Crossword puzzle on electricity 20 questions. Ready-made electrical crossword - on the topic "electrical appliances"

Purpose of the event: legal education of schoolchildren, testing, in a playful way, minors’ knowledge of their rights and responsibilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Objectives of the event:

· to interest schoolchildren in additional/elective study of legal literature;

· increase motivation to comply with your rights and responsibilities.



Legal quiz script

"My rights and responsibilities"

Purpose of the event:legal educationschoolchildren, testing, in a playful way, minors’ knowledge of their rights and responsibilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Objectives of the event:

  • to interest schoolchildren in additional/elective study of legal literature;
  • increase motivation to comply with your rights and responsibilities.

Necessary materials:

  • computer, video and audio equipment with recordings;
  • jury score sheets;
  • multimedia projector;


  • creating teams to participate in the competition;
  • development of names and mottos.

Event structure:

Introductory part.Explanation of the sequence and form of the quiz, introduction of teams and jury members.

Main (game) part. Conducting a quiz. Evaluation of the completion of competition tasks, awarding points.

Final part.Summing up, rewarding teams.

Assignments for elementary grades.

  1. Introductory part


- Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about law.

What types of human rights do you know? (Students' answer.)

Today we will tell you about the right to life, personal integrity, freedom, including freedom of movement, the right to housing, work, and rest.

The right to live - this is a right that is enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of our state - the Russian Federation. It means that human life is the highest value and no one can deprive you and me of it with impunity. Wrongful deprivation of a person's life is called murder and is strictly punishable by the court in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Deprivation of life is legally possible only in certain states - for example, some states of the United States of America (do you know such a country?) and then only in relation to criminals for committing especially serious crimes against the person (for example, killing many people, blowing up a building with people, etc.) .p.) and necessarily by court verdict. In Russia, criminals sentenced to death by a court for especially serious crimes are not executed, since the state has imposed a moratorium (ban) on the death penalty.

Right to liberty and security of personalso enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of our state - the Russian Federation. It means that both physically and morally a person, i.e. a person cannot be subjected to coercion by others. For example, you cannot force a person or a child to do anything against his will: work, get married, keep locked up in some room, be forced to drive a car, etc. According to the Family Code of Russia, marriage between a man and a woman can only be concluded by mutual consent and desire.

Right to free workenshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. People, incl. and children from 14 years of age have the right, at their own choice, to perform work under a written contract for monetary remuneration (Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). No one can be forced to work.

Right to rest also enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This right applies to those people who work (study, work for a salary (like, for example, your parents)). Thus, adults are supposed to work no more than 8 hours a day with a lunch break. Deprivation of the right to rest is actually deprivation of the right to freedom of work, but it is worth noting that rest time is clearly defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, otherwise everyone will do nothing but rest and not work.

Right to housing enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. These laws say that a person’s home (this is a house, apartment or other housing in which he lives legally - that is, he did not take it from someone, but bought it, inherited it from his grandmother -inviolable).This means that no one can enter your apartment without an invitation, no one can be deprived of their home (that is, they cannot be kicked out of their home, spoil it, destroy it), since our home is the guarantee that our other rights are the right life, health, personal integrity will be ensured, that you will be able to sleep, eat, learn lessons and grow peacefully.

This year (2013) marks the 18th anniversary of the adoption of the Family Code of the Russian Federation in Russia. The Family Code is a law that establishes the rights and obligations of family members.

Do you think the obligation to brush your teeth and wash dishes every day is enshrined in the Family Code? (students’ answer). Of course not, this follows from generally accepted rules of hygiene.

But the Family Code states that parents are obliged to support their children (feed, water, clothe, provide a place to live, educate, and so on), that the rights of father and mother in the family are equal - that is, as they agree, they will share the home work: someone to cook dinner, someone to teach you homework, and the like. By agreement among themselves, it is the parents who come up with names for their children (if they do not agree among themselves, then the guardianship and trusteeship body, a body in the local administration, will do this).

So, we invite you to take part in the competition and determine how well you can guess what rights of certain fairy-tale characters have been violated.

