Fortune telling 5. Tarot cards online

    I tried fortune telling on my phone for fun. I called and a young man answered and turned out to be roaming. He was very angry with me for the expensive call and quickly hung up. And a couple of weeks later he called back and apologized for the rudeness. We started talking on the phone. And this month he comes to meet us and on our first real date! This is how it happens!

    Alexandra, wow! Fate! And many people don’t believe in fortune telling! I myself really like to guess using a table with numbers, as described here in the first method. It always comes true by the way! It’s very interesting now to tell fortunes by phone, by SMS, by elevator - I’ll definitely try it! Simple and interesting! Thank you! Now I also tried to tell fortunes on the keyboard - it turned out exactly what it is)).

    I am a supporter of traditional fortune telling, and when I saw this article, at first I did not believe that such a thing could happen. Is it possible to write random names in Word and hope that this will be the one? After reading it, I immediately did it and forgot about it. And now I’m writing a comment here because I turned out to be wrong. Well, how could it be a coincidence that I chose Polina? We've been dating for two months now. And according to other fortune-telling, it also agrees that she is the one I was waiting for. For example, according to this, for love: .

    This is how I met my boyfriend) At a party we sat with friends, joked around, sent SMS. And they sent it to him, to a random number. It turned out that he lives almost in the next house and came to our party, after which we began a romantic relationship) Thanks to this fortune telling, I am very happy)


Every Sunday we have a Tarot Sunday School lesson. Here we develop practical card reading skills and practice new layouts.

I used to prepare these layouts. He selected the most interesting cases from his practice, and then we analyzed them together in the HST lessons.

In 2018 we will work with your examples. Any student or subscriber of our school can join. To do this, send your schedule to us by filling out a short form at the link -

Now let's move on to the lesson.

Let's start with a simple layout that most of our students are familiar with - a 5-card layout. Unlike other schemes, in the 5-card layout there are no individual positions with their specific interpretation. To read the layout, you need to synthesize the meanings of the cards among themselves and reduce them to a general forecast.

Let's see how we can do this...

Exercise 1 - Will you be able to get a job?

This layout was sent by our student, Svetlana Ignatyuk.

The task of the alignment is to understand whether her son will be hired on Sakhalin.

Cards drawn:

To find out how Svetlana read the cards, click on the spoiler below:

How Svetlana read the layout

The first card immediately speaks of a wrong choice, then - that he is desperately fighting for this choice. There is a powerful person who shows hypocrisy. The son is fed up, disappointed, is in a depressed state of mind, it is necessary to step over these thoughts, circumstances and look around.

The installation on the robot was not without problems:

How did you prepare for the new job?

Yes, yesterday my son flew to Sakhalin and only wrote late this evening that we had landed. The flight delay in Moscow was 20 hours.

All these 4 months were very painful. But when a deferment was received from the army, it was finally possible to apply for work. The application form was sent from Moscow with a specialty that was not the one I was applying for. They did not change it, and therefore there are very big doubts - will their son be deceived? Because he physically cannot do the work that he signed on the application form, and he does not have the skills.

There is a person on site who promised to arrange everything as it should. The commission for the Far North took a very long time to complete. And at the clinic they also deceived me, they took the wrong blood tests that were required. Therefore, blood from a vein had to be donated twice.

All the relatives harassed the son with persuasion so that he would change his mind - he did not change his mind. My brother is a professional astrologer, he drew up a map with very gloomy forecasts, even death. I supported him as best I could. Now I’ll just trust fate, because I can’t change anything.

But in the end the situation changed:

How the situation was resolved in the end with photographs

My son is absolutely happy. He writes about beautiful stars and a wonderful strait. Which has a turquoise color. A beautiful red fox comes to the site, which he feeds. Lots of impressions, different people. I've already learned a lot. I have already made a plan for the year. He is studying Japanese. and already understood when there would be an opportunity to go to Japan.

Photos from the scene

And here is the hero of the layout

My feedback on where the error came from and what is difficult about reading this layout.

How would I interpret the drawn cards?

A very difficult layout to read. It is easy to make the mistake of focusing on negative cards (fives).

