Two braids for medium hair. Greek braid: how to braid, weaving patterns and photos

The hairstyle that adorned the once beautiful heads of Greek goddesses began to appear more and more often on modern fashion catwalks. A Greek braid, woven in a circle in the form of a semicircle or a crown, is a styling accessible to owners of almost any type of hair: straight, curly, thick and not very thick. The only limitation for this hairstyle is that the haircut is too short.


The secret of popularity

The Greek braid has become a very popular hairstyle among modern fashionistas, not only due to its elegance and sophistication, but also due to its extraordinary practicality.

You can braid this braid in minutes at home not only long hair, but also on medium-length curls. This can be a casual office hairstyle, but once you add an elegant accessory, it can easily turn into a stylish hairstyle for a special event.

The shape of this styling can also be very diverse. It can gather all the curls into a circular crown, or it can only frame the line of the forehead and imperceptibly get lost in the bulk of the strands.

You can braid this hairstyle using a variety of patterns: from the usual classic braid to intricate multi-strand weaves.

If you have never tried and do not know how to weave a Greek braid, then our master classes will be a good help in mastering this type of hairstyle.

The fastest way

This is the easiest way to create a hairstyle, the main element of which will be a Greek braid.

Part your hair into two equal parts. From each part, braid a braid starting behind the ear, closer to the back of the head. In this case, any braiding pattern can be chosen. If you are in a hurry, you can simply braid a classic three-strand braid and give it volume by slightly stretching the strands of each turn.

If you have a little time to spare and you have the skills to do more interesting braids, such as lace braids or ribbon braids, you can also use them in this hairstyle.

Secure the ends of the braids with a thin elastic band that matches your hair color.

Place the finished braids on your head in a circle in the form of a crown, secure them with hairpins or bobby pins. Tuck the ends of the braid into the thick of your hair.

You can learn how to make two more versions of the Greek braid, and find out how you can give your strands additional volume, from the video.

Greek hair crown

It will take you a little longer to create this style than in the previous case, and you will also need a little more dexterity and skill to do this weaving yourself.

If you have unruly curls, then before starting work, apply a styling product to the strands. This will help you make your hair more neat and avoid getting tangled in the strands during the braiding process.

Greek braid in this case starts from the forehead. Separate a small curl, as the girl in the photo does, divide it into three strands, and start weaving a French braid “in reverse” (with this braiding method, the outermost strand does not lie on top of the adjacent one, but goes under it).

Do the weaving parallel along the hairline, weaving strands into the braid evenly on both sides.

Continue braiding in a circle, trying to distribute the strands so that when the circle closes, they are all gathered into a braid.

Braids have always been and will be in the section of the simplest and at the same time beautiful hairstyles for any time of year, regardless of the style you choose. A Greek-style braid can be combined with casual and work outfits, or you can decorate your head with such a braid at evening special events. You will find out exactly how to braid a Greek braid right now.

Who is suitable for a Greek style braid?

The advantage of this hairstyle is that it suits almost everyone, and it is quite easy to braid it even on short hair. The problem of curly or wavy hair will not arise here either. For a Greek braid, this makes no difference. This hairstyle is very convenient to use for those who once cut their bangs, and now decided to “reconstruct” them, that is, restore them, returning them to the required length.

The Greek style braid is woven in a circle, capturing hair from different ends of the head. So, emerging strands or, as they are also called, “roosters” will definitely not appear in such a hairstyle.

How to braid a Greek braid

Braiding such a braid is a simple matter. It's enough to just practice a couple of times a day. free time. After all, anything worthwhile is unlikely to come out in a hurry. Therefore, we recommend that you set aside a few minutes of free time and start creating a cute and romantic hairstyle.

Initial training

Wash your hair thoroughly, dry and blow dry. To make your hair more manageable when styling, you can use foams, mousses or hair styling creams. Don't overdry your hair. It's best to leave them slightly damp, but not wet.

What do we need

To braid a braid, we will need: hairpins, bobby pins, a comb with a thin tip, an elastic band, and hairpins to decorate the hairstyle (optional).

  • Step 1. Start weaving

Separate a small strand from the side of the left ear and begin weaving. Relax your hands, do not pull the strands together too tightly.

  • Step 2. Continue

Gradually move to the right side, little by little grabbing the strands from one side to the other.

  • Step 3. Finishing the braiding

In this way, braid the spikelet to the right ear. Next, make the transition to a regular “hanging” braid. At the end, secure the ponytail with a pre-prepared elastic band.

  • Step 4. Decorating the finished hairstyle

After the main work is done, you can proceed to the actual decoration of your hairstyle. To do this, you can use small crab hairpins or some other original jewelry for hair. Fortunately, there are a huge variety of them sold in stores now.

