The hottest place on earth is located. Where is the hottest place on Earth? What temperature can we withstand?

Dallol Volcano- the lowest volcano in the world, located 48 meters below sea level and having a crater diameter of 1450 m, was formed on the planet more than 900 million years ago. The average annual temperature on Dallol is also unique. In the 60s of the 20th century it was 34° Celsius, which to this day remains the maximum average annual temperature.

You may ask, where do such rich and eye-catching colors come from? Scientists explain it this way: after the explosion and eruption in 1926 (by the way, the volcano has been “silent” since then) a lake of acid formed in its crater. And the characteristic white, yellow and red colors are nothing more than the result of coloration by various sulfur ions and potassium salts. Adding to the cosmic feel of the picture are the constant emissions of gases, the sources of which (fumaroles) look like huge eggs.

Let's find out more about it...

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Getting on the slopes of Erta Ale, where the African village of Dallol of the same name is located next to the crater of the volcano, one gets the impression of the extraterrestrial origin of the surrounding landscapes, the basis of which is lava, sulfur and andesite frozen in bizarre forms. Astronauts say the volcano's landscapes are reminiscent of Io, the moon of the planet Jupiter.

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It is believed that volcano formed as a result of the eruption of basaltic magma under the body of the volcano, which is why it has such a bizarre shape. The mouth of the volcano, which lies in the most remote region of Ethiopia, is surrounded by hills that rise 50-60 meters above the flat areas completely covered with salt. The 1.5 km x 3 km crater of Dallol Volcano is believed to sit on top of Quaternary deposits that include a huge deposit of potassium salts, and the hills are the surviving remnants of the crater walls. But the age of these hills and the process of their formation still remain a mystery even to scientists.

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Having visited the volcano, even now you can witness processes of volcanic activity, see how salt is washed out and transported from the depths of the volcano to the surface to dissolve in hot thermal springs or solidify into bizarre rounded shapes with yellow, red, white and greenish shades. On Dallol one can find numerous areas of fumaroles, deposits of thin layers of salt that form white oval formations somewhat reminiscent of the eggs of large birds. The Dallol volcano has two lava lakes, one of which is located in the crater of the volcano.

Photo 6.

Not far from the Dallol volcano in the Black Mountain region, about 1,000 tons of salt erupt annually, which local residents cut into rectangular slabs and transport by camel to the nearest major cities. These slabs are later sold in Mekele for processing into table salt.

There is a legend that the mouth of the Dallol volcano is the same gate to hellish abyss, which were described by Enoch of Ethiopia in the ancient manuscript “Book of Enoch”. According to this learned man, who made history in the 1st century. BC, the end of the world will be caused by an abyss breaking into our world, which will consume it with fire. Also in the notes of the patriarch he mentions the harsh people who guard the gates of hell. Despite the fact that Enoch does not indicate the geographical location of this terrible place, some scholars quite logically suggest that this could well be Dallol: Enoch of Ethiopia? Ethiopian. Is Dallol the hottest place? Yes sir. Tribes - like Cerberus? Undoubtedly. So there is some common sense in the theory of these scientists.

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To see the Dallol volcano with your own eyes, a traveler must perform a real feat - and these are not empty words. The fact is that the area called Dallol, in which the volcano of the same name is located, is located in the north of Ethiopia and is known for the fact that there are no roads here as a class. You can get here only along the caravan route, which was laid to collect and deliver salt. Moreover, this is the most remote place on Earth from civilization and, probably, it would be redundant to say that it is uninhabited. Therefore, not everyone decides to take on a dangerous adventure.

The volcano is located in the Afar region, 1 day's journey from Mekele and 2 days from the main Addis Ababa-Djibouti road. Travelers who are lucky enough to visit Erta Ale consider the Dallol volcano to be one of the most unusual places on the planet.

Coordinates: 14° 14′ 30″ N, 40° 18′ 0″ E

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On the surface you can see salt crystals, which are washed out of the lower layers of the earth and transported to the surface by geothermal hot water. Ethiopians take away whole slabs of the earth's crust, consisting of salt, to later sell it for processing into table salt.

Photo 9.

