Haircuts for curly hair. Hairstyles for curly hair – haircuts for medium length

Most often, modern ladies prefer medium-length hair, since it’s difficult to come up with anything with waist-length curls: you can’t go with loose ones, since you won’t be able to comb them in the evening, and you can’t create an intricate, voluminous hairstyle with such a mass of hair. So all that remains are the knots and braids, and this is boring! Those who want femininity and variety prefer haircuts for medium hair. Styling for wavy hair is easy and simple; you only need a good hair stylist.

One of the options is a cascade

The art of hairdressing has been around for so many years that it is perhaps impossible to come up with anything fundamentally new. The simplest and most reliable haircut option for medium wavy hair is an unfading cascade. This hairstyle is always in fashion, it creates volume, gives the hair shape, and thanks to styling you can achieve amazingly varied effects: from everyday everyday to enchanting festive ones.

To style your curls, you don’t need a lot of effort: a little foam, a brush and a hairdryer are a girl’s best friend. If you don’t have the desire and opportunity to tinker with your hair for a long time every day, there is no best haircut for medium hair in nature. Wavy hair requires even less time: since the volume is already there, you just need to shape it.

Curly bob

It is generally accepted that bob haircuts are exclusively for young ladies. The image of Uma Thurman in “Pulp Fiction” created a real stereotype about this hairstyle. It should be noted, however, that this does not correspond to the truth: among the varieties of bobs, there are also haircuts for medium wavy hair with or without bangs, in which curly-haired ladies benefit greatly. Yes, you can’t create a classic of the genre without straightening irons, but curly hair has excellent volume, giving the image lightness, freshness and youth. The “bob on the leg” looks especially good. This haircut can be easily made original by just using hair gel.

Not quite a bob

Another underrated option supposedly designed for straight hair is the bob. When wavy hair is discussed, it is often not mentioned, and for good reason. Of course, you won't get the same shape that gave the hairstyle its name, but a bob on wavy hair is absolutely charming. A mop of careless curls, softly framing the face, looks very beautiful, this option is especially advantageous for women with a triangular face shape.

Hairstyle and face shape

This is very important - the right haircut. Experienced professionals know all the nuances very well, so you shouldn’t neglect their advice. In the catalogs, which present a variety of haircuts (for medium hair, for wavy hair), photos of models look very attractive, not only because they are all beauties to choose from, but also because in the process of choosing a hairstyle, the shape of the face is necessarily taken into account. Being stubborn in your choice, neglecting the opinion of the master, is often fraught with a spoiled mood. The hairstyle chosen in the catalog may suit the model perfectly but not suit the client at all.

The face can be oval, round, rectangular, square and triangular. There are “exotic” ones in the form of diamond- and pear-shaped forms, but these are private cases and are rare.

To determine your shape, you can arm yourself with a ruler and, with the help of simple manipulations, find out the harsh truth. To be fair, it should be noted that this wisdom is not great even without special instruments: the shape of the face is easily determined by eye.

Perfect option

Almost all types of hairstyles, bangs and haircuts are suitable for the lucky owners. If such genetic luck is also accompanied by a head shape elongated to the back of the head with high-set ears, you can start dancing a jig with happiness. Efremov in his “Razor Blade” calls this type Mediterranean and says that such women suit any hairstyles and hats. And he's absolutely right. However, this should not at all lead to despair the owners of “triangles” and “squares”: each woman has her own charm, and it does not matter whether there will be difficulties in the process of choosing a hairstyle: the main thing is that the result is successful.

The principle is simple and understandable to everyone: it should be visually lengthened, an overly elongated one should be shortened, a square or rectangular one should be softened. Haircuts for medium hair are perfect for this. For wavy hair, there are perhaps even more of them: as a rule, volume is most often required to give smoothness to the contours of the face.

Secret weapon - bangs

Bangs or the absence of them also help a lot: in battle, as they say, all means are good. If the face is excessively elongated towards the chin, there is no way to do without it - it softens the shape of the face, visually shortening it. In cases where the forehead is too high, short bangs to the middle of the forehead are recommended. Any line visually lengthens the object. Vertical - in length, horizontal - in width. Therefore, chubby ladies should avoid it, and young ladies with a square face shape should avoid it, level with the chin.

Haircuts for medium wavy hair with bangs are very diverse. There are no persons for whom they are contraindicated. The main thing is to decide what kind of bangs there will be - there are many varieties: thick, straight, oblique, long, short, asymmetrical or “torn”. Such nuances are well known to hairdressers and stylists, and in addition, lovely ladies have computer technology at their disposal that will help them “try on” any bangs and hairstyle even before the scissors click for the first time, cutting off the path to retreat.

It happens when a completely inappropriate whirlwind rises from the forehead, and then haircuts for wavy hair of medium length with bangs, especially short ones, are a charming, but often unaffordable luxury. Although, of course, in the age of modern technology, all such problems can be solved one way or another.

Soften and/or emphasize

Classic hairstyles, such as cascade, bob, bob, are rarely found unchanged today. As a rule, masters prefer to combine them, combining them with each other, using various thinning techniques, cutting directions and other elements of their art.

An experienced specialist will always notice what needs to be softened or corrected, and what needs to be emphasized. Often clients themselves ask to hide flaws. In this case, it doesn’t matter whether they exist in objective reality or only in the imagination of the owner of an “ugly” forehead or a “wide” chin: an imposed hairstyle will not bring joy. An attentive master will always listen to the visitor’s wishes: after all, confidence in one’s own attractiveness is by no means the last feminine adornment.

