How to make abs in 1 week. How to pump up your abdominal muscles in a week - intensive training complexes for men and women with video

How to pump up your abs in 1 week and choose the optimal training program?

Nowadays, quite a lot of people of various age categories strive to improve their athletic form and improve their figure. One of the key elements of a great physique is pumped up abs.

Each person sees the features of a perfect appearance in his own way, but in fact everyone pays special attention to the abdominal muscles. Today, many are interested in the answer to the following question: how to pump up your abs in a week and is it possible to do this without the help of a trainer? Experts are confident that with a well-structured nutrition system and correctly selected exercises, it is possible to very properly and quickly strengthen all abdominal muscles within the period indicated above.

Today, a lot of information is devoted to the topic of pumping up the press, which can be obtained in any form. But you should always remember that any person must choose for himself the type of activity that best suits him. To pump up your abs in 1 week, you don’t have to hire expensive fitness trainers. It is possible to strengthen and improve the external shape of the abdominal muscles during this period at home. The most important thing is the correct selection of the methodology and the strict sequence of execution of all its rules.

Press feature

The presence of muscles on the walls of the abdomen forms the structure of the abdominal muscles. For each person, it performs a number of extremely important functions. An integral part of this structure are the straight, external and internal oblique, and transverse types of muscles. All these elements form a certain frame, the main function of which is to support the entire human body. The rectus abdominis muscles are located vertically, and the internal and external oblique muscles are perpendicular to each other. With the right training system, any of these elements can look very proportional and beautiful in appearance.

Experts note the fact that the structure of the abdominal press is the main type of protection for internal organs.

In addition, it takes on virtually the entire load that the spine simply cannot cope with on its own. A strong and well-pumped press is considered the basis for the mobility of the entire human body. These muscles can withstand heavy loads, but this requires serious work. A person who wants to have pumped up and outwardly very beautiful abs must select the training system as accurately as possible and devote a certain amount of his time to it.

Selection of the optimal training program

Most experts are confident that virtually any follower of a healthy lifestyle and connoisseur of their appearance can pump up their abs in 1 week. For this purpose, first of all, you will need to draw up an optimal training program. In seven days, in addition, any beginner will be able to seriously strengthen their abdominal muscles and develop a certain basic level of exercise. Experts strongly advise against combining a couple of techniques at the same time and insist on choosing only one personal training program for pumping up the abs. In addition, it is forbidden to start training at a very accelerated pace, because this can seriously harm your health.

Those people who have a minimum amount of fat in the abdominal area have some advantages when pumping up their abdominal muscles in 1 week. If, before pumping up your abs, a person is overweight, then he will need to devote some time to a special diet.

The basis of the program for pumping up the abs for the above period of time is to work out the relief of the abdominal muscles and save them from excess fat. Then it is recommended to constantly maintain your form at an optimal level.

Before starting the training week, it is imperative to select the days during which basic exercises will be performed. Experts advise using Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for these purposes. On these training days, each set of exercises should be given a certain period of time. Experts recommend studying for at least 40-50 minutes, and at the end of the week you will see a big good result.

Any set of exercises should begin with a little stretching and cardio training. Then it is possible to begin the process of pumping up the press. To do this, you need to do each specific exercise with great dedication and concentration. It is recommended to take short breaks between approaches, but at the same time, all main attention should be directed to the execution of the exercises. The final stage of training, in most cases, is considered to be properly stretched muscles. Experts recommend expanding the load on the 3-4th day of training and, for example, using small weights to perform the exercises.

Correct nutrition

When implementing a personal program to pump up and strengthen your abs in seven days, having the right nutritional structure is considered an extremely important element. It is recommended first of all to balance your diet as much as possible. For these purposes, special attention should be paid to those types of products that have the properties of burning fat in the waist area. A properly balanced diet will significantly improve your metabolism and, in combination with a special base of exercises, will help you quickly achieve good results. Experts strongly recommend that during the training week you include in your diet the following foods:

  • Olive oil;
  • bread;
  • cooked meat;
  • seafood;
  • oranges.

Any of the above products has its own unique and irreplaceable qualities. For example, seafood has the unique property of lowering the hormone that causes stress. Olive oil supplies the body with all useful substances, and boiled meat is an irreplaceable source of protein. Orange contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps strengthen muscles. Some experts are confident that bread has unique properties. During the training week, it is recommended to eat it 4-5 small portions daily.

Exercise system

The basis of the process of pumping up the press in 1 week is a system of physical exercises. The final result will greatly depend on the correctness of their selection. Experts strongly advise doing each exercise as well as possible. But the most important thing during training is the technique of performing each individual repetition.

Build muscles at home. Home workout program.

Press in a month. Maybe? For beginners and advanced. A. Dmitryaev

How to pump up your abs in a week

Everyone wants to get toned abs in a short period of time. It would also be desirable without much effort. And here you are standing in front of the mirror with a flat stomach, no doubt ready to show off your six-pack at any moment. However, before you admire your achievements, let’s first figure out whether it’s possible to pump up your abs in one week.

