Evgeni Plushenko's first wife, Maria Ermak. Evgeni Plushenko showed his eldest son

Evgeni Plushenko introduced his sons - Yegor Ermak and little Alexander Plushenko. As StarHit found out, Yana Rudkovskaya played an important role in the reconciliation of the skater with his ex-wife Maria Ermak. The ex-spouses have forgiven each other for old grievances and are now raising their 6-year-old son Yegor together.

– After spinal surgery, Zhenya needed to return to Israel for rehabilitation, Yanochka went with him, and little Sasha they
left with Zhenya’s mother Tatyana Vasilievna and nanny,” Tatyana, the wife of Alexei Mishin, who trains the skater, tells StarHit. – Masha recently came to visit her former mother-in-law along with Yegorka, so they have already met the baby!..

Just a few years ago it would have been difficult to believe this. Plushenko and Ermak broke up in 2006, when their son was six months old. The divorce proceedings ended in 2008, by which time Maria had changed the boy’s name - instead of Christian, as his father wanted, he became Yegor, and instead of the champion surname Plushenko, he began to bear the surname of his grandfather - Ermak. In 2010, the former spouses went to court again. This time about the car
BMW and apartments are property acquired during marriage.

“Masha used to be the favorite of Tatyana Vasilievna’s mother-in-law,” Vyacheslav Simakhin tells StarHit, ex-husband Plushenko's sister Elena. “She seemed to be family-oriented, caring, and thrifty. But as soon as she and Zhenya signed, it was as if Masha had been replaced! She became jealous of everything: she forgot to call - a scandal, came five minutes late - a scandal. She wasn’t shy about making a scene in front of us. Once I broke Zhenya’s phone because of what I heard on the receiver female voice. At some point, at the peak of emotions, she grabbed a knife: “If you leave, I’ll kill myself!” That's how she kept it.

But such relationships cannot last long. Zhenya finally packed his things and left - and then she forbade him to see the child. He came, stood guard under the windows, begged Masha to let him see his son - wherever! I remember how my wife and I came to Masha’s house in Petrogradka - she didn’t even let us in the door. She took Zhenya’s things out into the entrance, but did not give him his passport. We begged her for three hours and barely persuaded her. Even then she did not allow Zhenya to see her son; she said that he did not pay child support. Although she didn't need them. Masha did not allow me to communicate with
Egor and Tatyana Vasilievna, she was literally hysterical, she cried often.

A thaw in relations came in 2010 - Evgeniy spoke about this in an interview.

“They say it was Yana who told Zhenya how to control herself, how to find an approach to a woman,” friend Ermak admitted to StarHit. – Masha realized that he, in fact, began to treat her with respect. Then she had a fan, Masha stopped having complexes and felt like a woman. And everything started to get better!

According to friends, Evgeniy often comes to visit his son, takes him to the ski resort in winter, and taught the boy to snowboard. And recently Yegor was sent to the football and karate sections. “Mom makes sure that her son doesn’t miss all these classes,” says Maria’s friend Yuri Goroshevsky.

“He and Yegor are like waters.” After her divorce from Plushenko, Ermak married a businessman, but they soon separated. According to friends, now 26-year-old Maria finds time not only for her son, but also for herself, she visits one of the best fitness clubs in St. Petersburg and looks chic, visits restaurants and bars. Judging by Maria Ermak’s page on the social network, she is happy. In the photographs, a pretty blonde in a chic fur coat is posing behind the wheel of a BMW or enjoying the sun on the beach... And almost always next to her main man in her life is her son Yegor.

“Zhenya Plushenko’s divorce proceedings could become a scam that has never been pulled off with Russian athletes. Zhenya was specifically hunted for several years. And he got it” - this is the sensational version of the mysterious divorce of Evgeni Plushenko and Maria Ermak, one of the athletes close to famous figure skater. It's a pity beautiful story about the acquaintance of this couple. It’s a pity that when things didn’t work out in life, such offensive accusations and intimate details came to light.

