Alternative modes of transport we draw traffic. Who's on what

A. V. Guzenko



The design of modern urban passenger transport should be carried out using not only traditional, but also alternative modes of transport, since the combination of their advantages will create a system that is optimal from a logistics perspective.


Alternative modes of transport, high-speed tram, city train, logistics.


Designing a modern urban public transport should be carried out using not only traditional but also alternative modes of transport, because the combination of their advantages allow to create an optimal system on logistics basic.

Alternative modes of transport, light rail, city train, logistics.

The modern development of the urban environment is due to the parallel development of such areas as city architecture, social facilities, commercial real estate, and transport infrastructure. The latter, with high-quality planning and implementation, has a strong impact on the potential of the next round of development, or can lead to stagnation. A well-designed transport system ensures the movement of goods and passengers, effectively supporting the economy, social and cultural life of the city.

The creation of a productive transport system is largely determined by its components. Modern transport technologies make it possible to combine various logistics advantages of different modes of transport to build an optimal system, taking into account various restrictions.

Foreign passenger transport systems are formed in such a way that they make it possible to create a competitive environment, thereby allowing users of the transport services market to choose between different modes of transport from the standpoint of not only the speed of movement, but also the population of vehicles, the number of transfers (non-stop transfers) of the route, environmental - flexibility of movement. At the same time, government regulatory systems make it possible to create competition between routes of the same type of ground transport, since the routes are operated by different transport companies. Thus, passengers, when planning their movements, can choose the type of transport and the route that will best satisfy multiple requirements. At the same time, the urban transport system provides for con-

structural and administrative solutions to ensure the uninterrupted movement of vehicles along given routes, thereby increasing its attractiveness. Users of transport services are provided with a guaranteed service, not only moving from point A to point B, but also maximum information to be able to build the optimal route.

Various alternative modes of transport are quite actively used, since modern technologies make it possible to increase the quality component of urban transport.

tailor system. Investment in the development of the urban passenger transport system, in turn, improves the quality of service, which is an important criterion for choosing public transport over private transport.

Let's consider the main components of the urban transport system. This will include not only various vehicles, but also infrastructure facilities. Graphically, the components of the urban transport system are presented in Figure 1. It is worth noting that the presented subsystems are interconnected.

city ​​transport system

external transport

intracity transport

communication routes

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rapid transit



Figure 1 - City transport system and its structural elements


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The presented decomposition is divided into subsystems based on the characteristics of the transportation of goods or passengers; the subsystems are distinguished based on the “mode of transport” criterion, since each has its own designated territory. The subsystem of intracity services is classified under the concept of “urban transport”.

The design and formation of effective urban passenger transport systems is possible by combining the various advantages of modes of transport. All types can be divided into two main groups: traditional and alternative modes of transport. The first group includes bus, trolleybus and tram services.

These types of transport are most often used in various systems of Russian cities when forming the framework of the city’s route network. At the same time, the features and possibilities of using each of them are taken into account.

The use of one or another type of transport on various sections of the urban road network is also determined by the carrying capacity of the modes of transport, their maneuverability, and speed of movement. Classically, the use of bus service is possible with large passenger flows. At the same time, not only the above factors stand out as advantages, but also the ability to deviate from given routes in the event of unforeseen situations. In Rostov-on-Don, the basis of the urban passenger transport system is bus traffic. At the same time, both large-capacity buses and small-capacity buses are actively used. And the latter, at the initial stage of implementation designed to provide services of higher quality for more money, are currently simply vehicles that uncontrollably carry out passenger transportation, since their number is really significant, while there is no regulatory balance between the number of large-capacity buses and especially small.

The second largest number of passengers carried in the city is trolleybus transport. Classically, its main advantages are: “environmental friendliness, low vibration impact, travel comfort, maneuverability (compared to rail modes of transport), clean travel from the point of view of the absence of exhaust odors in the cabin, relatively low cost of transportation and, as a result, a lower tariff for travel." At the same time, his maneuver

The urgency and possibility of changing the route in case of emergency are quite small; it is also necessary to remember the dependence on the energy source for organizing and carrying out movement. Thus, abroad, these problems are solved by purchasing universal rolling stock capable of operating both on electric traction and, in its absence or when interference occurs on the route, on diesel fuel. This technical solution allows us to increase the number of arguments in favor of this type of transport.

