What is uterine cleansing? What is the most effective facial cleansing? Ultrasonic facial cleansing in the salon is an atraumatic procedure even for sensitive skin

Cleaning the uterus (curettage or curettage) is a very common surgical intervention. Information preparation before this manipulation will allow the patient to calm down, be confident in its necessity and learn about all the nuances of the intervention. A woman should not be afraid of curettage, since in modern gynecology this procedure is painless, and its complications are extremely rare.

If the patient has been prescribed a cleaning, there is nothing surprising about this. With curettage, you can identify various diseases of the uterus, remove a pathological process, or stop bleeding that is debilitating for a woman. There are two types of scraping:

  • diagnostic;
  • medicinal.

The main function of the uterus is to bear the fetus. The inner uterine layer is called the endometrium and is a protective mucous membrane. Every month, cyclical changes occur in the uterus of women of reproductive age. At the same time, the endometrium grows, preparing for the possible fertilization of the egg and its consolidation. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrial cells are shed, accompanied by menstruation.

Cleaning the uterus for the body looks like artificially induced menstruation. To do this, the uppermost uterine layer is removed using medical instruments or a vacuum system.

When curettage is performed correctly, only the functional uterine layer is removed, which is quickly restored. The basal uterine layer is not affected.

After cleaning, a layer of the endometrium (germ) remains in the uterus, which quickly grows and is restored. Recovery after cleansing occurs within the normal time frame for the monthly cycle.

The tissue obtained from scraping is sent for examination.

What is the purpose of scraping?

Typically, uterine curettage is performed for the following reasons:

  • for histological examination and clarification of the presumed diagnosis;
  • to remove pathologies in the cavity or cervix.

In what cases is cleaning done for diagnostic purposes, and in what cases is it performed for treatment?

Diagnostic curettage is performed when:

  • formations on the cervix;
  • long periods with clots, or bleeding outside the cycle;
  • infertility of unknown cause;
  • before operations in the uterine cavity;
  • suspected oncological processes;
  • after changes in the mucosa, confirmed by ultrasound and not disappearing after menstruation.

Curettage for therapeutic purposes can be performed in situations:

  • polyps on the uterine mucosa that do not disappear after drug treatment;
  • hyperplasia (excessive growth of the endometrium) of the endometrium (the only method of treatment);
  • uterine bleeding (for various reasons, including unknown ones);
  • incomplete termination of pregnancy;
  • inflammation after an abortion or after spontaneous miscarriages;
  • dissections during fusion of the uterine walls;
  • treatment of endometritis.


For any surgical intervention, there are general contraindications in the form of infectious diseases with high fever, acute inflammation, and severe general ailments.

Curettage is also not performed for some gynecological diseases or conditions:

  • normal pregnancy;
  • malformations or infectious processes of the uterus;
  • deforming tumors;
  • less than 6 months after termination of pregnancy.

The doctor always decides about the possibility of curettage for a woman.

Types of curettage

There are two main types of curettage commonly used:

  • Separate. With this method, the cervical canal is first scraped out, and then the uterus itself. It makes it easier to make a correct diagnosis and is often combined with hysteroscopy, where an optical device is inserted into the uterus. This method makes the procedure safe and reduces the risk of complications
  • The usual method of curettage is with surgical instruments. This manipulation is performed blindly and can cause damage to the uterus.
  • Vacuum cleaning. This is a gentle method that minimizes trauma during intervention. It is used as a method of diagnosis, treatment or during abortion.

When to clean

It is undesirable to cleanse in parallel with the onset of menstruation due to the low information content of such research results.

It is also undesirable to clean the uterus at the beginning or middle of the cycle due to the friability of its mucous membrane and the risk of bleeding.

When cleaning at the beginning of the cycle or in its middle, there is a high probability of hormonal imbalance in the woman’s body. After all, the growth of the uterine mucosa occurs in parallel with the growth of ovarian follicles. If at this moment the uterine mucosa is suddenly removed, the work of the ovaries is disrupted - a contradiction occurs between the uterine and ovarian cycles.

How to prepare for curettage

Cleaning the uterus can be performed for emergency reasons (for example, uterine bleeding). In this case, there is simply no time to prepare for this intervention.

