What children love at 3 years old. What should a child be able and know at three years old? What are the achievements in mental activity in a three-year-old baby

The three-year-old has successfully passed the toddler age and is now a junior preschooler. This is a completely independent little person who has a bright personality, has his own opinion about many things and can show real ingenuity and perseverance in the implementation of his ideas. This is the time when parents no longer need to be around every minute to control their son or daughter. You just need to know what to do with your child at 3 years old at home, and create appropriate conditions for him. At this age, he may well occupy himself while his mother is busy with her own affairs.

The main feature of a three-year-old baby is his ever-increasing independence, but this should not frighten the parents. If earlier he needed the help of adults, at the age of three the child tries to do everything himself, and he should not be hindered in this. If you start to take care of a son or daughter, most likely, they will grow up to be weak and insecure people. Therefore, to the best of our ability, it is necessary to encourage such a desire for self-expression, and not to crush the authority of an elder.

In addition, you can look at it with different eyes - occasionally checking what the precious child is doing, dad and mom can afford to rest or go about their business. The main thing is to send the baby in the right direction, to captivate him with something interesting.

The life of a three-year-old baby still follows a certain regime, and it should be so to make him feel comfortable. Based on the fact that it takes about four hours to walk, the child spends most of the day at home, where his main occupation is games, through which he continues his cognitive activity.

Despite the fact that the three-year-old is already confidently walking and even running, he spends most of his time on the floor, where he can play role-playing games, cars or be creative. This is quite normal, and it is not at all necessary to forcefully seat him at the table or on the sofa in order for him to go about his business there. It is important that he feels free, both physically and mentally.

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And his hobbies will have to be more attentive in order to offer something new and useful. It does not hurt to consider all types of games that can have a beneficial effect not only on the versatile development of the child, but also on his personality traits.

According to the experience of parents, the most exciting activities for three-year-old children are:

  • Painting;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • assembly of the constructor, puzzles and mosaics;
  • story games against the backdrop of homemade decorations.

By giving the baby a room, some things, you can help the child create his own fairy-tale world, make him experience new unfamiliar feelings, develop his imagination and logic.

Of course, many adults are interested in what activities a child needs at three years old, and what games he can play on his own. After all, the kid is already beginning to observe his peers, learning to play by the rules, and role-playing games are becoming more and more part of his life, at the same time he is also interested in building his own city from the details of the designer or creating paintings on paper.

Educational games at home: video

We play together with a 3-year-old child at home

First of all, parents need to understand that play is necessary for a child - thus, he learns and involuntarily simulates real events, and independent play is needed to learn to cope with difficulties, which, of course, will be in the future life, and they must be able to cope with them. ... In this case, the games must correspond to the age of the baby. What can you offer a child at three years old?

Below we will consider the options for how you can take a three-year-old baby at home.

Home theater

All children love fairy tales and very often play whole performances with pleasure using various toys and even household items. You can support this theme and create your own home theater. Characters can also be made with your own hands together with a child - sew dolls from colored patches, cut them out of cardboard and paint. Or opt for finger heroes by sewing small figures that you can put on your finger. It will also be interesting for the kid to independently make dolls out of cardboard and dress them up in paper clothes (see how to make a paper doll with clothes + cutting templates).

In order for everything to look like on a real stage, you have to make a curtain. For the plot, you can choose your child's favorite fairy tale or come up with something yourself. Two or three characters will be enough to get started. The prepared presentation is shown to the household or dad.

Fashion show

Girls - future fashionistas can be invited to play a fashion show. To do this, the mother will have to get a lot of different things - it is better to choose simpler ones, such as skirts, capes, interesting hats - the daughter will definitely find a use for them, and can flaunt them in front of the mirror for quite a long time. Some children flirt to such an extent that they are even ready to create their own unique outfits, and here you will have to keep an eye out so that scissors are not used.

Role-playing games

To entertain a three-year-old baby, sometimes it is enough to offer him one of the role-playing games that he likes most, because children so often imitate adults. The girl can choose the traditional daughter-mother, the game of Doctor, Hairdresser or Salesman. The boy will probably want to become an Astronaut, Builder or Superhero. Of course, this requires a suitable props, and this should be taken care of in advance, knowing the inclinations of the crumbs.


A great option is a children's disco. Good, rhythmic music will help your baby dance heartily and have plenty of fun. It's good if other children come to visit. In the same way, you can organize a karaoke or even a music competition in which adults and children will participate. Be sure to consider special rewards for the kids - small toy souvenirs or sweets are fine.

Modeling from plasticine

For little sculptors, a joint sculpting... You need to buy a quality set of good plasticine with a lot of colors. A child can be shown how to sculpt a simple figurine, a cat or a bunny, they usually start with the simplest figures - let the son or daughter make a round ball, from it - a pancake, several classes will definitely end with the creation of a children's masterpiece, which must be displayed in the most prominent place.

Kinetic Sand Games

Games with kinetic sand (we wrote how to make it ourselves) can captivate a kid for a long time while he builds sand castles, watches him pour from handle to handle (see more ideas for educational games with kinetic sand).

Colored paper applique

It is very interesting for babies in 3 years to create crafts with their own hands. For example, you can create beautiful colored paper and cardboard appliques together. On our website you can see examples with step-by-step photo instructions:,.

Classes on developing books

Classes on educational books with interesting tasks. There are many such books on sale now, but we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the books of the "Schools of the 7 Dwarfs" series, the annual course of which can be downloaded for free for review. Choose the age of your baby and do development every day.


Lessons with a child can be not only entertaining, but also useful, and drawing is one of the favorite hobbies of three-year-olds. There are several types of drawing that are suitable for a son or daughter at this age:

  • prints of legs, pens and fingers evoke positive emotions in all babies, without exception (for this do-it-yourself finger paints are suitable);
  • completion of details for mother's drawings: for a vase - flowers, for a basket - fruits, for a house - pipes and much more;
  • coloring special books with cartoons or fairy tales.

