Article by Alena Vodonaeva about fat people. Vodonaeva was accused of being unethical for her post about fat people

Alena Vodonaeva

“I always do only what I want. And I always choose only what I like most. I have not taken a single step in this life by deceiving myself or pretending to myself. And I respect only such people. Which are only for love! To all. To yourself, first of all. I understand others, everything happens in life... but I don’t respect” (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation are preserved - approx..

“Just like I don’t respect fat people. I’m not at all close to those who don’t love themselves, don’t want to, and constantly betray something. I'm afraid of those. They are often not able to love, desire and not betray others... Just don’t talk about being overweight due to illness, otherwise it has already begun. Everyone knows what I mean! I don’t respect those who are overfed and don’t take care of themselves! Dot!" - Alena concluded.

Why Vodonaeva wrote this is unclear. Because the reaction of followers was predictable. Subscribers immediately attacked her.

“Oh, well, this only shows that the person has too high an opinion of himself, and this is just an opinion... well, you don’t respect him, but then what? They won’t stop being fat because of this... but what if someone in the family was like that, would they also be called the scum of society?” - commentators were indignant.

However, Vodonaeva did not remain silent and has already responded to everyone who was indignant.

“For some reason, the majority of the comments reacted specifically to the statement about fat people... Quite predictably. Although it was not only about that. But there are more lazy people... Do you know why I said that? Because I have exactly the same demand for myself. Even tougher. I don't care about others. Eat healthy. Sausage with mayonnaise. And on the weekend, don’t forget to polish it all with alcohol,” the star began.

“Nutritional culture is a discipline. Absence is licentiousness and debauchery. I respect the first. And nothing can be done about it. And you know what? Those who have been reading me for a long time know that when I lived in Tyumen 14 years ago, I was engaged in crime journalism. I saw a lot of deaths every day. And I always felt sorry for the relatives of those people who took away huge bodies. I understand that this sounds cynical and creepy, but it seems to me that you can’t be such a stupid egoist that you don’t think about those who will take care of you on your very last day... This is a disregard for others, through a disregard for yourself. I am for healthy selfishness. Love yourself! I’m generally silent about sex. I can’t even imagine what it looks like when you’re a girl and slightly over 70-80 kg. And I don’t want to imagine, to be honest. This is ugh! I've never had an overweight boyfriend in my life. And it won't. A man must be firm. Everywhere,” concluded Vodonaeva.

Alena Vodonaeva leads an active life on Instagram. The star is used to sharing with subscribers all the events that happen to her. This time, Alena’s post divided the Network into two camps, literally unleashing a real “war.”

Alena described in detail the situation that prompted her to these thoughts. Together with a friend, Vodonaeva dined at a restaurant, which was also attended by a group of children. At the same time, the children were left to their own devices, and the adults were busy talking: “In the very corner, at a table near the window, a group of children sat down. It would be more correct to say - parents: they eat and do not react to the children in any way, while the children rush around the restaurant between the tables and yell. They are playing. They're children. They look about 5 years old. One of the little ones is running around with a glass of orange juice in his hands. Well, next to whom should he have tripped over the fringe of the carpet? Near me of course! The kid has his chin on the floor, a glass at my feet, my pink suede boots “in the meat.” At that moment, shoes were the least of my worries, as I was scared for the guy’s face. Thank God it worked out. She helped him get up and examined him. Not a scratch. He ran further" (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author's. - Note ed.).


Alena did not approach her parents and talk about what happened. “I can’t wrap my head around how selfish and irresponsible one must be to allow situations like this to happen. I am a mother myself. And the mother of a super active boy, for a moment. And my son also loves to run and make noise. But we do not live in the wild jungle, but in society. Wherever you like it or not, you must follow the rules, order, and respect others. Let's start with the fact that this is a restaurant. Public place. Where people come to eat, relax, have work or social meetings. Why should we listen to children's shouting and flinch at the herd rushing past you? Question for parents. Shame on you? Who are you to interfere with my life in such situations? And why do you think you have the right to do this? Why, if you take your children with you to public places, do you not supervise them? Why do they even behave like that in a restaurant? I understand when a baby cries,” Vodonaeva continued.

“There are adults who justify this with this: “We don’t forbid our children anything!” Our method of education is freedom!“ Congratulations, this is not freedom, this is anarchy! An uncontrollable person is growing in your family, who may have a hard time in the future. And with the realities of society, and with communications and, most likely, in the personal. The child will grow into a person who, every time he receives “no” for an answer, will be traumatized. Your freedom is when a monkey in the jungle raises Mowgli. You are terribly lazy, fools fixated on yourself and your own interests. Turn around! There, at the other end of the restaurant, your little one almost lost her face and ruined a pair of pink shoes. Thank God Mowgli, he got me! YOU ARE THE PARENTS, YOUR MOTHER! And yes; It is precisely for such lazy egoists that I am not dramatizing now. Agree ***,” summed up the star.