If scraping is carried out according to plan, then preparation for it is mandatory.

Before curettage, a woman is usually prescribed tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • coagulogram (assessment of blood clotting);
  • for hepatitis, HIV and syphilis;
  • vaginal smear.

For curettage, the woman comes on an empty stomach, having shaved the hair in the perineum. The patient is advised to limit the amount of fluid and take with her pads, slippers, a disposable diaper, and clean cotton clothes (T-shirt, socks, robe).

What awaits a woman during curettage?

Of course, it is important for a woman to know in advance what to prepare for and what awaits her in the process of cleaning the uterus. Let's look at how scraping is done in general.

  1. A woman enters the operating room and sits on a table similar to a gynecological chair.
  2. The anesthesiologist clarifies the patient’s possible allergic reactions and past illnesses.
  3. The woman is given intravenous drugs for short-term anesthesia. After that, she falls asleep and wakes up in the ward. The patient will not have to endure any pain. In addition, modern drugs are not accompanied by hallucinations or difficult recovery from anesthesia.

What manipulations does the patient undergo during cleaning?

  1. Before the operation, a speculum is inserted into the woman to expose the cervix.
  2. Using special “bullet” forceps, the gynecologist fixes the cervix to ensure its immobility at the time of intervention.
  3. Using a probe, the specialist penetrates the uterus. Dilators are then used on the cervix until it begins to pass through the curette (curettage instrument). In this case, after scraping, the tissue is placed in a special container.
  4. When using a hysteroscope (a device with a camera at the end), all uterine walls are examined. Then scraping is performed. After the procedure, the hysteroscope is reinserted to check the result. It is thanks to the hysteroscope that various pathological inclusions in the uterus (myomatous nodes, polyps, etc.) are removed. Usually, curettage lasts no more than 15-20 minutes.
  5. After the operation, the vagina and cervix are treated with antiseptics. Ice is placed on the woman's stomach to prevent bleeding.

The woman is transferred to a ward, where she remains for several hours. After this (or the next day), the woman is often sent home.

Possible complications

Complications after cleaning are rare. To do this, curettage must be performed in a medical facility by a qualified specialist.

However, cleaning is an operation and may have complications. Rare but possible complications during curettage may include:

  • exacerbations of gynecological inflammation;
  • adhesions in the tissues of the uterus;
  • puncture of the uterus with surgical instruments;
  • neck tear;
  • damage to the mucous membrane;
  • leaving polyps, adhesions or nodes in the cavity that were planned to be removed;
  • hematometers (collections of blood in the uterus)

With careful manipulation, complications can almost always be avoided. Minor tissue damage heals on its own after cleaning. Only massive injuries to the cervix or uterus require surgical intervention. When inflammation or hematomas occur, drug treatment is used.

A serious complication of brushing is removing too much mucous. This condition often leads to infertility due to the inability of the fertilized egg to attach.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

The use of vacuum minimizes complications during interventions in the uterine cavity.

In addition to the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases (hematometra, bleeding), vacuum curettage is very often performed for:

  • termination of pregnancy;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • removal of parts of the fertilized egg or placenta;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Scraping with the vacuum method is performed with special tips and a vacuum pump. At the same time, due to negative pressure in the uterus, pathological tissues are removed from the uterus.

The vacuum method is a safer and more gentle method of scraping. At the same time, the risk of hormonal imbalances and damage to the uterus or its cervix is ​​minimal.

Complications with a vacuum are extremely rare, but they do happen. In addition to the usual complications of cleaning, air embolism is a complication after vacuum curettage.

Woman's behavior after curettage

After curettage, a woman usually experiences spotting for several days, associated with hormonal changes in the body. Typically, menstruation begins after a month and may differ slightly from normal (be shorter, scantier, etc.)

Abdominal pain is natural after cleansing, and you should not be afraid of it. Usually, for pain in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to use painkillers.

  • Protect yourself from hypothermia and physical exertion.
  • Avoid high temperatures (steam rooms, baths, saunas).
  • Maintain genital hygiene.
  • Give up sex for a month.

Doctors advise planning a pregnancy after cleansing no earlier than six months after an examination by a gynecologist.

Pregnancy immediately after curettage may result in miscarriage or intrauterine death.