Japanese view of the world

It is generally accepted that curly or at least slightly curly hair is in itself a great happiness. Minimal styling is required: in fact, a washed hair, properly dried with a hairdryer, is already unearthly beauty. Many salons and catalogs offer a variety of haircuts for medium wavy hair, including exotic ones, citing ease of styling and other benefits. All this seems to be true, but it only applies to those cases when the curls are uniform and steep, and the waves are of the correct shape and in the right place. Most often, curly-haired ladies assure that such luck does not accompany everyone: on the one hand, the wave can “roll” inward, toward the face, and on the other, outward. A good hairdresser can also play with this option: after all, haircuts for wavy hair of medium length can also be asymmetrical (and the Japanese, for example, claim that only something devoid of symmetry can be beautiful). If you have the courage and the desire to experiment, this hairstyle can highlight a bright and extraordinary personality.

However, asymmetry does not necessarily mean extravagance and does not always require desperate courage. Sometimes she simply adds a zest to the hairstyle: elongated bangs, framing the cheek with soft curls (while the hair on the other side is cut higher), looks touching and original.

To avoid cutting your hair too short

Curly-haired ladies should remember one more feature - they must carefully calculate the length. Wet curls become heavier and longer, so you should start cutting them only when they are already dry. If you plan to cut wet ones, you should add a few centimeters. It often happens that while the hair is long, it gives a soft wave, but if you cut it shorter, it curls into tight curls. This feature must also be taken into account.

Each woman is unique in her own way, and when choosing a haircut, an individual approach is not only recommended - it is necessary. The shape of the face, the structure of the hair - everything matters to create the image that will give you self-confidence and a great mood.

It’s not so easy to style curly locks into a neat hairstyle. But with a successful selection of haircuts, the hair finally takes on the desired shape, and dealing with unruly locks becomes much easier. Today we will describe the main types of haircuts for medium-length curly hair (see photo), which are relevant in the 2017 season. So, let's get started.

The most important thing is to choose the “right” haircut according to your face shape.

Choosing a haircut for medium-length curly hair according to your face type

Hairstyles with strands slightly longer than shoulder length look much more feminine than short ones and are suitable for girls and women of all ages. The most important thing is to choose the “right” haircut in accordance with your face shape. The only thing you need to be careful of is too short bangs. After all, styling unruly curly strands will be problematic.

You should focus primarily on the structure of the hair - hairstyles that look attractive on straight strands may not be suitable for those with mischievous, playful curly locks. The shade of the hair and the type of curl are also important. After all, curls can take the form of springs, large waves or delicate curls. With the help of competent selection of their transitions, as well as partial lightening of individual zones, facial features can be easily corrected. Just remember that, since curly hair is less manageable, only an experienced stylist can be trusted to work with it:

  • square: a round face will be ideally combined with a side parting and long bangs that visually elongate the oval; Thick bangs should only be done if the face is elongated; graduation - a mixture of a bob with a cascading haircut - is used to add volume to thin strands;

  • long bob: strands hanging in front in combination with a shorter nape help to visually narrow the face, hide wide cheekbones and make features softer; a short version of this haircut, in which the back of the head opens completely, is not advisable to use if you tend to be overweight;

  • bob: a universal combination of two haircuts, in which the front strands are made longer than in the case of a bob; to correct the oval, you can use its asymmetrical version; for a round face, it is better to choose an A-bob with side bangs that merge with the rest of the curls;
Bob bob is a universal combination of two haircuts, in which the front strands are made longer than in the case of a bob.
  • ladder, in which the strands are cut in the form of steps only at the ends, looks great even on curly hair; for a narrow face, it is better to use not a ladder, but a more voluminous cascade, but it will make a round or square face more elongated and sophisticated; It is better to design a heart-shaped face with a haircut, in which the strands are shortened starting from the chin area;

  • multilayer cascade: since gradual cutting of the length from the very top of the head adds additional volume, it is not advisable to do this if your hair is too curly; this hairstyle is ideal for a narrow face; in this case, the elongated forehead is covered with bangs; The cascade is less voluminous, in which the strands in the upper part of the head remain long, and the hair begins to be cut starting from the ear area.

Advice! This season, curly hair should no longer be straightened with an iron. Some randomness is even welcome, it is enough just to give the hairstyle a general shape. After all, today stylists especially advocate for naturalness and naturalness.

Forever young bob

If you have ever come across drawings depicting the Queen of Egypt Cleopatra, you already have a general idea of ​​what a bob hairstyle is. But, if its classic version is distinguished by strict geometric lines and a smooth texture, then the modern bob has a much larger number of varieties.

The following options can be done for curly hair:

  • direct classic: with a clear cut line;
  • with a cap: with additional volume in the crown area;
  • without bangs and with bangs;
  • on the leg: the shape of such a haircut with additional volume at the crown and a special cut line at the back of the head, emphasizing the line of the neck, in which the hair is cut in a ladder, is very similar to a mushroom cap;
  • asymmetrical: the combination of the length of the strands and their location can be different, for example, the length of the hair on the left and right, the direction of the bangs, etc., can vary;
  • graduated(hair is cut along the entire length): more suitable for those with not too thick locks or a narrow face, as it visually expands it.

Advice!A bob for medium hair has another undeniable advantage - it is suitable even for those with thin locks. Indeed, by cutting the curls in the lower part, they are given additional volume.

Ladder for curly hair

What distinguishes this haircut from a cascade is the area where the strands are cut. If in the first case the steps are formed along the entire length, then with a ladder they are located only in the area of ​​the face. This haircut only removes excess hair, making the curls more manageable.

The ladder is not considered particularly difficult:

  • the hair is divided into separate strands and cut starting from the level of the earlobes so that the top hair is slightly shorter than the bottom;
  • if bangs are provided, then the ladder should start from it;
  • the size of each “step” is on average 2-3 cm;

  • At the back, the haircut is shaped into an even cut, an oval or a triangle;
  • depending on the type of face, it can be framed with strands of different lengths;
  • the ladder is performed only on curls of medium length or very long, because creating transitions with a short haircut is impossible.

