Princess Mary of Denmark celebrates her twins' seventh birthday. Danish Princess Mary copies the image of Kate Middleton Princess Mary and Prince Frederick are in contact

Mary Elizabeth Donaldson was born on February 5, 1972 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The youngest of four children, mathematician and professor John and his first wife Henrietta Donaldson.

As a child, Mary took an active part in sports and other extracurricular activities. school events. She studied piano, flute and clarinet and also played basketball and hockey.

Mary visited primary school in Clear Lake near Houston, Texas during the time her father worked there. From 1978 to 1982, upon returning to Hobart, she moved to Waimea Heights School. Mary also graduated from Hobart College.

From 1989 to 1994, Mary Donaldson studied at the University of Tasmania, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and Law.

From 1994 to 1996 Mary receives additional education in the field of advertising and marketing research.

In 1996, Mary worked as a managing manager at Mojo Partners. In 1998, six months after her mother's death, she quit her job and went first to America and later to Europe.

In early 1999, Mary was appointed Account Director at the international advertising agency Young & Rubicam, Sydney. In June 2000, she moved to another Australian agency, Love Branding, and later received the position of sales director and became a member of the management of Belle Property, a real estate company that specializes in luxury real estate.

During the first half of 2002, Mary taught English language at the Paris Business School, and then moved to Denmark, Copenhagen, where she was invited by Microsoft Business Solutions as a consultant for a business development, communications and marketing project.

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The press noticed a long time ago. This jealousy extends not so much to her husband, Prince William (about whom Middleton, as they write, is rather restrained in expressing her feelings), but to competitors for the status of a media VIP person. Two years ago the tabloids were actively discussing the attitude of the Duchess of Cambridge to the Swedish Princess Madeleine, whose growing popularity caused justifiable fears on the part of the British throne. Another representative of the European monarchy circle, the Danish Crown Princess Mary, has also long been annoying Kate.

The rivalry with Mary began even before Middleton married William: at one time Karl Lagerfeld nicknamed the girls “royal sisters” because of their general similarity, and most importantly, because of their similar tastes in clothing. At some point, secular media began to say that the Danish woman was deliberately copies style Kate, and there was some truth in this: Mary literally followed on the heels of the Duchess of Cambridge, choosing the same outfits.

Kate Middleton, 2015, Princess Mary, 2016

In the fall of 2015, photographs of Mary during a bike ride with her children hit the press. The princess was wearing exactly the same “sailor” jacket that Kate had previously worn. The most offensive thing for the latter is that this copying has borne fruit: in 2016, according to the results of a survey conducted among the British, the Danish Crown Princess overtook Middleton in the list of the most stylishly dressed European monarchs.

Kate Middleton, 2014, Princess Mary, 2015

It's been since then more than a year, and the Danish woman won't leave Kate alone. Now Mary (and her PR team) is portraying the image of a “normal” mother - the same as Middleton. As you know, the Duchess of Cambridge actively makes it clear that she is raising her children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, quite democratically, wanting to raise them not separated from real life. However, while the British throne is rocking, presenting as the main achievement of democratization the fact that George went to the usual kindergarten, the Danes take the lead.

The other day, the website of the Danish throne published a photo of Mary preparing school lunches for her children. The photo caused a storm of delight: both Mary’s fans and the media praised the Crown Princess for her “normality.” “Kate can't help but annoy Mary. Not only is she blatantly copying her style, but now she is also promoting herself as a superior person who is open ordinary people and is an ordinary mother,” note British secular observers.

Halloween this year coincided with an important date for several European countries. Yesterday, celebrations took place in Copenhagen in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Almost all members of the Danish royal family, and the most spectacular was, of course, Princess Mary.

To visit Christiansborg Castle, Her Highness chose a stylish, but not pretentious outfit: a light-colored blazer with a black A-line skirt, decorated with abstract white flowers that go perfectly with the top. The waistline was emphasized by a thin belt. The look was completed with an elegant hat, pearl earrings, a classic black clutch from Quidam Alligator and Gianvito Rossi shoes. Let us remind you that Mary is a longtime fan of Gianvito Rossi, and this is not the first time she appears in models Italian brand.

From left to right: Princess Marie, Prince Joachim, Crown Princess Mary

From left to right: Princess Marie, Prince Joachim, Crown Princess Mary, Queen Margrethe II, Crown Prince Frederik

In the evening, a gala concert took place in the capital of Denmark, which Queen Margrethe II attended along with her sons and daughters-in-law. The monarch was also joined by her sister Princess Benedicta.

Her Majesty arrived in a light dress the color of a faded rose and a chic coat with fur trim. Princes Frederik and Joachim chose classic dark suits with light shirts and ties in shades of blue.

Crown Princess Mary decided to highlight slim figure and appeared in an elegant dark blue gossamer dress with rhinestone trim. Her Highness stuck to one color range, so the shoes and clutch were also blue, but a few shades lighter. The outfit was complemented by massive chandelier earrings and a ring.

Princess Marie Cavalier of Denmark, Joachim's wife, decided to play along with her husband and chose a chiffon dark blue dress with a neckline, matching the color of the prince's suit, and complemented the outfit with an elegant black cape.

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and her elder daughter Princess Isabella was seen at the downtown of Byron Bay while shopping. Crown Princess Mary and her family is currently in Australia for the christmas.

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attend the opening of the "Nordic Summit on Mental Health 2015" at the Ministry of Health building on November 06, 2015 in Copenhage

Just think, I only wanted to show her relative because of her outfits on 2 occasions, but you gave some 8 links... well, I’m showing the children with Queen Elizabeth, if you don’t like it, enter it yourself and sign it in detail, I don’t need it, I already know , whoever asks = I will answer and answer...she didn’t fly from Australia to Denmark for Christmas, I thought everyone understood that Marie went to work there if no one asks anything. Or does everyone know that...her relatives, like her children with my husband. may be in her topic, another thing - I really feel sorry for the time it takes to describe who is and why...
and, in general, people mold everyone into the “royal fashion”, don’t write down any names, what’s what, and everyone is happy with everything, the Danish Marys, along with the Swedish Victorias, everyone is happy, but some of them demand ideally for me...well , so bring it in yourself, Drakoscha a theme for each princess/queen,
I don’t feel sorry, I won’t make any complaints ... I also decided now to include everyone in the topic of ROYAL FASHION - you won’t let everyone off anyway, and whoever doesn’t like it, please share your joy with Marie and Marie, Victoria with the Maxmims, Leticia with Elizabeth, Mathilde, Mette Marit, Charlene, etc.