The third traditionally used mode of transport is the tram. The Russian experience of some large cities shows positive results in the development of this type of transport, with a fairly high passenger turnover. A number of advantages, such as high carrying capacity, environmental friendliness, low noise and vibration impacts (subject to investment in the modernization of the tram track and rolling stock) allow the active use of this type of transport in many cities, and even its evolutionary development to high-speed tram. Historically, the transport system of Rostov-on-Don had an extensive network of tram routes connecting the central part of the city with the outskirts, and in fact there was a base for its use. However, an assessment carried out during strategic planning for the development of the urban environment revealed a number of shortcomings, such as being tied to a track when passengers exit the tram vehicle in an unsafe manner, as well as stopping road traffic that must allow exiting passengers to pass, which led to the abandonment of this type of transport. For example, in the USA, Austria, Germany, France, as well as in some cities of our country there were

the operating conditions of this type of transport were changed, which ultimately led to the emergence of high-speed trams.

Monorail transport is appropriate for connecting large residential areas with industrial zones of the city. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the need to place supports and overpasses with a monorail beam for movement, as well as stopping complexes. This type of transport is not often used in the development of the urban transport system, but currently there is a project to use this type of transport in Bologna (Italy) to connect the railway station with the airport. Moreover, the monorail itself will have only three stopping points. As expected by the authors of this project, this will reduce the time it takes passengers to travel between transport hubs and increase the capacity of this direction compared to existing indicators. It should be said that this is a unique case, since this type of transport is considered low-efficiency.

The development of a city line often “locks” railway tracks within the city limits. And at the present stage, there are projects to use such tracks to launch a “city train”, allowing significant passenger flows to be moved within the city, bypassing traffic jams and standard traffic routes. It is worth noting the high environmental friendliness and the fact that existing infrastructure is used. The advantages of such projects are increased mobility of the population within the city, unloading the road network.

The metro is economically feasible in cities with a population of more than 1 million people. The use of this type of transport allows you to quickly and safely move mass passenger flows underground or on fenced tracks. However, it is worth noting that this is the most expensive type of transport in terms of the costs of its construction and operation, so its use is economically justified only if the passenger flow in one direction is at least 25 thousand people per hour.

The high-speed tram is a logistical synthesis of the development of street trams using modern technologies. Currently, its transport characteristics allow many large cities of the world to choose in favor of its active development. These include low noise impact, environmental friendliness, high travel speed and safety. In some cases, it has a number of advantages over the previously discussed metro, since it requires less economic investment. From the perspective of passengers, a trip by light rail takes significantly less time than traveling the same distance by metro.

In some urban systems you can find such modes of transport as funicular and cable cars. Their use is determined by the characteristics of the terrain. However, it is worth understanding that the speed and frequency of their movements is not entirely suitable for organizing business and work trips, but rather for cultural and leisure purposes. The use of such types of transport is justified in cities with a large tourist flow.

The construction of a harmonious and efficient functioning system of urban passenger transport must take into account a significant number of factors of both technical, economic, social and environmental nature. Design should

carried out not only taking into account quantitative characteristics, but also the qualitative requirements of passengers, as well as modern logistics requirements.


1. Guzenko, A. V. Vikhreva, N. A.

Urban passenger transport system: logistics and regulation: monograph. - Rostov n/d, 2011.

2. Mamaev, E. A., Kovaleva, N. A. Railway transport in the system of development of urban passenger transport using the example of Rostov-on-Don // Bulletin of the Rostov State

National Economic University (RINH). - 2013. - No. 4(44). - pp. 53-59.

Bibliographic list

1. Guzenko, A. V., Vikhreva, N. A.

Passenger Transport System: Logistics and Regulation: monograph. - Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

2. Mamaev, E. A., Kovaliova, N. A. Railway transport in development of city passenger transport on example of Rostov-on-Don // Vestnik of Rostov State University of Economics (RINH). - 2013. - No. 4 (44). - P. 53-59.

Moscow ranks first in Europe for traffic congestion. Residents of the capital waste 92 hours of their time annually in traffic jams. But it can be used for something more useful. Therefore, today there are many alternative ways to get around the city. We have selected the 5 most popular products with which you can easily save both time and money on gasoline.