Advice! For hair that curls into small tight rings, it is better to choose a different haircut model, since the length transitions in the ladder will be invisible in this case.

Multilayer cascade

This haircut can be done not only on light curls, but also on hard elastic “spirals” and even on very curly hair. However, its technique is complex, and only an experienced master can master the cascade:

  • the hair is processed along its entire length: depending on the type chosen, the cascade can be cut either from the very top of the head or start a little lower;
  • first, one strand is selected from the crown area, which is cut to the required length; the next small strand is pulled up and applied to this control; all hair is processed in a similar way from the back of the head to the forehead;
  • since the subsequent strands alternately act as control strands, the further they are from the crown, the longer they become.

The elegant cascade has several variations:

  • with soft or, on the contrary, sharp transitions in length;
  • with elongated strands on both sides of the face and torn ends, the face in this case looks more elongated;
  • cut your hair starting from the area just below the ears;
  • with additional volume at the crown;
  • have graduations with the ends of the strands angled;
  • be double: used only to add additional volume; hair begins to be cut from the very top of the head.

Elegant bob

Bob and bob haircuts are very similar in appearance, so many people confuse them. The main difference between a bob is that the hair on the back of the head is cut in steps in the form of a so-called leg. In addition, in the case of a bob, there is no clear parting - the hair is evenly distributed over the head, without breaking up into two separate parts.

The ideal option for curly hair is an elongated bob. The length of the hair does not change dramatically; the hairdresser only adjusts the volume, and the hairstyle acquires the required structure.

Advice! It is better to comb curly hair with a brush whose teeth are made of wood. In this case, the strands will not be magnetic, and the hairstyle will look more neat.

Bob bob

Initially, the main difference between a bob and a regular bob was the absence of bangs. However, today the boundaries between these two haircuts are gradually blurring. The front of the bob is absolutely no different, but at the back at the back of the head its contour rises more. This technique allows you to emphasize the fragility of a woman’s neck and make its shape more expressive.

The bob can have several options:

  • be very short or elongated;
  • unlike the classic version, have bangs;
  • done at the back on a voluminous “leg”;
  • carried out with graduation;
  • have an asymmetrical shape.

Advice! The length of the bob bangs, as in other haircuts, is selected depending on the type of face.

Haircuts for curly hair

Those with wavy hair can finally breathe easy. Since naturalness is becoming fashionable, it is no longer necessary to lay hair-to-hair strands. On the contrary, stylists suggest creating hairstyles with strands that deliberately stand out from the general mass of hair.

Even if, after a haircut, unruly curls finally stop sticking out in different directions and take on shape, if you want to look perfect in any situation, you should not neglect at least the simplest styling:

  • it is performed only on clean hair;
  • Special shampoos are produced for curly hair, after washing with which the locks become more manageable;
  • It is better to dry them without using a hair dryer;

  • to create a slightly chaotic, but very feminine hairstyle, just comb the strands, apply mousse or foam along the entire length and lightly knead them with your hands, creating a small volume, and then treat them with a hairdryer with a diffuser, tilting your head down.

Advice! If there is enough time, it is better to dry curly locks after washing without using a hair dryer. In this case, the hairstyle will look more natural, and the strands will become more manageable.

Evening styling for curly hair

Curls look romantic and feminine even when loose. Plus, no matter how women complain that their styling takes a lot of time, any hairstyle decorated with twisted curls looks incomparable and invariably attracts men's gaze:

  • you can just lay on one side, pinning them with hairpins or bobby pins and sprinkling the result with varnish;

  • malvinka: another simple evening hairstyle with side strands gathered at the back of the head; You can improve it if you make a small backcomb on the top of your head, and leave a few supposedly stray strands hanging down in front;

Malvinka is another simple evening hairstyle with side strands gathered at the back of the head.
  • bunch or shell: hair is pulled back into a ponytail at the back or crown of the head; then they are twisted around it in the form of a knot of any shape, roller or spiral and secured with pins;

  • braids and plaits: there are many hairstyles based on them; a spikelet, a French braid, a fish braid or a plait can be made one or more and placed in any part of the head; the bangs in this hairstyle may not be touched or may also be woven into the braid; a small braid is performed only on the bangs starting from one temple to another, etc.

Basic rules for caring for wavy hair

Finally, let's give some tips. So:

  • never buy shampoos with sulfates, because curly hair is already dry most often, and sulfates will dry it out even more;
  • Widely advertised silicone causes irreparable damage to hair - accumulating in it, it makes it dull and brittle, so remove all products containing it from the bathroom shelf; An ideal replacement for silicone would be coconut, almond or olive oil; regular masks containing them will make your locks shiny and well-groomed;

  • soap nuts included in care products will help retain moisture in the strands and protect against excessive fragility;
  • use sprays to moisturize your hair more often;
  • Before turning on the hair dryer or curling iron, apply a heat protectant to your curls - it will protect them from damage.

Finding the perfect haircut for curly hair is not easy. Perhaps the advice of an experienced hairdresser-stylist given in this video will help you do this:

Current haircuts are focused on naturalness, including when it comes to models for curly and very curly hair of short or medium length.

Femininity is the main advantage of curly hair. Curls decorate festive and formal looks, and also make everyday style romantic. The right choice of haircut emphasizes the dignity of a woman’s hair and face.

Before deciding on a model, the master evaluates:

Every nuance taken into account is a powerful argument in favor of a harmonious image. Curly hair is naturally beautiful.

Their luxurious appearance can be emphasized by the following hairdressing techniques:

  • smooth cut along the entire length. It looks impressive on thick or soft hair;
  • "graduation" technique. It forms a textured edge to the haircut, adds thickness to thin strands or removes excess pomp;
  • "ladder" technique. The technique creates a beautiful wave and tame unruly curls.