Is it possible to pump up abs in a week?

Unfortunately, this task is obviously impossible. However, what can we do in one week?

  1. First, let's start training. The fact is that the press requires systematization, a clear schedule of food and your activities. It’s hard to get used to and it’s hard to understand how best to do everything, but if you don’t start, then nothing will ever change.
  2. Secondly, if you are already involved in sports, have some kind of base and want results very quickly, then you can talk about carbohydrate fasting and forced training, but more on that later.

Actually, one week will be beneficial. For example, in a month you can really see a good result, but in 7 days you will feel much more confident and understand that this is achievable.

How to start training your abs

Today we will create a program that will focus on daily abdominal training for 7 days. This will not cause any harm to the body if you do not work until the muscles fail. It is clear that the phrase “tomorrow” cannot be here. If you really need very fast results, then there is carbon fasting. This completely excludes all flour, sweets, cereals and fruits. Meat, eggs and vegetables are introduced into your diet. In general, it’s better not to do this, especially for girls who train their abs. This is usually practiced by professional athletes before competitions. Beginners are not recommended to do this.

Ab exercises in a week

1. Climber

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Alternately bring your knees toward your chest.

In our abs program for the week, we will use this exercise as cardio to maintain intensity. Usually, it is best to perform it slowly, stretching the abdominal muscles. And also, tuck your knees not to your chest, but to the opposite elbow, so as to affect the oblique muscles.

2. Standing bike

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Spread your elbows to the sides, lift your hands up and put them behind your head.
  3. Alternately raise your knees and touch them with the opposite elbow.

A good exercise to warm up and work several areas of your abs at once.

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees and lift them so that your feet point straight ahead.
  3. Clasp your hands behind the back of your head.
  4. Raise your body as if in a crunch, while pulling your legs towards you in rhythm.

Don’t rush, but contract your muscles smoothly and technically to pump up your abs more efficiently and effectively.

4. Turns

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Raise your legs 15 centimeters from the floor.
  3. Rotate your body in different directions as much as possible.

5. Superman

  1. Lie on your stomach.
  2. Lift your upper body and legs at the same time to create an arch in your body.

Do not jerk, but slowly rise and fall.

6. Lying leg rotation

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Raise your legs and rotate them clockwise, making a big turn.

7. Recumbent bike

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Raise your body and legs.
  3. Pull your knees towards you one by one.
  4. Using the opposite side of your body, also pull yourself towards your leg, trying to touch your elbow with your knee.

8. Crunches

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees.
  3. Place your hands at the back of your head.
  4. Raise your body until your lower back lifts off.

9. Raising legs to the horizontal bar

  1. Grab the bar.
  2. Raise your feet to your hands.

Keep your body straight and don't sway. It is advisable to keep your legs straight too, but this is much more difficult. Make sure your legs rise and fall equally slowly.

10. Bent Leg Rotation

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Extend your arms to the sides.
  3. Bend your knees and lift them up so that your feet always point forward.
  4. Turn them to the side so that your knees touch the floor.

11. Swing your legs

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Lift your legs up and scissor up and down.

Find a position where your feet are not too high or too low. In this position, the greatest load will be applied to the press.

  1. Take a position lying on your elbows.
  2. Keep your body straight for a certain time.

As already mentioned: we will train every day.

Also, you should not endure excessive pain during the process. Men who train abs can be prone to fanaticism, which should not overtake you. Pain in sports is normal, but sometimes it can cause stress on the body, which will slow down recovery and prevent results. The ideal time for training is morning. It is known that the food consumed by a person is converted into energy, which is used for the needs of the body. The remainder goes into storage, becoming fat. If you don’t eat for a long time, energy is taken directly from fats. Therefore, sleep is one of the best ways to pass the time and not put anything in your mouth. If you train your abs this way all week, the results will come faster. At the same time, this does not mean that training in the evening will not bring success.

A set of abdominal exercises:

That's all need to be done twice. Break between exercises – 30 seconds. By the way, if you decide to do a conditional marathon of abdominal exercises in 1 week, then rest can be replaced with arm training. This way you will always be on your toes.


In a week you will not be satisfied with the result of your abdominal workout. However, it will not go away without a trace: firstly, you will feel lighter, and secondly, discipline will begin to develop. The main thing is not to drink a lot of water during exercise.

How to pump up your abs in 1 week

A beautiful, pumped up body is the key to success for a man! Any woman will love a firm belly with six-packs. Pumped up abs look much more attractive, unlike an oval belly. How to pump up your abs in 1 week? What exercises are considered effective? Many men ask these questions. We will help you answer all your questions. But before that you need to know a few nuances. It is more effective to perform exercises in the morning, on an empty stomach - in this case, the muscles are better strengthened. There are many different techniques for pumping up the abs. For men, it is the “cubes” that are considered relevant, not a flat stomach. Therefore, exercises to pump up your six-pack should be done at a slow pace. If after long exercise there is still no result, then the problem is with excess weight. To solve this problem, you need to stick to a diet, but the reason may be insufficiently developed abdominal muscles. You need to work hard.

