What to do on the day of the spring equinox. What to do on the day of the spring equinox Traditions for the spring equinox

On this day, the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position in relation to the luminary that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically onto the equator.

The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and on these days in all countries the day is almost equal to night.

Only on the days of the equinoxes do the rays of the Sun fall on the Earth at right angles to its axis of rotation. At these moments, relative to the Earth, a person’s energy changes like water in a vessel in which electrical wires are placed and voltage is applied.

Thereby the human body is filled with strength and heat, Therefore, it is important that both the water and the vessel are clean; accordingly, on the eve of the holiday, fasting, washing the body, cleaning the home, and, most importantly, purity of thoughts consistent with actions are recommended.

This the beginning of growth and prosperity, new ideas and grandiose plans.

People have long endowed this day with special magical properties, and this is due to the fact that on this day the paths of the Earth and the Sun intersect, creating a kind of “stairway to heaven.”

With the onset of the Spring Equinox, you will feel a surge of strength, you will have a desire to act, achieve your goals, and go towards your dreams.

The meaning of the vernal equinox

In the northern hemisphere, the vernal equinox marks the beginning of spring, and has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth. It is a day of balance between day and night, light and darkness. In many cultures and religions, festivals and holidays are dedicated to the vernal equinox, such as Easter or Novruz.
The spring equinox is a good time to determine what goals you want to achieve and what dreams you want to make come true throughout the year.

This is the time of year when spring renewal begins, after the end of winter, flowers appear, trees and shrubs are covered with new leaves. Love is in the air, love for others or oneself, it encourages you to follow the path of your heart. On the day of the spring equinox, you can perform a love ritual that will help you attract, restore, revive or begin love and relationships. After all, it's Spring and love is in the air...

What can the day of rebirth of all living things give us?

- On this day, even those mired in despondency, who have lost faith and hope, can correct what is necessary and receive a blessing.

“On this day you can take any trouble away from the world and yourself.

- On this day you can feel the divine nature of the world and get other spiritual experiences. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that if you wake up early in the morning on the day of the equinox, you can see the “playing Sun.” Or, according to Christianity, angels dancing in a river or stream.

“On this day you can start your life from scratch and lay the foundation for a happy future for the next 28 years.” Since the spring equinox is a time of new beginnings, it is the best day to jumpstart your ideas.
The spring equinox favors those who seek to start a new life, correct previous mistakes, and rewrite something “from scratch.” The most delusional hopes get the opportunity to come true.

This is a magical time, a time of signs, symbols, signs.

Notice everything that happens at this time. Through symbols you can understand yourself and your future.

At this time, you need to control your thoughts, directing your consciousness to what you want to realize.

Your thoughts, dreams, fantasies, dreams - everything conceived in these moments can come true within a year.

Before the celebration, it is necessary to cleanse the house of negativity: cleaning, throwing out the trash, burning or throwing away the trash that has accumulated over the winter. Take things apart, look in nooks and crannies, clean and put away things you won’t be using in the near future, turn on the lights in all rooms and ventilate the rooms.+ To make room for new, clean energy, you need to get rid of everything old and unnecessary.

What should you do on the day of the equinox?

A simplified version of this holiday, for the sake of achieving universal happiness. You can follow it completely, use some part, or change it as your intuition suggests.

The main thing is to try to get into the spirit of this time and use it to benefit yourself and the whole world. After all, the more people turn to the Sun on this day and greet its rebirth, the more light, warmth and love there will be in the world.

The best time for holiday practice is dawn. However, you can perform the ritual at any time before the equinox: the exact time of the SPRING EQUINOX in 2019 - March 21 at 00:58 Moscow time.

Ideal if you can spend this time outdoors or in a country house.

Ritual on the Day of the Spring Equinox

Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back, facing east.

Organize something like an altar in front of you, or use a ready-made one if you already have one. To build a simple altar, place in front of you images of gods or saints of the tradition that is closest to your heart. Light candles and burn incense, or use an aroma lamp. In short, create a quiet and peaceful environment that is most conducive to spiritual practice.

Place on the altar everything that you would like to sanctify and fill with the energy of rebirth and vitality. This could be, for example, magical talismans, candles or any other ritual objects, food and seeds.

Traditionally, the talisman of the spring equinox is a painted egg. Such an egg can then be given as a gift for happiness, wealth, prosperity, or for the acquisition of offspring. For the same purposes, you can keep it at home, lay it in the first furrow at the beginning of field work, or in the foundation of a future home. Of course, the talisman will have to be prepared in advance.