In modern hospital conditions, a woman should absolutely not be afraid of cleaning. Thanks to this useful method, many gynecological pathologies can be identified and treated. Complications during the curettage procedure are extremely rare, and the intervention itself is painless for the patient.

Cleaning the uterus is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. During it, the inner layer of the endometrium, located in the uterine cavity, is removed with special gynecological instruments or a device with a vacuum system.

Other names for the procedure: gynecological curettage or curettage.

Currently, curettage is done under general anesthesia, with the exception of vacuum cleaning of the uterus, which is performed under local anesthesia, as it is less painful. A dilator is inserted into the area of ​​the cervix, then a spoon-curette or a hysteroscope - the latter combination allows you to perform the procedure with the highest quality, assess its quality in detail and more accurately describe the clinical picture of the disease.

How to clean

Any cleaning of the uterus - during bleeding, during examination or after childbirth - is performed only in a hospital setting.

The top layer of the uterine lining, called the functional layer, is removed - the one that is naturally shed during menstruation. The basal layer is not affected. Intravenous anesthesia is neglected only when cleaning the uterus is carried out after childbirth - due to bleeding or a lobule of placenta left in the uterine cavity. At this time, the cervix is ​​dilated enough so as not to cause pain in the woman.

In other cases, anesthesia is performed before the expander is inserted. Then several probes are inserted into the cavity in turn - they expand the neck to the required size. Direct scraping is carried out with a spoon on a long handle, called a curette. The detached endometrium is sent to the laboratory for examination. If a hysteroscope is inserted into the uterine cavity during diagnostic curettage, the procedure takes from 40 minutes to an hour; Blind cleaning takes 15-20 minutes.

Cleaning the uterus in case of endometriosis or suspected cancer is carried out in two stages - first the cervical canal is scraped, and then the uterine cavity. All received materials are examined as separate samples.

To clarify the diagnosis, curettage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with the appearance and enlargement of myomatous nodes;
  • before operations to remove fibroids;
  • to monitor pathological changes in the endometrium;
  • if malignant processes are suspected.

For therapeutic purposes, the procedure is carried out for the following diagnoses:

  • to remove polyps;
  • elimination of endometrial hyperplasia;
  • when post-abortion or postpartum complications occur;
  • with heavy bleeding.

If the procedure is carried out as planned, then they try to schedule it before the menstruation is due. Only in this case can the negative consequences of surgical intervention be reduced.

Vacuum method

There are 2 types of vacuum cleaning: machine and manual. Manual is used more often - it is safer.

The procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dilatation of the cervix is ​​carried out in the same way as with regular curettage, only local anesthesia is often performed, the patient does not fall asleep;
  2. After determining the length of the uterus with a special probe, an aspiration tube is inserted into it, attached to a syringe - with the manual method, or an electric aspirator - with the mechanical method;
  3. When the catheter rotates, material for diagnostics is collected or the uterine cavity is cleaned.

Indications for vacuum cleaning:

  • termination of pregnancy before 5 weeks;
  • in case of spontaneous abortion to remove parts of the fertilized egg;
  • correction of an error after a conventional abortion - this reduces the risk of damage to the basal layer of the endometrium;
  • removal of placental tissue after delivery;
  • accumulation of fluid or blood in the uterine cavity with a hematometer;
  • uterine bleeding.

The method cannot be used when a woman has myomatous nodes, inflammatory diseases of the gynecological organs of infectious etiology, with endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy, if the woman had an abortion or cesarean section less than 8 months ago.

Despite the fact that the vacuum method is considered the most humane and causes less damage to the reproductive organs, its complications are similar to the adverse consequences that arise after conventional curettage.

These include:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • perforation of the body and cervix;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • secondary infertility.

If a woman has the opportunity to choose a scraping method, then preference is usually given to vacuum. A very important indicator is the answer to the question: “After cleaning the uterus, how many days does the bleeding last?”. After the procedure performed using a vacuum, bleeding continues from 5 days to a week.

After normal curettage - at least 2 weeks.

Nuances of diagnostic curettage

Since diagnostic curettage is essentially a surgical intervention, preparation for it is carried out in the same way as for a conventional operation.

