The most delicious dough for pies in the oven

Experienced cooks know what special meaning has dough when preparing products derived from it. By making the slightest mistake in the quantity of ingredients, you can get the opposite of the desired result.

Homemade pies are a classic pastry that everyone enjoys both on weekdays and on holidays. The type of yeast dough from which the pies will be baked determines their shape, taste, calorie content and time spent on them.

Such different yeast doughs for pies in the oven - a review of the best options


For those who are just starting to learn the basics of baking, and also have little for that time, there is a recipe quick test for pies with yeast. It will require the following products:

  • Wheat flour – 550 g;
  • Water or milk - 1/3 l;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. l;
  • Dry yeast – 1 tbsp. l;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Olive oil – 85 ml.

Cooking will take 40 minutes, and the calorie content per 100 g is 225 kcal.

When choosing flour for preparing quick dough for pies with yeast, it is advisable to opt for premium flour. If this is not possible, then you should carefully sift the flour before kneading. A sieve is used for this.

When choosing milk for kneading dough, you need to take it out of the refrigerator in advance and pour it into a container. The bowl should be suitable for heating on the stove. After letting the milk sit for about 15 minutes, you can start heating it. When using water, you need to bring it to a warm state in the same way.

Then you need to mix dry ingredients such as 3 tablespoons of flour, granulated sugar and yeast in a large bowl. Yeast must be without additional additives and must act quickly.

The bowl with the resulting mixture should be wrapped in plastic wrap, covered with a cloth, and then set aside for 15-20 minutes.

After the specified time, you can remove the bowl from under the film and continue preparing the yeast dough. You need to add salt and olive oil, kneading.

The next stages of preparation are kneading and forming the dough with yeast. The remaining flour must be added to the yeast mixture little by little, initially stirring with a wooden spoon.

As soon as the mass becomes too viscous and it becomes inconvenient to stir it with a spoon, you can transfer it from the bowl to a surface sprinkled with flour in advance. The inside of your palms should also be soaked in flour.

It is important to beat thoroughly, while you need to firmly squeeze the dough with your fingers, crumple it and turn it over.

If it takes on a stable, uniform shape and stops sticking to your palms, then the cooking process is almost complete. It must be transferred from the table to a flat saucer, covered with a cloth and left for 20 minutes.

After quick yeast dough will be ready. You can make a lot of different baked goods from it: flatbreads, buns, pies with or without filling, as well as everyone’s favorite pies.


This version of yeast pie dough is a great alternative for beginners. The process of its preparation is very different from others, because the housewife does not have to spend time thoroughly kneading and rolling. So, for it you will need:

  • Wheat flour – 6 cups;
  • Water – 500 ml;
  • Boiling water – 250 ml;
  • Dry yeast – 15 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Olive oil – 5 tbsp.

Preparation will take 60 minutes, and the calorie content per 100 g is 265 kcal.

The dough is called choux because first of all one small part of it is brewed. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of boiled water into a separate container, mix and leave until it cools down.

Then you can move on to preparing the second part. First mix dry ingredients such as granulated sugar, salt, yeast.

Afterwards the dry mixture should be diluted plain water, but its temperature must be warm. Therefore, you need to preheat it. This step is necessary so that the yeast can fully dissolve.

Then you need to combine two parts of the dough, namely, yeast and custard. Stir and start adding flour in batches. First add it, stirring the mixture with a spoon, then, when the mass becomes too viscous, transfer it to a table sprinkled with flour. So, knead it until it becomes elastic and homogeneous.

The finished lump of yeast dough for delicious pies in the oven must be wrapped in cling film and a cloth napkin and left to rise. After doubling it, the process of beating and approaching must be repeated.

Choux pastry produces incredibly tender and soft products, and if you diversify them with interesting fillings, you can undoubtedly greatly delight your loved ones.


Consider a recipe for lean yeast dough for pies in the oven. It is also often called vegetarian. It differs from other types in that it does not contain animal products. For example, dairy products and eggs.

Products made from vegetarian dough are popular on Lenten weekdays, and the taste is not inferior to baked goods made from other types of dough.

To prepare Lenten yeast dough you will need:

  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Wheat flour – 800 g;
  • Fresh yeast – 25 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • Olive oil – 100 ml.

Preparation will take 60 minutes, and the calorie content per 100 g is 235 kcal.

You need to start by heating the water. To do this, pour it into a saucepan intended for the stove and leave it over medium heat for a couple of minutes.

Having brought the water to a warm state, you can dilute it with granulated sugar, fresh yeast and salt.

The next step is adding flour, and it is important to add it in successive portions. This way, the future dough will be easier to knead to a homogeneous shape. When the process is complete, you can transfer it to a floured table, add olive oil to it and knead again.

The resulting ball should be wrapped in a kitchen towel and left for 20 minutes. When the dough has risen, the kneading and approaching process will need to be repeated.