To do this, you may need to take a course in making pysanka (painted eggs). Yes, there are some. When making a pysanka, concentrate on the purpose for which you are creating it and try to make the ornaments on it serve as symbols of what you are meditating on.

There is one more important condition that must be observed, otherwise the talisman will not work. The eggs must be fresh, taken from a bird living with the male, that is, they must be fertilized.

Bread is another necessary attribute of the holiday. On this day it should be special, cooked with a lot of fat, nuts, raisins, dried apricots, bran and so on. All this is a symbol of a rich harvest and prosperity. There should be a symbol of the Sun on top; for this, the bread should be cut crosswise before baking. Or you can make a wheel out of nuts, candied fruits or dough ropes. The cross is an ancient pagan sign symbolizing the Sun, the Solar Circle or the Solar Cross.

Water must also be collected in advance, it is best to keep it in a nice closed glass container. You can sprinkle your home with water that carries the energy of the spring equinox or add it to water for ablution. It is good to soak the seeds in this water before planting and add it when watering the seedlings.

Now that all the most important preparations are ready, you can now begin the actual action. To begin, designate a magic circle with the altar in the center. Seal the circle with protective signs or mantra, drawing them along the outer edge. Do this with the intention that hostile forces within or without cannot interfere with you.

Enter the circle in a state of complete peace and awareness. Then it all depends on what tradition you belong to and what spiritual practices are closest to your heart. Say a prayer, read the mantras of the Sun and greet the rising luminary.

It is ideal if at this time you can see the horizon, but if not, close your eyes and imagine it. Offer him modest offerings: bread, water, talismans and whatever else you have prepared. Express your respect and gratitude for the light and warmth, which it bestows on all living beings every day. Ask him for help, blessings and anything else you would like. For example, make a wish or ask to charge the talismans with the energy of the spring equinox.

After the Sun rises somewhat above the horizon, end your meditation and proceed to the next part of the action. Namely, before accepting consecrated food, if possible, treat it to someone.

Spring has finally arrived - the time when everything blooms. The Spring Equinox is a celebration of the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, it is the beginning of a new astrological year, it is a shift in the manifestation and flow of energy around us.

From the Spring Equinox we can turn to the Universe to understand where the energy is directed how it moves in the spring from our internal to the external, how plant the seeds of the future for effective new in our life.

Spring is a period of rebirth, a triumph of light. It's time to plan new adventures, dream and wait for something unknown, magical in our lives. This could be new love, new relationships, spiritual enlightenment, the birth of a new life - pregnancy, changes in life. On the occasion of the Spring Equinox, allow yourself to hope for a bright future, write yourself permission to be happy (yes, make a real document - a paper manifesto!), this is the beauty of spring.

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Each Equinox and Solstice grow and increase in their vibrations in a spiral. All the energetic power of light on the Spring Equinox holiday is open for download. When you are ready, when you allow the clearing, then the connection of your path with your life goals will happen.

This is why it is so important to undergo a cleansing ritual on this day. Start with your space, then move to yourself. Let go of self-imposed limitations, doubts and fears. Allow yourself to believe that you can truly connect with your true power, light, ability to create joy, blessing and love in your life.

This is the time to look within yourself and remember your true dreams, and then sow these new seeds of opportunity in your life. However, try to distinguish activity and tension from the flow of love and light. Activity and tension are an intense manifestation of energies, this is not a new level of light, but an attempt to hold on to the past, the fear of letting it go.

How to celebrate the days around the Spring Equinox?

Whether it will be warm or cool, try to be as warm as possible on March 20 and 21 more outdoors. Whether you are walking or enjoying a picnic, the main thing is to share this joy with other people.

You can organize a romantic dinner with your love. Be sure to decorate the table with spring primroses, white and yellow candles, and fresh spring products.

Give a gift to your loved ones: give a spring talisman in the form of citrine or beryl crystals.

Gather your friends around the fire(you can light a fireplace or candles) and share stories of your experiences, listen to music, dance and celebrate the coming of Spring.

Features of the Spring Equinox in 2019

The 2019 equinox is special. A few hours after the Spring Equinox arrives, it will begin. As the Moon in Libra encourages us to seek balance in our lives, this theme will be relevant for the rest of 2019. Finding balance between body, mind and soul is important, and this is where our self-care should be directed.