  • The patient undergoes general urine and blood tests;
  • does fluorography;
  • the smear results and cytology diagnostic materials must be indicated in the referral;
  • specific - blood for biochemistry, coagulation, group, HIV and syphilis;
  • An ultrasound examination is required;
  • A cardiogram may be required...

Other tests and studies are at the discretion of the doctor. Surgery is prescribed 2-3 days before the menstrual cycle. Before the operation, you should not eat or drink for 8 hours.

Women are warned in advance: sexual rest is necessary for a month after curettage. When deciding to undergo surgery, women try to find out how long after the operation their periods will begin? After the vacuum method, if there is no hormonal imbalance, menstruation begins no later than 30 days later.

It is impossible to say when menstruation will come after a diagnostic curettage performed manually - it depends on the individual reaction of the body to the procedure.

As soon as bleeding begins, you need to analyze how your menstruation is progressing. The following are considered abnormal:

  • Poor blood flow;
  • profuse bleeding.

Menstruation is considered heavy when pads have to be changed every 3 hours, or even earlier. Scanty, dark-colored periods signal the onset of the inflammatory process.

All these signs are a good reason to see a doctor.

The second period should pass without complications and the menstrual cycle is finally restored by 3-4 months after curettage.

In the same way, it is impossible to clearly answer when you can become pregnant after cleaning the uterus. It all depends on the reason for which diagnostic curettage was performed.

In case of spontaneous termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the reasons that caused this phenomenon and carry out treatment. It is not rational to get pregnant earlier than after 8-12 months - this can lead to recurrent miscarriage.

Diagnostic curettage was performed to remove the fertilized egg during a frozen pregnancy.

During examinations and treatment of gynecological diseases, many women are prescribed uterine cleansing surgery. This procedure is akin to a small abortion and is performed on an examination chair. But some women are confused by the very name of the operation, and they want to get to the bottom of it in order to understand what cleansing is in gynecology.

Features of the procedure

When a woman is prescribed cleaning of the uterine cavity, this means removing the top layer of the mucous membrane - the endometrium. It is he who plays a big role both in a woman’s health and in her ability to bear a child.

The endometrium is directly related to menstruation. During the cycle, its layer grows and thickens - this creates conditions for the attachment of the future fetus. If a woman does not conceive, then the mucous membrane is rejected (the uterus is cleansed) - this is menstruation.

The operation to clean the uterus is also called curettage.

In other words, using special instruments, the gynecologist carefully removes the endometrial layer from all the inner walls. In addition, cleaning of the cervix, as well as washing of the tubes in women, is also prescribed.

Cleansing in women in gynecology is carried out to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The same procedure is a necessary step after childbirth - uterine curettage allows you to clean the cavity from the remains of the placenta. Cleaning the uterus after a cesarean section is especially important.

But there are other situations when curettage surgery is performed. And these moments are called diagnostic and therapeutic. Next, we will find out why they clean the uterus.

How much does a paid uterine cleaning cost? The price of the operation depends on the purpose of its implementation. Thus, diagnostic separate curettage will cost about 3,000–5,000 rubles, while therapeutic curettage will cost much more. Tests, consultations with doctors, anesthesia are paid separately.

Indications for curettage

In order for a woman to be referred for the procedure, appropriate indications for this are needed. The doctor determines what type of cleaning will be performed.

Why do you clean the uterus?

  1. abortive curettage and postpartum. They are carried out to cleanse the internal cavity of the womb;
  2. they penetrate the tubes through the uterus to clean them if they become obstructed;
  3. gynecological cleansing is a medical procedure to remove pathological tumors from the uterine cavity (or cervix);
  4. Diagnostic cleansing of the uterus is prescribed in order to obtain histological material for research in order to make the correct diagnosis for female problems that have arisen.

To carry out therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, you need good reasons, because this is not an ordinary and rather painful operation, which, if carried out ineptly, can have undesirable consequences.

When to clean the uterus:

  • these can be complications after abortions and childbirth, as well as miscarriages and missed pregnancies;
  • polyps on the cervix and uterus, myomatous nodes;
  • in situations where it is necessary to clean the fallopian tubes in women;
  • pathological processes in the endometrium and hyperplasia;
  • heavy and continuous bleeding;
  • suspicion of malignancy.