Body positivity or fat shaming? It seems that a new round has loomed in the eternal fashion battle between those who love themselves at any weight and size, and those who sneer at “fat cows.” A post by former participant in the show “Dom-2”, Russian TV presenter and sex columnist for the Life portal Alena Vodonaeva about “neat pussies” blew up the Network!


Former participant of the show “Dom-2”, Russian TV presenter and sex columnist of the Life portal Alena Vodonaeva, in her latest post entitled “After six you can only suck”, reported how women should behave and what everyone should have for complete happiness.

The glamorous TV presenter believes that “A woman should and must be beautiful. Always! Starting from a neat pussy in beautiful panties, ending with eating habits and the way she eats.”

Next, Alena Vodonaeva once again talks about how she can’t stand fat people, that she doesn’t want to eat whites with them (I wonder if someone offered her?), she doesn’t want to see them in or without underwear, she doesn’t want to know what they smell like (is this something new - distinguishing fat people with closed eyes by smell?) and that he won’t even swim in the pool if there is a “very big person” there.


Reluctantly making allowances for those whose weight problems are caused by health, Vodonaeva gives brief theses from a real woman: “In short: move slowly, eat carefully, don’t fart, take care of your body and the space you’re in, wear nice underwear, smell good, speak quietly. Better yet, don’t tell him anything at all, just love him and suck him. In any case, you definitely won’t get better from this.”

Alena Vodonaeva does not even give concessions to pregnant women: “Even in the ninth month of pregnancy, you must remain a girl and poop butterflies.” Here!

Of course, the women's world could not remain indifferent! A storm of indignation fell on Alena. And if fashionable life coaches and fellow TV presenters were restrained in their statements, ordinary representatives of the fair sex expressed everything they thought about the glamorous diva.

“Fat women definitely won’t use these tips from Vodonaeva! Even if they are overweight, everything is chocolate: contented and happy with their families, friends and husbands... And with them abandoned-Vodonaeva Every year, all the worthless, young, weaklings appear nearby and quickly disappear.”

“And I have strict demands on Alena Vodonaeva: don’t talk heresy Alena, no one owes you anything, take better care of yourself. Otherwise, read the “requirements” from women with a transvestite face funny".

“I wonder, why then is the lonely Vodonaeva herself so many years without a worthy man by her side? No friends nearby, no family, no husband?.. Everyone turned away from her. She even recently called herself a social phobe and misanthrope in one of her Instagram posts. Why does Vodonaeva hate people so much? And he just scribbles angry comments? And she seems to be skinny and doesn’t fart?)))”

“For a hundred years at lunch, a woman no one needs, not the first freshness, shares advice... Aha-ha! Both skinny and beautiful, but for some reason endlessly lonely? - write bloggers.

Well, here, as they say, the public is right: 34-year-old Alena Vodonaeva, with all her theories and undoubtedly good external data, is currently in a free search...


Even men were hooked by Alena Vodonaeva’s scandalous post. Of course, representatives of the stronger sex are not going to the gym or urgently lose weight, and they still do not even change their not-so-model life partners. But all men are interested in how you understand one thing: what should a neat pussy look like according to Alena Vodonaeva? Perhaps Alena Vodonaeva will want to satisfy the interest and give an answer to this question not “thesisically”, but in detail, clearly and with illustrations. Follow our publications!

How to understand what exactly will make you happy? Conversation with a psychologist about happiness and more:

The outrageous model and journalist wrote an article with the loud title “After six you can only suck!” The model warned that her criticism does not apply to people who have problems with excess weight for health reasons. All the other “chubby girls” got the worst of it from the plump-lipped beauty.


“I came across an article here on Facebook from a women’s publication. Unfortunately, I didn’t find the name of the author under it, but I would like to counter him,” Alena began her speech. “An article about fat, or rather about fat women. The author of the material in every possible way protects such ladies."

Vodonaeva told Internet users a very original idea: a woman should always be beautiful. “Always!” the model repeated for greater persuasiveness. “Starting from her neat little pussy in beautiful panties, ending with her eating habits and the way she eats. Beautiful always and in everything! Day and night! In her gait, in her gestures, in her aroma, in her voice ".

The model shared with her fans her own successes in family life. “It always stands on me. And after five years of marriage it stood the same as on the first day. Even at the stove or with a fever, even under a tracksuit, I always have beautiful underwear on, I am neat, flexible and easy in my movements, and in my in the bathroom, a man will not see a single pad or bra hanging on the handle. For him, I am a female: juicy, feminine and delicious. And I have beauty everywhere, and you, girls, should have beauty everywhere: both on the shelves in the closet and under the coat,” quotes her.

Finally, the model got to the main point of her brilliant article. "To summarize: move slowly, eat carefully, don't fart, take care of your body and the space you're in, wear nice underwear, smell good, speak quietly. Or better yet, don't tell him anything at all, just love him and suck him. That's why “, in any case, you definitely won’t get better,” the star wrote.

