Anatoly Kashpirovsky - life, destiny, where he is now and what he is doing. Kashpirovsky, Chumak, Grabovoi: where are the famous Soviet psychics and healers now? Anatoly Kashpirovsky currently

Anatoly Kashpirovsky is a psychotherapist known throughout the Soviet Union. His famous health sessions helped him gain popularity. But can he be considered a great healer or is he just another charlatan?

In the article:

Anatoly Kashpirovsky - biography

Anatoly Mikhailovich was born on August 11, 1939 in the city of Proskurov, now Khmelnitsky. His two sisters and brother were not distinguished by amazing abilities. During the Great Patriotic War, when the father of the future psychotherapist was sent to the battlefield, the family moved to the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

1951 Ukraine. With parents

Kashpirovsky was an ordinary child; he entered a medical institute, from which he graduated in 1962. After receiving higher education, he worked for 25 years in a psychiatric hospital named after Academician A.I. Yushchenko in Vinnitsa. Her psychotherapeutic career was successful.

He was a specialist in exercise therapy, a psychotherapist for the Soviet Union weightlifting team, and the manager of the psychotherapy center of the Ukrainian SSR from 1989 to 1993. During this time, Kashpirovsky managed to gain authority among his colleagues and became a well-known expert.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky in his youth

Kashpirovsky - therapeutic sessions, television career

A therapeutic session, a focus on healing - this is what the name of Anatoly Kashpirovsky is associated with.

Anatoly Mikhailovich gained popularity in 1988, after two large teleconferences were held Kyiv-Moscow and Moscow-Kyiv. The purpose of the experiment is to confirm that even in the absence of direct contact it is possible to psychologically influence the patient.

Researchers claimed that during the Moscow-Kyiv broadcast on March 31, 1988, pain relief was provided at a remote level during a major surgical intervention.

Lyubov Grabovskaya, breast surgery

Patient Lyubov Grabovskaya was scheduled to undergo breast surgery. The experiment was carried out with the help of academician oncologist N. M. Bondar and doctor I. Korolev, widely known in medical circles.

The success was dizzying. Kashpirovsky’s therapeutic technique has become in demand. In the same year, programs with Kashpirovsky began to appear on Ukrainian television.

This time he guaranteed the cure of children from enuresis. Subsequently, data appeared that in 3 hours 15 minutes about 72% of children were able to improve their health. At that time it was about 800 thousand people.

However, Kashpirovsky’s magical sessions did not end there. On March 2, 1989, a Kyiv-Tbilisi teleconference took place. It caused an even greater resonance.

During the teleconference, using his amazing method, Anatoly remotely anesthetized two operations simultaneously. Excision of hernias from O. B. Ignatova and L. N. Yurshova took place under the guidance of Academician G. D. Ioseliani, and surgeons Z. Megrelishvili and G. Bochaidze worked. Hypnosis was not used during teleconferences.

Ioseliani commented on the experiment as follows:

This is not a miracle - it's a super miracle!

Since 1989, Kashpirovsky’s dizzying career on television began. After a meeting with representatives of the Ostankino studio, 6 health sessions from doctor Anatoly Kashpirovsky were broadcast over the course of a year.

The psychotherapist guaranteed that in 6 hours he could cure about 10 million people from various ailments. The program was broadcast on Sundays 2 times a month. Throughout 1990, healing sessions were shown in Vietnam.

In 1991, Anatoly even made a presentation at the UN headquarters. There he proposed using his technique, which, in his opinion, could help people affected by radiation and those with AIDS.

Kashpirovsky published several books and a monograph. His works “Awakening”, “Believe in Yourself”, “Thoughts on the Way to You” had considerable success.

Working as a politician

Anatoly Mikhailovich actively participated in the political life of the Russian Federation. In 1993, he became a State Duma deputy from the LDPR in the 189th Yaroslavl electoral district.

On January 13, a party faction was organized in the State Duma, but the psychotherapist was not enrolled in it, since at that time he lived in the United States of America.

On March 5, he sent a fax and announced his resignation from the faction, explaining that his views did not coincide with those of Zhirinovsky. At one time, he accused Vladimir Volfovich of promoting military action and racism. Kashpirovsky was finally expelled from the party only on July 1, 1995.

Treatment methods

The psychiatrist claims that he acts specifically on physical disorders in the human body (mental disorders cannot be cured). On the talk show “Let Them Talk” on December 14, 2005, Kashpirovsky noted:

It is impossible to heal a diseased brain; I do not treat a diseased brain.