And another feature on the day of the spring equinox is the alignment of the Sun and Chiron. but this time Chiron is in Aries for the first time in 50 years.

Chiron is an asteroid also called the “wounded healer.” Only these wounds do not bleed, but pour out powerful light, compassion and strength. Over the previous years, Chiron had already learned to draw wisdom from his own wounds and use it to heal others. So for us, such a change can become that guidance when we turn our wounds into strengths, accept these wounds as part of ourselves, and not as weaknesses. which need to be corrected.

Thus, the Equinox and the Sun with Chiron form a new year for us to find balance. to accept ourselves as we are, to recognize our own integrity.

Cleaning as a way to renew energy

Cleaning! Yes, yes, on the Equinox Day and also the Full Moon of March cleaning the house will help restore the balance of your internal energy through external. Through your things and everyday life you express what fills your soul and thoughts.

Walk around the house, through the rooms, look in the closets and every time you fold and rearrange things, ask yourself:

  • Why do I need this thing?
  • Do I really need it? Have I used it in the last year?
  • Where is the best place for this thing?

As psychologists note: “...in this way internal resources are activated.”

Be sure to track your feelings from the result: does your soul feel comfortable because of the order in the house or is there a feeling of fuss? Are you able to get rid of the old and broken, or are you hoarding it all in a closed closet with general external order - maybe the old pain is also stored in a corner of the soul and it’s time to expel it?

Ritual for the Spring Equinox

Conduct a Ritual on the Spring Equinox that will help you fill yourself with renewed energy and celebrate the arrival of Spring. Next, I offer you 2 different practices: written - i.e. text describing the sequence of your actions, and VIDEO - watch video No. 1, where I talk about the energy features of the day, and video No. 2 - the Practice itself.

First, cleanse your aura by burning incense or sage and running it along your spine, or you can take a cleansing bath while imagining yourself plunging into the world ocean, the belly of all creation.

Sit in a room where you will not be disturbed. Now light three white candles. Face the east and welcome the element of Air as a source of inspiration, pure dreams and insight.

Imagine yourself in a field of green wheat, fresh young grass. Feel this spring air, the wind that blows through the fresh spring greenery. You can even physically feel the wind blowing on your face.

Turn clockwise again to face north and welcome the element of Earth as a source of fertility, strength and creativity. Imagine how you stand barefoot on the earth, which wakes up after winter sleep and is renewed. Imagine how you feel the energy with which the earth fills you through your feet higher and higher as you walk on it.

Now sit between the north and east, take a notepad and pen, or sit quietly in meditation. You will need to write down or imagine everything that appears in your dreams: both the old things that you want to throw away and the new ones. Don't question your dreams, don't look for right or wrong, try not to let it pass through your brain. Dreams - they come from the heart, from the soul. So don’t ask me questions: “So what to dream about?” These are your dreams! The main thing is that it is something that contributes to your resource renewal and filling. And my answer will be the same: “Turn off your brains!”

When you finish, be sure to thank the elements to which you turned, thank the Guardian Angels, Spiritual guides and mentors who were with you. Take three deep breaths and exhale and blow out the candles. Then you can go about your daily activities. However, try not to overindulge in heavy foods or overeat these days.

Are you celebrating the Spring Equinox? Share with us. Will you be cleaning in order to renew the vital energy in your life, your opinion is important to us...

Today, March 20, a significant event will be observed in the Russian Federation and throughout the world - the Day of the Vernal Equinox. As you know, it is on this holiday that day becomes equal to night. Our ancestors believed that the Spring Equinox is a magical time during which ceremonies and rituals can be performed. How was this holiday celebrated in ancient times?

Our ancestors awaited the arrival of spring with great trepidation. The celebration of spring was filled with an important sacred meaning of the victory of light over darkness, the awakening of all animals, birds and plants and the birth of new life. It is noteworthy that not only the Slavs celebrated the Vernal Equinox, but also other peoples of the world. Thus, the Egyptians erected the proud Sphinx so that it would point to the Sun on the Day of the Vernal Equinox. Why did people in ancient times love and reverence this holiday so much?

Meanings of the Vernal Equinox

Before moving on to the celebration of the Vernal Equinox, it is necessary to understand what it is connected with and why it arose. Nowadays, the Vernal Equinox is viewed more as a scientific event that is quite simple to explain. So, it is believed that it is on this day that the Sun crosses the equator and moves from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern.

