An interesting New Year's scenario for adults with competitions. Cool New Year's Party Scenario for adults “Wishes”

Corporate events have long been transformed from fun event into a boring coercion. Often, management entrusts someone else with organizing everything at the last minute. New Year's scenes for adults, especially interesting ones, are quite difficult to come up with on your own.

Take advantage of ready-made scripts, complementing them with a flavor unique to your team.

Don't do as we do

On New Year's Eve, adults can feel like little mischievous children and laugh at their shortcomings. We suggest that you take psychological relief and ridicule the unseemly actions of your colleagues so that they do not repeat them.

The two presenters act out the dialogue:

1: Dear friends, now I will tell you how to celebrate the New Year correctly.

2: Why isn’t it me?

1: You don’t even know how to celebrate perfectly!

2: Oh! And this is said by the one who puts the same boxes under the Christmas tree every year! Still empty! It’s as if everyone loves him so much and has given him so many gifts!

1: And you always give the boss’s secretary a box of stale “ Bird's milk"Bring it!

2: And every December 31st you stay at work until the last minute and then go on a visit so that you don’t have to cook anything at home!

1: And you gorge yourself on olives at the table all night, and dance while sitting to the “New Year’s Light”!

2: Have you never bought fireworks? You just stare at strangers from the window all night!

1: And you howl the national anthem at karaoke! I couldn’t learn the words!

2: And on all holidays you send other people’s SMS messages to all your friends, and then you receive them back with your signature!

1: And every time you make legendary plans to spend the night in Morocco, and then snore in your salad before midnight!

2: And you burn pieces of paper during the chiming clock and then chew the ashes with moonshine instead of champagne and believe that your grandmother will finally die and leave you a palace on the Cote d'Azur as an inheritance!

1: And for a whole year you’ve been stealing stupid pens with our company’s logo from everyone and then giving them to your colleagues at work!

2: And you live as a guest from New Year to Christmas! Until the owners run out of food in the refrigerator!

1: And you’ve been watching “Home Alone” forty times in a row all New Year’s weekend!

2: And every year you snatch champagne and, shouting “I’ll show you the class now,” flood the entire table, and get the cork in your mother-in-law’s eye!

1: Okay, we're both good...

2: Therefore, beloved friends, may you have a safe New Year’s Eve...

Together: Never do like us!

Impromptu about the Christmas tree

A wonderful version of the scene is a production of the children's fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” in an adult way.

We offer another sketch for adults who want to fool around and remember their childhood. It is desirable that the company is already quite “warm”. The point is to play up “The Christmas Tree Song” with the cast and make it as funny as possible. The most artistic and funniest will receive a prize - candy.

From among the corporate party participants, you need to choose the 9 most fun ones. In advance, you need to print out the text of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...” in 10 copies.

  • herringbone;
  • blizzard;
  • freezing;
  • cowardly bunny;
  • Angry Wolf;
  • hairy horse;
  • little man;
  • firewood;
  • leading.

It is advisable to determine the roles by drawing lots so that no one is offended. The task will be to play out the song as funny and emotionally as possible, listening to the words of the presenter. The participant begins to play his role when he hears the name of the desired hero.
During the chorus, you can start a round dance around the Christmas tree.

Old year VS New

To organize a New Year's skit, you need 6 people, a sign with the inscription "2018" and a sign with the inscription "2019", 2 costumes of D.M., one of them must be noticeably shabby.

  • 2018 – Old year dressed as a shabby D.M. with a name plate;
  • 2019 - in a new Santa suit and with a sign;
  • leading;
  • employee 1 – C1;
  • employee 2 – C2;
  • employee 3 – C3.

Presenter: On the New Year's holiday, when one year replaces another, it is customary to remember the Old and welcome the New. If you had the opportunity to choose, who would you keep?

Art. g. “looks reproachfully at the employees”: This is how you thanked me! But we had such a good time together! I did everything for you! And you are driving me away! Traitors!

S1: What good have you done to us? Did you even love us a little? Every day, food became more expensive, things got lost, girls refused and nothing worked out at all!

S2: You promised fulfillment of desires, but what happened?

Art. g.: Why did you wish for a dollar to cost 8 rubles? Am I the National Bank?

S3: What, were you sorry? Why did we burn the paper and spoil the champagne with the ashes?

Art. g.: Why did you decide that what was written should be fulfilled? Then maybe I should start performing the inscriptions from the entrance? There are some very good wishes there.

S1: There is no need to go away from the topic, it’s better to go away altogether.

Art. g.: No question, since you want it so much. But who will you stay with if not me? WITH THIS? At least you already know me well, nothing unpredictable, but this is a year in the bag! On the contrary, I can give you a guarantee that gasoline will not become more expensive, oil will not become much cheaper, the president will always be the same, the retirement age will not be extended to 80, taxes on idleness will not be introduced, divorce will not become more expensive, the Russian Orthodox Church will not cancel more concerts !

S2: Well, the national team won’t win even with him, and the president won’t change for us even with him, and this one can guarantee “points the finger at NG.”

Is this how you want to celebrate this New Year?


Art. g.: Well, I don’t understand how he bribed you? Will you have five holidays a week? Have you checked with your liver to see if this is suitable for it? Here you are, remember “addresses C1”, I gave you a meeting with your soulmate! But you, “turning to C2”, took out a mortgage on the apartment. Three-room apartment by the way! So that your mother-in-law can move in with you!

S2: Thank you, dear! I will definitely not forget you until the grave!

Art. g.: But for you, “turning to C3,” hasn’t anything positive happened at all? You went to China!

S3: I went! They fed me mouse tails, and then for a month I was afraid to look at anything other than water!

Art. g.: Oh so! Okay, I'm leaving you! But you will still cry for me! Remember how good I really was to you! And only through photographs can you remember these unforgettable moments. And when you leave, they throw stones after you: it’s spoiled, it didn’t work out, it didn’t... Why do I need all this?!

Employees approach the Old Year and hug him.

S1: Don’t be offended, you really were wonderful “they begin to remember what important things happened in the company, what important events were with the employees.”

S2: We didn't want to offend you.

Art. g.: Thank you, my dears! Goodbye, I’ll leave you, and you live with him “points to N.G.” It must be somehow different from year to year: “it goes away slowly and sadly.”

NG: Of course it should! Let's start with housing and communal services tariffs! “hands out receipts to employees.”

S1: Is this a joke?! 75 percent?

Everyone runs after the Old Year and starts shouting: “Stop! Don't go! Come back! We will forgive you everything! We've changed our minds!"

Seven-flowered flower

For impromptu skits, it is better to invite artistic and expressive people; this is where the success of the event lies.

For a short funny scene, you need to prepare a flower with many petals, on which are written the most daring, absurd, but funny predictions.

For example:

  • I'll dye my hair purple;
  • I will get divorced and go away to become a hippie;
  • I'll buy myself a pony;
  • I will find a treasure, etc.

Each corporate party participant blindly pulls out a petal with a prediction and fantasizes about how what they wrote could come true.

Staged and costumed story about Grandfather and Snow Maiden

In a small miniature, it is advisable to force only colleagues who can quickly improvise to participate.

Characters and props:

  • Snow Maiden - a hat with braids;
  • Santa Claus - hat and beard;
  • Grandfather Mustafa - turban and beard;
  • Akyn – skullcap and tambourine.

The presenter reads out the text, the actors need to come up with and say a line at the appropriate moment after his pause, and also perform actions from the script. Uninvolved guests support the participants.

Q: It’s frosty and cold outside, so first we’ll organize ourselves into a spring mood. Those who know how to whistle - let them whistle, the rest loudly knock with their forks on glasses and glasses.

"Summer. Heat.

D. Moroz is dragging along with a dirty empty bag. He has a hangover.

Behind, holding on to Grandfather and whining that she is hot, the disheveled Snow Maiden is barely trudged along.

Grandfather Mustafa walked towards them actively, cheerfully, skipping, whistling and with a huge bag of alcoholic gifts, he was in a hurry for Nowruz.

Noticing the unfortunate travelers, he stopped, sat down on the ground and shouted...

A dancing Akyn appeared on the horizon, he immediately began to sing a soulful song about everything he saw around him.

He really liked the Snow Maiden, and he decided to sing about her beauty.

D. Mustafa began to cry, stretched out his hands to the sky and sang... “come up with a phrase”

D. Moroz fell to the ground, reached out and pulled D. Mustafa’s beard with all his might, flicked him on the nose and said “...” with unbearable bitterness in his voice.

Granddaughter Snow Maiden plopped down on Grandfather Frost’s lap and sarcastically said “...”

Akyn was confused, dropped his instrument and could not sing anything. Nothing at all.

D. Moroz bravely tried to get up.

He didn't succeed.

D. Moroz finally stood up proudly and said “...”

D. Mustafa reached out to the Snow Maiden and shouted “...”

D. Moroz looked around, determined where the north lay, and waved his hand with complete confidence, declaring “...”

Then he went to the left and “...”

The Snow Maiden kissed D. Mustafa on the forehead and chased after D. Moroz.