An important point is what is key in the request: “work” or “on Sakhalin”.

If there is a job, then the person does not get the job that was agreed upon, and there are several stages. Preliminary ideas and dreams, a specific place specified in the contract, the actual place where the person eventually settled.

Obviously, all these places do not coincide with each other, and this is reflected in the layout. Therefore, if the request implies “will the person get the job specified in the contract,” the answer is “no.”

If we are talking about work on Sakhalin, then the bad fives come into conflict with the 4 Cups, which promises a chance. But the King and the 7 Staves indicate that it will not be easy, and it is not clear whether it is not easy to get a job or not easy to work.

It is important to note that the layout describes the process, but does not indicate the result, at least that’s how I perceive it.

Exercise 2 - How will the relationship develop?

Layout from Shchegelskaya Anna on the Major Arcana from the Age of Aquarius Tarot deck.

Question about the cards - How will the relationship between Natalia and Vladimir develop?

Cards drawn:

  • Emperor
  • Hanged
  • Justice
  • Tower

Interpretation of the layout from Anna Shchegelskaya

Located in a field of discomfort. Has many debts, both moral and material. Crossed someone's path. Collision with the law. Perhaps collectors are after him. Abuses your relationship. He needs them to satisfy his needs. Developing further, much less getting married, is not part of his plans.

Now things are like this:

How are relations developing now?

Nothing at all not decided. Everything stretches neither shaky nor shaky. On her enthusiasm. She hopes she will get married.

Exercise 3 - Yes or no?

Historical site Bagheera - secrets of history, mysteries of the universe. Secrets of great empires and ancient civilizations, the fate of disappeared treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, secrets of intelligence agencies. Chronicle of the war, description of battles and battles, reconnaissance operations of the past and present. World traditions, modern life in Russia, the unknown USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - everything that official science is silent about.

Study the secrets of history - it's interesting...

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On this page you have the opportunity to spread five tarot cards. This online fortune telling with Tarot cards will help you find answers to questions such as:
1) The first card is the essence of fortune telling
2) The second card will tell you about the situation itself and the problems
3) The third card - will reveal the secret of the relationship with him/her
4) Fourth card - describes your family, friends and home
5) Fifth card - will indicate your career
Take your time, calmly, from the point of observation, try to connect all the Tarot cards and their answers into one coherent picture. On Tarot cards, and in any fortune-telling, you should not guess the same question several times. If you are confused, put off the fortune telling. Return to him with the same question at least tomorrow.
If you are not ready to accept a negative answer to your question, it is better not to ask it. Because your consciousness will interpret everything incorrectly. Learn to be an observer of your destiny, try to look from the outside when doing fortune telling.

View all: Fortune telling with Tarot cards online

The Tarot cards themselves are divided into 2 parts: the major cards or arcana and the minor arcana. They are also picked up by Major and Non-Major Arcana, as well as trump and non-trump Arcana. The word arcana itself comes from the Latin word arcanum, which means “secret” in Latin. The senior or trump cards include twenty-two cards, and each card denotes a certain power, and naturally has its own unique name: Jester, Priestess, Emperor, etc.
In turn, the low cards (there are fifty-six of them) are divided into 4 suits: swords, coins, wands, cups. Therefore, there are fourteen cards each having its own suit, while four cards are face cards, i.e. court cards with an image: king, queen, prince and princess. The Ace and other cards are valued from one (this is an Ace) to 10.
Many people argue about the origin of Tarot cards in what century they were created, either at the end of the 14th century or at the beginning of the 15th century. But it is truly known that these cards come from Italy and those cards that have come down to us were made by hand and are practically a work of art.
The name Tarot itself comes from the Italian carte da trionfi, which means “cards of triumphs (trump cards).” Later, around the thirties of the 16th century, in order to distinguish the game with Tarot from the game with ordinary cards, they began to call Tarot. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Tarot cards from the time of their creation until approximately the middle of the 16th century were used for games, and not for fortune-telling and predictions. In 1540, a book of fortune telling was published in Italy, called "tarocchi appropriati", and in which Tarot cards were first mentioned as fortune-telling. Good luck to you!

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