Is Apple Watch waterproof? How protected is the Apple Watch from water and how to use the “Droplet” mode correctly? Is it possible to swim in an apple watch.

This is an excellent assistant that monitors the owner’s health. Thanks to its specification, the watch can be submerged in water. But each model has its own international water resistance standards, which limit the device's contact with liquid. When using a smartwatch, you need to know and apply precautions that will protect the device.

How to start a water workout with iWatch?

Swimming is an excellent sport that allows you to constantly keep the athlete in good physical shape. Apple took care of training in water and released a waterproof watch. During water procedures, Apple Watch will show the entire picture of the owner’s health status.

How to set swimming training mode on Apple Watch?

  1. You need to enter the “Training” menu.
  2. Next, you should select “Swimming in the pool” or “Swimming in open water” (the choice depends on the location of the training).
  3. After the manipulations, the device will automatically switch the watch to the “Water Lock” mode.

After completing these steps, the user can safely dive into the water. After the training time has ended, you should unlock the watch. This is done as follows: you need to hold the Digital Crown and the button on the side of the device.

How to independently enable the Apple Watch water lock?

  1. You should go to the “Management” menu.
  2. Next, you need to select the drop icon.
  3. You should click on the icon and select the “Water Lock” mode.

This operation should be done before taking a shower, bath, or before going outside during the rain.

Cons of using iWatch underwater

  1. Since the watch is locked, the screen is inactive underwater, although all available symbols are clearly visible. Therefore, you will not be able to use the device’s functions while swimming.
  2. It is important to remember that water has high electrical conductivity: if you do not turn on the lock before water procedures, the watch may break. It is also important to remove any drops of liquid after swimming.

How can I view my training report?

After swimming, many users compare their results with previous activities. To track the process of improvement, first you need to unlock the device and in the “Training” menu click “End”.

In water training mode, the duration of activity and rest is automatically noted. The owner can view the activity report on the iPhone in the Apple Watch application. The watch will show not only the total distance that the user swam, but also calculate what style the person used during classes. The report will also display the pace at which the athlete performed the swims.

How to clean your Apple Watch from moisture?

Any water contains impurities (salt and microelements in the sea, chlorine in the pool, personal hygiene products in the bath), which must be removed from the Apple Watch. To do this you need:

  1. Touch the bottom of the display, hold your finger there for a moment, then swipe up. The Control menu will open.
  2. Here again you need to touch the “Drop”.
  3. Then you should scroll the Digital Crown several times. This action will unlock the watch and remove excess fluid from the speakers.

But before the first use, you must carefully read the instructions for using the watch in water. Before removing the lock after swimming, make sure that the watch and its mechanisms are dry.

What are the restrictions on using different versions of the Apple Watch in water?

  • Apple Watch 1 Series is not designed for prolonged exposure to liquids on the watch case. When producing this series, manufacturers used the IEC 60529 liquid protection standard and IPX7 classification. This suggests that prolonged exposure of the watch to liquid will have a detrimental effect on the device. You can walk in the rain in them, even take a shower. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the watch does not come into contact with water for more than a few seconds. They cannot be immersed in water more than 1 meter.

  • Apple Watch 2 and series are made according to a different standard (ISO 22810:2010). The device can be immersed in water for a long time. But there are restrictions on the depth to which an athlete can go. The Apple Watch can be immersed in water no lower than 50 meters. In other words, the user will not be able to dive while wearing the watch.

Water resistance of different Apple Watch models 1

Many users ask the question: are Apple Watch, Apple Watch Edition and Apple Watch Sport waterproof? The developers clearly say that the 1st generation watches are not waterproof. Although the IEC 60529 IPX7 standard requires a short stay of the device in water. However, the company warns device owners not to let the watch come into contact with liquid.

According to some reports, Craig Hockenbury (Apple software developer) and Tim Cook (Apple CEO) once took a shower and bathed in the Apple Watch. They assured that the watch worked perfectly after water procedures. It is difficult to judge how true these assurances are.

Therefore, to avoid unpleasant incidents, you should not swim in your iWatch. In order for the Apple Watch to remain waterproof for a long time, you should follow simple rules for using and storing the device.