Mustafa was not particularly surprised, thoughtfully scratched the back of his head and said “...”

Akyn was planning to sing a new song, but we won’t let him, otherwise we’ll have to listen to this chaos until the morning.

End! Look for the moral yourself!”

It is best to print the roles on pieces of paper. Distribute roles by drawing from a hat, or let the presenter himself assign.

Corporate event scenario for lazy organizers

  • cleaning woman;
  • Father Frost;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • leading.


  • a bag with small gifts;
  • pieces of paper;
  • a snowflake with many corners - the task number is indicated under each corner;
  • hat.

Scene 1

Presenter-B: Greetings, my dears!

A little more and the New Year will come - a holiday when miracles happen and all dreams and wishes come true!

And first, I have to fulfill several wishes that could not be fulfilled on time, and all because of our mail - the gifts were not given on time. Now we will correct this awkward situation.

He extends his hand into a small bag of gifts.

Approaches the manager.

Q: It was you, boy, who asked Santa Claus for a car as a child?

Leader: Yes!

Host: Here is your gift “holding out a toy car.”

The host goes to the rest of the little guests and gives them gifts too!

Host: This is how children's dreams come true! Let's drink to this!

Scene 2

Q: Not everyone probably knows, but Santa Claus has a wife! And her name is Winter! She has prepared tasks for you!

They bring out a snowflake with tasks:

  • on the 1st corner - a poem about NG;
  • on the 2nd corner - dance with a colleague;
  • on the 3rd corner - a riddle about a holiday, etc.

Scene 3

The cleaning lady follows the leader, waves a mop and scolds him.

Ub.: Just look! How well I settled down! Should I clean up after him? They’ll scatter confetti and garlands everywhere, and then I’ll have to clean up around the clock!

Option 8

All the guests sat down at the tables. Begins new Year's Eve.

There is a special and ancient holiday, where there is a feast on wide tables,
Where spruces - forest trees - grow on parquet floors.
Such moments are wonderful, and the night is festive, and long,
And the world is shrouded in colors... We wish you love and goodness!
Let the glasses clink today. Let the wine sparkle today
Let the night starfall look into your window.
On this wonderful night you can’t live without a smile.
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

Dear friends! Let's quickly fill our glasses and drink to the coming New Year!

Everyone drinks and eats. After a minute, there’s no need to delay any longer and the host continues to host the evening.

It's New Year's Eve for our organization.
There will be dancing and a round dance.
On the porch by the door
We are all waiting for guests.
Oh, today will be the day!
Santa Claus is coming now

Dear colleagues, let's all take a look at entrance doors, Santa Claus should appear now.
(By prior agreement, the head of the company, while everyone is looking at the doors, puts on a red Santa Claus hat and tries to portray him.)
Let's all ask Santa Claus to come to us. (Everyone starts shouting in unison: SANTA CLAUS)
And here comes our Father Frost, word to Our Father Frost, of course you all recognize him - this is our respected leader:
Today, instead of Santa Claus, he will give us gifts.

(The manager congratulates everyone, gives bonuses to the best employees and makes a toast)

Life is a mirage, hopes, passions, waiting for dreams
If only I could avoid all the misfortunes.
Let the tree intoxicate with its needles, and not the intoxication confuse you.
Let the prickly needles in the house only come from the Christmas tree!
Let cannons, firecrackers, and firecrackers fire on the holiday -
Let sleep run away from you only on New Year's Eve.
The arrows rose upward and converged on twelve.
The deadline has arrived! Twelve strikes!
Be happy New Year!
Leave your sorrows to the old year,
Forget worries, grievances, misfortune.

Dear colleagues, let's spend the Old Year together with all its hardships and sorrows. Let's fill the glasses and drink to the bottom, and I hope that with the last drops of the sparkling drink, all worries and grievances will leave you.

So, we spent the old year, drank to the coming one, but the holiday does not end there, it has just begun. I suggest you stretch your head a little, but your hands are probably tired from working with cutlery.
Every child today knows: the best gift is money. And I offer the hall a game for a million. those. lemon game So who's ready to fight for this exotic fruit? Having answered the question correctly, you receive one slice of lemon (the lemon is divided into 10 pieces by the presenter’s assistant).
The essence of the game: A question is asked and several answers are given, one of them is correct (which is marked with an asterisk). Whoever answered correctly gets a slice of lemon.

1. Who is depicted in Vasnetsov’s painting of the same name?
Three fat men
Three heroes *
Three tankers
Three piglets

2. Among the wild creatures that came out of wild forest in Kipling's tale, there was no...

3. Which horse needs a whip?
Frisky *

4. An Arabic proverb says that “paradise on earth can be found...”
Which of the following thoughts is redundant?
And the woman's bed
Hell is a wise book
On a horse's back
At a merry feast *

5. Which of the following fossils was closest to the modern horse?
Hipparion *

6. Who found the chest with the Tsar Maiden’s ring in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?
crucian carp
Ruff *
Jacques Cousteau

7. Which horse can’t be looked in the mouth?
To Daren *
With caries

9. What is the height of the smallest horse at the withers?
38 cm *
50 cm

10. The equids, together with the horse, include...
Rhinoceros *

Who won the most lemon slices, and this is...
Not a gift - just a treasure.
Our colleague is very happy.
Our word.

Dear friends! One day before the New Year I witnessed one funny story. A drunk rides on a bus. And he has an urgent need to relieve minor needs. He endures it for a while, and then he can’t stand it and starts. The conductress indignantly tells him:
- Man, what is this?
- Snow Maiden, can’t you see, I’m starting to hide!

We got a little bored without the Snow Maiden. We have Santa Claus. He urgently needs the Snow Maiden. And now we will choose her, among our dear women. For this purpose we select
1. Each of the women, candidates for the Snow Maiden, prepares a dish from products from the New Year's table within 1 minute - it can be a fantastic sandwich, a New Year's composition from all available salads, etc., i.e. some kind of snack for later toast.
2. The most erudite Snow Maiden. The Snow Maidens talk in a circle about the names of films where the action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Whoever says it last wins this competition.
Based on the results of two competitions, a jury of men chooses the Snow Maiden for the evening.
The Snow Maiden is given the floor for congratulations.

Dear Colleagues. As long as you can remember, you probably remember celebrating the New Year holidays. Let's plunge back a little into childhood. Remember the round dances around the Christmas tree in the children's court and school, during which the children unanimously answered the questions of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. Ready? Just let’s answer me carefully and amicably and loudly.

And now, friends, let's play
An interesting game:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with,
I'll tell you now.
Listen carefully
And be sure to answer
If I tell you right,
Say “Yes” in response.
Well, what if suddenly it’s wrong,
Feel free to say “No!”

Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Are the chairs wooden?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands light?
- Snow made from white cotton wool?
- Satchels and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
- Are tigers real?
- Are the cones golden?
- Are the stars radiant?

Yes, although we have been adults for a long time, we still remain children, so
I congratulate you, children,
I wish you happiness and joy.
May you grow and become wiser.
We had fun and sang songs.
May your laughter always ring out!
Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!

And which of you made the most mistakes in the game? Well, of course - this is our respected colleague ___, but he can be forgiven, he has already taken it to his chest - palpably. We'll let him warm up with his tongue.

(colleague makes a toast)

In the meantime, so as not to get bored,
I suggest you play!

Now I will ask humorous questions, and you try to recognize yourself in them or your neighbors at the table, and answer my question - It’s me! or It's He (She)!

1. Who sometimes walks with a cheerful gait with vodka?
2. Tell me out loud, which of you catches flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost and drives like a bird?
4. Which of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
6. Which of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot? (On Lake Baikal)
7. Who work order delivers on time?
8. Which of you drinks in the office, like at today’s banquet?
9. Which of your friends walks around dirty from ear to ear?
10. Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
11. Which of you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. Which of you comes to the office an hour late?

As expected, there are very few of these in our company, almost none.
Let's drink to our friendly team!

Dear Colleagues! Today our guest is a gypsy.

Preliminarily agree with one of your colleagues to portray a gypsy. To do this, he needs to dress up as a gypsy, just put on a scarf and put on lipstick, after the sixth glass, almost anyone can play. You need to print as playing cards Below are the wishes. A gypsy woman enters the hall and offers to tell fortunes to everyone and predict their fate for the evening. The guest draws a card and reads out loud what awaits him today. If the proposed wishes are not enough for all guests, then it is not difficult to add them by taking any horoscope.

