A quick way out of the drinking diet. Drinking diets: sometimes to lose weight, you don’t have to eat, but drink! Drinking diet - results

    A drinking diet is an effective way to quickly lose extra pounds. This type of nutrition is used not only for weight loss, but also for the purpose of detoxifying (cleansing) the body. Thanks to the consumption of liquid food, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, and the body starts recovery processes.

    Features of the drinking diet

    Let's look at what the essence of the drinking diet is, what its benefits are and whether there are risks.

    Essence and benefits

    The essence of the drinking diet is to consume only liquids: any solid food is prohibited. The benefit of a drinking diet is a deep cleansing of the entire body: excess load is removed from the digestive tract, the functioning of internal organs is stabilized, and excess weight is lost.

    The greatest loss of extra pounds comes from water. The human body is designed in such a way that when drinking a large amount of water, it begins to more intensively remove excess fluid from the body. Under conditions of increased fluid consumption, excess water leaves tissues and cells, and body contours become clearer and more prominent.

    Side effects

    The 7-day drinking diet, like the one, is quite strict and is fraught with various risks, especially for those who are practicing such nutrition for the first time. People report a strong feeling of hunger, dizziness, headaches and abdominal pain in the first days. However, by the end of the diet, the symptoms of malaise subside, and they are replaced by comfort throughout the body and lightness.

    However, in some cases, the drinking diet leads to a number of serious side effects:

    • gastritis and other digestive disorders;
    • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and teeth;
    • significant decrease in immunity;
    • anemia (anemia) and various hematopoietic disorders.

    The likelihood of such consequences increases if you practice the diet for more than 7-14 days.

    Be careful: The duration of the drinking diet should not exceed one week! There is a risk of not only burning too much muscle mass, but also harming your health.

    A critically low calorie diet is fraught with exhaustion of the body and a complete loss of hunger. In some people, eating behavior during a long-term drinking diet changes so much that it develops into anorexia.


    Specific contraindications:

    • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • gastritis;
    • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation;
    • age under 18 years;
    • increased physical activity.

    Mechanism of weight loss

    A drinking diet gives the body a break from eating solid food and the constant process of digestion. When eating liquid food, the load on the digestive tract is noticeably reduced, which is even beneficial for a short period. The mechanism of weight loss during a drinking diet completely repeats the effect of a regular low-calorie diet.

    Fat burning occurs due to a sharp reduction in calories, since the daily ration of such a diet rarely exceeds 400-500 calories - this is the critical calorie content for the normal functioning of the adult body. A sharp decrease in calories in the diet provokes the body to use liver glycogen, and then its own muscle tissue as a source of nutrients. The body consumes adipose tissue last and very reluctantly, trying to preserve its “strategic reserve”.

    For this reason, as a result of a drinking diet, volumes and kilograms are lost only due to excess water and muscle mass, but not due to fat reserves. Fat cells (adipocytes) are temporarily “deflated” due to a decrease in the amount of fluid in them. Visually, a person looks much slimmer, but in reality the fat does not go anywhere.

    Authorized Products

    The drinking diet, as its name suggests, involves eating only liquid foods—those that do not need to be chewed.

    On a drinking diet you are allowed to consume:

    • any broth (low-fat) - vegetable, meat, fish, chicken;
    • thin puree soups - the vegetables in the soup must be thoroughly ground;
    • dairy and fermented milk products - milk, kefir, natural yogurt and other low-fat fermented milk products;
    • jelly and compotes from any fruits or berries (without added sugar).

    Allowed drinks

    The drinking diet includes the consumption of the following drinks:

    • clean drinking water - at least 1.5-2 liters per day;
    • freshly prepared juices - vegetable or fruit, without added sugar, diluted with water;
    • tea - preferably green and red tea;
    • herbal decoctions - for example, chamomile with the addition of mint.

    While following a drinking diet, the following are strictly prohibited: coffee, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks.

    Let's focus separately on freshly squeezed juices. Fruits contain useful vitamins and microelements. This is an indisputable fact. But drinking large quantities of freshly squeezed concentrated juices (undiluted with water) is not always beneficial.

    A high concentration of active substances provokes gastritis and gastric ulcers. In people prone to allergic reactions, concentrated juices can cause severe allergies.

    The above does not mean that you should give up freshly squeezed homemade juices in favor of packaged ones from the supermarket. On the contrary, natural fruit juices are beneficial if you dilute them with water and drink no more than 1-2 glasses a day.

    Principles and rules of the drinking diet

    The effectiveness of a drinking diet directly depends on how ready the body is to switch to a liquid diet.

    Before starting a drinking diet, about 1 week in advance, give up high-calorie, sweet, fatty and salty foods in favor of vegetables and fruits, various liquid cereals and soups.

