Is it possible to wear clothes after a deceased person? What do psychics and psychologists say? Gold, memorabilia of the deceased

The question of what to do with the belongings of a deceased person worries everyone who has at least once experienced the loss of a loved one. Some are in a hurry to resolve this issue immediately after the funeral, others for months and even years cannot touch the things of the deceased and part with anything. But there comes a time for them too when they have to make a choice.

There is an opinion that every person’s things, especially those that we use constantly, are saturated with our energy and moods. That is why the traditions of some religions welcome the complete disposal of the belongings of a deceased person immediately after the funeral, while others, on the contrary, recommend preserving them as a memory. Orthodox traditions are inclined to believe that when completing the earthly affairs of a person who has passed away and praying for his soul, one should disassemble and distribute his things to those in need on his behalf within 40 days after death with a request to remember the deceased. This counts good deed, which will assist the soul of the deceased in determining its further fate, which is decided on the 40th day.

That is, Orthodox traditions have an unambiguous interpretation of what to do with such things - personal belongings should be distributed to relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances, leaving for yourself what you do not want to part with and what is dear, like a memory. Things that are not useful to relatives and friends are usually taken to church. Each of them has a place where you can leave things and where people who need them can take them. In addition, there are charity collection points where your donation will also be welcomed. Specialized agencies providing funeral services will be able to tell you their addresses.

But the question - when it is possible and necessary to distribute things - has another point of view among the Orthodox: it is necessary to distribute things, but only after 40 days, before that you cannot touch or distribute them. In this regard, we would like to note that the Bible does not clearly indicate when to distribute the belongings of the deceased, but throwing them in the trash is not recommended in any case. Especially if things are in good condition and can benefit someone.

A person must be disposed of, while others prescribe keeping them as a memory. According to some sources, in tradition, in order to complete the earthly affairs of the deceased, his things must be distributed to poor people within 40 days, asking them to remember and pray for his soul. Firstly, this will help the soul decide on its further participation in the next world. And secondly, you will help people who really need clothes. According to other sources, before 40 days have passed. Only after this time can they be distributed. The Bible does not clearly indicate these times, so neither option is a violation of biblical laws. You should not throw away the things of the deceased, because they can benefit the people in them. If you have no one to give the things of the deceased, you can leave them at home or take them to a charity center, where they will certainly be accepted. If a person died after suffering a serious illness, his things ( clothes, bedding, dishes and more) many advise burning. But doing this is quite problematic; you won’t take them to the forest for this procedure. Although you can simply take them to the trash heap, from which they will definitely be taken away by special services and burned. But, if you don’t want to do this, don’t do it, because this is your personal decision. As you can see, there is no clear answer to this question. There are only diverse opinions and recommendations. Therefore, act as your heart tells you. You can keep things for yourself, give them to someone who needs them more than you, or throw them away completely. After all, things are just things, and the memory of a person dear to you does not lie in them at all.


  • things after the deceased

Knowledge of the world is gradually reduced to questions about the possible existence of a soul without a material shell. Such a shell is human body. The formation of the soul is influenced by a person’s age, his actions and their awareness, as well as the righteousness of his lifestyle.


After the death of a loved one's body, you should definitely believe that his soul continues to live. It is impossible to cope with the thought of complete death; you need to try to believe in the presence of supreme powers that are destined to decide whether a person will prosper or not.

Remember only good things about a person and do not think about the mistakes he has made. The human soul must first find peace. Grief and tears cause confusion and evaluation of one’s own seemingly unfinished or unfulfilled actions. If you cannot calm down, then the soul of your loved one is in constant turmoil. If you cry, then she suffers too.

If you remember a person important to you, it means that at this time his soul is thinking about you. She is nearby and cares about the correctness of the person’s chosen decision. This vision of the soul will help you cope with haunting thoughts.

Be calm about your child. Until the age of seven, children are considered sinless. On the other side of the will of higher intelligence, the child is engaged exciting games, the smile never leaves his face and laughter can be heard. In this place, the child’s peace is protected by his relatives; they will definitely look after the baby.

A woman or a man doing what they love. The souls of our loved ones do not forget to look after our children. And if it happens

Those who are faced with the sad side of life associated with the death of a loved one, among others, have questions - what to do with the things of the deceased and is it possible to wear the things of the deceased? In this article we will try to cover this topic.

Let's make a reservation right away - if opportunities allow, then it is best not to wear such things. But if this expensive thing, for example, a fur coat, or something that you definitely want to wear in memory of a loved one, then you need to wait at least forty days, and better year. If we mean not clothes, but household items, tools, etc., then the influence is not so strong, and you can start using them right away. The exception is the favorite things of the deceased, which he constantly carried with him, for example, a penknife. The energy remains on them longer, but still it is not as strong as that which remains on clothes.

A special case - Jewelry With precious stones. If they were constantly worn by the deceased, then his energy can last for tens or even hundreds of years. It all depends on what kind of energy it is. If the deceased was an energetically powerful person and wore a suitable, “his” stone for many years, and especially if he used it for magical operations (which you may not know about), then you can only wear such jewelry for magical purposes, and fully understanding the situation. Thoughtlessly wearing such jewelry can be fraught with big troubles. It should also be noted that different stones hold energy differently. A changeable opal can quickly “forget” its owner, while a diamond, if it wins his favor, will absorb the owner’s soul for centuries.

How to properly store and throw away the belongings of the deceased.