Proper care and the use of styling products preserve the shine and elasticity of wavy hair.

Choosing a haircut for curly hair based on your face type and shape

A haircut can correct facial proportions, highlight strengths, and make you look younger by several years.


  • The oval type is the basis for any beauty experiments. They suit him: bob, bob, cascade, shag.
  • Haircuts for medium-length curly hair - long bob, bob without bangs, cascade, gavroche - visually reduce the volume of the oval, placing emphasis on the cheekbones.
  • The “triangle” type is decorated with models: ladder, cascade, A-shaped bob. The strands visually add volume to the chin area, balancing the proportions.
  • Those with a square face type are advised to opt for a ladder cut without bangs, an asymmetrical bob, or a graduated bob. “Ragged” curls visually soften the proportions.
  • A rectangular face takes on a soft silhouette framed by curls curled inward. Favorite hairstyles: bob, bob, cascade. Models hide part of the forehead and cheekbones, bringing the shape closer to an oval.

Hairdressers assure that it is preferable for girls with small facial features to wear short hairstyles.

Choosing a haircut based on hair structure

Curls don't always look good on short hair. They turn into a shapeless mass. It is recommended to have medium length haircuts. Graduation and beveled bangs enhance the look.

Haircuts for thick curly hair

With layered texture haircuts, the stylist levels out and redistributes the excess volume characteristic of curly hair.

Cascade, thinned bob, shag, gavroche transform a thick hat into a neat and stylish medium-length hairstyle.

Haircuts for thin, sparse curly hair

The small volume of hair is compensated by a well-executed haircut and styling. Bob, bob-bob, aurora, cascade without bangs form a mop effect on fine-structured hair.

Blow-drying from roots to ends is an additional tool for increasing volume. Masters also resort to coloring or highlighting to give the hairstyle fullness and texture.

If your hair is very frizzy

For those with excessively curly strands, shoulder-length models, such as a bob or bob, suit their face. They tame curls and give shape to the hairstyle. Additional thinning allows you to “tame” unruly strands.

The bangs harmoniously complement the look, but they require daily straightening.

With this type of hair, you should not cut the top layer too short, as the head will resemble a fluffy ball. The natural beauty of curls will be emphasized by proper care, namely moisturizing with professional beauty products.

Bang options for curly hair

Bangs structure the hairstyle. Owners of curls can choose any option except short, as it requires painstaking care. The bangs get frizzy in the rain, which can affect the overall look of your hairstyle.

Modern trends offer:

  • creative versions, namely a combination of curls with shaved temples or the back of the head. These options are chosen by people who love experiments. Fashionistas complement the look with patterns in the shaved areas;
  • asymmetrical bob is an original and stylish option for any age. It is especially relevant for women with large features. The length of one of the sides can reach the shoulder line. Beautiful curls frame the face and create a unique image;
  • An elongated graduated bob adds volume and goes well with any type of appearance. It goes with any style - from classic to avant-garde.

The techniques of “graduation”, “thinning”, “cascade” create new interpretations of classic models, and also emphasize the natural beauty of curly hair. The trend is for highlights created by painting with several natural shades.


Stylists prefer to avoid bangs. Most often, they use a side or side parting, placing their hair on one side. However, elongated bangs allow you to model an oval shape and hide imperfections. It adds softness to the features. The cascade provides a luxurious look to your hair even without styling. Blow-drying with brushing is sufficient.

Multilayer cascade

This version of the haircut consists of two layers and includes bangs. This is what allows you to create a harmonious hat. The lower part of the mop remains smooth. It is characterized by an even cut or profiled ends.

There are several styling variations:

  • romantic waves and careless curls formed using styling products;
  • decoration with hairpins or headband.


This model is an alternative for those who want to refresh their hair while maintaining the main length. Strands from crown to tip are cut in steps of different sizes. The haircut adds volume to thin hair and tame unruly hair. The optimal length of curls is up to the level of the chin.

The ladder is combined with straight, arched and asymmetrical bangs.

The haircut is easy to maintain. Washed and dried hair can be easily and beautifully styled using a hair dryer and brushing. To diversify the look, you can apply a little styling product to the ends of the strands and give them a pointed shape by slightly pulling them out with a curling iron or tongs.


The trend is naturalness. In order to create it, you need to apply mousse to washed hair. While drying with a hairdryer, form curls in any order and give your hair the desired shape.

Elongated bob

The classic haircut, with the ends reaching the shoulders, is suitable for women of any age. The front curls can be slightly lengthened or cut straight. The hairstyle is worn with a side parting or a straight parting. Using styling products, you can create bouncy curls or soft waves. If desired, the elongated bob is complemented by bangs.


Curls with a smooth transition from short strands on the crown to elongated ones at the edges, oblique or curly bangs - this is the “Aurora” model. A pronounced cap at the back of the head gives volume to even the thinnest hair.

Aurora suggests one of the options for bangs: straight, oblique, in the form of an arch.

Some masters deviate from the rules and do not do it. In this case, the strands should not be shorter than the chin line. This hairstyle goes well with all hair structures: thin ones become voluminous, thick ones take on a clear shape.

Aurora looks good without careful styling. The easiest option is to apply styling product to your hair and dry it with a hairdryer using a brush, bending the ends inward. This hairstyle is not recommended for small curls. An alternative is the slightly casual Shag.


“Shaggy, shaggy...” - this is how the name of the haircut is translated from English. Its characteristic features: a voluminous crown and torn strands laid on the head in a chaotic manner. Shag is an option for women with thin or thick but unruly hair.

Long and slightly chaotic bangs complement the look, but are not a mandatory element. The parting option visually narrows the cheeks of those with a round face type.