    Efficiency Rules

    These rules guarantee the maximum effectiveness of the diet:

  1. Don't start a diet suddenly. A seven-day preparatory phase is required.
  2. A drinking diet involves a complete rejection of solid foods and a switch to liquids.
  3. Divide your meals throughout the day into several small portions. Optimal amount: 5-6 liquid meals per day.
  4. The amount of clean water you drink should be at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
  5. During the drinking diet, give up training and other physical activities, as the body experiences an acute shortage of energy and nutrients due to a low-calorie diet. Because muscle tone is weakened, injury is more likely.
  6. During a drinking diet, the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Take vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in capsules: fish oil, milk thistle oil, flaxseed oil.
  7. During a drinking diet, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract often occur due to the transition to a liquid diet: monitor the regularity of bowel movements and listen to symptoms.
  8. You cannot continue the diet for more than a week. The popular method of the 30-day drinking diet is extremely dangerous and fraught with irreversible consequences.
  9. You cannot abruptly end your drinking diet. Follow the exit rules - switch to your usual diet gradually.

After completing all stages of the drinking diet, it is useful to do fasting drinking days once a week.

Rules for quitting the diet

Leave the drinking diet as gradually as you entered it. The duration of the exit should be approximately 2 times the duration. It turns out that to exit the 7-day drinking diet, you need at least 14 days for the body to fully adapt to a normal diet with solid food.

Here are some tips to make changing your eating habits easier:

  1. In the first days after the drinking diet, it is not recommended to eat rough food at all. The diet should consist of liquid porridges, soups and fermented milk products (natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, soft cheeses).
  2. On days 4-5 after the drinking diet, it is allowed to gradually introduce fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. During the first week of leaving the drinking diet, it is better to consume all solid food in the first half of the day, and try to eat liquid food in the evening.
  4. From the second week, you can already include boiled fish and chicken in your diet, but in small quantities and in the first half of the day. The rest of the time, eat cereals, soups, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

The right way out of the drinking diet is not only a safe transition to a normal diet, but also minus 2-3 kg of excess weight.

Menu for the week

We present to your attention a drinking diet menu for 7 days. You can also download and print the weekly menu.

First meal:
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of kefir or natural yogurt without sugar (300 ml).
Third meal:Broccoli puree soup with herbs in meat broth (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Strawberry and cherry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A serving of mushroom broth with vegetables pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:
Second meal:
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth made from zucchini, onions and bell peppers (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple and apple compote.
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with vegetables pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:A glass of reduced fat milk.
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of apple and dried fruit compote (200 ml).
Third meal:Cream soup with added cream (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Raspberry and blackcurrant jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of meat broth with boiled vegetables (zucchini and onions), pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:A glass of apple, strawberry and cherry compote.
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Puree soup with broccoli mushroom broth and cream (300 ml); a cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple and pear compote.
Fifth meal:
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yogurt or kefir.
First meal:A glass of baked milk (2.5% fat).
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Cauliflower puree soup with herbs in meat broth (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Raspberry and cherry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yogurt or fermented baked milk.
First meal:A glass of apple and currant compote.
Second meal:A serving of mushroom broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth and vegetables (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Strawberry and raspberry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of fermented baked milk or natural yoghurt.
First meal:A glass of apple, pear and cherry compote.
Second meal:A serving of mushroom broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth made from zucchini, bell peppers and onions (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple, pear and strawberry compote.
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yogurt or kefir.

Possible consequences of a drinking diet

The drinking diet is not suitable for everyone and is associated with various risks. It is extremely low in calories and in some cases causes disruption in the functioning of organs and systems.

We list the most likely problems:

  • A deficiency of nutrients, especially essential fatty acids contained in vegetable oils, often leads to dry and flaky skin, the appearance of small pimples and various rashes due to a decrease in the skin's immune defense.
  • In the later stages of the diet, the following situation is possible: in conditions of extreme shortage of energy coming from food, the body begins to use up its own reserves - muscle tissue. The muscles become flabby, lose their tone, and the person looks extremely exhausted.
  • A deficiency of protein and healthy carbohydrates can lead to weakness, increased fatigue, constant drowsiness, memory impairment, decreased vision and a sharp decline in immunity.
  • There is a risk of impaired intestinal motility, since liquid food does not require contraction of the muscles of the digestive tract. After returning to a normal diet, constipation, bloating and intestinal disorders occur.
  • The number of digestive enzymes decreases. Various enzymes are responsible for the proper absorption of food: pancreatic enzymes, intestinal enzymes, bile acids. Their number decreases in proportion to the time of the diet. After a drinking diet, flatulence and heaviness in the stomach often occur. Nutrients from food are not fully absorbed.
  • As a result of a lack of collagen, there is a risk of wrinkles. Hair loss may begin, nails become brittle, and the skin takes on an unhealthy pale tint.

So, despite the truly effective reduction of excess weight, a drinking diet is unlikely to add health to you, and, consequently, beauty. Think carefully before using a similar weight loss technique on yourself: a temporary number on the scale is not worth your health. Health, especially women's health, is extremely fragile - it is easy to destroy, but extremely difficult to restore.

Drinking diet – a very popular way to correct your figure in a short time. It is popularly called the “lazy diet” because it does not require excessive physical activity on drinking days.

Be sure to remember that doctors say that this technique is not suitable for people with digestive tract problems. And it is not recommended to stay on this diet for more than 7 days.

Let's look at a specific diet for type 2 diabetes for a week.

  • a few extra kilos are lost.
  • Before proceeding to a detailed description of the methods, it is worth noting the pros and cons of such nutrition.


