He will bring it there in handfuls
The air from the mountains is cool.
Whisper of the river, bird whistle,
Light fluff without weight.
There is a wet sheet on the asphalt,
Like a letter from the forest.

Zidorov Nikolay

Summer is laughing again
Out the open window
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!

Belozerov T.

Summer, summer has come to us!
It became dry and warm.

Along the path
Straight ahead
Legs are walking
The bees are circling
Birds are flying,
And Marinka
Having fun.

I saw a rooster:
- What a miracle! Ha ha ha!
Amazing rooster:
Feathers on top, fluff below!

I saw a piglet
The girl smiles:
-Who runs from a chicken?
The whole street is screaming
Instead of a tail there is a hook,
Instead of a nose there is a snout,
Is the hook swivel?

And Barbos,
Ginger dog,
Made her laugh to tears.
He's not running after the cat,
And behind your own tail.
The sly tail curls,
Can't be punched in the teeth.
The dog waddles sadly,
Because he's tired.
The tail wags merrily:
“I didn’t get it! I didn’t get it!”

Summer, summer has come to us!
It became dry and warm.
Along the path
Straight ahead
Legs are walking

The rays still burn under the arches of the roads,
But there, between the branches, everything is muffled and numb:
This is how the pale player smiles,
I no longer dare count the strokes of the lot.

It's already day behind the curtains. With fog on the ground
Slowly sad calls are drawn in...
And with him everything is a stuffy feast, crushed in crystal
It’s still yesterday’s shine, and only the asters are alive...

Or is it a procession whitening through the sheets?
And there the lights tremble under the matte crown,
They tremble and say: “What about you? When are you coming?" —
In the copper tongue of funeral languor...

Has the game ended, has the tomb floated away?
But impressions become clearer in the heart;
Oh, how I understood you: and the insinuating warmth,
And the luxury of flower beds, where decay appears...

Annensky Innokenty

I draw summer -
What color?
Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,
And green is the field,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And the stream is singing.
What kind of paint?
Will I leave the cloud?
I draw summer -
It's very difficult...

Pranuza P.

Summer rain lashes the roof
By iron sheets.
I hear, I hear!
Tra-ta-ta-ta, tram-there-there!

I'll take off my tight boots
And I’ll roll up my pants...
Along the groove along the path
I'll gallop at a trot with a squeal.

Eva! Splash like snakes!
The whole ditch is full of bubbles,
The rain is dancing on the bench,
Drumming in the burdocks.

Watering with a prickly water
Got me wet through...
The sun has come out of the clouds!
The sun will dry it out - I suppose!

Sasha Cherny

We are in the forest in summer
We picked raspberries
And every one to the top
Filled the basket.
We shouted to the forest
All in chorus: - Thank you!
And the forest answered us:
"Thank you! Thank you!"
Then suddenly he swayed
sighed... and silence.
Probably near the forest
The tongue is tired.

Fayzullina M.

It's all winter...
Where is summer?
Animals, birds!
Waiting for an answer!

- Summer, -
The swallow thinks -
Arriving very soon.
Summer needs to hurry,
And it flies like a bird!

— Is it arriving? —
The Mole snorted. —
It's crawling underground!
You say
Summer is coming soon?
I don't hope so!

Toptygin grumbled:
- Summer
Sleeping in his den

The horse neighed:
-Where is the carriage?
I'm now
I'll deliver summer!

- Summer, -
The hares told me,
He gets on the train at the station,
Because maybe it's summer
Ride like a hare -
Without a ticket!

Boris Zakhoder

All around is a green world,
The white birch trees are noisy.
Hiding behind a spruce branch,
Forest spirits are fast asleep.
I want summer not to end,
Nature bloomed with colors,
The bliss continued forever
The road led to a fairy tale.

Already a hot ball of the sun
The earth rolled off its head,
And peaceful evening fire
The sea wave swallowed me up.

The bright stars have already risen
And gravitating over us
The vault of heaven has been lifted
With your wet heads.

The river of air is fuller
Flows between heaven and earth,
The chest breathes easier and more freely,
Freed from the heat.

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,
Nature ran through my veins,
How hot are her legs?
The spring waters have touched.

Fedor Tyutchev

Summer rain, warm shower!
Sparkles in the wind!
Leaves a sea of ​​puddles
To get everyone drunk!
Summer rain! Wait!
We've waited again!
Come on, rain! Help me out
Forest dweller!
For a moose cow - a stream,
For mice - dewdrops,
And the seagulls are ready for the birds
In a hole on the path.
They drink from the bushes with their palms,
Droplets - midges,
And the blades of grass and bushes
Drink a teaspoon.
Just a quick summer day
The puddles are getting shallow.
We're expecting rain tomorrow too
Come soon!
Come and visit us, wait!
We'll drink again
The best tea in the world
From the forest rain!