You don’t have to style your hair, just fluff up the hair with your hands. However, hot trends broadcast styling in the form of light waves. Beautiful curls are formed using cream or foam. The products are applied to damp curls, after which the hair is dried under a hairdryer.

In the photo, haircuts for curly hair look especially impressive if you first style them with foam.

The haircut is designed for those with a slightly eccentric character and can be combined with any style of clothing.


Haircuts for medium-length curly hair are often worn by French women. They were the ones who gave the world the stylish “Gavroche” model. The hairstyle combines short strands on the crown, temples and longer ones at the back. The “ragged” effect is created by processing the curls with a razor.

The hairstyle is chosen by girls who:

  • like to experiment with appearance;
  • want to add volume to styling;
  • I have coarse and unruly curls;
  • prefer to lead an active life, engage in port activities.

The basic haircut can be transformed by smoothing the curls or adding volume to them.

A haircut done according to all the rules does not require special styling. After washing your hair, the strands take the desired shape. If a more tailored look is required, simple styling with a styling product is sufficient.

How to care for curly hair and make it manageable?

There is a certain strategy for caring for curls. It is dictated by the porous and dry structure of the hair. Curls do not tolerate high temperatures well and absorb chemicals well, so it is recommended to choose washing and styling products without alcohol, parabens, sulfates and silicone.

Procedure Facilities
Daily careYou should use shampoos, conditioners, and masks from the lines for this hair type. They include: keratin, collagen, phospholipids, natural jojoba, shea, and macadamia oils. Ingredients remove excess frizz, moisturize hair, and make styling easier
Trimming the endsIt is recommended to carry out the procedure at least once a month
ColoringNatural dyes preserve the hair structure
CombingIt is recommended to use combs made from natural materials: wood, bristles
Straightening curlsProducts with thermal protective components will protect the structure from damage by high temperatures

When styling, you should not use a large amount of foam, gel or cream. Excess of them weighs down the curls and gives them an unkempt appearance.

Haircuts developed by stylists for curly and very curly hair are mostly suitable for medium lengths. Curls and ringlets are the basis for creative and interesting looks. A hairstyle chosen taking into account your hair type, hair structure, and complexion will receive a lot of enthusiastic compliments and looks.

Video with different forms of haircuts for curly hair

Choosing a hairstyle for medium curly hair:

We have selected for you more than 70 fashionable haircuts for curly short, medium and long hair. And step-by-step instructions for haircuts and styling with photographs, tips for thick and thin hair will help you choose the right options for yourself.

Girls with straight hair are constantly jealous of those with curly hair. It seems to them that it is easy for such women to care for luxurious hair and does not require styling. But, in fact, such hair prefers special care, certain hairstyles and haircut options. In order to choose the most profitable one, you need to take into account certain factors.

Curls can be different: elastic springs, delicate curls, curls and heavy waves. Therefore, the haircut depends on the type of curls.

For elastic springs, a universal option would be a shoulder-length haircut. If you choose a longer look, then with proper care you can achieve a spectacular and vibrant look. Too short will turn a girl into a dandelion.

If the curls are of medium rigidity, then preference should be given to a medium length. This way you can create a romantic and gentle image.

If the waves are soft, then page or bob haircuts are interesting. A fashionable bob will do, but only a professional hairdresser can do it.

The haircut must be chosen correctly to change the shape of the face or minor flaws in appearance.
Before going to the hairdresser, it makes sense to play with different hairstyles, use hairpins to lift your hair up, highlight your bangs, and change your parting.

Options for short hair

A short haircut looks sporty and casual. Previously, the short look was not used for curly hair, but today it is fashionable, stylish and youthful. This hairstyle requires styling your hair every day and carefully caring for it. You can create a perky and fashionable image.

A haircut for curly hair “like a boy” is intended for women of a thin type with refined features. The hairstyle is easy to form; you need to fluff the hair with your fingers. If you pull out the curls during the drying process, you will get curls of a strict shape.

The bob looks fashionable. Suitable for people with an oval or triangular face. Requires daily care, but gives feminine and sexy features.

A non-standard version of an “asymmetrical bob” or bob. These haircuts are suitable for girls with large facial features. With the help of such a hairstyle, you can place the required emphasis on your advantages and divert attention from your shortcomings.
Thus, you can choose the option for short hair and create the desired fashionable image. It is possible to create a perky, youthful or feminine sexy style.

This length requires regular visits to the hairdresser to maintain a neat line and shape. To prevent your hair from looking like a dry mop, nutrition and hydration are recommended. A specialist can advise you on the correct care products.

Haircuts for curly medium hair

Hairstyles with short curls create a youthful image, while hairstyles with medium curls are suitable for the fairer sex of any age. Such haircuts emphasize the advantages of their owner and mask flaws.

Curly hair has a special structure, the hair follicle has the shape of a comma, and there are fewer of them on the head than straight hair. They are dry because subcutaneous fat is located near the roots and is practically absent at the ends. Therefore, proper care, timely moisturizing and the correct shape of the haircut are very important.

For hair of medium length, a medium bob in combination with a variety of bangs is perfect. They create an amazing feminine look, the oblique look goes well with an elongated face. Straight bangs make a good combination. For medium-length curls, you can try the long bob option.

Hairdressers use a “bob” made in an elongated version on one side. You can also create an elegant hairstyle from it.

A great option is a multi-layered haircut. It emphasizes the natural shape of curls and fits perfectly.
Thus, for curly hair, bob or bob haircuts are suitable, which can be combined with various types of bangs or without them. The choice depends on the face shape and style of the owner of curly hair. It is necessary to visit your hairdresser regularly to remove split ends.

