Great cleansing with prayers and spells. Cleansing session with prayers and aura spells

As this session will show, visualization is not for everyone. This girl practices OS, in which she undergoes training in different scenarios (a la “The Matrix”), and, in principle, should be able to visualize, but no...

A couple of days before the session, my Guardian and the Guardian of Everything (EllAya, as I later found out myself) came to me in a dream. They said that they would be there during the session and created all the conditions to help. Indeed, everyone retreated from the house, even the cat went outside in such cold weather. Having fully prepared for the session and discussed all the questions, I got comfortable and began to listen.

At first I didn’t understand how you could see, look.D_ Ahe helped me a lot, thanks to him for helping me take steps that I myself would have been taking for a long time.

At firstD_ Atakes me to the most beautiful place. I found myself in a place somewhat similar to a desert, there were hills in front of me, and the sun behind the hills. We contact the keeper.

Q: Guardian, prove yourself, you promised to come to us.

A: yes, he said it here.

Q: Guardian, show yourself visually, show what you look like.

A: I don't know how to look.

Q: Higher Self, help with visualization, give advice

A: Look and you will get the answer.

Q: Okay, Guardian, may I know your name?

A: I don’t know if I’m flying among the stars... I’m flying somewhere, the lights remain behind me (some blurry dots appeared, it felt more like I was flying in space through the stars)

Q: let's go back to the ground where you are lying, to your room. Concentrate on your body. Do you see yourself?

A: I don’t see... (laugh), but I had fun, I liked flying there

Q: What do you see?

A: yes, it’s dark...

Q: Where you are, in this darkness, a light portal the size of you will appear in front of you. Do you see him?

A: Something light opens and comes from below.

Q: The light portal begins to work. Everything that we don’t need gets in the way and starts going there. I send a golden ray of light through the top of your head, and the light coming from the creator passes through you. All connections that are available, I ask you to leave with your things. How are you feeling?

O: so cool! (laugh), there is so much light, but I don’t see it as I would like

Q: As a physicist. Feel?

A: such ease becomes...

Q: The beam and portal continue to work. Question for VYa, are there any contracts that can be broken? Draw them

A: I see from the right side, but not clearly (there was a weak light on the right that was trying to break through). It’s not clear, as if something is moving

Q: I address this entity: who are you?

O: I don’t know...

Q: VYa, show me green if these are contracts.

A: I don’t see

Q: VYa, show me the green color if this is an entity?

A: the light floats from above, but I don’t see the green color, colors, as if I’m looking with my eyes closed and that’s it

B: It's okay. VYa, show the green color if you yourself can break the contracts and send the entities into the light.

O: mmm... says yes, or I doubt it too much...( Then I realized how there is no need to doubt! ) Further at this moment we decided to plunge into a deeper trance,D_ A, we give the setting so that the eyes do not open, but they still opened on their own during the session, we had to hold them with our hands.)

(again we install the portal and a beam of light to where I am)

Q: I ask the guardian guides to come out of the portal, who can help with the cleaning, and I also call a swarm of small portals. That darkness that does not allow light to break through, it begins to enter there, they suck it in and begin to lead it out into a large portal. The darkness is leaving. Do you see anything?

A: yes, more spots, light ones. On the right is the Guardian, I'm talking here.

Q: We’ll talk to him later, I’d like to talk to the entity that’s bothering us. Please prove yourself.

A: how dark it has become... I’m here...(voice changed)

Q: Who am I talking to?

A: I live here...

Q: How long have you been with her?

A: from birth.

Q: Was it previously incarnated in a human body?

A: probably... unlikely... (we find out that there is a contract, VYa draws it, the keeper tears it up, we send the contract to the portal.)

Q: essence I’m addressing you, I invite you to go out, you’ll be much better there

O: What will happen there? (at first the question seemed stupid, then I realized that it was the entity asking, not me.D_ A described all the delights of life there, about the spark of the Creator)

A: I will continue to develop, continue to live, that means?

B: Of course.

