Analysis of professional standards of the head of social institutions. On approval of the professional standard "head of a social service organization"

Sphere social services citizens in Russia, despite its underdevelopment, is rapidly moving forward. It involves everything large quantity workers who receive appropriate education, undergo retraining courses, and are trained. In order to regulate their activities, a professional standard document has been developed. With its help, you can get clear regulation of the work of specialists and determine the requirements that must be met to occupy a particular position.

Normative base

The activities of social service organizations are subject to regulation by Law 442-FZ of December 28, 2013. "About basics of social. services to citizens in the Russian Federation." In Art. 23 (clause 1) of this law states that such organizations are recognized as companies that provide social services. care at home or in a hospital.

Dismissal due to non-compliance with standard

Inconsistency between employee and prof. standard implies the organization by the employer of planned or unscheduled training and recertification.

However, failure in the exam is not a reason for dismissal. This will only serve as an impetus for negotiations on a transfer to another position (with a demotion).

Thus, the professional standard developed for the head of a social service enterprise is available in an approved form and is mandatory for compliance. The following video describes the procedure for developing and implementing standards.

I. General information

(type name professional activity)

The main goal of the type of professional activity:

Ensuring the activities of the organization of social services for the population, providing social services to citizens

Group of classes:



Attribution to types of economic activity:

Providing social services with accommodation

Providing social services without providing accommodation

(name of type of economic activity)

II. Description labor functions included in the professional standard
(functional map of the type of professional activity)

Generalized labor functions

Labor functions


skill level


Management of a social service organization

Planning and control of the activities of a social service organization (organization)

III. Characteristics of generalized labor functions

3.1. Generalized labor function


Management of a social service organization

Skill level

Origin of the generalized labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Possible job titles

Head of social service organization

Director of a social service organization

Branch Manager

Deputy Head (Director)

Education and Training Requirements

Secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists

Requirements for practical work experience

At least 1 year in a management position

Special conditions for permission to work

Persons who have or have had a criminal record for crimes, the composition and types of which are established by law, are not allowed to work. Russian Federation

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Name of the basic group, position (profession) or specialty

Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises

Director ( CEO, manager) of the enterprise

Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Social Work

Specialist in social work

Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Social Work


Specialist in government and municipal government

Specialist in state and municipal administration with advanced training


Planning and control of the activities of a social service organization

Level (sub-level) of qualification


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Registration number professional standard

Labor actions

Planning the organization’s activities, developing and approving current and long-term work plans, determining target performance indicators for the organization and its employees in the prescribed manner

Coordination of the activities of the organization’s structural units to implement planning and program documents, fulfill state (municipal) assignments, and carry out instructions from higher organizations

Making decisions and signing local regulatory documents of the organization necessary to provide social services to the population

Monitoring the implementation of plans and programs of the organization’s activities

Organizing monitoring of citizens’ satisfaction with the availability and quality of social services, creating conditions for carrying out independent system assessing the quality of services provided by the organization in the prescribed manner

Preparation and implementation of measures to ensure comprehensive security of the social service organization and the citizens living (staying) in it

Required skills

Plan the activities of the organization, develop programs, create a system of performance indicators for the organization and employees

Organize the work of staff, set goals and formulate tasks, determine priorities

Develop solution options and assess the risks associated with their implementation

Analyze financial and statistical reporting data

Use information and communication technologies, including Internet resources

Required knowledge

Federal and regional legislation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of social services for the population

Theory of management and labor organization, including the basics of project and program-targeted management

Fundamentals of financial, accounting and statistical accounting in social service organizations

Other characteristics


Social service organization resource management

Level (sub-level) of qualification

Origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Professional standard registration number

Labor actions

Making decisions on the provision of social services to the client, signing contracts for the provision of social services

Organization of preparation and approval of financial and accounting documents of the organization

Control over targeted and effective spending financial resources organizations

Making decisions on equipping the organization with premises, equipment, technical and other means necessary for the quality provision of social services and complying with established norms and standards

Making decisions in the field of personnel management of the organization, including decisions on approving the organization’s staffing table, signing local regulatory documents on personnel issues

Control economic activity social service organizations

Monitoring employees' compliance with labor legislation, labor safety rules and regulations

Monitoring compliance with rules fire safety and sanitary and hygienic standards in social service organizations

Sending employees for medical examination in order to identify infectious diseases, monitoring the timely completion of medical examinations

Organization of work to ensure that the organization meets the legal requirements for the protection of personal data about clients Ensuring that employees comply with the requirements of the code of ethics for social workers

