What date is the new moon in August? Rituals and rituals during the new moon have special power

If you intend to perform a ritual or make a cherished wish on the new moon, then you must know the exact date and time of the moon phase. Below are the exact date and time of the new moon in August 2018.

New Moon in August 2018

Favorable things: planning things, performing small current tasks, passive rest, cleansing the body.

Unfavorable affairs: starting new projects, completing large-scale tasks, changing jobs, grandiose household chores, large financial transactions, haircuts, cosmetic surgeries, intense physical activity.

The influence of the new moon on humans

The duration of the new moon is 2-3 days. In this phase, the entire body is “rebooted” and adjusted to the new lunar cycle. Most people feel physically and spiritually exhausted. At a critically low level in this phase, the immune forces of the human body and the nervous system are tense.

All dreams during this period of time foreshadow joyful events. Baths, yoga, meditation, and “taking inventory” of your image are beneficial. Businesses started these days will bear the expected fruits.

It is during this phase that prayers, magical rites and rituals for finding love, good work or wealth are most effective. Wishes will be heard by higher powers and will definitely come true - such is the magic of the new moon. You just need to focus on one main desire, and not be scattered into many small ones. You can safely start a “new life” and make a wish.

Rituals and rituals on the new moon

Ritual (new moon) for wealth

You need to take banknotes of various denominations. Now place them around the apartment in several places (on mezzanines, closets, etc.) so that they don’t catch anyone’s eye. After 3 days, collect all the bills and use them to buy something for your home (you can buy things, food, household goods, as well as interior items).

"Magic Receipt"

Let's continue to consider rituals on the new moon to attract money. On various forums that are dedicated to this topic, users say that this technique actually works amazingly. With this practice you can attract the necessary amount of money. In the very first minutes of the new moon, you need to make a list of what you need to buy. Write down all your desires, then calculate exactly how much it will all cost. After you have found out the amount, write yourself a kind of receipt for receiving this amount of money.

Ritual to attract love

On the new moon, the girl needs to be completely naked, place a cup of water and a red candle in front of the mirror. Add a couple of drops of rose oil and rose petals to the water. After this, the candle is lit and the following spell is pronounced:

“The rose bloomed and fragrant under the moon, so I would have blossomed as a beauty and found my love. Lunar path, bring the groom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now the girl must wipe herself with the enchanted water, looking in the mirror. Afterwards, the door handle on the street side is wiped with the same water and water is sprayed on the threshold. The remaining water with rose petals is placed under the bed. All that remains is to wait for you to meet your other half within a month.

Everything that happened during certain phases of the moon was recorded by our ancestors, and with each generation new, significant events were added. Our ancestors noticed that the Moon controls the water surface, its phases influence the ebb and flow of the tides. Later, people realized that the moon affects not only the water resources of our planet, but also the population of our earth, because the human body is eighty percent water.

An optimally accurate and detailed lunar calendar in August 2019 will allow you to correctly plan your affairs, you will be able to check exactly when the next new moon and full moon begin (date, what date, exact time), and in addition it will help you correctly find out what phase of the moon is now, when there will be a waxing or waning moon, a new month, what lunar day (or lunar day) is today, when there will be favorable days or unfavorable days in August.

When are the favorable days in August 2019?

From August 2 to 14 - waxing moon, new moon (rising, young, waxing, new moon)
. from August 16 to August 29 - waning (old, descending, debilitated) moon
. August 31 - waxing moon

When a new moon appears in the sky, the waxing moon begins during this period and a real awakening begins in the human body. The days of the growing, new, young moon are prosperous, successful and favorable days, you can start various new things: on these days you can make plans for the future without problems, make the most important decisions, this is the most favorable time for losing weight, dieting, fighting bad habits, you can start quitting smoking, etc.

Luck and success in work and in your personal life will accompany you on the good favorable days of the growing (young, waxing, new, rising) moon.

When will the unfavorable days be in August 2019?

These are bad, unfavorable days, be careful and attentive! It is not recommended to start any important business on these unfavorable days, and if you have such an opportunity, try to postpone your business for the days of the young, waxing moon. In addition, on such days, pay attention to your own health.

Lunar calendar for August 2019

The lunar calendar shows Moscow time. Be sure to consider your time zone to determine your local time. The lunar month begins with the new moon, with the first phase.