1. Longboard

It is no coincidence that the longboard is at the top of our selection. This is one of the types of roller boards. It is more stable due to its elongated shape, wide deck surface and special soft wheels. A longboard means no exhaust fumes, no traffic jams, no waste on gasoline. Longboards are less often used for tricks, jumping and sliding, because such boards are more of a means of transportation. There is a special name for a leisurely walk - cruising. And for him there is a separate type of longboards - cruisers, the most popular models in the world. They are easy to learn the basics of riding, and good maneuverability will allow even beginners to ride around the park with ease, without scaring passers-by. Such boards are convenient and compact and can easily fit into the trunk of a car, will not crowd out passengers in a subway car, and weigh very little. We found a large selection of longboards at Ridestep - the first online store of custom longboards in Russia. Here you can assemble your own board and even create a design yourself. Free delivery is a nice bonus for your order. View the assortment →

2. Electric skate

Using the inertia of your body is convenient and effective when moving short distances. But the higher the mileage, the higher the likelihood of getting to work sweaty and dirty. To start your morning in a more pleasant way, try an electric skateboard. This is a board with an electric motor. You can control it using the remote control. The speed in some models exceeds 40 km/h, and the distance that can be traveled on one charge reaches 50 km. Mobility distinguishes an electric skate from other electronic means of transportation. With it, you don’t need to look for a parking space or try to get around a difficult obstacle: in any unclear situation, pick it up, and the problem is solved. Learning to ride will take no more than 2 hours, and you will save much more in just a week. At Evolve, electric skates are made from lightweight and high-strength alloys so that they are comfortable in your hands. The company's founder, Jeff Anning, used his own experience to select all the components to ultimately design an ergonomic and comfortable board. With such a vehicle, you will not only quickly get to work, but you will also be able to train your balance and equilibrium skills every day. Buy an electric skate →

3. Monocycle

No, this is not what bears ride on in circuses. But it's very similar. And if they were able to keep their balance on one wheel, then so can you. A monocycle is a one-wheeled vehicle for getting around the city. Its speed is inferior to an electric skateboard, since it requires more effort to maintain balance. Consequently, speeds exceeding 25 km/h become unsafe. But with the help of a monocycle you can easily maneuver between slowly walking passers-by and overtake cars stuck in traffic jams. Select a unicycle→

In English, the name of this device translates as “smooth path.” Its feature is a self-balancing mechanism. The system reacts to your movements and adapts to them. At the same time, no special skills are required to operate a Segway. Therefore, it is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. True, the price, comparable to a domestic car, makes this type of transport not so popular. Select Segway →

5. Scruiser

Combines the advantages of a scooter and a scooter. Therefore, you can ride it both sitting and standing. It is not afraid of our asphalt: wide wheels calmly drive through holes and potholes. On average, the design allows you to transport up to two people at a time. Therefore, in addition to commuting to work, you can arrange mini-trips with your girlfriend. Select a scruiser →

Either the coffee turned me on at night, or there was something mixed in Coldrex, which I use to treat a cold, or because of the cold itself, changes in consciousness are occurring... In general, the night turned out to be fruitful for thinking about public transport ( especially for blogomarathon , by the way!), those who are interested in the topic - please, under the cut, I’ll just wish everyone else a good morning and a good day!

Original - Alternative urban transport is not needed. A simple complex recipe for an effective transport system

Instead of an introduction...
A couple of weeks ago, a post appeared in the community “Alternative urban public transport - is there really an alternative?”, in which Igor I tried to try on unusual types of OT for our city. The author came to the pessimistic conclusion that for one reason or another, new items and simply exotic items will not be relevant in our city. However, in the comments to the post the idea came up that any particular species will never be a panacea for OT problems. A fair, in my opinion, opinion was also expressed that the key to an effective system is the reasonable use of all modes of transport. At first glance, the recipe is really simple, but the devil, as always, is in the details...

In the first part of this post we will try to understand the theory, types of OT and their capabilities. In the second, we will try to apply the knowledge gained to the public transport system in St. Petersburg. I’ll say right away that I’m not a world-renowned expert on the topic, I’m just an amateur, so please don’t judge too harshly (and for those who are experts, don’t laugh too loudly). So, let's go!