Bokova Tatyana

Why is there so much light?
Why is it suddenly so warm?
Because it's summer
It came to us for the whole summer.

That's why every day
It's getting longer every day.
Well, what about the nights?
Night after night
It's getting shorter and shorter.

Maznin I.

August - asters
August - stars
August - grapes
Grapes and rowan
Rusty - August!

Marina Tsvetaeva

Meadows, fields, valleys are blooming.
Cozy and warm in summer.
After an afternoon shower
Nature breathes easily.
A ray of sun broke through the clouds,
It can no longer burn.
You can no longer hear the sonorous peals,
The storm has passed, but life is in full swing again!

The evening day is languid and gentle.
Herds of cows shaking their sides
Accompanied by little helpers
They walk along the banks from afar.
The river, overflowing under the cliff,
Still as attractive to look at
And the sky is in a happy combination,
Having hugged her, he rejoices and burns.
Roses sculptured from the clouds
They curl up, get excited and suddenly,
Changing shapes and poses,
They are carried away to the west and south.
And the moisture kissed by them,
Like a girl half asleep in the evening,
It barely sways with its waves,
Not yet completely intoxicated.
She still seems indignant
And weakly pulls away, but she
Already in a dream, a premonition draws
The delight and flame of August days.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

So much sun! How much light!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? This summer
Finally he hurries to our house.
Songbirds are discordant!
The fresh smell of juicy herbs,
Ripe ears of corn in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.
How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
So we'll eat for a year
Stock up on vitamins!
I swim to my heart's content in the river,
I'll sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove
I'll sleep as long as you want!
So much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so summer
It was with me for a whole year!

Bokova Tatyana

If there are thunderstorms in the sky,
If the grass has bloomed,
If there is dew early in the morning
Blades of grass are bent to the ground,
If in the groves above the viburnum
Until the night the hum of bees,
If warmed by the sun
All the water in the river to the bottom -
So it's already summer!
So spring is over!

Kim Ya.

The end of the learning torment!
Judge for yourself:
A whole year of granite science
Gnawing with baby teeth.

A whole year of memories:
In lessons plus after-school...
How is there such a wealth of knowledge?
Does it fit in a child?

In the body of a high school student
There is no more space left.
But on holidays I quickly
I will overcome my fatigue.

I'll raise myself decently
At grandma's and at the dacha,
So that it's great in the fall
Click new tasks.

To school curriculum
From socks to top
Wedged in tightly
Well, straight away
Like cucumbers in a tub.

Smetanin A.

The clouds float freely
The ground is covered with flowers.
My soul is warm, calm,
Because summer is with us.
I hear the larks singing,
Birds are flying in the sky.
There is joy and joy in the heart,
I'm collecting daisies.
I direct my gaze further,
The horizon in the distance is so inviting.
The air is fresh and clear
The aroma of herbs is intoxicating.

How clear August is, gentle and calm,
Realizing the fleeting nature of beauty.
Gilding the wood sheets
He put his feelings in order.

The sultry afternoon seems like a mistake in it, -
Sad dreams are more akin to him,
Coolness, the beauty of quiet simplicity
And rest from a hectic life.

IN last time, before the tip of the sickle,
The pouring ears are showing off,
Instead of flowers, there are fruits of the earth everywhere.

The sight of a heavy sheaf is pleasing,
And a crowd of cranes is flying in the sky
And with a cry he sends “sorry” to his native places.

Konstantin Balmont

July - the top of summer, -
The newspaper reminded
But above all newspapers -
Daylight loss of light;
But before this little one,
The most secretive of signs, -
Cuckoo, cuckoo, - top of the head, -
The cuckoo has tapped
Farewell greetings.
And from linden blossom
Consider the song sung
Consider that half the summer is gone, -
July is the peak of summer.

Tvardovsky A.

The last gentle warmth
So far summer is spoiling us...
The sky is transparent, like glass,
Washed by rain and wind.
Rows of old poplars
Relaxing in an ancient park
And flower beds lush along the alleys
They are blooming and fragrant...
A steamboat is sailing along the river,
The lawn grass is emerald,
And soon autumn will arrive
It’s still very hard to believe...

Metelkina N.

