Number of renovation houses. The first house under the renovation program

Renovation begins with the process of reconstruction, improving the appearance and living comfort of capital residents. Khrushchev's buildings, perhaps, have not all outlived their usefulness to the same extent, if we consider only the walls and roofs. However, all communications equipment - heating, electrical wiring, water and gas supply, sewerage - has become almost completely unusable. Only the renovation planned by the capital authorities can help here.

The Khrushchev buildings could have been repaired, as, for example, they did it in Kaliningrad, and it would have turned out just as beautiful, but the communications there were unlikely to be completely replaced, and without this there is no point in a major overhaul. It will cost the country much less to build housing using new technologies. In addition, people will live in more spacious and modern apartments, even the area of ​​residence will not change.

What is renovation

For the most part, Khrushchev buildings are on the verge of being unsuitable for human life, and there is no need to wait for the moment when accidents begin to occur. Renovation in civil engineering involves not only the complete replacement of old housing with new ones. This, first of all, is an innovative process related to the sphere of fixed capital, where the very functional purpose of the reconstructed objects changes.

The EEC Committee held a number of international conferences, seminars, and symposiums dedicated to housing issues and urban planning. As a result, Europe settled on the opinion that the general trend is the maximum preservation of existing buildings, even if they are not historical or architectural monuments, but simply residential buildings of traditional row housing. They still serve as quite important elements of the city’s environment. In Germany, entire areas were reconstructed in this way. However, it is unlikely that buildings similar to those in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are now under threat of renovation, have survived there. Khrushchev apartments - cramped, cheap and uncomfortable - were built mainly in the USSR.


In May 2017, the Moscow City Duma adopted a law promising additional guarantees of property and housing rights of legal entities and individuals affected by the renovation of the Moscow housing stock. When a similar federal law is passed, renovation of Khrushchev-era buildings will begin in the capital, 2017 will become a turning point, old houses will be massively demolished across entire districts as potentially unsafe and practically uninhabitable housing. Many residents of the capital are happy about this fact. Some fear and do not trust their authorities.

Nevertheless, a corresponding program for the renovation of Khrushchev buildings was developed. Residents will not have to spend their savings on buying a new home; they will even be helped with moving. The demolition of dilapidated five-story buildings and the relocation of their residents to modern, comfortable houses - this is exactly what the renovation of Khrushchev-era buildings in Moscow involves. Muscovites will receive free apartments of equivalent living space in their area of ​​residence in completely new houses built using the most advanced technologies. It is planned to build monolithic brick buildings for this purpose.


Plans for the renovation of Khrushchev-era buildings appeared in the Moscow government a long time ago, since these buildings, as they say, have no architectural frills, and are also dilapidated, and the capital is the face of the country, it is by its streets that all of Russia is judged. The appearance of the city is of the same type, five-story, very numerous, very spoiling.

Most of the Khrushchev buildings were built half a century ago, starting in 1957, although there are much older two-, three-, four- and five-story buildings in the capital, whose technical characteristics are similar to Khrushchev-type buildings. Almost all such buildings are designed to last from twenty-five to fifty years. The latest deadlines will expire in the coming years. By the way, the Khrushchev renovation project has been implemented for a very long time - since 1988, and one hundred and sixty thousand families are already living in other apartments. It’s just that the process is currently accelerating because the service life of such buildings is coming to an end.

Series bearable and unbearable

However, there are still a lot left in Moscow that were built in the first period of industrial housing construction. Previously, they were classified as unbearable series, but after technical examinations it became clear that living in them would also soon become impossible, the condition of these buildings is already unsatisfactory, and it does not meet any of the modern requirements for comfort and safety.

The capital's housing stock requires immediate attention and renovation, otherwise all five-story buildings will become unsafe. That is why the renovation of Khrushchev buildings is moving at such a pace. The addresses of houses subject to demolition in the near future can be found on the website of the Moscow city administration and on the websites of municipalities.


As a result of the publication of the city hall's plans, a protest movement of residents of houses slated for demolition emerged. Rallies both “for” and “against” attract up to twenty thousand people. Some Moscow officials, apparently, are not sufficiently aware of the progress of renovation, and therefore make contradictory statements. All sorts of rumors about how the Moscow renovation of Khrushchev buildings will be carried out are snowballing and growing. St. Petersburg, for example, has been quietly renovating dilapidated housing for a long time, and there has been no noise about this. Even one of the most successful developers there proudly bears his name; apparently, it is not in vain that it is considered the cultural capital.

And in Moscow they are trying to challenge the main thesis of the program - there really is no point in repairing Khrushchev buildings. Living in them is extremely inconvenient, they are morally outdated, and they are also ugly, which could be the only reason for the capital. And there are many more reasons, and lack of beauty is about twenty-ninth. The main thing is the service life, the breakdown rate of communications. It is not safe to live in them even today. And the renovation program involves moving residents only after a few years.

Emergency funds

The emergency housing stock in the capital is growing, and the growth rate is simply depressing. The program for the demolition of dilapidated houses was not developed in vain right now and is already being discussed at the legislative level. Creating a comfortable living environment is the highest goal, and today's tasks concern most of all the safety of residents. If major repairs, reconstruction, modernization, restoration had helped with this problem, we would have settled on this solution, but in this situation, demolition is faster, cheaper, and even more profitable for residents.

Not only are the five-story Khrushchev buildings morally and physically outdated, they are on the very verge of collapse. It was not for nothing that the mayor called such houses junk. Opponents point out that the condition close to emergency was determined not by specialists, but by the residents themselves living in these houses, as well as their deputies. Millions of complaints have accumulated in municipalities. Who can know better the condition of their own home if not the owners? Data from local governments is quite reliable information.


The Moscow government has already published a preliminary list of four and a half thousand buildings that are subject to demolition first. All these buildings do not meet modern living conditions, they are dilapidated, and the majority of residents voted for relocation. Any house can refuse the renovation program. The voting has already taken place - it was held from May fifteenth to June fifteenth, 2017.