The second half of the evening is for very close communication with partners of the opposite sex!
A huge success awaits you tonight!
This day is conducive to plans aimed at the future, and their discussions with partners of the opposite sex!
Today, emotional understanding and physical contact are more important to you than spending time with words!
Today you are likely to make acquaintances and hobbies, especially in the second half of the evening!
Tonight, with the help of words and beliefs, you can achieve anything!
Today, the best thing for you is to rely on your own strength, especially at the end of the evening!
Avoid the cold from your partner of the opposite sex and always be on your guard!
Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today's table will bring certain results by the evening!
Tonight, chatting with friends will bring you a lot of joy!
Today is a particularly important evening in your life, pay special attention to your neighbors at your table!
At midnight - you can start leading a quiet lifestyle, but now have fun!
Tonight is good for any entertainment!
Pay attention to every glass you pour and don’t let it pass your mouth!
Yours creative success at this evening, will be noticed by all those present!
The second half of the evening can be used by you to convince other people, especially the opposite sex!
Today you may have an inclination for solitude with someone!
The evening will turn out to be unusual and mysterious for you, be prepared for anything!
Today you will be especially inclined to drink alcohol, don’t get too carried away!
Avoid conflict at the table over not drinking a glass on time!
It's advisable not to avoid partners of the opposite sex while dancing tonight!
Today, be careful and don’t fall asleep on your neighbor’s plate!
Drinking too much alcohol tonight can lead to disorientation in space and time!
Today it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse with anyone!
Tomorrow you will have a surplus of energy, so spend it today!
Independent actions on your part today will allow you to improve your financial situation!
Today, you might be expecting a big win!
Tonight is favorable for intimate acquaintances!

After the last fortune telling, Gypsy wishes everyone a Happy New Year! Makes a toast.

A break is announced, dances and competitions with prizes are awarded.


Dear colleagues, You are probably tired; during a break, you need to warm up, and for the warm-up to be successful, you need to drink.
Let's drink so that when we go home, money will attack us and we won't be able to fight it off!

The warm-up was successful, I hope everyone along the way will be attacked by money with which you can spend the whole next year. And now you’ll have to think a little with your head, although this will be difficult for some. I will ask riddles, and you will have to guess them. Whoever guesses the most will win a prize.

RIDDLES (guesses in parentheses):

1. What do we choose instead of money?
What if we play with Yakubovich? (prize)

2. This food is different:
Black and red? (caviar)

3. Well, what kind of relatives
Father's brother for me? (uncle)

4. Here is the ship's room,
Purpose - cargo? (hold)

5. Grandfather has a wife.
Who is she to me? (woman)

6. He will squeak a couple of lines for you,
In the language of dashes and dots? (radio operator)

7. In schools it is replaced by a table,
Unfortunately you came? (desk)

8. Everyone here will answer instantly.
What does a first-grader have in her braid? (ribbon)

9. Under this shell,
Skeletons hidden? (leather)

10. That Bear and Jabotinsky are on parade
Did you endure the first day of the Olympics? (flag)

11. Fashionistas! You call me
A record-breaking skirt for length? (maxi)

12. Carefully take your time
Was she shoed by a left-hander? (flea)

13.What do we say when
Does the toastmaster give us the floor? (toast)

14. Here’s a very simple question:
Who brought you to your parents? (stork)

15. Radio technicians know:
Is this metal soldered? (tin)

16. You should remember
What drug did Vishnevsky come up with for us? (ointment)

17. Around the university
Isn’t he more important? (rector)

18. What floats down the river
And on the chessboard? (rook)

19. The question goes like this:
Who drinks Peter? (Neva)

20. In forty years you have probably seen
What covers Fidel's head? (cap)

21. Remember quickly
Source of crackers? (bread)

22. Ponder this for a moment:
Colorado potato beetle - who is it for potatoes? (pest)

23. If your head is dirty
Does she appear? (dandruff)

24. The day passed and the night passed,
What sped away? (day)

25. Who conquered Siberia
And gave it to the king? (Ermak)

26. Give a clear answer
Glassware for vodka? (glass)

27. He solves an important issue
Does it reduce the power of the gin? (tonic)

28. Starting from a place that takes
An athlete and an airplane? (acceleration, acceleration)

29. This mushroom, in theory, we often
We might meet you in the aspen thicket. (Boletus).

30. It didn’t take long for that People’s Commissar to be proud,
What keeps everyone at bay. (Yezhov)

31. What do we need Makarevich early in the morning
Offers to feel from the screen? (Gusto)

32. I flipped through it instantly
I will understand what kind of student you are. (Diary)

33. This riddle is easy,
Short stocking brother? (Sock)

34. On the target there is a sector for marks,
I hope you understand? (Milk)

35. A film in which Kikabidze
Managed to soar into the sky. (Mimino)

36. Water area, where there is always
Will the ships find shelter? (Bay)

37. No need to think long
Home broom. (Broom)

38. It is traditional in our troops
Larger than a platoon, but smaller than a battalion? (Company)

39. Sea. It's closer to the north.
And there is also wine. (White)

40. Barn for rustic rendezvous.
It is clear that they are not being held in a stable. (Hayloft)

41. The liner sank in the ocean
And triumphantly popped up on the screen. (Titanic)

42. River between the USA and Canada.
Famous for its waterfall. (Niagara)

43. As you usually call
HR staff at work? (Department)

44. Which Tatar ruler,
Did Donskoy defeat him on the Kulikovo field? (Mamai)

45. That prince did not fully believe,
What will death take from a stallion? (Oleg)

We have a leader, the most sober one today, and he holds the flag in his hands.

Acting out interesting scenarios And funny skits- a guaranteed way to do anything festive event exciting, interesting and memorable. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more of our fellow citizens are planning a fun themed party with games, competitions and skits for the New Year instead of a banal feast. Moreover, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for fun company or for a corporate event, you can either find it online or come up with it yourself, changing and acting out a scenario from any popular fairy tale, film or book. And to make it fun and interesting for guests, each participant in the game can improvise, making their own changes to the game. By the way, the funniest and favorite New Year's scenes for adults are scenes with jokes and well-known fairy tales with comic changes in the plot. And here we will share ideas and videos of New Year's scenes for every taste - below our guests can find short, funny and fabulous scenes for a corporate event or a friendly party.

  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 Pig
  • New Year 2019 skits for corporate parties: Fairy tales with jokes
  • Short skits for the New Year for adults
  • Cool New Year's scenes for corporate parties
  • The funniest scenes for the New Year of the Pig 2019 for a fun company

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults

Coming up with funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for an adult group of friends is actually very simple. You can take any topic from life as a basis for the script, and it would also be a great idea to create a skit based on your favorite comedy film or Stand Up comedians’ performance. But still, the most relevant at the party will be scenes about the New Year, in which you can play out funny, cool or comical incidents that happened or could happen on this fabulous night.

Sample script for a funny skit “How not to behave on New Year’s Eve”

A great idea for a funny modern skit would be the skit “How to behave on New Year’s Day.” To perform this scene, you need 2 people who will conduct a dialogue with each other, making everyone present fall with laughter. Below is an approximate scenario for such a scene, but if desired, it can be changed and supplemented by inventing your own cool examples exactly how you shouldn’t behave on New Year’s Eve.

Script for the skit “How not to behave on New Year’s Eve”

Presenter 1: Dear guests, I am so glad to see you all at this holiday. Now I will tell you how to celebrate the New Year 2019 correctly!

Presenter 2: Why are you going to tell us how to celebrate the New Year correctly? I know better!

Presenter 1: You? How do you know how to spend the New Year holidays? Every December 31st, you run around shopping and supermarkets until 11 pm, because apparently Santa Claus forbids you from buying treats and gifts in advance!

Presenter 2: And this is told to me by a man who, at home under the Christmas tree, puts empty boxes tied with bows, photographs it and posts it in his classmates with the caption “Look, everyone, how many gifts Santa Claus brought me!”

Presenter 1: At least I don’t give all my friends a box of “Bird’s Milk” bought at the nearest supermarket on special offer for the New Year.

Presenter 2: But you celebrate the New Year very happily - at 10 pm you turn on the TV and watch reruns of the show with Petrosyan until 4 am!

Presenter 1: And you, of course, spend the old year and meet the New one much more fun! You go out into the street at half past eleven, approach all the companies you meet, congratulate them, and wait to be poured champagne!

Presenter 2: And you never buy fireworks and firecrackers! Why, you can also look at other people’s.

Presenter 1: And you send all your friends and relatives the same congratulations found on the Internet. Both women and men! And it doesn’t matter that it contains the words “so that your husband loves you and gives you flowers.”

Presenter 2: And while the chimes are striking, you write on a piece of paper the desire “Win ​​1,000,000 dollars in the lottery,” burn it, pour the ashes into a glass and drink this drink. But for some reason in 10 years, Santa Claus has never granted your wish!

Presenter 1: And this is told to me by a person who has never heard the chimes, because at this time he is already fast asleep with his face in a plate of salad.

Presenter 2: I don’t even know what’s better - sleeping in a salad or calling all your exes on New Year’s Eve in a drunken voice, telling them that they are bitches and immediately confessing your love.

Presenter 1: And you don’t call anyone on New Year’s Day - you’re busy at that time, telling the hostess how best to cook Olivier and herring under a fur coat, how she should have decorated it christmas tree and what dress she should wear.

Presenter 2: And you never celebrate the New Year at home - you always invite yourself to visit someone and sit there until January 3rd or even longer, until you eat everything from the refrigerator and drink from the bar.

Presenter 1: And you wake up on January 1 at 8 am and wake everyone up with the words: “Let’s go outside to play snowballs, otherwise this year we’ll fresh air We haven’t been yet.”