Christmas crafts

If the time is approaching the New Year, and the parents do not know what to do with the child for 3 years at home, then you can’t think of better how to jointly decorate the apartment with homemade garlands (read about how to make garlands out of paper). It is not particularly difficult to make such a decoration, but the baby will get real pleasure by participating in this important and exciting process. Adults will need to pre-cut the multi-colored stripes, and then join them together with the baby, gluing them into rings. Some children by this age are already excellent at using safe children's scissors and can help mom and dad with this.

Also, in the winter season, you can do it together, or.

What to do with a 3-year-old child at home while mom is busy: independent games for toddlers

Of course, we are not talking about getting rid of the child so that adults can rest. The question is somewhat different. If a three-year-old is so independent, why sometimes he does not want to play on his own, without the guidance of adults. Probably, this, too, will have to be taught him first, and so that he does not have the idea that he is a burden.

Considering that during this life period, he intensively forms an idea of ​​the real world, besides, he experiences an irresistible craving for any creative activity and his vocabulary is quite expanded, a variety of games and activities are suitable for the child. At the age of three, children are often enrolled in all kinds of developmental groups, for foreign language lessons, in sports sections and for dances. At home, you can also successfully engage with them in a playful way, and the most attractive activity for them is able to absorb them whole, forcing them to be assiduous and attentive.

Of course, first of all, these are various board (floor) games:


Constructors are one of the favorite toys for kids of any age and three-year-olds - no exception. Having instilled the baby's love for this useful entertainment, dads and mothers can be calm about the mental development of their children and their leisure time, even without their own presence. In the first place is, of course, Lego, this game has no analogues, and even some adults are addicted to it.

For three-year-old girls, such series as Princess junior, Lego Friends, for boys - Ninjago, Magformers, City are suitable. A similar domestic game - City of Masters, is no worse than the famous Lego, and is also designed for boys and girls. There are other interesting games in this category - constructors Mega Bloks, Meccano or Connoisseur, introducing young technicians to the basics of electronics.

Jigsaw puzzles

Puzzles are no less exciting for three-year-old children, for example, "My farm", "Who lives where" - 3D puzzles, "Ludattika City", "Larsen dragons", "Larsen dinosaurs of the Jurassic period".


Mosaics are also irreplaceable in their benefits, as they contribute to the development of fine motor skills, artistic taste and perseverance. All kinds of collages and appliques can be included in the same category. In addition, the mosaic is not necessarily laid out according to the pattern, and the child can create a new pattern himself, feeling like a real creator. For three years, they use ordinary games with a field on legs, magnetic boards or a plane with holes for inserting chips.

Judging by the feedback from parents, these educational games are so beloved by children that they can really leave parents unattended at least for a while.

Learning letters

Of course, you can keep your baby busy with something else. Many boys and girls at the age of three are already keenly interested in letters and numbers (see how to play letters with a three-year-old child), so they can choose educational games with a mathematical bias, or buy a special musical alphabet, in which the kid will learn during the game ... Accordingly, children who are fond of music acquire musical instruments or even discs with musical works for listening; regular playing with a metallophone can develop their hearing.

How to teach a 3-year-old to play independently

But the question remains open, what is needed for a child to play independently? It turns out that the answer is rather prosaic. There are some requirements, observing which parents will quickly teach this to their baby:

  • so that the child does not cling to his mother's skirt every five minutes, and does not run to his father with every question, parents should give him enough of their time, care, and a real manifestation of affection and love, which even an older baby desperately needs;
  • before expecting focused play and attention from the child, parents should make sure that he understands the rules and knows how to play;
  • if necessary, the adult should be able to contact the baby, because he may need help;
  • dad and mom need to encourage the child's desire to play independently, and this is, above all, praise.

We must not forget that the play space of the son and daughter should be comfortable and specially equipped, in addition, the children should feel, on the one hand, protected, on the other - absolutely free.

The skills of independent pastime are very important, in the future such a model of behavior will make the child self-sufficient and ready for any life collisions. The main thing is that all family members act according to these rules, and then the baby will not only learn to manage his desires, actions and time, but will sincerely delight loved ones with successes and achievements.

3 more ideas for how to keep a three-year-old child busy: video

Understanding what to do with the child for 3 years at home, the father and mother give the child the opportunity to overcome the necessary obstacles himself, to manage his emotions, to correctly build his actions in any, sometimes difficult, life situations.

Most modern parents pay a lot of attention to the early development of children, realizing that up to three years old a child learns easily through the game, and after that it becomes much more difficult for him to assimilate new information without a good starting base. And many adults face the question: what should a child know at 3 years old? The answer to it, as well as everything about the developmental features of children at this age, you will learn from this article.

Beware: Crisis Three Years

It is considered one of the first children, for everyone it proceeds differently, but it still takes place. It is connected with the fact that at this age the process of formation of the baby's self-awareness begins - the old picture of reality becomes outdated, and a new one comes in its place. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, stress and know how to help a child during this period, it is important to understand the following age characteristics of children 3 years old:

  • There is a need to be separated from adults, and reality, previously limited mainly to objects and family circle, becomes the world of adults.
  • The child begins to oppose himself to adults, ceases to obey and protests against the previously instilled norms of behavior.
  • It is during this period that the baby learns the difference between "want" and "must", and deliberate actions begin to prevail over impulsive ones.
  • At this age, self-esteem is actively developing, which is greatly influenced by the attitude of adults.

New opportunities

But in addition to the complexities of behavior, useful features of a 3-year-old child appear that increase the learning ability:

  • Communicative readiness: the child begins to interact with other people, guided by the rules and regulations.
  • Cognitive readiness: formed by which children are able to think about objects and carry out comparative analysis, even when they do not see them.
  • Emotional development: the child begins to manage emotions, including coping with aggression.
  • The ability to count and read appears.

Interacting with the surrounding reality, the child learns the world and develops, the task of adults is to help him. When teaching, it is important to take into account and use something a child can do with the help of adults, and what he learned to do on his own should become a passed stage in time.