    • visible effect of a drinking diet - how much weight can you lose? from 3 to 8 kilograms;
    • the volume of the stomach decreases, which allows you to be satisfied with less food;
    • body cleansing;
    • there is no need to think every day about what to eat;
    • it is not expensive.

    Negative sides:

    • many side effects;
    • hard menu;
    • the possibility of psychological consequences if you abruptly quit the diet.

    What can you eat on a drinking diet?

    There is nothing. Only liquid products are allowed for consumption.

    Here's what you can drink on the drinking diet:

    • tea without sugar
    • meat broths
    • poultry broths
    • fresh juices
    • drinking water
    • oatmeal jelly, no sugar
    • low fat dairy products

    Is it possible to eat yogurt on a drinking diet? Liquid natural yogurt without additives and sugar - of course.

    How to survive on a drinking diet

    1. First of all, you need to find the right motivation - why are you doing this? These thoughts will keep you going throughout the entire period of your drinking diet.
    2. It helps a lot to refuse a bun with poppy seeds or a piece of boiled sausage if you ask yourself the question in time: what do I want more? This cake or getting into jeans and going on a date in them?
    3. Take a break. Take up a hobby, go for a walk, watch an interesting movie, read a new book - all this helps a lot to restructure and not break down.
    4. Try affirmations. Many psychologists and other specialists say that self-hypnosis plays an important role in achieving goals. Come up with your own expressions that need to be repeated constantly. “I love myself, my body and I must do this to make it even better,” “Sweets are not food, but stress. I don’t need it,” and so on.
    5. Keep a calendar on your refrigerator and cross off the days that have passed.

    Drinking diet and sports

    As for sports during a drinking diet, you need to be careful here. This type of nutrition is quite harsh and exhausting for the body. Therefore, if you decide to run on a treadmill at high speed for 2 hours, you will inevitably faint. It is worth either reducing physical activity on the days of the drinking diet, or completely eliminating sports.

    Diet and contraceptives

    There is no official information regarding contraceptives during the drinking diet. But many girls note that the results from the diet when using birth control pills are much less than without them.

    Entering the drinking diet

    The main question about the drinking diet is: how many calories can you drink per day? Let's talk about everything in order and we'll start with a description of how to prepare for a drinking diet. Like any short-term drinking diet, it requires proper entry and even more careful exit. If you do not pay attention to this, serious health problems are possible.

    Any restriction in nutrition for the body is stress. In order to minimize it, it is worth limiting the consumption of foods high in sugar and fat for 1-2 weeks.

    Drinking diet for 7 days

    Menu for 7 days.

    The weekly diet is the basis of the same drinking diets for a longer period.

    It is worth including your favorite liquid foods on the menu to reduce the possibility of a breakdown from tasteless food.

    Change your meals every day to get all the micronutrients into your body. Don't focus only on freshly squeezed juices.

    Meat and vegetable broths, sugar-free teas, fruit and berry compotes, low-fat dairy products, puree soup and other liquid products should be used.

    Among the reviews, many write that they noticed good results when they alternated drinking days.

    1. Monday: Freshly squeezed juices
    2. Tuesday: Dairy products
    3. Wednesday: Meat or vegetable broths
    4. Thursday: Cream soups
    5. Friday: Oatmeal jelly
    6. Saturday: Dried fruit compotes
    7. Sunday: any of the past days, for example, kefir day

    In addition to the main products, drink a lot of water, but do not abuse it before bed to avoid swelling.

    Now about the pleasant things. Girls who have gone through this diet show stunning results. Probably worth a try? After all, if you follow all the recommendations, you can lose up to 1.5 kilograms in just 1 day.

    Therefore, if you only have a few extra pounds, this strict drinking diet for 7 days will definitely be enough for you. During this time, centimeters will go away on your sides and waist, and you will definitely look better.

    But if after a week-long diet you feel great, but haven’t lost enough weight, you can go for 14 days.

    However, almost everyone claims that it is difficult to adjust to a new regime for the first few days, but then everything goes fine.

    Exit from the 7 day drinking diet

    Unfortunately, there is a high probability that the lost kilograms will return to you at the same speed, and will bring with them a whole bunch of gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, it is very important to exit the diet correctly. You should carefully choose foods for the next 7-10 days after the diet.

    Where should you start?

    The first day after the drinking diet, start with the same meat or vegetable broths, but with the addition of vegetables. Portions should be moderate.

    But with complex carbohydrates you will have to wait. After all, cereals take a very long time to digest in the stomach and the body may not be ready for them after 7 days of “rest”. At first, do not eat sour fruits and starchy foods.

    Of course, the diet should not contain any harmful fried, fatty, salty foods. In principle, they should not exist even before the diet - they are food waste.

    Take time to eat - take your time and chew thoroughly. It is also advisable to eat not 3, but 5-6 times a day, but in smaller portions.

    And water should not leave your life immediately after a diet. 1.5 liters is your daily norm.

    Drinking diet for 14 days

    The scheme is the same as on the 7-day diet. The main thing is not to starve and listen to your body. If the condition worsens, gradually begin to exit the diet.

    Quitting the drinking diet for 14 days

    Leaving the drinking diet for 14 days lasts exactly as long as the diet itself – two weeks. Total month of dietary restrictions.

