Reincarnation of the soul: evidence and examples. Transmigration of souls after death

Every person, regardless of religion, at least once in his life thought about what awaits him after death. Someone does not believe in the existence of a parallel reality, someone is convinced that they will go to heaven or hell, and someone is looking for all kinds of evidence of the reincarnation of the soul, hoping for rebirth in a new body. The latest version is gaining more and more popularity. Many people believe that a person can be reborn, and even films about reincarnation are made, after watching which the hypothesis looks more than convincing.

Where did the theory come from?

Representatives of Judaism and Buddhism were the first to believe in the transmigration of souls after death. It is these beliefs that formed the basis of religions that contain love for the world, the wisdom of the ages, as well as faith in infinity. Eastern sages have always been confident that immortality. Despite the fact that our body ages and then completely dies, the spiritual personality remains.

Each of us has moments when we are forced to say goodbye to loved ones, realizing that we will never see them again. However, if you believe the Eastern sages who know the laws of reincarnation, the deceased can be met, but only in a completely different image. The soul is able to move into another body, which does not have to be human. It could be any animal, for example a dog.

There are a colossal number of stories that relatives of deceased people perceive as evidence of the reincarnation of the soul. Perhaps there are some in your family too. Try to remember. Maybe the same bird often sits on your fence and is not afraid of you or even behaves strangely, trying to attract attention. Some people regard such manifestations as a wild fantasy, an ordinary coincidence, but there are also those who listen to their inner voice and see in this a certain sign.

From a scientific point of view

Scientists, philosophers and esotericists have been trying for centuries to unravel this mystery, to find convincing evidence of the reincarnation of souls. Many years of work on a version that suggests the possibility of transmigration of spiritual matter from one body to another has given rise to a variety of hypotheses.

One of the theories says that the human soul performs a certain function, namely, maintaining natural balance. In each life she receives the necessary experience, and after the death of her physical body, she moves to another, but always of the opposite sex.

If the deceased was not buried according to the rules or his tombstone was violated by vandals, then the person into whom the soul will move will experience serious mental health problems. He may develop illnesses such as schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, or persecution delusions. If you believe this hypothesis, then all people with mental disorders ended their past lives unsuccessfully.

The transmigration of souls after death can leave a mark on the body, for example, in the form of moles. One of the theories that arose in the process of studying this phenomenon indicates that large birthmarks are marks from the past. To be more precise, these are the places where there were scars on your “old” body. Perhaps a large birthmark indicates a mortal wound that killed the person whose soul now lives in you.

Some sources claim that the souls of people who led an incorrect lifestyle continue to exist in the body of animals. However, this version causes a lot of controversy among those who professionally deal with this issue. Most are convinced that the human soul is not capable of taking root in the body of an animal.

Eastern religion has its own views on this matter. The sages believe that the soul of a person who has sinned greatly during life is doomed to a long and painful existence in the body of, for example, a dung beetle. It is also believed that energy matter that has left a person who has done a lot of troubles during his life can be imprisoned in a stone or some household item.

Some people tell incredible stories, assuring others that from time to time images and memories appear in their minds that are in no way connected with real life. They are convinced that these are “pre-reincarnation” fragments reproduced at the level of cellular memory.

Most likely, among those who are now reading this article, there will be people who know firsthand about déjà vu. There are a huge number of explanations for this phenomenon, but no one has come to a consensus that would completely reveal the secret of this strange feeling.

Some believe that this occurs due to the closure of intracerebral impulses, while others are confident that this is a layering of intertemporal periods on top of each other. When experiencing a state of déjà vu, people begin to think that everything that is happening around them has already happened before. It’s as if they were at exactly this time and in this place, they absolutely clearly predict the further development of events and even know what their interlocutor will say next. It is unlikely that so many coincidences can happen at one time.

Several documented cases

Experiments aimed at establishing the facts of reincarnation were carried out long before various equipment and scientific laboratories appeared. Thus, in eastern countries there were unique burial traditions. A puncture was made to a deceased person in a certain part of the body, and when a newborn was born, they looked for a mole on it in a similar place. Have you ever wondered what your birthmarks are? Perhaps their appearance is not accidental.

Many years later, researcher Jim Tucker became interested in this custom and documented the most interesting cases of reincarnation. Thus, one of his texts says that a year after the death of his grandfather, a baby was born. There was a strange mole on his arm, exactly in the place where a mark had been left before the funeral of the deceased.

But the weirdness didn't end there. A few years later, when the boy began to talk, he suddenly addressed his grandmother in a diminutive form, just as his grandfather liked to do. After the death of her husband, no one called the elderly widow that. Everyone was in deep shock, and the boy’s mother admitted that she saw her father in a dream, who did not want to part with his family and was looking for a way to return home.


In the same book about reincarnation there is another case that makes people think about the likelihood of the existence of this phenomenon. A woman named Diana worked at a public hospital located in Miami her entire adult life. In the hospital she met her soulmate. The man Diana married and then married had a birthmark that resembled a crescent moon.

The couple lived for many years in love and joy, but the most interesting thing happened at an appointment with a psychotherapist. A woman shared a story that supposedly happened in her previous life. She claimed that she was in the body of an Indian woman who was forced to hide from the European colonialists who occupied America. Once, in order not to give away herself and the crying child she was holding in her arms, the woman had to cover his mouth. Inadvertently, she strangled the baby, who had a crescent-shaped mole on the back of his head.

Fatal wound

Modern scientists also had to deal with the example of reincarnation. A boy was born in a Turkish town. Over time, he began to claim that he remembered numerous fragments from a past life in which he was a soldier. The boy said that when he was a soldier, he was shot with a large-caliber gun. The wound turned out to be fatal. He first began talking about his memories at a very young age, having absolutely no idea what reincarnation was. Later it became known that a file with a medical history of a soldier who was admitted for treatment with a wound to the right area of ​​his face was found in the archives of a local clinic. A week later he died. Is it worth saying that the boy was born with multiple congenital defects on the right side of his face?

Evidence of Soul Reincarnation

Modern psychotherapists and psychologists often use a technique known as regression of past years. Using it together with hypnosis, you can restore memories that are deep in the subconscious.

Most likely, everyone has heard or seen in films how a patient is immersed in a state of hypnosis, after which it is possible to remember not only facts, for example, from early childhood, but even from a past life. When a person is brought to his senses, he remembers absolutely nothing of what he said to the doctor while in hypnosis. This practice makes it possible to understand all the subtleties of the human worldview. There are several cases that describe clear facts that confirm the existence of reincarnation after death.

In medicine, there is such a thing as false memories. Researchers conducted a survey among children of different ages. To their surprise, most of the guys vividly described the last minutes of their previous lives. As a rule, death occurred as a result of violent acts, and the events themselves occurred several years before the children interviewed were born. The most realistic and believable stories were from children aged 2 to 6 years.

Twilight Zone

And here is one of the situations that Brian Weiss, a psychoanalyst with many years of experience, described in his works. During the next session, to which a girl patient came, the doctor put her into a trance state. Katherine (that was the patient's name) began to say that she felt the presence of Brian's father, as well as his son, who died due to heart problems. It is worth noting the fact that the girl knew absolutely nothing about the doctor’s personal life and could not guess what tragedy Weiss experienced. A similar phenomenon, when someone sees the deceased relatives of their interlocutor, is usually called the “twilight zone.”

A story about two brothers

An even stranger story happened in the seventies of the last century. The young woman had a son named Kevin. At the age of two, the boy died from blood cancer caused by a complex fracture of his leg, which did not heal properly. They desperately tried to save the young patient and administered a course of chemotherapy. A catheter was inserted through his neck on the right side, and a scar appeared in the area of ​​his left ear due to deformation of the eye. The baby died in terrible pain.