Ready-made lean dough is a universal option for various kinds baking. You can choose rice, potatoes, mushrooms, etc. as a vegetarian filling for pies.


Butter dough made with yeast is an excellent choice for baking pies with sweet filling in the oven. Even though butter dough differs from other types in its high calorie content, eating baked goods from it is a pleasure.

For cooking butter dough yeast requires the following components:

  • Wheat flour – 900 g;
  • Dry yeast – 20 g;
  • Milk – 215 ml;
  • Margarine – 100 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar – 40 g;
  • Salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation will take 60 minutes, and the calorie content per 100 g is 275 kcal.

As with other recipes, you should start by heating the liquid. In this case it is milk. Once it is brought to a warm state, you can beat it with chicken eggs, and add pre-cut margarine to the mixture. The resulting mixture must be mixed thoroughly.

The next step is to add the other dry ingredients to the mixture. Namely, yeast, granulated sugar and salt. Flour should be added last in successive portions so that the mass mixes easily.

The dough should be kneaded as follows: first in a container, and as soon as it takes on a viscous shape and begins to stick to the cutlery, on a table sprinkled with flour.

When an elastic lump is formed, the dough can be considered almost finished. You need to wrap it first in cling film, then in a kitchen towel, and set aside until it expands in size. After 15-20 minutes it will be ready. All that remains is to repeat the kneading and approach process.

From rich yeast dough you can make pies with jam, jam, fruit, berries and other sweet fillings.


Puff pastry made with yeast has a number of differences from its counterparts, not only in preparation, but also in appearance. Pies made from puff yeast dough, baked in the oven, have a soft shape and delicate taste. To prepare a rich yeast dough you will need:

  • Wheat flour – 1/2 kg;
  • Yeast (dry/fresh) – 10 g/20 g;
  • Milk – 300 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 7 tbsp;
  • Margarine – ¼ kg;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • Vanillin/vanilla sugar – 5 g/10 g;
  • Parchment paper - 2 sheets.

Cooking will take 120 minutes, and the calorie content per 100 g is 360 kcal.

The package of margarine must be removed from the refrigerator in advance, cut into cubes and left until it softens.

The milk needs to be put on the fire and brought to a slightly warm state so that the yeast dissolves in it. Then dilute 5 cubes of margarine in it and stir until completely dissolved.

In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients such as flour, granulated sugar, vanillin or vanilla sugar. You can add milk into the resulting dry mixture, gradually stirring. Cover with a kitchen towel and set aside to rise.

The rest of the margarine should be placed on a sheet of parchment and rolled out using a rolling machine. Then cover with a second sheet and set aside for a while.

By this time the dough should have risen, it should be transferred to a floured table, beaten, rolled out large leaf rectangle shape.

Place the resulting layer of margarine on one half of the dough and cover it with the other half, like a page. Roll out again, fold the resulting layer 4 times and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

To prepare baked goods from puff yeast dough, you will need to remove the dough from the refrigerator and re-roll it. You can make a lot of goodies out of it: stuffed envelopes, puff pastries, pies and croissants.

To make sure the dough is successful and your loved ones like the baked goods, you should follow a few useful tips:

  1. Flour for the future dough must be of the highest grade, otherwise it must be carefully sifted;
  2. To completely dissolve the ingredients, the liquid used in the dough must be heated;
  3. Knead the yeast dough first in a bowl and then on a large surface;
  4. It is better not to place dishes that are used in the cooking process on the table, but to wash them immediately. After all, dough that has stuck and dried on a pan is very difficult to scrape off;
  5. It is not advisable to add ingredients by eye; it is better to stick to the recipe;
  6. It is important to knead the dough on a table previously sprinkled with flour. You can also use butter instead of flour;
  7. If during kneading the lump turns out to be too dry, you can dilute it with oil. And vice versa;
  • You can use it to make not only pies, but also a lot of other baked goodies;
  • There are many types of yeast dough, even lean dough, which is suitable for vegetarians or fasting people;
  • Its kneading takes little time, and during its approach you can do your favorite things;
  • The ingredients used for cooking are extremely inexpensive and can be found in any housewife’s home;
  • There are a number of rules that housewives should follow.

Recipes for yeast pies in the oven with photos from the site are presented in this collection by several dozen. More variety will help the best choice according to the composition of products, cooking time and volume of BJU. All pies made with yeast can be prepared according to original recipe or try replacing products with other, lighter and healthier ones.

The simplest dough recipe: wheat flour, water, yeast, vegetable oil and salt, mixed in various proportions. To get a richer dough, replace the water with milk or kefir, and add eggs and sugar. Yeast can be either dry or fresh, and more of the latter will be required. If possible, it is better to take products at room temperature, then the active fermentation process will take place faster. The pie dough is allowed to rest for at least half an hour before cooking. Hurried housewives prefer to use ready-made store-bought dough. In this case, it is first defrosted and kept warm to make it fluffy.