    There is another scheme for slowly exiting the diet:

    • For the first 2-4 days, introduce breakfasts of oatmeal and fresh fruit.
    • The rest of the time, liquid foods and water.
    • Days 4-7 – breakfast and light lunch in the form of yogurt, boiled egg or meat with vegetables.
    • Days 8-14 - add dinner. We are gradually introducing all the usual products. Salads with fresh herbs are a great solution for any meal. Cottage cheese is perfect for dinner.

    It is worth remembering that during the period of leaving the diet, excess weight is also lost, so stick to the menu if you value your efforts and results.

    Drinking diet for 30 days menu

    Drinking diet for a month.

    Let's discuss how the body is cleansed during this month of drinking diet. The result of which, under the right conditions, will be an improved figure and radiant health of a person.

    During approximately the first two weeks, the intestines are cleansed. Some noted the appearance of plaque on the tongue - this is the norm. Get rid of it while brushing your teeth.

    The third week of the diet introduces the liver and kidneys into the cleansing stream. There is a feeling of discomfort in this area. Do not resort to self-medication and consult a doctor!

    The fourth week is about cleaning the cells. There are no unpleasant sensations - you feel lightness and strength.

    There should be at least 5 meals. A few hours before bedtime, you should stop eating and drinking. If you really can’t bear it, drink a glass of kefir.

    Drinking diet and contraindications

    Drinking diet - contraindications.

    • People in good health and only after a doctor's visit.
    • This diet should not be tried by people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and other organ systems.
    • NO for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
    • If you are prone to swelling, you may want to look for another method to lose weight. This crash diet may make your problems worse.
    • This diet should not be carried out more than once a year.

    Drinking diet and results

    The results speak for themselves: photographs of those who were on a drinking diet. Before and after.

    Here are some reviews from those who have lost weight.

    “I was never thin, but I couldn’t be called fat either. And then graduation was coming up and I really wanted to look perfect! I decided to try it for 14 days. Since the incentive was serious, this task was easy for me, and I lost 7 kilograms. The dress fit perfectly. True, I messed up a little with leaving the diet and had severe stomach pain a couple of times, but the goal was achieved. I might repeat it next time, but only if it’s before the wedding. I recommend it for those who need quick and short-term results.”

    “The first three nights were hell. I wanted to eat even in my sleep. Then I got involved. -4 kg in 7 days"

    “My mother and I decided to try this diet for 14 days. Mom lasted 8 days and lost 7 kg, and I lasted 12. Minus 5 kilograms. Satisfied. There were no consequences."


    The big advantage of this scheme is that there will definitely be results. If instant results at your next event are important to you, this is for you. You just have to survive the first few days and everything will work out. Find yourself a friend with whom you can share small victories over the phone or via SMS. Such support will definitely strengthen your self-confidence and focus you on results.

    The drinking diet is a special diet that allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms in 7-14 days. As the name implies, the drinking diet allows you to eat only liquids and excludes from the diet all food that needs to be chewed. Its essence is expressed in one simple phrase: “We drink when we are thirsty and we drink when we are hungry.” There are several types of drinking diets, we will analyze the most effective of them, tell you how to exit the diet correctly and achieve maximum results without harming your health.

    The drinking diet is one of the most stringent weight loss systems, so I would like to say right away that we do not recommend such extreme methods to everyone, because they can have a serious impact on your health. The drinking diet is best suited for young girls without serious health problems, without chronic diseases of internal organs. An alternative for people with disabilities is .

    Posted by Drinking Diet ☕️🍶🍹🍵🍷 (@differentdiets) Mar 30, 2015 at 9:52 PDT

    Drinking diet regimen

    First, you need to prepare for a drinking diet - about a week in advance, start reducing the amount of food you consume and drinking more water to eliminate additional stress when switching to liquid food. Reduce your daily portion by half, and then gradually increase the amount of food consumed to 100-150 grams per day. After 3-5 days in this mode, you can switch completely to a drinking diet.

    Diet developers claim that it is psychologically difficult for us to give up chewing, because we are used to eating away our problems, so we can easily do without solid food, because drinking contains enough calories to maintain life.

    The authors of this weight loss method believe that at the first stage of the drinking diet, the hollow organs are cleansed (what is meant is not entirely clear). At this time, discharge from the body and coating on the tongue may appear. At the second stage (approximately 10-20 days), dense organs - kidneys and liver - are cleansed, so discomfort may appear in their area. At the last stage (20-30 days) cleansing occurs at the cellular level.

    The myth about cleansing the hollow organs - the bladder, stomach and intestines - is completely implausible. These organs are hollow because they can be cleaned as needed, which means several times a day, so there is nothing to clean there for a whole month. In order to cleanse the stomach and intestines, one fasting day on kefir or apples is enough, you can also take a laxative. To cleanse your bladder, you just need to drink a lot of water.

    As for plaque, this indicates problems with internal organs and the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the body. A white-coated tongue is most often a sign of gastritis, daudenitis, or inflammation with impaired intestinal function.