And so back to the set of exercises. For elastic abs, working out in the gym is not considered mandatory; it is quite possible to train at home. Exercises must be done conscientiously, until the abdominal muscles burn. Exercises are divided to pump up the upper and lower abs. It is more effective to use crunches to pump up the muscles of the upper abs, and leg raises to pump up the muscles of the lower abs.

Now we will provide you with an effective set of abdominal exercises.

Exercise program: abs in 1 week

  • Twisting with turns

You need to lie on the floor and bend your knees 90°. A simple twist is performed, touching the opposite leg with the elbow. This exercise is specifically for the upper abdominal muscles. Dosage: 20 times in 2 approaches.

The exercise is done using a gymnastic bench. The exercises are performed lying down, gripping the edge of the bench. Leg raises are performed without the participation of the upper abs, because the exercise is only for the lower abs. You need to raise and lower your legs in a couple of seconds, paying attention to your breathing. Dosage: 15 times, 2 approaches.

Starting position, lying down. You need to simultaneously raise your arms and legs, while touching your chest with your knees. In this case, you need to monitor the coordination of movement. This exercise is effective for both the upper and lower abs. Dosage: 25 times, 2 sets.

For the exercise you will need a gymnastics mat. You need to lie on your back and lift your legs 75 degrees. The exercise is done with medium amplitude. Dosage: 2 sets 30 times.

To do this exercise, you need to lie on the floor and hold your head with your hands. The bent legs are raised with maximum amplitude. The main thing is not to lose the rhythm of your breathing. While performing this exercise, you need to relax your neck muscles. Dosage: 15 times 2 approaches.

  • Raising your torso to the side

Lying on the floor, bend your right leg at the knee joint and throw it over your left knee, right hand behind your head and left hand to the side. When the abdominal muscles are tense, tilt the right shoulder touching the left knee. We do the same thing, in the other direction.

You need to feel how the muscles tense. The exercise is done at a slow pace, without unnecessary sudden movements. Dosage: 30 times.

This exercise consists of three stages. Lying on your back, you need to raise your body for three counts, rising higher for each count. Focus on breathing, it is extremely important for this exercise!

The answer to the question “How to pump up your abs in 1 week?” can be found by studying the above method. By strictly following the instructions, you can achieve the desired result. You need to do these exercises 3 times a day. One such workout takes about an hour. Proper nutrition is also very important for training. It is recommended to eat foods that contain calcium, fiber, proteins and vitamins. It is quite possible that during the first training there will be slight hypoxia, but this is only during the first training. Lack of breath should not be a reason to stop training.

You will need:

1. Sofa/armchair/chair;
2. 10-20 min./day;

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Parting words!

How to build abs at home in just a week

If you care about your health and figure, then you are probably a fan of healthy, balanced meals and effective exercise. Focusing on the latter, we offer you a proven method for creating beautiful abs at home. You will be surprised, but this can be achieved after a week, devoting only 10-20 minutes to exercise.

To begin with, we will repeat the secret of success once again: 7 exercises for 10-20 minutes per day for a week - and your abs will take on a more toned shape. The main thing is not to stop there and continue regular training for more than 1 week. Why is that? Each person will need a different amount of time for the first “pack” to appear, but pleasant changes await you by the end of the first week.

You will need:

1. Sofa/armchair/chair;
2. 10-20 min./day;
3. Willpower/positive attitude/result-oriented/support/motivation…

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of the sofa. Raise your legs so that they do not touch the floor. Now you are in a very uncomfortable position, you are seasick, your abdominal muscles are tense. But so does your back, so help yourself with your hands, resting them on the sofa. Now you have some balance.

Now we bend our legs towards ourselves, and then straighten them. This needs to be done 20 times. We bend and straighten.

Exercise 2

Now let's change position. Lie down on the floor with something soft on the bed. Raise your legs 90 degrees (both together), then lower. You need to do this exercise 20 times.

Note: in a lying position it is difficult to raise your legs straight, so help yourself with your hands: placing your hands under your buttocks or supporting the back of your legs with them.

Exercise 3

In the same position we do the well-known “bicycle”. Also 20 times.

After this you can rest. But not for long, there are still exercises ahead.

Exercise 4

Again, we do not change the position. Now we try to reach our chests with our knees, rocking back and forth. It is important to understand that from a lying position we bend our legs towards ourselves, reach to our chest, then straighten our limbs with a spring. And again 20 times.

Exercise 5

Now put your feet on the sofa and your back on the floor. You need to reach your knees with your hands and lie back on your back. We do this 20 times without any changes.

Exercise 6

Let's complicate it. Now, in the same position, you need to hold your hands behind your head and reach your knees with your elbows. It will be more effective if the right hand reaches towards the left leg and vice versa. This way you not only pump up your upper abs, but also twist your spine, which is also very useful. Of course, 20 times.

Exercise 7

Parting words!

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that not everyone will immediately be able to do each exercise 20 times. It is best to start with 5-8 repetitions, gradually increasing every day by 3 repetitions. It is important to understand: it is better to do less, but longer. After all, it’s hardest at the beginning, when the abs hurt the next day and you no longer feel like doing the exercises. The most important thing is not the quantity, but the duration. Of course, don't forget about rest. Also drink more water.