Of course, only two people know the truth of what happened between them. And Masha’s family has its own version. But it is impossible to recognize her: both Masha and her parents are silent, explaining that a nursing mother needs peace. “God forbid you experience what my daughter is going through now,” Mashin’s father Georgy Ermak explained to Nedelya. He can be understood. After what Plushenko’s family told about his daughter’s life with the skater, the Ermak family’s lawyers are ready to meet with their son-in-law in court...

Masha was born into a very wealthy family. Her dad is well known in business Petersburg. They say that Georgy Viktorovich started out as a simple bathhouse attendant, but quickly rose to the occasion. And in the 90s he became the owner of a network of St. Petersburg steam rooms. Now Ermak has a lot of real estate in St. Petersburg; companies controlled by him sell dietary supplements and billiard tables.

Masha recorded several CDs with songs. Now he is graduating from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Sociology. Classmates say: cheerful, easy to talk to, dresses discreetly, although it is obvious that things are expensive.

A girl lives with her parents in a cottage near St. Petersburg, in the resort town of Lisiy Nos. Although she has her own apartment in St. Petersburg... Two years ago, newspapers excitedly described the story of her acquaintance with Plushenko as a fairy tale: the champion of everything and everyone was racing in a Maserati when the dazzling smile of a brunette flashed towards her in a dark blue Audi TT convertible. And the skater, despite the double solid, rushed in pursuit. “The story about the car is a fairy tale,” the Week’s interlocutor asks not to mention his name. “Masha was sitting at a desk with Ulyana, Zhenya’s former friend. Do you think she didn’t know him? Apparently, they were just “herding” him...

As Zhenya’s mother says, after the Olympics in Turin, her son received huge prize money - according to our data, about half a million dollars. Masha seemed to announce to her husband: “You are leaving the sport!” And the question of Zhenya joining his father-in-law’s business came up on the agenda. Evgeni Plushenko invested his savings in Ermak’s business.

But the version that the wealthy Ermak was after his money is shattered by mathematical calculations. According to rough estimates, Plushenko's fortune did not much exceed a million dollars. “This is not money for a businessman of Ermak’s level,” experts assure. “Especially if even in nightmare imagine that a businessman, with the help of his daughter, decided to make money from him; Plushenko is only now starting to earn really good money.”

The news of Evgeni Plushenko's divorce did not become a sensation for sports St. Petersburg. Along the corridors of the Yubileiny Sports Palace, where Alexei Mishin’s group trains, a poisonous rumor has long been creeping: they say, not everything is fine in the family Olympic champion. Of course, there were also those who “warned from the very beginning: there would be no sense in this marriage”... However, there are always a lot of rumors and rumors around other people’s scandals. We will give only a few main versions that are discussed in sports circles.

Version one: Masha and Zhenya are too different

“Naturally, this whole story is now being actively discussed among us,” he told the Week’s correspondent. former colleague Plushenko in the training group, now working as a coach himself. - What are they saying? Yes, mostly they feel sorry for Zhenka. Like, you fool, he was in a hurry to get married. It was necessary to live together without signing, to see what happened... But he was always a very spontaneous person. If something came to my heart, I didn’t think twice about it.”

Everyone we were able to talk to in St. Petersburg agrees on this. The interlocutors, having unanimously used a whole stock of excuses - they say that they themselves did not hold a candle and in general there are many rumors circulating - eventually admitted: Masha Ermak initially gave the impression of an arrogant, spoiled and at the same time very calculating girl.

“Sometimes she came to Yubileiny for Eugene’s training,” says one of the palace employees. “With impeccable makeup, dressed up, in a fancy Mercedes.” At best, she responded to greetings with a nod of her head. And then, I see, suddenly something happened. "She came to us often. It turned out that she was planning to go with Zhenya to some tournament, and submitted documents for leaving through a sports school. She saved money, you know, although with such wealth she could have paid for the registration herself."

Plushenko himself has a different reputation in the sports community. Many remember how needy he and his mother were immediately after moving to St. Petersburg from Volgograd. But they never came to the sports school asking for financial assistance.

“Or one day we went to youth competitions in Sweden,” recalls former director Youth and Youth Sports School "Yubileiny" in figure skating Tatyana Menshikova. - We went to a sports store, back then there was a complete shortage in Russia. Zhenya’s eyes lit up at the sight of such wealth. But there was no money to buy. Take it from me, I say, and then give it back. And he jumped to the side, hands in his pockets: I don’t need anything. Back then I thought: wow, he’s so small, but independent!”