    The results of the drinking diet should be impressive; weight loss can be up to 15 kg. per month. At the same time, the authors draw the attention of those losing weight that they need to carefully monitor their stool: it should be daily (although it is difficult to imagine such regularity when consuming only water, tea, broth and kefir). At first, there may be no stool, then, most likely due to disruption of the pancreas, profuse diarrhea will develop, and this is a direct path to the intensive care unit.

    Which option to choose

    Classic (30 days, minus 10 kilograms)

    There are several options for a drinking diet, but first, let's look at the classic one, the duration of which reaches 30 days; this regime can easily allow you to lose minus 10 kilograms or more. The diet is based on freshly squeezed juices, milk, kefir, tea, coffee, cocoa, as well as vegetable, chicken, fish or beef broth. In some menu options, beef broth is not recommended, as are cocoa and coffee. You cannot drink juices from packages, sweet drinks and yoghurts from the store. Drink 1.5-2 liters of still water daily.

    Cook the broth yourself from fresh ingredients; packaged sets (with preservatives and food additives) are not suitable for cooking. You can add a little salt and vegetables (carrots, celery, herbs) to the broth. You shouldn't add onions and peppers because they whet your appetite.

    Choose kefir and fermented baked milk with a fat content of no more than 2%, and yoghurts without any additives, bifidobacteria and sweets. You can drink milk with a fat content of up to 1.5%, but it is less digestible, so do not drink it very often, give preference to fermented milk products.

    Freshly squeezed juice is preferable to orange, grapefruit and apple. Choose unsweetened fruits, preferably citrus fruits, which have fat-burning properties. However, keep in mind that they are quite allergenic.

    You can drink black, green or fruit tea, but it is better to drink natural tea without additives or dyes. Choose good quality tea leaves, drink tea without sugar - you can only add milk or lemon.

    Publication from Food delivery in Moscow (@sekta_food) Nov 17, 2015 at 1:33 PST

    Jelly and unsweetened fruit compote are also suitable for a drinking diet. You can also cook oatmeal jelly, it is quite filling, which is important during fasting.

    So, what can you drink on a drinking diet? Most often, it is allowed to drink all of the listed liquids, however, a more stringent option involves drinking only one type of liquid during the diet - this is called a strict drinking diet, you cannot sit on it for a long time, so fasting days lasting 1-3 days or short weight loss cycles are most often practiced. the most strong-willed ones are no longer than 5-7 days.

    Drinking day (one day, minus a kilogram)

    A drinking day is a fasting day when you can only drink water, juice or kefir. There is no need to eat on this day. It is carried out once a week or several times a month. Before you start unloading, switch to a lighter diet, eliminating sausages and fried foods. In recent days, eat vegetables, cereals and fruits. During the fasting day, drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters per day). Be sure to dilute freshly squeezed juice with water in a 1:1 ratio.

    The smartest thing to do is deload two days a week for three to four weeks in a row. For example, according to this scheme:

    • First week: Monday, Friday
    • Second week: Wednesday, Saturday
    • Third week: Monday and Thursday
    • Fourth week: Tuesday and Saturday

    During fasting days, the digestive system rests, and the body is cleansed of toxins, so after a drinking day you should not immediately pounce on flour, sweets and fatty foods: the stomach may not withstand such a sudden transition. Return to your natural diet gradually, first add vegetables, fruits, cereals, and then lean meat. After such fasting days, your stomach shrinks, you begin to eat less and feel full faster, which contributes to the transition to a healthier diet. During unloading you can lose 1-2 kilograms.

    A fasting day is generally a useful thing, even if you don’t set the goal of losing weight as such, a fasting day once a month will help you live longer and maintain health for many years; today there is already a lot of research and literature that prove the undoubted benefits of intermittent fasting.

    Drinking diet for a week (7 days and minus 7 kilograms)

    A drinking diet for 7 days allows you to lose 5-7 kg. You can take any liquids (juice, tea, kefir, fermented baked milk, broth) as the basis of your diet. It is allowed not only to choose one type of drink for the entire period, but also to drink a different liquid every day. Some options involve consuming any of the liquids presented, others suggest drinking only one thing or combining drinks, for example, according to this scheme:

    Day 1: milk or kefir

    Day 2: broths

    Day 3: freshly squeezed juices

    Day 4: tea

    Day 5: jelly or compote

    Day 6: juice

    Day 7: broth

    Choco-drinking diet (7 days to minus 7 kilograms)

    The chocolate-drinking diet is a combination of two weight loss methods: the chocolate diet and the drinking diet. With a chocolate diet, you are allowed to eat one bar of dark chocolate during the day, and with a chocolate diet, drink liquid chocolate without sugar and cocoa. Be sure to drink a lot of still water. The duration of weight loss is a maximum of 5-7 days, during which time you can lose up to 7 kilograms.

    Drink a lot! (for life)

    Finally, I would like to remind you of the currently fashionable type of drinking diet, the meaning of which is simple (at least 2 liters per day). There is no need to change your usual diet, but due to the large volume of liquid you will eat less and will be able to avoid overeating. Increasing the amount of water you drink leads to improved metabolism, cleansing the body and reducing the amount of food eaten, so this method of losing weight is becoming more and more fashionable all over the world.