Teams take turns choosing tasks, answering, and getting points. The jury records the points and sums up the game at the end.

II. Main part

1. “Homework”

Presentation of teams (name, motto).

2. Competition “Fairytale Question”

The teams are given tasks. The one who quickly and correctly answers the question posed brings from 1 to 5 points “to the piggy bank” of his team.

Task No. 1

A fragment from the film “Geese - Swans” is shown: an episode about the kidnapping of a boy.

What crime did the Geese-Swans commit? What rights of Ivanushka were violated?

Problem No. 2

Fairy tale by V. G. Arshin “The Frog Traveler.”

What right did the frog take advantage of when it went on a journey?

Problem No. 3

A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda.”

What right did Balda take advantage of when he hired himself to work for the priest?

Problem No. 4

A fragment from the film “The Adventures of Cipollino” is shown. Scene: Uncle Pumpkin is evicted from his house.

What rights of one of the heroes of D. Rodari’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” - Uncle Pumpkin - were violated?

Problem No. 5

Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Cinderella”.

What right did the stepmother violate by not letting Cinderella go to the ball?

3. Competition “Legal Issues of the Family”

Each team is given one task. The maximum score for an answer is 5.


A “replenishment” is expected in the Sidorov family. A controversial situation arose about what name to give the child. So, the family’s neighbors insisted that the boy be named Mark, the husband’s sister – Georgiy, Aunt Zina from the next door in the house – Vasily, and the baby’s parents themselves were inclined to name “Maxim”.

Who has the right to determine the child's name?

  1. Final part

The jury calculates the number of points the teams earned in the competitions held. The winner is awarded, as well as the most active participants who showed themselves in the proposed tasks. The results of the event are summed up (closing remarks).


So, friends, let's summarize our legal game, what we learned and remembered today, that every person hasstate-protected right to life, freedom, incl. freedom of movement, the right to work, rest, housing, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other laws.


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Slide captions:


1. A current source (element) in which the internal energy of the heater is converted into electrical energy. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT C H E M A T O K V O L T A P R O W O D R E P R I E M N I K S SWITCH A TEL P O L U S C I N K G A L V A N I A K K U M U L Y A T O R 2. A current source in which light energy is directly converted into electrical energy. 3. A drawing showing a method for connecting electrical devices into a circuit. 4. The phenomenon of ordered movement of charged particles. 5. Italian scientist who built the first current source. 6. Part of an electrical circuit that serves to connect its remaining parts. 7. The part of an electrical circuit in which electrical energy is consumed and converted into another form of energy. 8. Part of an electrical circuit that serves to close and open it. 9. One of the places on the current source to which a terminal is connected to connect it to the electrical circuit. 10. The material of the plate of the simplest chemical current source, which is negatively charged. 11. Italian scientist, after whom the elements - chemical sources of current - are named. 12. Current source requiring pre-charging.

2. Light-emitting diode that converts electrical current into light
5. A measuring device designed to determine the power of an electric current or electromagnetic signal
10. A specialized microcomputer designed to control printers, terminals, data transmission devices and other devices
15. Microcircuit consisting of a light emitter and a photodetector, optically connected to each other and placed in a common housing
16. ... instability coefficient
19. This is a controlled semiconductor device that can operate in an electronic circuit in both switching and amplification modes
21. Due to what process does the concentration of holes decrease and accumulate in the base?
23. Simultaneously with the generation process, the process occurs... carriers, in which an electron restores a covalent bond
1. An electrical conductor that has electronic conductivity and is in contact with an ionic conductor - an electrolyte
3. A device designed to study the amplitude and time parameters of an electrical signal supplied to its input, either directly on the screen or recorded on a photographic tape
4. Increase in the concentration of minority charges due to the predominance of diffusion through a forward-biased p-n junction
6. Direct and... current
7. The process of formation of electron-hole pairs is called... free charge carriers
8. K... include substances that, due to their electrical
9. An electromagnetic device having two or more inductively coupled windings on any magnetic circuit and designed to convert one or more alternating current systems by electromagnetic induction
11. In semiconductors, the main factor influencing electrical conductivity is...
12. During ... transition, the electronic component is significantly smaller than the hole component and can be neglected
13. Zener diode designed to stabilize low voltages
14. A characteristic feature of semiconductors is a pronounced
17. High voltage switching device, designed to energize and disconnect sections of the circuit without load current
18. ... breakdown is an avalanche multiplication of charge carriers in a p-n junction
20. Breakdown occurs in junctions where the free path of the charges is greater than the width of the p-n junction
22. A gas-discharge device is called, in which the voltage between the electrodes in the working section of the characteristic increases slightly with increasing discharge current
24. The mutual attraction of atoms of the crystal lattice is carried out due to ... communication
25. Combined electrical measuring device that combines several functions