Abdominal pumping is a very interesting and unique thing. Building strong abs is not particularly difficult. By doing all the basic exercises, regardless of the main muscle involved, your abs will be worked well enough to be rock hard. But here’s the problem – this won’t be visible in any way visually. But the goal and dream of those who think about the press are visible abs. And preferably without spending money on a gym.

Let's talk in more detail about how to quickly pump up your abs at home. This can only be achieved through hard work. And you should use more than just exercises. It is also worth paying attention to nutrition and daily routine. Only by combining these “ingredients” can the desired result be achieved.

Anatomy: structure of the press

Many people are interested in how to pump up their abs quickly and efficiently. In order to properly work out the abs, you need to know the anatomical structure of the muscles.

The abdominal press consists of four muscle groups:

  • The rectus muscle is responsible for the treasured cubes.
  • The oblique muscles of the abdomen are located on the sides of the torso and are responsible for the formation of a beautiful waist. That is why women pay special attention to them.
  • Internal oblique muscle - performs the same functions.
  • The transverse muscle is the internal support of the abs. It is this muscle that is responsible for the strength of the press and its endurance.

Is it possible to pump up abs at home?

Of course, training your abs in the gym is a more effective activity. All conditions for fruitful work have been created there. But this does not mean that it is impossible to work this muscle group at home. But there are rules on how to effectively do it in a month at home. We will talk about them further.

Stage one: fighting belly fat

So that pumping up the press is not pointless, it is necessary to prepare a springboard for the cubes. Pumping up your abs in 3 weeks is possible, but to do this you must first get rid of belly fat. It’s just that our body is designed in such a way that it is impossible to remove belly fat, but you can only reduce the overall percentage of fat in the body. And this can be achieved not only with the help of diets (if you use only them, the fat will soon return again), but by completely adjusting your diet.


You can normalize your diet only according to certain rules.

Calorie calculation

To prevent fat from accumulating in the body, you need to spend as many calories as you take in. Therefore, for fat to go away, you just need to burn more calories than you absorb.

Proper nutrition for the abs should be like this:

  • Divide your daily diet into five or six meals. But taking into account the fact that the portions will have to be made smaller. The main thing is to avoid long breaks between meals.
  • Stop consuming high-calorie foods. Eliminate fried, flour and sweets from your diet.
  • Avoid alcohol, it inhibits fat burning and increases appetite.
  • And most importantly, watch your calories. Calculating calories is not such a difficult process, especially since the latest technology allows you to do it online.

Preference for proteins

Having gotten rid of fat, it is necessary to supply the body with building material for muscles. And this is nothing more than protein. Therefore, priority in food should be given to protein products. 30% of the total diet should be protein foods.

And the most protein is found in foods such as:

  • dietary meat (poultry, rabbit, beef);
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dairy products.

Vegetables and fruits

Eat vegetables and fruits. They are an ideal substitute for junk food and will saturate the body when it demands food. And they will not only protect you from fat, but also add essential vitamins to your body. Some vegetables are a real storehouse of protein. In addition, they will improve your metabolism, which will become your main assistant in pumping up your abs.

Drinking regime

There are many videos on how to quickly pump up six-pack abs in 3 weeks at home. But nowhere is it said about the influence of water on this process. Consuming plenty of water is one of the main rules for losing weight. And, of course, this rule is perfect for this. You need to drink 2-3 liters of water per day. Naturally, not in one sitting. You need to distribute this process throughout the day.

Doctors recommend drinking two glasses of water before meals; this will help you eat less. It is also useful to drink water immediately after waking up; this ritual will “start” the body and intestines for the whole day. And, of course, drinking the last glass of water before bed, firstly, it will curb your appetite, and, secondly, it will not add calories in any way.

Sample menu

Here is an example of a menu that can become the basis for creating an individual diet “for yourself.”

With this menu, pumping up your abs will not be in vain:

  1. Breakfast - an omelet of 2-3 egg whites and one yolk, a piece of toasted bread, freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Lunch – 150-200 g of meat (preferably cooked in the oven), 200-300 g of vegetable salad, juice and fish oil.
  3. Lunch – 100-150 g of porridge (any), 200-300 g of vegetable salad, fruit.
  4. Afternoon snack – boiled or baked meat – 200 g, vegetable salad, juice.
  5. Dinner – 200 g of cottage cheese, some fruit (except bananas and grapes) or green vegetables, tea without sugar.

By following these simple rules, you can take a huge step towards sculpted cubes.

Aerobic training

Strength training and regular training will help you build muscle, diet will help you burn fat, but there is a universal way to pump up your stomach. This method is aerobic training. They involve several muscle groups at the same time and under the same load, and also use a lot of oxygen. They are also called cardio training.