Presenter 2: And you always take a bottle of champagne from the owner of the house with the words “you don’t know how to open it correctly,” and in the end you end up hitting someone in the eye with the cork, or breaking a chandelier.

Presenter 1: And you decided to drunkenly show how to do a somersault correctly, and in the end you knocked over the Christmas tree!

Presenter 2: Yes, we are both good.

Presenter 1: In general, Dear friends if you want to have a great New Year...

Presenter 2: Remember that you cannot do it the way we do it!

Modern scenes about the New Year on video

In the video you can see a funny and bold modern New Year's skit for adults, “Talent Competition.” To make sure all guests have fun, you can use the idea of ​​this skit, but give all participants the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents and ideas.

New Year 2019 sketch idea for a corporate party: old fairy tales with jokes in a modern twist

We all love fairy tales since childhood, and even adults believe in miracles on New Year's Eve and are ready to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale. Therefore, a great idea for a sketch for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party - fairy tales with jokes on new way. Play funny scene can be based on any well-known fairy tale, and to make the guests even more fun, you need to prepare the appropriate props in advance, with the help of which the participants can transform into fairy-tale characters.

New Year's scene "Grandmothers Hedgehogs"

Babka Hedgehogs in the New Year's sketch are funny, positive characters who will amuse all the guests with their dialogue. The sketch involves 5 Grandmothers Hezhek, they can be both girls and women, and men, and the second option will be even funnier. An example script for this scene is below.

5 Yozhek grandmothers come out and conduct a dialogue:

The first grandmother addresses her companions: It’s been a long time since we went out anywhere, didn’t hang out anywhere. It's time to shake off the old days! Oh look! Why is everyone here (looks at the guests)? Surely they are celebrating something.

Second: One hundred percent. If everyone is assembled, then we go to Kashchei’s for a party. (takes out his phone from his pocket and dials a number). Hello, Kashchiych! All is ready? Then we hurry to you. We are flying at full speed (addresses the grandmothers). Well, what are we going?!

Third: How do we know what is being celebrated here?

Fourth: Let's just ask (addresses the guests). Hello, tell me, what's going on here? For what reason did you gather?

Guests: Celebrating the New Year!

Fifth grandmother: Oh, so there’s a holiday planned here? Maybe then we’ll stay, otherwise it’s a long walk to Kashchei, and my back hurts, I may not be able to overcome this long journey.

All the grandmothers, except the second one, answer in unison: Come on, come on!

The first grandmother turns to the second: And you?

Second: What am I?

Third: Well, you are out of nowhere! You should go to an ENT specialist and have your ears checked!

Second: My electric broom is out of order, so I can’t fly to the hospital!

First: Ty, I bought a Mercedes for myself a long time ago and drive it everywhere. So what? Are we staying for the New Year celebration?

Second: Of course! Let's show how we can rock?

The first one turns to the DJ: Come on, play us something?

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is playing.

The grandmothers begin to make noise and become indignant.

Third Grandma: DJ, what did you play? Give us our favorite.

There is a song about grandmothers Yozhek, and characters demonstrate a fiery dance, and then bow and leave.

New Year's skit “Turnip in a new way” - idea on video

The video below shows another version of a table scene with the fairy tale “Turnip” with jokes. This idea is great for corporate party, which is attended by mature and elderly colleagues, as well as people who prefer quiet, sedentary entertainment.

Funny short scenes for the New Year for adults

Short scenes on New Year for adults - great way make New Year's Eve fun and add variety to the traditional feast. Moreover, the main advantage of short scenes over long, well-thought-out scripts is the ability to improvise and involve everyone present in the fun. And below we will share ideas on how to amuse guests with a funny short scene at a New Year's party in 1-5 minutes.

Scenario of a funny short scene “Rain for good luck” for the New Year

This scene is called “Rain for Happiness.” To carry it out, you need two opaque containers (for example, jugs, vases or pans). One container should be filled with water, and the other with confetti, and the presenter should place the container with water next to him on the table, and hide the jug with confetti so that it can be easily and quickly reached at the right time.

When the time comes for the skit, the presenter rises from his seat, makes a toast and says that in countries with humid climate There is a belief that rain on New Year's Eve brings happiness and wealth. During his story, he must every now and then dip his hand into a jug of water so that the guests can see the water. When everyone present is convinced that there is water in the jug, it must be quietly replaced with a container of confetti.

At the end of his story, the presenter expresses regret that there is no rain outside, which means that everyone present will have to look for another way to become happy and rich in the coming 2019. But then he pretends to have an epiphany and loudly say, “But this should replace the rain,” take a jug of confetti and throw its contents on the guests. Since everyone thinks that there is water in the jug, they will run away from the table, and when they realize that it is raining from confetti, they will laugh at the presenter’s joke.

The idea for a very funny short New Year's skit "Italian for the New Year"

The idea and approximate script of the funny mini-scene “Italian for the New Year” is shown in the video. At a New Year's party, you can perform such a scene using a video script, or you can come up with your own based on it small script, for example, “Chinese for the New Year.”

Cool and funny New Year's scenes for corporate parties

Corporate parties are often no less interesting and fun than celebrating the New Year with family and friends. Hosts of corporate events, as a rule, think through the theme and scenario of the party in advance and look for cool New Year's scenes for the corporate party in which all guests can participate.

The company employees themselves, also on the eve of the New Year, can come up with and rehearse a skit with which they want to amuse their colleagues at a corporate party. Such skits will provide an opportunity not only to have great fun at the holiday, but also to get closer to colleagues and show one more side of yourself.

Video with funny scenes at corporate New Year's parties

In the video from New Year's corporate events of Russian companies, you can glean interesting and cool ideas for scenes for the New Year. And videos with the coolest and funniest New Year's scenes for corporate events we have published below.

The funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a friendly, cheerful company

To choose the funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful company, you need to focus on the preferences of all guests. If most of those present have acting talents and the ability to improvise, you can come up with and act out scenes based on fairy tales and films, and if guests like to laugh, short joke scenes with making funny wishes would be a great idea.

Since 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, a scene based on the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” will be very relevant on New Year’s Eve. An example script for the scene is:

The king enters the stage.

The presenter says: once upon a time there was a king. He owned vast lands. He was powerful and strong, all his neighbors treated him with respect. And he had a beautiful daughter.

Enters the stage beautiful girl and performs a graceful dance.

(At this time the girl laughs loudly and loudly.)

Because of this, no one wanted to marry the princess. All the princes and princes avoided her, and the royal daughter really wanted to get married.

The daughter turns to the king: I will go, father, to seek my happiness!

The king blesses his daughter, who goes into the forest.

As soon as she enters the forest, three little pigs come out to meet her. (Each of them needs to come up with a name in advance and interesting story. For example, the presenter can tell about one that he is a lover of acorns. It is better to choose a well-fed man for the role of this piglet. The second piglet can be a ladies' man and flirt with the queen. The third hero may be gay. You can come up with other stories yourself depending on the audience gathered).

The king's daughter dances with each piglet in turn, but suddenly runs onto the stage Gray wolf. He scares the piglets.

The princess hides on the sidelines because she was afraid of the wolf.

But the piglets turned out to be brave. The three of them attack the wolf and playfully beat him.

The wolf begins to beg for mercy and asks to let him go, but the piglets continue their actions, while wailing about how much trouble the wolf will bring them.

And this is where the princess comes into play. She felt very sorry for the wolf, and she asked the piglets to stop. They retreat before her pleas.

The king's daughter comes up to him, begins to stroke him and helps him up. The princess falls in love with a wolf. They decide to get married. Of course, the three little pigs are also invited to this celebration.

In the video below you can see another idea for a very cool New Year's scene for adults. This scene is perfect for a group of close friends.

Playing out skits for the New Year is a great way to cheer up your guests.


There is music before the evening begins. The presenter comes out dressed as the Snow Maiden and sings “Ah, this evening” to the soundtrack.

Snow Maiden: During the day, the city is like a city, and people are like people around.
But at New Year's hour everything suddenly changes here.
Let the candles be lit and there are no empty seats in the hall,
And everyone is looking forward to New Year's miracles.
Chorus: Ah, this evening, the crafty magician, forever dressed in a purple tailcoat.
The candles will go out, love will go away,
but in the New Year it will return to us again.
Snow Maiden. Good evening! Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
The beginning is like a fairy tale, I sneak up, like shhh, quietly, don’t scare him away, do you hear? (steps in the snow), here, here it is, it will happen very soon! Like what, you don't know (sharp music), (turn around) of course a miracle!!!
The river of time is flowing, and _____ a year has already passed... Inexorably and excitingly, a new one is coming, _________. And again, magical dreams and indescribable feelings of anticipation of extraordinary miracles and fabulous events await us. Wonderful and the most main holiday- New Year. And this holiday is always associated with hopes for miracles and magical fulfillment of desires. But your wishes can really come true. This will happen not in a fairy tale, but in reality, just as it happened and is happening to many people. And since life provides us with many opportunities every day, we just need to meet the chance halfway and not stop it from coming true. It is in the New Year that you can attract money and luck into your life or attract a loved one to you. During the New Year, the energy of desire intensifies many times over. Before the long-awaited 12 strokes strike, we will all write our wishes on pieces of paper. And believe me, they will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it very strongly.
I greet all our dear guests - Snegurochka! I invite you all to visit me for a fun New Year's holiday! And our ___________________________ will help me guide you along the mysterious paths of music, dancing and lively entertainment!
Dear friends, I suggest you fill your glasses and empty them to the bottom for your magical fulfillment of desires.