Ten years later, the woman who lost her son gave birth to another child, but from a different man. The newborn boy developed a birthmark in the exact place where the deceased baby’s scar was. It later turned out that the second son had congenital problems with his left eye, and also limped on the leg that was broken in his older brother, although no pathologies were found.

Having become an adult, the guy told incredible stories, revealing the whole essence of reincarnation. He claimed that the soul of his elder brother was reborn in his image. He accurately recounted the entire medication course, and also accurately indicated the location of the catheter. In addition to memories associated with pain and suffering, the guy remembered his old place of residence, describing in detail a house that, in fact, he had never been to.

Burmese girl with Japanese background

The world learned about this story thanks to the work of psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, who described an amazing case in his teachings on reincarnation. In the sixties of the last century, a girl was born in Burma, who, at the age of three, began to talk about how she had been a Japanese soldier in a past life. According to her, local residents burned him alive, tying him tightly to a tree.

In addition to the fact that the girl was overcome by terrible memories, she was radically different from her peers in her behavior. She did not recognize Buddhism, did not wear long hair, and slapped the children with whom she periodically walked on the playground in the same way as the Japanese soldiers who attacked Burma did.

It is worth noting the fact that she was an unusual child from birth. An obvious defect was noticeable on the girl’s right hand: the ring and middle fingers were fused, resembling the membrane of waterfowl. A few days later, doctors amputated some of the phalanges, and the child's mother claims that on her daughter's right arm there was a mark that resembled a burn, as well as stripes that looked very similar to marks from ropes.

30 rupees

To the question of whether reincarnation exists, you will be given a positive answer by the residents of the village of Alluna Miana, which is located in India. This is where a boy named Taranjit Singh lived. At the age of two, he stated that in his previous life he was an ordinary student named Satnam Singh, who lived sixty kilometers from his home village of Taranjita.

The boy told his parents that his previous life was cut short as a result of a ridiculous accident, namely after a scooter flew into a student. The boy also said that he remembers the last seconds of his former existence, as if he was lying in a pool of blood, with notes and textbooks lying around. Taranjit remembered that at the time of the accident he had exactly thirty rupees in his pocket.

The boy’s words were not taken seriously for a long time, because in the village, where the population is poorly educated, no one knows what reincarnation is. However, the father, tired of his child’s constant stories, decided to understand the situation and get to the bottom of the truth. He learned that a guy with that name really lived and then died under the wheels of a scooter. Having gone with their son to a neighboring village, they found the house where Satnam lived. His parents were shocked by what facts from their son’s life were being operated on by someone else’s child. They confirmed that Satnam was dying in a pool of blood, with textbooks scattered around, and that he had thirty rupees in his pocket at the time of his death.

Rumors about the incredible rebirth of the soul quickly spread throughout the province. Local authorities turned to experts who were asked to conduct an examination. Taranjit was asked to write a few sentences, after which forensic handwriting was done. Everyone was truly bewildered when it turned out that the handwriting of both guys was almost identical.


In medicine, there are often cases when people begin to speak foreign languages, sometimes the most exotic ones. Most often, this phenomenon becomes a consequence of clinical death, severe traumatic brain injury or stress. In parapsychology, this condition has its own name - xenoglossia.

For example, a person living in Russia can suddenly speak Turkish, without any accent. The only explanation that comes to mind is that in a past life he was a Turk.

For clarity, we can give a real example that took place in medical practice. So one American woman, born into a family of immigrants from Eastern Europe who spoke Czech, Russian and Polish, began to surprise those around her. At an appointment with a psychoanalyst, while under hypnosis, a woman suddenly spoke in Swedish, introducing herself as a peasant who once lived in Sweden. Despite the fact that the people who followed the test did not believe the woman at all, the polygraph showed that she was telling the truth. There is not a single person in her family who knows Swedish, and she has never been interested in learning it. However, this did not stop the woman from speaking it without an accent.

Films about reincarnation

Famous directors working with the “Mysticism” genre could not ignore such a phenomenon. The best films based on real stories about the transmigration of souls can be called: “Birth”, “Little Buddha”, “Restless Anna”.

The whole world is one big interconnected spiral, where everything is correlated with each other and moves in turns. It is not surprising that many people in all eras have felt within themselves the memory of past lives. This manifests itself in streams of inexplicable emotions that seem to attract or repel from a person, place, or object. According to the theory of transmigration of souls, this relationship is explained by the nature of the information received from past experience. Transmitted through the time spiral, it affects the current incarnation and after the reincarnation of the soul. A bad place, where something terrible may have happened to a past incarnation, or a person towards whom one feels sympathy or antipathy; all this can be waves of memory that comes from a past life.

The question of whether the reincarnation of the soul exists has always worried our ancestors, and in many Eastern religions the topic of transmigration of souls occupies a very prominent place (for example, in Buddhism or Shintoism). Have you asked yourself questions about who you are, where you came from, and what is reincarnation? You are now in the right place.

About human cellular memory

How is it that you are incredibly fascinated by only a certain part of the historical heritage? Look at ancient Roman frescoes and imagine yourself as a resident of that era, or catch yourself thinking that you know more about the customs of another nation than you CAN know. Every little thing you think and how you feel may relate to another time, to your other life... armored in genetic memory of past lives.

Incarnating in a new body after reincarnation, souls bring with them both their past experience and their entire information egregor (the so-called “mental condensate”), so the memory of the soul is transferred to every cell of the newborn’s body.

Example. Activation of genetic memory can occur when listening to a melody or observing an image from a movie, the result will be a surge of emotions and interconnected images that seem to belong and do not belong to us at the same time, déjà vu is possible, ordinary human memory works in the same way, but completely different details are revealed and the root causes of such phenomena.

Carl Jung considered cellular memory as part of the definition of the collective unconscious, when within us lies not only information about past lives, but also sets of ancient archetypes (an element of the collective unconscious, for example, “Mother”, “Father”, “Hero”, “Dragon”, “ Wanderer", "Child", etc.), which are transmitted at birth.

The progenitor of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann(1755–1843) separated from all cellular memory an additional term - “miasma” (meaning “poisonous fumes, impurities”), denoting pathogenic information and its influence on a person through genetic memory and after the reincarnation of the soul. In the same way, “miasma” is an accumulated charge of negative emotions that a person stores for a long time and without sources of such energy.

Miasma is an essence in the form of electromagnetic resonance. It can exist both in a latent form and in an active one, its activation is provoked by negative events in a person’s life, resonating at the same wavelengths as the events; the consequences of the influence of such negative cellular memory can result, for example, in problems in the organs. In summary, miasma is an “energy virus” coming from the memory of past lives. , which is based in our body and soul. The cure for miasma lies in the plane of meditative practices of self-purification and creating an internal balance of emotional forces.

2 important points on genetic (cellular) memory

  1. Human DNA and RNA are located in the same place where the entire set of programs of the soul and body is stored, that is, ALL information initially lives within us. The connection between the soul and the body works at the DNA level, without it we would be just machines.
  2. We can influence DNA through the growth of our consciousness, identify, change and remove destructive programs of the subconscious, and therefore change and improve the work of the Spirit and Body and get closer to the Source of All That Is

External manifestations of cellular memory

Deja vu

A phenomenon that hundreds of scientists around the world are still trying to explain. It manifests itself as an obsessive feeling that THIS ALREADY HAPPENED, in our opinion, at the moment of deja vu is activated memory of past lives and the cells transmit IMPORTANT information to consciousness. Believe and listen to your feelings, the correct interpretation of deja vu is inside you.