Assessment of speech development

Until the age of five, speech develops very intensively, so it is important to control whether the child is lagging behind, and, if necessary, help him. To assess the development of speech, there is the following list of what a child should know at 3 years old:

  • The vocabulary is about a thousand words.
  • When designating objects, people and animals, full-fledged words are practically used, and not sounds or abbreviated versions.
  • Distinguishes and correctly uses prefixed verbs (ran, ran, ran out).
  • He knows how to name objects using general words ("fruit" instead of "pear" and "apple").
  • Mastering the names of parts of objects (can say that the pan has a bottom and handles).
  • Compares words and understands what synonyms are.
  • He comes up with his own words from those already known to him.
  • Draws attention to the incorrect pronunciation of other children, while the sounds itself may also be pronounced incorrectly.
  • He knows how to speak in such a way that any adult can understand him.

How to develop coherent speech

The next 3 years include: increasing vocabulary, training the correct pronunciation of sounds and building sentences. The main goal of all classes is to improve coherent meaningful speech. To do this, you can study in special magazines, manuals with colorful pictures and exercises.

Unfortunately, you cannot count on a child's long perseverance, but you can memorize the main tasks for children 3 years old and perform them using concepts from real life:

  • At home, you can name objects and pick up on the example of toys, shoes, dishes and any other things.
  • On a walk, you can tell your child adjectives and ask them to find objects that match them, for example, "tall" (the baby points to the house) or "red" (maybe a car). The advantage of this exercise is that the baby can find much more suitable things in the real world than in pictures.
  • On the street and at home, you can ask your child questions about the objects that he sees, for example, where they are, what color, why others are needed.

Learn poems

At three years old, a child should be able to memorize and repeat 3-4 words that an adult said. Thanks to this ability, you can begin to learn poetry. They train memory, attention, develop speech, enrich vocabulary, expand ideas about the world, and also help the child grow up purposeful and be able to bring things to the end.

A poem for children 3 years old should not be too large: two quatrains are enough. Before starting to learn a poem, an adult must express it and discuss the content with the child. If you wish, you can draw pictures to the text. Each quatrain learns according to one scheme: an adult slowly pronounces the first line and asks the child to repeat after him until he remembers it. Then the second line is learned and connected to the first, then the third is added to the first two. Then the last one is memorized, and the first quatrain is ready. When the two parts are learned, they are connected and the entire verse is read.

An easy rhyme for children 3 years old about the onset of winter:

In the morning I went to the window
I was surprised: "Well, well!
I went to sleep in the fall,
The world has changed overnight!

White fur coats put on
Both trees and houses.
This means, in fact
Winter has come to us at night! "

The very first mathematical concepts

The first acquaintance with mathematics begins much earlier than it seems, and the further relationship of the child with this complex science depends on how successful it will be. The following list of what a 3-year-old child should know in the field of mathematics will help to assess the completeness of ideas:

  • Be able to compare objects in width, length, thickness and height.
  • Use the concepts "many" and "one" in speech, correctly coordinate them with nouns.
  • Be able to count to three on your fingers.
  • Know and name the main geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle and compare objects in shape.
  • Know and use concepts in speech: small, large, less and more.
  • Be able to compare the number of items.
  • To be able to find a pair for a subject according to a given criterion.

Test of knowledge about the world around

Some parents underestimate the capabilities of their three-year-old children and do not give the required amount of work, and intensive classes begin in preparation for school and are faced with the child's reluctance to learn, because cognitive activity has already died out. To prevent such problems, it is important to find out in time what a child at 3 years old should know about the world around him, and, if necessary, fill in the gaps.

A child at this age should:

  • Know what domestic and wild animals look like and are called.
  • Understand who birds, insects and fish are, as well as be able to name three or four representatives of each class.
  • Know three or four names of trees and flowers.
  • Be able to distinguish between fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and berries, as well as know their main names.
  • Have an idea of ​​such natural phenomena as wind, rain, rainbow, snow.
  • Know and be able to name the parts of the day.
  • Have an understanding of the materials from which the surrounding things are made.

Assessing the development of thinking and motor skills

A child at three years old should be able to perform the following actions:

  • collect an image from 2-4 parts;
  • see and explain the discrepancy in the picture;
  • determine an extra item and justify your choice;
  • explain how objects are similar and how they differ;
  • cut the paper with scissors;
  • separate pieces from plasticine and make sausages and balls out of them;
  • draw dots, circles and various types of lines;
  • do finger gymnastics.

How to develop fine motor skills

Modeling for children 3 years old is considered the most useful for the development of motor skills, but the child begins to show interest in it much earlier, for example, when enthusiastically smears porridge on the table. You can sculpt from plasticine or puff pastry. Classes also help develop speech and consolidate existing ideas about the world around you. You can sculpt if you want at least every day, but twice a week is enough. In order to make the classes more fun and not too difficult for the child, you can make blanks from paper bases and select suitable stories or poems.

The purpose of the first experience with plasticine: to teach a child to tear off pieces from him and sculpt them on paper, you can draw trees and decorate them with colorful leaves. In the second lesson, you need to learn how to roll balls, you can decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's toys. During the third lesson, the child practices in rolling sausages, from them it will be possible to make a rainbow or For the age of three, these simple techniques are quite enough.

Of course, all children are individual and they have different levels of ability. But it depends on the parents how these abilities will be used. It is important to closely monitor the child's progress, assess his level of development and constantly give new and more difficult, but no less interesting tasks for children of 3 years old in a playful way.

Before entering the kindergarten, we underwent a neuropsychiatric examination. He asked various questions, some did not receive answers from my child. For example: who I am to her, who is she to me; name the season in the illustration (did not receive an answer), name the colors of objects (answered in full); count items (easily coped with the task); could not perform actions for addition and sum within 5. Nevertheless, the child is active, easily makes contact. The doctor diagnosed F83. Explain in more detail the norms for the development of a child by 3.5 years. Is my daughter really brain-lagging? (Anna)


Hello Anna! Thanks for the question. I understand your concern ... and even somewhere outrage ... I must say that the "fees" and "documentary preparation" (collection of documents, commissions, etc.) for kindergarten cause a lot of worries for most parents, which affects their children. And I am grateful to you for your question, tk. it touches upon an important topic: How painlessly it is to be examined by a specialist, both for the child and for the parent, especially if the further stage of the child's life depends on the results of the examination (the type of preschool institution, for example). Therefore, I want to appeal to those parents whose children are expected by the PMPK, examinations, collecting documents and give several recommendations that, perhaps, will help to help go through all this the least acutely.