Haircuts for long hair

Long curly hair looks luxurious. This type of hair requires proper care. Subcutaneous fat is found at the very roots; the hair follicle has the shape of a curved comma, so due to its length it does not reach the ends. They split and look dry and unkempt. It is required to regularly visit the hairdresser and select the right moisturizing and care products.

A cascade style haircut looks great, creating an imitation of a natural waterfall from hair of varying lengths on the head. It is made on the basis of an elongated bob, but has a gradual lengthening and layering. The addition of such a hairstyle with multi-colored colors looks gorgeous. This haircut is a universal option for any type of curls.

Haircut in the shape of a “ladder” or “graduated”. In this case, many layers of hair are applied only on the front strands. It gives the hair extra volume and visually increases length.

To create a hairstyle you need a little patience and imagination. The curls need to be given a natural shape. You can apply the gel over the entire length, comb it with a brush with wooden teeth, and give it the desired shape with your hands.
It is also permissible to lift the curls near the roots and backcomb them to create a formal, fluffy hairstyle.
You need to experiment with such hair, look for your own style, and create a unique image.

Fashionable haircuts

In 2015, the fashion for haircuts for curly hair is those options that can emphasize femininity and individuality. Haircuts with curls were especially popular at hairdressing shows.
The most stylish option is the “cascade”. With its help you can correct the shape of your face.

If the face has a round type, then there is the possibility of visual lengthening. You need to cover your cheeks and cheekbones, comb your hair on the top of your head. It is interesting to experiment with the shape and length of bangs (oblique, straight, stepped). This solution allows for easy care: apply styling product to clean and damp curls and shape with your hands. The hairstyle is ready for a weekday and a special occasion.

The simplest option is loose hair, which holds its shape perfectly for a long time. A bob haircut emphasizes the beauty and thickness of hair. Suitable for thick and thin curls, can serve as the main type of hairstyle, allows you to create various types of hairstyles.

The length varies depending on the girl's height. Short stature requires a short haircut, and tall stature requires a long haircut. The look is completed with bangs, which are recommended to be chosen depending on your face type, height and figure. It is possible to graduate and file the bangs or ends to make them look neat and well-groomed.

Bob haircut

Those with curls are constantly tormented by the question of how to tame their curls and look stylish, beautiful and fashionable.
The bob is popular. It is used for short and medium hair. Allows you to experiment with bangs.

Perfect for those with soft wavy curls, it looks especially beautiful on fine hair. Allows the use of various accessories, which allows you to change your everyday look and create bright formal hairstyles.

A bob haircut looks perfect on girls with an oval or triangular face shape. If it has a square shape (or large features), it will perfectly correct an asymmetrical bob shape. An unusual line will highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. For medium-length hair, an elongated version is formed on one side, suitable even for a formal hairstyle.

A haircut requires perfect lines, so you need to regularly visit the hair salon to monitor the condition of your hair. They need to be nourished and the ends treated. Then you will look irresistible among other representatives of the fair sex.


In the fashion shows of 2015, the most popular haircut was the cascade. It is multifunctional, provides various image options, emphasizes the advantages and hides the shortcomings of its owner.

Curly hair causes many problems; sometimes its wild appearance does not fit into the style of a business office or a strict educational institution. The simplest option is to classically let it fall over the shoulders. To make this look look modest and neat, a cascading haircut is used. Possible combination with bangs. It will have to be straightened every day, but it will help create a beautiful face, soften its sharp features, and create a feminine image.

If a girl has a narrow face, then it makes sense to choose a medium length. With the use of a cascade, the image will become more harmonious. A frame of curls will appear, the image will become gentle and soft. This haircut option makes daily styling easier and keeps its shape perfectly.

Curly hair has a very capricious structure, so it is necessary to take special care of it. It is recommended to trim the ends at least once every six weeks; regular moisturizing is required.

Highlighting two or three strands will look stylish; for additional shine, you can use professional products designed for caring for curly hair.

Thus, a cascade haircut is a fashionable and convenient solution for medium or long curly hair.

Haircuts for thick curly hair

Thick hair is a source of pride for all representatives of the fairer sex. They make the look chic, expensive and luxurious.

For short thick hair, a bob haircut is suitable. The curls included in the composition look neat. You can create a perky look by simply scrunching your curls with your fingers and fixing them with special tools. With this hairstyle you will always look stylish and young.

For medium hair, a wonderful solution would be an elongated bob, bob or cascade. The first two options create a romantic image, make you look fun and stylish. With the help of a cascade, the image can be constantly varied and facial features adjusted. Perfectly easy to care for and style, good for everyday life and holidays.

For long thick curly hair, a ladder and a cascade are intended. There are many options for styling, coloring and highlighting. Painting in several tones with smooth transitions looks interesting.

Thick curly hair requires especially careful care; it lacks moisture, so it is necessary to constantly nourish and moisturize the hair. The salon recommends a modern procedure - cutting with hot scissors, when each hair is sealed. This protects against the appearance of split ends.

Thus, for thick hair, the type of haircut and careful care are very important.

Haircuts for thin, sparse curly hair

Girls who have straight hair envy those who have naturally curly hair. Most representatives of the fairer sex have sparse hair, which is why it causes a lot of pain. The main task is to choose the right haircut and appropriate styling. Then wavy and thin curls will look stylish, neat and elegant.

An excellent solution would be a cascade haircut. You need to grow the length to approximately shoulder length, the hair color can be any. Highlighted strands look interesting; the highlights they create visually increase the volume. This option will be especially advantageous for those people whose face shape is elongated.

To style this haircut on thin hair, you just need to dry it, tilting your head down, direct the air flow from the roots, and use your fingers to give the curls the desired shape. The ends of the curls can be fixed with gel or wax.

For long sparse curls, a ladder cut is suitable. Styling is needed every day, but it is very simple. For drying, use a hairdryer with special attachments that allow you to add additional volume, then fix it with mousse. The bangs for this option can be anything (oblique, torn, long or short).