Secure jewelry to areas where strands of hair are most likely to escape. Most often, these “unfortunate places” are the temples and bangs.

Carefully style your hair and attach a hair clip so that it looks harmonious with your entire outfit and hairstyle.

If necessary, secure the hairstyle with fixing hairspray.

As you can see, making this hairstyle is very simple. You just need to gather your thoughts and stock up on a little patience.

Medium-length hair is an ideal basis for a variety of hairstyles. Medium is the length of strands that falls below the ears and reaches the shoulders. Medium curls cover the neck and lightly cover the shoulders. With this length, you can make a voluminous hairstyle from loose hair or braid it in various braids. What braids for medium hair do modern fashion designers offer?

There are several well-known ways of styling strands in braids: Greek braid, boho braid, French braiding. Based on them, you can create your own different versions of a beautiful hairstyle.

French braids

French braids are more familiar to us under the name “spikelets”. The convenience of this weaving is that you can use strands and curls of various lengths: recently growing, medium and long. The middle strands fit well into the spikelet weave.

The simplest way to weave a French braid is from the middle of the forehead to the crown and down to the back of the head. Near the middle of the forehead, select three strands. We begin to weave a traditional braid from above. We weave the hair into the side strands from the side. We get a spikelet braid.

French braids allow you to create various beautiful hairstyles:

Greek braid

The Greek braid is distinguished by the fact that it is braided along the edge of the hair. It visually enlarges and opens top part face, making it ideal for those who wish to visually widen their forehead or hide their ears. The shape of the Greek braid resembles a crown, it creates a sophisticated impression, enhances and presents femininity.

When growing bangs, Greek braids allow you to add elongated strands to your hair, open your forehead, accentuate beautiful eyebrows and radically change your usual look. How to weave a Greek braid?

Weaving a Greek braid begins with a side parting (from the temporal corner, right or left temple - your choice). We make an even parting from the crown to the temporal zone or a little lower, and from the parting we begin to weave a spikelet.

You can use two options:

  • Gather all the hair into a spikelet along the edge (from the crown to the face);
  • Weave a narrow braid exclusively from the hair growing around the face. The main part of the strands is not woven into the spikelet (they can be left loose or gathered into a ponytail at the end of the weaving).

If your hair is short, a styling product (mousse, gel) will help secure it in spikelets. Where does the weaving end? You can offer two options for ending the Greek braid:

Beautiful Greek braids can be done with a middle parting (it stretches from the middle of the forehead to the crown). In this option, a straight parting is formed in the middle, spikelets are made on the right and left. Finish the braids behind the ears or behind, collecting the strands in a small ponytail or masking the end of the spikelets with a chignon.

Boho Braid

Boho is a type of Greek weaving. This is a short spikelet that weaves along the edge of the bangs, like a Greek crown. Boho is different short length, Boho braids are often woven from temple to temple. Sometimes the bangs are not woven into the spikelet; its strands hang around the forehead. Loose bangs should create the effect of artistic chaos inherent in the hippie style. The second name of the hairstyle is bohemian spikelet. It gives the impression of slight neglect and carelessness, characteristic of the bohemian stratum of society.

Boho braid is the only type of braiding for a shortened, recently growing hairstyle. The classic Boho braid is braided from temple to temple; in the elongated version of Boho, the braiding is carried out to the earlobe.

Another version of the Boho braid: the strands are combed to the side in the direction of the braiding of the spikelet, gathered with a wide ribbon into a small ponytail, or braided into a side braid.

Features of braiding for medium hair

Weaving on average length differs in that it lacks a large tail. The strands are almost entirely used to create the hairstyle. A small ponytail needs to be beautifully camouflaged. Any beautiful hairpins, hairpins, or chignons are suitable for this.

Voluminous hairstyles for medium length are obtained if the weaving is partial (to the middle of the head) and part of the hair is loose. When fully braided, the shortened strands have to be securely fixed, so it is more difficult to obtain free volume.

Using the above methods of weaving hairstyles, you can create your own special version of weaving, a unique hairstyle and personal image.

The fashion for everything Greek has always been relevant. And today is no exception. That's why our everyday and holiday looks are decorated - a real hit of this season.

This hairstyle suits all girls without exception.

Greek braid

Paris Hilton

Ann Hataway

Taylor Swift

The hairstyle in the style of the goddesses of Ancient Hellas is still relevant today. Probably, in any wardrobe you will find a couple of things in this style. You can combine your hairstyle with your outfit, but the Greek braid can perfectly complement any other look, even the most eccentric. This hairstyle is a braid braided around the circumference of the head, because it frames the hair at the forehead and hides between the strands of hair. This braiding can be done on absolutely any type of hair. The only exception would be very short ones. This braid is perfect for both straight hair and curly and curly hair.