A: I agree... leaves (the entity left so happy, I felt it myself)

Q: Thank you, I think we will meet again in other worlds. How do you feel?

A: I have a headache in the area of ​​the top of my head, just like every time I try to meditate it hurts the same way

Q: Guardian, tell me, are there any implants in the head or essence?

Oh yeah. (The guardian helps to remove what is in and on the head. Later, during meditation, I discovered another helmet on my head, under which I need to protect what is there, they showed that I can take it off and put it on myself. When I learn to walk without a helmet , I can throw it away).

B: removes all entities and implants, immediately floods them with light that could remain after them, sends the implants into the portal, floods them with a beam of light where it hurt before. I give an instruction: the pain goes away... how do you feel?

A: The headache is starting to go away, I feel lighter, it’s nice to even talk about it myself.

Q: VYa, is there a contract for the impossibility of visualization?

A: no, you need to overcome what you have now, go through this wall. She goes through it herself but doesn’t know how to fully do it. Now the white dots are coming... as if I’m trying to fly there...(voice keeps changing)

Q: great, look, the white dots are getting bigger and bigger, you are flying into the zone of light. They are starting to grow. Light begins to replace darkness, darkness goes away. You begin to see images of your inner world. What do you see?

A: eyes begin to open again

Q: VYA, is there some kind of entity in front of the eyes?

A: yes, something tingles, like a white mesh

Q: ok, guardian, please take off the screen from your eyes

A: these are not the same eyes...

Q: In what sense are the eyes wrong?

A: with which you need to look, when you look at what you need to see, you see something else...

Q: I don’t quite understand. First it was said that there are entities, now the eyes are not the same... what is the problem?

A: my head hurts again...

Q: Guys, what are you doing there? Please, remove the entities that interfere (we send a golden and green beam, at the same time cleanse the chakras, fill them with light). How are you feeling?

A: I don’t know, I’m filling up with something... as if in a barrel, I’m lying as if in water, swimming

Q: VYa, why is there no visualization?

A: the wall is standing, fear probably...

Q: So, guys, we continue to work on the connections. Let me know when you're done. Now the question is regarding past lives...

A: I did something then...

Q: Can I speak directly to the custodian? Is it possible?

A: (to answer the question, the guardian and I change places and he speaks through me. I vacated the place, but still my ego was trying to talk, as if it knew everything, they asked me to retreat, they sent me to a clearing to draw, we started a conversation). Yes, it's possible.

Q: Good afternoon. What can I call you?

A: call it that... (in the sense of a keeper)

Q: What happened in a past life in one of the incarnations?(was a knight, was framed for murder, lost honor)

A: yes, then there were things... she did what could not be done, but now she does the same. Helps people, but also interferes... something is stopping her...

Q: Can I talk to this "something"?

Q: Hello. How can I contact you somehow?

A: she now has one name, so call her that way (it seemed to me that she has many names, even though she has one essence)

Q: Where are you from? Tell me?

A: I lived then in these centuries.

Q: understandable, but you understand, she has her own life, you have yours, it makes no sense for you to be here...

A: She bothers herself too much, she overthinks it.

Q: let’s help you stop cheating, VYa will help you draw a contract.

A: I don’t see anything, but there must be something, some kind of memory connection

Q: I ask you to imagine how you break the contract and send it to the portal (in the process it turns out that the entity has sluggish schizophrenia, because I am in it, the only difference is that I have a body, and we are different entities. We help the entity call the guardian to stand up and go to the portal)

A: thank you for helping me free myself, now I’ll live differently... (leaves, the guardian returns)

Q: Guardian are you here?

A: yes, now... I’ll swim into the body... I’ll get comfortable, I’ll start talking...

Q: swim in, don’t forget to flood the light so that others don’t come in..

A: something in the chest area seems to be burning, tingling...

Q: we direct a large green beam to the chest, where there may be tension, the tension resolves, everything returns to normal...

A: yes, it dissolves, the green turns into yellow until it reaches white... it will go on gradually, I then continue this ray...