June has arrived.
"June! June!" —
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion -
And it will all fly apart.

Samuel Marshak

How beautiful it is in the summer heat
Take a walk with mom in the forest,
Enjoy the silence
Blue skies.

Everyone was exhausted from the heat.
It's cool in the garden now,
But that's how mosquitoes bite,
At least run out of the garden!

Marina, younger sister,
Fights mosquitoes.
The mosquito has a stubborn temperament
But she's more stubborn!

She will drive them away with her hand,
They are spinning again.
She shouts: “What a shame,”
They attacked the baby!

And mom sees from the window,
How brave Marina is
Fighting alone in the garden
With a squad of mosquitoes.

Two mosquitoes are sitting again
On the baby's finger!
Marina, brave sister,
Slam on the blanket!

Agniya Barto

L The asque, kind sun is rising.
E Even if it’s cloudy, it’s hot for us.
T These days will be warm and radiant.
ABOUT We'll like them very much, I know.

Borina-Malkhasyan M.

A Such was the summer of the Moscow region,
X the cold afternoon was replaced by the summer heat.

L Esa, fields with midday silence
E They still can’t get used to it sometimes:
T Oh the breeze will rustle the leaves,
ABOUT hurrying to discuss something secretly with her,

TO a bunch of grass in the field above the river,
R frolics in the thickets of river reeds.
A x, red summer, you are long-awaited
WITH the howling warmth, the flowering of grass and the singing of birds.
N with our eyes in winter we tirelessly remember
ABOUT the hot sun and the delights of lightning.
E We still remember the smell of strawberries.

L tasting fresh berries.
YU hovering in the bushes among the blueberries:
B Take it and enjoy it, complete the experience.
AND picking mushrooms is a wonderful activity
L They truly gave them a home.

B There are mushrooms that look alike like brothers.
(Y- sometimes avoid the letter)

I I wouldn’t write pretentiously about summer,

T just before it, the alluring ripeness of the fruits,
E dawn, fishing at dawn,
B large quantities, different colors.
I I admire the summer time,

P.S. But remembering Pushkin, I will not hide:
“Ah, red summer, I would love you,
if only there was no dust, no mosquitoes, and flies..."

Short poems about summer are actively used by teachers, speech therapists, and educators in kindergarten and primary grades. Such poems are quickly remembered and give the child an idea of ​​the time of year, focusing attention on its distinctive features.

Short poems about summer for children 2-3 years old

Summer has come
And there are flowers around,
There is a lot of sun, light,
Clear days.

I'll go to the river to swim,
I will collect a wreath of flowers,
How I want to smile
I love summer very much.

In the summer you can walk
The sun shines for a long time,
Show off in dresses
Adults can and children can too.

So much greenery around
Berries and flowers
It's a pity that this is temporary
Summer you are love.

Summer is the sunshine
Grass and flowers
Like a white feather
Clouds are visible.

In summer the sun is brighter
Rain is no problem
In the sky for good luck

We're done studying
Summer has come!
It's very good in summer
It's just hot somewhere!

I'll go for a walk to the river,
Or I'll go to the forest,
Because I'm in the village
At grandma and grandpa's!

In summer the sun shines brightly,
The birds are singing happily!
All the kids are having fun
And they dance and sing!

The red sun has risen,
The sparrow was scared away.
I'll go for a walk soon
I will find all the sparrows!

The grass is turning green
Birds are singing,
It's all guys
My name is Sunny!

Red summer has arrived!
It's time for everyone to swim,
After all, I love it in water
It's fun to splash around.

In summer you can swim
And sunbathe on the beach
Enjoy the warmth
And a green landscape.

Poems about summer for children 4-5 years old

June has already arrived
There are so many dandelions
And then July comes
Poplar fluff for a long time.
The harvest month is August,
We'll collect fruits and berries,
I'll tell you the honest truth,
I'm definitely in love with summer.

The sun is all around
Plays like a ray
We are with you, friend,
We're having fun.
Let's collect flowers
And we’ll make a wreath,
In summer all dreams
They will definitely come true.

In the summer I will go to the village,
I will visit my grandparents
I'll eat some fresh jam,
And I immediately want to smile.
In summer you can swim
Around the sun, heat,
Walk with friends, play,
It's time for a wonderful summer.

What is summer?
This is a ringing laugh
Warmed by the sun
All green Forest.
There are flowers in the meadow,
Berries in the garden
Bright leaves
Ducks on the pond.