In such cases, curettage of the uterus is performed, but in some situations the operation may be canceled. Contraindications will be sexual and infectious diseases that can spread to a painful and unprotected endometrium. The only exception is continuous bleeding from the uterus, especially if it occurs during menopause.

In gynecology, surgical cleaning of pipes is not always used, since obstruction is often caused by infectious diseases that can be treated in another way. Therefore, it is first recommended to clean the fallopian tubes in women using folk remedies (flax seeds, milk thistle, cinquefoil, boron uterus).

Curettage operation

Feminine cleansing usually takes place under intravenous anesthesia, so the patient will sleep during the operation without seeing what is being done to her. But first, speculum dilators will be inserted into the vagina. The uterus will be fixed with special forceps so that it remains motionless.

When the patient enters an anesthesia sleep, the cervix is ​​expanded to the size necessary to penetrate the curette, the instrument used to perform curettage. In a well-equipped clinic, this procedure is not performed blindly - a hysteroscope is used, which allows the doctor to see the internal cavity.

At the end of the procedure, the curette and hysteroscope are removed, the areas subjected to curettage are treated with antiseptic agents, and then the forceps and dilators are removed. The woman is sent to the ward with an ice pack placed on her stomach to prevent the wound from bleeding.

How to clean the uterus when bleeding? In this case, a more gentle method is used - vacuum cleaning. It is performed under local anesthesia without visual observation. A special probe is used to determine the depth of the cavity, and the cleaning itself is performed with a rotating catheter, collecting the scraped material into a special container.

Preparing for surgery

The curettage procedure is prescribed at a certain point in the female cycle - 2-3 days before the start of the expected menstruation, when the endometrium has already prepared for rejection, and tissue necroticity has not yet been observed.

Stages of preparation for cleaning:

  • first, the woman undergoes an examination - tests (and primarily to detect infections), a coakulogram, bacteriological smears;
  • 14 days before the procedure, it is required to stop taking all nutritional supplements if they are present in the patient’s diet. If a woman is forced to take medications due to other diseases, then this point must be adjusted together with the doctor who will carry out the cleansing;
  • 3 days before curettage, all sexual intercourse is excluded, vaginal suppositories, sprays and tablets are not used. When performing intimate hygiene, you cannot use any products - wash only with water;
  • To prevent anesthesia from causing side effects, the last meal and drink should be taken 8-10 hours before surgery.

If a woman endures all the conditions, then the curettage (therapeutic or diagnostic) will be carried out efficiently and without complications.

After operation

Cleaning the uterus is akin to the natural rejection of the mucous membrane during menstruation. Therefore, after the procedure, a woman will have the same symptoms as during menstruation - pain in the lower abdomen, contractions of the uterus, spotting.

How long does the stain last after cleaning? The main layer of the epidermis, which should have come out during menstruation, has already been removed by curettage. Therefore, after the operation, residual discharge with blood clots will be observed.

This lasts several hours and is considered normal. But for 7-10 days the woman may still experience minor spotting.

For 2 weeks after cleansing, it is advisable to give the body rest, excluding sex and exercise. You shouldn't use tampons or douche yet. Baths, saunas and steam baths are also excluded. Aspirin, which affects blood clotting, is contraindicated among medications.

If a situation arises in life when it is necessary to undergo a cleaning procedure, then you should trust a highly qualified specialist. The more equipped a gynecological clinic is with modern medical equipment, the greater the chance that the operation will take place without complications. At the same time, you should not choose where it is cheaper - you need to rely on professionalism.

Today, many beauty salons offer a lot of facial skin treatments, and one of the most popular is cleansing. However, thanks to modern technologies, their variety has increased so much that not every girl can make the right choice. What types of facial cleansing are there from a cosmetologist, and which option is better to choose?

Why do cleansing and how should it be distinguished?

The main goal of the procedure is a hygienic and cosmetological effect, which is achieved by eliminating all excess particles and dirt from the surface and deeper layers of the dermis. In addition, this procedure is often carried out in order to improve metabolic processes, as well as stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Types of facial cleansing in cosmetology differ in the methods of influence, as well as the use or, conversely, the absence of any devices. The most popular varieties are:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser;
  • vacuum facial cleansing;
  • disincrustation.