The name Dallol appeared thanks to the Afar tribe, and translated means “decay”, which very well characterizes the local landscape, with green lakes with iron oxide, salt flats, hot springs and a variety of bizarre formations

Photo 10.

At the crater of the volcano in Dallol, travelers can expect: 1. Life without the benefits of civilization; 2. Getting to know the life of the local people; 3. A desert with abandoned mines and a volcano stretching for many kilometers. However, not everything is as scary as you might think. Scientists have definitely established that the volcano is not going to become active in the near future, and the local residents are not that dangerous. This place is definitely suitable for lovers of extreme travel, those people who love to unravel the mysteries that wild nature has in store for us.

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You look around and every now and then you doubt whether it’s the beginning of the 21st century and are you on Earth? Or in the foreseeable future on another planet?

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Earth is a planet of contrasts. Various elements are united here, different peoples coexist... There are many different and contradictory things here, but this is precisely where its unique harmony lies. If at the Vostok station, which is located on the mainland of Antarctica, the temperature is -55°C, then in another place it must certainly be +55°C. This is the law of nature...

City: Dallol

Mainland: Africa
Country: Ethiopia
Today it is a ghost town, but back in the 60s of the last century it was the center of the mining industry. The city is located in an active volcanic region. Many hydrothermal springs have been discovered on its territory. Dallol was included in the list of the hottest cities on the planet due to the fact that from 1960 to 1966. A record average annual temperature was recorded - 34.4°C.

Region: Al Azizia
Mainland: Africa
Country: Libya

By 2012, this place - with a record temperature of 58°C - was considered the hottest in the world. But recently the World Meteorological Organization refuted these data. Despite this, the second position in our ranking belongs to Al-Azizia, because the average annual temperature here reaches 48.9°C.

City: Kebili
Mainland: Africa
Country: Tunisia

Imagine an oasis in the desert, bright and very colorful. A place in the middle of the wild desert where life abounds. This is what the city of Kebili looks like, where a record temperature even for Africa was recorded - 55°C.

Desert: Rub al-Khali
Mainland: Eurasia
Peninsula: Arabian

One of the largest sand deserts in the world is a third of the Arabian Peninsula. It occupies the territory of four states: the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen. I don’t recommend planning an excursion to this desert - it is extremely hot (often the temperature reaches 56°C), the climate is dry, and the annual precipitation level is less than 3 cm. As you can see, rain is a very rare guest here.
Intermountain Basin: Death Valley
Country: USA (California)
Mainland: North America

In addition to being the hottest and driest place in North America (the highest temperature recorded by scientists is 56.7°C), Death Valley is a place full of secrets and mysteries... They claim that the stones are somehow here move, leaving behind traces. But no one has ever been able to observe the process of their movement.
Despite the harsh climatic conditions, quite a lot of animals live here: foxes, lynxes, bighorn sheep and various rodents. And if rain comes to the Valley, then after it beautiful bright flowers bloom throughout the entire depression.

Desert: Badlands
Country/Continent: Australia

You probably know that Australia is the driest continent on Earth. Most of its area is occupied by deserts. The highest temperature was recorded here in 2003 - 69.3°C.
Religious kibbutz (commune): Tirat Zvi
Country: Israel
Mainland: Eurasia

In 1942, a record temperature (even for Asia) was recorded in Tirat Zvi - 53.9°C. The kibbutz is located in the Beit Shean Valley, near the Jordan River. But even such placement cannot prevent the area from drying out in the summer. To escape the heat, the local population has to install awnings near their houses to provide shade. And the only source of water during such periods are ponds fed by groundwater.

City: Timbuktu
Country: Mali
Mainland: Africa

Not long ago, the city of Timbuktu was the center of Islam and science in all of Africa. But, unfortunately, the further development of the settlement is hampered by its geographical location (at the intersection of trade routes in the Sahara Desert) and climatic conditions (the air temperature sometimes rises to 55°C). The Sahara seems to be devouring him - entire dunes periodically grow on the streets of the city, and houses disappear under the cover of sand.

Mountains: Fire
Country: China
Mainland: Eurasia

The Fire Mountains are part of the Tien Shan mountain system. The topography of the mountains is predominantly composed of red sandstone, which has led to the formation of a landscape reminiscent of flames. The highest temperature recorded in the Fire Mountains was 66.8°C.