Part 1. Theory
To begin with, I propose to immediately cut off cars as a type of OT. The picture above very clearly shows how much more difficult it is in the city to ensure comfortable movement in terms of speed for the same number of people in the form of motorists compared to the same number, but in the form of bus passengers. And they haven’t raised the parking problem yet! There are already enough cities in the world that have followed the wrong path of “everything for cars”, but then still suffocated in traffic jams and, out of despair, switched to trams and metro (for example, Paris, Dresden, Oslo).
Now let's move on to public transport itself. The visual diagram was stolen from City Projects:

The picture is quite clear, but I’ll still voice a couple of points. OT here is sorted not only by throughput, but also by absolute cost. It is intuitively clear that N minibuses or buses will cost several times cheaper than a metro line, and besides, they will begin to work immediately, and not in X years. There is also no point in building a metro if a sufficient number of people will not use them; running trains with five passengers is a very expensive pleasure. On the other hand, if the metro line is fully loaded (conventional 30,000 people per hour), then it will be economically more efficient than using the same number of buses on the same route. The conclusion from this is very simple: you need to choose the type of public transport based on the planned passenger flow. That is why we take routes or buses to the metro, and then fly to the city center on it, and not vice versa :-).
Therefore, in small cities, such as Pskov, from which I recently returned, there is no need to build a metro, there will simply be no one to carry it there!
Another important point is ensuring the priority of public safety over ordinary road users (motorists, that is). In terms of comfort, all types of transportation will always be inferior to a personal car. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that buses, trams, and metro win in terms of speed and cost of travel. Here we must not be afraid to put a spoke in the wheels of motorists. Need a light rail? No problem, we’ll make rails in the center of the street, and so that people can’t drive onto them! Bus or trolleybus? No problem, let's draw a highlighted stripe! Are the OT lanes occupied by illegally parked cars? We will increase fines and introduce paid parking (or even make entry into the center for money!). Thus, on the one hand, we will increase the attractiveness of transport, and on the other, we will load it with passengers who bring in money.
At this point, let’s finish with the theory, I’ll voice the conclusions again:

  • The type of transport must correspond to the planned passenger flow. For main routes - metro, tram in a dedicated lane. For travel within the area there are buses.

  • Public transport should have priority over personal transport. There is no need to be afraid of infringing on the rights of motorists, they will grumble a little and still transfer to a comfortable tram :-).

Part 2. Practice
In St. Petersburg, in one form or another, almost all types of OT from the picture above are present. The only thing that hasn’t worked out so far is the “cool tram”; the third route, repeatedly mentioned in the community, although it has new rolling stock, does not have a dedicated line (and the dense car traffic on Sadovaya can easily eat up all the advantages of the high-speed tram). On the one hand, this is sad, but on the other hand, it is an excellent reason to build new routes from scratch.
To begin with, I suggest taking a look at the maps of the metro and tram routes in St. Petersburg.
Tram (click for more):

And metro:

As you can see, I made several notes on the metro map. A big question mark denotes for me an area of ​​the city in which I do not plan to live or work in the near future, and in general I try not to appear in it unless absolutely necessary. Why? Because who the hell knows how to get there without a car. There is no metro there and there are no plans for it in the coming decades. There is a tram, but only from the Nevsky district. You understand, going from the Primorsky district to Ladozhskaya, and only then by tram, is not at all cool.
The northern areas of the city are marked with green checkmarks because thanks to the developed (and most importantly, almost everywhere isolated from the road) tram system, you can relatively quickly get from the purple metro line to the blue and red ones. For the same reason, instead of jackdaws there are question marks in the southern part of the city. There such a trick is impossible. Of course, in the areas there are enough buses and minibuses connecting those areas, but they are in no way isolated from the general flow, and during rush hours they get stuck in traffic jams. And their capacity is less than that of a tram. Why is it important to connect the metro lines in the south? It seems to me that this should help the notorious southwestern district of the city, which contains the busiest metro station in Russia - Prospekt Veteranov. Residents of the area will thus be able to immediately get to the metro line they need, rather than going to the center and making a transfer. Theoretically, an additional metro line could solve this problem. But this is in theory, but in reality the metro takes a long time to build and costs a lot. And the priorities now are for the construction of other stations.
It seems to me that a high-speed tram could solve both of the major problems identified and several more local ones. For example, I am also very upset that the third route is too short, especially since there are rails for it, but are not yet in use. It seems to me that extending the route to Gorkovskaya would make sense (as an option, further to the Finlyandsky Station). True, in order for it to make sense, you will have to deal with the problem of illegally parked cars on the section of Sadovaya Street immediately after Nevsky Prospekt, and possibly on other streets, this one is just too revealing and immediately came to mind. Even despite the prohibitory signs, cars are still abandoned as if on the sidewalks, forcing driving motorists to move onto the tram tracks. This is where the “punitive” measures described earlier will come in very handy; fewer cars in the center means fewer problems for public transport. It will also be necessary to isolate the tram tracks on the Troitsky and Liteiny bridges from cars. Why? Yes, that's why.