Posted by Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva) Jan 20, 2017 at 5:25 PST

Alena claims that it is unpleasant for her to even just be in the same room with overweight people. “I ride in an elevator with a fat man, I fly on an airplane, I go into the same water when I’m at sea - and it’s unpleasant. It’s true, for example, I won’t even go swimming if there’s a very big person in the water or in the pool. "I'll wait for it to come out. And even though I'm that same fat shamer, as the author says, I think that it should be a shame in our age of information, with our capabilities, knowledge and choice to be an overweight person," says the model.

Life sex columnist Alena Vodonaeva talks about how you can’t make excuses for overweight people.

First of all, I want to point out that my expressive speech does not apply to people who, for health reasons, have problems with excess weight. As you understand, we will talk about fat women. I came across an article on Facebook from a women's publication. Unfortunately, I didn’t find the author’s name under it, but I would like to counter him. An article about fat, or more precisely, about fat women. The author of the material defends such ladies in every possible way, periodically asking the reader questions: “Why don’t we criticize those who were born with a wide nose or a severe overbite, but snort in the direction of the overweight and allow ourselves to call their excess weight overweight?” In addition, the author is ironic about the generally accepted opinion that a modern woman should always be beautiful, who supposedly invented this and to whom does she owe it?

So, about beauty: yes, girls, a woman should and must be beautiful. Always! Starting from a neat pussy in beautiful panties, ending with eating habits and the way she eats. Beautiful always and in everything! Day and night! In the gait, in the gestures, in the aroma, in the voice. Her house is beautiful. In the head and in the body too. I know girls who eat loudly and sip tea or soup, and there are even those who allow themselves to fart in front of the man they love. Girls, forget the word “fart” altogether. Forever! Even in the ninth month of pregnancy, you must remain a girl and poop butterflies. Your man should not know any of your physiological details if you want him to have a hard time with you 24 hours a day and take you where he catches you. It always stands on me. And after five years of marriage he stood the same as on the first day. Even at the stove or with a fever, even under a tracksuit, I always wear beautiful underwear, I am neat, flexible and easy in my movements, and in my bathroom a man will not see a single pad or bra hanging on the handle. For him, I am a female: juicy, feminine and tasty. And it’s beautiful everywhere for me, and for you girls, it should be beautiful everywhere: on the shelves in the closet, and under your coat.

In summary: move slowly, eat carefully, don’t fart, take care of your body and the space you are in, wear nice underwear, smell good, speak quietly. Better yet, don’t tell him anything at all, just love him and suck him. In any case, you definitely won’t get better from this.

Here is another question asked by the author of the article that excited me: “Why don’t we discuss the health of our internal organs with the same pretension, for example, but rather gossip about fat people?” So, why should I care about my neighbor's tests? He does not interfere with me - just like I do for him. But I ride in an elevator with a fat man, I fly on an airplane, I go into the same water when I’m at sea - and it’s unpleasant. It’s true, for example, I won’t even go swimming if there is a very big person in the water or in the pool. I'll wait for him to come out. And even though I am that same fat shamer, as the author says, I believe that in our age of information, with our capabilities, knowledge and choice, it should be a shame to be an overweight person. Not just some 2-5 extra kg, which we women can gain under various circumstances: laziness, anesthesia, hormones, stress, obesity, holidays, PMS. Anything can happen. Although this does not justify us, and a self-respecting woman will quickly return to shape.

Why can’t I, a person for whom aesthetics is important, express my passion for obvious disgusting? If I say that a girl has crooked legs, then this is rudeness, an insult and my personal lack of culture, but not if I comment on the result of a person’s personal choice. They themselves became like this, we are not born fat, we all have approximately the same initial data.

After all, I even have the right to give a compliment if a fat woman stands in front of me in tight leggings in a public place: “Cool fat” or “Have you been fattening for many years to become like this?” We praise the cool abs of a girl who has them, everything is fair.

I’m not against fat people, I just don’t want to have relationships with those who lead such a lifestyle. I don’t want to eat whites with them and be inactive. I also don't want to know what they smell like. What they look like with and without underwear. I don’t want to and I have a personal right to do so. Somehow, I even feel humanly sorry for prostitutes and our Instagram chicks (I saw who they sit with in restaurants), who have to have intercourse (I wouldn’t call it sex) with fat and ugly, but apparently wealthy men. But this is a question of aesthetics and self-love and beauty. Truly beautiful - only to the beautiful. And before you throw stones at me for this opinion, just think about the phrase “overweight” - it speaks for itself. In conclusion, I will say: no one is obliged to love us as we are, except our parents. Work on yourself, or at least don't chew pork knuckles at night. Well, if you eat, then put on leggings and go outside, just don’t be surprised that they will look at you and whisper.
