Bloody Feud The Witcher History when will it be released. Download game Blood Feud: The Witcher

Before you begin your adventure in Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories" and leading your own army to face the invaders of Nilfgaard, it is worth spending some time and learning some general tips that can contribute to your victory.

1. Wrong decision

If you make a mistake while making a story-related choice, you can still undo it. Wait for the narrator to tell you your choice, and if you don't like it, minimize the game and turn it off. What is very important is that you must do this before you go to watch the game, because then the progress of the story will be saved automatically. After restarting the game, you will be able to load your previous progress and solve the problem in a different way.

Remember that when you take the chapel, the increased morale of the army will only survive one battle. After the battle ends, morale will return to neutral.

3. Talk to all characters

Take a moment and try to talk to each character you meet along the way. Sometimes you will have to listen to everyone's questions, but it may be worth it. Some people in the kingdom will offer you a small donation to lead an army, others will give you a piece of a map or a map leading to a treasure, and others will want to join your army.

During story battles, try to focus on achieving your goal. Sometimes it is not worth fighting the entire army if defeating the commander is enough to force his army to surrender.

5. Lose the round to win the war!

Losing a round in Blood Feud: The Witcher. History" does not mean defeat in the war! Sometimes it's worth letting your opponent win so you can start the next round with a better position and card advantage in your hand.

If you initiate a fight and start first, place a unit on the battlefield that will have a chance to activate your skills in the next round. Avoid playing units that cause a specific effect, such as displacement, attacking enemy units. Keep ranged units until a target appears on the board.

7. Pay attention to the type of combat

Sometimes a fight will only be limited to winning 1 round, so check the rules of the fight before making any decision.

Game interface

The main interface in Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories" includes a lot of important information that will allow you to make the right decisions during the game. Moreover, here you will find shortcuts to the most important functions of the game, such as entering the camp, the world map, and accessing battle reports.

  1. Raw Materials (Gold, Wood, Recruits) - Here you can see the amount of raw materials you have. After victory, all received resources are added to the general supply.
  2. Army Spirit and Current Main Mission - In the top left corner of the screen, you can see the enthusiasm for your army's battle as well as the progress of the main mission.
  3. Camp - using this icon you can go directly to the camp view.
  4. Map - when you click on this icon, you open the world map.
  5. Inventory. Inside you will find all the necessary information such as reports, letters, etc.
  6. Game Settings

As you traverse the vast world of Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories", you will perform many tasks, including making important decisions, as well as managing the kingdom and rational distribution of resources. Moreover, as Meve, Queen of Lyria and Rivia, you sometimes have to decide the life or death of your subjects and resolve their conflicts.

Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories” allows the player to direct the story by making the right decisions in the plot. When choosing the appropriate options, you can be guided by your preferences or the good of the kingdom and its subjects. You can be merciful or extremely harsh. You can save the lives of villagers, traitors and even enemies. On the other hand, you can also condemn everyone to death. But know that every decision you make will have some irreversible consequences, which will sometimes be very surprising. It is worth mentioning here that some situations will not be a good solution and you may have to choose the lesser evil. Before making an important fictitious decision, think carefully about the consequences.

As you explore the world of the game, you will have to respond to requests from residents affected by the current situation in the country. Some of them have lost all their belongings and will demand compensation, while others will find themselves in a collapsing building and will be waiting for your help. But nothing comes for free.

  • If you want to help residents, you will have to decide what resources you will devote to solving the problem. Some activities will require financial resources, while others will require the dedication of several new recruits from your army.
  • Helping villagers can bring rewards such as map fragments, a map leading to a treasure, additional resources, or an army morale bonus.

As you move around the map, look for green ribbons. Look for tree trunks, crates, carts and other storage areas where you can find valuable raw materials. When you are near a source of raw materials, you will see an icon in your hand that indicates that the items can be picked up.

Overcoming terrain obstacles

As with decisions to support the kingdom's inhabitants, overcoming field obstacles requires the use of certain resources that may be sacrificed or have a negative impact on army morale. Some problems can be solved using gold and wood, but others will require the sacrifice of several new recruits from your army.

When you want to make a decision that will have a negative impact on your soldiers' morale but will save resources, first see if there is a chapel nearby. If so, clear the obstacle first and then use the chapel to restore the army's morale to normal.

Use the pointers to quickly navigate around the map. To do this, simply open the world map and click on one of the pointers noted earlier. After some time, your character will move to the specified location without having to walk.

Shrines provide a bonus to your army's morale. By clicking on a shrine, you can get +1 point to morale, which will allow you to increase the satisfaction of your troops, and this in turn will be reflected in their statistics.

At the beginning of the game, the map in Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories" has very few markers. The player himself must find raw materials, riddles, battle sites or other interesting places. Scouts come to the rescue as they can check out the surrounding area and place certain markers on the map. With this information, the player can plan their onward journey and ensure that no potential loot is missed.

Before you can use this option, you must first build a watchtower from the workshop. To send scouts on a reconnaissance mission, simply go to the main map view and click the reconnaissance icon. Remember that the intelligence service costs 50 gold coins.