A lunar day (lunar day) begins with the rising of the Moon on this day. A detailed lunar calendar, of course, indicates the transit of the Moon in the zodiac sign and the exact time of the moon’s entry into this zodiac sign.

date Lunar day Sunrise time Zodiac sign Entrance sign Moon phase
1 30/1
a lion
New moon
2 2
3 3
Virgo Moon
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
Aquarius Full moon
16 16
17 17
Fish Moon
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21 22:01
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 25
27 26
28 27
a lion
29 28
a lion
30 29/1
04:48 Virgo 02:58
New moon
31 2
Virgo Growing

New Moon and Full Moon in August 2019, date, exact Moscow time

Every month the Moon waxes and wanes, but there are a couple of days when it is hidden from human sight. This is a natural process and it is called the New Moon. During this period, the Moon is reborn and a new period begins. Its energy has a great influence, so it is believed that it can be directed to attract favorable conditions in a person’s life. Also, this energy can have both positive and negative effects on human health.

  • How to make a wish
  • Moon phases
  • The influence of the new moon on humans
  • Conclusion

New moon in 2018, when to make wishes

In August 2018, the New Moon will occur on the 11th, at 12:37 Moscow time.

It is believed that on this day all wishes made will come true. The most suitable time for this is the first lunar day. However, astrologers say that this month it is worth making a wish starting from August 12 at 7:00 Moscow time until August 13, until 7:20, on the second lunar day, when the Moon is in Virgo.

How to make a wish

To fulfill your wishes on the New Moon, you should perform a small ritual: take a notebook or notepad and write down your wishes on the New Moon. All fulfilled wishes are crossed off the list, and new ones can be added to them. All desires must be formulated clearly and clearly.

If you want financial stability, then you need to bury this piece of paper with your wish in the ground.

When starting a new business, plan it for the New Moon.

As soon as the New Moon arrives, think about your cherished dreams, you need to focus on them.

Important! When making a wish, you must understand that when it comes true, the consequences can be unpredictable. Therefore, before you make a wish, think carefully about whether you will be ready for them.

Moon phases

Moon phases are the varying shapes of the part of the Moon illuminated by the Sun that can be seen from Earth.

There are 4 phases in total:
new moon - in this phase the Moon cannot be seen. At such times she is connected to the Sun;
the first quarter is the phase when half of the Moon is illuminated;
full moon - in this phase the Moon is fully illuminated;
the last quarter is a state when the other half of the Moon is already illuminated.

The influence of the new moon on humans

During the New Moon, everyone can feel a change in mood and a deterioration in well-being. The energy of the moon can change a person's mood. It is noteworthy that at this time the number of accidents, accidents, and fights increases.

Scientists say that at this time chronic diseases worsen, nausea, dizziness and increased or decreased blood pressure are commonplace.

Our ancestors associated with the new moon no fewer different signs and beliefs than with the onset of the full moon: they paid great attention to the cycles of the night celestial body, and they tried to “adjust” many areas of life specifically to them.

Some customs have survived to this day, and we ourselves unconsciously repeat them: everyone is probably familiar with when someone takes money out of their pocket and begins to rustle it, begging the young month for wealth? And the young girls, seeing the thin moon, begin to spin on their left heels, telling the suitors to curl around them, as they, in fact, dance around the moon.

There is a belief that if you put a glass of water on the windowsill on a full moon so that the moonlight falls on it, and drink it in the morning, it will add beauty and health. True, some people do not recommend looking at the full moon: it will give you a headache. There are real legends about haircuts and the moon: if you cut your hair during the waxing month, your hair will grow faster, but if you cut your hair during the waning moon, it will not grow back for a long time.

The new moon is associated with innocence, purity of thoughts and new beginnings, but there are also some rituals that are designed to fulfill our desires. There are many beliefs associated with wishing for what you want under the glare of falling stars, on a full moon, a new moon, during an eclipse, but we will try to briefly tell you only about the simplest and most accessible methods.

Remember that when making a secret wish, it is better to remain alone with yourself, because this is a mystery that happens inside you, forming an intention and sending it to the Universe. for concentration, you can use a simple candle: light it when a new month is born in the heavens, secluded in a dark room, from the window of which you can see the moon. The light of a candle will allow you to think about your dreams, analyze them and guide yourself on the true path.

When making a wish, many people advise imagining that it has already come true, that you have already become the owner of certain qualities or material values ​​that you dream of. However, this approach is only partially effective because many people get so carried away by their fantasies that they stop making efforts to achieve their goals. You need to imagine that your desire has already come true, first of all, in order to understand how comfortable you are with being the owner of this or that good. If yes, set yourself goals and achieve them; if you have doubts, work with them.