On the other hand, almost everyone we interviewed agrees: Ermak did not marry for money. “Her father’s capital is such that she could buy ten of these Zhenya,” another Yubileiny employee told Nedelya. “She needed his name, and that’s it. Imagine if you say: “My husband is Plushenko,” - the whole social crowd will die of envy."

Version two: Zhenya often “looked to the left”

The version that the skater cheated on his lawful half - because of this, they say, all the fuss flared up - caused much less unanimity.

“To be honest, Zhenya loved female company,” admits Plushenko’s former colleague. “And the girls also clung to him. Cheerful, charming and already at the age of 14 - the world champion among juniors! But all this was a long time ago, even before his marriage. After "I didn't see him with other people's girls. Yes, I heard rumors that he allegedly had an affair with Tatyana Totmyanina. But personally, I never saw them hugging or even holding hands."

Menshikova speaks differently about this sensitive issue:

“Theoretically, of course, I can imagine him and Totmyanina together. They are similar in character: both are ambitious, persistent. Even though both are from the provinces. But practically, it’s unlikely... You know, I know almost everyone his girls: both Masha and his previous girlfriend, Ulyana Petrova. But I know about Tanya only at the level of rumors."

Version three: Zhenya was “pressed” by his wife’s entourage

The interlocutors formulate the possible reason for the separation of the young spouses simply: Zhenya was “fed out.”

“You know, Plushenko has a very strong inner core,” says his ex-colleague. “In our group, 8-10 almost adult guys trained. And suddenly some provincial arrived, and he was so talented and independent. Naturally, They immediately tried to put him in his place.

As the youngest, he had to carry a tape recorder with musical accompaniment, lock the locker room after training. But Zhenya didn’t want to, he resisted. They slapped him on the back of the head, and a couple of times they even tried to beat him for real. And then they spat - they realized that it was useless. I think his wife’s entourage also “pressed” him. So he sent them away..."

Employees of Yubileiny, who are well acquainted with Zhenya’s mother Tatyana Vasilievna, draw a similar conclusion, but based on their own conclusions: “She never spoke badly about her son’s friends in front of strangers. And now it’s as if she’s burst. Apparently, she really was “fed up.” ..

Through what thorns did Plushenko go to glory?

Zhenya was born “where the earth turns round”: in a remote village near Khabarovsk. His parents built BAM.

Four years old and sickly, the boy was brought to Volgograd. He became a figure skater by accident. A neighbor girl, the same age as Zhenya, gave him her skates, so that she wouldn’t be forced to go to the hated figure skating. And just three months later, 4-year-old Plushenko became the seventh of 15 competitors in the group.

At the age of 6, he won the “Crystal Horse” at the first real competition in Kuibyshev and received his first “prize money” - board game"Air battle".

Four years later, the school in Volgograd closed, but the talented skater, who had already made it to the national team, was noticed by coach Alexei Mishin. And the parents let the 10-year-old boy go to St. Petersburg alone.

At the age of 14, after winning the World Championship, Zhenya earned $10 thousand. He spent the money on gifts: he bought a Zhiguli for his father, and fashionable things for his mother and sister. And then he collected the “baby” at the skating rink and took him to the store to buy radio-controlled cars. They walked down the street and “buzzed”...

Why is the skater silent?

Evgeni Plushenko is a public figure and very beloved by many in our country. It is clear that problems in the family can unsettle the most cold-blooded person. But even the most “yellow” press, it seems to us, would have stopped hunting for him if Zhenya had at least addressed everyone in writing with simple and in clear words. That he is going through difficult times, that he good son and understands that emotional condition, in which his mother is. And that he personally respects his wife, the mother of his child. And therefore he very much asks those who love and respect him to give his family the opportunity to sort out the problems that have arisen. And maybe overcome them. It is possible that this demonstration performance could be the best of his life.

Tatyana Vasilievna, mother of figure skater Evgeni Plushenko: “Zhenya tried to break off the marriage three times”

The marriage between Plushenko and Ermak showed its first crack two months after beautiful wedding... The mother of the famous figure skater told about this to her own correspondent of “The Week” in St. Petersburg, Irina Tumakova.