All types differ in the way the event is carried out, as well as the final results. Moreover, the type of cleansing must be chosen based on the type and needs of the skin.

Mechanical cleaning is an old and proven method

Despite the wide strides of technology towards modernity, for many beauties the mechanical version of this event is the most effective way. Firstly, in this case, all imperfections, acne, comedones and blackheads are eliminated forever, and secondly, in this way impurities are removed from the deeper layers of the dermis.

Of course, the mechanical type is the most unpleasant and painful option, but it is suitable for skin with serious problems. It is worth noting that this option is not recommended for people with sensitive skin or dry skin. Moreover, mechanical cleaning is strictly not recommended for pregnant girls, as well as during menstruation.

Dry cleaning is a painless option

This type is absolutely painless and devoid of any unpleasant sensations. During the event, a special composition is applied to the dermis, which is endowed with a large amount of fruit acids. Thanks to this, the pores are cleaned, the color of the epidermis becomes lighter and more uniform. This option is perfect for people who suffer from age spots on their face.

Ultrasonic cleaning – cleaning using a modern device

During the event, a special device is used that seems to push out all the dirt from the pores. Cleansing does not bring any unpleasant sensations; many girls, on the contrary, even like this procedure. The device creates high-frequency sound vibrations, thanks to which cleaning occurs.

Vacuum cleaning - a new way of cleaning

The vacuum cleaning process also uses a special apparatus that absorbs all the necessary microparticles:

  • comedones;
  • sebaceous plugs;
  • dead scales;
  • pollution.

The device works like a mini vacuum cleaner. This option is suitable for local cleaning of contaminants. People with serious rashes, blackheads and a lot of comedones are better off choosing another method.

Facial cleansing at home

Of course, every girl has tried more than once to remove impurities from her pores on her own, at home. However, as practice shows, this is not so simple and the final result is not at all what we would like.

Many cosmetologists do not recommend carrying out this procedure yourself, as you can only harm yourself. Firstly, you can accidentally introduce an infection or fungus, and secondly, it can cause inflammation and worsen the situation. If you carry out the event yourself, then it is better to use a special device for cleaning your face. They come in different types:

  • mechanical;
  • electric:
  • with brushes and removable attachments;
  • metal, in the form of needles and loops for removing blackheads.

However, you also need to use such a device wisely, only with clean hands, and having boiled or disinfected all the nozzles in advance.

What to choose?

What type of facial cleansing is best and how to make the right choice? The first thing you need to do is determine your skin type, after which, based on this, you can choose the type of peeling.

For people with oily skin, prone to the formation of imperfections, blackheads and comedones, the mechanical type of cleansing is most suitable.

But for those with a dry and sensitive type of epidermis, it is better to avoid this option. Ultrasonic or vacuum cleaning will be most suitable for them. Chemical and laser types of cleaning are suitable for those with oily, normal, and combination types.

When choosing the type of cleaning, seek help from a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist; by listening to the opinion of a specialist, you can be more confident in your choice. And remember that beauty requires sacrifice!

Video “Types of facial peeling by a cosmetologist and their differences”

Demonstrative video with visual examples of removing sebaceous plugs and other contaminants using various methods; with the help of the video you can see how the methods differ and choose the most suitable one.

Uterine bleeding is a serious health problem in the female body. With such a symptom, the patient should urgently visit a gynecologist. In this case, the doctor must identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment to eliminate it. Sometimes the patient needs to clean the uterus when there is bleeding.

Uterine bleeding: causes

The causes of this type of disorder in women in the genital area are:

  • gynecological diseases of various kinds;
  • pathological deviation due to pregnancy;
  • deviations after childbirth;
  • exposure to mechanical trauma to the genitals;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the body’s hematopoietic system.

What to do?

In case of uterine dysfunction, it is dangerous to ignore the symptoms and procrastinate. First of all, a woman should pay attention and sound the alarm if:

  • bleeding appeared in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • the discharge is profuse and lasts more than 7 days;
  • there is severe weakness, fatigue, chronic malaise;
  • there is pain in the form of spasms in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region;
  • the presence of low hemoglobin without specific reasons.

