Zhdanov Ministry of Internal Affairs Retired police lieutenant colonel turned out to be a serial killer of Azerbaijanis

For the first time in the 25 years of existence of the All-Russian Police Association, the organization has had a new leader. As the new head of the organization, Lieutenant General Yuri Zhdanov, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta, having assumed a new position, he will fight to increase the size of the association and improve its status.

Yuri Zhdanov will develop police cooperation. Photo: From the personal archive of Yu.N. Zhdanov

The All-Russian Police Association, according to General Zhdanov, is a regional branch of the International Police Association and has existed for more than 25 years. All these years, Alexey Gankin was its president, but recently he voluntarily resigned. "I am like new manager I will fight for a serious increase in the number of members of our organization. Last years by virtue of various reasons the number of personnel was falling, now I set myself the task of increasing it, for this I will work with the leadership of the regions, with the heads of the internal affairs department, as well as with other law enforcement agencies on the ground,” said Yuri Zhdanov.

He noted that in some other countries it is mandatory to join police associations, while membership in the Russian association is voluntary. The association consists of both veterans of internal affairs bodies and active police officers.

The International Police Association was created in 1950 and now includes 66 states.

The International Police Association, which includes the Russian branch, was created in 1950 on the initiative of English police officers. Now it includes 66 states. The International Police Association today is non-governmental organization with Special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Organization of American States, maintaining working relations with UNESCO.

The Russian section was created in 1992 by police officers. As of today, the association includes regional organizations in 72 regions of the country.

“The association is engaged in the development of international police cooperation both in Russia and abroad. Every year a World Police Congress is held, within the framework of which meetings, conferences, meetings in professional areas are held, this concerns, for example, issues of the exchange of criminals between countries,” said head of the All-Russian Police Association.

Yuri Zhdanov has worked in central office Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1997, the 34-year-old officer became the youngest lieutenant general in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1998, he headed the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The situation on the roads is indeed becoming more and more dangerous. The shooting on Novoslobodskaya Street last Sunday, October 15, which outwardly looked more like a contract crime, in fact turned out to be the result of a conflict between two drivers. On October 19, retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexey Zhdanov was detained on suspicion of murder; he fully admitted his guilt. He says he pulled out a gun simply because he lost his temper. And this case, alas, is not the only one.

What is happening in the video looks like a contract killing: the killer waits for his victim, then shoots several times at point-blank range. This happened in the center of Moscow. The shooter was detained in Podolsk. To the surprise of the investigators, no one ordered the murder; the man was simply very angry.

“During the interrogation, the suspect admitted his guilt in full and explained to the investigation that he committed the crime due to a traffic conflict,” said Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

Alexey Zhdanov chose this method of reprisal - former employee law enforcement. Shot from a Makarov pistol. He was charged under two articles: “Murder” and “Illegal trafficking in weapons.”

Like a trailer for a movie about traffic conflicts. It seems that the level of aggression behind the wheel is off the charts. Here in St. Petersburg, two men threaten an ambulance driver with a knife - they allegedly hit their car while parking. Finding out “who cut whom off” on the Leningradskoye Shosse in Moscow ended in murder and resuscitation.

It all starts with rudeness, then the argument becomes that it’s good if it’s a bat - sometimes it’s a gun. The car as a source of increased not danger, but aggression. What if you're just a pedestrian? Didn't cut it. Didn't brake hard. And he was just walking along the pedestrian crossing. And he got hit on the head. Like Marina from Moscow. The driver began to explain to her with his fists that she supposedly had to let him pass at the zebra crossing. The woman was beaten in front of her child.

“We met at the trial. The judge said: “Perhaps you can make peace?” She offered it to him. He said that he is categorically against it and in general he does not consider himself to blame for this situation,” said victim Maria Moiseeva.

It is clear that people fight today both in queues and on playgrounds. But road disputes, firstly, paralyze traffic, and secondly, they are much more dangerous. And in Chelyabinsk, social activists proposed introducing special punishment for fights on the roads.