For her help, Meve can receive treasure maps from the inhabitants of the kingdom. They mark points where you can find a chest with valuable loot. The places marked on the map are very distinctive, so it is difficult not to notice them while wandering around the map.

When you are near a marked area, a shovel icon will appear in the area. To get the treasure, simply right-click on the indicated location. After a while you will receive a treasure chest.

When you make Gwent, but for some reason it still turns out to be The Witcher

Gambling addiction

In developing

A year ago CD Projekt RED announced a story campaign for "Gwent" called Gwent: Thronebreaker - or, in the Russian version, "Gwent: Blood Feud". But during the year of development, the concept of the project changed dramatically. For starters, the word "Gwent" is no longer here - now the game is called Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories"(respectively, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales) and is released as a completely independent product, and only in the store GOG. I visited the head office of the Polish studio and found out what the legendary developers are offering us this time.

“Blood Feud” - before and after the concept change

We wanted the best

Something similar happened a year ago with Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. IN Naughty Dog All we wanted was to make a cozy addition to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, but in the end they went on such a rampage that it turned out to be a full-fledged game only half as long as the fourth part. Initially, CD PROJEKT RED also planned to make a “simply” story campaign for Gwent: most likely, they wanted to attract those who completed the third level to the game "The Witcher" not for the sake of card battles, but still for the sake of history. But there were more and more good ideas, and within the framework of “Gwent” the plot became frankly cramped.

So now they are releasing a standalone project with thirty hours of gameplay, and its subtitle contains an terribly thick hint. “The Witcher.” Stories” is much clearer: if there are good sales, there will be more games like this for you. True, perhaps the performance of Blood Feud itself is not as important as the number of new users it will attract to Gwent. Moreover, very soon global gameplay changes await him, some of which are probably related to how he is used in this project.

In the new game we will find more than seventy-five additional quests, twenty options for prefabricated endings and more lines of dialogue than in the “Hearts of Stone” add-on for the third “The Witcher”. And most importantly, all this is translated and fully voiced in twelve languages, including Russian!

Unlike the format, the plot has not changed. We play as Meve, the queen of Lyria and Rivia - she appeared on the pages of The Witcher Saga, but Andrzej Sapkowski did not dwell on her fate in detail. One way or another, at the beginning of the game, Nilfgaard’s army attacks her lands, and our task will be to lead Meve to victory in the bloody conflict. In the books, these events are called the Second Northern War, or the Second War with Nilfgaard - it is against this background that the fourth and subsequent volumes of the original saga take place.

Consequently, at the start of the game, Ciri is running somewhere in the Korath desert and is just beginning to realize her abilities; Geralt in the Brokilon Forest recovers from a fight with Vilgefortz; and Yennefer and Triss plot as part of the newly formed Lodge of Sorceresses (or, as Yennefer puts it, “an international women’s republic”). Nevertheless, the developers do not rule out that during her travels Meve may meet someone from those who fell in love with the players in the main Witcher trilogy.

Lootboxes! Oh no, wait...

Despite his much closer connection with the books, Andrzej Sapkowski did not even work on Blood Feud as a consultant. But the Poles themselves have already become fairly immersed in this world over almost two decades of working on the series.

Division of labor

The gameplay is a classic role-playing game with isometry, exploration of locations and a lot of dialogues and plot choices. The only global difference is in the combat system, which works according to gwent rules.

In addition, unlike many more integral projects of the RPG genre, here we can distinguish three almost independent components: travel, camping and battles - plus a dialogue system. All of these components are so independent that they each have their own game screens.

And then they shot me in the knee?

The plot is presented in a purely book style: with text vignettes, illustrations and the voice of the narrator. It's as if the developers seriously thought about turning the game into a pure D&D experience, but decided against it at the last moment. But the dialogues in the game are animated - as usual, many of them have far-reaching (or not very far-reaching) consequences, and some answers will open (or close) entire side branches. In general, fans of replays will be satisfied.

On the world map, we control Meve’s walking avatar (in fact, her army, advisers, and others are also hidden under it). We walk around the villages, communicate with locals and our own companions, looking for resources for leveling up: money, wood and recruits.

Meva's path lies through five kingdom maps, in each of which you will spend five to six hours. These are Lyria, Rivia, Mahakam, Angren and Aedirn. In the games we visited only the last one - in "Assassins of Kings"

From the world map you can switch to the camp screen at any time - here the gameplay evokes thoughts more of a city-planning simulator. The combination is in the spirit of what was in Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom: Each building in the camp gives access to improvements that are useful either on the battlefield (for example, new unit cards) or on travel (for example, bonuses to speed or resource gathering).

Here is the royal tent with all the documents and letters that you come across. And next to it is a dining room where you can communicate with your companions and learn more about their personal stories. But mostly the buildings are still aimed at developing your deck, which brings us to the combat system screens.