He left and came back

Neither Evgeniy nor Maria now answers the question of why their marriage failed miserably. He is in Europe on tour with his show, she is at her parents’ house with her little son Plushenko. Zhenya’s mother Tatyana Vasilyevna swallows sedative pills.

“Of course, it seemed to us that it was too early for Zhenya to get married, but we really liked Masha,” she says. “She is a decent girl, a good mother. Almost a year before the wedding, she lived with us outside the city, shared a lot with me, helped with the housework, cooked Then, after getting married, they moved into their own apartment..."

The wedding - essentially just a formal formalization of an already established relationship - was not supposed to seriously change anything in the lives of Zhenya and Masha. But, according to the mother-in-law, something unexpected happened.

“After the wedding, Masha completely changed,” says Tatyana Vasilyevna. “She tormented her son with jealousy...”

“Perhaps,” I ask cautiously, “he gave a reason?”

“Yes, he always had a lot of girls. But he lived with her for a year - and he had no one but her. He loved her very much. But she wasn’t just jealous, she wanted him to be jealous too! he comes from training, she calls in front of him, like a man: “Hello, how are you...” He begins to negotiate something so that Zhenya can hear. Well, he couldn’t stand it!”

For the first time, according to Plushenko’s mother, Evgeni packed his things and left his wife two months after the wedding. Then he tried to end the marriage three more times. Mom tried to persuade me to return to my wife...

Two weeks after another quarrel, says Tatyana Vasilievna, it turned out that Masha was finally expecting a child.

“She really wanted to get pregnant, she was very worried that they had been living for a year, but there was no child. Although everyone told her: just wait, you’ll still have time.”

Sports career or business?

Plushenko began to blow off specks of dust from his pregnant wife. I tried not to disturb her again. And I kept communication with parents to a minimum.

“Masha simply stopped letting him come to us,” says Tatyana Vasilievna.

“Why couldn’t we go to you together?”

“She didn’t want to! He can’t tell her: “Masha, stay home, I’m going.” We have a daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter all weekend. We have a dog, which Zhenya adores. And we, mom and dad? Zhenya, Of course, I wanted to come to us for the weekend, as he always came before. But as soon as they arrive, after half an hour Masha’s stomach hurts, her head hurts, she needs to return home... As a result, in order to see my son, I began to come to him on workout".

Zhenya kept leaving his wife and then returning. If you believe his mother, Masha was jealous of her husband for every female silhouette on the horizon. Daily scandals in the family were interrupted only when the skater left home.

“I persuaded him: son, you have to be patient, you will get used to each other. And in May, last year, a month before Yegor was born, he said to me: “Mom, have pity on me!” He simply stopped loving her. You understand "He doesn't want, he can't live with her! Zhenya told her: “Let's part on good terms." He said that even before Yegor was born! Well, he doesn't love her!"

The end of their marriage came, as my mother suggests, after the Winter Olympics in Turin. When the family raised the question of his possible retirement from sports.

The skater himself was thinking about business. His dream was a chain of hotels. But only after finishing his sports career: “I’m still young, I want to skate,” he said. Masha insisted: enough.

As a result, Zhenya Plushenko handed over the “Olympic” prize money to his father-in-law, entrepreneur Georgy Ermak, along with what he had managed to accumulate. And he announced that he was leaving amateur sports for a while...

“He just needed to rest. Since he was four years old, he hasn’t had a break - training, competitions, training camps, training again,” explains Tatyana Vasilyevna.

Instead of Christian Plushenko - Egor Ermak

Despite numerous disagreements and scandals, the Plushenko couple were expecting a child. Evgeniy once again left his wife in May, a month before the birth of his son. The other day the baby turned 8 months old. Evgeniy’s friends say that he loves his son very much and carries his photographs with him all the time. Moreover, after the birth of the child, Plushenko did not return to his wife.

Meanwhile, during his short life, the boy had already changed his first and last name.

“Zhenya wanted to name his son Sashka, he really likes this name,” sighs Tatyana Vasilievna, “but Masha decided even during her pregnancy that it would be Christian.”