What can't you do on Apple Watch?

  1. Drop or subject the watch to mechanical impact.
  2. Do not allow the watch to come into contact with hygiene products (soap, shampoos, gels), perfumes, acids, solvents, petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel), dyes.
  3. Contact with drops of water at high speed (water skiing, rides) is unacceptable!
  4. Avoid exposing the watch to elevated temperatures (sauna, bathhouse).
  5. Do not expose the watch to low temperatures. Use temperature from 0 to 35 degrees Celsius.

It is important to remember that leather and metal watch bracelets are not waterproof!

How to properly care for your Apple Watch?

  1. You should regularly clean and wipe off sweat from your watch. It is necessary for a person's skin to remain dry.
  2. Before the Water Lock function is activated, the watch may be damaged by contact with liquid.
  3. After each workout, you need to wipe the watch itself and the bracelet with a non-scented cloth that absorbs moisture.
  4. After swimming in open water or in a pool, it is recommended to rinse the device with clean water.
  5. When caring for or drying your watch, you should not use a hairdryer, heater, or treat the gadget with chemicals, compressed air or ultrasonic devices.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to clean the Apple Watch while charging!

This is an excellent assistant that monitors the owner’s health. Thanks to its specification, the watch can be submerged in water. But each model has its own international water resistance standards, which limit the device's contact with liquid. When using a smartwatch, you need to know and apply precautions that will protect the device.

How to start a water workout with iWatch?

Swimming is an excellent sport that allows you to constantly keep the athlete in good physical shape. Apple took care of training in water and released a waterproof watch. During water procedures, Apple Watch will show the entire picture of the owner’s health status.

How to set swimming training mode on Apple Watch?

  1. You need to enter the “Training” menu.
  2. Next, you should select “Swimming in the pool” or “Swimming in open water” (the choice depends on the location of the training).
  3. After the manipulations, the device will automatically switch the watch to the “Water Lock” mode.

After completing these steps, the user can safely dive into the water. After the training time has ended, you should unlock the watch. This is done as follows: you need to hold the Digital Crown and the button on the side of the device.

How to independently enable the Apple Watch water lock?

  1. You should go to the “Management” menu.
  2. Next, you need to select the drop icon.
  3. You should click on the icon and select the “Water Lock” mode.

This operation should be done before taking a shower, bath, or before going outside during the rain.

Cons of using iWatch underwater

  1. Since the watch is locked, the screen is inactive underwater, although all available symbols are clearly visible. Therefore, you will not be able to use the device’s functions while swimming.
  2. It is important to remember that water has high electrical conductivity: if you do not turn on the lock before water procedures, the watch may break. It is also important to remove any drops of liquid after swimming.

How can I view my training report?

After swimming, many users compare their results with previous activities. To track the process of improvement, first you need to unlock the device and in the “Training” menu click “End”.

In water training mode, the duration of activity and rest is automatically noted. The owner can view the activity report on the iPhone in the Apple Watch application. The watch will show not only the total distance that the user swam, but also calculate what style the person used during classes. The report will also display the pace at which the athlete performed the swims.

How to clean your Apple Watch from moisture?

Any water contains impurities (salt and microelements in the sea, chlorine in the pool, personal hygiene products in the bath), which must be removed from the Apple Watch. To do this you need:

  1. Touch the bottom of the display, hold your finger there for a moment, then swipe up. The Control menu will open.
  2. Here again you need to touch the “Drop”.
  3. Then you should scroll the Digital Crown several times. This action will unlock the watch and remove excess fluid from the speakers.

But before the first use, you must carefully read the instructions for using the watch in water. Before removing the lock after swimming, make sure that the watch and its mechanisms are dry.

What are the restrictions on using different versions of the Apple Watch in water?

  • Apple Watch 1 Series is not designed for prolonged exposure to liquids on the watch case. When producing this series, manufacturers used the IEC 60529 liquid protection standard and IPX7 classification. This suggests that prolonged exposure of the watch to liquid will have a detrimental effect on the device. You can walk in the rain in them, even take a shower. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the watch does not come into contact with water for more than a few seconds. They cannot be immersed in water more than 1 meter.