“Those people who violated in this way remain either unpunished, or responsibility is often limited to a suspended sentence, and what’s worst is that these people continue to drive, because such violations are not punishable by deprivation of rights,” said a representative of the Chamber of Young Legislators at the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Evgeniy Maleev.

Dozens of such videos appear on the Internet hardly every day. And that's just what was filmed. Moreover, according to the police, they mostly get into fights not because of real accidents, but because of what one felt like and the other was offended. And off we go...

Supervisor Federal agency on management of special economic zones(RosSEZ) (July 2005 - September 2006).

Graduated from the Red Banner Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense with a degree in military lawyer in 1985, Doctor of Law, Professor.

1985-1987 - investigator, head of the mobile forensic laboratory of the military prosecutor's office of the Khmelnytsky garrison (Ukraine).

1987-1990 - adjunct, 1990-1993 - teacher, deputy head of the department of theory and history of state and international law Military Red Banner Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

1993-1994 - Associate Professor of the Department of International Law at the Peoples' Friendship University. P. Lumumba.

1994-1995 - Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Moscow high school police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1995 - Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of Moscow law institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1995-1996 - Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the International Legal Department of the Directorate international cooperation Main Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1996-1997 - chief expert consultant of the Legal Department of the Main Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1997-1998 - Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1998-2002 - Head of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

March 2002 - April 2004 - Deputy Minister economic development and trade of the Russian Federation (with remaining in the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), supervised economic activity, administrative and personnel issues.

On April 29, 2004, he was appointed first deputy chairman of the State Customs Committee - State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation; on August 3, 2004, he was relieved of this position due to staff reduction (the State Customs Committee was transformed into the Federal Customs Service).

2004-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the investment and construction group of companies "SU-155".

On July 29, 2005, he was appointed head of the Federal Agency for the Management of Special Economic Zones; by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2006, he was relieved of this position due to a transfer to another job.

Lieutenant General of Police.

Appointed official representative RF in the European Committee on Crime Fighting of the Council of Europe (1998).

He was a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on issues of improving justice.

Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Awarded the Order of Friendship and 12 medals.

The Federal Agency for the Management of Special Economic Zones is federal body executive power performing the functions of providing public services and law enforcement functions in the field of management of special economic zones, as well as monitoring the implementation of agreements on the conduct of industrial production or technology development activities..

In 2001, Alexey Zhdanov was detained while accepting a bribe from a pimp.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexey Zhdanov, who was detained for the murder of 38-year-old Georgy Agapdzhanov near a residential building on Novoslobodskaya Street, has already become a defendant in a criminal case, reports Moskovsky Komsomolets. According to the newspaper, in 2001, while still serving in the police, Zhdanov was detained while accepting a bribe from a pimp, whose “point” was on the Simferopol highway.

In the article “Grated Executioners,” which journalist Alexander Khinshtein wrote in 2005, it is reported that Zhdanov was fired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs even before the episode of receiving a bribe. In 1999, he was fired for forcing the victim of a robbery to write a refusal to report the crime. After that, he was reinstated in the police and transferred to service in the city of Klimovsk, Moscow Region, where he was caught taking a bribe.

As Khinshtein writes, the criminal case “for some reason fell apart,” and Zhdanov was reinstated in service. In subsequent years, he served in the Federal Migration Service, and after resigning, he began working as a taxi driver.

The cause of the murder on December 16 on Novoslobodskaya was a traffic conflict: Zhdanov was standing at a traffic light in a Zhiguli and did not have time to respond to the green signal. Agapdzhanov, who was standing behind him in Infinity, began to honk at him, and having overtaken him, he “looked contemptuously” at him. The ex-policeman picked up Agapdzhanov in the yard on Novoslobodskaya, a conflict began between them, during which Zhdanov pulled out a pistol and shot his opponent.

By the time of his arrest, the retired lieutenant colonel had burned his car and thrown away his pistol. According to him, he found a weapon with the license plates cut off in the back seat after he gave a ride to a drunk group. Zhdanov fully admitted his guilt. The criminal investigation continues.

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