Birthmarks, age spots, scars, moles

It is possible to connect the external features of the current incarnation with the memory of past lives. This connection is most often associated with events and associated traumas in that life of the Soul. Often these events are associated with certain negative charges with which the event took place, that is, the Soul did not let it go completely and a so-called “information-energy” imprint remained.

Example: a person was killed by a loved one with a knife in the back, the soul left with a strong negative charge, after the reincarnation of the soul occurs and he is in a new incarnation, in this place he has a birthmark, as a reminder of those events.

Earlier in the article, a case from practice was already described when a girl approached me with a question about a birthmark on her body. During a regression dive into past lives, we found answers to her questions and found out that the stain was a burn mark: the ceiling collapsed in a burning building, and the girl was buried under a log. And at the place where the log fell, the girl now has that same birthmark.

And there are many such examples, so I have no doubt about whether there is reincarnation of the soul after death.

Fears, depression

We know for sure that traumatic situations from childhood affect our lives. Now imagine that such situations have an influence, even from a past life. An incredible emotional shock that the soul was never able to accept goes with it throughout life, and after the reincarnation of the soul it goes further, causing inexplicable fears and phobias.

In my practice, I have become convinced that fears manifest themselves already in childhood, because the soul has retained the memory of a past life and reacts sharply to similar events in this life. For example, a very common question among my clients is about the reasons for their fear of heights. In all cases of communication with people, this turned out to be the result of the reincarnation of the soul after death from a fall from a height in a previous life.

As we can see, genetic memory plays an important role in the theme of reincarnation. These are 2 interconnected stories, where both complement the logic of each other’s existence.

By remembering our past lives and working on changing our internal programs, we free ourselves from the shackles of negative energy that our cellular memory carries.

The goal of this work: to achieve ideal internal balance and harmony, when Body and Soul work together without oppressing each other.

Remember, the past should not negatively affect the present, it should help not to make new mistakes.

Theories about soul reincarnation

Theory 1. In Hinduism

Hinduism is the center of knowledge about the reincarnation of souls; in many sacred scriptures, which are the essence of Hinduism (Vedas, Upanishads), reincarnation is described as a natural change in the energetic state of the Living.

The essence of the theories is that we all live in a spiral cycle and constantly move in the universe, alternating birth and death. Our Soul is reborn thousands of times and gradually strives for the Highest source of happiness, which can be achieved through spiritual practices. The purpose of the Soul: to exit the cycle and rise forever into a new form of existence - the spiritual world.

According to the canons of Buddhism, there are a total of five levels where the Soul has the possibility of reincarnation: the human level, the animal world, the level of hell, where spirits live, where gods live. Where we will appear next time depends on the actions of the Soul in this incarnation and we will be reborn until our very being dries up, or we reach that same spiritual world.

Theory 2. Reincarnation in the philosophy of Ancient Greece

Have you thought that Pythagoras himself, the mathematical thinker, was an adherent of the theory of the reincarnation of the soul? Now we mostly encounter only his theorem, but then the philosopher gathered followers around him and came up with the concept that the Soul is given to a person or animal from the HIGH WORLD for the purpose of multiple reincarnations until it is pure and worthy to ascend again.

Plato’s thoughts on the topic of how the reincarnation of the soul occurs were similar. He believed that at the very beginning the Soul is given to people, but when a person commits bad deeds during life, his soul degrades and is incarnated in the body of animals and must develop in order to be incarnated again in a person and so on until it is worthy of gaining complete freedom .

Theory 3. Early Christianity

The modern church denies the idea of ​​reincarnation and believes that the soul is incarnated only once, but this was not always the case; moreover, it is believed that the early Christians did not hear about heaven or hell at all, but believed in rebirth.

For example, in the 2nd century AD there lived the Christian philosopher Origen, who was almost the first Christian scientist of those years.

The essence of his teaching is that souls burdened with evil deeds in subsequent incarnations will be representatives of the animal world, but through the purification of the soul they will again be able to find the Kingdom of Heaven. The Soul will enter a new incarnation strengthened or weakened by the actions of the past and the memory of a past life. All actions of our current life will predetermine the next life.

Theory 4. Renaissance

The famous Giordano Bruno is interesting here. A prominent astronomer and scientist also came up with a theory about the reincarnation of the soul, which was one of the factors for his burning at the stake by the church (except for refusing to support the theory of heliocentrism, of course), which was opposed to reincarnation.

The essence of Bruno’s concept: the death of the body does not mean the end, the Soul has the opportunity to visit other worlds in the universe, the church does not affect a person’s relationship with God, but only clouds the mind and confuses the Soul, salvation depends only on the direct connection of the Soul with the Almighty.

It is not surprising that such radical thoughts at that time led the prominent scientist to a terrible fate.

Evidence of Soul Reincarnation

Above, we found out the degree of influence of the memory of a past life on the present life, now we will provide the identified facts about the existence of reincarnation, including those obtained within our project.

An important part of the evidence base goes back to hypnosis; in your life you have probably encountered such a situation in a cultural work, when a hypnotist puts a person into a trance, and then extracts facts from the immersed person. Techniques aimed at identifying events and situations from childhood are called age regression, and techniques aimed at identifying memories of a past life are called regressive hypnosis.

The goals of these practices are already described above in the paragraph on cellular memory; the regression technique allows researchers to look beyond the limits of human perception and bring out what the Soul is hiding.

I would like to tell the story of a young man S., who complained of pain between the shoulder blades. He repeatedly turned to doctors, underwent examinations and received one answer - healthy, clean between the shoulder blades. However, S. did not leave the feeling of a foreign object and painful sensations, and the search for the cause brought him to me. After a detailed conversation with him, we formulated a clear request (intention) to find and remember the past life with which this pain is associated. And S. saw a life in which a close friend killed him from behind, stabbing him with a knife between his shoulder blades. That is why, apart from constant back pain, S. did not have friendly relations with people, he did not trust anyone and was unsociable. This is another example of how people make one request, and during regressive hypnosis we work on other areas that are unrelated at first glance.

I have accumulated many stories about fears, “damages” that stretch from past incarnations, and are real proof that the reincarnation of the soul exists. Here, for example, is a situation I encounter very often: young man A. is inexplicably afraid of water, despite the fact that he never fell into water as a child and there are no objective reasons for this fear. And, as was quite expected for me, they saw that his past life had stopped due to his fall into the water, i.e. he simply drowned. The soul retained this in memory and transferred it from a past life to the present. .

Documented cases

Twilight Zone

Brian Weiss is an experienced Western psychoanalyst. He had never before been an adherent of theories about the reincarnation of souls, but one of his patients greatly surprised him. During a trance during a standard age regression session, she began to claim that Brian's father and son (who had previously died from a similar heart disease) were contacting her and wanted to convey a message to him. The fantastic nature of the situation was confirmed by the fact that the patient did not know about the psychoanalyst’s personal life, but she named several personal facts that only his deceased loved ones could know. The doctor, impressed, reflected this session in detail in his next research works. This girl could be a medium without knowing it, and the phenomenon is called the “Twilight Zone,” that is, the extrasensory ability to bring into dialogue dead people who are closely related to the medium’s interlocutor.

Boy from Birmingham

Can a child remember his past life? The story of Daisy Thompson from Ireland says yes. The girl was born weak and sickly for no good reason. Her health was in perfect order, but she ate poorly and did not like to play with children, and periodically choked. At the age when she was already able to express her thoughts, the girl began to share with her parents that she was haunted by visions from someone else’s life, where she was a seven-year-old boy who lived in captivity and suffered at the hands of an unknown scary man. According to her stories from the memory of a past life, it turned out that the boy was kidnapped and lived for some time in the basement, being bullied, the most terrible thing for Daisy was the moment of the death of this boy, he was strangled by his captor.