So, based on all of the above, I would supplement the tram scheme in St. Petersburg as follows (it is clear that this is all very conditional; insurmountable obstacles of various kinds may arise anywhere.

This scheme also does not pretend to solve all problems at once, and does not at all mean that with the introduction of two new routes there will be no problems in the transport system. The following points should not be ignored:

  • Regarding trams, try to find places where the tram is not isolated from the flow, and in which this reduces its speed. Off the top of my head, Vasilyevsky Island and Bolshoi Samsponievsky Prospekt come to mind. At rush hour, the tram in these areas does not seem like public transport, but a large, dull iron coffin in which you can die of boredom before it gets somewhere.

  • Buses and stuff. Obviously, some routes will need to be adjusted so that they can deliver/pick up passengers not only to the metro, but also to tram stops of “mainline” trams.

So, what have we got? A “correct” urban public transport system does not place emphasis on any type of transportation (Building a metro around the entire city is very expensive, filling it with minibuses is too inefficient). Therefore, in a “correct” system, all modes of transport do not compete, but complement each other. Buses, trolleybuses and minibuses transport people within the area and/or take them to the metro. Trams connect areas of the city where the metro has not yet appeared, or they transport from one metro line to another so that they do not have to make long transfers. The metro teleports people from one city outskirts to another, or delivers passengers from residential areas to the center and back. Electric trains from central stations perform a similar function, with the only difference being that they are not limited to the city limits.

I guess I'll end here. I suggest continuing the discussion in the comments. Thank you very much for reading this far!

The main alternative modes of automobile transport include electric car, solar electric car, and inertia motor car.

The ideal car for the city - electric car. It is driven by an electric motor, which, in turn, receives energy from a number of batteries. The main advantages of an electric vehicle over a car are as follows:

It produces almost no emissions of harmful substances; the toxicity of gases released into the atmosphere during charging and discharging batteries is incomparably less than during operation of an internal combustion engine;

It has a very attractive characteristic for vehicles: at low rotation speeds it has a large torque, which is very important when you need to get moving or overcome a difficult section of the road; in addition, it is preferable in terms of power density and is more compact;

Does not require as much care as a regular car: it requires fewer adjustments, does not consume a lot of oil, the cooling system is simpler, and there is no fuel system at all;

Emits significantly less noise than diesel or petrol driven vehicles.

The main disadvantages of a modern electric vehicle, especially with lead-acid batteries, are: limited mileage, large weight, short service life of the current source and overall high cost. All of these disadvantages are associated primarily with the use of lead-acid batteries.

Various companies around the world are developing promising types of batteries that exceed the most common lead-acid ones in energy intensity, and new energy storage devices - ultracapacitors, as well as fuel cells.

In urban conditions, the use of semi-autonomous trolleybuses is considered very promising. This trolleybus is equipped with batteries that allow it to travel up to 10 km autonomously. This is quite enough to get to another contact network and charge the battery while driving.

Solar electric car is a complex that includes an electric car and a solar collector, which recharges the battery while it is moving or parked. Solar cars are still the subject of experimental development, with different models differing significantly in design, design and performance. But they all have solar collectors that absorb sunlight and turn it into electricity. The electricity is then stored in the battery until needed to power the electric motor. From a theoretical point of view, a solar car should move forever, since the only fuel it needs is sunlight. However, a serious drawback remains the inability to move at night or during the day in completely cloudy conditions.