Starting from the vernal equinox, the night begins to shorten and the day to increase. It is at this time that astronomical spring is celebrated. From an astronomical point of view, it is on the Day of the Vernal Equinox that the New Year begins, because the Sun enters the constellation Aries, which is considered the first in a row. Since ancient times, they believed that the Day of the Vernal Equinox is the holiday during which you can fulfill your cherished desire.

In addition, the Vernal Equinox is the day of the year when night becomes equal to day. That is, the Sun remains in the sky for 12 hours. It is noteworthy that from a scientific point of view, the day is still a little longer than the night, because the rays are refracted, but the difference is so small that ordinary people are accustomed to not paying attention to this inaccuracy.

It is noteworthy that astronomical spring does not have a precisely established date. In ancient times, it was customary to celebrate the Vernal Equinox on March 21, but in the modern world the date of the holiday is constantly changing. The vernal equinox can fall on any day from March 19 to March 21. This is due to the fact that a day actually lasts not 24 hours, but a little less, so the date is constantly shifting.

Afterwards, in a leap year, the situation evens out thanks to the 29th day in February. Thus, the Vernal Equinox Day is celebrated on March 19 after a leap year and on March 21 during a leap year. In other years, it can fall on either the 19th or the 20th. In 2019, the Vernal Equinox will take place at 21:58:25 UTC-0 (Universal Time Coordinated Time).

Traditions of the Spring Equinox

The day of the vernal equinox was celebrated by many peoples of Europe, so each country has its own traditions. So, if we take into account European paganism, people worshiped the ancient German goddess of spring Ostara. In Europe, it was customary to paint eggs on the Vernal Equinox and bake buns. Interestingly, our Easter tradition of dyeing eggs originated from here.

The late Slavs called the Day of the Vernal Equinox Soroki. People believed that on this day birds were returning from warm regions, and 40 birds, that is, 40 species, were supposed to return. To celebrate the holiday, people baked cookies in the shape of larks. Such cookies were considered ritual, so they should have been in every home.

If we move forward a little in history, the Slavs began to celebrate our Maslenitsa on the Day of the Vernal Equinox. In those days, the main god for people was Jarolo - the Sun God. It was believed that only he could save the Earth from eternal winter, so noisy festivities were held in honor of his awakening. The day of the spring equinox among the people celebrated the awakening of Yarila's forces.

To honor Yarilo, people baked flat cakes that resembled the Sun in shape. A little later, the tradition of baking pancakes appeared. People believed that winter is also a Goddess who wears big horns. On the Day of the Vernal Equinox, Yaroli allegedly cut off the horns of the Goddess of Winter, thereby depriving her of her strength. To help Yarila cope with Mara, people sang and danced for days, because they believed that this would help God become stronger.

Of course, on the Day of the Vernal Equinox they did not forget to guess. It was customary to tell fortunes about fate, children, weddings, and so on. In principle, this tradition has survived to this day. The main tradition was burning effigy. People thus worshiped the Goddess of Winter and gave her a courteous funeral. It was customary to throw all things that caused negative thoughts into the fire.

Rituals for the Spring Equinox

The day of the vernal equinox was highly revered among unmarried girls who wanted to get married. They believed that the Vernal Equinox was a wonderful opportunity to tell fortunes and learn about the fate of their betrothed. Since Maslenitsa was celebrated on this day among the Slavs, all fortune telling was tied to pancakes. For example, baking pancakes was popular among girls. If the first pancake turned out good, she will soon get married, but if it’s bad, she won’t see marriage in the near future.

Married girls also guessed, but not about the betrothed, but about the sex of the child. It was believed that the first person to take a pancake from the table would be born. Interesting fortune telling existed based on dreams. It was believed that on the Day of the Vernal Equinox one had prophetic dreams, but in order to find out one’s fate, it was necessary to prepare in advance. So, each girl had to put the following items under her pillow:

  • two aces (of spades and diamonds);
  • ten of clubs;
  • key;
  • ring (not a wedding ring);
  • crust of bread;
  • willow branch;
  • piece of pie.

Afterwards, the girl had to sleep on all the “good stuff” and guess in the morning. The future had to be judged by what the girl dreamed. You had to remember your dream as accurately as possible, because only then could you get the true results of fortune telling. The girls deciphered their dreams as follows:

  • if there is a ring, then there will be a wedding soon;
  • if any card is of spades suit, then it is in trouble;
  • if the key, then to success in work;
  • if there is a pie or cake, then soon there will be good luck and joy;
  • if bread, then to success at work;
  • if any plant, then this is good unexpected news;
  • if the card is a diamond, then expect enrichment;
  • if it's a club card, then expect a move.