Desert: Dashti Lut
Country: Iran
Mainland: Eurasia

So we have reached the hottest point on our planet - in 2005, a temperature of 70.7°C was recorded here. In addition to being the hottest place in the world, the Dashti Lut Desert is also famous for its incredibly beautiful dunes, the height of which is up to 500 m.

Domestic winters are harsh, frosty and very long. It is at this time of year that we are so drawn to where it is warm and the sun shines brightly. Do you know which country in the world is the hottest? In which cities on the planet does the air temperature rise to unimaginable levels? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Climate records of the planet

When in the summer the air warms up to +30 degrees, we languish from the heat and pray to the Almighty for cool rain. But there are hotter places on our planet, where temperature values ​​can reach +40...50 o Celsius. What are these places? And where is the hottest country in the world located? Let's find out.

In meteorology, there is such a thing as “absolute temperature maximum.” This is the highest air temperature recorded at a certain point on Earth in the entire history of observations. This is one of the main indicators that allows us to identify the 10 hottest countries (or cities) in the world. So, for example, for Moscow this value is +38.2 o C, but for Athens (the hottest capital of Europe) - +48.0 o C.

For quite a long time, the record temperature for the globe was considered to be +58.2 o C. It was recorded back in 1922 in the desert of Libya, not far from the city of Tripoli. However, in 2012, the World Meteorological Organization refuted these figures. According to satellite monitoring of the earth's surface, the absolute maximum air temperature was recorded in 2005 in the Dasht-Lut area in southwestern Iran (+70.7 o C).

So where is the hottest country in the world located? And how many degrees does the thermometer show on its territory? Read about this later in the article.

The hottest countries in the world: TOP 10

There are many truly “hot” states in the world. Most often, they are located in equatorial and tropical latitudes. After all, it is these parts of the globe that receive the greatest amount of solar heat per year. But which country is the hottest in the world? To be called such, it must have high temperatures throughout the entire calendar year.

So, the ten hottest countries in the world look like this:

  • Ethiopia (10th place).
  • Indonesia (9th place).
  • Jamaica (8th place).
  • India (7th place).
  • Malaysia (6th place).
  • Vietnam (5th place).
  • Bahrain (4th place).
  • UAE (3rd place).
  • Botswana (2nd place).
  • Qatar (1st place).
  • Dubai, UAE).
  • Baghdad (Iraq).
  • Kuwait City (Kuwait).
  • Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).
  • Ahvaz (Iran).


Ethiopia is located in eastern Africa. Since the country is located in near-equatorial latitudes, it is not much cooler here in winter than in summer. The climate of the eastern regions of Ethiopia is extremely dry and hot.


Average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

There is no division into seasons as such in Indonesia. Annual fluctuations in temperature values ​​here do not exceed 3-5 degrees. The Indonesian heat is significantly complicated by high air humidity due to the proximity of the open ocean. However, in the mountainous regions of this island country it is quite possible to freeze even in the hottest months of the year.


Average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

Jamaica's climate is tropical maritime, very humid. It is just as hot here in winter as in summer. But the distribution of precipitation is strictly seasonal. Most of the rain falls in autumn. According to historical reports, the first European colonizers in Jamaica had a hard time. It took a long time for Europeans to adapt to the unusual Jamaican climate.


India is an original and colorful country, one of the most popular among tourists. It is reliably protected from the harsh northern winds by the chain of the Himalayan mountains. But hot air from the Thar Desert spreads freely throughout almost its entire territory. Unlike all of the above countries, India experiences some seasonality in the climate: in winter, average air temperatures here drop to +15 degrees.


Average temperature of the warm season: +32 o C.

The Asian state of Malaysia is in the middle of our ranking. The climate here is humid (due to the proximity of the sea) and hot (due to the proximity to the equator). However, the Malaysian heat is slightly “diluted” by the monsoons, which bring heavy and prolonged rains in spring and autumn.


A similar situation is observed in Vietnam: during the transition seasons of the year, the monsoons bring with them precipitation and, often, typhoons. But the winter in this country is quite dry, even compared to the hot summer. Overall, Vietnam is the hottest country in Southeast Asia.