Moreover, the mayor is confident that the list of houses subject to demolition must be expanded if their residents insist on it. However, the law has not yet been adopted by the State Duma, and therefore it is not yet possible to find answers to pressing questions either in the prefecture or in the council. In addition to adoption in the State Duma, the law must receive approval from the Federation Council and the signature of the president.

If renovation passes by

If a certain building is not included in the initial renovation list, this building will not be demolished in the near future, and residents will not have to participate in voting on this program. But that's it for now. Mayor Sobyanin says that the opinion of the residents of the capital will be listened to very carefully, and if two-thirds of the inhabitants of the Khrushchev block vote at the general meeting for relocation, then the initial list will be supplemented, since it is not final.

In addition to five-story Khrushchev-era buildings, old two- to four-story buildings will also be subject to demolition if they are in the same disrepair. Even nine-story buildings included in block-by-block development can be included in the renovation program if residents require relocation. Rallies in Moscow are taking place both against and for renovation. Opinions were divided.

Series for demolition

The initial document states that apartment buildings built during the first period of industrial housing construction, that is, from 1957 to 1968, will be subject to demolition. This includes panel buildings of the 1MG-300, 1605-AM, II-35, II-32, K-7 series. This information is located on the website of the capital's urban planning policy. It also says that the renovation program will also include buildings built before 1957 if their characteristics are equally disappointing.

Comfortable and high-quality five-story buildings will not be demolished if their condition is satisfactory. The list already includes some buildings that do not belong to the above-mentioned period of construction, and do not at all resemble Khrushchev. It’s just that some of them are already more than a hundred years old, while the rest are approaching this threshold. In addition, entire areas and some houses where residents protested over relocation were excluded from the preliminary list.

New buildings

Where exactly new houses will be built for the residents of the demolished Khrushchev buildings, no one knows exactly what they will be like, since the best architects in Moscow are still working on the projects. But sample projects already exist and can be viewed on the government website. Residents will be provided with brand new, comfortable apartments with a fine finish and the same number of rooms.

In most cases, they will exceed the area of ​​​​old apartments due to large halls, kitchens and corridors. In addition, for those Muscovites who want to improve their living conditions, this will be possible through an additional payment. Large families, huddled for several generations in small-sized Khrushchev-era buildings, will be resettled.

The launched program for the renovation of Moscow houses has caused a lot of noise in the press and on the Internet. The project affects almost 10% of the residents of the capital and its suburbs, thousands of houses are being demolished. It is worth noting that these are typical “sockets” built in the 60s and earlier. Now they are more than 50 years old, which is the standard lifespan of residential buildings.

A few facts about the program

The renovation program did not start in 2017. The project to demolish panel five-story buildings has existed since 1999. The sensational situation in 2017 with voting, revision of legislation and new conditions was just a new wave of global restructuring of the capital.

Purpose of the program

There are still disputes about the announced and true intentions of the Moscow authorities. Therefore, we can roughly assume that there are several goals:

  1. Improving the living conditions of citizens living in Moscow (mayor's version).
  2. Updating the architectural appearance of the capital (another official version).
  3. Densification of the population and profit due to the sale of “extra” apartments in high-rise buildings, replacing five-story buildings (skeptics’ version).
  4. The implementation of corruption schemes and the deterioration of living conditions of citizens (the version of opponents of renovation).

Time will tell which of the above is reality.

Financing and developers

The first stage of the renovation program will be financed from the city budget.

The state will cover the costs of the initial stages of the project in order to better assess the nuances of attracting investors to finance subsequent stages. Budget money will be raised during the first 5-6 years of the program.

The main developer is the state enterprise UGS (Civil Construction Administration).

The first stage of the renovation program is financed from the city treasury, so the bulk of the houses being designed fell on the shoulders of the budget developer. Some of the apartments that meet the requirements will be purchased from other developers, for example, MTFPA. The issue of investment is already worrying such large players in the construction market as PIK Group, LSR Group and FSK Leader.

More than 5 thousand houses participate in the program.

More precisely, 5,144 houses are currently approved by the Moscow government, but their owners have the right to change their decision.

Legislative framework for renovation

The housing renovation program is regulated by three main legislative acts and a number of additional regulatory documents:

  1. No. 141-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of the Capital of the Russian Federation”” dated 07/01/2017 supplements the existing document, adapting the law to the housing renovation program.
  2. Moscow City Law No. 14 dated May 17, 2017. This legal document establishes guarantees for residents and builders that everything promised to them under the housing renovation program in Moscow will be received in full.
  3. Moscow Government Decree No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017 is an important document that established the procedure for voting for the inclusion of residential buildings in the renovation program. Thanks to him, it was possible to collect and analyze the opinions of only those who were actually involved in the potentially demolished houses.
  4. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 497-PP “On the Housing Renovation Program in the City of Moscow” dated August 1, 2017.

There are also several resolutions that make changes to what has already been described. You can read their review on our website.

How the voting took place and how the results were summed up

The inclusion of houses in the renovation was carried out by voting by homeowners. People could cast a vote “for” or “against” from May 15 to June 15. The identities of citizens were identified by SNILS or personal account number of the apartment, and the right of ownership was confirmed by a lease agreement or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. These measures made it possible to avoid third-party cheating of votes and objectively assess the real opinion of citizens.

Voting took place in real and virtual space. You could cast your vote electronically using the Active Citizen application. Those who did not have one could come to the MFC and cast their vote there. The turnout was 71%, more than two-thirds of the residents on the renovation list. The votes were distributed as follows:

  1. For a house to be included in the program, two-thirds or more of its residents had to say “yes.”
  2. In order for a house to be excluded from renovation plans, 1/3 + 1 homeowners in this building had to be against it.
  3. The votes of the “silent ones” are distributed in proportion to the votes of the owners who took part in the voting.
  4. The voting results for apartments with several owners were determined by the majority of votes in the apartment. That is, if two out of three owners are “against” and one is “for”, then it was considered that everyone spoke negatively. If the forces were equal, then it was considered that no opinion was expressed, and the apartment went on the list of “silent people.”

According to the voting results, 4,087 buildings were included in the list of houses for renovation, and 452 houses were crossed out. 7 houses, in which no one lived at that time, did not take part. The program also included 100 nine-story panel buildings, although houses of this type were not initially included in the lists.