IN car with inertia engine It is not the battery that is used as an energy storage device, but the flywheel. This innovation allows you to do without an engine, gearbox, radiator, starter and exhaust pipe. The idea of ​​the designer is this. Electric current from a stationary source is used to spin a superflywheel made of lightweight but tensile carbon fibers. When it picks up speed, the voltage is turned off. However, the rotation continues for several hours because the superflywheel is enclosed in a sealed capsule from which resisting air is pumped out, and the magnetic suspension eliminates friction in the bearings. Experiments in this area show that a car with a super flywheel can accelerate to 96.5 km/h in just 6.5 seconds. The range without recharging also promises to be impressive - up to 600 km.

In order to move comfortably and, most importantly, quickly around St. Petersburg, it is not necessary to buy a personal car. In addition to the car, motorcycle and bicycle, today there are other, alternative ways of urban transportation.

Just a few years ago, a cycling boom swept St. Petersburg. The more traffic jams became, the more citizens switched to bicycles. However, since last year, a scooter has become a fashionable and, importantly, even more mobile means of transportation through the urban jungle.

AAlexander Guskov, Activist of the urban scooter movement: “It’s convenient, it’s mobile, you can always take it with you on the subway, you can place it at work, unlike a bicycle, bike parking is not available everywhere.”

Don't think of a scooter only as a children's toy. A modern scooter has many types and modifications, but its most important advantage remains mobility.

Alexander Guskov, Activist of the urban scooter movement:“The most popular is the city scooter, a scooter with a small wheel diameter from 150 to 200. There are kickbikes - these are scooters with large wheels, like a bicycle, and there are kickboards.”

The scooter very quickly became fashionable in our city. The secret of success is simple - it is several times cheaper than a bicycle and you can learn to ride it in a few hours. So today everyone rides a scooter - from young to old, from students to bank employees.

Victoria Nikitina, scooter movement activist: “U I saw passers-by on the street riding. I found out that my friend had a scooter, asked me to try it and haven’t left since then. I bought myself a scooter and have been riding for the second year. Initially it was leisure, but after just a couple of weeks I realized that it saves both time and money and I can use it to get to work. Therefore, it is very convenient and economical."

Igor Kazarenko is an inventor. For his own needs, he once made a scooter with a small engine. He did not say a new word in engineering; at that time, both the Japanese and the Americans were making scooters. However, the Russian inventor decided to look at this vehicle from a different perspective.

Igor Kazarenko, Inventor: " What the Americans did there was mostly for entertainment, they get a drive from it. But our people are more practical, they want to combine business with pleasure and go for a ride, go to work, go fishing, something like that.”

He called his invention a motor scooter. Its main advantage is its efficiency, mobility and cross-country ability: with this you can get to the garage and go into the forest. The first motor scooter was released 10 years ago; since then, more than 4 thousand models of various configurations have left Igor Stanislavovich’s workshop. The inventor himself switched to this miracle of technology long ago, considering it the best urban transport.

Igor Kazarenko, Inventor:“I had a car for personal use, but I gave it up because many things are easier to do on a scooter, you don’t depend on traffic jams, you can calculate your time, you don’t look for a parking space by car.”

A motor scooter is another, not so modern means of transportation. Not yet a motorcycle, but no longer a bicycle. The heyday of motor scooters occurred in the 50s of the 20th century, but even today you can find connoisseurs of these iron horses.

Vladimir Kharitonov, Motor scooter owner: “For me it’s a matter of taste, I don’t care what people think about it. For most, my scooter has no value. It’s a way of life, I travel a lot on a scooter, I have other scooters. For example, I went around on this model all of Scandinavia."

Vladimir is one of the organizers of the St. Petersburg club; there are hundreds of such interest clubs around the world. It is not surprising that scooter drivers find like-minded people in every big city where this, in a good sense, “crazy stool” brings them.

Ivan Fil,
Scooter owner(Krasnodar city):"Here I came with friends, you can go for a ride, people from Italy came here, you could eat pasta with them, so everything is fine with like-minded people.”

Whatever type of transport you choose to move around St. Petersburg, the main thing is that it does not disturb others, and you can be sure that you will make new friends very quickly.

T imur Mamonov, Oleg Podyachev, Alexander Vysokikh and Andrey Klemeshov. Channel One, St. Petersburg.