Crossword No. 1

Vertically: 1 . A device for measuring the strength of electric current. 2. A machine for producing electric current in power plants. 3. A substance that does not conduct electric current. 4 . Italian scientist, after whom the elements - chemical sources of current - are named. 6. An alloy whose resistivity is 0.43 Ohm * mm 2 / m.

Horizontally: 5. A value characterizing the resistance of a conductor or electrical circuit to electric current. 7. Device for measuring electrical voltage. 8. Part of an electrical circuit that serves to close or open it. 9. A drawing showing a method for connecting electrical devices into a circuit. 10. Negative electrode. 11. A Soviet scientist who conducted experiments on charge separation and discovered the limit of its division. 12. Unit of quantity of electricity. 13. An elementary particle whose charge is –1.6 * 10 -19 C.

Crossword No. 2

Vertically: 1. A device for detecting and measuring electrical charges. 2. A device that uses the phenomenon of interaction between a current-carrying coil and a magnet.

3. A physical quantity characterizing an electric field. 7. A device for regulating the current in a circuit. 8. A part of an electrical circuit in which electrical energy is consumed and converted into another form of energy. 11. 12. German physicist who discovered the law expressing the relationship between current in a circuit, voltage and resistance.

Horizontal: 4. A device whose purpose is to immediately disconnect the line if the current suddenly exceeds the permissible limit. 5. A physical quantity measured in Coulombs. 6. A positively charged particle that is part of the nucleus of an atom. 9. Part of an electrical circuit that serves to make and break it. 10. The metal with the lowest resistivity. 11. A device that converts energy of one kind or another into electrical energy.

Crossword No. 3


1. Phenomena that describe the questions in this crossword puzzle.

Horizontal: 1. A phenomenon in which a body, after being rubbed, gains the ability to attract other bodies. 2. One of the places on a current source to which a terminal is attached for connecting it to an electrical circuit. 3. A special type of matter, different from substance. 4. An elementary particle with a charge of –1.6*10 -19 C. 5. A device for measuring the power of electric current. 6. A value equal to the ratio of the work done by the current in a given area to the electric charge passing through this area. 7. A value that can be determined by the ratio of the voltage at the ends of the conductor to the current flowing through the conductor. 8. A device for measuring the work of electric current. 9. Elementary neutral particle. 10. The invention of P.N. Yablochkov, based on the phenomenon of an electric arc. 11. French physicist, the unit of electric charge is named after him. 12. An alloy most often used to make a heating element.

13. A unit of measurement of electric current.

Crossword No. 4

Having solved the crossword puzzle, in the first column you will receive a word meaning a substance whose conductivity is intermediate between conductors and dielectrics.

Horizontal: 1. A device for connecting incandescent electric lamps to the electrical network. 2. A device for measuring the resistance of a section of an electrical circuit. 3. Inventor of the first incandescent lamp. 4 . A positively charged electrode in a dry galvanic cell or what served as an incandescent filament in Lodygin’s first lamp. 5. Positively charged particle. 6. A conductor having a certain resistance. 7. A substance with which the steel wire of a slider rheostat is coated to insulate the turns from each other.

8. Italian scientist who built the first current source. 9. A unit of measurement for electrical resistance. 10. Non-conductor of electric charge. 11. A particle that has no charge. 12. An atom that has lost (gained) electron(s). 13. Negative electrode.