Dear guests! Your friends, colleagues, and loved ones are sitting next to you. Smile at each other! Smile with all your heart!
You all know very well that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Therefore, holding our magical holiday depends on your participation. Forget all your problems for a while and give your loved ones and friends a good mood.

Today you can and should dream. And let it not be in the yard winter weather, But looking out the window, imagine that there...0 – (Snow is spinning)

And that at full speed...1 – (New Year is rushing towards us - disco Crash)

And what today...2 – (New Year's - Serduchka)

And only for you, for your wonderful team...
3 – (A Christmas tree was born in the forest - Balagan)

We will congratulate each other, and like making wishes in childhood, And we will have for this... 4 – (5 minutes)

And your wonderful leaders will call on you more than once...
5 – (Go for a walk - Karmanov)

And they will remind you more than once...6 – (So ​​pour it - Orlova)

One of the guests will definitely propose a toast...7 – (Let's drink to love - Nikolaev)

And the other guest will say...8 – (I raise my glass - Kirkorov)

And everyone will support him with pleasure, because on New Year’s Day we must definitely drink...9 – (For our ladies - Trofim)

Then, as in the fairy tale Cinderella, when the chimes strike 12 o’clock, we will all make a wish and say to each other...10–(We wish you happiness)

Then we will call Santa Claus and he will answer us...11 – (I hear - disco Crash)

Then the real thing will begin...14 – (Gulyanka – Serduchka)

And on this New Year's Eve, all women will stop claiming that...
15 – (We are all women bitches - Allegrova)

And more than once, addressing their friends and colleagues, women will say...16 – (Little by little - Kukarskaya)

And then they will be happy and say that everything will be fine now... 17 – (Good - Serduchka)

And looking at each other they will see stunning...18 – (Sex bomb)

Again the leadership will take the floor and make a festive toast, with the wish...20 – (Let there be no tears and sadness)

And of course...21 – (So ​​that everything definitely comes true - Rotaru)

During a friendly feast, after toasts have been made, you may have the desire to sing an old but wonderful song...
25 – (The reeds rustled)

And after the song is sung, someone will push the neighbor in the side and say... 26 – (And call your friends – Suruchana)
And there will be cheerful dancing, and faces will glow with joy. But …
Of course, the evening is not endless, the holiday will melt away like smoke, But happy and tired, you will return home.
And someone, waking up in the morning, may feel like this... 27 – (Hangover)

Looking out the window, he sees that outside the window...
28 – (Snow is falling - Uspenskaya)

And then I will remember this holiday, and how with friends... 29 – (We walked all night until the morning)

And suddenly he hears...
30 – (WITH Good morning, beloved – Mityaev)

What does he answer when he's sleepy... 31 – (Take your time, dear – Vaikule)
(Life is already spinning me - Rotaru)

And the following words will melt any, even polar, cold ice... 35 – (Get crazy)

And in the next moments, only one song will sound for two...
36 – (I love you to tears - Serov)

And a new day will come, and happy man will say...
38 – (Happy New Year - Korolev)


Dear friends, let's spend the Old Year together with its adversities and sorrows. Let's fill the glasses and drink to the bottom, and I hope that with the last drops of the sparkling drink, all worries and grievances will leave you.

Music pause

Leading: Yes, the New Year is an extraordinary holiday in all respects, but you cannot go into the future without remembering the past, it is impossible to forget those warm and joyful moments that the outgoing year gave us, because for many of us it became significant both in work and in personal life. life.
Therefore, we propose to say the main toast for the outgoing _______ year to your beloved boss and simply wonderful person __________________________.


Leading: Now let's pay tribute to the passing year. What it was like for each of us, now we will sum up the results of the ________ year.
Let him raise his hand
Whom did he comprehend? career takeoff(raised)
Let him send an air kiss
Who has been lucky in love all year (kiss)
Thumbs up
Who has celebrated success more than once! (finger OK)
And turn your fingers down
Who squandered the capital, (Down)
Come on, wave your hand
Who got a grandson, granddaughter! (wave)
And stand side by side
Who gave birth to a daughter or a son (stand up)
Let them clap their hands
Who new house I bought a good one! (clap)
Those who got married got married
Shouts “Hurray!”, we will hear you!
And raise your glasses up,
Those who worked hard
They worked without sparing effort,
Who brought the salary to the house?
Who's having fun at the banquet?
In spite of all the crises in the world
Who looks forward joyfully
Happy good New Year!
Toast! Over the past year!

Musical pause.


Characters: Christmas tree, Blizzard, 2 Snowflakes, Bunny, Wolf, Peasant

Snow Maiden: Dear friends! New Year's evenings are always magical and fabulous, because it is in these moments that wishes are made and come true, a wide variety of miracles and transformations occur, and it is on the New Year that a FAIRY TALE comes to us. A FAIRY TALE has come to us!
But, let's first!
1. 2. In a clearing in the forest, almost at the edge of the forest, a small Christmas tree was born, it grew, grew, and became such a beauty that it’s impossible to tell in a fairy tale, not to describe with a pen….
3. The Christmas tree, of course, sometimes became sad, especially long winter evenings, and then the blizzard sang its lullabies to her
4. Sometimes the blizzard got serious and the snow fell in flakes... (Snowflakes enter) Snowflakes fell on the Christmas tree, on its branches, on the very top of the head.
5. The Christmas tree had many friends, but the hare was the biggest friend - long ear, he often visited the Christmas tree so that it would not be bored.
6. And sometimes the gray wolf came running to check on the Christmas tree, the bunny, of course, was hiding under the branches of the Christmas tree, but the wolf had no time for the bunny, he was in love: (and here: Blah blah blah... cut for the wolf)
7. But then one day, at such a moment, a horse’s neighing was heard through the forest, the wolf was so frightened that he also hid under the branches of the Christmas tree...
And it turns out that a little man galloped into the forest to cut down a Christmas tree.
Yes, and he cut down our Christmas tree, right down to the very edge!!!
And so our decorated Christmas tree came to us for the holiday and, as usual, brought a lot of joy to the children!!!
Round dance around the Christmas tree under Balagan.


Ved: That’s all we have today – a Christmas tree, guests, Olivier, and music. Only there is no main New Year's hero, DM. For some reason he is late. Although you know, every year DM becomes more and more absent-minded, forgetful, and hard of hearing... He probably walks around the city and doesn’t know where to look for us. How can we help him? I suggest we greet him with fireworks. Do you agree? Then let's rehearse!
The left side of the hall is red fireworks - you will clap your hands.
The middle part of the hall - yellow color– you will stomp your feet loudly.
And the right side is of blue color– you will shout “HURRAY!”
So let's begin. Red! Blue! Yellow! Together! (game with spectators)
Well, let's meet D.M. you are ready, all that remains is to call him. Let's call him loudly - loudly so that he can focus on the sound? Traditionally, this needs to be done three times. Let's start! (Santa Claus!)
And now the fireworks! Red! Blue! Yellow!
Santa Claus enters ("Santa Claus comes out")
DM: Did you call grandpa?
WITH: Called!
DM: Hello, kids, girls and boys! Wow! I have never seen such a big boy before! Listen, little guy, how old are you? A? I can't hear well! Yah! Thirty? Why then did you come to the matinee without a child?
WITH: DM! Well, every time you confuse everything! At U.S. not children's party, and New Year's Eve for adults.
DM: What bad luck! And I was preparing, learning rhymes, songs... Well, forgive me for not wearing a tuxedo!
WITH: So what, you only have a children's repertoire?
DM: Well, why for children? I have every repertoire... (walks around the hall, meets girls, makes dates)
WITH: Grandfather, let’s move on to the New Year’s theme.
DM: Come on, granddaughter. For some reason everyone is standing, not dancing... Let's dance.
WITH: And during the dances, the one who finds himself in front of the DM bag takes out one thing from there and puts it on himself.
"Dancing in Russian"
DM: Oh, and we danced well! And how elegant everyone has become! Just a treat.
WITH: Yes, Grandpa is good! And now I will ask you to take your seats. And Grandfather, sit down, are you tired?
DM: Oh, Granddaughter, I’m tired... I’ve become old, but I’m still young in mind!
Dancing and singing is good. However, my gifts will be received by those who are smarter and braver! I didn’t have a damn thing to do for a whole year, so I sat there, composing children’s riddles.
WITH: For example?
DM: Here's a riddle:

1. I come with gifts,
I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny,
I'm in charge for the New Year! (Christmas tree)
2. Not porridge, but boiled;
Not a ball, but rolling;
Not glass, but beating. (Egg)
3.Not a model, but slim;
It’s not the sole, but the mark that leaves;
Not clairvoyant, but transmits thoughts.
4. Not a lapdog, but a curly one;
Not a spouse, but a caring one;
Not an artist, but soap operas participates.
5. It’s not a cannon, but it shoots;
Not the sea, but foaming;
Not a clown, but gives a good mood.
6. Not a newspaper, but opens;
Not a spectator, but a clapper;
It’s not the toastmaster, but the one who creates the festive mood. (Clapperboard)

Those who answer correctly receive gifts from DM.