To learn how to weave a Greek braid, you need to prepare hair styling products and hairpins. The fact is that the Greek braid itself can be done without any equipment, but when it is done for the whole day, it will not be possible to do without such simple special tools. Hairpins can be chosen in any size and shape. The hairstyle is quite easy to do, so you don’t need to contact a specialist to do it: you can do it at home and spend only 15 minutes.

Antique braid - hairstyle for both the feast and the world

To weave such a braid, you need, first of all, to thoroughly wash your hair, then apply a light structuring mousse or other styling product you like and dry your hair a little on the medium setting of the hairdryer. Then you need to separate a small strand above the ear on the right and divide it into equal three parts. Before you start weaving a French braid, you need to learn the order of weaving such braids.

During the weaving process, you need to grab a new strand alternately from the right and left. The braid is braided to the left ear, and then braided a little more in the usual manner, but new strands are no longer captured, and the end of the braid remains loose. The resulting braid is secured behind the ear on the left, its end is hidden under the hair and secured with a hairpin. Loose strands can be curled with a hairdryer after applying styling gel to them. Such drying will not allow you to get a perfect curl, but greek hairstyle and should look a little casual.

Can be done from the center, ending with braids. You can strengthen the ends of the braids on the back of the head, then you will get something like an elegant tiara. Variants of this hairstyle can be changed as you like. For example, you can weave two braids from the center, ending with a fluffy bun or ponytail. You can continue experimenting with your own image. For example, you can add several thin ribbons and various decorated frames to your hairstyle, which will make it even more unusual and original. This season it is also important to weave flowers into your hair.

Jewelry should be chosen according to the color of your hair. Moreover, it is possible for them to contrast or, conversely, to be only a couple of tones darker or lighter than the natural tone of the hair. And don’t be afraid to change; it’s better to try experimenting a little.

Decoration in the form of a twig with leaves will bring your image even closer to the goddess in a laurel wreath.

How to weave

Fashion changes every season, and hairstyles change even more often. Today, instead of a lush bouffant, you can master weaving different braids. And the most popular braiding is the Greek braid, a hairstyle for all times and occasions.

weaves according to this pattern:

  • A parting is made on the head diagonally from the crown to the temporal region on both sides. The hair on the back of the head is gathered into a bun to make it easier to work.
  • After all this is done, you should end up with a kind of triangle on your head made of equally distributed hair. Before work, you need to comb it, and then separate the left third of the hair and distribute it into three separate strands.
  • A regular braid is woven, and the movements are made towards the right ear.
  • The next third of the hair on the left side is taken and woven into the one that remains on the outermost. After completing several weaves of the braid in the usual way, you need to repeat adding individual strands. The finished braid is secured with an elastic band or any hairpin.

It’s not for nothing that voluminous and openwork braids have become fashionable along with the Greek braid. After all, often girls who have long but not very thick hair do not braid their hair, fearing that in this form it will seem too thin. The simplest techniques of volumetric weaving will help. Any hairdresser will tell you that when planning a simple styling with voluminous braids, you first need to use special clips for curling irons, and then braid them.

Braid your hair along your forehead from left to right

Separate a strand of hair from the left temple and connect it at the back of the head with a pigtail

Secure with a hairpin or elastic band

This is how the hairstyle should look like

Very often, in volumetric weaving, the most ordinary braid of three strands is used, which everyone remembers from childhood. But if you use one trick, you will get a completely new hairstyle. You need to braid your hair by placing the strands not from above, but from below. This type of braid is also called “inverted.” There are similar techniques, both in the standard braid and even in the ““ option. This hairstyle will be ideal for a date, on the beach, at the office or at a party, and it can be combined with any style and makeup. Just stock up on considerable patience, styling foam, a set of hairpins, a hairdryer, a comb, and you can start weaving.

  • Mousse is applied over the entire surface of still damp hair, after which the hair is dried.
  • Three strands are separated above the ear on the right, from which a braid is woven using the “” technique. In this case, new strands are captured alternately, first on the right, then on the left.
  • You need to weave to the level of your left ear. Having reached it again, you should switch to weaving a simple braid. Everything that happens is fixed around the circumference of the head using hairpins and hairpins.
  • You can use bright decorative hairpins with different decorations. This option is suitable for a special event.
  • All that remains is to fix everything with varnish.