  • Apple Watch 2 and series are made according to a different standard (ISO 22810:2010). The device can be immersed in water for a long time. But there are restrictions on the depth to which an athlete can go. The Apple Watch can be immersed in water no lower than 50 meters. In other words, the user will not be able to dive while wearing the watch.

Water resistance of different Apple Watch models 1

Many users ask the question: are Apple Watch, Apple Watch Edition and Apple Watch Sport waterproof? The developers clearly say that the 1st generation watches are not waterproof. Although the IEC 60529 IPX7 standard requires a short stay of the device in water. However, the company warns device owners not to let the watch come into contact with liquid.

According to some reports, Craig Hockenbury (Apple software developer) and Tim Cook (Apple CEO) once took a shower and bathed in the Apple Watch. They assured that the watch worked perfectly after water procedures. It is difficult to judge how true these assurances are.

Therefore, to avoid unpleasant incidents, you should not swim in your iWatch. In order for the Apple Watch to remain waterproof for a long time, you should follow simple rules for using and storing the device.

What can't you do on Apple Watch?

  1. Drop or subject the watch to mechanical impact.
  2. Do not allow the watch to come into contact with hygiene products (soap, shampoos, gels), perfumes, acids, solvents, petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel), dyes.
  3. Contact with drops of water at high speed (water skiing, rides) is unacceptable!
  4. Avoid exposing the watch to elevated temperatures (sauna, bathhouse).
  5. Do not expose the watch to low temperatures. Use temperature from 0 to 35 degrees Celsius.

It is important to remember that leather and metal watch bracelets are not waterproof!

How to properly care for your Apple Watch?

  1. You should regularly clean and wipe off sweat from your watch. It is necessary for a person's skin to remain dry.
  2. Before the Water Lock function is activated, the watch may be damaged by contact with liquid.
  3. After each workout, you need to wipe the watch itself and the bracelet with a non-scented cloth that absorbs moisture.
  4. After swimming in open water or in a pool, it is recommended to rinse the device with clean water.
  5. When caring for or drying your watch, you should not use a hairdryer, heater, or treat the gadget with chemicals, compressed air or ultrasonic devices.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to clean the Apple Watch while charging!

Craig Hockenberry lives in California, creates apps and websites, surfs and often swims in the ocean. He has also been using an Apple Watch for several months and does not take it off even while swimming. Smartwatches are still alive today.

Craig shared his experience using the Apple Watch in salt water as an activity tracker and the experience turned out to be quite interesting. At a minimum, it proves that Apple has made a pretty strong smart watch, with which you can not only wash your hands or take a shower, but also swim in the pool and in the sea. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Water specifications

Before starting to actively use the Apple Watch during his water activities, the enthusiast decided to study the specifications IPX7, which the device corresponds to. Apple says it's not recommended to submerge smartwatches under water, and leather bands aren't inherently waterproof. In this case, the company is only partly right. Leather items really deteriorate quickly from water and you will have to change the strap almost every month if you swim with it. So physically active citizens should opt for silicone models. But as for IPX7, the situation is somewhat different.

According to this specification, the gadget can be immersed to a depth of up to a meter for half an hour, and it must withstand such a test without negative consequences. Since the Apple Watch complies with IPX7, it means that the watch was tested in such, or even more severe, conditions. Thus, according to the specifications, you can immerse the accessory under water without fear, and, in theory, swim in the pool too.

By the way, triathlete Ray Maker I checked all this and... Moreover, he did not limit himself to just a half-hour swim, but also dived with a watch from a tower and even tested it with water pressure, simulating a dive of 40 meters. The watch survived and to this day pleases its owner with its uninterrupted operation.

In this case, Apple decided that it was better to be over-safe than under-safe, even despite the negative response from people when they learned that the company does not recommend submerging the watch in water, let alone swimming with it. And this is the right decision. It’s more pleasant to find out that your gadget can do a little more than to be disappointed after loud advertising statements from the manufacturer.