Q: yes, and the higher self help us with this. Thank you. Let's go back to our previous life, have we sorted out this issue?

A: she then lost a lot of her reputation, she worried about it for a long time, there is still something there, something will fly out now maybe...

Q: what exactly?

A: then there was a lot of powerlessness (I feel a wave of despair rolling over me), there are many things that you still cannot do in this and that life (I thought I would burst into tears now)

Q: no problem, let it discharge, but that life is that life (we set the intention to leave everything in the past), are there contracts that can be broken now?

A: there was life, now it’s gone... it’s gone... I just want to know that this won’t happen again...

Q: Now there is this everything depends on it. This is her choice, if she can control herself, then this will not happen. I think this lesson has been learned.

We call the Guardian.

A: here we need to look and talk about this topic.

Q: can you see what happened in that life?

A: I am the Guardian in this life

Q: let's call the guardian of that life

A: this is the guardian of everything (the Guardian and Ellaya change places, the body begins to twitch, it becomes so pleasant, warm)

Q: tell me, I haven’t met the Guardian of Everything before, how is that?

A: (I begin to concentrate on stronger settings, they send me to the clearing) I haven’t been in the body for a long time...

Q: What happened in that life?

A: I look there, everything was fine there up to a certain point. A fortress, a castle, I lived there, everything was there. She deliberately went where she shouldn’t go. Did something for them.

Q: Killed someone or what?

A: it’s hard to admit that she killed or did something bad, she even wanted to save that person, but she couldn’t, she was this essence, she left like a soul...


Other sessions and articles about children of stars and different worlds:

The Soul Cleansing Audio CD

"Attachings, etheric webs, miasms, soul fragments from living and discarnate forms, thought forms, toxic radiation, and a myriad of unseen forces bombard the soul on a daily basis. The souls inborn defenses are capable of dealing with most of these spirit problems , but for the most part, it is only a matter of time before the soul structure itself is damaged by at least one of the above forces.
After years of research, I believe I have found at least a temporary way to address the problem. During my travels in my astral form, I met a man who had invented a device that utilized sound to remove attaching spirits. After a series of conversations with this man, who is not currently incarnate, I learned that discarnate attaching spirits are sensitive to certain high frequency sound waves. In particular, sound frequencies in the 10,000 hz range were particularly effective in causing them to flee an area. Exposures to this pure tone for at least 30 minutes was sufficient to remove even the most ardent ghost from a person, place, or thing. I wondered if I could apply this technology to a method of cleansing the soul itself in a similar manner.
The difficulty inherent in the process was that on earth, we almost never hear pure tones. Producing a pure tone in the range necessary to remove the entities would prove to be a daunting task. Ultimately, I was able to find a way to accurately produce the tone. In all the testing up to this point, the tone works just as well in this world as it did in his. When played at high volume in an open space, the attaching spirits in the area of ​​the blast will depart within 20-30 minutes. Most will depart within minutes but the most stubborn will fight the broadcast. I also discovered a variety of tones that clear all of the noxious forces that bombard the soul on a daily basis. The tones must be pure and exact in their construction or they will not work. The end result of this work is The Soul Cleansing CD.
This CD is a combination of a remarkable series of pure tones, each of which were meticulously discovered through my research. Listening to this CD 2-3 times per week for at least 20 minutes each time effectively cleanses the soul structure of destructive forces. The forces will tend to re-accumulate over time so repeated use is unfortunately necessary. I have found it to be an invaluable tool in my own spiritual growth and development. In my work as a psychiatrist, I am constantly bombarded with every manner of psychic and spiritual excrement imaginable, this CD is my protector.
The feeling of clarity and peace that I feel after doing this CD following a long day at the office is beyond description. It is exactly like giving my soul a much needed shower. Please, dont take my word for this effect, try it for yourself."