On the twenty-seventh of July we were able to see a beautiful lunar eclipse, but now, on the eleventh of August, exactly on the new moon, we are about to see a solar one. More precisely, not everyone will be able to look at it with their own eyes, but they will be able to feel its influence.

In particular, try to find yourself outside at 12:47 a.m., look at the sun and think about your innermost thoughts. It just seems to us that the Universe does not hear about our desires: it absorbs everything, and the more fervent our prayer is, the greater the chance that sooner or later it will come true.

  • New moon in August 2018 - August 11, 2018 at 12 hours 57 minutes 37 seconds.
  • Full moon in August 2018 - August 26, 2018 at 14 hours 56 minutes 12 seconds.
  • First quarter in August 2018 - August 18, 2018 at 10 hours 48 minutes 29 seconds.
  • The last quarter in August 2018 is August 4, 2018 at 21 hours 18 minutes 04 seconds.
  • Waxing Moon in August 2018 - from August 12 to August 25, 2018.
  • Waning Moon in August 2018 - from August 1 to 10 and from August 27 to 31, 2018.
  • Moon at apogee: August 23 at 11:25.
  • Moon at perigee: August 10 at 18:06.
  • Solar eclipse in August 2018: August 11 at 12:47 p.m.

Different periods of visibility of the Moon are called phases, but in addition to them, there are also unique days of the lunar cycle, when the influence of the night star is more pronounced than usual. One of these days is the New Moon.

The Moon will spend the upcoming New Moon in the constellation Leo. It will come on August 11th. However, this is not one astronomically important event for the current day: on the 11th, along with the renewal of the Moon, an eclipse of the Sun will also occur. In combination with a solar eclipse, the New Moon in August 2018 can have an ambiguous impact on people and life events. Astrologers, as well as website specialists, recommend not to force events, but to adhere to the established rules.

Negative aspects of the New Moon in August

Let's start with the not so pleasant news: the New Moon in August coincides with a solar eclipse. This promises increased emotionality, nervousness, absent-mindedness and painful sensitivity. On such a day, it is important to think rationally, stick to your loved ones and not make hasty decisions - any rash actions can lead to significant financial and emotional losses.

Approaching its renewal, the Moon overcomes a rather difficult period, which in astrological language is called the “New Moon”. In simple terms, the night star at this moment will be at the stage of an energy reboot, when, along with its energy, all the energy around will be renewed. In August, the picture will be something like this: most people will feel as if many life chances have been missed, that everything has begun to fall apart and they urgently need to jump into the last car and grab any opportunities. But don't tempt fate.

The New Moon is a difficult time when the Moon tests us for strength, forces us to pass an exam, take stock, and learn lessons from the past. The August New Moon will be no exception. This will be a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but subsequently it will lead to positive changes.

Positive aspects of the New Moon in August

According to astrologers' forecasts, the upcoming New Moon is not an easy one, but it will have more pros than cons. This is largely the merit of Leo, whose influence will give self-confidence, inspiration, luck and success.

In August, the energy of the night luminary will contribute to any undertaking, since on the New Moon the Moon will join forces with Mars, Leo and the Sun. This means that all our dreams can easily become plans for the future. Among other things, the New Moon in Leo will provide a celestial shield that will reflect negativity until August 25th.

The upcoming New Moon favors new beginnings and starts, which will appeal to Leo, the leader among the Zodiac Signs. The conjunction of the main luminaries on August 11 carries a huge charge of energy for the entire lunar month. The influence of Leo will help you find your strengths, but remember that a side effect of the upcoming New Moon is excessive self-confidence, overestimation of your strengths, and abuse of authority. In order for everything to go smoothly, you should avoid negative emotions, strengthened by Leo’s uncompromising attitude. The energy of the New Moon makes it possible to either become the master of the situation or find helpers with whom you are not afraid to move forward.

The new moon in August will give a powerful impetus to business development, expansion of boundaries and worldview, and will also bring good luck. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to drive away bad thoughts and devote time to spiritual growth and accumulation of positive energy. The desire to improve life and spiritual quests will find the support of the night luminary. We wish you good luck, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.08.2018 04:44

The new moon is a special time when magical currents are especially strong. Using money signs and beliefs accumulated...