If these symptoms are present, the doctor prescribes a set of measures, depending on the patient’s condition. The main task is to stop blood loss and prevent serious consequences. Then the specific reason behind this pathology is identified. The simplest method of treatment is medication, but it is used in simple cases. In some cases, a woman needs to clean the uterus when bleeding in order to avoid serious consequences, even death.

Diagnosis of the disease

During the examination, the specialist must identify the psychosomatic state of the patient, whether there are hereditary diseases of this kind in the family, what are her working and living conditions in general, as well as her recent level of physical activity. To prescribe competent treatment, the doctor examines the patient, attracting more specialized specialists to obtain a complete picture of the state of health and identify the cause of the disease.

A number of procedures performed during diagnosis

In order to determine the exact cause of the disease, the gynecologist carries out the following activities:

  • Examination of the vaginal cavity by a gynecologist.
  • Taking smears from the urethra and vagina for microscopic examination of the biomaterial for flora.
  • Visual examination by colposcopy of the cervix for the presence of neoplasms.
  • Taking a tissue biopsy if there is erosion in the cervix.
  • Examination of the endometrium of the uterus using ultrasound and radiography.
  • If necessary, the uterus is cleaned during bleeding to study endometrial tissue.
  • Blood sampling for analysis to identify the patient’s hormonal status at the time of treatment.

Treatment of the disease

Taking into account diagnostic studies, the doctor selects the optimal treatment. The treatment approach should be based on the elimination of dysfunctional abnormalities and the complete restoration of the patient’s reproductive system.

Menstrual function in a woman’s body is an important manifestation of the full functioning of the body as a whole. To improve the functioning of the female reproductive organs, a doctor may prescribe:

  • symptomatic hemostatic drugs;
  • hormonal drug therapy;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • aromatherapy and physical therapy courses;
  • acupuncture;
  • herudotherapy course;
  • surgical intervention - cleaning the uterus during bleeding in order to take a biopsy for histological examination.

When prescribing hormonal drug therapy, the patient should be patient. This therapy is usually carried out over a long period of time (up to 3 months). Then a break is taken and an additional examination is carried out, which will help evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

Self-medication is dangerous

Absolutely any uterine bleeding cannot be tried to be treated on your own; it requires seeing a doctor. Only a professional can identify the cause of the disease and most competently build a treatment strategy. The gynecologist takes into account tests, ultrasound results, examination results, and recommendations of other specialists.

If heavy bleeding after cleaning the uterus does not stop within the first 2-3 hours after surgery, then the doctor will take measures to stop it. Therefore, it is important to stay in a medical facility for the first 5 hours after the procedure.

It is important to know that ignoring symptoms and untimely treatment can provoke the appearance of cancer.

Is it possible to do without surgery?

Women during menopause often undergo uterine curettage to check for cancer. Young girls who have indications are also subject to this procedure.

Is it worth cleaning the uterus if there is bleeding? It is impossible to answer unequivocally; this issue should be dealt with by a competent doctor. The procedure is prescribed if previously tried treatment methods have not helped to completely get rid of the disease. The cause of the disease in young girls is usually internal endometriosis, which is eliminated by curettage. After this manipulation, patients are prescribed medications to prevent relapses. If a gynecologist decides to prescribe a curettage procedure for a patient, then there is no need to panic. Unfortunately, often only surgical intervention can cure gynecological diseases.

The procedure for curettage of the uterus: features and nuances

Many who are undergoing the procedure ask questions about how long the bleeding lasts after cleaning the uterus, what are the consequences, etc. Curettage of the uterus is a gynecological procedure that is performed using special instruments or a vacuum system. The purpose of it is not only to remove the upper layer of the uterine mucosa, but also to take samples for histology. Currently, in combination with this manipulation, hysteroscopy is performed - examination of the uterine cavity. This makes it possible to see unaffected areas and carry out the procedure more thoroughly.

There are times when it is necessary to carry out emergency cleaning of the uterus in case of bleeding that threatens a person’s life. Along with emergencies, there are also planned operations. It is customary to routinely carry out such surgical intervention before the onset of menstruation. This is done so that the cleaning of the uterine cavity coincides with the rejection of the mucous membrane for physiological reasons. But if surgery is performed to remove a polyp, it should be scheduled immediately after menstruation, then the endometrium will be thinnest and the doctor will be able to see the most accurate position of the polyp.