Anatoly claims that he uses psychotherapeutic methods in his work that can turn on restoration processes in the patient’s body. As a result, the body produces vital substances. They help get rid of pain, symptoms and, ultimately, the disease itself.

Our body is a pharmacy, the entire periodic table.

This phrase was often repeated by Anatoly Mikhailovich. He assures that any medicine is already contained in the human body, albeit in minimal doses. Their deficiency leads to diseases.

If you program the body from the outside so that it itself regulates the amount of drugs in the body, you can normalize all life processes.

Kashpirovsky is not the only doctor in the USSR. Grabovoi and others were also known. Often the public tries to attribute some kind of confrontation to Kashpirovsky and Chumak.

However, there was no invisible battle between them. Kashpirovsky did not position himself as a psychic; he argued that they use completely different methods, so it is useless to compare them.

In 2002, Channel One released the documentary “Kashpirovsky vs. Chumak.” But experts agree that the events shown in the film are significantly embellished.

Incident in Budyonnovsk

Kashpirovsky is a peacemaker. Budennovsk, 1995

In 1995, a terrorist attack took place in Budyonnovsk, during which Anatoly was positioned as a peacemaker. He took on the role of negotiator in the confrontation between federal forces and terrorist leader Shamil Basayev. What is happening is described by Sergei Gamayunov in the book “Budennovsk: 10 years later.”

It is worth noting that the psychotherapist was then able to save many. Contemporaries claim that it was thanks to the diplomatic abilities of Anatoly Mikhailovich that most of the people were freed.

To confirm this fact, there is a documentary video where Shamil Basayev describes the situation. The act only strengthened the citizens’ faith in Kashpirovsky’s incredible gift.

Where is Kashpirovsky now?

Today Anatoly Mikhailovich lives in the United States of America, but from time to time he visits his apartment in Ukraine. In Russia, not so long ago, the idea appeared to continue broadcasting psychotherapist sessions, but the project was never implemented.

The healer still has fans who sincerely believe in their guru’s treatment method. Some claim that they were able to recover thanks to Kashpirovsky. It is known that the healer has a son, but he has a different surname. The psychotherapist is trying to protect the heir from contacts with the press.

Pseudoscience or real miracles?

Many modern healers, like Kashpirovsky, never tire of surprising people who believe in miracles. However, are their abilities real or is it all self-deception?

If you believe Academician E.P. Kruglyakov, Chairman of the RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research, there is nothing mystical or surprising in the work of such psychotherapists.

Kruglyakov assures that Longo, Kashpirovsky, Chumak, and others are very far from medical practice. The academician believes that the magical healing power is simple self-conviction. In reality, it is very dangerous for people, since healers do not eliminate the problem, but start it.

Short-term relief is just hope for the best, for a positive result, but there can be no talk of a complete recovery.

In 1989, the Russian Orthodox Church also spoke negatively about such treatment sessions. Its representatives assure that they would be very happy to send people for healing using this technique. However, people in a trance, moving strangely, crying and then laughing, do not look healthy or cured. Most likely, this resembles a kind of act of exorcism. After all, only those possessed by the unclean can behave this way.

Kashpirovsky’s work also received negative reviews from evangelical Christian Baptists. Presbyter in the city of Mytishchi L. Sergienko assures:

Oh, how deeply mistaken is he who, even for a moment, thought that all this was good; such a person does not know to what sad end such gifts from the devil, the father of lies, lead.

Kashpirovsky’s sessions really brought him considerable popularity, but it is still difficult to say whether this was a real treatment or a grandiose scam. Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in the amazing abilities of a healer or not.

In contact with

Anatoly Kashpirovsky was born in 1939. The exact place of his birth is unknown. According to information on the official website, this is the Ukrainian village of Medzhybizh, but there is an opinion that the famous psychic was born in Stavnitsa or Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky). Anatoly grew up modest and hard-working, choosing a medical field for himself after school. After graduating from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute in 1962, he began working in a local psychiatric hospital, and his medical career here lasted almost 25 years.

Gradually, Kashpirovsky began to practice unconventional methods of treating patients for various ailments. It is still unknown how he discovered unusual abilities in himself and whether he really had them. Either way, people were thrilled that they were actually improving their health. In 1989, Anatoly was invited to perform on All-Union television. Live he demonstrated the technique of pain relief at a distance during surgical operations.