Christian is so Christian. But... while the skater was on another trip, instead of Christian Plushenko, the child was named Yegor Ermak. Later it turned out that Masha, without waiting for a divorce, regained her maiden name, and at the same time corrected the child’s documents.

“Okay, Yegor, that’s fine too,” Evgeniy reassured his mother.

But Tatyana Vasilievna claims that Zhenya did not give consent for his son’s surname to be changed.

Little Yegor, as now often happens in star families, became a hostage of parental feuds. Evgeni Plushenko will probably have to sue for the right to at least see his child. Now, according to his mother-in-law, Masha refuses him this.

“Maybe Zhenya offended his wife in some way?” - I ask my mother, trying to find at least one explanation for such illogical actions of the spouses.

“He abandoned her! He abandoned her, he doesn’t want to live with Masha...”

One of the most prominent representatives Russian sports, champion of Europe and Russia. Evgeni Plushenko has repeatedly confirmed his world champion title. Like any media person, the skater is always in the spotlight, and fans are interested in his biography and personal life. In today's article we will get acquainted with the incredible interesting person countries. Evgeniy Viktorovich Plushenko is a ten-time Russian champion and a four-time world champion. The first figure skater in the world to perform a ballman spin and cascade.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeni Plushenko

If anyone is interested in the question: “For a figure skater, what is the ideal height, weight, age, how old is Evgeni Plushenko.” The world champion's height is 178 centimeters and his weight is 60 kilograms. This perfect combination for an athlete. Evgeni Plushenko is 34 years old and has remained in excellent shape for an athlete at his age. Eugene's zodiac sign is Scorpio. Representatives of this zodiac sign are workaholics. And Evgeni Plushenko is one of the most prominent representatives of this sign. Plushenko has a tattoo of his own Zodiac sign on his left arm.

Biography of Evgeni Plushenko

Zhenya was born on November 3, 1982 in the distant village of Solnechny Khabarovsk Territory. Evgeniy’s parents came there for the construction of the BAM. Due to the cold climate, the boy was often sick, and so his parents decided that they should move to Volgograd. Since the age of 4, Evgeni Plushenko has been involved in figure skating. He got onto the ice stage completely by accident, but the stage remained in his life forever.

Due to the closure of the ice arena in Volgograd, Evgeni Plushenko and his coach are moving to St. Petersburg. He lived independently in an apartment for a whole year, and only a year later his mother arrived.

Graduated secondary school No. 11 in the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg.

The biography of Evgeni Plushenko as a champion begins in 1996. This year, he becomes the world junior champion. In 1998, the skater won the European Championships with a silver medal.

In 2006 he won Olympic Games in Turin.

In 2008 he took part in Eurovision. Thanks to their well-coordinated team, they became winners.

In the same year he was the host of the show “Star Ice”.

Evgeni Plushenko is the winner of many awards and prizes. He is the "Best Athlete" according to GQ magazine.

Personal life of Evgeni Plushenko

He first married in 2005 to SPSU student Maria Ermak. In a year life together his wife gave him a son, Yegor. The personal life of Evgeni Plushenko and Maria Ermak did not work out. And as a result, everything led to separation. Maria, out of resentment towards her husband, registered Yegor in her maiden name. In 2007, Plushenko met Yana Rudkovskaya. Arose between the couple mutual sympathy, but as they were behind us failed marriages, they tried not to advertise their relationship. In 2012, the skater and producer got married. A year later, Yana Rudkovskaya gave birth to a son, Alexander.

Evgeni Plushenko's family

Since childhood, Evgeni Plushenko’s family instilled a love of hard work and sports. His father is from Donetsk, his mother is a native Russian. Zhenya has younger sister Elena. Because of her son’s career, his mother lived with him in St. Petersburg, and his father and sister remained to live in Volgograd. In 2015, the world champion suffered a tragedy; his mother died. This was a big blow for the skater.

Now the Plushenko family lives in Moscow with his wife Yana and son Sasha. Evgeni Plushenko also considers his first son an integral part of his family, although they see each other quite rarely.