For a long time, the parents could not help their daughter, traditional medicine did not help, and the girl was already weak to take a course of psychotropic drugs. Over time, her visions and suffering became more and more intense, so her parents found a good specialist in regressive hypnosis and reincarnation; in a trance, he found out details from the child and new facts emerged.

A year before Daisy was born, four children disappeared within a short period of time in Birmingham. At the same time, a pedophile was imprisoned in a neighboring area and was soon to be released. The parents, together with a hypnotist, sent the police to the address, and the skeletons of four children were discovered in the basement of the house. The remains were reburied, and the pedophile’s sentence was extended (he is unlikely to be released). The soul of the innocent boy suffered after reincarnation and in a new incarnation, and feeling that the killer would soon be released, her pain only increased. From that moment on, the girl stopped having frightening visions and the attacks of suffocation and other negative manifestations of genetic memory disappeared.

Children remember past lives

The European Research Institute of Psychology studied the concept of false memories (this is when a person remembers something that at first glance does not belong to his memory). A typical group of preschool children were collected by staff and interviewed over a period of time. Through special psychological tests and interviews, it was revealed that some children remember their past lives very vividly, and the most complete stories were among toddlers. In a number of situations, children were able to describe the last minutes of their past life, taking into account the fact that they simply had not encountered such situations in life and the events described took place before their birth, it was concluded that the children would not have been able to come up with such a volume of knowledge that they had previously was unavailable.

How to remember your past life?

This is the most important part. In order for everything to work out and pass without consequences, you now need to get acquainted with meditative practices and begin cleansing the body.

We have a useful one that describes in detail the preparation of a person for meeting with past incarnations.

There are several effective ways to remember your past life and understand its influence on the current incarnation:

Method 1 – through regressive hypnosis with a contactee.

Method 2 – through independent meditative immersion

Remembering a past life is absolutely possible for any person.

Firstly, the most important and key point is your desire, i.e. what exactly do you want to see, what question do you want answered? From this we need to move forward.

Secondly, concentrate your attention on what you are doing, be it meditation, regression absorption or other activity. In other words, this state is “here and now” - train it

Third, you should practice meditation: be able to enter a state of calm, relaxation and complete trust in yourself. For those who are not at all familiar with hypnosis, I recorded test meditations, links to which can be found in the article “How to prepare for a session.” Again, before each meditation, also formulate your intention (verbally or mentally) for why you are doing it.

These are perhaps the best steps to start with. Remember that all the answers are within ourselves. Meditations and regressive hypnosis are “tools” that help us not only remember our past life, but also get answers to, perhaps, all our questions.

You can leave a request on our website and get advice from a regressologist (a person specializing in memories of past lives and healing genetic memory)

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Answer the questions in the comments: how does the memory of your soul manifest itself? Have you ever thought about this?

Cases of reincarnation

The existence of reincarnation is confirmed by numerous cases occurring in different places on the globe. Many people consider such stories to be fiction, hallucinations that originated in the minds of people tired of a monotonous life or mentally ill. But it is surprising that hallucinating people describe real events and places so accurately. It can be assumed that memories of a past life are actually information that is received from other people extrasensory. However, none of the participants in these stories had paranormal abilities. In addition, psychics usually receive fragmentary information that is not related to each other. People who have undergone reincarnation have extensive memories.

From them you can build the fate of a person, whose existence is confirmed by various sources.

Story 1

J. Stevenson conducted his first study of reincarnation with six-year-old Imad Al-Awar. This boy was the very first to utter the words “Jamili” and “Mahmud”, which greatly surprised his parents and all relatives. Later he often repeated the word "Khibri". When Imad was 2 years old, he saw a stranger on the road, ran towards him and hugged him.

The man was surprised and asked: “Do we know each other?” Imad responded by saying that he knew him as a good neighbor. Then it turned out that the man lives in the village of Khibri, which is located behind the mountains, at a distance of 30 km. A few years later, the boy continued to tell various stories, but more coherently. He talked about how he lived in Khibri and how he always wanted to return there. He talked about the beautiful Jamila. I also remembered a close relative who was hit by a truck and had his legs crushed, which led to death. The relatives listened to these stories with pleasure, with the exception of the father. He forbade his son to talk about his memories; the thought that reincarnation had occurred to his child was unpleasant to him.

Stevenson was very interested in this story. He talked for a long time and repeatedly with Imad and his relatives, and then he himself went to Khibri. There he found confirmation of the story about his relative Saida who died under the wheels of a truck. I also found out that Saida had a cousin, Ibrahim, who was condemned by his fellow villagers for having a mistress, Jamili. Both brothers belonged to the Bumgazi family. Ibrahim died at the age of 25 from tuberculosis. During the last 6 months of his life, he did not get out of bed, and Mahmoud, his uncle, looked after him. The description of Ibrahim's house exactly matched the boy's stories. And Ibrahim’s neighbor turned out to be the same stranger whom Imad hugged on the road.

According to J. Stevenson's research, Imad's stories contained 44 facts that coincided with facts from the life of Ibrahim Bumghazi.

Story 2

Patient Juan was admitted to a Mexican psychiatric hospital. He complained that he was tormented by mysterious visions. Juan saw himself as a priest of a large temple located on a huge island. In his visions, he did the same thing every day - he laid out mummies in large clay sarcophagus jars and carried them to the altars, which were located in numerous rooms of the temple. Haun described what was happening in great detail. He even saw that the priestesses serving him were dressed in blue dresses with embroidery in the form of blue roses. The walls of the rooms with altars were painted with birds, fish and dolphins, which were again blue. One day, in one of the scientific magazines, Stevenson came across an article about a labyrinth known from myths on the island of Crete. It turned out that this labyrinth is not a palace, but a necropolis - a huge city of the dead. The ritual of burying the dead there was fully consistent with what Juan, who never knew about the island of Crete, told. The patient also did not know that the ancient Greeks considered blue and cyan colors to be symbols of grief, and birds, fish and dolphins to accompany the souls of the dead to the afterlife.

Story 3

In Sri Lanka there lived a boy named Sujit. When he was 2 years old, he told his mother that he was actually Sammy Fernando. Talking about himself as a different person, the boy said that his real home was located eight miles to the south, that he worked on the railroad. He further said that in a past life he was an alcoholic and died under the wheels of a truck. Y. Stevenson conducted an investigation and found out that a man named Sammy Fernando actually lived in the indicated place and he died as in the boy’s story. When comparing the memories of the boy and the relatives of the deceased, 59 matches were found. The boy amazed his parents with his memories until he was 6 years old. Then his memory of his past life calmed down.

Story 4

Many hypnosis experts believe that reincarnation can be studied through hypnosis and putting people into a deep trance. An experiment was conducted at the University of Munich in which several hundred people answered questions about the first three years of their lives while under hypnosis. The results of the experiment surprised scientists. About 35% of the experiment participants remembered events that had never happened to them in this life. Many of them suddenly began to speak an unknown language. The book Nobody Dies Forever by psychologist Ian Courier tells about an American doctor from Philadelphia who practiced hypnosis with his wife. In a state of trance, she went into the past and suddenly began speaking in a low male voice, and with a Scandinavian accent. The experts present at the hypnosis session came to the conclusion that the woman spoke in an outdated Swedish language. However, not all hypnologists explain the strange things that happen to people in a state of trance by reincarnation.