In addition to this non-standard weaving technique, additional decorative accessories can add volume to the braid. For example, by weaving a bright ribbon into a braid, you can please everyone around you, arouse additional interest in yourself, and add the missing volume to your hair. can become very fluffy if, after weaving, you simply carefully pull out the thin loops after weaving with a knitting needle or hairpin. After this, it is advisable to fix them with a good varnish, then the created structure will last all day.

Having learned how to weave Greek braids, you can experiment endlessly and delight everyone around you every day!


Simplified version: separate a strand of hair on the left above the temple and throw it to the right

We braid the hair to the very ends

Basically, it's ready. If desired, you can put your hair in a ponytail or bun.

Such hairstyle will suit bride with long thick hair

If you choose the appropriate outfit, you will truly look like an ancient goddess

A resident of Olympus looks funny talking on the phone


Fashion is constantly changing, but styles that suit almost everyone always remain popular and desirable, such as the Greek braid - a practical “structure” for every day. This hairstyle successfully combines skillful weaving and a strict hairstyle with retro elements. Suffice it to recall the stories about the Amazons, who were often presented with a neat and at the same time very comfortable hairstyle.

Today, making this option is not at all difficult, the main thing is to be patient and just follow the instructions. In addition to the common version of the “Greek braid,” there are other styles that can be classified as Greek. Usually this high ponytail a braid whose tip is hidden inside the main mass of strands. Hairstyles are decorated with bright accessories, ribbons and flowers.

Beautiful Greek hairstyle

In order to make such a braid, you need to prepare a little. To do this, the hair is washed and styled in the usual way. It is best to use suitable shampoo and conditioner for bath procedures. In addition, you can use natural remedies to cleanse and moisturize the ends of your curls. After all the procedures, you need to dry the strands and comb them well with a special brush. You will also need the following items and accessories:

  • hairpins;
  • invisible;
  • bright beads, hairpins, ribbons;
  • comfortable comb with a thin tip;
  • invisible hair tie.

After your hair is combed, you need to make a neat parting. To do this, you need to use a comb and divide the strands into a straight or side parting.

Now you need to select a strand directly above the right ear and braid the most common version of the braid. The remaining strands need to be pinned on the side. In order for the Greek braid to look stylish, you need to gradually weave several strands in parallel with the rest of the curls.

How to braid according to all the rules

It doesn’t take much time to make an elegant hairstyle, especially since braiding in Greek is simply elementary. But in order for the result to be impressive, it is important to take into account some little things. A braid involves braiding, so the hair should not be too light and airy. In this case, they will “crumble” in your hands and you will have to use a large number of styling products.

Therefore, it is better to do your hair on the second day after washing your hair, so that the curls quickly become styled. Apply a little fixative to dry hair and lightly dry with a hairdryer. After this, take a strand from the right or left ear, and pointing it upward, begin to weave a regular braid. Gradually you will need to connect the remaining strands to make the braid look neat.

What does a Greek style braid look like?

For those who only dream of mastering the skills of weaving a Greek braid, you should know that this styling is simply ideal for thin hair that lacks volume. The only thing that distinguishes this braid from a regular one is the “alignment” technique.

To make sure, let's look at a simple example. Apply a little foam to smooth and dry strands and dry them again with a hairdryer, slightly lifting them at the roots. After this, the weaving stage begins.

To do this, take strands from the parting and gradually move to the side to create braids with other strands intertwined. Carefully grabbing new strands, you need to make a classic braid and then secure the styling with medium-hold varnish. In addition to the usual remedies, you can use sweetened water or diluted lemon juice.

Braid for medium hair

Perhaps the best length of strands is when the hair reaches the shoulders. In this case, you can do any hairstyle without putting too much effort as if the curls were waist-length. A Greek braid of this length is an excellent option for relaxation and a pleasant evening with your family. For one such hairstyle option you need to prepare. Pre-wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner.

Comb your curls and, if desired, use a leave-in mask. Next, you need to comb the strands from the roots to the very ends. This is important so that the strands do not get tangled during the braiding process. After this, you need to grab a strand near the right ear and divide it into three more parts. Now, alternately throwing one strand over another, you need to start weaving a regular braid.

But it is important to constantly weave in new strands to smoothly flow down and around the head. When the hair is already fully engaged, you need to take bobby pins and secure the hairstyle so that the styling looks perfect. If desired, you can slightly “dishevel” your hair for a slight effect of negligence.

Beautiful ribbons that can be woven at the beginning or in the middle of creating a hairstyle will give a festive look. In general, this arrangement will be good choice on every day. For details, see the collection of tips “Styling curly hair yourself.” How do you weave the popular Greek braid?

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