"Attachment spirits, ethereal canvases, miasma, soul particles from life and disembodied forms, thought forms, toxic radiations, and a variety of invisible forces bombard souls on a daily basis. The soul's innate defenses are capable of dealing with most of these problems, but for the most part, it is only it is a matter of time before the soul structure itself is damaged by at least one of the above forces.
After many years of research, I believe I have found at least a temporary solution to this problem. During my travels in my astral form, I met a man who invented a device that was used to remove sound by attaching spirits. After a series of conversations with this person, who is not currently incarnate, I learned that there are disembodied spirits that are sensitive to certain high-frequency sound waves. In particular, sound frequencies in the 10,000 Hz range were particularly effective in their escape region. Exposure to this pure tone for at least 30 minutes was enough to remove even the most ardent ghost from a person, place or thing. I thought if I could apply this technology to a way of purifying the soul of myself in a similar manner.
The difficulty inherent in the process was that on earth, we almost never hear pure tones. Producing pure tone in the range needed to capture faces will prove challenging. Eventually I was able to find a way to accurately produce the tone. In all the tests up to this point, the tone works just as well in this world as it did in his. When played at high volume in an open space, the perfume attached to the area of ​​the explosion will fly out within 20-30 minutes. Most will leave within minutes, but the most stubborn will fight the broadcast. I have also discovered various tones that remove all the harmful forces that bombard the soul on a daily basis. Tones must be clean and precise in their design or they won't work. The end result of this work is the Soul Cleansing CD.
This CD is a combination of a wonderful series of pure tones, each of which were discovered through my careful research. Listening to this disc 2-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes each time effectively cleanses the soul of the structure of destructive forces. The forces will re-accumulate over time so repeated use is unfortunately necessary. I have found it to be an invaluable tool in my own spiritual growth and development. In my work as a psychiatrist, I am constantly bombarded with every kind of psychic and spiritual excrement imaginable; this disc is my protector.
The sense of clarity and peace I feel after doing this CD after a long day at the office is beyond description. This is exactly how to give my soul a much needed shower. Please don't take my word for this effect, try it for yourself."

Cleansing rituals will help eliminate negativity from the aura in a short time. During the week before the ritual, they fast: they give up meat, alcohol, and bad habits. They buy thin wax candles from the church in advance and bless the water. Cleaning is carried out with prayers and spells in solitude, gadgets should not distract. The right time for a session is the first half of the day.

In the article:

Cleansing the aura with prayers

The aura of almost every person is polluted - problems, bad mood, negative programs stick. The more accumulated, the more often a person gets sick, is depressed, and is aggressive.

Cleaning is carried out once every two months so that “dirt” does not accumulate and darken life. Wake up before dawn, light a wax candle, pour blessed water into a container, look at the sunrise and whisper three times:

Angel of the Lord, my guardian and intercessor! Protect my spirit from unclean filth, from evil fate, from my and human sin. Do not let my soul perish from the machinations of the evil one, do not let the evil one take possession of my soul. I bow my head to the will of the Lord, amen.

Write the doxology on a piece of paper and carry it with you all the time. This will enhance the effect.

To cleanse the aura they also use prayer to Simeon the Receiver of God. All actions are performed as in the previous ritual, but this text is read:

O Lord's saint Simeon! Pray to Our Lord for the salvation of my sinful soul. Ask the Lord for mercy and protection from the evil one. May the Lord deliver me from human filth, from the evil eye, from the unkind word! May the Lord forgive my sins. Amen!

Prayer for cleansing from negative programs on Maundy Thursday

The ritual is performed once a year. Pre-clean the apartment/house, take out the trash, take a shower. While swimming, imagine how all the negativity is washed away from you. Light a candle in front of the holy images and say:

Just as confession cleanses, just as water removes dirt, so should you, Thursday, be clean,
cleanse me from all evil, from offending people, from disobedience, from intemperance,
from devilish blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Afterwards, repent of your sins in the temple. Thank those who helped, and apologize to those you hurt. Orthodox believers are confident that this will remove all negativity.