Story 5

There was a girl named Tina in Sao Paulo. She worked in a law office and from an early age remembered details of her past life. Then she had a different name - Alex. Her mother's name was Angela. They lived together in France. Tina still prefers everything French and hates the Germans. This is due to the fact that in her past life she was killed by a Nazi soldier. There are marks on her body to confirm this. She has strange birthmarks on her chest and back that resemble old bullet wounds.

Story 6

In 1907, Joan Grant was born into an English family. As a child, she often remembered her past life in some distant country. She shared her memories with her parents, but they forbade her to talk about this topic. As an adult, Joan set out to travel. Her goal was Egypt. Finding herself on the ancient land, she received vivid memories of those distant times when the pharaohs still lived. Joan decided to write down everything that her memory told her. There were many memories, but all the stories were unfinished. However, with the help of her husband, a psychiatrist, Joan wrote a book based on them, “The Winged Pharaoh,” which was published in 1937. It described the life of Seketa, the daughter of Pharaoh. The events in the book took place 3000 years ago. Joan Grant's work was highly appreciated by literary critics and scientists, including Egyptologists. They noted the writer’s deep knowledge of the culture and history of Ancient Egypt. They cast great doubt only on Joan's statement that Seketa was herself. Six more novels were written based on past life memories. Joan herself called them chronicles of past lives.

Story 7

Indian criminologist Vikram Rada Singh Chaohan from Pyatiyala studied the story of one child who underwent reincarnation. In the past he lived in Jalandhar and was a different person. After some time, he was reborn in another place. A comparative analysis of the handwriting of two people was carried out and thus the existence of reincarnation was confirmed.

A boy from a poor peasant family named Taranjit Singh was 6 years old. He constantly told his family about his past life. Starting from the age of 2, the boy repeated to his parents that he was not their son and repeatedly tried to run away from home. He repeated that his name was Santam Singh and that he had previously lived in the village of Chakhela, that his real father's name was Jeet Singh. In his previous life, he attended school in the village of Nihalwal. On September 10, 1992, he and his friend Sakhwinder Singh were riding home from school on a bicycle when they met with an accident. He was hit by fellow countryman Yoga Singh on a scooter. Santam died as a result of his injuries.

Since Taranjit was constantly repeating his memories, describing events, mentioning names, his parents went to Chakchela to clear things up. They could not find the boy's real parents there, but received information that there was a village called Chakchela in Jalandhar. They hit the road again. There the parents found an old teacher who remembered a student named Santam Singh and the cause of his death, as well as the name of his father - Jit Singh.

After Santam's parents were found, Taranjit's other stories were also confirmed. At the time when Santham met with the accident, he had two books and 30 rupees with him. The books were soaked in the boy's blood. It turned out that the mother of the deceased still keeps this money and books as a memory of her son.

Soon Santam's parents came to see Taranjit. They brought with them a wedding photograph, which the boy immediately recognized - he had seen it many times in his previous life.

The newspapers published an article about this story. Vikram Chaohan also read it, but did not believe in reincarnation. However, curiosity led him to investigate. He asked many people in both communities and found many similarities in their stories. The crime analyst also learned that a few days before his death, Santam bought a notebook from a shop on credit for 3 rupees. When the shopkeeper met Taranjit, the boy immediately remembered the debt, but named a different amount - 2 rupees.

To finally find out the truth, the criminologist found samples of Santam Singh's handwriting and compared them with Taranjit Singh's handwriting. Each person’s handwriting is unique, it is associated with the person’s character and mental characteristics. After research, Vikram Chaohan discovered that the handwriting of the two boys was almost identical. The slight difference could be explained by the difference in age - Taranjit is only 6 years old and does not write very well yet.

There were too many similarities between the two boys to reject the reincarnation that had occurred. Subsequently, other experts compared the boys' handwritings and also found them almost identical.

The forensic scientist decided to continue observing Taranjit, since he never ceased to amaze everyone. The boy lives in a poor family and does not attend school. However, he was able to complete the task and write the English alphabet as well as all the Punjabi letters.

Thus, the existence of reincarnation can be considered scientifically confirmed.

Story 8

Prakash Varshney was born in the Indian town of Chhata in 1951. One day, when he was already 4.5 years old, he woke up at night and screamed, trying to escape from the house. With his behavior, he frightened his parents, who tried to calm him down. The boy began to say strange things.

Celtic priests (Druids) believed in the reincarnation of the soul. They considered souls immortal. After the death of a person, the soul, in their opinion, moves into another body.

Prakash suddenly started saying that his name was Nirmal. The boy called his father to him, but at the same time called him by the unfamiliar name Bholant. He talked confusingly about the town of Kosi-Kalan, located nearby, and repeated that he was born there. Soon the boy calmed down and even fell asleep, but the next night the same thing happened again. The nightmares continued for a month. During the daytime, Prakash also remembered his family from Kosi Kalan. He told about his sister Tara, described the house in which his supposedly real family lived. Prakash spoke about his father, a successful merchant who owned several shops. According to the boy, Bholanath had a steel safe in his house to store money. The boy himself (Nirmal) had a box, locked with a key, where he put his wealth and savings.

Prakash persistently talked about his memories and in the end his uncle decided to find out everything. They boarded a bus that went in the opposite direction to Kosi-Kalan. Prakash, who had never traveled anywhere, immediately began to cry and began to ask to be taken home, to Kosi Kalan, located in a completely different direction.

My uncle and Prakash had to transfer to another bus. Arriving at the desired locality, they quickly found Bholant's store, but it turned out to be closed. Returning to Chhata, the boy cried very often. He stopped recognizing his mother and responding to his name. The boy demanded that everyone call him Nirmal. One day he ran away from home and was found on the road to Kosi Kalan. At the same time, Prakash had a large nail in his hands. The boy said that they could open his real father's safe.

Varshni decided to punish the boy. He was put on a potter's wheel and beaten, but he did not stop remembering his past life. Bholant learned that a man and a boy calling himself Nirmal were looking for him. Bholant had a son of that name, but he died a few years ago of smallpox. There are other children left behind, including daughter Tara.

Several years passed and in 1961, Bholant Jain went to Chhata to meet the boy in whom the soul of his son lived. Prakash immediately recognized Bholant and was delighted to see him. He asked questions about Tara, about his older brother.

After some time, the Jain family came to Chhata in full force. Prakash was very happy about his real mother, Tara, and he recognized his brother Devendra. The Jains invited Prakash to visit. When Prakash Varshney arrived in Kosi Kalan, he was able to immediately find the Jains' house. This happened even though Tara tried to confuse Prakash and told him the wrong way. The boy could not find the entrance to the house, as it was made in another place after Nirmal’s death. However, in the house, he immediately pointed out Nirmal’s room and the one in which he lay before his death. He recognized some of the surviving toys that belonged to Nirmal and showed him the place where his father’s safe was located.

Prakash recognized and called many relatives and neighbors by name. He simply greeted one of the neighbors as if he were an old acquaintance. It turned out to be Chiranji, who was the owner of a grocery shop at the time Nirmal was alive. At the time of meeting Prakash, he had already sold his shop. The most surprising thing was that Prakash recognized his two aunts, who lived in their own half of the house and rarely left it. Even the neighbors did not know their faces.

As a result of the meeting, the Jainas became convinced that the soul of their deceased son Nirmal had been reborn in Prakash. Varshney was very worried that the Jains would be able to take their son away from them. However, they were glad that Nirmala’s soul was reborn and occasionally met with Prakash. Gradually, Prakash himself calmed down and his craving for his past life weakened.