DM: Oh, I'm feeling kind of hot.
WITH: What, grandpa, should I blow on you?
DM: No, it won’t help... But if our guests would respect the old man and sing me my favorite song...
WITH: Friends! What do you think is DM's favorite song? Of course, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” I need 4 volunteers.
Let's continue the competition
We're starting the song contest.
We sing about the Christmas tree, about the slender one,
But everyone will sing in their own way

We sing to the tunes: “Black Boomer”, “Vladimir Central”, “Districts, Quarters”, “Black Eyes”. We choose the best performer with applause. Reward - Say New Year's greetings.

Game “I’ll hold on to the staff”
The task of the participants is to come up with the most successful continuation of the phrase, naturally, holding onto... the staff of GRANDFATHER COLA.
For example: I will hold on to the staff,
Happy New Year to everyone, friends!
I'll hold on to the staff
Everyone root for me, etc.

This can be done in several ways. Or when people actively absorb food at the table (i.e. does not leave the tables), then Santa Claus walks around the tables
to those who want to come up with a sequel. Or (if several groups hang out in one cafe) A competition is held for the wittiest team.

WITH: Friends! Listen, this Christmas tree invites everyone to dance.
Let's see what tunes are in Santa Claus's bag.


Dear guests, or rather, the true hosts of today’s wonderful holiday, dear friends! Some time ago, you and I didn’t know and didn’t know about all sorts of predictions, signs and zodiac harbingers of our immediate and boundless future. Now horoscopes are published in all printed publications and read out by special uncles and aunts on all radio and television channels. To our joy, the Symbol of the New ________ Year - the Horse! Let's meet!
Horse enters. Under "Christmas tree and candles"
Our dear, respected horse, tell me, what does the coming year have in store for us?
The horse pretends to read a horoscope. (Horoscope (voiced))
1, Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancers
5. Lions
6. Virgos
7. Libra
8. Scorpios
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorns
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces
13. Conclusion.
WITH: Thank you Horse for such good predictions!
DM: Yes, I'm glad! It’s no sin to raise a glass for this!

Toast from D.M. and Snow Maiden.

WITH: I wish you happiness, good luck to the people, live happily
D.M.: Happy New Year everyone!
WITH: May the weather give you sunny days! Health and strength
D.M.: And happy New Year!
WITH: Love is stormy to you, like spring waters! Tender hugs!
D.M: And happy New Year!
WITH: Let your income be worthy! Pockets are full!
D.M: And happy New Year!
WITH: And it’s great for you to walk with the people! Glory to the holiday!
D.M: And happy New Year!
D.M.: I say goodbye to you, my dears,
Until next year.
I would like to wish everyone health, success,
Less sadness, more giggles, smiles and laughter!
Leading. Friends, your help is urgently needed. It is necessary to “unfreeze” the songs. I call last words lines, you need to know the song and perform this verse.

1 Christmas tree - grew - slender - was (Song “Christmas Tree”: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest...”);
2 icy - creaky - wall - prickly (Song “Winter”: “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...”);
3me - distance - horse - February (Song “Three White Horses”: “And they carry me away into the ringing bright distance...”);
4 an elegant one - lower it - with a chocolate one - treat us (Song “Christmas Tree”: “Lower the elegant branch, lower it, treat us with a chocolate fish...”);
5 frost - wires - blue - star (Song “Blue Frost”: “Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky...”);
6 brought - Frost - look - thank you (Song “It’s snowing”: “Probably good Santa Claus brought my love to me...”);
7 minutes - they sing - to the light - this (Song “Five Minutes”: “I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, let them sing this song of mine...”);
8 centuries – seas – bears – earth (“Song about bears”: “Centuries float past, sleep under the ice of the sea...”);
9 young - into the distance - palm - make a wish (Song “Snowflake”: “When a young year comes, and the old one goes into the distance...”).


The contestants go down to the audience and for 3 minutes they search among them for someone who remembers a children's New Year's rhyme (of course, the viewer should not be a child). Connoisseurs of rhymes gather on the podium near the Christmas tree and recite them, receiving a sweet prize from their Snow Maidens. The fur coats of the contestants who completed the task are decorated with a silver snowflake.
A stool with a large tray is placed in front of the contestants, on which there is a saucer with unwrapped caramel. There are candy wrappers next to the saucer. The melody of the song “Chink bells” sounds, the contestants dance and at the same time wrap caramel in candy wrappers. Once the music stops, the wrapped candies are counted. The winner is the Snow Maiden, whose tray reveals greatest number caramel in candy wrappers - her fur coat will be decorated with a silver snowflake.


Leading. Be so kind, don't leave, please. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of the New Year's ball of the 19th century. At that time, “French quadrille” was very fashionable and popular. Four pairs of dancers stood in a circle, the dance master announced one or another figure in the quadrille, and the couples, enchanted by the music, indulged in the dance.
So, let's perform "French Quadrille", but in New Year's style! There are four figures in the dance.
Figure one “Round dance”: stand in a circle, hold hands and move in a circle... (Participants in the game move in a circle in a round dance.)
Figure two “Snowflake”: join your right hands in the center of the circle and continue to move in a circle... (Participants in the game move in a circle “snowflake”.)
Figure three “Christmas trees”: break into pairs, raise your right hands up and spin in pairs... (Participants in the game spin in pairs, depicting “Christmas trees.”)
Figure four “Blizzard”: break the circle and move like a snake one after another... (Participants in the game move around the hall like a “snake.”)
But, be careful, during the dance the order of the figures will not be observed. Maestro, music!
Light, simple music sounds, to which the host conducts the game “French quadrille”.
Surprise – the game “Songs in a Hat”.

Leading. (With a hat in his hands.) There are different words in this hat. You take them out one by one, read them, remember and sing lines from songs where these words appear. But the songs should be about winter, New Year's holiday. You can contact the guests of our evening for help. Santa Claus begins.
This game is no longer for the characters, but for the participants of the evening. Therefore, both Santa Claus and Father Frost activate, first of all, the public. The hat contains the words: Christmas tree, round dance, frost, horse, ceiling, frost and others.




Kikimora: Oh, quinoa water, green frogs, well, I was all wet in the swamp, I even caught a runny nose, I am not happy either at home or at work! And I’m dying of boredom alone, if only Baba Yaga would fly in and dispel the melancholy and bring some news.
Baba Yaga: Ugh, oh, you, the sticks are bent, the trees are shaggy, the devils are striped. Looks like you landed correctly. All the signs are the same: a ruined house, swamp stumps, water dampness.
Kikimora: Oh, whoever is here, come out with your hands up!
(Baba Yaga comes out with her hands raised).
Kikimora: B-Ya, is that you? Why did you raise your hands?
Baba Yaga: She said it herself, come out with your hands up. Well, why did you call me? The men always wanted to steal it, but I didn’t let it! She didn’t let me arrange my personal life. Anyway. I don’t hold a grudge against you, well, why are you hanging your nose?
Kikimora: Green melancholy tormented me, I’m sitting in a swamp and don’t know anything.
Baba Yaga: Don't you know what's coming in the world?
Kikimora: and who in the world is coming?
Baba Yaga: not who, but what, swamp greens, ______ year. I was walking to the center
rejuvenation I wanted to celebrate the New Year beautiful and young, but my legs brought me to you. And look how many people have gathered.
Kikimora: yes, people have gathered, and everyone is waiting for D.M. with the Snow Maiden, gifts.
Is no one waiting for us?
Baba Yaga: who needs us? I see it in your eyes Have a good mood they need it. Look, winter is raging outside, food is expensive, but give them a good mood.
Kikimora: And what we are doing is worse than any D.M. with the Snow Maiden, we’ll lift everyone’s spirits right now. What is needed for a good mood?
Baba Yaga: Truly a nice man! Business hands and smart heads. Come on, killer whales, raise your business hands, and you, dear man, put your hands out of your pockets, they won’t steal your tea! Cross your raised hands, spread your fingers and, with your eyes wide open, all look at me. This is how all the elk and deer in my native forest will look at me in surprise after the rejuvenation session! Okay, let's start the holiday?
Kikimora: Let's start the holiday!
Our holiday is a prank!
Baba Yaga: First, so be it, I’ll tell you a secret:
We will thank the sponsors!
Kikimora: I want to say all my kind words to the sponsors
For the vest sleeves provided to us.
Baba Yaga: We thank our native plant, it gave nothing,
And that's all we managed to get out of him.
Kikimora: We thank the farmers for that big van,
In which the cookies lie and for a damn carriage.
Baba Yaga: The village council provided us with a donut hole,
We are grateful - there are no words - for this gift to him.
Kikimora: I also want to thank the youth of the village,
I barely carried away their promises to help.
Baba Yaga: Thanks to these gentlemen, with their help e won
We'll have a celebration like this here - better than a funeral!
Kikimora: Kikimora and Bab Yaga invited you here, and a glorious
party, the holiday is simply crazy!
Baba Yaga: How do you think events will develop at our evening?
Kikimora: I think it's… (dances). Dub-shubi-dub-a...
Baba Yaga: Dancing? Amazing! What else?
Kikimora: Well it… (changes dance). Bam-shala-lula!
Baba Yaga: Great! What else?
Kikimora: And also shoobi-duba-wap! Shooby-doobie-wap-wap!
Baba Yaga: Yes, your repertoire is not very big. Anything other than this...
(mimics) shubi-duba-wap, bam-shala-lula...?
Kikimora: Puzzles.
Baba Yaga: Puzzles?
Kikimora: Yes, right now.
Baba Yaga: Thank you! Friends! Especially for you - riddles from Kikimora.
Whoever guesses the riddles gets applause.