It is very important for the parents themselves to tune in in a special way (calmly - positively) to all kinds of examination procedures, PMPK, so that this does not affect the emotional state of the child during the examination itself, and therefore on the results of this examination. And it happens.

It is also recommended to repeatedly replay with the child the situations of a conversation with a doctor, situations when he will be asked something, asked questions, pictures will be viewed with him, and he will be offered to “play”. And before a direct meeting of a child with a specialist, it is important to take into account several points:

  1. 1 - 1.5 hours before the meeting, feed the child (you can do something tasty and beloved) so that during the examination the feeling of hunger that has arisen does not distract from the tasks
  2. It is imperative to say “the plan of the day for today”, that your “doctor has called for a visit” to play, that in the game he will ask questions that you will surely answer, etc. It is important that the child walks in a good mood, with a feeling of success. (I often hear this position of moms or dads: "Why should he say all this, he is still small, he still speaks badly ...?" due to age, this does not mean that he does not hear or feel you!)
  3. You can bring your favorite toy to a meeting with a specialist (you can "introduce the bear to other children, to a doctor, etc." for a cake "...) The presence of favorite toys in a new environment for the child helps him to perceive this" environment "psychologically easier, softer and calmer.
  4. Parental peace of mind ("If mom smiles, then everything is fine and there is nothing to be afraid of")

Before answering your main question (about clarifying the norms for the development of a child at 3.5 years old), I would like to start by clarifying the very wording of F83.

F83 "Mixed specific disorders of psychological development" This is a residual group of disorders in which there are difficulties in the development of the child at the level of several mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perception ..), and it is difficult to distinguish exactly where these difficulties are greater, therefore such a vague diagnosis. Therefore, for a start, I would recommend visiting a psychiatrist (preferably a child psychiatrist), a neuropathologist in order to strengthen the accuracy of the diagnosis or the fact of the diagnosis itself, as well as to get a more complete and objective picture of the child's development. I would also recommend getting a brain test (EEG). If, nevertheless, specialists observe certain difficulties in development, then it makes sense to think about the treatment that the doctor will prescribe and at the same time contact a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist so that they systematically work out professionally with your girl, show you what you can do at home for the development of the child. Well, and, of course, it is most important for you to talk a lot with your child, read poems and fairy tales, consider pictures-objects, pictures-actions, in their meaning are interconnected, ask as many questions as possible, you yourself argue, explain, speak, etc. (Experts recommend: S.V. Batyaeva, E.V. Savostyanova "Album on the development of speech for the smallest", "I get to know the world" encyclopedia in pictures for babies, etc.) After all, we know that the brain is formed and develops right up to 21-23 years old, that it is formed in different ways, in its individual rhythm, that mental functions in their development can sink at different age stages, which at each age stage prevails and matures its own mental function (So, at an early age - this is perception, in preschool - memory, in school, adolescent - this is thinking). And since the psyche develops systemically, even if the child's difficulties are noted somewhere, it is possible to develop other mental spheres in order to catch up those where there are difficulties. Therefore, on the one hand, I want to reassure you and say that every child develops in its own way, and this is normal, you should not panic if a specialist has noted certain problems. You just need to deal with the child, and over time, the child will catch up with a lot, and sometimes even surpass his peers in something. On the other hand, you should not ignore the information of a specialist, just take note, go through the examination again.

And now about what a 3.5-year-old child should be able to do. Age can be briefly characterized as follows:

  1. Visual-action thinking prevails. The intellectual development of a child depends on how rich the developing environment surrounding him is, whether it allows him to variously and meaningfully explore the world around him by manipulating various objects.
  2. The speech is at the stage of formation. Specialists identify (speech therapists, defectologists) the following standard indicators at this age: Indicators of speech development \ Time of appearance is normal
    • Uses in active speech the words-names of parts of objects 3 years 6 months.
    • Uses diminutive suffixes Since 3 years
    • Uses prefixed verbs in speech 3 years 1 month
    • Word-creation appears From the age of 3
    • Distinguishes between words that differ in one phoneme (such as a beetle - an onion) By the age of 4
    • Pronounces sounds Ш, Ж, Щ, Ч, Л, Р By 4 years
    • Notices incorrect pronunciation in his own speech By age 4
    • Can retell a familiar fairy tale close to the text By age 4
    • Encourages adults to play fairy tales with him, distributes roles, portrays with the voice of various heroes of the fairy tale
    • The child should be able to name animals: wild, domestic. Should know what their cubs are called: a horse-foal.
    • Should be able to describe the picture in 2-3 sentences: who is in the picture, what ears he has, what he holds in his paws, etc.
    • The child should be able to name various actions: a wolf is running, a fish is swimming, a squirrel is sitting, etc.
  3. attention, thinking, memory are involuntary. This means that the baby cannot control them at will, he cannot concentrate or remember - he pays attention to what is in his field of vision, remembers what attracted attention. (!) Education is effective only against the background of the child's psycho-emotional and comfortable state.
  4. Concentrate attention, that is, complete the task without being distracted for about 5 minutes; find 3-4 differences between objects; keep 3-4 objects in sight; find 2 objects similar to each other; perform tasks according to the proposed model.
  5. Be able to memorize 3-4 pictures, know a few quatrains by heart, repeat a small fairy tale read with the help of an adult; remember what he did in the morning, afternoon, evening; tell from memory about the content of the picture on leading questions.
  6. Be able to quickly and correctly assemble a pyramid; add a picture from 4 parts; collect simple games-inserts; find simple connections between objects and phenomena.
  7. Depict the simplest objects and phenomena of reality using straight, rounded, oblique, long, short, intersecting lines; repeat simple finger gymnastics movements.
  8. State your first and last name; call the names of people in his immediate environment; know and name the 6 primary colors; distinguish between the seasons; name essential details and parts of objects.