Average temperature of the warm season: +33 o C.

The tiny kingdom of Bahrain is located on an island archipelago in the Persian Gulf. The abundance of tropical deserts minimizes the amount of precipitation and, as a result, air humidity levels. In summer, air temperatures here are often kept at around +40 degrees, but in winter they drop to +17 o C.

United Arab Emirates

Average temperature of the warm season: +37 o C.

In the UAE, the climate is extremely dry and hot. The hottest months of the year are July and August. At the same time, the heat does not subside even at night, remaining at a level of +34...35 o C. Almost the entire territory of the UAE is covered with sand. But this did not stop the Arab sheikhs from turning their country into one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the Middle East.


Average temperature of the warm season: +40 o C.

Another African country in our ranking is Botswana. There are clearly two seasons here: hot winter (since this is the Southern Hemisphere) and relatively cool summer, when the air temperature averages +25 degrees. Within the Kalahari Desert, even slight frosts sometimes occur.


Average temperature of the warm season: +41 o C.

Finally, the hottest country in the world is Qatar. Local residents are not particularly surprised when they see values ​​of +50 degrees on their thermometer. And it's in the shade! Most of the country is occupied by deserts, so sandstorms blow here throughout the year.

One of Qatar's main problems is the shortage of drinking water. It is solved by desalination. This is why water in this country costs more than gasoline.

This ranking presents the hottest places in different parts of the world and continents: Antarctica, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America and Australia and Oceania. It will also talk about the hottest place in Russia.

The hottest place on Earth, of course, is in Africa. The absolute record for high temperatures on our planet was recorded in Libya(North Africa): On September 13, 1922, in the city of Al-Azizia, the air temperature in the shade was +57.7 °C. However, the title of the hottest place in Africa and the whole world is also claimed by an abandoned village in Ethiopia, where an absolute record for average annual temperature (+34 ºC) was set between 1960 and 1966.

Dallol (Ethiopia)

Al Azizia city (Libya)

Libyan desert near the city of Al-Aziziya

The hottest place in North America is Death Valley in the USA, where on July 10, 1913 the air temperature was recorded at +56.7 °C. The average annual temperature in Death Valley from 1961 to 2008 was +24.8 °C. Death Valley is not only the hottest, but also the lowest place in North America, it is located 86 meters below sea level.

Death Valley (USA)

Asia is not much inferior to Africa and North America in terms of hotness: in the hottest place in Asia - the Mitrabah Desert in Kuwait On June 15, 2010, the air temperature was recorded at +55 °C.

The hottest place in Australia and Oceania is the Australian city of Odnadatta, where on January 2, 1960 the temperature was recorded at +50.7 °C.

The hottest place in South America is the city of Villa de Maria in Argentina, where on January 2, 1920 the thermometer showed +49.1 °C in the shade.

The hottest place in Europe is the capital of Greece, Athens., where on July 10, 1977 the temperature was recorded at +48 °C. In 1881, temperatures above +50 °C were recorded in Spain and Portugal, but these data are not considered official, because measurement standards left much to be desired.

Since the early 80s of the last century, scientists, and not only them, have become concerned about the phenomenon known today as global warming. And this is not surprising, since the results of meteorological observations show that each of the last three decades has been hotter than the previous one. Fortunately, the human body is exceptionally adaptable to environmental conditions. However, the observed climate change towards an increase in average annual temperatures is happening too rapidly and is causing many side effects

We can only hope that a solution to the problem of global warming will be found, and the next generations of people will not have to live on a planet that resembles a hot frying pan. In the meantime, it makes sense to find out where the hottest place on Earth is, and at what maximum temperatures the human body can function. In addition, everything is learned by comparison, so it is interesting to find out which areas are considered the hottest on each continent.

What temperature can we withstand?

To have an idea of ​​what those who live in extremely hot parts of the planet feel, it is worth getting acquainted with the results of interesting scientific experiments. Their purpose is to determine what temperature and how long an ordinary person can withstand. It turned out that in dry air, at +71 degrees Celsius, the body can function for 1 hour, at 82 degrees - 49 minutes, and at 104 degrees - 26 minutes.