These include:

  1. Running is the most accessible type of aerobic exercise. Running 20 minutes a day or 40 minutes three times a week is enough to move towards your goal.
  2. Walking - moving over long distances is also quite suitable for primary purposes if for some reason you cannot run.
  3. Cycling allows you to increase the load compared to walking and diversify the exercises compared to running.
  4. Sports games - suitable for those who are completely bored with running, walking or cycling.

Stage two: Abdominal muscle training

Having dealt with fat deposits, you can finally get serious about training your abs. Here you need to immediately decide what goal to pursue: just pump up your abs and get a flat stomach, or you can pump up 4 abs in a month. And how to structure your training depends on this decision.

It should be said right away that any abdominal exercise pumps it up completely, even if it is stated as pumping up the lower abs, all groups of abdominal muscles will pump up. There is only one feature - the level of load, it can be different. If your goal is a flat stomach, then you can choose your favorite exercises and work until it becomes hard as a board. If the goal is cubes, then you need to divide the exercises into abdominal muscle groups and also pump them until relief appears.

Rules for home training

Building abs is not an easy process, but there is also a pleasant moment in it. And this point is that, apart from your body, you don’t need anything else for training. No machines, no partners, just you and your abs. And if so, then you can train at home.

Let's look at how a man can quickly and effectively pump up his abs at home. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The room should be well ventilated; oxygen is required for training.
  2. You should not exercise immediately after eating. You need to wait at least an hour.
  3. After training, it is not advisable to binge on food; it is better to abstain from food for a couple of hours.

Features and training mode

Observe the following rules:

  1. Before training, warming up is mandatory.
  2. Perform the exercises at a calm, slow pace.
  3. Don't exercise on the couch, only a hard surface.
  4. Avoid performing exercises with straight legs to avoid injury.
  5. Build your workout in such a way that you first load the lower abs, then the oblique muscles, and then the upper ones.

It is advisable to exercise daily. But if it doesn’t work out every day, then you can do it three times a week, only with the condition of training until the muscles completely fail. In order to get flat abs at home, the load should increase with each new workout.


Let's move on to exercises that will help you get sculpted abs on your stomach. And first we will look at the plank exercise. We highlight it separately for the simple reason that it is a universal exercise for the abs. And not only for the abs, but for the whole body: the muscles of the back, arms, shoulders and legs are also involved in the exercise.

And it’s quite simple to do: you just need to lie face down on the floor and rest on your outstretched, straight arms and toes. Stay in this position for several minutes. The main difficulty in the exercise lies in the static position - you cannot move or arch your back.

To increase the load on certain parts of the press, some plank options are possible. You can focus on one arm with your torso turned to the side, you can pull your legs up to one of your arms, etc.

Lower abs exercises

We offer several options that work well:

  • Reverse crunches– the most effective way to pump up your abs in 5 minutes a day. The technique is to lie on the floor on your back, stretch your arms along your torso and raise your straight legs up until they make an angle of 90 degrees with your torso. Next, you need to use your abdominal muscles to lift your pelvis and straight legs, so that your legs pull behind your head. Having reached the highest point of your capabilities, return to the starting position. Do the exercise at a slow pace, and maintain it in the negative phase. This is the most effective way to pump up your abs in 5 minutes.
  • Leg Raise– This exercise is useful in the initial stage of training. You just need to lie on the floor and slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to your body. Then lower it just as slowly, but not all the way. After 10 centimeters remain between the legs and the floor, start a new repetition. To increase the load in this exercise, you can lift your legs while hanging on the bar. According to professionals, this exercise will help quickly pump up the six-pack on a girl’s stomach.
  • Bike. Take a horizontal position and place your hands behind your head. Starting the exercise, stretch your right knee to your left elbow, and vice versa. The unused leg should be straight and flat on the floor.
  • Scissors. Starting position, as in previous exercises. Start the exercise by raising your legs to a level of 40 degrees from the floor, and then alternately swing your right and left legs up and down. You cannot lower your feet to the floor until the end of the exercise.
  • V-shaped crunches. At the beginning of the exercise, take a horizontal position. Then perform a simultaneous lifting of straight legs and outstretched arms until they touch. This is a very hard exercise, but it is ideal for getting six-pack abs.
  • Burpees. Squat down so that your knees touch your chest and place your hands on the floor. The exercise consists of sharply pushing off with your legs and straightening them back, and then also sharply returning to the starting position.
  • Climber. Take a lying position and begin to alternately pull up and remove your left leg towards your left hand, and your right leg towards your right.

Pumping up your lower abs is the most difficult thing to do, and you won’t be able to do it without a diet.

Working on the upper abs

Do the following exercises:

  • Twisting. We lie down on the floor and bend our knees. We hold our hands behind our heads and raise our torso so that only the shoulder blades come off the floor and the back remains flat. Once a girl learns how to do this exercise, she will be able to pump up her abs from scratch.
  • Penknife. The essence of the exercise is to alternately lift the upper and lower parts of the body from a lying position until the chest rests on the knees.

Also, to pump up your upper abs, you can use various variations of crunches (with your torso turned in different directions, with your legs raised upside down, or hanging upside down on a wall bars).