Here are some activities that you can use to test your child.

Development of attention

  • Find identical objects in the picture, determine their color.
  • Draw on a piece of paper, for example, 2 houses and 2 bears and draw a path from each bear to the house. It is desirable that these paths intersect. Invite the child to follow the path of each bear to his house with his eyes and show who lives where. If the baby finds it difficult to do this visually, then invite him to run his finger along the path.
  • Offer to paint the figures according to the sample.
  • Draw the outlines of 3-4 objects so that they are superimposed on each other). Invite the child to find what items are hidden there.
  • Suggest to find several differences in the picture (the cat is gray-red, one has a ball, the other has a cube, etc.). If the child is at a loss, then ask him leading questions. Memory development
  • Consider a picture with 3-4 objects. The child must name the items. We close the book and ask you to remember what is drawn there.
  • Consider a picture where, for example, a cat is holding a ball, a squirrel is holding an apple, and a mouse is holding a box with a bow. In another picture, animals and objects are separate. We need to remember who was holding what.
  • Let's remember the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Whom did the gingerbread man meet first? Recall from the picture with the image of animals.
  • Consider 2 pictures. The first is a bunny under an umbrella, it is raining, mushrooms are growing. In another picture - the sun, berries, no mushrooms, the umbrella is folded. What has changed in the picture?

Development of thinking

  • 2 pictures. One with animals, the other with food. We need to find who loves to eat.
  • We consider the picture, we need to choose a pair for the subject: a vase and a flower, a hat and a scarf, a shovel and a bucket, etc.
  • Find the patch for the rug. A red rug with a red circle drawn in the middle, which is also drawn separately. A green rug with a green triangle in the middle, and so on. The kid should tell which patch to put where, what color the rugs. Development of fine motor skills
  • The kid should be able to draw vertical, horizontal and oblique lines of the desired size. To do this, you can offer to finish drawing a fence, rays of the sun, rain, etc. Also should be able to draw rounded objects.
  • The kid should be able to accurately paint pictures.
  • The child should be able to perform simple finger gymnastics movements.
  • And in general, work more with the baby with your hands (sculpt, draw with your fingers and pencils, collect simple large puzzles, etc.), because thinking develops visually and effectively, because speech development is directly related to the development of fine motor skills)

I hope I answered your question. Don't worry, Anna, remember that at this age, babies are especially important for psycho-emotional comfort, and your girl is a calm and smiling mother.

At this age, the child is no longer growing as actively as up to a year. And yet, at 3 years old, girls gain weight from 13 kg to 16 kg 700 grams. Boys can weigh from 13.7 kg to 16 kg 100 grams. If the weight of the child does not reach these figures or a little more, you should not worry. It is worse if the growth of the child goes in leaps and bounds: in one month he rapidly recovers, in then he loses weight just as quickly. Then you need to see an endocrinologist.

The height of a child at 3 years old varies from 90 cm to 1 meter. Boys grow up a little faster than girls.

In order for a child to grow and develop better at 3 years old, it is necessary to observe his sleep and rest regime. At 3 years old, the baby should sleep at least 11 hours at night, go to bed no later than 21.00. So far, no one has canceled daytime sleep: you need to arrange such a rest for at least 1-1.5 hours.

Child at 3 years old - speech development

If your child is not very talkative, then most likely the situation will change in the near future. At this age, speech develops quite quickly, and the child can catch up in just a month or two. Between the ages of 3 and 4, your child should be able to do the following.

  • Call your name and age
  • Pronounce 250 to 500 words
  • Answer simple questions
  • Make sentences of five to six words and speak in full sentences
  • Speak clearly
  • Tell simple tales and stories

Child at 3 years old: development of thought processes

Your child starts asking many, many questions at the age of 3. "Why is the sky blue? Why do birds have feathers?" Questions, questions and more questions! While it can be annoying for parents at times, it is completely normal to ask questions for this age. Therefore, the age from three to five is called the age of why. In addition to the constant "why?" Your 3 year old toddler should be able to do the following.

  • Naming familiar colors correctly
  • Play and fantasize more creatively than before
  • Perform three simple adult commands in a row
  • Remember fairy tales and songs and tell the simplest of them
  • Love fairy tales and songs, especially before bed
  • Understand prime numbers and count to five
  • Sort items by shape and color
  • Guess riddles that match the age of the child
  • Recognize familiar people and children in photographs

Motor skills of a child at 3 years old

The child's motor skills continue to develop actively at the age of 3. From 3 to 4 years old, your child should be able to.

  • Climb up and down stairs, alternating legs - walk step by step
  • Kick the ball, throw the ball, catch it
  • Jump on one and two legs
  • Pretty confident pedaling and riding a tricycle
  • Stand on one leg for up to five seconds
  • Going back and forth is pretty easy
  • Bend over without falling

Motor skills of a child at 3 years old

Your child is becoming more flexible and fine motor skills are improving. At this point in his development, the child must be able to do the following.

  • Be interested in color books with large pictures and turn pages in the book
  • Use age-appropriate scissors, cut paper under adult supervision
  • Draw circles and squares
  • Draw a person with two to four body parts (head, arms, legs)
  • Write a few big letters
  • Build a tower of nine or more cubes
  • Dressing and undressing without assistance
  • Twist and unscrew the lid on the jar
  • Paint with multiple colors

Child at 3 years old - emotional and social development

Your 3 year old is becoming more independent physically and emotionally. He is less likely to have tantrums when you leave him with a nanny or in kindergarten.

Plus, your 3 year old is becoming more and more social. Your child can now play and make peace with his friends, take turns doing things, and can show simple skills in solving his first childhood problems.

At 3 years old, your child should have the following social skills.