Many happy people know that the day of the autumn equinox is endowed with magical properties, and they take advantage of it. And now you will learn the traditions: let there be more satisfied people.

The whole secret of magic is that on the day of the autumn equinox, a most powerful burst of energy occurs in the Universe. Therefore, anyone who wants and is ready can change their destiny.

There is only one rule here: first we cleanse ourselves, then we fill ourselves up.

Holiday traditions

Photo by CoffeeAndMilk / E+ / Getty Images

There are only two such “great” days in the year, when day is equal to night, in spring and autumn. In 2019, the day of the autumn equinox falls exactly on September 23, and it is on this coming Monday that you can renew your energy so that all troubles remain in the past, and only joyful and pleasant events await you ahead.

Think about your body a few days before the holiday and pay special attention to it. There is no need to make plans and start new projects, everything will not go as you planned. It’s better to leave all thoughts about implementation and embodiment for the day after September 23rd. The first three days after the holiday are considered very successful trading days; feel free to buy and sell.

Physical activity should be in moderation, but not too much. The body should not be overloaded, it should be pampered: massage, bath, favorite aromas, herbal infusions. By relaxing it, you prepare for new stresses and obstacles that await you.

First ritual, water

On the day of the autumn equinox, you definitely need to go to the bathhouse, take a steam bath and “knock out” all the negativity from yourself.

Don't like baths? Take a cool shower, and before that, rub yourself with salt, as our ancestors did, confident that it was salt that helped wash away all damage, evil eyes, and slander from ill-wishers from the body.

Ritual two, forgiveness

Photo by ipolonina / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

On this day, it is customary to take stock of your life, so to speak, reconcile debits with credits and write work on mistakes. Offended? Apologize. Forgot to say thank you? Give thanks. Someone asked for help and you didn't give it? Share.

On September 23, you cannot quarrel, remember bad things and make plans for revenge; it is a day of love and forgiveness.

Ritual three, fragrant

Don't forget to pay attention to your home. His space also needs to be cleaned and protected. A sprig of rowan will help you with this; it is this plant that holds the lead among the best defenders of your home from evil spirits.

First, fumigate the house with wormwood or walk around all corners, starting from the front door, with a burning church candle and prayers, and then put a sprig of fragrant bright rowan in a glass of clean water on the windowsill or hang it at the entrance.

Ritual four, money

Photo by Getty Images

Happiness will be complete if the family has wealth and funds with which all dreams can be realized. Therefore, when, if not on this magical day, should you ask the Universe for material well-being?

Take out all the cash you find in the house and count it three times.

By the way, you can prepare in advance for this ritual and withdraw money from credit cards, where we, modern people, are accustomed to storing our funds. Today is cash day! It’s been a long time since you held an impressive amount of money in your hands, leaving everything on the card. And they have already forgotten the sensations that a person experiences when counting the bills in his wallet. It's time to remember everything.

Be sure to thank the Universe and higher powers for all the savings you have, and immediately ask for financial help in the future. To do this, take a piece of paper and write down in large size the desired amount you want to receive per month, and then write down in detail your planned purchases and investments.

“Heaven” must see that you are asking them for a reason, but that you need them and will go to work.

Ritual five, festive

Photo mediaphotos / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

What is a holiday without a feast? In the old days, on the day of the autumn equinox, housewives always baked large pies with cranberries and lingonberries, set the table at home or visited the neighbors. After all, exchanging small, cute and touching gifts on this day brings happiness, good luck and pleasant surprises.

Ritual six, fearless

Each of us has our own fear, September 23 is the best time to get rid of it. And a regular autumn bouquet will help here. Collect fallen leaves, red, yellow, green, let it be big and bright, and then throw them in the wind or on the water, saying: “The wind/water takes away my fears, and sends me happiness in return. I say goodbye to my fears, I start a new life, I don’t know sorrow anymore.”

The vernal equinox 2018 is an important milestone in the change of seasons, as well as the astronomical beginning of spring. In spring, the days increase and the night decreases. This year the spring equinox falls on March 20th. What needs to be done and what, on the contrary, is prohibited to do on this day.