For Soviet society, extrasensory perception, and even on television, became a truly breakthrough event. Kashpirovsky has thousands of fans demanding that he appear on television as often as possible. Several more healing sessions followed, which were watched by more than 300 million Soviet people. After this, Anatoly began to be invited to foreign television. In addition, he took part in many scientific conferences and even presented a report before the United Nations.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky led an active political life and joined the Liberal Democratic Party, becoming a deputy of the State Duma. According to rumors, it was his influence that affected the successful career of the permanent leader of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In addition, the mysterious psychic has published many scientific books. The basis of his unique methods was strong suggestion, in fact, hypnosis of people, setting them up for self-healing. In the 90s, he also appeared on TV, but only as a guest on various programs, after which he emigrated to the USA.

Personal life

According to reports, Anatoly Kashpirovsky was married to a woman named Valentina, with whom he has two children, Elena and Sergei, who now live in the United States. The psychic married for the second time in 1992 to his new beloved Irina. They lived together until 2005, and the official divorce took place only in 2014.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky now lives in Brighton, America and has “stars and stripes” citizenship. He still practices his amazing methods of healing people, holding meetings with a fairly wide audience. In Russia, opinions about the parapsychologist are divided: today most people consider him an ordinary charlatan, while others are sure that Kashpirovsky is simply an experienced hypnotist and psychologist, capable of delving into the very depths of human consciousness.

The name of Anatoly Kashpirovsky was known to millions of residents of the Soviet Union. The hypnotherapist gathered in front of television screens those suffering to get rid of their illnesses with the help of his healing sessions. There is still no consensus on what it was - a miracle or quackery.

Childhood and youth

At the very beginning, Kashpirovsky’s biography did not imply all-Union, or whatever - world popularity. There is widespread information about the place of birth of Anatoly Mikhailovich - either it is the village of Stavnitsa, or the city of Proskurov (present-day Khmelnytsky) in Ukraine. On the official website, the village of Medzhibozh is indicated as the place of birth. Anatoly was born in August 1939; his nationality, as the media suggests, is Jewish. Another brother and two sisters grew up in the family.

Kashpirovsky called the principle of influence, practiced by himself, programming the internal reserves of the human body for self-healing, and working with the audience as a practical philosophy. The necessary medications are already contained in the body in microdoses, and special external influence activates their action, which ultimately leads to recovery, he assured. However, the results of the work were truly striking in the regeneration of connective tissue: the disappearance of scars, burns, and traces of frostbite.

In 1996, Anatoly, by his own admission, had a surge of pride: he proposed an unheard-of action - to carry out 10 operations under anesthesia from space. Oddly enough, the head of Star City, cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk, agreed. The psychotherapist did not pass flight tests on simulators, but considered that the path to heaven was blocked by people who were not interested in the success of his treatment methods. If the idea had been successful, then even the church would have agreed that he had the gift of healing.

Personal life

Anatoly's first wife, Valentina, gave birth to his son Sergei and daughter Elena. The son does not bear his father's surname. The daughter, her husband and child left for Canada, and after the divorce she moved to America. There is a grandson, Sean, and a granddaughter, Inga, a three-time US karate champion.

Where is the famous psychotherapist now, who once became famous for his unprecedented health sessions on television? This question is often asked after Kashpirovsky disappeared from the screens.

Biography before television career

Anatoly was born on August 11, 1939 in the town of Proskurov, which later became a regional center and was named Khmelnitsky. He had two sisters and a brother. During the war, the father was drafted into the army, and the mother and children moved to Kazakhstan.

As a child, Anatoly was not noted for any unusual abilities. After school, he entered medical school, graduating in 1962. After this, Kashpirovsky lives in Vinnitsa, not far from his native Proskurov. There he works in a psychiatric hospital for 25 years.

As a psychotherapist, he worked with the weightlifting team from 1989 to 1993. managed the psychotherapy center of the Ukrainian SSR, was an expert in the field of physical therapy. His career was going well: the doctor had a reputation among his colleagues as a good specialist.

Treatment sessions on TV

Anatoly Mikhailovich’s dizzying career on television began in 1988 with a medical experiment. Doctors wanted to check whether it was possible to provide a therapeutic psychological effect on a patient without direct contact, through video communication. For this purpose, 2 teleconferences were held between Kiev and Moscow.

The psychotherapist was able to provide remote pain relief during surgery. Patient Lyubov Grabovskaya underwent breast surgery using a special method of hypnosis by Anatoly Kashpirovsky as anesthesia.

The experiment was very successful, after which the psychotherapist experienced dizzying success. In the same year, the first programs appeared on television. A psychiatrist began to treat enuresis in children through television. After the broadcast, data spread that during the 3 hours and 15 minutes of the session, the health of about 800 small TV viewers improved, which amounted to 72% of the audience.