We work the oblique muscles

Do the following exercises:

  • Side bends. Stand with your feet straight, shoulder-width apart, place the barbell on your shoulders and clasp it with your hands. Alternately bend to the right/left side at a slow pace until the muscles fail.
  • Oblique twists. Lie on the floor and put your hands behind your head, raise your legs up, bending them at the knees. Then raise your torso, turning it so that your right elbow reaches your left knee, and your left reaches your right.
  • Oblique twist. Take a horizontal position, bend your legs and place them on your feet. Raise your torso with your arms extended forward to your knees, then turn your torso to one side, return to the “sitting” position and turn to the other side. Take the starting position.

By doing all these exercises, you can properly and quickly pump up your abs in 2 weeks; you will see good results very quickly.

Set of exercises

Many people dream of getting beautiful abs with cubes, like the guys in the photo in our article. This is possible if you do not neglect training and follow all the rules.

Abdominal training should last about 40 minutes; the abdominal muscles recover faster than other muscles, so you can take a short break between approaches. And at the beginning of each workout, it is necessary to do a good warm-up (10-15 minutes) - to warm up the whole body, since all muscle groups are indirectly involved in abdominal exercises.

The complex consists of:

  1. Reverse crunches – 3x12 (hereinafter 3 sets of 12 repetitions).
  2. Scissors – 3x25.
  3. Climber – 3x35.
  4. Penknife – 3x8.
  5. Side tilts – 3x30.
  6. Plank – 2-5 minutes.

Perfect abs in 8 minutes

All girls dream of effectively pumping up their abs in 1 week. Yes, this sounds unrealistic. But similar methods exist, one of which will allow you to spend only 8 minutes a day on training.

These programs are aimed at a specific set of exercises aimed at working out both the upper and lower abs. The condition is the absence of approaches (that is, one exercise is performed once) and a certain number of repetitions. The exercise is performed for a certain time at an average pace, and the time between exercises is kept to a minimum.

Thus, it turns out to be a good intense workout, but I would like to warn you that without the help of cardio training and proper nutrition, it will not help you get a sculpted belly.

The best complex for girls

Thanks to glossy magazines and television, most modern girls are simply obsessed with a flat stomach. But not everyone can afford it. Some due to natural laziness, and others due to simple ignorance of how to do this. But a flat stomach is, first of all, a lot of work, both physical and psychological.

So how can a girl quickly lose her belly and pump up sculpted abs in a month? Firstly, you need to adhere to a balanced diet, and secondly, perform a set of exercises. For example, like this:

  1. Twisting.
  2. Leg lift.
  3. Simultaneous lifting of the legs and body.
  4. Lifting the pelvis.
  5. Frog.
  6. Heel touching while lying on the floor.
  7. Plank.

How long it takes to pump up a girl’s abs depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

What to do to make cubes appear

How long does it take to pump up your abs to get six-packs? What do you need to do for this?

It takes a lot of work to get six-pack abs. This:

  1. Balance your diet.
  2. Get rid of fat. And not only from excess, but to bring its content in the body to 10%.
  3. Do hard training.
  4. Don't forget about cardio exercises.
  5. To live an active lifestyle.

The best exercises for six packs

How many abs does a person have? Typically models have 8 of them, but it is theoretically possible to pump up 10. This is very difficult, and many additional factors will influence this.

Exercises to pump up 10 abs:

  1. Crunches with legs raised.
  2. Body lift 90°.
  3. Straight crunches.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Reverse crunches.
  6. Penknife.

Monitor your progress

Last but not least, what you should do when pumping up your abdominal muscles is to monitor your results. Whatever your goals are, whether it’s how to pump up beautiful sculpted abs at home in 1 month, or simply lose weight and “remove your sides,” or become a sports model, you still need to keep a diary.

Nothing motivates more than personal progress. In order to monitor your progress, you need to keep a diary, take measurements of your waist and photograph your achievements for comparison.

Diary of nutrition and training

Keep a diary and write down everything you eat and what exercise you do. A diary will help you identify any mistakes you're making in your diet and exercise routine, as well as identify areas in your routine that need closer attention.

Waist circumference measurements

Weight measurements will not give you a clear picture or be a reliable representation of your progress. After all, you pump up your muscles, and they will become bigger. And muscles are heavier than fat. Therefore, it is better to measure your waist size. Measure your waist over your hips and don't try to pull your stomach in, be relaxed when taking measurements.

Before and after photos

Working on sculpted abs is quite a long process, and since you see yourself in the mirror every day, you may not visually catch your progress. In order to see it, take photos every two weeks and compare them, you will definitely notice how you have changed during this time. Well, you can also easily answer the question - in how many days can you build beautiful abs in men.


In this video you will find useful tips for effective abdominal training.

Do you want to know how pump up your abs during the week? In this article I will tell you in detail all the available methods and the bitter truth. In order not to upset you too much, let's start with the real state of things. Not a single muscle can be pumped up in 1 week; if this were so, pumped-up people would be walking around everywhere. Still, I offer the only possible option that can be implemented in a week and in terms of its effectiveness it is close to ideal, read about it below.