Required skills

Plan resource provision in the organization (financial, technical and human resources)

Apply information Technology to control the expenditure of the organization's financial resources

Required knowledge

Basics of civil legislation

Basics of tax legislation

Fundamentals of public procurement legislation

Basics of labor legislation

Principles of budgeting and cost control

Theoretical foundations of personnel management, including the basics of labor regulation, evaluation and motivation of personnel, organization of remuneration

Other characteristics

Compliance with the requirements of the social worker code of ethics


Interaction with clients, superiors and partner organizations

Level (sub-level) of qualification

Origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Professional standard registration number

Labor actions

Maintaining personal reception clients, advice on obtaining social services

Establishing business connections and organizing cooperation with various state, public, religious, non-governmental and other organizations in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the provision of social services, including attracting charitable assistance aimed at supporting citizens in difficult situations life situation, for the development of the organization

Formation and provision of activities of trustee (public, supervisory) boards in the organization

Representing the interests of the organization in the authorities state power and local governments

Preparation of draft plans and programs for the organization’s activities, proposals for draft state (municipal) assignments for submission to a higher organization

Preparation and submission of reports on the organization’s activities to a higher organization

Organizing the preparation and posting of information about services provided to citizens on the organization’s website, ensuring information openness of the social service organization in the prescribed manner

Required skills

Provide advice to clients within the competence of the organization in an accessible form, prevent possible conflict situations

Conduct public performance, including in funds mass media, on issues of social services for the population

Prepare presentation and information-analytical materials, articles, certificates about the activities of social service organizations, including for print and electronic media

Required knowledge

Russian language (business style)

Fundamentals of ethics and psychology of business communication

Other characteristics

Compliance with the requirements of the social worker code of ethics


Ensuring the development of social service organizations

Level (sub-level) of qualification

Origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Professional standard registration number

Labor actions

Preparation of proposals for the development of strategic and program documents in the field of social services for the population on behalf of a higher organization

Development of proposals to improve the efficiency of the organization and submission of these proposals to a higher organization

Management of the implementation of innovative forms of activity in organizations, modern methods and tools for providing social services

Organization of employee participation in professional skills competitions in the field of social services

Organization of the development of educational, methodological, scientific and methodological publications, manuals, recommendations on the organization of social services

Required skills

Analyze the socio-economic, socio-demographic situation

Develop draft regulatory and methodological documents necessary for the introduction of modern methods and tools for the provision of social services

Required knowledge

Main directions of state social policy, provisions of strategies and programs in the field of social services at the federal and regional levels

Modern methods of organizing social services for the population, including international experience

Fundamentals of personnel management of an organization

Other characteristics

IV. Information about the organizations that developed the professional standard

4.1. Responsible development organization

4.2. Names of development organizations


*(1) All-Russian classifier classes.

*(2) All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

*(3) Single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees.

*(4) All-Russian classifier of specialties by education.



On approval of the professional standard "Head of a social service organization"

In accordance with clause 22 of the Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 N 23(Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 4, Art. 293),

I order:

1. Approve the attached professional standard “Head of a social service organization.”

2. Establish that the professional standard “Head of a social service organization” is used by employers when forming personnel policy and in personnel management, when organizing training and certification of employees, conclusion employment contracts, development job descriptions and the establishment of remuneration systems from January 1, 2015.

M. Topilin

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 31, 2013
registration N 30970

Application. Professional standard "Head of a social service organization"


Head of social service organization

Registration number

I. General information

Management of a social service organization

(name of type of professional activity)

The main goal of the type of professional activity:

Ensuring the activities of the organization of social services for the population, providing social services to citizens

Group of classes:



Attribution to types of economic activity:

Providing social services with accommodation

Providing social services without providing accommodation

Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises

Director (general director, manager) of the enterprise


Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Social Work

Social work specialist

Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Social Work


Specialist in state and municipal administration

Specialist in state and municipal administration with advanced training


Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees.

All-Russian classifier of specialties by education.