Almost all interactive objects encountered are marked on the map. It is possible that the developers will put the names of villages on it - it will be useful for completing side quests

In addition to chatty companions, there is a mysterious character sitting in the camp canteen who closely monitors the player and collects statistics on his progress on the map and plot

Gwent 3.0

The outcome of battles in Blood Feud depends on your ability to play gwent. True, there are enough differences from both previous incarnations of this CCG. The most important of them is that there are only two rows for your and enemy cards instead of three, and there are no “class” restrictions between them. Any card can fall into any row, and the properties of some of them are directly related to which cards are located to the right and left of it.

Since Blood Feud is an exclusively single-player project, the developers here did not have to build a complex balance between decks on opposite sides of the fence, and they were able to experiment freely with mechanics that would have been impossible in multiplayer Gwent. Do you want a unit with strength 100? Why not! Do you need a messenger who will lead an entire army? There will be one like that. The game has more than 250 maps, and twenty of them are completely new, created specifically for the single-player campaign, by the end of which Meve’s army will turn into an invincible and undaunted army.

This is what card battlefields look like now

Gwent is needed not only in battles, but also in some non-military events. For example, one day the queen and her army are caught in a landslide. Meve takes cover behind the cart, on the second row of the game, and the player, using the properties of his cards, must destroy the falling stones, which move one row forward with each move. If one of them “sinks” to the queen’s row, she will die.

There are also puzzle battles with certain conditions. For example, some battles only last until one victory instead of two, as in a standard Gwent. And one day I came across a particularly annoying enemy leader who “lived” in my ranks and took damage only if the two cards around him exceeded his total strength. As soon as he didn’t like something, he jumped to my other row and constantly confused all my plans: I had to catch him and fight off other enemy cards.

Decisions don't necessarily have far-reaching consequences: when you travel, you'll encounter many small choices like these. The morale of the troops sometimes depends on your decrees. It can be low, normal or high - and depending on its state, the level of all your cards in the next battle will receive bonuses ranging from -1 to +1 to strength

In general, I am absolutely sure that the main goal of Blood Feud is to increase the audience of the updated Gwent. After all, in the main menu of this “independent” project there is a “multiplayer” button that... launches the Gwent client! By the way, this will also work in the opposite direction: in multiplayer there will be a button leading to “Blood Feud”.

Therefore, there is a feeling that the upcoming changes in the main Gwent will lead it to the same form as in the adventures of Meve. Otherwise, those who enter multiplayer after “Blood Feud” will have to relearn what to do, which is unlikely to cause at least some positive emotions.

Between battles you can always rebuild your deck at the camp headquarters

Moreover, unlike the current version of Gwent, “Blood Feud” does not implement drag&drop - everything works only on clicks, no dragging of cards. This in itself takes some getting used to and doesn't feel intuitive. On the other hand, given that it is now important to remember not only about the row, but also about the position of the cards relative to each other, such a mechanic should provoke fewer errors.

Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories is now available for pre-download through GOG Galaxy! If you pre-ordered the game, you can start pre-downloading right now using the GOG Galaxy client. and start installing the game Blood Feud: The Witcher. Stories. The game will be available to play immediately upon its release on October 23rd.

*** ***

Blood Feud: The Witcher! is a single-player role-playing game set in the world of The Witcher. The game combines an exciting storyline, exploration, unique puzzles and card battles. The PC version is exclusive to the site. tells the epic story of Meve, warlike queen of Lyria and Rivia. The imminent threat of Nilfgaard's invasion forces her once again onto the warpath and down a dark path of revenge and destruction. Embark on an epic adventure filled with intriguing stories from the creators of some of the most memorable moments from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Gather an army and take part in exciting card battles based on the famous mechanics from. contains excellent free bonuses, including the official soundtrack, digital art book, gift kegs, titles and avatars for GWENT. Blood Feud releases on PC on October 23rd.

Thronebreaker The Witcher Tales(Blood Feud Witcher Stories) is an adventure game with a strategic twist, where you have to go to a large-scale kingdom full of dangers to reveal all the dark secrets as quickly as possible. History will tell you that the world is in danger of extinction, and now you have to cope with all the difficulties to save it. Chaos is rushing at high speed, and you need to stop it. The empire is already fully prepared to attack the kingdoms of its northern enemy, where the most powerful queens will collide in a powerless battle. You will play the role of one of the queens who needs to go on the warpath and destroy all supporters of the enemy force in order to gain power in the lands. The flight game boasts an exciting plot line, which is endowed with unexpected turns of events, as well as many interesting tasks to diversify your pastime. You will explore a variety of yet unexplored kingdoms, and fight there with the most ferocious monsters on the planet. Try to always keep an eye on the presence of various types of weapons in your arsenal in order to effectively deal with your opponent. Prepare for military action properly by monitoring all aspects of your army's activities, recruiting the best of the best.

Updated to 1.1

Game information Year of issue: 2018
Genre: Role-playing games,Strategy
Version: 1.1 Complete (Last) + All add-ons (DLC)
Interface language: English, Russian
Tablet: Present
