The project is like a Russian language. Russian language project topics

  • consider the types of political regimes;
  • determine the political regime that existed in the USSR in the 30s;
  • get acquainted with the political life of the country in the 30s and the personality of Stalin;
  • evaluate the policy of repression;
  • find out what needs to be done to prevent the formation of an anti-democratic regime in Russia;
  • continue the development of speech and logical thinking.

  • Antidemocratic
  • lack of political freedoms;
  • one-party system;
  • merging of the state and party apparatus;
  • repression against the individual;
  • control over the population.
  • Democratic
  • freedom of speech and press;
  • variety of parties;
  • democratic elections;
  • inviolability of personality and private property.


(Latin totalis - universal) - a type of anti-democratic regime, characterized by general state control over the population.

  • By the mid-30s. Marxism-Leninism was already the official state ideology.
  • The education system has undergone changes.
  • Media control. The penetration of other ideological views from abroad became impossible.
  • Repressions against the church. Dropping bells from temples and melting them down for industrialization.
  • Control over the activities of the intelligentsia. A single Union of Soviet Writers was created, headed by M. Gorky
  • From the age of 14, youth were united into a single organization - the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Komsomol - reserve and party assistant. (younger schoolchildren joined the October and Pioneer organizations).

  • members of the CPSU(b) occupied all government posts;
  • The All-Russian Central Executive Committee could not pass a single law without the Politburo;
  • party symbols (the red banner and the anthem “International”) became state symbols;
  • within the party, all issues were resolved by the Politburo;
  • The ideology of the party (Marxism-Leninism) became state.

Cult of personality - exaltation of the historical role of one person

  • general organizer of October;
  • creator of the Red Army;
  • outstanding commander;
  • leader of the world proletariat;
  • "father of nations";
  • great strategist of the Five Year Plan;
  • "The best friend of Soviet children."
  • “...He is the teacher of the Universe” (Kazakh poet Dzhambul)

  • On August 7, 1932, the law “On the protection of the property of state enterprises, collective farms and cooperatives” (“about five ears of corn”) was adopted, according to which even minor thefts were punishable by execution.
  • Since November 1934 was formed Special meeting, which, in the absence of the accused, without the participation of witnesses, prosecutor and lawyer, had the administrative right to send “enemies of the people” into exile or into forced labor camps for up to 5 years.
  • On December 1, 1934, in connection with the murder of the first secretary of the Leningrad Provincial Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) S.M. Kirov, mass repressions in political matters begin.
  • From April 7, 1935 – resolution: from the age of 12, minors caught committing a crime should be brought to criminal court with the application of all criminal penalties, including the death penalty.

Repressive apparatus






State political management

Main Directorate of Camps and Prisons

People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs

  • 1936- the trial of Zinoviev and Kamenev (they were accused of the murder of Kirov, of attempts to kill Stalin and his closest associates, as well as to overthrow the Soviet regime). Shot.
  • 1937 - trial of senior officers, led by Marshal Tukhachevsky. Shot.
  • 1938 - trial of Rykov and Bukharin. Shot.

  • Only the top leadership of the army were destroyed:
  • out of 5 marshals – 3;
  • of 5 commanders I rank -3;
  • of 10 commanders II rank – 10;
  • out of 57 corps commanders - 50;
  • out of 186 commanders - 154;
  • of 16 army commissars I And II rank -16;
  • out of 26 corps commissars - 25;
  • out of 64 divisional commissars - 58;
  • out of 456 regiment commanders - 401.
  • Following them, 40 thousand commanders of the Red Army were repressed.

  • Was created NKVD, engaged in the destruction of political opponents of the authorities who found themselves abroad.
  • IN August 1940 Trotsky was killed in Mexico on Stalin's orders. The victims of the Stalinist regime were figures of the white movement and monarchist emigration.
  • There were not enough free places in prisons. A wide network of concentration camps began to form.
  • IN 1930 - 1953 . was repressed on charges of counter-revolutionary, anti-state activities 3.8 million people .

Construction of the White Sea - Baltic Canal, a shipping canal that connected the White and Baltic Seas.

Keeping the latent heat of the years,

Flows from the past like a note

There is a live channel in front of me...

A. Maltseva

  • Supreme Soviet of the USSR- the highest governing body of the country, consisting of two chambers - Council of the Union And Council of Nationalities.
  • Executive and legislative powers belonged to - Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR(11 union republics were included in the USSR).
  • All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) – the leading core of society;
  • Marxism-Leninism - state ideology;
  • the end of the construction of socialism;
  • basic democratic rights and freedoms (conscience, speech, press, equal direct suffrage).

  • National policies have become stricter.
  • This was especially evident in Muslim areas of the country. Mosques were closed. A campaign began in the cities to eradicate Muslim traditions that do not correspond to the norms of “communist morality.”
  • The use of local languages ​​in government institutions was abolished.
  • The actual recognition of the Russian language as the state language of the USSR pursued not only ideological goals. It created conditions for interethnic communication and made life easier for the population in the national republics.

