Effective exercises for girls to strengthen flabby arm muscles. Exercises to strengthen arm muscles

It is possible to form a beautiful arm line and elastic muscles with the help of a special set of exercises aimed at the forearms. This is the area that many girls find problematic. In this area they are deposited body fat, and the skin may also sag due to muscle weakness.

Strength training will give results in just two months. The muscles will become stronger, their relief will appear. The condition for this result is regular training according to our system, even at home.

A little theory: how to train women?

Women's arms can be pumped up with strength training. There is an opinion that they cannot be practiced by the fair sex, as they will form too much muscle mass.

In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of this - it’s not at all easy to do, since you need to use heavy weights, and given the characteristics of the female body, this is almost impossible. Women's muscle mass is ten percent less than men's. For this reason, volume growth is much slower compared to representatives of the opposite sex.

The goal of training is not to increase muscle volume, but to correct and work out problem areas.

In particular, to strengthen arm muscles and burn fat deposits, instructors recommend choosing a minimum weight and repeating the exercise up to ten times. After the muscles have strengthened, you can gradually increase the weight of the projectile and the number of repetitions. But you must always start with minimal loads! Before giving loads, you need to prepare and strengthen the muscles.

If you have never practiced physical exercise, it won't be superfluous consult your doctor.

Carefully! You should not use weights during menstruation or with certain diseases of the spine and joints.

A set of 6 exercises

There are many ways to effectively pump up your arms, make them stronger and more resilient. Method number one is power loads!

1. Dumbbell rows to the chin

The exercise is not difficult, but very effective. A great type of strength training for women. It is aimed primarily at the triceps: that part of the forearm where fat is deposited, as well as the area where the skin can sag. It also perfectly tightens the back and all the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

  1. We hold dumbbells palms facing inward in the area of ​​the front of the thigh;
  2. Pull the dumbbells up to your chin, bending your elbows.

Ten repetitions are enough to get started.

2. Bend your arms behind your head

Designed to work target muscles. Promotes the formation of muscle relief in the forearms and inner arms.

  1. We work with one dumbbell. We take it with both hands and lift it up. We pull our arms up, the body forms a straight line, the maximum point of which should be the dumbbell;
  2. Bend your elbows and bring the dumbbell back as far as possible;
  3. Movement is only in the elbow joint, the shoulders do not move.

We repeat ten times.

3. Dumbbell Curls

We work the biceps (the outer part of the forearms).

  1. We stand straight, shoulders back, chin raised;
  2. We stretch our arms with dumbbells forward;
  3. We bend and straighten our arms at the elbows at the same time or in turn. With weak physical training the second option is preferable;
  4. Only the elbow joint works.

For beginners, the number of repetitions is up to ten times.

4. Various push-ups

All types of push-ups perfectly work the forearm muscles: biceps and triceps. Among other things, push-ups burn calories well, so they are recommended for weight loss.

We do it at the beginning of the workout.

  1. Standing against the wall, place your hands in front of your chest and take a step back. We don’t lower our heads, we don’t round our lower back;
  2. Bending and straightening your elbows, we perform ten exercises with three approaches.

Table push-ups– good for girls. It is a slightly more complicated option than the previous method. We perform the exercise with emphasis on the tabletop.

– a great opportunity to pump up your hands. This is a simplified version of push-ups, which is difficult for many girls.

  1. The support is the knees and palms;
  2. We raise our ankles and connect them, or bring them behind each other;
  3. We do push-ups, straightening our arms completely.
  1. Resting your palms and toes on the floor, stretch the body into a straight line;
  2. We try to hold the bar for a minute.

We repeat three times.

6. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

One of the most popular basic exercises. It is recommended to do at least the minimum number of pull-ups.

If you do it regularly, the shoulder girdle will strengthen, and then the number of repetitions can be increased.

While doing the exercise the chin should touch the horizontal bar. It is most effective to do regular pull-ups or .