Children of Evgeni Plushenko

Fans are interested in the question of where Evgeni Plushenko’s children live. Zhenya’s eldest son, Egor, lives with his mother in St. Petersburg. The skater rarely sees him, but the meetings are very warm. Egor comes to visit his star dad for the holidays.

Younger son Evgenia Alexander lives with him. Zhenya tries to put love and care into raising the heir. Sasha is now 4 years old. Heir star family Plushenko and Rudkovskaya are involved in hockey and figure skating. Sasha always says that he wants to become a champion like dad!

Son of Evgeni Plushenko - Yegor Ermak

The son of Evgeni Plushenko is Yegor Ermak. After the divorce of Yegor's parents for a long time I didn’t see my father, because my mother Maria Ermak was against their communication. But years passed and Masha and Zhenya came to an agreement that the boy needed a man’s upbringing. Egor looks like his father not only in appearance, but also in his outlook on life. At the age of 10, he practices football and karate. Vacation time, Yegor spends time with his father and younger brother, where the father teaches snowboarding and ice skating. However, infrequent meetings, on the contrary, bring father and son closer together.

Son of Evgeni Plushenko - Alexander Plushenko

The son of Evgeni Plushenko is Alexander Plushenko. Little Sasha is called Gnome Gnomych at home. Sasha celebrated his fourth birthday. He appears on the covers of glossy magazines. Sasha, like all children, loves fairy tales, cars, dinosaurs, the sea and flying on an airplane. My favorite fairy tale is “Three Heroes”. The most cherished dream Gnome Gnomycha Disneyland. Also, Sasha followed in the footsteps of his star father. He is involved in figure skating and hockey, but he can’t decide which industry to pursue. Alexander is very popular on Instagram, with more than 200 thousand subscribers.

Evgeni Plushenko's ex-wife - Maria Ermak

Ex-wife Evgenia Plushenko - Maria Ermak. Evgeny and Maria met in the romantic city of St. Petersburg. He immediately fell in love with the girl and took her to meet her mother. Zhenya’s mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, warmly received the girl. After some time they began to live in civil marriage, and on June 16, 2005, they officially registered their relationship in the registry office. Family union turned out to be not smooth. Ermak dreamed of romance and family comfort, and Plushenko was completely immersed in big-time sports. The birth of a son in 2006 did not bring the parents closer, but rather prompted an early separation. After the divorce, Maria was offended by her husband and registered Yegor in her last name. Only over the years the resentment has passed, and it does not interfere with communication between father and son.

Evgeni Plushenko's wife - Yana Rudkovskaya

Evgeni Plushenko's wife is Yana Rudkovskaya. Yana fell in love with the skater when she saw him perform on TV, and he liked her when he saw her on the embankment in Sochi. Yana says about her first impressions: “When I saw Zhenya on TV, he seemed like a little elf with a long nose. I also thought that this nose was stopping him from kissing.” The rapprochement of the couple occurred only at Eurovision. In 2012, they officially registered their relationship. You can see on the Internet the house of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko, photo. The couple is raising their children in this house.

Evgeni Plushenko Figure Skating Academy

Academy figure skating Evgeniya Plushenko opened on March 5 this year. A popular figure skater opened an academy as a sign that he had left the big sport and decided to take up coaching career. Anyone can come to the academy, but in order to study there they must pass a selection process. The Figure Skating Academy brings together qualified athletes. Plushenko himself does the same individual sessions with kids. For children with special needs, classes are provided free of charge. According to the children's parents, their children are transformed just before their eyes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeni Plushenko

For Plushenko, social networks are one of the ways to maintain communication with his fans. Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeni Plushenko are one of the few social networks where the skater is registered. The world and Russian champion is registered on Facebook, Vkontakte. On Instagram, Evgeniy actively maintains his feed. There are more than 1 thousand entries. In the feed you can see photos from vacation, sons, wife, and the skater’s achievements. There is also a video with fragments of his performances. You can subscribe to his feed using the nickname plushenkoofficial.

Recently, Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya attracted Special attention MASS MEDIA. The couple got married. According to the skater, after the sacrament nothing changed in their lives. “We have not become closer, because there is nowhere closer. We have not moved away. We live the same life, very interesting, stormy. I believe that everything will remain the same,” Plushenko said.