  • Imitate parents and friends
  • Show affection for acquaintances of family and friends
  • Understand what is "mine" and "his / her"
  • Show a wide range of emotions, such as sadness, sadness, anger, happiness, or boredom

In addition, you may already notice that your child's imagination is developing more and more. This can be both good and bad for you. The fantasy and the child's performances become more interesting, but your child may also start showing unrealistic fears, such as the belief that a monster is hiding in his closet.

Child at 3 years old: when is there cause for concern?

All children grow and develop at their natural pace. Don't worry if your baby is developing faster or slower. The main thing is to notice progress in his development as your child gets older. If you see. That there is still a delay in the development of your child, consult a doctor.

Signs of developmental delays in 3-year-olds include:

  • Inability to throw a ball, jump in place, or ride a tricycle
  • Frequent falls and difficulty walking up and down stairs
  • Inability to hold a pencil between your thumb and the next two fingers can't draw a circle.
  • Cannot use a sentence with more than three words and misuse the pronouns "I" and "you"
  • The child often drools and has speech problems
  • A child cannot add more than four cubes.
  • A child without adults may be extremely anxious.
  • The child does not participate in games and does not like to fantasize
  • A child at 3 years old does not play with other children and does not react to family members
  • The child has big problems with self-control when he is angry or upset. He often throws tantrums
  • Doesn't understand simple adult commands
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Cannot dress, sleep or go to the toilet by himself

If a child refuses to do what he did before at the age of three, this can also be a sign of a developmental disorder. To help your child in time, see a doctor.

The development of a child at 3 years old is actively manifested in all aspects of his activity. These are physical criteria, and mental, and mental, and emotional. In comparison with previous years, three-year-old children already know a lot, reach certain heights, become more independent. There are many obstacles on the way, one of which is the “three-year-old crisis”. What is it, and how does it manifest itself? Our article will help you understand this and other development issues.

Age features

  • The motor (motor) abilities of babies are improved. The child more easily controls the coordination of his own body. The step is uniform, there are practically no unnecessary accompanying movements, the pace of walking changes without problems. Kids three years old are already capable.
  • The status of the nervous system is strengthened, efficiency and concentration increase, and the daily routine is changing. Children are awake for a longer time and are able to assimilate more new information. In preschool educational institutions, three-year-old children are given 10-15 minutes.
  • It is much easier for a kid to hold cutlery in his hands, as fine motor skills develop. The child masters button fastening, manipulation with clothespins, other objects, drawing with colored pencils, as well as various everyday skills.
  • Speech activity is increasing. The vocabulary increases every day, and by the age of three it is more than 1000 words. The pronunciation of sounds is still indistinct, but on the way to the correct one. All parts of speech are used in the speech stream. Kids do not always pronounce words correctly, sometimes choosing the wrong endings, or confusing syllables. Children voice their actions, try to enter into a conversation with adults, and sometimes it may seem that the baby is constantly talking. It is believed that three years is the age of the children.
  • Game activities are becoming more diverse. Role-playing games come into force. The child can come up with interesting stories for their games, as imagination and abstract thinking develops. It is very helpful for parents to play with their children and come up with fun games.

On the playground, many kids are always interested in other people's toys, and, at the first opportunity, they will not miss the opportunity to play with them.

Child development is a very important and multifaceted process. At three years old, the behavior of most babies can undergo changes, and cause many questions and misunderstandings from parents. Thinking that she made the wrong step in raising the baby, the mother begins to worry. These are absolutely natural changes in the life of children of this age group.

At this age, the baby is gradually coming to a "psychological crisis", which will meet more than once on the path of development. The earliest manifestations of behavioral problems are a three-year crisis.

From the end, it gradually increases and reaches a peak at three years. Manifestations depend on the character traits of the little person, and range from violent tantrums to conflict behavior.

Crisis signs 3 years

  1. The child may not listen to adults, insist on his own opinion. Stubbornness manifests itself.
  2. Not having his own expressed desires, he responds negatively to all the requests of an adult. Expressed negativism.
  3. Actions that were previously performed without visible problems are now considered undesirable. The kid refuses to eat, brush his teeth, put on certain clothes.
  4. The manifestation of constant independence, especially in those moments when it is completely inappropriate. Denial of any adult help.
  5. Conflict behavior. Riots, protests against parental requests.
  6. Unwillingness to play and put toys away properly. The child throws, breaks or spoils the surrounding objects demonstratively.
  7. One of the frequently observed changes in behavior is jealousy, which can be directed not only at other children in the family, but also at the dad in relation to the mom.

According to psychologists, such behavioral problems are caused by the awareness of the baby as an independent unit. It seems to the little one that he is already an adult and is capable of making decisions. By such behavior, the child demands respect for himself. Throws tantrums, shouts, riots against the command of his parents. The emotional state of the child is hard to bear not only by the parents, but also by himself, since he does not realize what is happening, and from what the mood has deteriorated.

One of the most common manifestations of a crisis is hysteria, which is a means of manipulation. This is a significant difference between tantrums of an earlier age, since there the task of loved ones was to calm the baby down and eliminate the unpleasant. And during a crisis, with this behavior, the child needs "spectators", so tantrums appear in crowded places: in a store, on the street.

How to deal with manifestations during a crisis

  • Within reasonable limits, let the baby show independence, try to change the communication strategy. If the child can handle things on his own, be patient and give him the opportunity to do something himself.
  • When offering your child a certain event, show your imagination and come up with various options for resolving the situation. In other words, offer the child a choice so that he, realizing his importance, does not deny the influence of the adult.
  • Rephrase the request without forcing the child to do something, say that you need help. For example, you need to walk by the hand, not because it is necessary, but because the mother gets lost, and only the baby will help her get somewhere.
  • Do not rush your child to perform an action whenever possible. The more practice the kid has in a particular case, the faster he will cope with it the next time.
  • Try not to be led by the crumbs, do not succumb to tantrums. If the baby realized that by shouting, he received the desired object, he will develop stereotypical behavior. And next time he will understand that tantrums are the easiest way to get what he wants.
  • Try to react as calmly as possible to a tantrum on the street, ignore, ignore. During this period, such a manifestation of a demonstration performance is a test of strength.
  • Do not scold your child after a tantrum. Better explain how dissatisfaction and negative emotions can be expressed in words.