Story 9

This story took place in 1977 in the town of Des Moines, Iowa. A daughter was born to the family of Barry and Bonnie Chris. The girl was named Romi. They were active and inquisitive. When Romy learned to speak, her Catholic parents were amazed. She chatted like all little children, and one day she started talking about her past life. She revealed that she was Joe Williams. Romy claimed that she lived in a red brick house in Charles City. This town is 40 miles from Des Moines. The girl said that she had a wife, Sheila, and three children. According to Romy, Joe and Sheila were riding a motorcycle and died in the accident. The girl described these events in every detail. At the same time, she said that these memories frighten her. Romy's stories also included Joe's childhood. There was a fire in the house and his mother, fighting the flames, received a severe burn on her hand. She also said that Joe’s mom had pain in her right leg and showed the sore spot. Romy really wanted to see her mother Louise and asked to take her to her.

Romi's parents did not know how to react to their daughter's words; they considered everything a fiction and tried to convince the girl of this. However, Romy told more and more details about Joe's life and the circumstances of his death. As a result, Romi's parents decided to turn to specialists, after which an experiment was conducted.

In 1981, investigator Henender Benerjee, his wife and two journalists from the Swedish magazine Allers arrived in Des Moines. They met Romi and her parents. Then they all went to Charles City together to check the girl's stories.

The girl was very excited all the way. She offered to buy Louise's mother flowers and added that she liked blue ones. Approaching the city, she said that they could not enter through the front door, that they needed to look around the corner for another door. On the outskirts of the city, near a white bungalow, they stopped. It wasn't a red brick house at all, but they saw a sign telling them to use the back door.

The door was opened by an old woman with crutches and a bandage on her right leg. It turned out to be Louise Williams. It turned out that she actually had a son named Joe. However, Louise was in a hurry to see the doctor and did not want to continue the conversation. Romy was upset by this refusal. An hour later, Louise returned and invited guests into the house. She was surprised by the blue flowers and remembered that the last time her son gave her just such a bouquet. Romy's father shared Romy's stories about Joe with Mrs. Williams. In response, the woman expressed great surprise as to how such details were known about her life with her son. She confirmed that she lived with her son in a red brick house, but it was destroyed by a tornado 10 years ago, at that time many houses in Charles City were damaged. After that, Joe helped her build this house, and they locked the front door for the winter.

The girl and Mrs. Williams liked each other very much. Romy tried to help the old woman with everything. Together they went for photographs and returned holding hands. Romy recognized Joe and Sheila from the photographs. Many of Romy's stories were confirmed by facts - the existence of Joe and Sheila's three children, the fire, the names of relatives and much more. Mrs Williams also confirmed the description of the accident in which Joe died. This happened 2 years before Romy was born. However, despite all the facts, Romy's parents and Joe's mother, who were convinced that the girl was not lying, found it difficult to believe that reincarnation had occurred.

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Jim Tucker from Charlottesville (USA) is the only academic scientist in the world who has been studying children's stories about past lives for 15 years. Now Tucker has collected selected cases from the United States in a new book and presents in it his own hypotheses about the scientific aspects that may be hidden behind the phenomenon of reincarnation.

Below is a translation of the article "The Science of Reincarnation", first published in the University of Virginia Journal.

Spontaneous memories and childhood games

When Ryan Hammons was four years old, he started playing movie director, with commands like "Action" constantly blaring from his childhood room. But these games soon became a cause for concern for Ryan's parents, especially after he woke up screaming one night, grabbed his chest, and began telling him that he dreamed that his heart exploded while he was in Hollywood one day. His mother Cindy went to the doctor, but the doctor explained it as nightmares and that the boy would soon outgrow this age. One evening, when Cindy was putting her son to bed, he suddenly took her hand and said: " Mom, I think I was once someone else".

Ryan explained that he could remember a big white house and a swimming pool. This house was located in Hollywood, many miles from their home in Oklahoma. Ryan said he had three sons, but he couldn't remember their names. He began to cry and kept asking his mother why he couldn't remember their names.

"I really didn't know what to do"," recalls Cindy. " I was very scared. He was so insistent on this matter. After that night, he tried again and again to remember their names and each time he was disappointed that he could not. I started looking for information about reincarnation on the Internet. I even checked out some library books about Hollywood in the hopes that the pictures might help him. I didn't tell anyone about this for months".

One day, while Ryan and Cindy were looking at one of the books about Hollywood, Ryan stopped at one page of a black and white photograph from the 1930s film Night After Night. The picture showed two men threatening a third man. They were surrounded by four other men. Cindy didn't recognize these faces, but Ryan pointed to one of the men in the middle and said, " Hey mom, it's George. We made a film together".

Then his fingers slid to the man in the jacket on the right side of the picture, who looked sullenly: " This guy is ME, I found myself!".

Although rare, Ryan's claim is not unique and is one of a total of more than 2,500 cases that psychiatrist Jim Tucker has collected in his archives at the University of Virginia Medical Center for Perceptual Studies.

At two years old, children remember their past life

For nearly 15 years, Tucker has been researching the stories of children who, usually between the ages of two and six, claim that they lived once before. Sometimes these children can even describe quite detailed details of these previous lives. Very rarely are these previously deceased individuals famous or popular, and are often completely unknown to the families of these children.

Tucker, one of two scientists in the world studying this phenomenon, explains that the complexity of such experiences varies. Some of them can be easily identified, for example, when it is clear that children's harmless stories occur in families where they have lost a close relative.

Other times, like Ryan's, the logical explanation is a scientific one, says Tucker, that is both simple and surprising: " One way or another, the child remembers memories from another life".

"I understand that it is a big step to understand and accept that there is something beyond what we can see and touch" explains Tucker, who served for nearly a decade as the medical director of the University Children's Hospital (Child and Family Psychiatric Clinic). " However, this is evidence that such incidents need to be looked into, and if we look closely at such cases, the explanation that makes the most sense is thatmemory transfer occurs ".

The key to the existence of reincarnation

In his latest book, Return to Live, Tucker recounts some of the most compelling cases he has studied in the United States and presents his argument that the latest discoveries in quantum mechanics, the science of the behavior of the smallest particles in nature, are the key to the existence of reincarnation.

"Quantum physics suggests that our physical world arises from our consciousness, Tucker reports. — This point of view is represented not only by me, but also by a large number of other scientists".

While Tucker's work is leading to heated debate in the scientific community, his research is based in part on cases studied by his predecessor, who died in 2007, Ian Stevenson, who collected cases from around the world that were equally misleading.

For Michael Levin, director of the Center for Restorative and Regenerative Developmental Biology at Tufts University and the author of an academic review of Tucker's first book, which he describes as "first-rate research," the controversy stems from models of science currently in use that can neither disprove nor prove Tucker's opening: " When you fish with a net with big holes, you will never catch fish that are smaller than those holes. What you find is always limited by what you are looking for. Current methods and concepts simply cannot handle this data".

Tucker, whose research is funded entirely by the foundation, began researching reincarnation in late 1990 after he read an article in the Charlottesville Daily Progress about Ian Stevenson's research fellowship on near-death experiences: " I was interested in the idea of ​​life after death and the question of whether the scientific method could be used to study this area".

After initially volunteering in Stevenson's department for several years, he became a permanent member of the team and handed over Stevenson's notes, which date in part to the early 1960s. " This job, says Tucker, gave me amazing insight".

Tucker's research results in numbers

Approximately 70 percent of the children studied died (in their previous life) from a violent or unexpected death. About a third of these cases are recalled by boys. This corresponds almost exactly to the proportion of men with unnatural causes of death in the normal population.