Greets the morning with sunshine,
I'll go for a walk soon
And I will reach the stars
Play outside.
Everything is green in summer
Insects swarm,
Time is unnoticed
Floating overhead.

There are so many insects in summer
They hide in the grass
I'll call my friends, acquaintances,
Games await us these days.
Let's collect a beautiful wreath,
Let's build a sand castle
We'll pick fresh plums,
Let's run into the distance, where the river is.

A series of bright colors,
My eyes are squinting
The sun is shining and it's hot,
There is a lot of time until the morning.
In summer there are many flowers,
I'm ready to collect them
And I’ll make a bouquet of them,
I'll deliver it to my mom.

The heat burns your shoulders
I wish I could find some shade soon,
In summer fun meetings,
There is a wreath of flowers on the head.
Birds sing in the trees
There are flowers and grass around,
I'll ride on the swings
I love warm weather.

Bright summer colors
Flowers grow in the meadow
It's like it's all in a fairy tale
I'd rather run towards the sun.
It warms with rays,
Gives a mountain of freckles,
There is no place for sadness,
In the summer in such heat.

Summer is my favorite, fun time!
Summer means tennis, balls, slingshots!
Summer means sun, sea and heat!
In the summer, children all play hide and seek!
The rain began to fall, and all shades of green sparkled in the meadow!
I'm running home to escape the waterfall!
And then, someone hung a magic arc in the sky -
I painted it in seven colors, making everyone feel cool!
It's good to run on the sand!
Try to catch up with the surf!
And press your cheeks to the carpet,
Spread out like a star in the sun!

Lessons, tests and seminars are over!
And everyone is quickly hurrying to the beach!
To get a pink tan
Having abandoned pens, copybooks and pencil.
My friends and I were sitting on the far bank.
After the rain we saw a rainbow-arc.
It was as if a magician had cast a slight spell over the river.
Who painted seven flowers in the sky in such an instant?
Flowers bloomed in the garden
I'm walking in the sun.
Everything around is noisy and growing.
Summer is coming to visit us!

We'll go to the beach soon
Summer has come.
We'll sunbathe there
And swim somewhere.
I'll immediately become a swimmer,
I will swim quickly.
Or will I be a creator
I'll make castles!

Summer has come,
And spring is over!
We finished our studies
It's time for us all to rest.
I will rest all the time
Sculpt sand castles
Have fun, have fun,
So that you don't forget summer!
I love summer very much!
It's hot in summer though.
Lots of fun in the forest
Or in the garden beds.
You can go to the beach,
To walk with friends!
If you don't believe me -
Check it out for yourself!

Cool, funny poems about summer

Let's go to the beach and according to mom's orders -
We were lying there, with panama hats thrown over our foreheads,
They lay there honestly for three hours without taking off their Panama hat!
Well, the forehead is fine, only the backs are burned!

The heat is so tiring for all living nature!
In the heat, quickly get into the ice, even into the ice hole!
To escape the fiery weather,
We want to eat ice cream in buckets!

When we go to the river in the morning,
It’s joyful in our souls.
After all, Vaska is still sleeping on the stove,
We're already going diving!

A large sign hangs on the fence
“A goat’s entry into the field is always limited!”
But he dug a hole under the fence with his horns, -
Now he crawls at night to eat cabbage.

In grandma's garden
The turkey walks proudly and importantly.
Commander over the worms -
He digs the ground for hours.

Summer has come, we are going to the sea.
We take mattresses, rugs, and flip-flops with us.
While the parents disappeared in the “blue field”
I draw water with my mother's Panama hat.

My friend, while my parents are swimming,
I call you to quickly play in the waves!
I see what the meaning is -
You need to draw water with a bucket hat!

The July heat won't let us go home
We want walks from night to morning!
But daddy’s heavy fighting belt!
Always ready to remind you that the day is over!

I want to go to my grandmother’s dacha as soon as possible!
Slingshots are already (all) ready, water pistols and a bag of stones -
Chasing cats with crows, in addition,
And compete to see who can throw the strongest pebble into the water.

I look at the calendar - summer has come!
Well, where are my shorts and sneakers?
Friends, get your water pistols ready!
It's time to gather our party!

My grandfather and I went to the forest to pick mushrooms.
But somehow I wanted to play hide and seek.
The entire police has already searched the forests and meadows! —
And I’m lying there, gnawing on carrots in the neighbor’s garden bed.

In the summer I live in the country.
I can do a lot!
And plant and water,
I understand everything!
I'll come to class in the fall,
I'll tell the guys
Oh what a class this is
Relax in the garden beds!