How to exclude a house from the renovation program (exit from the program)

You can exit the renovation program at any time, but it will require some effort. We recommend breaking this process down into three steps.

Residents' meeting

10 days before the meeting, we notify all residents of the building about the place and time of the event, as well as the documents that need to be taken with them. We save the original message. If it hung in the entrance or other common space, there is no need to create a register of residents who received the message. In other cases, this document will be required. Before the meeting, you need to select a secretary and appoint a chairman of the meeting.

The meeting is considered legitimate if more than half of the owners attend it. In order for a house to be excluded from the renovation program, more than 1/3 of the owners must vote to withdraw from it.

At the meeting, you need to draw up a protocol, a list of those present, collect written decisions of those who decided to vote in absentia, as well as other documents and materials that residents consider necessary.

Collecting documents

If at a general meeting the residents decided to exclude their house from the renovation program, then the person who conducted the collection needs to collect a package of documents to submit them to the state. authorities. It includes:

  1. A copy of the minutes of the meeting (drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 1 No. 937/pr).
  2. Register of owners and tenants of social rent.
  3. A notice of a meeting of residents and a register of its delivery (if compiled).
  4. List of persons present at the meeting.
  5. Documents confirming the powers of voters.
  6. Documents that were considered by the meeting.
  7. Written decisions from correspondence students.
  8. Other papers that were attached to the protocol.

Most of these documents are drawn up directly at the meeting, so collecting them should not pose any significant difficulties. Certify all papers with the signature of the secretary and the chairman of the general house meeting.

We take the package of documents to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate

The Moscow Housing Inspectorate is located in the capital at the address: Mira Ave., 19. It works according to the following schedule:

  • Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00.
  • Friday and holidays: 08:00 - 15:45
  • Closed: Saturday, Sunday.
  • Lunch: 12:00 - 12:45.

If all documents are completed correctly, within 30 days a proposal to exclude your house from the renovation program will be sent to the Moscow Government. The period can be extended for another 30 days, which will necessarily be notified to the representative of the meeting who submitted the package of papers.

Please note that after the house leaves the program, you will be recalculated and re-awarded all contributions for major repairs from the moment the house entered the capital’s renovation process.

Cash compensation instead of an apartment

Instead of an equivalent apartment, you can receive monetary compensation. It will take into account the cost of finishing, plus the market value of the apartment itself. To receive money instead of housing under the renovation program, you need to write an application.

Is it possible to be refused cash compensation instead of an apartment? Yes, you can. If minors, incompetent citizens or people with limited legal capacity live in your apartment, then you will be given an equivalent or equivalent apartment (you also need to write an application for them). Also, employers under a social tenancy agreement do not have the opportunity to receive monetary compensation.

Which areas of Moscow are participating?

The renovation program involves 85 districts of the capital and Moscow region, except for 4 dozen territorial units of Old Moscow, in which many owners were against the inclusion of their houses in the program.

In the end, the most rebuilt district was the Eastern Administrative District - 1,055 houses fall under the renovation program there. In the Zelenograd administrative district, 34 houses are being resettled, and this is the smallest area.

What is the order of resettlement and the schedule for demolition of houses?

The order of relocation worries many homeowners who are included in the renovation program. Relocation is already underway, and demolition is on schedule.

The order of demolition and resettlement of houses will be finally established by 2019. Follow the section "List of houses for demolition"

What will the new apartments and houses be like?

Residents of houses included in the renovation program will be relocated to new houses that meet legal requirements. Each house will undergo 6 stages of inspection, from the design stage to finishing work. The Moscow government also promises the reconstruction of renovated areas with the construction of new social infrastructure facilities.

What awaits owners in new houses?

  1. More floors - apartments will be located in buildings with at least 6 floors.
  2. New standards. For example, entrances will be located at floor level so that people with limited mobility can move freely.
  3. comfort class and installed plumbing equipment.
  4. Updated recreational areas, modern playgrounds and bike paths.
  5. The opportunity to choose an apartment of a similar or larger area (equivalent), or equivalent to the market value of the old apartment.
  6. Residents of communal apartments will receive a separate apartment.
  7. It will also be possible to apply for monetary compensation instead of an apartment and purchase housing in another area or building.

On February 21 of this year, the president of the state officially sent an order to the mayor of the capital to intensify a new program for the demolition of five-story buildings. And within two months, the first regulations regulating this issue were prepared. But, given the speed of decision-making on the demolition of Khrushchev buildings in Moscow, Muscovites are left with more questions than answers. And while the final lists of houses to be demolished in Moscow in 2017 are being compiled and their addresses are being determined, the government is painstakingly working to eliminate contradictions in the papers and by-laws.

In the Soviet Union, every family that worked faithfully at state enterprises could fairly count on receiving personal housing. This is undoubtedly a good program, thanks to which Moscow is dotted with five-story buildings, among which Khrushchev buildings predominate. These houses became the lifeline of the city authorities, which made it possible to provide housing for thousands of Russian families. But time passes, houses fall into disrepair, they threaten to fall into disrepair, and hundreds of families dream of changing their impractical layout to a spacious new apartment in a modern high-rise. This is one of the main reasons that provoked the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow in 2017.

The renovation plan was launched back in 1998 and was expected to be completed by 2011. But, due to financial and other government difficulties, the plan to demolish five-story buildings in Moscow was extended for several more years. According to the most favorable forecasts, the demolition plan for Khrushchev buildings should be completed in 2019. But these deadlines are approximate, therefore they are not limited only to these dates, and can be extended.

The 2017 law on the demolition of five-story buildings became the basis for drawing up a preliminary list of applicants for dismantling. In particular, more than 4.5 houses were included in the demolition list, and the owners voted to save or dismantle them.


In practice, the renovation project received a more favorable name – the “Housing” program. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the work is not aimed at destroying the capital’s housing stock, but at improving the living conditions of Moscow families. According to theoretical principles, it was indicated that the demolition schedule for five-story buildings for 2017 will depend solely on the opinion of property owners in the applicant buildings. And the voting lines were already closed on June 15th.