The day of the spring equinox 2018 is a unique natural phenomenon, the whole essence of which comes down to the astronomical processes of the movement of the Sun and the Earth. Thus, in all countries of the world, night and day are the same in duration, writes 24tv.ua.

According to an astronomical point of view, it is from this special day that we can safely begin counting down the onset of this spring season. However, every year the date of the vernal equinox shifts due to the fact that the interval between the spring and autumn equinox is about 365.24 solar days. It is precisely in connection with the unstable fluctuation of hundredths after the decimal point that the gradual shift of the date is associated with the day when darkness and light are equal in the day.

The spring equinox in 2018 falls on March 20th. This day is very significant in astronomy, because planet Earth will be located at such an angle to the Sun that its rays will fall directly on the equator.

The spring equinox had a very mystical meaning for our ancestors. It was believed that on the day of the spring equinox, not only day and night become equal after the arrival of spring, but the whole world, nature, tries to find a balance between light and darkness. Currently, there are a lot of emotional opportunities opening up for people that should be properly taken advantage of.

The first thing that is important to do on the day of the spring equinox is to clean your home. It is necessary to carefully clean and get rid of everything that is no longer needed. Go through old clothes, dishes, cosmetics and the like. Chances are you'll find something you can throw away. And if you hate throwing away your things, then give them to someone or carefully put them in bags and place them near the trash container. There will definitely be people who may need them. In this way, you will clear your apartment of old and unnecessary energy, do a good deed for those in need, and make room in your life for everything new and positive.

On the day of the spring equinox, you should plan your future. This needs to be done on paper. There are several rules that should be followed: formulate your plans clearly, down to the smallest detail (if you want a car, then indicate the brand name, color, etc.); make your plans in a positive form (mentally imagine that you already have what you want) put down a date by which you would like to achieve what you want.

Also on the day of the spring equinox you need to get rid of negative thoughts. Make a paper list of everything that bothered you in the past year and burn it. This ritual will rid you of negativity.

On this day you need to cleanse your body. You can simply take a shower or lie in a hot bath with fragrant foam. Very important: on the day of the spring equinox you can prolong your youth! All cosmetic procedures will have a particularly strong impact on your skin and beauty. Therefore, it's time to make a face and hair mask.

Under no circumstances should you be angry. Be very careful about your thoughts, because they can affect you in the most unpredictable ways. Therefore, controlling negative thoughts is very important today.

On this day, our ancestors organized a bright and cheerful holiday. They prepared a lot of tasty, but lean dishes, had fun and rejoiced at the equinox. Therefore, we should try to spend this day as brightly and cheerfully as possible. Smile more, joke, listen to energetic and cheerful music.

And on the day of the spring equinox one should forgive. If there are people in your life whom you cannot forgive for something, then be sure to try to do it today. You will see, your life will only change for the better!

What not to do on the Vernal Equinox

On this day you cannot sort things out or start conflicts, because this can completely destroy the relationship. Emotions of anger and aggression will lead to the emergence of energy of destruction in life, so they should be avoided.

You should never be bored on the Day of the Vernal Equinox. Otherwise, you will spend this year in despondency and unhappiness. It was believed that the more joyful and cheerful this day was, the better the whole year would go.

Traditions and rituals on the Day of the Vernal Equinox

Astronomical spring begins precisely on this spring day, when the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. In Asian countries, the Persian New Year Nowruz is celebrated on the Equinox Day. This is one of the oldest holidays in human history; historians estimate its age at more than 3,000 years.

Timed to coincide with the Vernal Equinox, Navruz symbolizes the end of winter and the arrival of spring, the renewal of all living things, the beginning of a new agricultural cycle, when it is necessary to prepare the land for sowing.

The Slavs celebrated the Magpie festival during the spring equinox. In Rus' they believed that 40 birds arrive before the equinox, and the first are larks. They were considered a symbol of the holiday; buns in the shape of birds were baked and treated to guests. We didn’t sleep at night, hoping to hear the ice cracking and “the year breaking.”

Signs about the weather on the day of the spring equinox

What the weather is like at the equinox is what it will be like for the next forty days. For many generations, people have been monitoring nature and the weather. And it was indeed noticed that if it is warm on March 20, then there will be no more night frosts.

And if the weather is cloudy and cool, then frost should be expected every night for the next forty days. Moreover, no matter what the weather will be like during the day, it will still be cold at night.

If it is warm on the day of the spring equinox, then there will be no more frosts.


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