The couple has three sons, but only one - junior Alexander- their common child. Evgeniy admitted that he wants more, and maternal capital, who in this case will receive Yan, is of little interest to him. “The main thing is that the baby is born, and we will find somewhere to allocate maternal capital. Although we didn’t think about it, we are quite wealthy people,” the athlete noted.

In the meantime, Plushenko and Rudkovskaya are busy raising their four-year-old son Alexander. "He is already skating and training. He is in demand in modeling business: He already has agents in New York, Milan and Paris. Opens and closes fashion shows. This is what Yana does for us. And I’ve already lost counting my son’s covers. He has a heavy load. Development center, then training at my academy. Gnomych (as the athlete affectionately calls his son. – Ed.) arrives home only at six in the evening. But he also needs to play, relax, so that he can have a childhood,” the skater boasted about the heir’s success.

At the same time, Plushenko himself admitted that, unlike his wife, he does not like social events. “If I have a day off, I’d rather go hunting or fishing in my village. Or I’ll stay at home with my family,” said Evgeniy.

Note that the athlete has a son, Yegor, from his first marriage. Despite the divorce, Plushenko regularly sees his 11-year-old heir. "Egor practices sambo, jiu-jitsu, judo. He is a sports boy, rides ATVs, cross-country motorcycles. He is an active guy. He and Gnomych have known each other for a long time, they communicate. Egor lives in St. Petersburg, and we are in Moscow. We don’t have to see each other often, to unfortunately,” Plushenko admitted.

Figure skating is one of the most spectacular sports, where the success of Russians is undeniable. And figure skater Evgeni Plushenko, who began his journey to climbing Olympus back in 1997, still attracts attention to this day, having become a truly media figure in the country. Of great interest is his personal life and, of course, Maria Ermak, Plushenko’s wife from 2005 to 2008, who became the mother of his eldest son.

Dating history

There are different versions of their acquaintance. One was told to the press by the titled athlete himself, the other by acquaintances.

  • In the spring of 2005, in his Maserati, the skater was driving around St. Petersburg and noticed a pretty brunette behind the wheel. Having rushed in pursuit, he met a student from St. Petersburg State University, who captivated him with her magical beauty (one eye was green and the other brown) and her inaccessibility. And by that time he was a three-time world champion and an idol of female fans in the city on the Neva, not accustomed to female inattention.
  • His ex-girlfriend Ulyana Petrova, whom he dated from the age of 19, does not support this version, because Maria Ermak, whose photo can be seen in the article, was known to her from school. By an amazing coincidence, she always found herself at parties and events where the couple spent their time, and did not hide her personal interest in Plushenko. The rapprochement began with their meeting at a car dealership, where Maria was with her father. The conversation that began about cars grew into an acquaintance that ended in the breakdown of the figure skater’s relationship with Ulyana Petrova. After a short time, Maria Ermak spent her vacation with him.

Biography, year of birth of the St. Petersburg beauty

The girl was born in 1986 into a family famous entrepreneur, included in the hundred richest families St. Petersburg. Father Georgy Viktorovich has great authority in business circles. The owner of a lot of real estate and a network of St. Petersburg steam rooms, he once started as a simple bathhouse attendant. Mom Anna Petrovna did everything to give her daughter an excellent education. The girl studied at a private school, after which she entered the sociology department of the university.

The family lived near St. Petersburg in the famous town of Lisiy Nos, considered a resort area. She has at her disposal an elite cottage and an expensive car park for trips to the city. Maria Ermak could afford any hobby. At the time of her acquaintance with Plushenko, the girl released a number of CDs, becoming interested in vocals. Many considered her spoiled and rather arrogant, and in the fate of the titled skater, she also turned out to be a homewrecker. Ulyana Petrova, who has a three-year relationship with the sports star, still harbors a grudge against the young woman.


Evgeni Plushenko's mother fell in love with her future daughter-in-law immediately. It was important for my son that the girl understand what figure skating means to him. Maria went to his training sessions at the Yubileiny sports complex and, if possible, accompanied him to tournaments. Evgeni Plushenko also wanted to be loved and appreciated as a person. Maria Ermak lived in his apartment, took care of him, and became friends with his mother and sister Elena. She showed herself to be an excellent housewife, which is how she bribed Tatyana Vasilievna. Happy Plushenko was not slow to propose.