Potential water problems

Now let's actually talk about water. By itself, it is an insulator and does not conduct electricity. That is, dip any electronic gadget in 100% pure, distilled water, and nothing will happen to it - it will continue to work as if nothing had happened. The problem is that ordinary tap water, and any other water in an open environment, be it a swimming pool or the sea, contains a lot of trace elements that are very good conductors. Under the influence of the same sodium chloride (ordinary salt), real electrochemical reactions occur.

To simplify the picture as much as possible, ordinary water can be perceived as millions of microscopic wires and contacts that easily conduct electricity and “fry” any electronics they touch. The amount of material in water that can conduct electricity is related to general mineralization(also known as Total Dissolved Solids, TDS). In turn, the unit of measurement of electrical conductivity is Siemens per meter(S/m).

Thus, the number of soluble particles in deionized water is very small - approximately 5.5 µS/m. Drinking water is 1000 to 10,000 times more conductive with an indicator of 5–50 mS/m. Ocean water has a conductivity a million times higher than deionized water ( 5 S/m). And chlorinated pool water has a much higher conductivity than regular tap water.

Let's draw the line. All of the above only means that any water in our everyday life conducts electricity, and this has serious consequences for the Apple Watch.

The Untouchables

iOS devices use a capacitive touch panel that uses our body as a conductor. Due to a weak electrostatic field, the display reacts to current leakage when touched, and technical magic happens on the screen - lists scroll, buttons are pressed, menus change each other. But as soon as we surround the display and our body with a conductive liquid, the sensor will literally go crazy, perceiving it as a touch simultaneously over the entire surface.

Thus, the capacitive touch panel will be able to adequately respond to your touch only in distilled water.

You can easily check this effect yourself - throw the watch into a glass of water and try to enter the unlock code:

In addition to the touch panel, the function that is blocked by software when registering a normal touch does not work. So, no matter how hard you press on the glass, the vibration motor will not trigger. We will discuss how much all this interferes in reality a little later, but for now let’s think a little more about water.

When rubber meets liquid

Electrochemical processes in water that cause electrical conductivity are also responsible for corrosion. Anyone who has spent some time near the sea or ocean knows perfectly well that after contact with salty liquid, things need to be washed with fresh water. Divers remember this especially well. If you don’t bother with washing, the salt and other minerals remaining on the surface of the item after the liquid evaporates will very quickly lead to damage to the equipment.

Accordingly, the question is: how does the Apple Watch perceive such an operation scheme? Please note that this case only applies to the aluminum Sport model. Other options use different materials both in the case (steel) and to protect the display (sapphire). Their reaction to water may also differ. I assume that physically active citizens interested in using watches in water and other extreme conditions will still make a choice - after all, they are also cheaper.


The watch case is made of anodized aluminum. The anodizing process creates a thin protective layer (2–3 nm) on the surface. It is non-conductive and provides good protection against electricity and corrosion. In particular, the multimeter demonstrated a resistance of 6 MΩ between the speaker and microphone ports.

In addition, this layer is good protection against scratches. After several months of very active use, the body of the gadget remained pristinely clean.


The display is covered with very strong glass Ion-X. The same material is used in space shuttle windows and high-speed train windows.

In addition, glass is a good insulator. In high-voltage towers, it is glass and ceramics that are installed to prevent current leakage into the ground.


Apple smartwatches are made of more than just aluminum and glass. There are, although minimal, gaps between these materials that need to be insulated to meet the IPX7 specification. It was there that it found its application rubber.

Unfortunately, Apple doesn't tell us anything about this important material. There is no information even about whether the rubber there is natural or artificial. All that is known is the presence of this material in critical areas of the structure.

Thus, a sealing layer was found on the side button, in the plug and in the electronic crown.

It may seem that rubber would be a weak point for corrosion, especially in salt water, but judging by a US Navy study, this is not the case. They studied the reaction of natural rubber in torpedoes to sea air and salt water. The conclusion is as follows:

It takes a very long time for rubber to seriously degrade.

Any diver will assure you that rubber has no problem in salt water if you follow a simple rule...


Do not forget to rinse it with fresh water after each contact of your watch with salt water. The same goes for swimming in chlorinated water, as well as profuse sweating after an intense workout.

There’s no need to put much effort into washing your watch - pour some clean water from a bottle on it or place it under the tap for a couple of seconds. If you go to the shower after training, then simply do not take off your watch, but raise your hands up and let the water flow calmly between your wrist and the gadget.