Stalin's repressions fell on the Red Army because:

A) there were strong supporters of Trotsky in the army;

B) army personnel opposed measures to mechanize the army, relying on the experience of the Civil War;

C) it was a real force that posed a potential danger to the Stalinist dictatorship.

The repressions of the 30s were directed against the “Leninist Guard”, since they:

A) had a negative attitude towards Stalin’s personality and his methods of building socialism;

B) realized that building socialism is an impossible dream;

B) tried to implement Lenin’s advice on the need to remove Stalin from the post of General Secretary.

What result was legislatively enshrined in the “Stalinist” Constitution of the USSR?

A) Completion of the reconstruction of the national economy.

B) Building the foundations of socialism in the USSR.

C) Building developed socialism in the USSR.

  • In the 30s, the USSR was a totalitarian state with a republican form of government, a powerful repressive apparatus, where there were no democratic rights and freedoms, the establishment of unanimity, and mass repressions.

“...we cannot allow the horrors of the past to be forgotten.

We need to be reminded of the past all the time. It was, it turned out to be possible, and this possibility remains.

Only knowledge can prevent it. The danger here is in the unwillingness to know, in the desire to forget and in the disbelief that this really happened..."

K. Jaspers “The meaning and purpose of history”

  • Paragraph:25, answer the questions on page 187.
  • Learn new concepts and dates.

Slide 1

What features were most characteristic of the political system of the USSR in the 30s?
Political system of Stalinism

Slide 2

Constitution of victorious socialism 1936
Stalin's personality cult
Mass repressions 3.8 million 30-40 years
One-party political system
Ideologization of public life. Marxism-Leninism
Trials of the intra-party opposition

Slide 3

Party hierarchy

Slide 4

General Secretaries of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (1898) - RSDLP (b) (1903-1918) - RKP (b) (1918-1925) - CPSU (b) (1925-1952) - CPSU (1952-1991) - Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Slide 5

Borrowed from the presentation of A. Berdnikov

Slide 6

Children's and youth organizations

Slide 7

Intra-party struggle
“New Opposition” Trotsky Kamenev Zinoviev
The idea of ​​world revolution
The possibility of the victory of socialism in a single country
For the development and deepening of the NEP
Against deepening the NEP
“Right Deviation” Bukharin Rykov
The collapse of the NEP, the transition to collectivization
Not against collectivization, but for the preservation of private farms
Slide with animation

Slide 8

Stalin's personality cult. Causes
Organizational abilities Promotion of one's comrades-in-arms to key positions in the center and in the localities Control by the party of state security agencies Tactics of disunity and competition in relation to one's opponents The Russian centuries-old tradition of paternalism is embodied in leaderism, characteristic of a multi-million-strong peasant country. The psychology of leaderism and the bureaucratic deification of authority served as a breeding ground for Stalin’s personality cult. By the beginning of the 30s. the totalitarian regime has become a harsh political reality.

Slide 9

Manifestation of the cult of personality - exaltation of the role of one person
Stalin is a faithful successor of the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin (the idea of ​​​​building socialism in a single country). The victory of the Bolshevik Party in October and the Civil War became possible to the “wise leadership” of Stalin. Any criticism of the General Secretary is a counter-revolutionary conspiracy
Soviet propaganda created a semi-divine aura around Stalin as an infallible “great leader and teacher.” Cities, factories, collective farms, and military equipment were named after Stalin and his closest associates. Stalin is deeper than the ocean, higher than the Himalayas, brighter than the Sun. He is the teacher of the Universe, the Great Leader, the first student of Lenin, an outstanding commander, the leader of the world proletariat, the wise, the father of nations, a genius

Slide 10

Stalinism is an attempt to modernize the country in a short time through the accelerated construction of socialism

Slide 11

Theoretical justification for repression - Stalin’s thesis about the inevitability of an exacerbation of the class struggle in the process of building socialism
The reason for the deployment of mass repressions was the murder of S. M. Kirov on 12/01/34 - after it, a decision was made to conduct an investigation into “terrorist cases” in an abbreviated manner, within 10 days, the prosecutor and lawyer were absent from the trial, pardons were prohibited, and mortals sentences were carried out immediately Repressions 1936-1938 - trials of the internal party opposition

Slide 12

August 1936 Trotskyist-Zinovievist terrorist center: Zinoviev, Kamenev Preparation of terrorist attacks against the leaders of the Soviet state and party, murder of Kirov, espionage. Sabotage
1937 Pyatakov, Radek Anti-Soviet activities, espionage, sabotage
March 1938 Bukharin, Rykov Espionage, charges of murder of Kirov, attempt on Lenin, Stalin
1938 “Tukhachevsky Case” Undermining the combat power of the Red Army, connections with German intelligence, preparation of the state. coup
Political trials 1936-1938

Slide 13

Repressions 1936-1938 - trials of the internal party opposition
1936 Zinoviev
1936 Kamenev
1938 Bukharin
1937 Tukhachevsky
1938 Rykov