3.1.1. Labor function


Planning and control of the activities of a social service organization


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Labor actions

Planning the organization’s activities, developing and approving current and long-term work plans, determining target performance indicators for the organization and its employees in the prescribed manner

Coordination of the activities of the organization’s structural units to implement planning and program documents, fulfill state (municipal) assignments, and carry out instructions from higher organizations

Making decisions and signing local regulatory documents of the organization necessary to provide social services to the population

Monitoring the implementation of plans and programs of the organization’s activities

Organizing monitoring of citizens' satisfaction with the availability and quality of social services, creating conditions for conducting an independent system for assessing the quality of services provided by the organization in the prescribed manner

Preparation and implementation of measures to ensure comprehensive security of the social service organization and the citizens living (staying) in it

Required skills

Plan the activities of the organization, develop programs, create a system of performance indicators for the organization and employees

Organize the work of staff, set goals and formulate tasks, determine priorities

Develop solution options and assess the risks associated with their implementation

Analyze financial and statistical reporting data

Use information and communication technologies, including Internet resources

Required knowledge

Federal and regional legislation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of social services for the population

Theory of management and labor organization, including the basics of project and program-targeted management

Fundamentals of financial, accounting and statistical accounting in social service organizations

Other characteristics

3.1.2. Labor function


Social service organization resource management

Level (sub-level) of qualification

Origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Professional standard registration number

Labor actions

Making decisions on the provision of social services to the client, signing contracts for the provision of social services

Organization of preparation and approval of financial and accounting documents of the organization

Control over the targeted and effective spending of the organization’s financial resources

Making decisions on equipping the organization with premises, equipment, technical and other means necessary for the quality provision of social services and complying with established norms and standards

Making decisions in the field of personnel management of the organization, including decisions on approving the organization’s staffing table, signing local regulatory documents on personnel issues

Control of the economic activities of a social service organization

Monitoring employees' compliance with labor legislation, labor safety rules and regulations

Monitoring compliance with fire safety rules and sanitary and hygienic standards in social service organizations

Sending employees to medical examinations in order to identify infectious diseases, monitoring the timely completion of medical examinations

Organization of work to ensure that the organization meets the legal requirements for the protection of personal data about clients Ensuring that employees comply with the requirements of the code of ethics for social workers

Required skills

Plan resource provision in the organization (financial, technical and human resources)

Apply information technology to control the expenditure of the organization’s financial resources

Required knowledge

Basics of civil legislation

Fundamentals of budget and tax legislation

Fundamentals of public procurement legislation

Basics of labor legislation

Principles of budgeting and cost control

Theoretical foundations of personnel management, including the basics of labor regulation, evaluation and motivation of personnel, organization of remuneration

Other characteristics

Compliance with the requirements of the social worker code of ethics

3.1.3. Labor function


Interaction with clients, superiors and partner organizations

Level (sub-level) of qualification

Origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Professional standard registration number

Labor actions

Conducting personal reception of clients, advising on issues of obtaining social services

Establishing business connections and organizing cooperation with various state, public, religious, non-governmental and other organizations in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the provision of social services, including attracting charitable assistance aimed at supporting citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations, and for the development of the organization

Formation and provision of activities of trustee (public, supervisory) boards in the organization

Representing the interests of the organization in state authorities and local governments

Preparation of draft plans and programs for the organization’s activities, proposals for draft state (municipal) assignments for submission to a higher organization

Preparation and submission of reports on the organization’s activities to a higher organization

Organizing the preparation and posting of information about services provided to citizens on the organization’s website, ensuring information openness of the social service organization in the prescribed manner

Required skills

Provide advice to clients within the competence of the organization in an accessible form, prevent possible conflict situations

Conduct public speeches, including in the media, on issues of social services for the population

Prepare presentation and information-analytical materials, articles, certificates about the activities of social service organizations, including for print and electronic media

Required knowledge

Russian language (business style)

Fundamentals of ethics and psychology of business communication

Other characteristics

Compliance with the requirements of the social worker code of ethics

3.1.4. Labor function


Ensuring the development of social service organizations

Level (sub-level) of qualification

Origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Professional standard registration number

Labor actions

Preparation of proposals for the development of strategic and program documents in the field of social services for the population on behalf of a higher organization

Development of proposals to improve the efficiency of the organization and submission of these proposals to a higher organization

Management of the implementation of innovative forms of activity, modern methods and tools for the provision of social services in organizations

Organization of employee participation in professional skills competitions in the field of social services

Organization of the development of educational, methodological, scientific and methodological publications, manuals, recommendations on the organization of social services

Required skills

Analyze the socio-economic, socio-demographic situation

Develop draft regulatory and methodological documents necessary for the introduction of modern methods and tools for the provision of social services

Required knowledge

Main directions of state social policy, provisions of strategies and programs in the field of social services at the federal and regional levels

Modern methods of organizing social services for the population, including international experience

Fundamentals of personnel management of an organization

Other characteristics

IV. Information about the organizations that developed the professional standard

4.1. Responsible development organization

Institute of Labor and Insurance of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education " Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation"


Alexander Lvovich Safonov

4.2. Names of development organizations

GBUSO MO "Lyubertsy Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population", Moscow region, Lyubertsy

GBUSO MO "Ozersky Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens", Moscow region, Ozery

State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Zelenogradsky", Moscow

On July 1, 2016, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2016 No. 584 “On the specifics of the application of professional standards in terms of requirements mandatory for application by state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, state and municipal institutions, state and municipal unitary enterprises, as well as state corporations, state companies and business companies, more than fifty percent of the shares (shares) in the authorized capital of which are in state or municipal ownership.”