Now, until July, votes will be counted and final lists of five-story buildings for demolition will be compiled. As we become familiar with the results and compile statistics, all the addresses of the five-story buildings that took part in the survey, as well as the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow in 2017, are put on public display on the Internet.

It should be noted that the final list will be published only in August, but in the meantime, the map of demolition of five-story buildings includes 115 buildings, among which there are not only Khrushchev buildings, but also other dilapidated or dilapidated buildings.

Practical stage

It will be possible to begin the practical stage only after a complete list of five-story buildings to be demolished has been compiled. It is estimated that at the end of August Muscovites will learn which houses will be dismantled. But in the meantime, you can follow the trend on the website in the “Active Citizen” section.

Attention! The counting of opinions will take place in two stages and requires that 70% of the vote threshold must be overcome in order for the house to be dismantled.

The rules for creating a list of five-story buildings, as well as drawing up the order of demolition, imply the following algorithm of actions:

  • taking into account the opinions of property owners/tenants in applicant houses separately for each apartment;
  • general calculation for each house separately.

In this case, a positive answer will be counted if:

  • all residents of the apartment voted for dismantling;
  • if the opinions of the residents of one apartment differ, but the majority views the resolution of the issue positively;
  • if no votes were received from the apartment

Thus, only a unanimous refusal will be counted in the group of "no" votes.

When determining the first list of houses that can be demolished, the period of construction and its condition were taken into account. Thus, the city's utility companies carried out inspections to establish the unsafe condition of housing.


The renovation project was launched in 2017 and it is during this period that the bulk of the work is planned. So, as has already been said, by the end of summer the addresses of the Moscow five-story buildings will be formed, which will be demolished. Next, it will take approximately two months to draw up notices to residents, provide enough vacant apartments in new buildings for the relocation of citizens, and also complete all the necessary paperwork.

If, having looked through the lists of houses for demolition in Moscow 2017, you have found your addresses, then you should contact the city’s housing stock. They will provide you with a form to familiarize yourself with the new housing. With this document, the family goes to the new apartment, inspects it and decides to accept the home in exchange. In this case, an exchange agreement is drawn up, according to which the state owns the Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, and the displaced people purchase housing in a new building. One and a half months were allotted for the preparation of all these papers. Another 30 calendar days are allocated to complete the move.

In addition, demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow is planned to begin by the end of 2017. City authorities hope that the renovation project will be successfully completed in 2018. But, as practice shows, the country may face exorbitant financial costs, which is why, perhaps, the demolition of Khrushchev-era buildings in Moscow, which began in 2017, may last until 2020 inclusive.

As for the queue, much depends on the availability of empty apartments for relocation and the dilapidation of the building. The most reliable buildings will be dismantled last. The list of demolished houses affected almost all districts of Moscow, including Kapotnya.

What should migrants expect?

Muscovites are warily awaiting the official presentation of the list of houses to be dismantled, which will soon be published in the media and on the pages of Internet resources. If the house is on the list of the 2017 Moscow demolition program for five-story buildings, then the owners will certainly have to move. And that's what scares me the most. And in vain, since the city administration guarantees the provision of all assistance related to the move.

As mentioned above, demolition of houses is possible only when there are enough empty square meters to accommodate displaced people. Therefore, active work is now underway on the construction of new buildings. The layout of the new housing will be similar to the usual dilapidated housing. And, if you look at the house on the map, the location promises to be advantageous. The availability of kindergartens and schools, as well as other citizen service centers will be taken into account.

Residents of the demolished five-story building can rest easy, since the municipal authorities are committed to providing free services for transporting things to their new location.

Legal self-defense

The procedure for implementing this reform has already been approved, as well as mechanisms for legal influence on citizens who do not want to move. In particular, this applies to judicial resolution of disputes. According to case studies, the courts side with the state because city authorities act on the basis of official law. Also, the owner will not be able to influence the order of dismantling houses for demolition in 2017.

The only court decision that can be made in favor of the owner is to provide the opportunity to choose a new home.

Program and list of houses to be demolished in Moscow until 2020

The list of houses to be demolished in Moscow until 2020 includes more than 350 thousand apartments, in which 1 million people live. The renovation program was approved by Moscow Mayor S. Sobyanin on August 1, 2017. What will the new apartments be like? Which houses are included in the list? How will the appearance of the city change? Let's consider these and other issues that concern Muscovites.

Time for a change

Active construction of Khrushchev apartments in Moscow continued from 1957 to 1969. The very first apartments were without balconies, tiny, with low ceilings, adjacent rooms and combined bathrooms. They were built at an accelerated pace to solve the housing problem for the next 25 years. In the early 1960s, house designs were improved; the service life of brick Khrushchev-era buildings was designed to last 100 years. But due to the unsatisfactory quality of construction, some of them fell into disrepair much earlier.

The time has come for change: the authorities decided to replace the panel five-story buildings of the 1-515 series, the block ones - 1-510 and the brick ones -1-511, as well as their modifications with modern comfortable houses with parking lots underneath, new utilities, and landscaped courtyards. In addition to Khrushchev buildings, the demolition list included houses of 2-3 floors, as well as about 100 nine-story panel buildings. Plan for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow 2020-2025. Affects most of all the Eastern administrative district (Bogorodskoye, Metrogorodok, Sokolinaya Gora, Preobrazhenskoye), Northwestern (Khoroshevo-Mnevniki and Shchukino) and Southwestern (Cheryomushki). In total, there are 560 blocks in Moscow with old five-story buildings.

More than 200 buildings were excluded from the list because, according to the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage, they are the architectural heritage of constructivism.

If residents are against it, there will be no resettlement

Until June 15, 2017, homeowners voted on the draft renovation program. The results of the door-to-door voting are available for verification. If 1/3 of the residents were against it, there would be no relocation or dismantling. There were 452 such houses. They were mostly built of brick. Conversely, residents of 297 houses not included in the preliminary plans voted in favor of demolition at a general meeting. Residents of blocks 79-81 Khoroshevo-Mnevnikov, Marshal Zhukov Avenue, and dilapidated houses on Novozavodskaya Street applied for relocation. Houses located near highways under construction have priority for demolition.