Where is it hottest in Asia?

This continent is not much cooler than sultry Africa. Particularly high temperatures have been recorded in the deserts of the Middle East region. In particular, it has been established that the hottest place on Earth on the continent of Asia is in Kuwait. It was there, in the Mitraba desert, that in 2010 the thermometer rose to +55 degrees Celsius.

The hottest places in South and North America

Although Argentina is located quite far from the equator, the highest temperatures in South America were recorded on its territory. This happened more than 95 years ago, when the thermometers of the weather station located near the city of Villa de Maria rose to +49.1 degrees Celsius. As for the North American continent, the hottest place is in the famous Death Valley in the USA. In 1913, the air temperature was recorded there at +57.6 degrees.

The hottest corner of Australia and Oceania

The Green Continent has its own contender for the title of the hottest spot on the planet. Oddly enough, it is not located in the desert, which occupies most of Australia. This is the city of Odnadatta, where in 1960 a temperature of + 50.7 degrees Celsius was recorded.

The hottest corner of Antarctica

When talking about the hottest place on Earth, one cannot fail to mention Antarctica. The highest temperature on the coldest continent of our planet was recorded at the Wanda station. Moreover, this event happened more than 40 years ago, when people were just beginning to think that something wrong was happening to the climate. It was +15 degrees Celsius, and at the moment this record has never been broken.

Where is it hottest in Europe?

It turns out that the hottest place in the Old World is the capital of Greece. It was in Athens that the temperature record was set at 48 degrees Celsius. This happened in the summer of 1977, which was recognized as the hottest in the history of the continent.

The hottest place in Russia

Fortunately, our country is not one of the countries with an extremely hot climate, so the highest temperature recorded in the Russian Federation, and more specifically, at the Utta meteorological station in Kalmykia, is only (!) +45.4 degrees.

Where is the hottest place on Earth

Any person in response to this question will most likely name Africa. And he will be right. After all, this is where the hottest place on Earth is located. +58, or more precisely, +57.7 degrees was recorded in the city of Al-Azizia in Libya. Moreover, this happened long before global warming in 1922. At the same time, many experts believe that choosing the hottest place on Earth should be based on a completely different criterion - the average annual temperature, since it much better reflects the “sultryness” of a particular locality. Based on this principle, the absolute record belongs to a place near the Dallol volcano in Ethiopia. There, in the first half of the 60s of the last century, the average annual temperature fluctuated around 34 degrees Celsius.


The name of this extinct volcano and the village located next door is known to few. However, these places are remarkable in many ways. Firstly, as already mentioned, Dallol was awarded the title of “the hottest place on Earth”. This is also one of the most “alien” corners of our planet. The fact is that there are several hot springs there. Making their way to the top, they bring potassium salts with them to the surface of the earth, as well as various compounds of manganese and iron of all colors of the rainbow. When frozen, they form bizarre figures that can reach a height of up to several meters.

Potassium salts began to be mined in Dallol at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, the work was soon stopped, since Germany and the USSR offered such raw materials at much lower prices. Now the mine is abandoned and is only occasionally visited by travelers.


Recently there were reports that the hottest place on Earth is one of the deserts of Iran. This conclusion was reached by researchers from NASA who studied images taken by a special weather satellite. According to their information, the maximum recorded there is 70.7 degrees Celsius.

The Dashte Lut Desert is about 550 km long and its width ranges from 100 to 200 km. It is also known for its picturesque dunes, the height of which can reach 500 m. Due to strong winds, bizarre figures in the form of giant mushrooms, pillars, etc. have formed in some places of Dashte-Lut.

Due to the ultra-high temperatures that are observed there most of the year, this desert has been little studied, and setting up a weather station on its territory is out of the question. After all, it is impossible to stay at such temperatures for more than a few hours even inside a car equipped with a powerful air conditioner.

Thus, if we rely on meteorological observation data, then the “heat pole” on our planet is the city of Al-Azizia in Libya, and taking into account the data obtained by the latest methods, it must be looked for in Iran.

Now you know where the hottest place on Earth is located (see photo above), as well as which settlements and areas claim to be temperature record holders on different continents.