When is the best time to perform the procedure?

Carrying out curettage at the beginning or middle of the cycle will lead to complications such as prolonged bleeding. This reaction of the body is due to the fact that the growth of follicles in the ovaries occurs simultaneously with the growth of the uterine mucosa. Accordingly, when the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity is removed much earlier than the due date, the hormonal background created by the ovaries comes into conflict with the fact that the mucous membrane is absent and does not allow it to fully grow. The hormonal levels will return to normal only after synchronization between the uterine mucosa and the ovaries occurs again.

Why, according to reviews, is it better not to clean the uterus during bleeding unless indicated? It's simple: the scraping obtained in this case will be almost non-informative, because the mucous membrane undergoes necrotic changes during this period.

How is uterine curettage performed?

This surgical procedure is performed on the patient on a gynecological chair. How to clean the uterus when bleeding? The process itself is quite painful, so it is most often carried out under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is on average 30 minutes. Without anesthesia, curettage is done only in individual cases, for example after childbirth. The cervix itself is dilated at this moment.

Now anesthesiologists have agreed that the most appropriate in this case is anesthesia, which puts the patient into a shallow sleep. With this anesthesia, there will be no pain during the manipulations, and upon completion the person will quickly come to his senses.

The procedure begins with the insertion of a dilator into the vagina, which allows you to straighten the walls and see the cervix. Next, the doctor needs to dilate the cervix. Using a special instrument, the doctor holds her and inserts a probe into her canal.

When the doctor has achieved sufficient dilation of the cervix, he performs hysteroscopy, which allows you to more accurately see the condition of the uterine mucosa. Next, the gynecologist performs curettage using special instruments. In general, the entire procedure takes about 40 minutes.

Why you should take the choice of a clinic and a doctor seriously

The price for cleaning the uterus during bleeding in Moscow averages from 7 to 30 thousand. It all depends on the clinic and the experience of the doctor. If possible, this surgical intervention should be performed only in a trusted clinic with an experienced doctor. This is due to the fact that if this operation is not carried out professionally, you will have to do it again.

Features of the postoperative period

After the procedure of scraping the mucous membrane, the uterus contracts. Physiologically, this process helps stop bleeding after cleaning the uterus. With planned, competent surgical intervention, complete restoration of the functions of the female genital organs occurs as quickly as during normal menstruation.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient may feel general malaise, drowsiness, weakness, headache - all this is nothing more than the consequences of the anesthesia. In the first hours, vaginal discharge will be observed.

For some, the postoperative period is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, lower back. This pain can last for several hours or several days. It feels similar to pain during menstruation. For such complaints, the patient is advised to take a pain reliever.
  • Bloody, profuse discharge. This phenomenon is normal if it lasts no more than 10 days. If, on the contrary, they end quickly, then this is not a very good sign, which indicates that a spasm of the cervix has occurred, which leads to the accumulation of blood clots in its cavity.

The results and consequences of cleaning the uterus during bleeding are the normalization of the hormonal levels of the female body and the restoration of the menstrual cycle.

After cleansing, a woman's menstruation usually occurs with a delay of 4-5 weeks. This is absolutely normal and there is no cause for concern. If menstruation does not occur within 2, maximum 3 months, then you need to visit a gynecologist.

Possible complications after surgical manipulation

If you clean the uterus, should there be bleeding? Yes, of course, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, but it is important to understand that if it is very abundant and prolonged, then you should definitely contact a medical facility for help. After all, large blood loss can lead to very bad consequences, even death.

Cleaning the uterus when bleeding increases the chances of infection entering the body, which often causes endometritis. If possible, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics.

Another rather unpleasant complication is hematometra. It consists of blood clots accumulated in the uterine cavity. Cervical spasm is the cause of this disease. To avoid this, the doctor prescribes medications from the antispasmodic group.

A rare but very unpleasant complication is perforation (rupture) of the walls of the organ. Injury to the uterus is possible due to illiterate, unprofessional actions of a doctor who was overzealous when removing the endometrium. A woman requires urgent surgical intervention.

In extremely rare cases, a woman’s ability to conceive is reduced or completely lost.