The program is attractive because residents will be moved to new homes in the same or neighboring area. In total, 5,144 houses are planned for demolition in Moscow by 2020. People will receive turnkey apartments of equal size, at least 30% more expensive than before, or cash compensation. This also applies to businesses located on the first floors of Khrushchev buildings. Owners of rooms in communal apartments will also receive apartments. The Moscow authorities announced the cost of finishing: per 1 m² - 11 thousand rubles. It includes plastic windows with baskets for air conditioning, energy-efficient batteries, water and electricity meters, readings from which will be transmitted automatically, intercom, separate bathrooms, ceramic toilets and metal bathtubs. Each apartment will have a balcony or loggia. According to preliminary data, about 25 million m² of new housing will be built, which requires 1.5 trillion. rubles

Wave construction method

The mass relocation of residents from Khrushchev-era apartment buildings will begin no earlier than the second half of 2019. The first district will be Beskudnikovo. The wave construction method is already known to Muscovites. It consists of the following stages:

  1. Construction of a new house.
  2. Relocation of residents to it.
  3. Dismantling the old building and erecting a new one.
  4. Creation of infrastructure and strengthening of communications capabilities.

Khrushchev buildings will be replaced by houses built from new generation panels and as a monolith. The decoration of the facades will be bright and non-standard. The city authorities promise round-the-clock video surveillance in the houses, modern elevators, adapting entrances for disabled people and prams. If premium-class buildings are built on the site of Khrushchev, the number of apartments in the new houses will increase by more than 2 times, and their total area - by more than 5 once. For each site, the issue of construction will be decided individually. It is logical to build large blocks in place of a massive accumulation of five-story buildings. The best architectural bureaus of the capital will participate in the project. After 2020, it will be possible to make plans to resettle residents in the Moscow region.

According to government officials, by the end of 2019 the main stages, timing and order of demolition of houses will be established under the Moscow housing stock renovation program. At the moment, houses to be dismantled have been identified. About 5,000 residential buildings, home to a million Muscovites, were subject to renovation.

For residents of houses subject to resettlement, the main question remains when the houses will be demolished under the renovation program. The order of dismantling the capital's Khrushchev buildings does not affect the interests of those on the waiting list. If the area of ​​residence is not suitable for a person or there are other circumstances, then he can purchase an equivalent replacement in a new home. At the same time, he continues to be registered.

In the fall of 2017, a list of sites for construction under the renovation program became known, which are located quite close to the houses to be dismantled. In the coming months, it is planned to select several dozen more sites so that the implementation of the initiative of the capital authorities is carried out simultaneously throughout Moscow.

59 residential buildings will be built at the selected launch sites in 2018. And by the beginning of 2021, several dozen more houses for relocation will be identified.

Important! The resettlement process itself will take 90 days, instead of the previously established 60. The question of extending this period by another 30 days remains open.

A schedule for relocation from five-story buildings under the renovation program was also established for 2018-2020.

The streamlined process of moving into new buildings is expected to begin in the second half of 2019. Such resettlement will be carried out using the so-called wave development method, which consists of separate stages:

  • construction of a new house;
  • moving residents into new buildings;
  • demolition of an old house;
  • erection of a new building in its place;
  • organizing infrastructure and improving communications.

This sequence is explained by the fact that the process of implementing the authorities’ initiative should take place with maximum comfort for the residents of the houses to be dismantled.

Plan for dismantling five-story buildings in Moscow for 2018-2020

First, the program will cover residential buildings that have been in disrepair for a long time. However, it must be taken into account that the program distinguishes the need for demolition of Khrushchev-era buildings from the program for the resettlement of dilapidated housing.

According to recent news, the demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program will last 15 years and will be divided into several equal stages.

First of all, the most unreliable residential buildings, the technical condition of which is unsatisfactory, will be dismantled. Conversely, the most reliable buildings will be demolished much later.

Read also: Kotelniki - new buildings from the developer near the metro

Renovation of houses of unbearable series

In 2018, not only houses in disrepair will be demolished, but also so-called undemolishable five-story buildings. These include houses that can last up to 150 years when undergoing major repairs. This is due to higher heat-insulating properties of walls, structural strength and improved room layouts. Despite the fact that the physical wear and tear of such buildings remains relatively small, intra-house networks require complete re-equipment.

The city authorities plan to demolish such buildings of series 1-515 and 1-510.

The order of demolition of houses depending on the area

According to data published on the official website of the Moscow City Hall, in the period 2017-2019, in order to carry out a further wave of resettlement of local residents, it is planned to build starter homes in the following areas of Moscow:

  • Presnensky (TsAO);
  • Beskudnikovsky, Dmitrovsky, Koptevo, Timiryazevsky (SAO);
  • Babushkinsky, Northern Medvedkovo, Northern, Southern Medvedkovo (NEAD);
  • Northern Izmailovo (VAO);
  • Kuzminki, Nizhny Novgorod, Tekstilshchiki (South Eastern Administrative District);
  • Moskvorechye-Saburovo, Nagatinsky Zaton (Southern Administrative Okrug);
  • Academic, Konkovo, Kotlovka, Yuzhnoye Butovo (South-Western Administrative District);
  • Mozhaisky, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Vernadsky Avenue, Fili-Davydkovo (JSC);
  • Northern Tushino (SZAO).

Advice! On the official website of the Moscow City Hall, everyone can look at the Moscow renovation map for 2017-2020.

In 2020-2021, the list will be expanded to include other areas. The remaining territorial units of the districts were not included in this list due to objections from the owners.

In the Central District of the capital, not only five-story buildings will be demolished, but also houses built at the beginning of the last century.

In addition to the above-mentioned areas, the queue for dismantling will include houses built in all remaining administrative districts of Moscow. According to the capital authorities, the queue of houses for demolition is headed by residential buildings located in Beskudnikovo. Three new buildings have already been built in this area, which will become new homes for residents of Khrushchev.

The question of implementing the initiative of the capital's authorities to replace old housing with new worries many Muscovites. To exchange available information, as well as to clarify any questions, residents of demolished houses can use numerous forums where the renovation of five-story buildings in Moscow is actively discussed.

