Magic hat thoughts out loud cuttings for women. Anniversary competition “Hat that reads minds.

If you want to amuse your guests, be sure to include entertainment program table competition"Thinking out loud". This is not a new, but quite interesting and popular competition. The main thing is that each time it takes place differently, because people gather at the table different people, and, fortunately, there are many cool songs suitable for this entertainment.

The “Thinking Out Loud” competition can safely be called a win-win. And if you choose the right musical selections and good comments, then your guests will remember it for a long time. The recommendations of the resource “This Holiday” will be useful for novice presenters and amateur animators, home organizers of holidays.

The essence of the “Thinking Out Loud” competition is ridiculously simple. The host puts a magic hat on the guest, and at this time a song with “thoughts” begins to play.

To hold the competition, you will need the hat itself - it can be any headdress that needs to be decorated for a festive occasion (cap, hat or cap, beach hat).

An object that reads thoughts should be symbolic, so at a themed party you can use any accessory. For example, don’t take a medical cap, and don’t take a witch’s hat.

For New Year's corporate party The hands of Santa Claus, which he moves above the participant’s head and reads thoughts, are enough. Therefore, you can find the name New Year's competition"Magic Mitten"

And, of course, the entire success of the competition will depend on the selected selection of melodies.

You can use any melodies and songs:

  • “...I am a chocolate bunny, I am an affectionate bastard...”
  • “...If I were a sultan, I would have three wives...”
  • “...And I’m unmarried, someone really needs it..”
  • “….But we don’t care, but we don’t care...”
  • “...In the garden where we met...”
  • “...It’s great that we are all gathered here today...”

The presenter's assistant - the DJ must sense his mood and turn on the appropriate melody. For a corporate party, you can write down the order of participants to whom the host will present the hat, and record melodies in accordance with this list. The main thing is to turn off cutting in time. To avoid a sharp transition from melody to melody, record 15 - 20 seconds of silence between them. This will help to increase the duration of short tracks, and will not allow the “thoughts” of the next player to immediately begin to sound.

Improvise and fill the gaps between participants with funny comments.

It’s quite cool to have a competition at corporate events when the hosts are well aware of the character traits of the participants in the game. And when a passage of a song completely coincides with the principles and habits of the player, it causes a storm of emotions.

It would be ideal to include everyone present. But when in festive event If more than 15 - 20 people are participating at the same time, you will have to choose the brightest and most active personalities to participate. If the host is new to the guests, you can simply alternate male and female tracks.

If successfully organized, the “Thoughts Out Loud” competition will become the most memorable and fun entertainment at your holiday.

November 29, 2016.

If an anniversary, birthday or other is approaching significant date, do not rush to invite a professional toastmaster and entertainment groups, because you can come up with everything yourself. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of all kinds of games and original ones for any celebration, and we will analyze the original and funny competition for the anniversary - a hat that reads thoughts.

"Mind Reading Hat" - competition rules

This entertainment does not require much effort, time and equipment; all you need is a hat, an assistant and a stereo system. According to the rules of this music competition, you take turns putting the hat on the guests and ask her to tell you what they are thinking about, and at this time your assistant plays the prepared cuts of songs. Song cuts for the “mind-reading hat” competition should be thematic, so that it seems that the magic props actually read the thoughts in the guest’s head.

For example, take these songs for the competition:

  • sawdust in my head - no problem...
  • I want to get married, I want to get married...
  • But did I make a promise to love...
  • if I were a sultan...
  • take me quickly, take me over a hundred seas...
  • We are all women - bitches...
  • and I love handsome, hefty military men...

The competition can be diversified and imagine that the hat reads the thoughts of what each guest would give to the hero of the day or the newlyweds. To do this, you can take the following songs:

This version of a music competition presented for an anniversary will look even more interesting if you prepare gifts based on the themes of the song cuts, even if they are humorous.

You can come up with various variations of the “hat for the anniversary” musical competition, the main thing is that you and your guests have fun, and this holiday will be remembered for a long time.

Wedding - an important event, and any bride wants the guests at the holiday not to be bored, but to have fun, remembering the celebration with laughter after a while. The holiday will be remembered by guests for a long time if you organize a wedding competition “Hat” (also called “Mind Reading”), which makes an unforgettable impression and fits harmoniously into the picture of the evening. How to properly prepare an event to make it fun?

Competition scenario

The essence of the competition is to “read the thoughts” of guests and newlyweds using a magic hat. Everyone invited, including the bride and groom, participates in the test. The presenter calls volunteers to the site in front of the other guests or independently selects candidates, moving freely around the hall.

The event begins with the words of the presenter: “And now we have original competition– we will read your thoughts with the help of a magic hat!” After these words, the headdress is brought into the hall.

The presenter approaches the first participant, asking the question: “Let’s check, what are you thinking about now?” Having received his consent, she puts a hat on his head. In response, the sound engineer plays the first music track, which imitates the “thoughts” of the participant. If the music is chosen well, the company bursts into laughter from the first minutes of the test, as in the video below.

Then the toastmaster approaches the next candidate and puts the headdress on him. The pauses between the participants' performances are filled with cheerful comments, tips from the host and guests of the celebration. The duration of the event depends on the reaction of the public: if it’s funny, continue “reading minds”; if not, it’s advisable not to prolong the competition.

Details for the competition

Props: a hat and musical clips of various songs. Choose your headdress according to your wishes. A cowboy hat, a cocked hat, a wizard's hat, a beautiful Panama hat, an ethnic hat with horns, a jester's cap, a straw hat (photo below) - give free rein to your imagination.

When choosing a magic hat for the competition, consider the following requirements for the accessory:

  • Choose an accessory with a rigid design that will not lose its shape.
  • It is desirable that the headdress be bright and attract the attention of guests.
  • When choosing a hat, be guided by its weight - it should be light so that ladies are not afraid to wrinkle their hair.

Selection of tracks

Musical numbers are prepared in advance. The melodies are chosen to be unexpected, cheerful, funny, loud, sound clear, and last no more than 30 seconds. To your taste, use either backing tracks or excerpts of songs with lyrics. Place the music tracks in order, alternating female and male melodies.

Especially for you, we have made a selection of songs that are completely ready for the competition (odd numbers for women, even numbers for men).

For guests:

  1. Women are bitches
  2. We do not care
  3. You will be mine
  4. Everything will be as you want
  5. Let's pour
  6. For lovely ladies
  7. Not yet evening
  8. Casanova
  9. Mary Poppins
  10. Love girls
  11. My sunshine, get up
  12. Million US dollars
  13. Meow, meow my baby
  14. How delightful evening in Russia
  15. I got drunk, I'm drunk
  16. Memoirs
  17. Little by little
  18. Bride
  19. Love me like this
  20. Well, where are you girls?
  21. I want, I want, I want
  22. Sim-sim open up
  23. I want to get married
  24. Sultan

For newlyweds (odd numbers are for the bride, even numbers are for the groom):

  1. I fell in love with the guy
  2. Happiness suddenly
  3. Oh, that was the man
  4. Narva flowers
  5. Love is like a dream
  6. What do I have in my life?

At the end of the competition, the host invites the guests to raise their glasses to the young couple, and the groom to kiss the bride. If you follow our recommendations, the event will take place smooth and will amuse the audience.

Have you already taken part in the “Hat” competition? Share your impressions by leaving a comment.