Although such cases are reported more frequently in countries where reincarnation is part of the religious culture, according to Tucker, there is no correspondence between the frequency of cases and the religious beliefs of families who have experienced reincarnation.

One in five children who report a previous life They also talk about the transition period between lives - between birth and death. However, it is almost impossible to find any correspondence in these stories about how this transition is experienced. Some of the children claimed that they were in the "House of God", while others stated that they waited at the scene of their death before they "entered" their (new) mothers.

In cases where the children's histories could be attributed to some other personality, the duration of this transition period was typically between about 16 months.

What are the characteristics of such children?

Further research by Tucker and others showed that children affected by this phenomenon generally have an IQ above average, but they do not have higher than average mental disorders and behavioral problems. None of the children studied tried to free themselves from painful situations in the family through descriptions of such stories.

About 20 percent of the children examined had scar-like birthmarks or malformations that were similar to the marks and wounds of the people whose lives they recalled and who they received shortly or at the time of death.

Most of these statements in children decline by the age of six, which corresponds to the time, according to Tucker, when a child's brain is preparing for a new phase of development.

Despite the transcendental nature of their stories, almost none of the children studied and documented showed other signs of “supernatural” abilities or “enlightenment,” Tucker wrote. " My impression is that although some children make philosophical remarks, for the most part they are absolutely normal children. One could compare this to a situation where a child on his first day of school is actually no smarter than on his last day of kindergarten".

Raised as a Southern Baptist in North Carolina, Tucker considers other, more down-to-earth explanations, and also examines cases of deception due to financial interests and fame. " But in most cases, this information does not bring film contracts, says Tucker, and many families, especially in the Western world, are embarrassed to talk about their child’s unusual behavior".

Of course, Tucker does not rule out even simple childhood fantasy as an explanation, but this cannot explain the richness of detail with which some children remember a previous person: " This defies all logic that this could all just be a coincidence.".

In many cases, the researcher goes on to say, false memories of witnesses are revealed, but there were dozens of examples where parents carefully documented their children's stories from the very beginning.

"None of the rational explanations put forward so far can yet account for another pattern in which children, as in Ryan's case, associate strong emotions with their memories.", Tucker wrote.

Tucker believes that the relatively small number of cases he and Stevenson have been able to collect in America over the past 50 years can be explained by the fact that many parents simply ignore their children's stories or misinterpret them: " When children are given the impression that they are not being listened to or believed, they simply stop talking about it. They understand that they are not supported. Most children want to please their parents".

A look at consciousness from the point of view of quantum physics

How exactly consciousness, or at least memories, can be transferred from one person to another is still a mystery. But Tucker believes the answer may be found in the foundations of quantum physics: Scientists have long known that matter, like electrons and protons, creates events when they are observed.

A simplified example is the so-called double-slit experiment: if light is allowed to fall through a hole with two small gaps, behind one of which there is a photoreaction plate, and this process is not observed, then the light passes through both slits. If you observe the process, the light falls, as the plate shows, only through one of the two holes. The behavior of light, particles of light, is thus changed, although the only difference is that the process has been observed.

In fact, there is also a controversial and powerful debate surrounding this experiment and its results. Tucker, however, believes, like the founder of quantum physics Max Planck, that the physical world can be changed by non-physical consciousness, and may even have evolved from it.

If this were true, then consciousness would not need a brain to exist. For Tucker, therefore, there is no reason to believe that brain death also ends consciousness: " It is quite possible that consciousness manifests itself in a new life".

Robert Pollock, director of the Center for the Study of Science and Religion at Columbia University, notes that scientists have long puzzled over what role observation might have in the physical world. However, the hypotheses put forward are not necessarily scientific: " Such debates among physicists usually focus on the clarity and beauty of such an idea, rather than on the circumstances that they simply cannot be proven. In my opinion, this is anything but a scientific debate. I think that Planck and his followers observed and observed this behavior of small particles, on the basis of which they drew conclusions about consciousness and thereby expressed hope. Although I hope they are right, there is no way to prove these ideas or disprove them".

Tucker, in turn, explains that his hypothesis is based on more than just wishful thinking. This is much more than just hope. " If you have direct positive evidence for a theory, it matters even when there is negative evidence against it".

Ryan meeting his daughter in a past life

Cindy Hamons wasn't interested in the debate when her preschool-aged son recognized himself in a photo from more than 80 years ago. She just wanted to know who this man was.

There was no information about this in the book itself. But Cindy soon discovered that the man in the photo, whom Ryan called "George," was the now largely forgotten movie star George Raft. Who the person Ryan recognized himself was was still unclear to Cindy. Cindy wrote to Tucker, whose address she also found on the Internet.

Through him, the photo ended up in the film archive, where after several weeks of searching it turned out that the gloomy-looking man was still a little-known actor Martin Martyn, who was not mentioned in the credits of the film “Night after Night.”

Tucker did not tell the Hamons family about his discovery when he came to visit them a few weeks later. Instead, he placed four black-and-white photographs of women on the kitchen table, three of which were random. Tucker asked Ryan if he recognized one of the women. Ryan looked at the photos and pointed to a photo of a woman he knew. It was Martin Martyn's wife.

Some time later, the Hamons and Tucker traveled to California to meet Martyn's daughter, who had been found by the editors of a television documentary about Tucker.

Before meeting Ryan, Tucker spoke with a woman. The lady was reluctant to talk at first, but during the conversation she was able to tell more and more details about her father, which confirmed Ryan's stories.

Ryan said that "he" danced in New York. Martin was a dancer on Broadway. Ryan said that he was also an "agent" and that the people he worked for had changed their names. In fact, Martyn worked for many years after his career as a dancer for a well-known Hollywood talent agency that created creative aliases. Ryan also explained that his old address had the word "rock" in the name.

Martyn lived at 825 North Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills. Ryan also revealed that he knew a man named Senator Five. Martin's daughter confirmed that she has a photo of her father with Senator Irving Ives of New York, who served in the US Senate from 1947 to 1959. And yes, Martyn had three sons, whose names the daughter, of course, knew.

But her meeting with Ryan didn't go well. Ryan, although he extended his hand to her, hid behind his mother for the rest of the conversation. He later explained to his mother that the woman's energy had changed, after which his mother explained to him that people change as they grow up. " I don't want to go back (to Hollywood), Ryan explained. — I only want to leave this (my) family.”

Over the next weeks, Ryan spoke less and less about Hollywood.

Tucker explains that this often happens when children meet the families of people they believe they once were. " This seems to confirm their memories, which then lose their intensity. I think they then realize that no one from the past is waiting for them anymore. This makes some kids sad. But eventually they accept it and turn their attention completely to the present. They pay attention to the fact that they should live here and now - and of course, this is exactly what they should do ".

Translation by Alena Ivanova, 2nd year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

Copying of materials strictly with the indication of the journal Reincarnationika.

Falling under the influence of hypnosis, a huge mass of people, unexpectedly for themselves and for those around them, suddenly remember their previous (or supposedly previous) lives. And these memories of the subjects are sometimes so bright and clear that the patients of the hypnotists switch to a previously unknown foreign language, an archaic dialect, and perceive themselves as a completely different person, the existence of which they did not even suspect.

We know a great many such stories and cases and more. You can treat them differently - skeptically, cautiously, you can simply brush them aside, but it cannot be denied that they arouse our keen curiosity with their unusualness and mystery.

In 1824, a 9-year-old boy named Katsugoro, the son of a wealthy Japanese peasant, told his older sister that he was absolutely sure that he had another “past” life. This case is one of the first that was officially recorded from the words of eyewitnesses, witnesses and painstakingly documented.