- Uncle’s nose froze, good grandfather... (freezing).
-they are tossed around, rolled around, and dragged through the winter. (felt boots).

Answer me, kids,
which is like candy
does it sound like a cannon?
What is her name?… (cracker)

And the Christmas tree, and mom, and even grandma
decorated with colorful, elegant... (beads).

Everyone is singing and having fun,
lead a noisy round dance,
because today is a holiday
under the name... (New Year).

Baba Yaga: Well, the riddles are over, but the people don’t leave, what else do they need? Think about it, you started all this. What else happens at concerts? You sit by the “box” for years, wiping one place.
Kikimora: Well, what happens at concerts, advertising happens.
Baba Yaga: and what, people are afraid of her?
Kikimora: As she drags along, they go crazy with her, start yelling, squealing, screaming. Well, in short, success is guaranteed.

- mayonnaise take “calve”,
wonderful food.
What is “kalve” made from?
It's obvious from the name!

- to be successful in love,
use “panti-provi”,
I became amazing with shampoo
antithetical to myself!

The telly reminds everyone:
"Ferry" destroys fat
I smeared myself with "ferry"
and now I don’t wet the doors!

I drink beer in winter and summer,
but always dry at the same time,
because my ally
new “libero” diaper!

Someone who drinks Pepsi often
he will not let you down in his work,
I'll just drink Pepsi
I immediately think about sex!

Without advertising, I confess to you, I am winged gaskets
I can't get by even a day, I gave it to my killer whale
I wake up with Blanc Galina and she put them on,
I go to bed with Aunt Asya! So she flew off to her neighbor!
Kikimora: Yes, they don’t disperse, shoo-shoo-sh. stand rooted to the spot.
Baba Yaga: Kiki, maybe you can make a speech saying it’s time to go to bed.
Kikimora: Dear people! Why did you open your mouth?
Ali, do you think so - what will happen here?
Do you think they’ll give you a hundred grams here today?
And will they serve pies to break the fast?
Baba Yaga: nothing will happen to you, don’t get your hopes up, I won’t give it to you!
Kikimora: We're closing the party - go home!
Baba Yaga: However, this year the people have become stubborn and do not want to disperse.
Kikimora: what we are going to do?
Baba Yaga: I have one remedy.
Kikimora: which?
Baba Yaga: lottery! Come on, people! There are many of you, but few tickets! And every ticket has a prize!.. okay, I’ll give it up, figure it out for yourself...
(throws tickets from a bucket into the crowd, each ticket has a cuiche and the words: “don’t roll your lip, otherwise they’ll trample you”).
(Ki-ki and B-Ya laugh loudly and dance)
(a soundtrack of a voice from the crowd sounds: “Santa Claus!” -3 times).