The next resonant broadcast took place in March 1989. During the Kyiv-Tbilisi teleconference, the psychotherapist used his hypnotic techniques to relieve pain from 2 operations at once. Academician G. D. Ioseliani, who led one of the operations, called the pain relief method a super miracle. From that moment on, the doctor from Ukraine gained all-Union fame.

During 1989, Ostankino showed 6 of his health sessions. They aired once every 2 weeks on Sundays. The psychiatrist guaranteed that in such a time he could save approximately 10 million people from various diseases. Since 1990, his programs began to be broadcast in Vietnam.

The famous psychotherapist outlined his views in several books. The works “Believe in Yourself”, “Awakening”, “Thoughts on the Way to You” were a great success. The doctor left his native country a long time ago, but no matter where Kashpirovsky is now, his books continue to be popular in the post-Soviet space.

Participation in politics

After the collapse of the USSR, the famous doctor was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1993. He ran in the 189th Yaroslavl district from the LDPR party. But when a faction of this party was created in the State Duma, the doctor was not included in it for the reason that he lived in the USA.

This happened on January 13, 1994, and on March 5, the psychiatrist announced his desire to leave the LDPR due to differences in views with the head of the party, Zhirinovsky. The doctor accused the latter of promoting racism and war. The celebrity was finally expelled from the LDPR in the summer of 1995.

The secret of healing effects

According to Anatoly, he treated physical illnesses using psychotherapeutic methods. This method allows you to launch self-healing processes in the human body. The body itself can produce substances that will fight disease or eliminate pain.

The doctor liked to repeat that the body contains the entire periodic table, and it itself can produce any medicine. Moreover, all the drugs are already in the body, but in minimal doses. Special external teams help develop the necessary medicines and restore health. This was actually his method.

At the same time, Anatoly Mikhailovich always emphasized that he does not work with mental disorders. Only a healthy brain can respond correctly to commands.

“It is impossible to heal a diseased brain,” he said on the talk show “Let Them Talk” in 2005.

Similar methods were used by other healers, including Chumak and Grabovoi. They were often called Kashpirovsky's rivals. But he insisted that there was no rivalry, since they use completely different methods.

Anatoly emphasized that he was a doctor and acted scientifically; he never called himself a psychic.

The role of the peacekeeper in Budennovsk

In 1995, Anatoly Mikhailovich acted as a negotiator with the terrorists who took hostages in Budennovsk. The doctor became a mediator in negotiations between the federal forces and Shamil Basayev.

Eyewitnesses of those events claim that the intervention of the famous psychiatrist helped save the lives of many hostages. This is confirmed by a documentary video where Shamil Basayev talks about the incident.

Sergei Gamayunov’s book “Budennovsk: 10 Years Later” is dedicated to the events in Budennovsk. The doctor's diplomatic successes increased his army of admirers.

Where is Kashpirovsky now and what is he doing?

The disappearance of the famous doctor from the screens and his further fate worries many. But nothing unusual happened to Anatoly Mikhailovich. Kashpirovsky now lives in the USA, sometimes visiting his native Ukraine, where he meets with relatives and friends.

Recently in Russia there were ideas about resuming television broadcasts with celebrities, which were not implemented.

Anatoly Mikhailovich still has many fans. Already in old age, Kashpirovsky is now engaged in practice. In one of his last interviews, he told how he put a seriously ill woman into a trance just in the hall of a restaurant in Vinnitsa.

In 2019, the psychiatrist celebrates his 80th birthday and 30 years from the start of a dizzying career on television.

Healing or self-deception?

Many scientists believe that there is nothing surprising in the hypnotic trance treatment method. This psychotherapeutic technique is widely used all over the world. But can it bring real healing?

Academician E.P. Kruglyakov claims that it is impossible to achieve a real therapeutic effect in this way. He believes that the technique is based on self-hypnosis and does not heal the disease, but masks it. The person feels relief, but does not fully recover.

The Russian Orthodox Church has repeatedly spoken out against this practice. The priests claimed that people in trance looked more like possessed people than healthy people.

Admirers and opponents of Anatoly Mikhailovich have been arguing for many years. Having weighed all the pros and cons, everyone can decide for themselves how effective the techniques of a famous doctor are and whether they should be trusted.

It’s easy to find out where the most popular psychotherapist in the USSR is located today. But his methods still remain a mystery. Some call them quackery, others claim that Kashpirovsky saved them from illness.