The only possible solution for pumping up your abs in a week

By training for 1 week, you can tighten your stomach, make it tighter and tighter. It is important to choose the right exercises that will bring maximum effectiveness in such a short time. The only possible solution is regular training of the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles, because thanks to them, your abs will become flat and attractive. For those enthusiasts who want to pump up their abs in 2 or 3 weeks, I want to say that the principle remains the same, only the chances of success increase due to the additional time.

You need to pump the rectus abdominis muscle from a variety of positions. The load should be moderate, do not pump your muscles to the point of complete failure, the next day you simply will not be able to train. Follow the first cycle and it is best to take the recommended supplements as well.

If you care about your health and figure, then you are probably a fan of healthy, balanced meals and effective exercise. Focusing on the latter, we offer you a proven method for creating beautiful abs at home. You will be surprised, but this can be achieved after a week, devoting only 10-20 minutes to exercise.

To begin with, let us repeat the secret of success once again: 7 exercises 10-20 min./day within a week - and your abs will take on a more toned shape. The main thing is not to stop there and continue regular training for more than 1 week. Why is that? Each person will need a different amount of time for the first “pack” to appear, but pleasant changes await you by the end of the first week.

You will need:

1. Sofa/armchair/chair;
2. 10-20 min./day;
3. Willpower/positive attitude/result-oriented/support/motivation…

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of the sofa. Raise your legs so that they do not touch the floor. Now you are in a very uncomfortable position, you are seasick, your abdominal muscles are tense. But so does your back, so help yourself with your hands, resting them on the sofa. Now you have some balance.

Now we bend our legs towards ourselves, and then straighten them. This needs to be done 20 times. We bend and straighten.

Exercise 2

Now let's change position. Lie down on the floor with something soft on the bed. Raise your legs 90 degrees (both together), then lower. You need to do this exercise 20 times.

Note: in a lying position it is difficult to raise your legs straight, so help yourself with your hands: placing your hands under your buttocks or supporting the back of your legs with them.

Exercise 3

In the same position we do the well-known “bicycle”. Also 20 times.

After this you can rest. But not for long, there are still exercises ahead.

Exercise 4

Again, we do not change the position. Now we try to reach our chests with our knees, rocking back and forth. It is important to understand that from a lying position we bend our legs towards ourselves, reach to our chest, then straighten our limbs with a spring. And again 20 times.

Exercise 5

Now put your feet on the sofa and your back on the floor. You need to reach your knees with your hands and lie back on your back. We do this 20 times without any changes.

Exercise 6

Let's complicate it. Now, in the same position, you need to hold your hands behind your head and reach your knees with your elbows. It will be more effective if the right hand reaches towards the left leg and vice versa. This way you not only pump up your upper abs, but also twist your spine, which is also very useful. Of course, 20 times.

Exercise 7

And finally the last thing. Without changing position, now we reach our heels with our hands, place our hands behind our feet, also crosswise. And also 20 times.

After this, we recommend taking a warm or contrast shower. Allow your body to rest and your breathing to recover.

Parting words!

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that not everyone will immediately be able to do each exercise 20 times. It is best to start with 5-8 repetitions, gradually increasing every day by 3 repetitions. It is important to understand: it is better to do less, but longer. After all, it’s hardest at the beginning, when the abs hurt the next day and you no longer feel like doing the exercises. The most important thing is not the quantity, but the duration. Of course, don't forget about rest. Also drink more water.

Many people who want to get a flat, toned and sculpted stomach are interested in the question of how to quickly pump up their abs and achieve the desired effect. Hard training without skipping, your desire and willpower, proper nutrition and drinking regimen will help you achieve quick results.

Today we will tell you how to correctly perform exercises for performance, photos and video reviews of pros who achieved the long-awaited abs.

First of all, a fit and slender body means health, a strong spine and then beautiful abs. You can carry out the training program both in the gym and at home. To do this you need a minimum of space and some available equipment.

Exercise your abdominal muscles up to 4 times a week, rest and don’t forget about proper nutrition. If there is a layer of more than 1.0-1.5 cm on your stomach, then we can disappoint you that in a short time without cardio exercise and diet you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

Workouts should last at least 60 minutes, where 15-20 of them are devoted to the abdominal muscles. By working out intensively for 7 days, you can achieve muscle tone and a toned stomach; after 2 weeks it will acquire ideal shape and bulge, and after a month of training, the long-awaited six-pack.

Exercise on an empty stomach; scientists have proven that fat is burned more intensely and muscles take on the desired shape. In the first half of the day, protein foods, in the second - fiber and healthy carbohydrates.

How to quickly pump up your abs

Everyone can achieve a pumped up belly with gorgeous six-pack abs, but not everyone knows how to do it quickly and efficiently. To do this effectively at home you will need:

  1. Willpower, desire, optimistic attitude towards results and motivation;
  2. Family support;
  3. Free time: no more than 1 hour, including 15-20 minutes for abs / 3-4 times a week;
  4. Stool 2 pcs. (strong, for hanging equipment)/floor/mat.

