Ryazan Polytechnic Institute official. Moscow Polytechnic - admissions office - branches

June 22, Acting Governor Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov visited. The head of the region got acquainted with the areas of training and innovative developments of the institute, as well as its history and traditions.

At the beginning of the visit, the director of the institute, Igor Murog, gave Nikolai Lyubimov a tour of the institute. At the end of the 19th century, the main building of the building belonged to the First Provincial Gymnasium, where the founder of theoretical cosmonautics, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, took the exam to become a district mathematics teacher.

The Acting Governor visited an exhibition of student projects and developments. Nikolai Lyubimov rated the presentation of diploma projects of graduates of the “Construction” direction as “excellent”. He noted the professionalism of the presented developments, and the head of the Ryazan administration, Oleg Bulekov, spoke about the benefits of the projects for the improvement of the city.

The attention of the guests was also attracted by the innovative development of arched gears of the Department of Mechanical and Technological Disciplines. According to the head of the region, the project can become the basis for cooperation between the university and business and lead to the creation of a pilot industrial enterprise at the institute. The guests were also interested in the lean production project being developed by the Department of Economics, Management and Marketing. Nikolai Lyubimov expressed the idea of ​​creating the first in Russia on the basis of the Ryazan Polytechnic Institute educational enterprise By lean manufacturing, which will replicate experience and sell its knowledge.

The history of the Ryazan Institute (branch) of the Moscow State University - "polytechnic" - begins in 1956. It was originally created as a Training and Consulting Point (TCP) of the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute. Its opening was dictated by the acute shortage in Ryazan and the Ryazan region of qualified highly professional specialists - engineers and managers - for the rapidly developing industry.

The task of training just such professionals was faced by VZPI, the historical successor to the traditions of the first Moscow City People's University in Russia, created back in 1908. on the initiative of famous statesmen, including general and gold miner A.L. Shanyavsky, Chairman of the Russian Government P.A. Stolypin, Minister of War Count D.A. Milyutin.

In 1965, the Ryazan UKP VZPI received the status of a branch. Ivan Grigorievich Pankov, who headed the branch since 1985, directed his efforts towards improving the quality of training of engineering personnel for the Ryazan region.

The parent university was transformed into the Moscow State Open University in 1992, and in 1998 the Ryazan branch became an institute - RI (f) MGOU. Evening and full-time departments were opened to train specialists in the field of mechanical engineering and industrial economics, and in 2001 the training of civil engineers began in full-time training, and since 2005 - specialists in the highly sought-after specialty - “Building Design”. In 2006, the specialty “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” was opened (on correspondence courses), in 2007 – “Organization Management” (on full-time and correspondence forms training"), and since 2011 - “Construction of unique buildings and structures (specialization “Construction of high-rise and long-span buildings and structures”).”

In 2005, the institute acquired a new “face” – the Main Building, which is an architectural monument of the 19th century, where the 1st men’s gymnasium was once located. Students had the opportunity to climb the same stairs that three Russian emperors walked, and every day to be within the walls that remember the founder of Russian engineering education A.S. Ershova, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Ya.P. Polonsky, I.V. Michurina, D.I. Ilovaisky and other outstanding Ryazan residents.

On September 9, 2009, the new educational and scientific laboratory building of the institute was inaugurated. This building houses laboratories equipped with the most modern machines and construction equipment, as well as the latest computers and related software products.

The modern Ryazan Institute (branch) of MGOU is a system of three buildings, thirty-three laboratories and an educational and scientific laboratory building, where everything is equipped with last word technology. There is an internal institute network, an effective quality management system, a large library, and free access to the Internet. Today, more than 4,500 students study here in the faculties of full-time, evening and distance learning.

Engineering science is, of course, the “brand” of the RI (f) MGOU, but at the institute important role The educational process, an integral part of the triune scientific and educational process, and social work also play a role.

Now RI (f) MGOU is a brand, a kind of sign of the quality of education, a symbol of success, reputation, traditions, modernity and prospects.

Ryazan Institute (branch) MGOU is:

The only higher educational institution in the Ryazan region that trains both part-time (full-time) and on-the-job (evening, part-time) engineering specialists in the most popular engineering, technical and industrial economic specialties at present and in the foreseeable future;
highly professional scientific and pedagogical personnel;
communication with leading technical universities;
successful implementation of distance learning, including using advanced educational technologies MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, MSTU "Stankin", Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. Kuibyshev and Moscow State Open University;
excellent computer training for students as one of the foundations of the professionalism of a modern engineer;
educational process management system based on a rating system;
official participant of the Support Program educational institutions carried out by the company Top Systems JSC in the field of potential development Russian system education through improving the software, hardware and methodological base of educational institutions;
all opportunities for organizing fruitful and active research activities of students;
industrial practice under the guidance of experienced specialists at the largest industrial and construction companies cities;
intense, active educational work with students based on the “Concept of educational work of the RI(f) MGOU”, “Comprehensive plan for the civic humanistic education of students”, based on the moral values ​​of Orthodoxy;
student self-government, public and student associations: Council for Educational Work, Educational Commission, student activists, Student construction, volunteer, "star" and pedagogical teams, student security service; KVN team;
publication of the institute newspaper "Polytechnic" and the student newspaper "Pulse";
interaction with cultural and social centers of Ryazan, annual excursions around cultural centers Russia, visiting exhibitions, theaters;
constant attention propaganda healthy image life.