The only nuance that Craig noticed was the crown, which did not rotate very smoothly immediately after swimming in the ocean. The problem is probably salt getting between the body and the metal head. After washing, smooth rotation returned.

If you have been in water with your Apple Watch, be it a pool, sea, river, lake, etc., be sure to rinse it after that!

P.S. Music on the clock

The Apple Watch can also be used as a player, however, given the topic of this article, for underwater listening you will need waterproof wireless headphones. But you don’t need a phone, since the smart watch has an impressive amount of memory for storing music. Quite enough for a killer workout playlist.

In turn, there is already a good solution for running that can work with the Apple Watch. It's called .

These are quality Bluetooth headphones that are built to withstand the rigors of even the toughest workouts, stay in your ears well, and come with their own sports tracker. TRACKFIT, capable of measuring distance, pace, calories burned even when the Apple Watch is already discharged.

In addition, they delight with excellent sound - juicy, assertive, bassy. Just the way it should be for a powerful Mouzon, which forces you to work even, it would seem, beyond the limits of your physical capabilities.

There is protection from sweat and rain. The headphones are synchronized with a special Jabra Sport Life application, which offers entire training programs and monitors their implementation. A full-fledged sports gadget that plays music perfectly. In general, you will find out about everything yourself ( 4.50 out of 5, rated: 2 )

website Craig Hockenberry lives in California, creates apps and websites, surfs and often swims in the ocean. He has also been using an Apple Watch for several months and does not take it off even while swimming. Smartwatches are still alive today. Craig shared his experience using the Apple Watch in salt water as an activity tracker and the experience turned out to be...

Welcome, experienced surfer. You came here to find out one thing: whether any of the Apple Watch line is waterproof. Well, the short answer is no... but that doesn't mean you can't get wet, shower, or swim.

The reason for this harsh (and confusing) answer is the terminology: there are virtually no electronics on the market that are “waterproof.” This means they are completely waterproof, a dangerous requirement for any manufacturer to make.

The fact that they are "water resistant" means that they can survive certain conditions when dealing with a deadly aquatic enemy. Not even a submarine fully waterproof because at some depths water pressure can cause it to collapse unless it is incredibly advanced.

Image courtesy of Apple

You're not buying a submarine, but a smartwatch that can do anything, and you just want to know how much water it can take. The good news is that the entire Apple Watch line is waterproof—it just varies how much.

Any electronics that are waterproof won't always stay that way, which is why brands are so desperate to not think about what their devices might do in a wet environment.

Over time, waterproof seals can deteriorate or become damaged, making the entire process quite difficult to navigate. Here's what Apple says you should avoid using your Watch to make it more waterproof:

  • Dropping or otherwise exposing your Apple Watch.
  • Exposing Apple Watch to soap or soapy water, such as while showering or swimming.
  • Exposure Apple Watch to perfumes, solvents, detergents, acids or acidic foods, insect repellents, lotions, sunscreen, oils, or hair dyes.
  • Exposure of Apple Watch to high-velocity water, such as during water skiing.
  • Wearing Apple Watch in a sauna or steam room.

The reason for this is that seals spend too long on whatever is nibbling on them (be it steam, mild corrosives, or droplets that can break something open).

This is unlikely to happen in reality, but it's the kind of guidance brands should offer to make sure users understand the difference between being completely waterproof and being somewhat resistant to it - and it will void the warranty if you've made any of this.

Is the Apple Watch Series 1 waterproof?

Have you ever imagined Tim Cook, Apple CEO, in the shower? Now you have. And you know he has a beautiful bathroom. Probably one of those rain heads...and we bet it has perfect water pressure too.

Imagine staying in his guest bedroom. The quality of the towels would be... anyway, we've lost our way. The first Apple Watch is not waterproof and is the least water-resistant of the entire line.

Apple took great pains to say that this watch isn't waterproof at launch, but it happens to be more waterproof than we expected.

We started to get suspicious when Cook mentioned using it in the shower (hence the opening paragraph to this section - although we hope he didn't get too soapy with it), and it turns out there is some measure of protection.