    Posted by Ideal Body School # Sekta (@sektaschool) Mar 17, 2016 at 2:00 PDT

    How to end a diet correctly

    Do not forget that the exit from the drinking diet should be gentle and long-lasting. For example, if the diet lasted 7 days, then the transition to normal food will last 14 days, and if you survived a whole month only on liquid food, then you should leave the diet for at least two months, gradually adjusting your stomach to solid food. It turns out that for proper adaptation of the body the proportion is 1:2 (days of diet relative to the exit phase).

    For the first few days after finishing the diet, have oatmeal for breakfast, and continue to drink broth or milk for lunch and dinner. After a few days, you can add an egg, cheese or yogurt for breakfast, and eat porridge with fruit for lunch, leaving dinner to drink for now. Only from the second week, add solid food for dinner and introduce low-fat protein foods with vegetables into your diet. And from the third week you are allowed to increase the amount of carbohydrates - gradually start eating salt, potatoes, pasta and flour (in small quantities).

    For effective emergency weight loss, a drinking diet is recommended. In 10 days, you can use it to lose 10-12 kilograms. Doctors fully justify this method of losing excess weight and prescribe this diet to people who are obese. The secret lies in the daily consumption of still water, the calorie content of which is zero, and eating food in a porridge-like consistency is digested and absorbed by the body much faster.

    Effective drinking diet for weight loss

    A drinking diet is effective for combating excess weight. You won't have to go hungry on it. The daily diet consists of dishes in porridge or liquid form. To achieve the best results, fatty foods are excluded, making the menu low in calories. You should also reduce your salt intake, which contributes to fluid retention in the body and leads to swelling, which is unacceptable with this weight loss method. Getting rid of excess weight occurs due to a low calorie daily diet and reducing the volume of the stomach.

    Rules for a drinking diet for weight loss:

    • The products are consumed only in liquid and puree form. Complete exclusion of solid foods;
    • The diet should be fractional, you should eat main dishes 3-4 times a day;
    • Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water;
    • It is necessary to reduce the intensity of daily physical activity to avoid burning muscle mass rather than accumulated fat;
    • You should monitor your stool, which should be daily and not liquid;
    • It is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes and fish oil capsules while following a drinking diet to enrich the body with all the necessary fatty acids, minerals, proteins and vitamins.

    Drinking diet - contraindications:

    • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis);
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension;
    • Liver and kidney diseases;
    • Diabetes mellitus of any type;
    • Any disease in the acute stage;
    • Pregnancy and lactation;
    • Children and old age.

    How much water should you drink? It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of purified still water per day. You should drink one glass of water in slow sips 30 minutes before meals and an hour after. It is contraindicated to wash down food (soups, smoothies, juices) with water.

    What can you eat and drink?

    You can lose weight by 10-12 kilograms in 10 days on a drinking diet. In this case, the menu will not consist of only purified water without gas. It is possible and necessary to eat on a drinking diet.


    • Drinking diet for 30 days: menu, results
    • Liquid diet for those who want to lose 5 kg in a week
    • Choco diet: principle of nutrition, sample menu
    • Maya Plisetskaya's diet: minus 10 kg in 15 days

    List of permitted products:

    • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (milk, natural yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk);
    • Milk soups;
    • Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge (puree-like consistency);
    • Low-fat broths (chicken, fish, turkey);
    • Vegetable soups and borscht (mashed potatoes with shaped consistency);
    • Vegetable and fruit juices;
    • Compotes, jelly, herbal decoctions (without sugar);
    • Vegetable and fruit smoothies;
    • Brewed coffee and tea without sugar.
    • The volume of one serving should be 1 glass. You should eat at least 3 times a day.
    • List of prohibited foods during the drinking diet:
    • Carbonated drinks;
    • Packaged juices;
    • Alcoholic drinks;
    • Fatty broths.

    Menu for the week

    Drinking diet menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner):

    • Oatmeal with water;
    • Champignon puree soup;
    • Natural yogurt.


    • Milk soup;
    • Gazpacho;
    • Tomato juice.


    • Buckwheat porridge with milk;
    • Beetroot;
    • Kefir 1%.


    • Berry smoothie;
    • Chicken bouillon;
    • Freshly squeezed orange juice.


    • Oatmeal with water;
    • Vegetable cream soup;
    • Apple-carrot juice.


    • Milk soup;
    • Gazpacho;
    • Carrot smoothie.


    • Buckwheat porridge on water;
    • Tomato soup;
    • Cucumber smoothie.

    According to the rules of the drinking diet, the volume of one serving should be no more than 1 glass. 30 minutes before meals and an hour after meals, you can drink 1 glass of purified water without gas. The total daily diet should be 1.5-2 liters of food (soups, smoothies, juices) and 1.5-2 liters of water.

    The right way out

    Exit from the drinking diet should be gradual. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to eat solid foods in the first days. For breakfast you can eat porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice) with water or milk. For lunch, limit yourself to the first course (soup, borscht, cabbage soup, fish soup). For dinner you can eat mashed potatoes (potatoes, beans, eggplant).

    You should gradually introduce raw vegetables and fruits into your diet. In the first few weeks after the drinking diet, it is advisable to exclude fatty, fried, smoked, and sweet foods from your menu. It is necessary to monitor your drinking regime by drinking at least 1.2 liters of water per day. It is advisable to keep salt, spices and herbs to a minimum.