Watch the video for more details:

  • Warm up. We start with an active warm-up for the muscle groups of the shoulder girdle. It can include push-ups from the wall and any gymnastic exercises for the arms, for example, energetic alternating swings of the arms up (twenty times) and to the sides (ten times).
  • Experienced instructors recommend start training an hour after eating, and start eating no earlier than forty minutes after training.
  • Principles of nutrition. The diet should be varied - it should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates. You can't go hungry because strength training energy is needed.
  • Healthy foods. Preference should be given to protein products - fish, lean chicken, cottage cheese, kefir. Porridge also fits well into the diet. The restriction must be observed only on fats.
  • Connecting cardio loads. If desired, strength training can be supplemented with running, swimming, and exercise equipment. This promotes better fat burning, as well as a harmonious distribution of the load across all muscle groups.
  • Newbies! For those starting strength training for the first time, it is recommended to start with minimal weights. If inadequate loads are used, the training may result in injury to the shoulder joint.
  • Muscle pain. After the first workouts, everyone experiences muscle pain. It can be removed by taking a warm bath with added sea ​​salt and a few drops of tea tree oil, camphor oil, rosemary or lavender.
Note! The most optimal regimen for strength training is considered to be training every other day. Daily training does not promote muscle recovery and relaxation.

Strength training, compared to other types of exercise, produces relatively quick, noticeable results. The muscles become stronger, the relief of the arms and forearms appears. The figure becomes slimmer, as active exercise burns calories well. But we must remember that a necessary condition for obtaining results is regularity and persistence.

Beautiful, well-groomed hands are no less attractive part of the body than legs and waist. Their unaesthetic shape can ruin any figure.

There are two main muscle groups: biceps (flexor) and triceps (extensor). And if the biceps are already well developed, due to the fact that they take on almost the entire load from everyday work, then the triceps without special load become saggy and flabby. To do this, use special exercises for the arm muscles. They can be performed both in the gym and at home.

Warm-up before a set of exercises for arm muscles

Any exercises, including exercises to strengthen the arm muscles, must begin with a short warm-up. To do this, you need to stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides and, keeping your elbows and shoulders motionless, make rotational movements with your hands in different directions. After this, the forearms remain in the same position, and the arms rotate at the elbow joints. Now you can make rotational movements with the entire joint. Then you can combine: one circle with the hands, the second with the elbow, the third with the forearm. Rotations are performed from yourself, and then towards yourself. In addition to warming up the muscles, this exercise develops coordination. Also considered a very good warm-up is “counter-movement”, when one arm rotates in one direction and the other in the opposite direction. In this case, they are connected in front of each other above the head (if they are located vertically) or in front of themselves (if they are located horizontally).

Sample exercises for arm muscles for women:

If you need to strengthen your arm muscles, exercises for women will allow you to do this simply, without much effort, since they are designed for untrained female body.

The first exercise to tighten arm muscles

Starting position – standing, hands folded in front of the chest, palm to palm. You need to squeeze your palms as much as you can. You can relax after 5 such compressions. Total – 15 approaches of 5 compressions.

Starting position – standing. The arms are bent in front of the chest and positioned so that one is above the other. Brushes are in a fist. By strongly straining your muscles, you need to change the position of your hands. Moreover, one of them is located above the other. This movement is repeated 30 times.

A set of exercises for the arm muscles can be continued with push-ups from the sofa. To do this, you need to rest your palms on the sofa and your feet on the floor. Try bending and straightening your joints while doing a push-up. Repeated 30 times.

The next position is arms forward, hands relaxed. Thumbs are heading upward. It is necessary to tense your fingers and turn your hands outward. When performing such movements, you need to feel the tension in the muscles. Breathing is not delayed. Repeat 15 times;

Starting position – standing. The arms are extended to the sides at shoulder level. For several minutes, circles are drawn with your hands, first in one direction, then in the other. Such light exercises will help strengthen your muscles and keep them toned.

To perform the following effective exercises for the arm muscles, you will need a bench or chair. You need to sit on the edge and rest your palms on the seat, without bending your joints, and stretch your legs forward. The buttocks should hang in the air and the body weight should be on the joints.

In this position, you need to bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, and then straighten them again. This exercise is similar to push-ups, but only in the other direction.

Push-ups - exercises for tightening arm muscles

The following exercises for tightening arm muscles are simple but effective. You can perform them at home. They represent simple and complex push-ups.

The most simple view push-ups are push-ups against the wall, which allow you to prepare your joints for classic push-ups. To perform them, you need to stand from the wall at a distance of a step, facing it. Your palms are on the wall at chest level, slightly wider than your shoulders. You need to raise your heels and transfer your body weight to your joints, while tightening your abdominal muscles.