Cleansing with prayers

Having decided to undergo a cleansing ritual, you must understand: it is not enough to simply remove the negative program, or the evil eye. It is important to get rid of the burden of accumulated sins. Therefore, read cleansing prayers for forgiveness for the words, thoughts and actions spoken.

To perform the ritual, first go to the morning service in the church. Stay with it until the end. Returning home, light a candle, fill a container with water and read over them:

I beg You, Son of God, for the remission of forgotten sins. Captured by the temptation of the devil, I did unrighteous deeds.
Forgive me all insults, slander, greed and greed, stinginess and rudeness.
Let the scabs of sin not infect my mortal body.
Let it be so. Amen.

Let the candle burn out, drink the water. Carry out the manipulation in the evening before going to bed for three days. As with the aura-cleansing prayer, repeat the ritual regularly, several times a year.

How to clean an item

A common situation is that a person buys a thing, and there is accumulated negativity on it. A person draws negative energy from an object onto himself. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove all adhering “dirt”. Whisper:

Creator and Creator of the human race, Giver of spiritual grace, Giver of eternal salvation,
Yourself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if it were armed with the power of heavenly intercession for those who want to use it,
will be helpful for bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Wash the attribute with blessed water and say:

This thing is blessed and sanctified by sprinkling this sacred water, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer from witchcraft programs

Any believer knows the text of the doxology “Our Father”. But not everyone realizes how powerful it is. Anyone can read to cleanse themselves.

At dawn, they light three wax church candles, wash themselves with holy water and read the text of the prayer three times. Then open your heart to the Lord and sincerely turn to Him. Repent of your sins, admit where you were wrong. Ask for forgiveness and pray to get rid of the accumulated negativity.

Thank the Lord for your patience and help. Regular sincere reading of “Our Father” helps to get rid of sins, mental anguish and illness, and to provide protection that will become a block from evil and black magic.

Spell for cleansing

It’s not just praises that eliminate negative energy; there are also conspiracies. To carry out the ritual, prepare a vat of cool water. They perform the ritual when it is warm outside.
At dawn, take out the vat of liquid. Light a church candle, hold it over the container and say:

Lady water, you have banks, stones and flints. You nourish the earth and roots. Cleanse me, servant of God (servant of God) (name), my home, my loved ones from illness, melancholy, reproaches, slander and the evil eye. Strengthen my soul and every cell of my body. Glory to you! Amen.

Pour it all over yourself. The effect of the conspiracy lasts for a couple of months.

Conspiracies and prayers get rid of any accumulated negativity. Use such rituals regularly to cleanse yourself of negative energy in a timely manner.

Often people are faced with the consequences of someone else's negative energy influence. To get rid of negativity, it is necessary to conduct a cleansing session with prayers and spells. Cleansing with prayers is an opportunity to calmly and safely perform an effective cleansing procedure by turning to the Guardian Angel or the Almighty. Words spoken with faith help and relieve worries, fears, and accumulated negative energy.

We cleanse the body daily. But in order to cleanse the aura and get rid of negativity at the energy level, it is necessary to perform certain rituals. In addition to cleansing the aura, it is recommended to periodically clean your own home and yard, since the unfavorable influence of the envious people and ill-wishers around us always leaves its mark.

As a result of the damage or evil eye sent, a person loses strength and begins to get sick. And it is not always possible to use medicine to help him get rid of his illnesses. Only sincere prayer and faith in the power of the Lord can help cleanse and heal. In addition to visiting church, confession and communion, you can perform certain rituals at home.

Strong prayers against induced damage and the evil eye

To regain a good mood and get rid of a negative program, it is necessary to cleanse the aura. The more negative things accumulate, the more often a person faces illness, depression or aggression. Cleaning is recommended twice a month to prevent strong accumulation of energetic dirt.

You need to wake up with the first rays of the sun. Pour holy water into a container and light a church candle. Looking at the rising sun, say the words of the prayer three times:

“Angel of the Lord, my protector, my keeper. Stand up for the protection of my spirit, let filth and evil spirits pass me by. May evil fate and human sin recede forever. May my soul not perish from the machinations of evil spirits, may the evil one never take possession of my soul. I will bow my head before the will of the Lord Almighty, in the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".