What depends on the order of demolition

The first wave of replacing five-story buildings with new buildings began at the end of 2017. The resettlers will receive living space in monolithic houses. Subsequently, it is planned to design modern panel houses that would meet the latest construction standards.

Residents of the demolished five-story buildings are concerned about the quality of the premises provided. Moscow authorities assure that they will not feel any infringement of their rights or worsening conditions in the new place.

Firstly, the non-residential area in almost all new buildings will be increased. Small kitchens and combined bathrooms, characteristic of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, will remain a thing of the past. The living area will remain unchanged, but will not be reduced in any way.

Read also: Adequate prices from the developer for apartments in Tsaritsyno

Owners of rooms in communal apartments will become full owners of individual apartments.

Secondly, the market value of new housing will over time significantly exceed prices for secondary housing. In addition, the terms of the mortgage will remain the same.

Thirdly, since the beginning of August 2017, owners of living space in five-story buildings are not required to pay for major repairs. Once the relocation process is completed, residents will be reimbursed for funds already paid.

The above also applies to commercial organizations located on the first floors of five-story buildings.

The owner of living space in a demolished building has every right not to move to the provided housing in a new building, but to receive monetary compensation instead of an apartment, which will be determined in accordance with the market price of the apartment.

Important! If the owner takes a principled position and decides to turn to the courts to protect his right to live in the old house, then, as practice shows, the judicial authorities will be on the side of the state, since its authorities are guided by official legislation.

What is proposed to replace old apartments

According to the authorities, the operation of the constructed houses is designed for a hundred years. A careful selection of developers is carried out, as well as control over compliance with established rules and regulations, so that the constructed housing is most suitable for comfortable living.

Khrushchev buildings will be replaced by modern houses made of panels and monoliths with creative facade decoration.

Elevators in new buildings will be located in such a way that new residents do not need to climb the stairs to reach them. Each entrance will be adapted for people with disabilities and will also be equipped with CCTV cameras.

The houses are planned to be built from panels, which will be laid out in three layers. It is possible to choose the desired layout inside the living space. Each will have plastic windows with noise protection, and will also have spacious balconies and loggias.

The resettlers will receive living quarters with full finishing, which includes:

  • laying laminate and ceramic tiles;
  • finishing walls with paintable wallpaper;
  • installation of a metal entrance door and interior doors made of timber;
  • equipping bathrooms with high-quality sanitary ware;
  • installation of sockets and switches.

It is planned to improve the internal infrastructure of the yard: children's and sports grounds, areas for walking and sports will be equipped.

First house to move into

Since the end of 2017, houses in Moscow at the address Konstantin Fedin Street have come under renovation. Residents of two five-story buildings have begun actively moving into an 18-story building on 5th Parkovaya Street. The building is located just a few hundred meters from the previous residential buildings. Already 112 families have prepared all the necessary documents, and the owners of 16 apartments have even managed to draw up contracts.

Read also: New buildings from Morton on the official website

Future residents of the new building inspected the new housing and pointed out existing shortcomings, which were soon eliminated. It is noted that new housing is on average 30 percent larger in area than old apartments.

In the new house, residential premises have already been identified for subsequent sale, which will remain vacant after relocation under the renovation program. Several dozen apartments of different sizes are presented on the Stroykompleks website. First of all, these apartments will be available for purchase to new residents under the program for replacing old housing with new ones who would like to increase the size of their home. To date, about a hundred families have expressed such a desire. After this, the remaining residential premises will be available for purchase to everyone. However, such buyers will no longer have any benefits and discounts that immigrants may qualify for.

How can I purchase the necessary meters?

On the Stroykompleks website, homeowners in buildings for demolition can choose the apartment they like and inspect it, turning for help to the employees of a special information center in this building, who will also be able to report new information about the renovation of five-story buildings in Moscow.

If the chosen housing meets the interests of the owners, then they need to write an application to a specialized Fund, the content of which should indicate the desire to purchase an apartment of a larger area in exchange for the one initially provided.

The application is accompanied by a certain package of documents and a receipt indicating that a payment has been made for security purposes in a fixed amount.

The Fund is obliged to consider the received application within five working days. If during these days there are no more candidates for this housing, then the only applicants draw up an agreement and pay for it within 10 days from the moment the Fund gives consent to the transaction.

If there are several applicants for one apartment, the Fund is obliged to hold an auction, based on the results of which the winning person also draws up a contract for the purchase of housing within 10 days from the end of the auction. When paying for the cost of living space, the auction winner will be given a 10% discount, which applies to the amount of the additional payment made.

The remaining auction participants have the right to receive back the payment they made for security purposes.

Those auction participants who were the owners will draw up exchange agreements with an additional payment. And apartment tenants will have to enter into a purchase and sale agreement.

If migrants, after completing all the documents for the original living space and moving into it, suddenly decide to purchase a larger living space in the same house, then this is possible within two years.

After the start of the renovation, or rather, after its adoption on August 1, 2017, preparatory work began to find equivalent housing for future resettlers under the renovation program.

210 launch sites have already been found, and resettlement to them is planned between 2017 and 2021.

The resettlement will be divided into 2-3 waves.

List of addresses of “starting” apartment buildings

The starting sites have been identified on which apartment buildings will be designed and built under the renovation program during 2017-2019.

Relocation to these houses is planned to take place in.

1. Basmanny Bakuninskaya st., vl. 60
2. Basmanny district Basmanny, Poslannikov lane, ow. 18-Starokirochny lane, ow. 5
3. Krasnoselsky quarter 998, Krasnoselsky district, 2/1, building 1,2
4. Krasnoselsky quarter 998, Krasnoselsky district, Rusakovskaya st., 6
5. Tagansky st. Melnikova, 2 Northern administrative district of Moscow
6. Beskudnikovsky district Beskudnikovsky, apt. 8, 9, building 1
7. Beskudnikovsky district Beskudnikovsky, apt. 8, 9, building 20
8. Voykovsky district Voykovsky, Narvskaya st., vl. 5
9. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Avangardnaya st., vl. 10
10. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Flotskaya st., vl. 68, bldg. 1
11. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Flotskaya st., vl. 68, bldg. 2

hello, please tell me if the apartment is privatized, will they give me an apartment of exactly the same size as the old one? Or based on 18 sq.m. per person. The apartment itself is 36 sq. m. m. i.e. So we get 36 sq.?

12. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Onezhskaya st., vl. 35, bldg. 5
13. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Onezhskaya st., vl. 35, bldg. 67
14. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Kronstadt Boulevard, ow. 55
15. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Smolnaya st., vl. 21
16. Western Degunino district Western Degunino, Angarskaya st., 33
17. Western Degunino district Western Degunino, Bazovskaya st., no. 15
18. Western Degunino district Western Degunino, st. Taldomskaya, vl.1
19. Koptevo district Koptevo, 3rd Novomikhailovsky passage, ow. 8, building 1
20. Timiryazevsky district Timiryazevsky, Astradamskaya st., vl. 9A
21. Timiryazevsky district Timiryazevsky, Dmitrovskoe highway, ow. 55 North-Eastern administrative district of Moscow
22. Alekseevsky district Alekseevsky, st. Staroalekseevskaya, ow. 3
23. Butyrsky district Butyrsky, microdistrict. 78, bldg. 66
24. Butyrsky district Butyrsky, st. Rustaveli, vl. 3, bldg. 4
25. Losinoostrovsky, st. Izumrudnaya, ow. 26A
26. Losinoostrovsky district Losinoostrovsky, microdistrict. 3, bldg. 53
27. Losinoostrovsky district Losinoostrovsky, st. Taininskaya, ow. 13
28. Marfino district Marfino, Gostinichny proezd, vl. 8, bldg. 2
29. Maryina Roshcha district, st. Oktyabrskaya, house 1058
30. Maryina Roshcha district Maryina Roshcha, Sheremetyevskaya st., ow. 5, building 1
31. Maryina Roshcha district Maryina Roshcha, Sheremetyevskaya st., ow. 13, building 1
32. Maryina Roshcha TPU "Maryina Roshcha"
33. Rostokino district Rostokino, st. Agricultural, building 14
34. Sviblovo district Sviblovo, Nansen passage, ow. 8
35. Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo district, st. Molodtsova, 33, bldg. 1
36. Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo district Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo, Dezhneva proezd, 12, bldg. 1 Eastern administrative district of Moscow
37. Bogorodskoye Millionnaya st., ow. 3
38. Bogorodskoye district Bogorodskoye, microdistrict. 8B, building 4
39. Bogorodskoe transport hub “Open Highway”
40. Vostochnoye Izmailovo district Vostochnoye Izmailovo, 13th Parkovaya st., ow. 16
41. Vostochnoye Izmailovo district Vostochnoye Izmailovo, 15th Parkovaya st., ow. 27

Hello! Our house fell under the renovation program, I have a communal apartment, one room is occupied by the same tenants, and the other two rooms are mine, but under different personal accounts. Will I be able to get two one-room apartments?

42. Vostochnoye Izmailovo district Vostochnoye Izmailovo, 16th Parkovaya st., ow. 12
43. Golyanovo Shchelkovskoe highway, 71, bldg. 1 and d.73
44. Ivanovskoe district Ivanovskoe, microdistrict. 40-52, building 2
45. Ivanovskoe district Ivanovskoe, microdistrict. 40-52, bldg. 5
46. ​​Izmailovo Izmailovsky proezd, ow. 5
47. Kosino-Ukhtomsky, st. Black Lake, ow. 2-8
48. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Orenburgskaya st., no. 3
49. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Kaskadnaya st., ow. 21, area 1
50. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Kaskadnaya st., ow. 21, area 2
51. Metrogorodok district Metrogorodok, Otkrytoye shosse, ow. thirty
52. Metrogorodok district Metrogorodok, Otkrytoye shosse, ow. 26
53. Perovo district Perovo, Plekhanova st., ow. 18
54. Perovo district Perovo, Plekhanova st., ow. 22
55. Perovo district Perovo, 2nd Vladimirskaya st., ow. thirty
56. Perovo district Perovo, Green Avenue, ow. 27-29
57. Northern Izmailovo district, microdistrict. 80, bldg. 7
58. Severnoye Izmailovo district Severnoye Izmailovo, microdistrict. 80, bldg. 9
59. Severnoye Izmailovo district Severnoye Izmailovo, Konstantin Fedina st., ow. 13-19 South-Eastern administrative district of Moscow
60. Vykhino-Zhulebino district Vykhino-Zhulebino, microdistrict. 129, Fergana st., no.5
61. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, apt. 115, bldg. 1710
62. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, apt. 115, bldg. 18
63. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, apt. 116, bldg. 1 (Shumilova St., 4)
64. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, apt. 116, bldg. 2 (Shumilova St., 16, building 2)
65. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, microdistrict. 113, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 42
66. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, microdistrict. 119, Volgogradsky prospect, ow. 163
67. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, microdistrict. 120, st. Zhigulevskaya, vl. 3
68. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, microdistrict. 120, st. Zelenodolskaya, vl. 28, bldg. 4
69. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, microdistrict. 118, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 117
70. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, microdistrict. 117, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 73
71. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, microdistrict. 118, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 99
72. Lefortovo district Lefortovo, apt. 3, bldg. 6

I made a redevelopment in 1-sq.m. in a house for renovation. It became 2-kva. according to the documents. How will housing be provided when moving into a new home? Will they give me an apartment for 2?