As you inhale, bend your elbows to form a 90-degree angle, lowering toward the wall. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

One more is enough in a simple way are knee push-ups. This great way to insure the lower back, it is recommended for beginners. Position – on the floor on your knees. The shins do not rise, otherwise the lower back will bend.

When doing push-ups, you need to make sure that the pelvis does not rise; the body should be extended in a “plank” manner.

The following exercises for tightening the arm muscles are performed on your side. To do this, you need to sit on your thigh, place your palms in front of you on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders. The fingers of the hands are directed forward; when placing the fingers to the sides, not only the biceps and triceps, but the chest muscles are strengthened.

Do 10 push-ups, then sit on the other thigh and repeat. Every day the number of push-ups can be increased by one.

Classic push-ups are considered difficult and are recommended for people whose muscles are already prepared for stress. These exercises help strengthen the triceps, deltoids and pectoral muscles. Position – lying down, palms at chest level slightly wider than shoulders, feet hip-width apart. As you inhale, bend your elbows until you get right angle. It is necessary to keep them pressed to the body. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Each approach is 10 push-ups.

Exercise “Diamond” for the internal muscles of the arm

Do not forget about exercises for the internal muscles of the arms, which allow you to get rid of sagging and tone the muscles. To do this, you need to regularly perform the Diamond exercises.

With its help, the biceps will be rounded and the muscles will be tightened. inside forearms. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms closed in a circle in front of you. Elbows should be kept in front of you, extended fingers should be closed. The back can be slightly rounded so that the elbows can be kept up. The palms should touch each other only with the fingers and not with the palms. You need to take a breath, pull in your stomach and take the basic pose: rest your fingers against each other as much as possible.

You need to feel it well muscle tension. You need to hold it for 8 seconds, after which you can relax. Repeat 3 times.

At the end of the lesson

After completing a set of exercises, it is necessary to stretch the working muscles. To do this, you need to raise one arm up, bending it as much as possible at the elbow, and place it behind your back. The second one puts pressure on the elbow. This position is held for several seconds, after which it is repeated with the other. You can sit on the edge of a chair and move your arms back, grab the back of the chair with them and tilt your body forward. Final position: you need to raise one arm in front of you and bend it at the elbow. The palm is turned towards you. Pressing your elbow with your other hand, place your forearm behind your head and press your shoulder to your neck.

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Denis Bykovskikh

Shaped hands are the dream of not only all men, but also many women. Accumulates in the triceps area a large number of fat deposits, and shoulders (that’s what’s called top part arms up to the elbow) take on a flabby appearance. But give up in this case not worth it: special exercises for the hands help correct the situation.

So that you have no doubt that not only men can boast of sculpted arms, I invited Irina Venskaya, a personal trainer, fitness model, dancer and debutante of the Moscow Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship, to show arm exercises. Now Irina can perform more difficult exercises for hands, but she started with exactly those that we will offer you.

Let's clarify our task. In addition to strengthening the muscles, we need to “dry” the triceps area - and then the relief will be visible. Hand exercises entry level involve long-term exercise with multiple repetitions - 25-30 times. Accordingly, the weight of dumbbells, bottles or resistance level of the expander band should be such that you can perform this number of repetitions.

It is this regime that helps not only strengthen muscles, but also burn fat deposits. Working with a weight that you can only lift 10-15 times per set is an explosive load that will initial stage will be less effective. So, choose an expander with low resistance or half a kilogram of free weights for training - if you do fitness at home, these can be water bottles or thick books - and perform arm exercises in a regime of 25-30 repetitions. When you realize that you can easily perform 35 repetitions and do not feel the effect, you can increase the weight.

Hand exercises: beginner level

1. Bent over arm extension

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, tighten your abs to eliminate the arch in your lower back. Raise your arm with the weight up, press your elbow to your ear, bend it and perform a series of extensions. Repeat on the other hand, and then on both hands together.

3. Reverse push-ups

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: sit on the floor and support yourself from behind. To do this, move your hands back 15-20 cm from the pelvis, place your palms on the floor with your fingers forward, bend your knees and lift your pelvis above the floor. Bending and straightening your arms, perform reverse push-ups until your pelvis touches the floor, pointing your elbows straight back. You can adjust the load by changing the position of your pelvis: closer to your arms - heavier, closer to your legs - lighter. An exception can be made for the number of repetitions for this exercise: at the initial stage, 15-20 times will be enough. Then straighten your legs, stretch your whole body in one line, pull in your abs and hold in this position for 15-30 seconds in two approaches.