To cleanse the aura, prayer is also used to Simeon the Receiver of God. You also need to light a candle and say a prayer over the holy water:

“God's saint, Simeon. I ask for your help, protect my sinful soul, grant it salvation. Protect from the evil one. May the merciful Lord give me his protection from the unclean, from evil eyes and envious ones, from evil words and thoughts, from the atrocities of others. Our Father, forgive all my sins. Amen".

Orthodox prayers that cleanse the home and soul

There is an effective ritual for cleansing your home of negative energy. It is performed on Maundy Thursday. It is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the house, get rid of old things, unnecessary rubbish, and garbage. Next you need to take a bath or shower. When you swim, imagine that all negativity and illnesses are washed away from you along with the streams of water. Next, you need to light a church candle in front of the icons and read the prayer:

“At confession in church before the holy altar, people cleanse their souls. Water from clean sources washes away all dirt from the body. So let both my soul and body be cleansed on this Maundy Thursday, on this bright holiday, and I will wash away all the bad things. Let all evil, all resentment, disobedience, intemperance, devilish blasphemy, bad rumors, evil talk, demonic disputes go away. So let it be as I read it in the bright hour on a good day. Amen".

After this ritual, you need to go to the temple, confess and take communion. With the help of such a ritual, you can cleanse your aura and get rid of a negative karmic program. There is also an effective ritual for cleaning your home and yard. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a thick church candle. Take it in your right hand and set it on fire. Next, turn to face the entrance doors. Move slowly clockwise, read the Lord's Prayer, and clean all the rooms in turn. Stop near each corner and make the sign of the cross three times using a candle.

At the end you must return to where you started. Before the front door, also read the Lord’s Prayer and put out the candle flame with your fingers. It is important that at this time, while you perform the ritual, there is no one in the house. This applies to family members and pets. No one should interfere or distract. After you have cleaned your home, it is also important to perform certain rituals over the mirrors. You will need a new spark plug. Approach each mirror in turn, reading the Lord's Prayer, and move the candle. At the end of the prayer, cross the mirror surface three times. Perform the same actions on icons, photographs and other images that are on the walls. After completing the rituals, you need to collect all the candle stubs and throw them away at the nearest intersection.

Short prayers to cleanse the aura

To cleanse your aura, read the following prayer throughout the day:

“Sins will go away, the evil one will not touch you. A pure soul, open to the forces of light.”

Repeat for seven days. Then go to church, take Holy Communion and confess to the priest.

Cleansing ourselves with the help of spells

To eliminate negative energy, you can use conspiracies. The ritual is performed in the warm season. Fill a basin or any other container with water early in the morning, when the sun just appears below the horizon. Light a church candle, move it over the water and say:

“Helper water, you wash the shores and stones with your streams. You give life to plants and all living things. Help me, God's servant (name), cleanse myself of illnesses, sorrows, evil eyes and slander. Let my soul be strengthened, every cell of my body cleansed. Let it be so".

Pour all the water from the basin onto yourself. This ritual can be repeated a month later.

The ritual is also performed using the following attributes:

  • icon;
  • church candle;
  • a pack of rice;
  • new dishes.

Magical actions are performed during the waning moon. Get up early in the morning, with the first rays of the sun. Place rice on the stove and let it cook. Don't try it. When the porridge is cooked, pour it into two new plates. Place one in front of the icon, and the second in front of a lit candle. Then say these words:

“Holy Virgin Mary, bless. Protect my family from black eyes, from inevitable disaster. May all my loved ones not pay for the sins of their ancestors, may they not grieve. Let the heavy cross leave my entire family. So let it be as it is said.”

I'm going to make the sign of the cross three times. Let it sit on the table, then give the rice to stray dogs. The food that stood in front of the candle is divided among all family members.

If you cannot carry out rituals of cleansing your home or yourself on your own, it is recommended to turn to a professional magician or sorcerer.
