How to upload a panoramic photo to Instagram. App Store Instapan

Uploading a panoramic photo to Instagram is easy. You can create an Instagram post with multiple photos leading into each other. It will look something like this.

Panoramic photos on Instagram are no different from regular posts with several shots. They can be done manually or using mobile applications. Here's how it's done.

Preparing a panorama manually

  1. Take a panoramic photo. Most modern smartphones and cameras can do this. Please note that in order for a panoramic photograph to come out really well, you may need a tripod.
  2. Open the photo in any graphic editor. You can use professional solutions such as Photoshop, Lightroom and, or Lightroom Mobile, or any other graphic editor of your choice. The editor only needs to be able to cut out image fragments.
  3. Use the photo cropping tool to crop your photo to the desired proportions. If you want your panorama to have three parts, the photo's proportions should be 3:1. For a six-part panorama, the proportions should be 6:1 - and so on. Please note that you cannot insert more than ten squares into one Instagram panorama.
  4. Cut the resulting image into several squares of the same size. This can be done either in your graphic editor or using one of these services:
  1. You will receive several images of the same proportions. Now send them to your phone to upload them in the desired order on Instagram. Or you can upload photos via mobile version site. To create a panorama, you need to place the photos from left to right so that the leftmost part of the photo is first, and the rightmost part is last.

Loading the panorama automatically

You can take a panoramic photo for Instagram using apps like Swipeable for iOS and InSwipe for Android. They are free, and with them you don't have to bother fiddling around with graphic editors.


The iOS app allows you to create panoramic and even 360° looped photos for Instagram. Just select a panoramic photo, and the application will divide it into square segments and apply the necessary filters.


It runs on Android and has similar functionality - it creates seamless panoramas for Instagram. Photos can be scaled or resized. A grid that adapts to the size of the panorama will allow you to cut images exactly in the right places.

You will need


Let's take advantage of the fact that you can upload videos to Instagram. Let's make a 15-second video from our panoramic photo (this is the maximum video length that Instagram allows you to upload). The panoramic shot will move from one edge to the other, creating an interesting animated panorama effect.
So, let's launch Adobe Flash CS5.5 or any other more or less new version. Select the "New..." option from the "File" menu. In the window that opens, select ActionScript 3.0, set the height of the scene equal to the height of your panoramic image in pixels. Set the width to be the same as the height. Leave the frame rate as is.

When the scene is created, go to the "File" menu again. Click "Import" -> "Import to workspace...", or simply press the key combination Ctrl+R. A file selection dialog box will appear. Select your panoramic photo. It should appear in the work area. Let's align it so that it fits in height into the white field of the stage.
If you want your panorama to be left to right, then align your panoramic shot so that left-hand side The photograph was aligned to the left side of the editing frame. If you want the panorama to move from right to left, then align the right side of the photo with the right border of the editing frame.
Don't forget that you can change the viewing scale if the working field does not fit entirely on the screen. At the top right above the work field there is a drop-down menu with viewing scales. The default is "100%".

Now in the "Timeline" working panel, click on the first frame (rectangle with black dot inside) with the right mouse button, and select "Create motion animation" from the menu that appears. Now the 1st frame has been stretched to the 24th frame, because... We set the frame rate to 24 frames per second in the settings.

Now you need to calculate how many frames you need to create. If Instagram allows you to upload 15-second videos, and we set 24 frames per second in the settings, then 24x15=360. That is, we need to create 360 ​​frames.
To do this, take the first frame with the left mouse button and stretch it to the right along the timeline to the 360th frame.

All that remains is to align the panoramic image to the right side of the working field. To do this, select the top tool in the toolbar - "Arrow" (or press the "V" key) - and use the mouse or arrow buttons to align the image along the right border. After this, the motion animation is completed.

Export the resulting animation to video. Select the menu "File" -> Export -> Export video...

Select the file location, set the name and select the “*.AVI” format. Click "Save". Set the video resolution, leave the rest as default and click “OK”.

I don’t know about you, friends, but I really love panoramic shots. They compare favorably with the amount of detail that can fit into an elongated photograph, and are great for shooting landscapes or interesting places. Only here is their application in Instagram quite limited. The user, in fact, has only two options: using third-party applications, post a small photo in which nothing will be visible, or use a fragment of a panorama, which after this action will no longer be such. The situation is almost a dead end, but there is a solution - an application Instapan In just a couple of touches of the screen, you can turn a panoramic photo into a video, ideal for publishing your masterpiece on Instagram.

This is the original photo:

Good is not enough. Launch Instapan and select your panoramic photo that you want to turn into a video.

There are only a few options available to choose from. You can change the borders of the photo, hiding the side areas if necessary. It is possible to change the playback speed (x0.5, x1 and x2), as well as its direction: from left to right or vice versa. All you have to do is tap Save and the video will be saved in the device’s memory, and right from Instapan you can launch Instagram, add a filter and then publish the resulting video from the panoramic photo to your feed.