It's rated IPX7, which means you can submerge it up to a meter in half an hour - sounds good for swimming, right?

Wrong. It would probably be fine if you tied him to a rope and let him lag behind you in a very shallow pool, but the problem comes when you're savagely splashing him around in the water while trying to remember how the front crawl works from your school days. This puts too much pressure on the seals and may allow water to penetrate.

Remember: electronics and water are not friends. That's why all this hoo-ha exists.

(However, DC Rainmaker, a well-known fitness gadget tester, found that the Apple Watch 1 was much more water-resistant than Apple claimed - you can see how it works here).

Today's best Apple Watch Series 1 deals

300 Amazon customer reviews ☆☆☆☆☆ $179View price $299.99 $228Show more dealsWe check over 130 million products every day for the best prices.

You can also invest in one in case you're worried - however, they're not super cheap like this one from Catalyst (though it's strange that IP68 is rated up to 100m depth, when 8 usually means a meter and a half submersion in water). the Apple Watch 3 waterproof?

Image courtesy of TechRadar

Still no. Didn't you read the first section about what water resistance means? But, good news: you can swim with Apple Watch 3 thanks to 5ATM security.

(You may have noticed that we missed the Apple Watch 2 - it's no longer sold, but has the same protection as the Watch 3. Pretend they're the same thing and you're golden).

This is the standard water resistance you'll see on most watches - which essentially means you're good down to 50 meters. You really can't go scuba diving with the Apple Watch, but for most things (including, well, shallow snorkeling) it'll be fine.

One thing to note here is that the water resistance is higher here, so the Apple Watch 3 can withstand higher impacts - which does include swimming and longer exposure to water.

That doesn't mean you can do something weird with soap all of a sudden and still expect a warranty, but the Watch 3 is more efficient than the first iteration and won't fall apart at the first sign of rain.

Apple marketed the Watch 3 (and Watch 2) as great for swimming, and added a cool little feature that allows the watch to make a whirring sound to clear water from the speaker. It's fun to watch.

Today's best Apple Watch Series 3 deals

?$219.89View end Friday March 1st $429Show more dealsWe check over 130 million products daily for the best prices

Is Apple Watch 4 waterproof?

Image courtesy of TechRadar

It would be weird if it didn't, right? Well, it's not waterproof. We deceived you. None of them are waterproof.

But the Apple Watch 4 is waterproof to 5ATM, just like the Watch 3. There's no protection here than before, but it would be a strange addition from Apple to make it less water-resistant.

This is the larger screen on the Watch 4 that lets you look at what's happening underwater (if the app you're using allows it).

Today's best Apple Watch 4 deals

232 Amazon customer reviews ☆☆☆☆☆ Special price $399 $384.99View $399Show more dealsWe check over 130 million products daily for the best prices

  • Which Apple Watch should you buy?

In the box with the Apple Watch Series 3, we found a meager gentleman's set: an induction charging tablet, a 1 A plug, a silicone strap with one additional clasp of a different length, and documentation.


Apple Watch Series 3 with eSIM support, as well as Hermès and Edition modifications, unfortunately, are not presented in Russia. This means that we don’t sell variations with sapphire glass, steel or ceramic cases either.

What you can choose: one of two sizes (38 mm and 42 mm), one of four colors of the silicone strap (smoky, pink, gray and black), depending on which one of three colors of the aluminum case will be offered (silver, gold and “ gray space").

There is also a modification of Nike+ for athletes and fans of the brand of the same name - with thematic design of dials and special mesh straps.

There is no difference in specifications depending on size. The difference in price is small - relative to the cost of the watch itself. Therefore, here you should be guided only by personal preferences. I have an Apple Watch with a case length of 38 mm, and I really like it, I don’t feel disadvantaged, I don’t want a “full-length” version.


The only controversial point is the choice of a specific Apple Watch model. At the moment, models of the first and third series are officially on sale. If you need a remote control for iOS devices, an activity tracker, and a workout tracker, the Apple Watch Series 1 is enough. If it is waterproof and tracks swim laps in the pool, listens to music without a smartphone, and has hardware reserves for the future, it is better to choose the Apple Watch Series 3.