    You should not increase the pace of your physical activity suddenly. To start with, walking and morning exercises are suitable, after a week you can go swimming, Pilates, and running. It is better to start intense training, especially with weights, 2-3 weeks after completing this weight loss technique.


    Recipes for the drinking diet:



    • Tomatoes;
    • Cucumbers;
    • Bell pepper;
    • Onion;
    • Tomato juice;
    • Wine vinegar 1.5 tbsp;
    • Olive oil 1 tbsp;
    • Cilantro.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, remove seeds from bell peppers.
    2. Cut the vegetables into cubes and blend in a blender.
    3. Add tomato juice, cilantro, olive oil and wine vinegar to the mixture, beat again until smooth.
    4. Cool for an hour in the refrigerator.

    Gazpacho is a popular Spanish dish that is suitable for lunch during a drinking diet.

    Carrot smoothie

    Carrot smoothie


    • Carrot;
    • Water;
    • Crushed ice.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes.
    2. Beat in a blender.
    3. Add 250 ml of water, beat again.
    4. Pour the smoothie into a glass, add crushed ice, stir.

    If desired, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the carrot smoothie and replace the water with orange juice. A hearty and light carrot smoothie is an excellent dinner option during a drinking diet.

    Tomato soup

    Tomato soup


    • Tomatoes;
    • Onion;
    • Water;
    • 1 tsp Sahara;
    • 1 tbsp olive oil;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • Garlic.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skins.
    2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
    3. Fry the onion until golden brown in a frying pan heated with olive oil, add the tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.
    4. Chop the garlic and add to the vegetables.
    5. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, add water, salt, and add 1 teaspoon of sugar to remove the acid.
    6. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 20 minutes until tender.

    Include tomato soup in your drinking diet for lunch or dinner.

    Champignon puree soup

    Champignon puree soup


    • Champignons 600 gr;
    • Onions 2 pcs;
    • Olive oil 1 tbsp;
    • Low-fat drinking cream 500 ml.


    I want to tell you a story about how I encountered a drinking diet. Looking ahead, I will say that I rather do not recommend a drinking diet than I recommend it. The kilograms she lost come back. Why? Now I’ll tell you everything in more detail.

    Background. Why did you choose a drinking diet?

    Once I bought myself a pack of chips for the series. With crab flavor. In the shape of small crabs. I ate the whole pack, it was delicious. After which I went to bed satisfied...

    A surprise awaited me in the morning. An unpleasant surprise. A surprise in the form of severe damage to the mucous membrane in the mouth, inflamed gums, injured palate and even ulcers in some places.

    How? There was no discomfort while eating the chips, but as a result, these “crabs” scratched the delicate mucous membrane so that it was impossible to even brush my teeth, let alone eat solid food. I didn’t eat anything for a day, smeared the wounds with everything I could, and hoped that the day would be enough for healing. Not enough. Therefore, I had to improvise and look for a suitable food option for the coming days.

    The choice was made on drinking diet, precisely because it is drinkable, that is, the food consumed must be liquid, which at that moment was the optimal solution.


    As a rule, the desire to lose weight comes to people spontaneously, when someone ate, ate, ate, ate, without thinking about the quantity or quality of food, and then “Hmm, I’ll stop eating on Monday” and off we go - studying all possible diets , complete rejection of “harmful” things, packing with “healthy” ones, sharp reduction in portions, number of meals, bland porridges with water, tasteless chicken breasts, hunger strikes, rumbling stomachs and hatred of all living things.


    Firstly, do not try to build an ideal diet regime in a day; a sudden refusal of your favorite treats will lead to gluttony on a universal scale.

    Secondly, at least a week before the diet you need to limit flour, sweets, chips and soda. These are the foods that make you want to break out the most and that prevent you from going on a diet, but if you don’t eat them for a while, the craving for them disappears or at least weakens.

    In my case, chips just accelerated the transition to a drinking diet. But seriously, I have no cravings for such products, because I either don’t like them by default (baked goods, sweets), or I eat very rarely (chips, crackers), so a sharp The change in diet was easy.


    In addition to nutrition, it is important to establish a drinking regime IN ADVANCE. You can’t just start drinking 2 liters of water a day if all your life before you’ve only been drinking teas and juices to quench your thirst. Because after a sharp transition, instead of benefit, you can get the face of a Chinese beekeeper and loaded buds. I am a water drinker, so, again, the sudden transition to a drinking diet did not become stressful for the body.

    If you have no idea how you can drink a lot of water in a day, then I’m sharing my method on how to learn to drink water.

    Increase the amount of water you drink by sips. You DO NOT need to drink whole glasses of water at once. Pour clean water into a large mug/jug/jar and place it next to your workspace or in the most visible place. Take a couple of sips every hour or every time your eyes fall on a container of water. 2-4 sips are enough.

    IMPORTANT! There must be throats small In order for water to slowly move through the esophagus, quenching thirst, you do not need to choke and drink water at speed so that it flows down your mustache.