73. Lefortovo district Lefortovo, Shepelyuginskaya st., no. 16
74. Lyublino district Lyublino, microdistrict. A, Lyublinskaya st., 113
75. Lyublino district Lyublino, microdistrict. Zh, Krasnodonskaya st., 46
76. Lyublino district Lyublino, microdistrict. A, Lyublinskaya st., 109, bldg. 1
77. Lyublino district Lyublino, microdistrict. A, Lyublinskaya st., vl. 111, bldg. 211
78. Lyublino district Lyublino, microdistrict. Zh, st. Verkhniye Polye, 19, bldg. 2
79. Nizhny Novgorod, apt. 80, between Novokhokhlovskaya st. and the Third Transport Ring
80. Ryazan district Ryazan, microdistrict. 128A, st. Papernika, 12
81. Tekstilshchiki district Tekstilshchiki, st. Chistova, ow. 3A, page 1
82. Yuzhnoportovy district Yuzhnoportovy, microdistrict. D, st. Petra Romanova, 18 Southern administrative district of Moscow
83. Biryulyovo Vostochnoye district Biryulyovo Vostochnoye, microdistrict. Zagorye, opposite ow. 2
84. Biryulevo Western district, Bulatnikovsky proezd, 16A
85. Biryulyovo Zapadnoye district Biryulyovo Zapadnoye, Kharkovsky proezd, near the owner. 1
86. Danilovsky district Danilovsky, at the intersection of the 5th Roshchinsky passage and the 2nd Roshchinskaya street.
87. Danilovsky district Danilovsky, Projected passage 4062, no. 8
88. Donskoy district Donskoy, Sevastopolsky Avenue, opposite 7, bldg. 6
89. district Nagatinsky Zaton, st. Rechnikov, 18-20
90. Nagatino-Sadovniki district Nagatino-Sadovniki, Varshavskoe highway, opposite 47, bldg. 2
91. Nagatino-Sadovniki district Nagatino-Sadovniki, Varshavskoe highway, opposite 61A
92. Nagorny district Nagorny, Simferopolsky proezd, ow. 712
93. Tsaritsyno, Yerevan st., opposite 10, bldg. 1
94. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, Kavkazsky Boulevard, ow. 40-42
95. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, Kantemirovskaya st., opposite no. 27
96. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, st. Kantemirovskaya, ow. 37-41
97. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, Kaspiyskaya st., 28, bldg. 4
98. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, Sevanskaya st., ow. 54-56
99. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, st. Bekhtereva, 3, s/u1 (Tsaritsyno district, microdistrict 4, building 402)
100. Chertanovo-Yuzhnoye district Chertanovo-Yuzhnoye, microdistrict 26, bldg. 81-82 South-Western administrative district of Moscow
101. Academic TPU “Profsoyuznaya”
102. Akademicheskiy district Akademicheskiy, apt. 18, st. Shvernika, ow. 6
103. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 35, B. Yushunskaya st., ow. 7A
104. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 14, Bolotnikovskaya st., ow. 31
105. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 36, Bolotnikovskaya st., vl. 48
106. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 37, Bolotnikovskaya st., vl. 43
107. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 14, bldg. 3
108. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 40, Kakhovka st., ow. 2313
109. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 37, Kerchenskaya st., ow. 2
110. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 40, Kerchenskaya st., ow. 20
111. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 42, Kerchenskaya st., ow. thirty
112. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 42, Kerchenskaya st., ow. 26
113. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 38, Sevastopolsky prospect, ow. 71
114. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 40, Sevastopolsky prospect, ow. 79
115. Zyuzino district Zyuzino, apt. 26, 31, Chernomorsky Boulevard, 22 building 2
116. Konkovo ​​district Konkovo, microdistrict. 6, bldg. 3
117. Konkovo ​​district Konkovo, microdistrict. 6, bldg. 2
118. Lomonosovsky district Lomonosovsky, st. Architect Vlasov, building 2
119. Obruchevsky district Obruchevsky, intersection of st. Garibaldi and st. Architect Vlasov
120. Severnoye Butovo district Severnoye Butovo, Feodosiyskaya st., vl. 7
121. Cheryomushki district Cheryomushki, apt. 20, 21, Garibaldi st., no. 17
122. Cheryomushki district New Cheryomushki, apt. 32A, uch. 12
123. Cheryomushki district Cheryomushki, apt. 20, 21, Profsoyuznaya st., ow. 32
124. Yuzhnoye Butovo district Yuzhnoye Butovo, Krasnolimanskaya st., vl. 27 Western administrative district of Moscow 14
125. Kuntsevo district Kuntsevo, Molodogvardeyskaya st., 44
126. Kuntsevo district Kuntsevo, Bobruiskaya st., 15 Fili-Davydkovo district, st. Kastanaevskaya, vl. 44-48
134. Fili-Davydkovo st. Kastanaevskaya, vl. 44-48, bldg. 2 North-Western administrative district of Moscow
135. Mitino district Mitino, Novobratsevo district, Parkovaya st., ow. 31 (opposite)
136. Northern Tushino district Northern Tushino, apt. 5, Turistskaya st., vl. 14, building 1, 2
137. Northern Tushino district Northern Tushino, st. Vilisa Latsisa, ow. 42
138. Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, apt. 83, Generala Glagolev st., ow. 5, bldg. 1
139. Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, st. Demyan Bedny, ow. 2215
140. Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Karamyshevskaya embankment, 22, bldg. 2
141. Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, st. Mnevniki, ow. 10, bldg. 1
142. Shchukino district Shchukino, microdistrict. 12, Novoshukinskaya st., ow. 8 Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow
143. Kryukovo Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, microdistrict. No. 19, bldg. 1935
144. Kryukovo Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, microdistrict No.19, bldg. 1934
145. Staroe Kryukovo Zelenograd, Staroe Kryukovo, microdistrict No9, building 934
146. Staroe Kryukovo Zelenograd, Staroe Kryukovo, microdistrict No9, building 935
147. Staroe Kryukovo Zelenograd, Staroe Kryukovo, microdistrict No9, building 936 Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow
148. Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe settlement Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe, Shishkin forest village, near house 9
149. Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe settlement Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe, Shishkin forest village, near house 21
150. Mosrentgen TPU “Mamyri”
151. Ryazanovskoye settlement Ryazanovskoye, village of Znamya Oktyabrya, near house 3

Free legal advice

Petrov Maxim Anatolievich

We have read numerous comments and prepared for you a PDF file with a complete list of houses included in the program. You can familiarize yourself with it at If your question is related to the date of relocation/the date of demolition of your house/relocation addresses or starting site, write to our lawyer. He will provide you with a free consultation on your issue. Sincerely, Maxim Anatolyevich.