At first, you should not use weights, but when you still want to improve efficiency, you can use dumbbells (1.5-2 kg), if not, then water bottles or hand and leg devices made by yourself.

You don’t need to do a lot of repetitions in the first workout so that the next day and every other day everything hurts and you can’t continue.

At the initial stages, 3-4 approaches, increasing them with each workout. For people who have experience in physical activity, more approaches can be done in the initial stages (7-8).

Exercises should bring pleasure and pleasant sensations. It’s hard - be patient, it means you’re on the way to a beautiful body. For the long-awaited cubes, pay attention to each section of the abdominal cavity - upper, lower, oblique muscle fibers.

Determine 4 exercises for yourself that will have both static and dynamic approaches. Don't forget about cardio exercises if you need to remove fat deposits.

Warming up your muscles before exercise and stretching afterwards will help reduce the likelihood of injury and improve muscle elasticity.

Basic rules for successful training:

  • Hungry stomach;
  • Cardio training (30-40 minutes);
  • Press (15-20 min.);
  • Monitor your breathing;
  • Warming up before classes;
  • Stretching after them;
  • Good music and mood.

We will tell you below how you can improve your torso and a list of the most effective ways to pump up your muscles.

Up to the cubes

Before you start improving your body, you need to adjust your diet and water consumption per day, it should be at least 2 liters. A protein or low-carbohydrate diet will promote rapid results.

To grow muscle mass, eat healthy carbohydrates after exercise. To the question of how to pump up six-pack abs in 7 days, we can answer that it’s possible if you’ve worked hard on it for at least 3 weeks before.

Many sources write that you need to train your abdominal muscles every day, but professional trainers say that the muscles need proper rest. Therefore, in pursuit of beauty, you should not harm your body.

How to pump up your abs in a short time:

  • For beginners, a minimum of approaches and power load;
  • Don't set a goal to get a six-pack in a week;
  • A good mood is guaranteed with a high-quality approach to the lesson;
  • Perform the first exercises no more than 4-5 times;
  • Train all abdominal muscle groups.

Bodybuilder Tips:

  1. Successful exercise is a pleasant fatigue in the muscles and fighting spirit;
  2. You can and should drink water during training;
  3. It doesn’t matter where you play sports, the main thing is a great desire;
  4. Pump up all types of muscles;
  5. Take full rest;
  6. Exercise in the morning before eating;
  7. Warm up to prepare your muscles for intense exercise without injury;
  8. Don't miss classes;
  9. To properly work out all muscles, increase approaches according to your endurance and strength;
  10. Complicate the set of exercises every week by adding transverse muscles.

Workouts for cubes

  • All types of crunches: reverse, straight legged, oblique;
  • "Bike";
  • "Book";
  • Hanging on the Swedish wall;
  • Pull-ups on a simulator (stool) (20 sec. * 3 sets);
  • Plank straight/lateral/with leg raises (20 sec.*3 times).

At the beginning, these exercises can be performed in no more than 5 stages 10-15 times, increasing with each workout.

Beginners do not need to immediately and sharply strain their muscles; everything should be gradual and enjoyable. You can watch a video tutorial on how to do the exercises correctly.

How to pump up your abs in 7 days

The weekly training program contains a complex aimed at quick results; it will depend on high-quality implementation and adherence to the program.

“Hanging on a machine/stool/bar.” A highly effective exercise that is an order of magnitude superior to twisting, but it is difficult for a beginner to do without prior physical training.

Here you need to correctly focus your attention on lifting your legs and maintain the angle; if you have experience, you can make it more difficult with straight limbs. Pick up bent or straight, raising and lowering them slowly. So, do it to the best of your ability, 2-3 sets * 5-10 times at the initial stage is quite suitable.

"Bike". This exercise is familiar to many from school days; it can be complicated by adding oblique movements. Do 3-4 approaches * 10-15 times.

"Crunches with straight legs." In a lying position, lift your limbs without throwing them high. Do 3-4 repetitions * 10-15 times.

"Torso twists." All types of turns work well on both the lower and upper abs. From a lying position, sit down, then lie down again. Do 3-4 approaches * 15 times.

"Book". This high-amplitude exercise, in which the upper and lower parts of the body are quickly folded, will help eliminate fat from the waist and tone the muscles. Build up, choosing your own fast rhythm for 3 sets * 10-15 times.

"Diagonal twists." The lateral muscles are well worked out. The exercise is done lying down with legs bent. Place your hands behind your neck, lifting your torso, turn alternately, first to the left 10 times, then to the right 10 times. Do 3-4 sets for a beginner. Do the exercise as quickly as possible.

"Schwarzenegger Vacuum". As you exhale, pull in your stomach to the limit of your capabilities so that it “sticks” to the vertebra. At the same time, do not forget to breathe. Do 1-2 times, holding for as long as possible, ideally 20 seconds.

It is quite possible to pump up your abs in a week, tighten flabby muscles, improve your torso and abdominal muscles. By motivating yourself to achieve results, you can achieve beautiful relief, success with the opposite sex and high self-esteem.