    Couldn't drink at least a liter of water a day? It’s okay, you don’t need to drink the remaining water “for show.” The next day, take 5 small sips every hour, every other day - 7, and so on, gradually increasing the number. Thanks to this approach, the volume of water you drink increases, only imperceptibly, without causing psychological discomfort, when you begin to feel sick at the sight of a full glass of water.

    The main thing is that water is always in sight, because sometimes you forget about thirst, or you’re just too lazy to go pour yourself some water, and cold water is harder to drink than water at room temperature.


    The name of the diet speaks for itself; you need to eat what you can “drink”.

    I practically don’t drink cow’s milk and I don’t recommend making it the basis of your drinking diet, it’s harmful. Choose either goat milk, or something fermented or non-dairy.

    For example, the currently popular oat NON-MILK homemade.
    Of course, nemoloko can be bought at a price of 200 rubles per liter, or you can buy it from a pack oatmeal for 35 rubles make 5 liters of non-milk.

    The oat milk recipe is very simple.

    Ingredients: 1 part oatmeal to 10 parts clean drinking water. For example, 50 grams of cereal and 500 ml of water.

    Pour cold water over the flakes and leave to steep for 10 hours (or overnight) at room temperature. The main thing is to use a clean container so that the milk does not “sour”, and you need cereals that require cooking. Instant cereal will not work.

    After infusion, oat milk looks like this, you can see that there is sediment, some of the water has evaporated, initially the glass was filled to the brim.

    If you stir, the “non-milk” takes on a milky appearance.

    Ideally, the resulting liquid should be ground in a blender and then strained so that only milk remains, without any added flakes, but you don’t have to do this. With cereal, the calorie content and nutritional value of oat milk is higher. Store in the refrigerator for a day.

    The beauty of oat milk is that you can use it to make various cocktails suitable for your drinking diet. The simplest, nutritious and delicious option is to add a banana to oat milk.

    You can also add any fruit to your taste.

    Nothing terrible will happen from a spoonful of sugar in oat milk either; for chocolate lovers, you can add a little cocoa to the cocktail.

    Oatmeal smoothies alone won’t fill you up, so for variety you can eat drinking yogurt, kefir, and fermented baked milk.

    You can prepare freshly squeezed juices without sugar and dilute them 1 to 1 with water.


    1 day.

    • Cocktail (oat milk with cereal + cocoa + sugar)
    • Tea without sugar
    • Tea without sugar
    • Ryazhenka
    • Kefir
    • 1.5 liters of water per day

    Day 2.

    • Cocktail (oat milk + banana + kiwi)
    • Tea without sugar
    • Cocktail (oat milk + pear)
    • Orange juice
    • Tea without sugar
    • Ryazhenka
    • Kefir
    • 1.5 liters of water per day

    Day 3.

    • Cocktail (oat milk + banana)
    • Tea without sugar
    • Orange juice
    • Warm chicken broth
    • Tea without sugar
    • Kefir
    • 1.5 liters of water per day

    Let me remind you that my drinking diet is specific. I selected the diet based on what I could eat, because the damaged mucous membrane reacted as if boiling water was poured from hot, cold and sour. She drank juices through a straw.

    If we consider the drinking diet as a diet for weight loss, then all the “dishes” can be mixed in different ways, it is not necessary to follow my scheme. You can drink kefir all day, and on the second day only broth, or not drink broth at all. It’s not easy to eat a lot of liquid food, but if you choose the right foods, you can be full and lose weight; your stomach fills up quickly.

    At a subconscious level, hunger can make itself felt, because the body wants to chew something, digest something, so that something warms the intestines. To distract yourself, just find an activity that is addictive. Writing a review is an ideal option, you forget about everything for a couple of hours

    Not counting tea and water, there should be about 5 meals.

    If your goal is weight loss, it is important to observe one thing: everything sweet and fruity (fruit cocktails, yogurt, juices) can be eaten before lunch, after lunch only unsweetened things - tea, kefir, oat milk without sugar, fermented baked milk.

    Alternatively, instead of preparing liquid food yourself, you can use protein and gainer, but if you eat 5 meals a day only with gainers and protein, there will be a heavy load on the liver.


    During a drinking diet, an additional source of energy is needed, for example, succinic acid. In addition, it is a metabolite that accelerates metabolism, which will help the body not accumulate fluid.

    1 tablet in the morning is enough, but not in the evening, because insomnia may occur.

    Rutaskorbin(analogue of Ascorutin) was taken primarily for the speedy restoration of the mucous membrane, but in general it will not harm (if taken for no longer than a week). You can also take it for a couple of days folic acid.

    3. Non-standard situations

    By non-standard situations, I mean situations where it is temporarily impossible to eat normal solid food. For example, as in my case, due to damage to the mucous membrane. During ARVI, such a diet is also suitable so that the body spends energy not on digesting food, but on fighting viruses. And other situations, from poisoning to tooth extraction, because it is better to stick to a drinking diet for a couple of days than to eat nothing at all.

    The drinking diet was initially rated 3 stars. I'm reducing it to 2 after the update. I suspect that most people reading this review are looking for a way to lose weight quickly and permanently, but for this you need to look not for diets, but for a complete lifestyle change.

    Thumbs up, but in what cases is written above.

    Thank you for attention