Talk more often with your child, surround him with care and love. The consequences of the crisis disappear with age-related changes. The formation of character and family relationships occurs with the help of such necessary life obstacles, but they are very quickly forgotten and later remembered with the most positive emotions.

Physical development of children at three years old

In comparison with the physical parameters of 2.5 years, a baby can add about a kilogram of weight and grow by 4-5 cm. Physical indicators in boys slightly exceed girls at this age.

The parameters are given in approximate proportions and may not coincide with the performance of some children.

Development norms:

Skills of a child at 3 years old: what should be able to

As noted by pediatricians, the formation of a baby's personality follows a purely individual development plan. At the age of three, children develop in leaps and bounds, rapidly, and the skills of babies are improving by leaps and bounds. It remains for parents to follow and celebrate the achievements of their child.

The norms of certain aspects of the development of children are highlighted, although it is very difficult to meet babies with similar skills. Here is an example table with the skills of children at 3 years old.

Criteria Required skills
Speech ability
  • the child pronounces his last name and first name, the names of his parents and relatives;
  • uses prepositions in speech, can make up common sentences;
  • remembers short poems, can retell the details of short prose;
  • can compose a short (3-4 sentences) story about a picture;
  • able to conduct a dialogue, answer coherently questions
Mental development
  • the baby can compare pictures, highlight differences, and also group them according to a certain criterion;
  • able to assemble a puzzle or cut picture of 5-6 elements;
  • makes a logical chain, for example, if it was raining, that is, puddles;
  • understands what it means: one-many;
  • maybe, bending your fingers, count to five;
  • distinguishes and names about 10 colors and shades, knows the names of fruits, concepts of the seasons ...
  • able to arrange objects from smallest to largest;
Psychomotor development
  • collects small items, can collect one bead or pea;
  • string beads, can attach a clothespin to a string;
  • sculpts "sausage" and "ball" from plasticine;
  • can arrange the mosaic with a picture;
  • is able to hold scissors correctly and tries to manipulate them;
Household skills
  • he goes to the toilet himself, dressing himself after visiting;
  • puts on the bottom of the clothes without any problems, understands that the right and left shoes should be on the legs, respectively;
  • discerns his own things, knows what kind of toothbrush he has, knows how to use his things;
  • can put his clothes and toys in the closet, put away, put them in their places;
  • eats carefully, using a spoon, sometimes with a fork;
  • able to wipe a stained face with a napkin;
  • before eating, he washes his hands, wiping with a towel;
  • undresses after the street, realizing where the outerwear is.
Motor ability
  • quickly, confidently runs and jumps;
  • able to catch a large ball, toss it;
  • descends and ascends independently on the stairs, alternating legs;
  • can easily climb a low hill and slide off it;
  • can maintain balance, standing on tiptoes, jumping on one leg;
Cognitive development
  • mental processes, thinking, memory, attention are sufficiently developed;
  • is oriented in space;
  • can tell about the events of the day;
  • describe the drawing from memory;
  • able to participate in educational games that are aimed at describing sequential actions.
Social development
  • easily gets to know children, but prefers independence in the game. At this age, children play side by side;
  • able to understand and obey the rules of games;
  • uses the words of communication: thank you, please, hello, goodbye;
  • the emotional status of the baby is strengthened, he learns to react more calmly to what is happening not according to his desire.

Day regimen of a three-year-old child

When drawing up regime moments, special attention should be paid to sleep. The most optimal ratio for the baby will be the ratio of ten hours of sleep at night and two hours of the day. It is advisable that the child goes to bed no later than nine o'clock in the evening. Since at such an early age the central nervous system is not yet sufficiently strong, a later time will not allow the body to rest and gain strength. You can lay down for an afternoon nap after lunch. Such a framework is necessary for a child in order to adapt without problems in kindergarten.

There are times when children cannot sleep during the daytime. You can allow this mode if the baby slept at night more than the prescribed time and did not get tired during the day, and put him to bed early.

Here is an approximate daily routine for a three-year-old baby:

Regime moment Allotted hours
Morning rise, hygiene procedures, exercises 7:00-9:00
Breakfast 8:00 -9:00
Games, activities 9:00-10:00
Walk 10:00-12:00
Dinner 12:00-12:30
Daytime sleep 12:30-14:30
Lifting, washing 14:30-15:00
Afternoon snack 15:00-15:30
Games, activities 15:30-17:00
An evening walk 17:00-19:00
Dinner 19:00-19:30
Quiet games 19:30-20:00
Bathing, hygiene procedures 20:00-20:30
Reading children's literature 20:30-21:00
Night sleep 21:00-7:00

Of course, the daily routine depends on the family's usual way of life, certain characteristics. Mom knows best when to lure the baby with intellectual and developmental games, and when with physical ones. If the time of the year and weather conditions permits, it is necessary to walk 2 times a day, at other times to keep the child busy with calm games, reading fairy tales and other informative literature.


The nutrition of children at three years old practically does not differ from the adult table. But it is imperative to observe the framework in adding seasoning to the main food. Proper nutrition, rich in nutrients, is recommended.

The needs of a child of this age include:

  • a variety of vegetables, and the addition of potatoes to the diet should not exceed ½ of the total;
  • fresh fruits;
  • fruit and vegetable juices, up to 200 ml. in a day;
  • cereals and pasta up to 50 gr. per day;
  • you can already give chocolate. Products saturated with the maximum amount of sugar can be 50-60 grams per day;
  • 150-170 grams of different types of bread;
  • chicken eggs - one at a time every other day;
  • dairy products: kefir, milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk up to 500 grams;
  • cottage cheese, mild cheese;
  • vegetable oil is added to different dishes;
  • restriction of flour products up to 100 gr. in a day.