Kikimora: Why were they shouting?
Baba Yaga: D.M. require.
Kikimora: aren't they having fun with us?
Baba Yaga: rebel!? I'll show them! What are we going to do? Come on, think, Cast iron head.
(FAIRY appears)
Fairy: (sings a song to the tune of R. Paum “yellow leaves”).
Can't live in this world!
Can't live in this world!
No miracles, no miracles.
Everyone will show this,
Everyone will show this
Interest, interest.
Pr: in the New Year they especially want all the miracles,
Today I will create miracles for you,
I will apply all my skill and diligence,
So that your cherished wishes come true.
We studied magic
We studied magic
Witchcraft, witchcraft.
I'll show you in this room
Magic, magic.
Kikimora: Who are you?
Fairy: I'm a fairy, well... not quite a fairy yet. In general, I was sent to you for internship.
Baba Yaga: where is the direction?
(fairy hands over paper)
Baba Yaga: (is reading)“A 2nd year student from the School of Miracles and Magic has been sent to your evening for an internship.” So you can do miracles?
Fairy: well...if it works out.
Kikimora: The devil himself sent it to us. Now we will show the show. Well, who will we order?
Baba Yaga: Let's find out what awaits us in 2006.
Kikimora: Yeah. Hey, how are you, not quite a fairy yet, or something, come here. Invite us a person who predicts the future.
Fairy: I'll try!
(waving the “magic wand”, magic music, a paper scroll is thrown into the hall.)
Baba Yaga: What kind of unidentified flying object is this?
Kikimora: Let's watch.
(unfold and read)
Years pass by in succession:
The year of the rooster follows the year of the dog.
And every year brings its own image,
Its own signs and mysterious signs.
(takes away)
And this year promises peace and friendship,
And a full house, and a table, and everything you need!
But do without a fight at all
It will hardly be possible in a year... of a dog.
Baba Yaga: I didn’t understand, this is some kind of prediction.
Kikimora: Where then is the predictor himself? Hey fairy, what did you conjure for us?
Fairy: But I'm still learning.
Kikimora: And what should we do now? People are waiting and won’t leave.
Baba Yaga: What, what to read for yourself. Who are you?
Kikimora: Have you eaten too much fly agaric Yaga? I'm Kiki.
Baba Yaga: no, what is your zodiac sign?
Kikimora: Well, it’s clear who I am, girl... More
Baba Yaga: Well, listen for now girl:
Virgos, it’s not without reason that you’re waiting for the forecast,
I want to shake you all up.
The fact is that Virgos, even old ones
Tomorrow you are allowed to sin.
You have many objects for sins,
These are Cancers, Aries and Taurus.
Just don't sin with Capricorn,
Gemini may appear!
Kikimora: Okay, who are you, let me read it. Cancer. Yes?
I will give a very intimate forecast to Cancer:
Tomorrow you'll just walk out the door
Like your man in the shadow of the night
Blonde Aquarius will visit.
And your first task
So that her husband could not meet her.
And if you miss, it means
You are no longer Cancer, but Capricorn!
Baba Yaga: Yes, fairy, we didn’t have a great holiday with you either, soon people will start throwing tomatoes at us. We need to get on our feet quickly.
Kikimora: Yes, you still have to give way to D.M. with the Snow Maiden.
Fairy, at least you can D.M. - then call
Baba Yaga: For example: Trakh-tibidoh or sim-salobim.
Fairy: Let's see.
(Looks at his notes, waves his magic wand, False D.M. appears)
False Santa Claus: Hello, hello my friends!
I came to you for the holiday:
Sixth year of the new century
Over these two millennia!
I'm so tired of everyone's soul!
Happy New Year to you!
From century to century, from year to year
Wishing you a hassle-free life!
As soon as you don't get bored
On my winter holiday straight from the seats
Yelling heart-rendingly “Santa Claus!”
Did I step on your tail?
And everyone is so happy...
It's like I'm here for the first time!
Damn, are you waiting for some gifts?
It would be better if we drove it to the store!
Everyone here is happy with a freebie,
But I'm not your wholesale warehouse.
Kikimora: Grandfather, why are you angry? Oh, where did he get enough already?
False Santa Claus: What are you talking about?
I ran headlong and skipping towards you!
I flew to you both night and day! I brought you...
Baba Yaga:... beer burps, fumes and hangover.
False Santa Claus: The twentieth century has passed away and planted a sprout in our souls...
Kikimora: (sniffing) The Old Miller, Fat Man, Afanasy, Patra, Baltika, Red East...
False Santa Claus: In _______ we will live happily: both old and young... We will erect it over the country...
Baba Yaga:... Beer label... for example, Zolotoy Ural...
Kikimora: Apparently, he celebrated his holiday before us. Where did you leave the Snow Maiden?
False Santa Claus: Don't be afraid! It won't be lost. Now he’ll finish his smoke and come.
(Snow has a cigarette in his mouth, $1000 and $500 in his stocking)
False Snow Maiden: Hello old man, where are we going?
False Santa Claus: Where are we going?
False Snow Maiden: What are you, a parrot?
False Santa Claus: No, D.M.
False Snow Maiden: Yes, I don’t care who you are: to you or to me? Think faster, time is - money. (points to watch)
False Santa Claus: Let's go see the guests.
False Snow Maiden: Do you know the price?
False Santa Claus: (taken aback) what?
False Snow Maiden: So much with me (raises the hem on one leg, the inscription $500), and with guests (raises the hem on the other side of the leg with the inscription $1000).
False Santa Claus:(scratching the back of his head) What company pays that much?
False Snow Maiden:"Winter prostitute."
False Santa Claus: Holy, holy, holy.
False Snow Maiden: So shall we go?
False Santa Claus: Listen, Snow Maiden, you won’t get me a job in your company. And then these (nods at the guests) per hour 300 rub. they pay.
False Snow Maiden: And you work for this money?
False Santa Claus: So will you help?
False Snow Maiden: What can you not do for a relative? We have a place in male striptease freed up, for the New Year they have just the outfit of D.M. (walks around him). Let's try.
False Santa Claus: And what to do?
False Snow Maiden: In the frame, did you see? Undress slowly to the music. The slower and sexier the more money the chicks put in their swimming trunks.
False Santa Claus: Why do chicks need swimming trunks, honey?
False Snow Maiden: Are you brain frozen, or what? This is for you to put money in your swimming trunks for work, well, look how it should be done. Maestro of music! Learn!
(Takes out a cell phone, dials a number, listens. He undresses to the music: takes off one thing at a time and puts it on the hand of D.M., who looks with stunned eyes. D.M. puts Snow’s things on a chair, fusses around her, tries to cover her with himself, then he pulls apart the skirts of his fur coat, takes out the shirt that he supposedly was wearing, covers Snow’s shoulders. With the shirt, she throws it off. He takes out his trousers in the same way and covers her with trousers. The Snow Maiden also throws them off. D.M. opens the fur coat and sees with horror, that he is wearing only shorts. The Snow Maiden also notices this, she claps her hands and shows him thumb. D.M. he protests with horror and gestures, then agrees, turns away from the audience and coquettishly takes off his underpants, twirls it on his finger and throws it away. He turns over another pair of panties. D.M. does this until the last of his underpants remain.)
Baba Yaga: Hey, you damn double-dealer, where did you hide, come out, carrot on tiptoe.
Kikimora: What did they even teach you at this school of miracles?
Baba Yaga: You're ruining our whole holiday, I'll turn you into...
Kikimora: On a roll toilet paper, and you will spin until you use it for its intended purpose.
Baba Yaga: Get out of sight, go study notes.
Kikimora: What are we going to do?
Baba Yaga: This Fairy is of no use, you will have to do everything yourself.
Kikimora: So, Yaga, you know how to conjure, cast a spell, let the artists come to us.
Baba Yaga: Easy: I conjure - I cast spells,
I'll say a spell:
Let the people make way
So that a round dance comes to us
And artists so that the crowd will bring us fun.
(the teacher comes out, she carries a chamber pot; a girl runs out and screams)
Dev.: Daddy, give me some candy!
Education: Mashenka, first we’ll sing a song, and then daddy will give you candy!
Mal.: Olga Pavlovna, I want to go potty!
Education: Go faster, Petya.
Mal.: I was joking.
Education: That’s what your dad joked about 2 years ago, and in the end you showed up. Dear daddies of these children, the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is sung for you.
Children: Where is this Christmas tree from?
And where did she live?
Hall: The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest!
Children: Whose footprints are under the Christmas tree?
Who was running nearby?
Hall: Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Children: Sleigh runners creak
And the snow sparkles all around.
Hall: Hairy horse
He's in a hurry, he's running!
Children: What is the horse carrying?
Probably a chest?
Hall: The horse is carrying wood,
And there’s a man in the woods!
Children: The guy is probably cool
He has a big bag with him.
Hall: He cut down our Christmas tree
Right down to the spine.
Children: We decorated the Christmas tree
She's beautiful.
Hall: And much, much joy
I brought it to all the guests.
Kikimora: Ha-ha-ha, well, you have conjured up some artists.
Baba Yaga: Shut up, you swamp greenery, right now you’ll be bawling on this stage yourself. I started a concert, so come up with everything yourself.
Kikimora: Yes, we need to somehow D.M. call with Snow, we can’t have a concert without them.
Baba Yaga: You can't do without magic here.
Kikimora: Let's call the Fairy.
Baba Yaga: Yes, she almost ruined the whole concert for us.
Kikimora: After all, she was taught something in this school of miracles.
Baba Yaga: Fairy, come here! Well, have you read all the notes? We are giving you one more chance, and this will be a test for your practice. If you don't call us D.M. with the Snow Maiden, then we will... eat you.
Fairy: I'll try, but I can't do it alone. Let's call D.M. in chorus. and Snegurochka.
(Lights turn off, lights up sparklers, everyone's name is D.M.)
K: Dear viewers, would you like to shout?
Call a bunch of grandfather and granddaughter.
(D.M. and Snow come out to the song “Three White Horses”)
Father Frost: Good evening, dear sirs, ladies.
The girls are beautiful, the guys are smart.
How cozy it is, how bright it is,
Your smiles make my soul feel warm.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, we haven’t been here for a whole year,
People were preparing, it was immediately obvious that they were waiting!
Father Frost: And in truth, granddaughter, it’s time for you and me
Wish the owners happiness and goodness.
Snow Maiden: Old people should probably wish it healthier,
So that they do not know illnesses and diseases.
Father Frost: So that every couple can have happiness here.
This is a wish for young and old.
Snow Maiden: So that children obey their parents,
So that girls and boys grow up healthy.
Father Frost: To bake pies and cheesecakes on holidays.
Snow Maiden: To pay pensions to old people and old women.
Father Frost: So that the husband does not spoil, he does not drive his wife.
Snow Maiden: And he loved not everyone, but her alone.
Father Frost: And the wife would be faithful to her husband forever.
Snow Maiden: After all, an unfaithful wife is Satan in a skirt.
Father Frost: So that guys marry your girls,
Because there are no more beautiful girls in the world.
Snow Maiden: So that your neighbors are not judged harshly,
So that there is no discord, and little swearing
Father Frost: We wish gardeners patience and perseverance,
We know that managing the land is not easy.
Snow Maiden: So that the harvests become more abundant,
Tractors and cars did not break down.
May happiness be with you forever,
So that grief and misfortune do not touch you!
(Baba Yaga and Kikimora come out.)
Baba Yaga: We would also like... wishes... Is it possible?
Father Frost: Please.

Kikimora: I wish all the guys more bruises.
A bruise is a great make-up for our fools.
Father Frost: Oh, you scoundrel! (shoos her away)
Baba Yaga: I want that next year each of you
The light would be cut off at the pole and the gas would be turned off.
(Runs away laughing. D.M. threatens with his staff)
Snow Maiden: Look at the Christmas tree: there are toys, lanterns,
There is snow and frost on the needles, but the tree is not burning.
Baba Yaga: (from behind the Christmas tree). I can help you
I'll light the Christmas tree.
Kikimora: I need matches and kerosene
And a fire truck.
Snow Maiden: Well, no, thank you, we’d rather light the Christmas tree ourselves,
We magic words let's influence her.
Father Frost: And let's ask the guests to throw some roast laughter.
And warmth from the heart so that the Christmas tree lights up.
Together: One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!
Kikimora: To keep the guests from getting bored, we composed ditties.
Baba Yaga: Interesting ditties about well-known news.
Snow Maiden: Hey you, guests - gentlemen, come here!
You have never seen anything like this in your life.
Kikimora: Let's play a lottery, I love lotteries!
I will now distribute the prizes in order, row by row.

Lottery: 1 Erotic aphrodisiac. (Drawing pin)
2 Dishwasher(Sponge for washing dishes)
3 Mercedes car (Children's car)
4 Cream for agent 007 going on a mission to Africa (Shoe cream)
5 Summer version of Reebok sneakers (Podsledniki)
6 Cotton garbage bin (napkin)
7 Soap “Duryu” (laundry soap)
8 Hair lightener (Whiteness)
9 Food processor (blade)
10 Hairdryer “Roventa” (Comb)
Kikimora: New competition let's start, calling for volunteers!
Who wants to cut the prize - come out quickly!
Snow Maiden: Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year!
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like New Year!
Father Frost: Glasses clink here and there,
The time has come to say goodbye to us.
We'll say "Goodbye!" each other
And again we will part for a whole year, -
When the blizzard howls again in the evening
And Santa Claus will come to us for the holiday.
Snow Maiden: Just don't forget us, friends.
You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.
And welcome us again with songs and dances,
And we to you best gifts We'll bring it.
Fairy: We met you
Only recently, only today,
Let's part as friends
This New Year's Eve.
Baba Yaga: And if fatigue falls on your shoulders,
They will offend you, they will deceive you - don’t bother,
Kikimora: Remember this fabulous evening of ours -
And life will immediately become more comfortable.

Final song:

The year has ended
A year of great challenges
What awaits us next?
What will happen to us there?
Believe in a better life
And imagine our world
In the colors of a new day
Where there are no quarrels and insults
And it will always be like this!
It will be like this forever!
Let's wait and believe

Chorus: We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year
Happiness! Lots of money for you! Health.
Let the chimes strike 12 times on the tower
We will always believe -
The star will not go out! Our
Faith! Love! Star of Hope!
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Year!