Those with rare curls need to regularly visit the hairdresser to have split ends trimmed. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look sloppy.

Curly hair bob

One of the fashionable solutions for curls this season is the bob haircut. Ideal for short to medium curly hair. It becomes the basis for modern hairstyles, is universal and suits almost all girls.

This solution emphasizes the luxury of curly hair. Depending on the structure of the curls, their ideal length and style are selected.

If you choose the right length, you can perfectly balance your facial features and make it more delicate. The look that completely opens the neck is especially popular.

A hairstyle made on the basis of a cascade type, consisting of curls of different lengths, looks impressive. The lower cut along the hairstyle line is harmonious. Additional volume is created by blow-drying at an angle, directing air away from the roots. We fix the curls with special styling.

The look is completed with properly chosen bangs. Especially popular is the short one, which slightly covers the forehead.
Thus, the bob is suitable for women with curly hair and allows you to create different images. Easy to install.

Regular visits to the hair salon are required to correct the shape of the haircut and remove split ends.

Options with bangs

Curly hair creates a lot of problems for its owners. You need to constantly think through possible options for haircuts, styling and means of fixation.

Curly bangs allow you to change your image and create fashionable looks. You need to know the correct techniques for caring for this hairstyle.

The basic option offered by stylists is long curls combined with straight bangs. You can straighten it at home using a straightening iron or in a salon using a chemical method.

From long curls, you can braid an unusual braid around your head, and release a careless strand from it in the form of bangs. The braid of curls should be free, this gives the appearance tenderness and femininity.

An amazing option is a long bob haircut with bangs. It can be straight, the length to the eyebrows is recommended, it can be slightly thinned out. Suitable for dark girls.

Haircuts with bangs allow you to experiment and create a new style. The long one can be pinned, removed, or pulled into a ponytail. With a short one, you can create a youthful, mischievous and sporty image.

Choosing a haircut according to your face type

Many girls consider their face model to be bad and imperfect. But it can always be corrected by choosing the appropriate type of haircut.

For an oval-type face, symmetrical and asymmetrical haircuts are perfect; various combinations with or without bangs are possible. Long and loose hair is not recommended; it can age its owner.

In women with a round face, it looks flat. The hairstyle should visually stretch it out and make it oval. You should avoid haircuts that increase the volume of your cheekbones and cheeks. Straight bangs and parting are not allowed. An excellent solution is oblique bangs, which create asymmetry, cover the cheeks and cover the front part, and elongate the shape.

Lush looks are suitable, you can comb the curls upward, then the width is created greater than the face itself, it becomes narrower, creating an overall oval silhouette. In general, the hairstyle should have a cone shape: wide top and narrow bottom.

For a square-shaped face, a graduated bob that covers the lower jaw, which has wide angles, looks great. The bob style option is also great. Medium-length wavy hair is a good solution to the problem. Straight bangs and symmetrical hairstyles are not recommended. They make the features heavier and rougher.

Triangular shape. The ideal length is slightly below the jawline. A bob is suitable; the bangs can be long or oblique. Too short bangs, a smooth side style, or a straight parting are not suitable.

For the full type, hairdressers offer hairstyles that can visually lengthen and draw down the front part. Asymmetrical haircuts and oblique bangs are recommended.

The right type of haircut can correct the contours of the face and make its owner soft and feminine. Women's magazines, stylists and hairdressers will be able to provide assistance.

If your hair is very frizzy

The choice of haircut depends on the length of the hair. They come in short, long or medium. You also need to take into account the oval of the face, color, texture, skin tone, height, figure and image of the girl.

If a woman has meek curly hair, then a bob, bob, garcon, cascade or ladder hairstyle is suitable. An interesting option is “Afro”, which can be combined with ribbons, hoops and other decorations.

For medium-sized women, a bob or bob would be a good option. It is possible to use bangs. Its daily straightening is especially important.

For long, particularly curly hair, hairdressers offer options for multi-layered or multi-stage haircuts (cascade or ladder). If the curls are very curly, then their equal length will look careless. The multi-layer texture emphasizes the luxury and thickness of the hair.

When caring for particularly curly hair, great attention should be paid to moisturizing. Their hair follicle has a strongly curved point, so subcutaneous fat cannot reach the ends. Regular removal of split ends is required.

An experienced hairdresser will recommend care products; the best results can be achieved by using products from professional lines.

Do you need styling and what to do if your hair is unruly?

When caring for curly hair, you need to style it every day. They have an interesting structure because the hair follicle is formed in the shape of a comma, which causes dryness, brittleness and sloppiness.

Drying curls should be done with warm (not hot) air. In the process, form the desired shape of curls (you can simply use your fingers), then fix.

Before going to the hairdresser you need to take into account:

  • Oval face type.
  • Hair length.
  • Color.
  • Desired image.
  • Time limit possible for daily styling.

The answers to these questions determine the hairstyle model and the time spent on daily care.

Hairstyles for curly hair are done day after day, they need to be shaped and worked on the curls. If you have bangs, you need to take care of them: straighten, hide or comb them.

Very often, wavy curls are unruly, curl in different directions, and look careless. Therefore, regular styling, the formation of curls, proper drying and strong fixation of the result are required.

When performing a haircut, it is recommended to use grading, thinning, and hot scissors. These methods make daily styling easier.

Curly hair cutting technique and step-by-step instructions

The haircut process consists of 7 stages.