It turns out like this:

The result is perhaps much better than in the first case. The only limitation of the free Instapan is the presence of the application icon in the corner of the resulting videos. For an in-app purchase of 33 rubles, it is removed.

If you are an active Instagram user and love panoramic photos, then Instapan will help you finally publish them on social network V in the best possible way. A simple and convenient application for mobile photography lovers.

The camera's native panoramic feature is an ideal means of capturing large quantity static objects that simply do not fit into one frame. But there is still one drawback in this photo format - they are not always friendly with export to photo services such as. In this article we will tell you how to upload a panoramic photo to Instagram from an iPhone.

In contact with

When you try to download a panoramic image from the device’s media library through the standard Instagram application for iPhone, you will have to crop the image to a 1 x 1 format, which makes the entire photo feature disappear.

Thanks to free application Instapan can turn a panoramic photo into a short video that can be easily uploaded to Instagram.

1 . Download and open Instapan.

2 . Click on the " Choose from photo Library«.

3 . Select a panoramic photo from your device's library. Photographed iPhone panoramas are automatically saved to the " Panoramas«.

4 . Adjust the moving direction, speed and, if necessary, trim the edges of the panorama. Click the button Save" in the upper right corner.

5 . After a short processing, the video will be automatically saved in the application Photo. Click the button Go to Instagram«.

6 . Select the resulting video and click " Further».

7 . Apply a filter and select a frame for the cover. If necessary, the panoramic video can be trimmed. Click " Further».

9 . The video will be uploaded to the Instagram server and immediately displayed on your page.

Note: To remove the Instapan watermark from a panoramic video, you need to purchase the PRO version of the application for 75 rubles.

From now on, your Instagram page will not only show off bright photographs, but also original panoramic videos.

1 Creating a file ActionScript

Let’s take advantage of the fact that Instagram allows you to upload videos up to 15 seconds long. Let's make a 15-second video from our panoramic photo. The panoramic shot will move from one edge to the other, creating an interesting animated panorama effect.

So, let's launch Adobe Flash CS5.5 or any other more or less new version. Select the “Create...” option from the “File” menu. In the window that opens, select ActionScript 3.0, set the height of the scene equal to the height of your panoramic image in pixels. Set the width to be the same as the height. Leave the frame rate as is.

2 Importing a panoramic photo in Adobe Flash

When the scene is created, go to the “File” menu again. Click Import Import to workspace..., or just press the key combination Ctrl+R. A file selection dialog box will appear. Select your panoramic photo. It should appear in the work area. Let's align it so that it fits in height into the white field of the stage.

If you want your panorama to move from left to right, then align your panoramic shot so that the left side of the photo is aligned with the left side of the editing frame. If you want the panorama to move from right to left, then align the right side of the photo with the right border of the editing frame.

Don't forget that you can change the viewing scale if the working field does not fit entirely on the screen. At the top right above the work field there is a drop-down menu with viewing scales. The default is "100%".

2 Creating Animation movement

Now in the work panel Timeline right-click on the first frame (rectangle with a black dot inside) and select the item in the menu that appears Create a motion animation. We created the first second of animation, and now the first frame is stretched to the 24th frame, because... We set the frame rate to 24 frames per second in the settings.

Now you need to calculate how many frames you need to create. If Instagram allows you to upload 15-second videos, and we set 24 frames per second in the settings, then 24×15=360 That is, we need to create 360 ​​frames. To do this, take the first frame with the left mouse button and stretch it to the right along the timeline to the 360th frame.

All that remains is to align the panoramic image to the right side of the working field. To do this, select the top tool in the toolbar - Strelka(or click hotkey "V") - and use the mouse or arrow buttons to align the image along the right border. After this, the motion animation is completed.

3 Export video

Export the resulting animation to video. Selecting a menu File Export Export video... or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S.

Select the file location, set the name and select the format *.AVI. Click “Save”. Set the video resolution, leave the rest as default and click “OK”.

Setting video parameters when exporting

4 Video conversion to MP4 format

Files in the AVI format weigh a lot, so it is advisable to convert our video to another video format. We use for this free program AnyVideoConverter or AVC Free. Let's add our avi file (button Add a video), set the output format MP4, click Convert. In a few seconds, the process will be completed and a video file will be created with our panorama, but ten times smaller in volume.

For clarity: my original file in the "avi" format weighed 659 MB, and the converted one weighed only 3.4 MB.

on Instagram

The last step is to download the MP4 video file to the device on which the Instagram application is installed, and then upload the video to Instagram.

In this simple way you can lay out very “long” panoramas, including circular ones. You can combine several panoramic shots in one video and make them move in different directions and with at different speeds, and much more. There can be many ideas here. In general, show your creativity!

Alternative solution

For iPhone owners, everything can be done much easier: there is a special mobile app InstaPan, which greatly simplifies the process of creating similar “live” panoramas. There are no worthy analogues for Android yet, and the only application existing in the official store is much inferior to the original in both quality and performance.

And finally - the result that I got. These are bead patterns at the entrance to the Bead Temple near Bakhchisarai in Crimea. A very beautiful and peaceful place.