4. French overhead press

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: lying on your back, raise your arm with the weight up, turn your elbow outward. Bend and straighten your arm while pressing the weight toward the opposite shoulder.

6. Narrow push-ups

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and move your pelvis back, straighten your back, fix the position of your elbows. With weights: bend your elbows and then, without straightening, lift up to face level, then lower and straighten. With an expander: perform flexion and extension of your arms.

Denis Bykovskikh

Shaped hands are the dream of not only all men, but also many women. A large amount of fat deposits accumulate in the triceps area, and the shoulders (namely, the upper part of the arm to the elbow) take on a flabby appearance. But you shouldn’t give up in this case: special exercises for the hands help correct the situation.

So that you have no doubt that not only men can boast of sculpted arms, I invited Irina Venskaya, a personal trainer, fitness model, dancer and debutante of the Moscow Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship, to show arm exercises. Now Irina can perform more complex exercises for her arms, but she started with exactly those that we will offer you.

Let's clarify our task. In addition to strengthening the muscles, we need to “dry” the triceps area - and then the relief will be visible. Entry-level arm exercises involve long-term exercise with repeated repetitions - 25-30 times. Accordingly, the weight of dumbbells, bottles or resistance level of the expander band should be such that you can perform this number of repetitions.

It is this regime that helps not only strengthen muscles, but also burn fat deposits. Lifting a weight that you can only lift 10-15 times per set is an explosive load that will be less effective initially. So, choose an expander with low resistance or half a kilogram of free weights for training - if you do fitness at home, these can be water bottles or thick books - and perform arm exercises in a regime of 25-30 repetitions. When you realize that you can easily perform 35 repetitions and do not feel the effect, you can increase the weight.

Hand exercises: beginner level

1. Bent over arm extension

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, tighten your abs to eliminate the arch in your lower back. Raise your arm with the weight up, press your elbow to your ear, bend it and perform a series of extensions. Repeat on the other hand, and then on both hands together.

3. Reverse push-ups

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: sit on the floor and support yourself from behind. To do this, move your hands back 15-20 cm from the pelvis, place your palms on the floor with your fingers forward, bend your knees and lift your pelvis above the floor. Bending and straightening your arms, perform reverse push-ups until your pelvis touches the floor, pointing your elbows straight back. You can adjust the load by changing the position of your pelvis: closer to your arms - heavier, closer to your legs - lighter. An exception can be made for the number of repetitions for this exercise: at the initial stage, 15-20 times will be enough. Then straighten your legs, stretch your whole body in one line, pull in your abs and hold in this position for 15-30 seconds in two approaches.

4. French overhead press

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: lying on your back, raise your arm with the weight up, turn your elbow outward. Bend and straighten your arm while pressing the weight toward the opposite shoulder.

6. Narrow push-ups

Zone: triceps.

How to do it: stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and move your pelvis back, straighten your back, fix the position of your elbows. With weights: bend your elbows and then, without straightening, lift up to face level, then lower and straighten. With an expander: perform flexion and extension of your arms.

The fit and beauty of a woman's hands in youth is a gift of nature. Women who have crossed a certain age limit will have to make efforts to maintain excellent appearance of their hands.

IN modern life The hands do little physical work - mainly pressing computer buttons and cleaning the home. With this lifestyle, the muscles become flabby, making appearance hands not attractive.


The ideas of men and women about the beauty of hands are different - if for the first it is a mountain of stone muscles, then for the second the main thing is smartness and femininity. At the same time, depending on the woman’s plumpness, activities and diet are structured.

The most effective in terms of working out the muscles of the upper extremities are exercises using weights - dumbbells, which can be replaced with water-filled bottles. But static (isometric) exercises will also give positive results when regular training, which can even be used as a simulator on an office desk.

The best option for beginners would be to visit the gym - an experienced trainer will select an adequate load and teach you how to perform the exercises correctly. Having mastered them, after a while you can do the same at home. But do not forget that every two months you need to change the complex so that the body does not get used to the stress.