  1. Preparatory step. You need to wash your hair to remove any remaining dirt, care products and styling. The shampoo and conditioner should be ideal for curly hair. It is recommended to trim split ends on dry hair.
  2. Determining the oval shape of the face and selecting the appropriate haircut option.
  3. A detailed study of the technique (you need to study the information, read the tips).
  4. Dividing the hair into 7 main rows (crown, temples, crown and back of the head on the right and left sides). You need to create a guide line that will clearly define the line of work. It goes from a point behind the ear on the right side to the same point on the left. You need 2 more points along the crown, which separate the hair located on the crown. Next, comb it on the top of the head, twist it into a knot and secure it with a hairpin. You need to do the same with the hair behind the temples on both sides. Make 2 partings at the back of the head. After securing all sections, you need to release 1 centimeter from each strand.
  5. To perform a haircut, you need to carefully follow the instructions (start from the back of the head, in front or along the perimeter of the head).
  6. Slow completion of work. Mistakes are very difficult to correct later.
  7. Drying hair. Allow to dry approximately 80-90 percent, comb and style. If irregularities appear, you will have to resort to correction.

Professional Tips:

  • Choose a type of haircut that does not require complex daily styling.
  • A hairstyle that can visually bring the oval of the face closer to the ideal is suitable.
  • A haircut done using “hot scissors” is perfect. This prevents moisture loss and split ends.

Creative, asymmetry, graduation

Curly hair is very difficult to style. For long hair, multi-layered haircuts in the form of a cascade or ladder are suitable. For short hair, you need to choose creative options.

A sporty style is achieved with a very short haircut, in which the curls are arranged with fingers in an artistic mess and fixed with gel or varnish.

A neat hairstyle is created if you use thinning or grading strands in the process. In this case, the same length of curls is not recommended. This technique beautifully completes the haircut, prevents the appearance of split ends, and facilitates the process of daily care.

Thinning is the special creation of thin layers, removal of excess volume and artificial thinning. An interesting option for bangs.

Graduation is a style in which the haircut is cut shorter near the back of the head. This technique allows you to create a voluminous hairstyle.

Asymmetrical details will help achieve a wonderful effect. Oblique bangs can visually elongate the oval of the face and cover the frontal part. Thinned gives seriousness to the image.

Fashionable haircut trends for curly hair offer their clients a variety of options that help them achieve excellent results and look fashionable and feminine.

Many owners of straight hair think that girls with curly hair are lucky, because luxurious, curly hair does not need styling. However, everything is not so simple, curls require special care, and in addition, not every hairstyle and haircut is suitable for unruly curls.

First of all, owners of curly hair need to take into account the characteristics of their curls.

So curls come in the form of elastic springs, light strands, wide curls or heavy waves. Depending on the type of curls, a haircut is selected.

Hair length

Women's haircuts for curly hair are primarily considered in terms of hair length.

So, for elastic curls, a haircut in which the hair reaches the shoulders is suitable. If you have chosen a long haircut and take proper care of your hair, then with this haircut you will look bright and impressive. But a short haircut for this type of curls will make your hair look like a dandelion.

Medium curls allow you to wear medium length hair. This hair length will make your look very feminine and romantic.

Hairstyles such as bob, bob and pageboy look great on soft wavy hair.

Haircuts for short hair length

Short, fashionable haircuts for curly hair look sporty and free. However, this haircut requires daily styling and careful hair care.

Short haircuts suit only thin girls with delicate features. You can create an interesting hairstyle with this haircut by simply fluffing your hair with your hands.

Women with curly hair look good with a cropped bob, especially if they have an oval or triangular face shape. This haircut requires constant styling, but with its help you can create a feminine, sexy image.

Fashionable short haircuts for curly hair in 2017 are an asymmetrical bob or an asymmetrical bob, which look great on women with large, pronounced facial features. This haircut allows you to focus on your strengths and hide your flaws. With one of these haircuts you can create a youthful and at the same time gentle look.

However, such haircuts require systematic visits to the stylist so that the hairstyle does not lose its shape. In addition, to prevent your hair from looking dry and brittle, it will require additional moisture.

Haircuts for medium length hair

Haircuts for medium length hair are great for the fair sex of any age group. One of these haircuts is a medium-length bob with a variety of bangs. This hairstyle will make your face more feminine and sophisticated.

An oblique bob is suitable for girls with an elongated face. A bob with straight bangs will create a stylish look. Curls look great with an elongated bob.

Recently, a long bob haircut on one side has been in fashion. This haircut looks original and stylish, and also allows you to create a festive hairstyle.

On curly hair, multi-layered haircuts look interesting, emphasizing the naturalness of curls. In addition, such haircuts allow you to easily style your hair.

Haircuts for long hair

Curls on long hair look especially luxurious, but such hair will require special care.

The fact is that the maximum concentration of subcutaneous fat is concentrated near the roots, and since the curly hair follicle is shaped like a curved comma, nutrients do not reach the ends of the hair, especially if the hair is long.

Because of this, the curls split heavily, become dry and look unkempt. Therefore, visits to the hairdresser for the owner of such hair should be regular. In addition, it is important for such hair to choose the right moisturizing products for curly hair care.

Long curly locks will look natural and neat if you make a fashionable cascade haircut. This haircut is suitable for any type of curly hair.

This haircut will look brighter and more luxurious if you use multi-color hair dyeing, as in the photo of a haircut for curly hair.

A graduated haircut or ladder will add additional volume to your hair.

New trends

This year, haircuts for curly hair are trending, emphasizing the style and femininity of their owner. At fashion shows by famous stylists, the most popular options were those with curls, and the cascade haircut became a hit.

The cascade is a universal haircut because it suits all women without exception, and at the same time allows you to correct the oval of the face. Thus, a round face can be visually lengthened by collecting hair at the back of the head and releasing strands on the sides to cover the cheekbones.

The bangs, which can be not only straight, but also oblique or even stepped, will add originality to the hairstyle.

The simplest but no less impressive hairstyle with a cascade haircut is a hairstyle with loose, freely flowing curls.

Photos of haircuts for curly hair