After a person has died, his house (room) needs to be put in order. Out of respect, you can wait from three to forty days, but then there is a possibility of a partial “return” of the deceased to his usual environment, which is not always desirable. When putting things in order, you need to try to throw out all the trash as much as possible, thoroughly wash the floor and clean out everything that can be cleaned. Don't feel sorry for the old one furniture, the tree of which has absorbed necrotic energy and the suffering of a dying person, it is better to take it out of the house or distribute it to those who wish, honestly telling where it comes from. The same applies to personal belongings, especially clothing and dishes. Ideally, you should keep only what you don’t want to throw away, pack it in suitcases, tie them with ropes or wrap them with electrical tape, and hide them away for as long as possible. By the way, this technique is so effective in reducing the suffering of grief that it is recommended by psychologists. Well, in the most ideal scenario, everything needs to be taken out of the deceased’s room and repairs made there.

It is necessary to throw away the things of the deceased in such a way as not to offend him. To do this, you need to burn all letters, diaries and photographs, and not throw them in the trash. This is the main requirement. Everything else can simply be taken out into trash can, and it won't be a mistake. The only exceptions are the favorite things of the deceased, which usually one does not even raise the hand to throw away. As mentioned above, they can be put in a suitcase somewhere on the mezzanine, or “accepted as an inheritance,” lovingly using them, as the deceased did.

Belongings of a deceased child.

The death of a child is always a very big tragedy, and it leaves an indelible mark on the life of every family for life. Therefore, it is better not to store the things of a deceased child, since if you accidentally stumble upon them, you can receive a strong emotional blow. It is best to leave one or two of his things as a souvenir and hide them away in a special box, so that you can sometimes specially take them out and remember them when the melancholy becomes unbearable. On the other hand, things of a deceased child should never be given to others. Children are especially sensitive to necrotic energy, and this can harm those who are alive. For the same reason, you cannot accept items from deceased children as gifts. In order not to offend grieving parents, you can accept the gift, but you should not pass on such gifts to your children.

Why should the deceased’s belongings be distributed to the poor within 40 days and how to do this correctly. How to neutralize necrotic energy.

Many people adhere to the old belief that it is better to distribute the clothes of a deceased person, as well as his belongings, to the poor. Since the personal energy of the deceased may remain on objects, which will prolong the grief of loved ones. Orthodox religion tells how to perform this ceremony correctly.

What to do with the things of the deceased according to advice Orthodox Church

The most appropriate thing would be to give things to the temple, where they will be cleared of the “memory” of the old owner and will then be distributed among those in need. Of course, it is recommended to sort first. Very old and unusable items of clothing should be thrown into the trash. Those that have been preserved in good condition are carefully packed and, by prior arrangement, handed over to the ministers. In this way, you will help the deceased complete his affairs on earth and with a good deed make his path to the gates of heaven easier.

According to Orthodox tradition Items must be given away within forty days. When handing them over to the church, do not forget to ask for prayer for the repose and you can order special service. Buy a few candles and, when you come home, fumigate the room so that the spirit of the deceased does not return.

How to remove negative energy from the deceased's items

Sometimes it happens that after the death of a loved one, you want to leave a memory of him and preserve the items that he used during his lifetime. However, some of the superstitions say that the necrotic energy remaining on them can cause harm and even take a grieving person to the next world after his loved one. What to do in this case?

Experts recommend performing a cleansing ritual. You need to select those items that you decide to keep, tie them with threads or rope, sprinkle them with holy water and fumigate them with smoke from church candles. Then you should mentally say goodbye to the deceased, put everything in a large box or suitcase, cross it and hide it out of sight for a while. This will help reduce the grief of separation, and the soul of the deceased will not worry that its part remains close to you.

As for gold jewelry that belonged to the deceased, it is recommended to immerse the jewelry in salt water for several minutes. According to signs, salt is capable of destroying any malicious manifestation. Then the jewelry should be thoroughly wiped and allowed to sit for a while next to your other personal items. For example, next to a watch, with a chain or with a cross.

Special attention should be given to the cash savings that were owned dead person in life. If it's enough large sum, then you need to allocate funds from it for alms for the poor. And before you become the full owner of the inheritance, you should thank the deceased for the gift and remember something good about him.

14.07.2015 10:30

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Popular superstitions say that you cannot wear things after a deceased person. According to legend, they preserve negative energy, which is transmitted blood relatives. And often no one needs it. After 40 days, it is advisable to distribute the deceased’s belongings to those in need. If you live in Moscow and have neither the energy nor the time nor the desire to bother, you are busy with the job where you earn money, there is no time to sort things and find a new owner, call me. I will gratefully accept it as a gift, buy it, or take it away along with the trash.

On thematic forms they offer to give the deceased’s belongings to the church. But for sanitary reasons they are not accepted there now. But what to do if you don’t dare throw away clothes, furniture and household items of the deceased, there is nowhere to store them, and there is no time to distribute them? Call me. I will preserve the memory of your relative and appreciate his acquisitions during his life.

Before asking the question “should I keep the things of the deceased,” select one or more keepsake items and call me. I will prove why I would rather preserve a person's life story. By handing things over to me, you are placing them in reliable, understanding and conscientious hands.

During the period when it is necessary to distribute the belongings of the deceased, contact me. I will take the matter seriously, and you will not only free the room from old things, but you will also be sure that all things are in good hands continue to carry the positive energy of the former owner. Out of respect, I try not to throw away historical things. I extend their lives and give them a second chance to exist.