Meals during the day are 4-5 times.

Sample menu for the day:

Food intake Dishes
  • oatmeal, buckwheat milk, rice, semolina porridge;
  • milk vermicelli,
  • cottage cheese casserole,
  • bread and butter, with cheese,
  • cheesecakes with sour cream;
  • tea, milk;
  • soups, borsch, mashed soups; fish soups; beetroot;
  • boiled meat stroganoff;
  • meat cutlets, meatballs ...
  • mashed potatoes, cauliflower;
  • cereal products;
Afternoon snack
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • baked apple;
  • kefir with berries;
  • pies with cottage cheese, fruits;
  • biscuits
  • omelette;
  • rice porrige;
  • tea with milk;
  • potato zrazy;
  • vegetable stew;
  • potato casserole;
  • cereal products;

Development of the physical abilities of the child

This type is aimed at the development of coordination of movements of the child, at the development of manual dexterity, improving such a quality as endurance.

Classes for physical development must be carried out without fail every day and include the following types of exercises:

  • charging with music;
  • stepping over laid out bars or other obstacles;
  • we teach the child to walk on an inclined board;
  • jumping on the spot and to the music on two legs and on one;
  • jumping off small obstacles;
  • conducting games with simple rules;
  • if there is a wall bars at home, this also contributes to more active spending time.

Development of cognitive activity

The study of the surrounding world occurs by increasing the cognitive activity of the child. Such classes develop logic, attention, memory, thinking. In the form of a game, it is easy for a kid to learn about the world around him, get acquainted with mathematical concepts and quantities.

Exercises such as:

  • looking for colors and objects by pattern or name;
  • collecting nesting dolls from figures of different sizes;
  • collecting a pyramid from 7-9 rings of different colors and sizes;
  • we draw the baby's attention to the concepts of large, medium, small;
  • we put puzzles from 6-8 parts;
  • we use loto, mosaics, we draw the child's attention to interesting educational games;
  • we help to distinguish spatial concepts: right-left;
  • get acquainted with numbers, letters. Although three years is still too young to learn the elements of literacy, some children understand and memorize letters very quickly, and subsequently learn reading skills much faster.

Speech development

All parents dream of seeing their child successful in the future! They try to give him the necessary knowledge, skills, enroll in various circles to acquire skills. Along with physical and intellectual improvement, it is necessary to pay attention to speech development. Indeed, in any contact with the outside world, a person needs speech, and the better he is fluent in the verbal (through oral speech) method of communication, the easier and better the process of his communication in society will be.

Speech develops from birth, and the task of adults is to provide the correct speech environment for the baby. It is necessary to constantly talk with the child, without distorting the sound content of the words, not to choose long sentences. But, most importantly, to talk a lot, not loudly, slightly in slow motion, so that the child accumulates a vocabulary of words, which he could later add into phrases and sentences.

At three years old, the speech of a normo-typical child is quite developed, the baby has a violation of the pronunciation of sounds, but this is a small problem for this age.

You need to pay attention:

  • whether the child correctly understands the speech of an adult addressed to him, whether he can follow a complex instruction;
  • how articulation skills are developed, is there hypersalivation (salivation), is the baby able to perform simple articulatory movements;
  • how the baby's coherent speech develops (drawing up detailed sentences, answering the question in more than one word);
  • whether he correctly agrees words in phrases and phrases (for example: "blue sky", "delicious jam" ...);
  • is it able to change and form the forms of words (ear - fish soup, pear - no pears, raspberry jam - raspberry, maple leaf - maple).

Here are some examples of games that promote speech development:

"Young journalist"

We offer the child to work as a reporter (having previously explained what this means), and compose a report about some toy. Tell what kind of toy it is, what material it is made of, what color and shape.

"In the cave of the gnome"

We explain that everything is small in the gnome, unlike the giant, and if the giant has a "chair", then the gnome has a "chair" and we select any other words.

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills. In the tale, words are used for articulation exercises: "needle", "cup", "horse", "motor", "tasty jam", "boat", "fence", "window", "fungus".

You can independently come up with a fairy tale, for example: “There was a tongue! He woke up in the morning, looked out of the "window" and went for a walk. On the way I saw a "horse" and a "fungus" ...

Exercise descriptions can be found in the public domain on any Internet resource dedicated to speech therapy development.

The development of articulation prepares the child for pronunciation of difficult sounds and words, forms various pronunciation abilities, eliminates hypersalivation. If you do articulation exercises from an early age, it is more likely that all sounds will fall into place at the right time.

"Say what you hear"

Development of phonemic hearing (distinguishing between speech and non-speech sounds).

The kid is invited to say what kind of sound he heard. You can use a screen so that the child guesses only by sound, without visual confirmation. For example, the sound of a bell, rustling paper, or sounds made by animals.

Phonemic hearing plays an important role in the correct pronunciation and learning of the elements of literacy at an older age.

Development of fine motor skills

To stimulate speech activity, it is necessary to develop the fine motor skills of the baby. If during the lesson the child uses his fingers, thereby he stimulates the speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

Development exercises:

  • finger gymnastics (using small poems, you can play with your fingers);
  • sand therapy is playing with sand or fine grains. Not only motor skills develop, but also the baby's imagination;
  • fastening buttons, fasteners, velcro;
  • laying out mosaics or various patterns using shells or pasta ...
  • stringing various beads.

Sensory development of the child

This development includes the baby's senses: hearing, vision, tactile sensations, taste, smell. The child improves the sensitivity, and hence the quality of perception of the surrounding world.

Sample exercises:

  • games in the finger pool (the pool is a structure with cells in which various cereals or other bulk materials are poured, including pebbles, buttons, etc.)
  • recognition of non-speech sounds (recording of animal voices, insect sounds, musical instrument sounds ...)
  • we identify objects or toys by touch;
  • we guess products by taste or smell.

Three years is the most favorable period for the development of children. A child perceives a positive influence like a sponge, quickly memorizes and assimilates information. Study with a crumb, show love, and the result of your work will not keep you waiting!