The concepts of “employee qualification” and “professional standard” are defined in Art. 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, an employee’s qualifications are the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of the employee.

In turn, a professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to implement certain type professional activity

According to the specified Resolution, a working group on the application and implementation of professional standards has been created at the Lermontov CCSON, and a corresponding action plan has been approved. To date, employees of the institution are familiar with the content of professional standards. The majority of employees have undergone professional retraining in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of professional standards. Work on the implementation of professional standards in the institution will continue as new professional standards are approved.

Establishment documents


Schedule for the implementation of professional standards in the state budgetary institution social service "Lermontov Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population" for 2019

Director's order dated 01/09/2019 “On approval of the list of professional standards that will be used in the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lermontovsky KTsSON”

“Order of the Director “On amendments to Order No. 71 of April 11, 2018” “On the organization of work on the application of professional standards in the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lermontovsky KTsSON”

Order of the Director “On approval of the schedule for the implementation of professional standards in the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lermontovsky KTsSON”

Composition of the working group on the implementation of professional standards in the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lermontovsky KTsSON”











1. Junior medical personnel Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 2n dated January 12, 2016;

2. Specialist in social work Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 571n dated October 22, 2013;

3. Social worker Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 677n dated November 18, 2013;

4. Head of a social service organization Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 678n dated November 18, 2013;

5. HR specialist Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 691n dated October 6, 2015;

6. Accountant Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1061n dated December 22, 2014;

7. Programmer Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 679n dated November 18, 2013;

8. Cook Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 610n dated September 8, 2015;

9. “Specialist in the field of procurement” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015. No. 625n;

10. “Specialist in rehabilitation work in social sphere» Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 18, 2013. No. 681;

11. “Psychologist in the social sphere” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 18, 2013. No. 682;

12. “Specialist in working with families” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 18, 2013. No. 683;

13. “Specialist in the field of labor protection” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08/04/2014. No. 524n;

14. “Specialist in the field of healthcare organization and public health” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 7, 2017. No. 768n;

15. “Instructor-methodologist for adaptive physical culture» Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08/04/2014. No. 526n;

16. "Teacher" additional education children and adults" Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/08/2015. No. 613n;

17. “Specialist in administrative and economic activities” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 17, 2014. No. 49n.

18. “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2015. No. 514n;

19. “Electrical fitter” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/02/2018. No. 646n;

20. “Instructor-methodologist” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/08/2014. No. 630n.

21 “Specialist in organizational and documentation support for organization management” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 6, 2015. No. 276n.

Federal Law dated December 3, 2012 No. 236-FZ in Labor Code RF concepts are fixed "employee qualification" And "professional standard":

Professional standard- these are requirements for the qualifications of an employee in order to carry out his professional activities (Article 1951 of the Labor Code).

Employee qualification- this is the level of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of an employee necessary for him to carry out professional activities (Article 1951 of the Labor Code)

Professional Standard (PS) is a key mechanism for self-regulation of the labor market. It is a multifunctional regulatory document that establishes the following requirements within a specific type (area) of professional activity:

  • to the content and quality of work;
  • to the conditions of labor activity;
  • to the employee’s skill level;
  • To practical experience, professional education and training necessary to meet this qualification.

The PS consists of structural units, each of which belongs to a specific qualification level and contains a description:

  • necessary knowledge and skills;
  • level of responsibility and independence;
  • level of complexity of the job function performed.

Directions for applying professional standards by employers

Professional standards are applied by employers taking into account the characteristics of the labor functions performed by employees, determined by the technologies used and accepted organization production and labor, when solving the following problems:

  1. determining the need for workers with a certain level of qualifications
  2. determination of labor functions of employees, labor responsibilities workers, taking into account the characteristics of the technologies used
  3. correct selection and personnel placement
  4. delimitation of functions, powers and responsibilities between categories of workers
  5. development staffing tables, job descriptions;
  6. formation of a remuneration system;
  7. employee certification;
  8. organization of training (vocational education and professional education) and additional vocational education workers