The celebration took place on June 18, 2005. Even Governor Matvienko came. The wedding took place in the Astoria restaurant, which could barely accommodate the relatives and numerous friends of the newlyweds. Crystal glasses were beating for luck, white doves were being released, the first kisses were captured on camera. Summer Garden. Marriage registration was immediately ranked among the main events of the year.


It’s hard to say what went wrong, but after two months the couple realized that they had rushed into marriage. The parents bought their daughter a three-room apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, but it did not bring happiness. Maria Ermak dreamed of fireworks of feelings, romance and attention from her husband, and he plunged headlong into preparing for the Olympics in Turin. Financial affairs Plushenko began to be managed by a friend of the Ermak family, Yuri Gorokhovsky, but over time he refused his services.

According to Plushenko’s mother, who passed away a year ago, the young wife began to avoid communication with Evgeniy’s relatives, became jealous and started scandals. Once she broke his phone, and during one of the quarrels she promised to commit suicide. She hoped that marriage would change everything: he would end his sports career, move away from the fans and take up the family business. But Plushenko had other plans. He dreamed of Olympic gold, which he did not yet have by that time, and actively participated in various shows, basking in the applause of the audience. Everything could have been saved by Maria’s pregnancy, but a month before the birth of the child on June 15, 2006, the skater actually left the family.

Scandalous divorce

Even before the divorce, the offended Maria Ermak registered her son in her maiden name. Moreover, this was done illegally; Plushenko did not sign any permitting documents. Instead of the name Christian, which the young parents agreed on, the boy was given another name - Egor. The divorce lasted until February 2008, because the young wife created scandals, withheld her husband’s passport and other documents, hoping to restore the relationship. When the day before he did not allow her to come to Moscow for New Year, she realized that it was all over.

In retaliation, the young woman forbade the father and his relatives to see the child and went to a country house. Rumors spread in the press that the famous dad does not pay his son alimony and does not give permission to travel abroad. also developed with jointly acquired property. A significant part of it consisted of prize money and gifts from Plushenko for the coveted victory in Turin and other competitions. To resolve property disputes, he filed a lawsuit in 2010.

Life after divorce

In the year of her wedding, Maria, who had changed dramatically after her divorce, was a twenty-year-old student, not quite ready for married life. It is quite obvious that Evgeni Plushenko gave reasons for jealousy: at that time he was credited with an affair with Tatyana Totmyanina and other famous people. He was always an ambitious and ambitious young man, who proved too tough for the Ermak family, who sought to take him under their wing. He even joined a different party than the one headed by one of their high-ranking relatives. At that time, family may not have been as important to young Plushenko as it would have been years later.

Be that as it may, all subsequent actions indicate that Mary loved her husband and felt wounded. Having learned about Plushenko’s affair with Rudkovskaya, the girl radically changed her appearance, turning into a bright blonde. She took care of herself and began visiting one of the best fitness centers in St. Petersburg. And, most importantly, earlier ex-spouse got married, having arranged on August 1, 2008 one of the most chic weddings V Northern capital. A separate residence was rented for her on Malaya Nevka, and her chosen one was a thirty-year-old businessman from his father’s entourage. named Artyom. However, this marriage did not turn out to be durable.

Son Egor

Plushenko's first wife, Maria Ermak, will forever remain the mother of his eldest son. Despite the initial opposition to the boy's communication with his father and his relatives, she found the courage to admit her mistake. Ex-mother-in-law Tatyana Vasilievna always emphasized that the young woman turned out to be an excellent mother, completely devoting herself to the child. Egor looks like his star father; he recently turned 10 years old. He plays football and karate, and not long ago he met his younger brother Alexander, the son of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya.

His father takes him on vacation and teaches him to snowboard. Their meetings are not so frequent, because Egor lives in St. Petersburg, and Evgeni Plushenko lives in Moscow, but a close spiritual connection has been established between them, which allows the skater to declare in social networks that he is proud of his son. Maria herself is only 30 years old, and she will definitely find her happiness.