In addition, there are sports that help develop arm muscles - swimming, tennis, volleyball or rock climbing. Doing one of them in addition to the complex will help your hands gain grace and smartness.

How to properly train arm muscles?

A mandatory point in each workout is a warm-up, including aerobic exercise (running in place, jumping rope, exercise bike or treadmill) and warming up the arm muscles:

  • Rotation of the hands, elbows and the entire arm inward and outward and back and forth 10 times;
  • Standing on the floor, tilt your body forward parallel to the surface, raise your arms forward and to the sides;
  • From the same I.P. hands work crosswise to the sides.

Exercises for home without dumbbells

For women who prefer to exercise at home, there are exercises for arms without dumbbells:

  • 1. Classic - push-ups that help work the whole body. Beginners are recommended to perform them from a chair, gradually moving to the floor. You should carefully monitor the technique - the back is straight, the buttocks are tense, the stomach is pulled in, the palms are located strictly under the shoulder. To begin with, it will be enough to do 8 times in each of 3 approaches with a gradual increase in load up to 16-20 times.
  • 2. Sit in the “Turkish” pose, raising your elbows to parallel with the floor and connecting your palms with your fingers up. Move your hands towards each other, holding for 15 to 30 seconds. Then rest a little and repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  • 3. Standing on 4 points with your knees and hands standing shoulder-width apart, lower yourself until your chest touches the floor, bending your arms and returning to I.P. At the beginning, 8 times are enough, bringing the load to 16 for 3 sets.
  • 4. Lie on your stomach with your pelvis and hips pressed to the floor, and your legs slightly apart. Hands with palms on the floor in support - straighten up and linger at the top point for 3-5 seconds, returning to IP. Elbows point to the sides with shoulder tension. Perform the exercise from 12 to 16 times, 3 approaches.

It is worth starting your training with such simple exercises, gradually complicating and diversifying the complex.

Add dumbbells and get results!

The best option for women would still be exercises with dumbbells, which will help you work your arms more thoroughly at home:

  • Hands with dumbbells are located along the body with palms facing forward - bending and straightening the arms at the elbows. The minimum weight at the beginning is 1-1.5 kg, so that you can perform 8-12 times in each of the 3 approaches;
  • Place your hands with dumbbells behind your head with your elbows pressed to your head - arm extension and flexion. Repeat 3 sets of 8-12 times;
  • I.P. – stand on the floor, legs slightly wider than shoulders, tilt the body forward, arms with dumbbells along the body – straighten and bend the arms at the elbows 8-12 times, 3 approaches;
  • From the same I.P. – spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides until they are parallel to the floor and return to I.P. the same number of repetitions and approaches as in the previous exercise.

At the end of any complex, a cool-down (stretching) is performed, which helps relieve muscle pain by removing metabolic waste from the worked muscles. An excellent addition would be a massage or/and a bath.

Timing and results

Giving your hands a beautiful texture is not a matter of one week, so you should prepare yourself for long-term work, and most importantly, regular and thoughtful work.

As a rule, the timing varies from a couple of months to six months, depending on the initial weight, age, genetic predisposition, lifestyle, and diet. This point is especially important for the effectiveness of the training process.

You need to eat fractionally and little by little from 4 to 6 times a day, observing the drinking regime - 8 glasses. The basis of the diet should be healthy and high-quality products:

  • Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits.
  • Lean meat and fish (fatty is fine).
  • Eggs, milk and dairy products With low content fat
  • Vegetable oils and cereals.
  • Pure water, green tea and honey

It is best to eat boiled, stewed or baked dishes. And most importantly, taking the path healthy image life and nutrition, follow it all your life and then there will be no problems with excess weight or health.

You need to train 2 hours after eating, and sit down at the table after classes after the same period of time.

During training, be sure to drink small sips of plain still water approximately every 10 minutes. This will help speed up metabolic processes and remove more harmful substances from the body, and also help eliminate muscle pain.

Many women incorrectly think that once they start working out in gym, they will pump up big muscles. This is of course possible, but when working with heavy weights and additionally using sports supplements and others, the female body does not contain the amount of hormones necessary for this.

But it’s quite possible to give your arms a beautiful shape and fit, both in the gym and at home.

Find time for yourself, exercise regularly, and you will always catch the admiring glances of men!