Doctors, historians, police and even local healers worked with Katsugoro for a long time and meticulously. The boy captivated everyone with his vivid and picturesque memories of his previous life, replete with the smallest details and a mass of small details that could not be known to a child of such a young age.

First of all, Katsugoro said that in his previous life he was the son of another peasant and lived in a completely different village, located on the island of Okinawa. In adulthood he became seriously ill and died of smallpox in 1810.

Little Katsugoro came under cross-examination by the police, which took place under the direct supervision of a psychologist and doctors. The boy told investigators more than 50 different stories and incidents from the life of a village on the island of Okinawa. In addition, the boy revealed the secrets of his previous family, which only a person close and trusted to that same family could know. It should be noted that Katsugoro himself never left his village and never visited the islands of Okinawa.

The boy’s memories of his own funeral, which he described in great detail, looked very interesting. The boy named the exact date of “his” death and the date of the funeral.

Investigators checked and compared all the facts that the little “storyteller” told them about. All of them received precise confirmation. It is worth especially noting: Katsugoro told the investigation the pet names of his “past” relatives, as well as the names of their pets: dogs, cats, cows and sheep.

In Britain, people often remember the story that took place with the intelligent and well-mannered swimming instructor Graham Huxtable and the psychotherapist-hypnotist Eimall Bloxham, which took place in the second half of the 20th century. In any case, the British consider it, if not proof of the transmigration of souls, then proof of the possibility of flight and travel of the human soul through time.

One day, Graham Huxtable volunteered to participate in a hypnosis session conducted by psychotherapist Eimall Bloxham at the University of Cornwall (Wells).

Plunging into a hypnotic sleep, Huxtable not only began to remember his previous life, but, as it seemed to numerous scientific witnesses to the experiment, he moved into the body of a certain man named Ben. Even with superficial testing, it turned out that Mr. Ben lived in the 18th century. He served as a gunner on the royal frigate Aggie.

Having moved into the body of the cheerful and brave gunner Ben, Mr. Huxtable, for the duration of the session, philologically rearmed himself with a purely naval vocabulary, in which obscene expressions and purely military orders of a naval orientation predominated. At the same time, the university professor, who recorded the entire session on a video camera, very quickly admitted that Mr. Ban’s vocabulary was fully consistent with the speech of a commoner of the British Isles of the 18th century.

This language was not used in England even in the 19th century. Philologists, having studied the audio recording, recognized that Mr. Ben's speech was fully consistent with the vocabulary, lexicon and slang of 18th-century sailors, which are not used today | even the actors of the Shakespeare Theater. Judging by Huxtable's speeches, during the period of the experiment he got on board the frigate "Aggie" at a time when the sailors were fighting with a certain enemy. According to Huxtail's cries and groans, in this battle he was wounded in the left leg.

The psychologist Bloxham had some difficulties in bringing the patient out of trance and into living reality. Ben did not want to “leave the battle and leave his combat number at the gun.”

When the hypnosis finally stopped affecting the patient, the first thing Huxtable said was: “Somehow my left leg is numb.” Later, Huxtable was allowed to watch and listen to a recording of his session. He was shocked and claimed that he didn’t remember anything.

Historians tried to find in the archives a mention of the frigate "Aggie" and the name of its captain, which Hucktable repeatedly called during a hypnosis session. Alas, neither such a ship nor a captain with the same name was listed in the archives.

Memories of a past life are one of the most amazing and amazing areas of human phenomenon. Modern science is not yet able to prove or disprove the essence of such a phenomenon. Even experienced researchers in the field of “past life memories” are not sure how this phenomenon should be interpreted and explained. Are such memories reliable historical memories due to the fact of possible reincarnation, or are these associations (memories) and reconstructions possible due to information received during the life of an individual and in a certain situation, processed in his subconscious.

Both options are possible, and scientists are carefully studying them. In this area of ​​paranormal phenomena there is an opportunity both for cheap forgery (forgery, deception) and for serious study of such amazing facts and phenomena.

It is important for us to be a little skeptical when considering examples of “past life memories,” but this does not make the stories known to mankind any less intriguing.

“Memories of a past life” mainly arise spontaneously in a person. They occur in children and adults. But still much more often in children. Adherents of the theory of reincarnation explain this fact by the fact that children are much “closer” to their past lives, hence the predominance of those memories that are lost in the mind of an adult due to the load on the brain of a mature individual with new information from his present life.

They say that the minds and consciousness of adults are overloaded with unnecessary information, their memory is occupied with petty everyday questions and problems in order to abstract themselves from the fuss and look into their past. By the way, adults who experience past life memory syndrome do so as a result of an extraordinary experience or incident. For some, memories come only during a hypnosis session, others receive such information after severe stress or serious head and brain injuries.

The case of Sujit Brummie seems no less interesting to us. He was born on the island of Ceylon in the middle of the 20th century. At the age of 33, Sutjit began to have visions and dreams about his past life. For a long time he hid this so that he would not be considered crazy, but then he told his wife about them.

Frightened by the strange stories, Sujita's wife insisted on visiting a psychotherapist. A thorough examination of the man did not reveal any pathological changes in his health or mental abilities. The doctor stated: “Everything is normal, the patient is completely healthy.” However, Sujita continued to have unusual visions and dreams. Then he himself returned to the psychologist and began to tell him his story in detail.

One day Sujit dreamed that he had already lived on this earth, but in a completely different guise. In a previous life, his name was Sammy Fernando, he lived in the small coastal village of Gorakana, eight miles south of the large city of Galle (Ceylon).

Sammy worked as a worker at the local railway station. The workers were paid very little, and Sammy had a large family. So he entered into a risky enterprise: he began to engage in bootlegging - smuggling ara-coy (homemade rice vodka).

One day Maggie (Sammy’s wife) started a scandal at home due to her husband’s frequent absences due to damn smuggling. Sammy was offended and left home for a local tavern, where he indulged in drunkenness. While returning home along a narrow mountain highway, Sammy did not pay attention to a truck that was moving towards him at high speed. As a result, Sammy died.

The psychologist to whom Sujit told all this became seriously interested in this story. The doctor decided to talk to his parents and, to his surprise, found out the following curious facts, which would have been more suited to the smuggler Sammy than to the law-abiding citizen and devout family man Sujit.

While still very young, Sujit repeatedly asked his parents to take him to the village of Gorakana, unknown to them and far from their homeland. Sujit could not explain how he knew about the existence of such a settlement. And from early childhood, he showed considerable interest in tobacco and alcohol, which no one in their family ever used. However, being Buddhists, no one in Sujit’s family was surprised at the child’s knowledge of a family that was alien to them, living in a distant village by the sea.

The psychiatrist decided to involve two psychologists from the University of Virginia in the investigation of this story. First of all, the Americans discovered the village of Gorakana, where they found the family of Fernando’s widow. For $20, she told them everything about herself and her dead husband Sammy. When the Americans compared the revelations of Sujit and Sammy’s widow, they were involuntarily taken aback. They counted only 60 absolutely exact matches.

The doctors then decided to introduce Sujin and Sammy's widow. Ex-Sammy amazed “his former relatives” with stories from the life of Sammy and his family. He even knew the comic names of all family members, the names of pets that had not been alive for a long time.

Sujit also showed the widow Sammy’s old hiding place, where he kept money and gold. When they looked into it, everyone gasped. They actually found money and an old revolver that belonged to Sammy.

Among supporters of the theory of reincarnation, the story of Sujita-Sammy Fernando is considered indisputable evidence of the transmigration of the human soul after death into a new body. And decide for yourself whether to believe in it or not...

Alexander Volkov
UFO No. 34-35 2009