Five of the fastest recipes for yeast pies in the oven

Fillings for popular in Russia homemade baked goods choose based on taste preferences, current season, product availability. The most popular are heat-treated potatoes, cabbage, rice, eggs, onions, meat, and liver. Potatoes are mashed with fried onions, cabbage is fried in a frying pan with butter, carrots and onions or stewed in a small amount of water until soft. Rice and eggs are pre-boiled. Minced meat is almost never added raw - it is fried with spices or boiled and put through a meat grinder (the same with liver).

For unleavened yeast dough, you can take a sweet filling: jam, preserves, dried fruits, fresh berries and fruits cut into pieces. The main thing is to regulate the juiciness of the filling so that it does not leak out.

Advice for gas ovens: if you place a container with clean sand or salt under a baking sheet, the baked goods will not burn, and the temperature will spread throughout oven more evenly. Optimal temperature baking - 180 degrees, oven should be hot.

Pies are immediately memories from childhood. Is it true? Thoughts of grandma mixing dough in the kitchen while we were having fun in the garden. And, of course, an indescribable aroma and taste.

Today we will not cook pies, we will just give you some really good recipes test for them. These are four options that are completely different. This is dough with or without yeast, with the addition of cottage cheese and kefir.

Each dough will require rest, so you can’t do it faster than twenty minutes. This is how long our last recipe is prepared, including resting.

What about the toppings? We won’t cook them, but we are always in favor of offering them. It can be various jams and confitures, it can be mousse or other cream. This could be fish, meat, cheeses and even vegetables. Onions with eggs and minced meat are often added. You can also fill the baked goods with mushrooms or cottage cheese with herbs. It could be a classic in the form of chicken with mushrooms or canned cherries. Or, for example, grated apple with sugar, raisins and cinnamon.

Having filled the baked goods with your favorite filling, you need to send the pies to bake. How to do this correctly and what is best to avoid? You will find all this a little lower, because we have again shared with you the most intimate - tips and recommendations for cooking. Good luck!

What you need to know to prepare

To properly prepare the dough, which will bake and be tasty, you need to adhere to certain points. The list of our recommendations is quite simple, so it won’t be difficult to remember:

  1. It is very important to let the dough rest. This process not only mixes all the flavors and aromas together, but also makes the dough more elastic;
  2. If the dough contains yeast, then the milk (or water) should be warm. Yes, of course, they can be cold, but in a warm area the yeast will start working faster;
  3. Yeast dough must (!) rise in warmth. If it is summer, then the issue is resolved automatically, and if it is winter, then it is good to place a bowl of dough near the radiator or hot burner;
  4. To prevent the growing dough from sticking to the dry and clean towel with which the bowl is covered, you can sprinkle the dough with flour or grease it with oil. You can also use cling film instead of a towel;
  5. Before adding flour, we highly recommend passing it through a sieve. This saturates it with oxygen and subsequently the baked goods rise higher and become more fluffy;
  6. It is always more convenient to pour liquid into flour, and not vice versa;
  7. When kneading the dough, you can rub your hands with vegetable oil and then the dough will not stick to your hands;
  8. If you add too much sugar to the dough, it will start to burn and the baked goods will darken very quickly;
  9. Before filling the bowl with ingredients, you need to make sure that it is clean and does not smell anything. Otherwise, the pies will have the added bonus of leftovers from other food or liquid;
  10. To prevent the mass from sticking to the work surface, be sure to use flour or any vegetable oil;
  11. Fresh yeast always works faster and rises the dough more than dry yeast. But their disadvantage is that the packaging must be used quickly, otherwise the product will begin to dry out;
  12. After resting, the dough must be kneaded with your hands to remove excess air from it.

Yeast pie dough

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Standard or classic. Call it what you like. The recipe for such a test should not only be written down by every housewife, but everyone should remember it!

How to cook:

Tip: It's important to keep the eggs at room temperature so the cold doesn't slow down the yeast. The temperature of the butter is also important, as butter that is too hot will kill the yeast activity.

The dough with the addition of cottage cheese turns out to be especially tender. Prepared according to classic version, only the list of ingredients is slightly different.

How much time – 15 minutes + 2 hours.

What is the calorie content - 328 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the cottage cheese from the packaging and place it in a tall, narrow bowl for an immersion blender;
  2. Pour sugar into it, add a little salt and eggs;
  3. Beat the mixture with an immersion blender until smooth;
  4. Add butter and beat the mixture again;
  5. Transfer the mixture to a bowl;
  6. Mix baking powder and flour, pass through a sieve;
  7. Add the dry mass to the liquid mass in several stages, mixing everything with a spatula;
  8. Stir as long as possible. When the dough becomes heavy, use your hands;
  9. Using your hands, knead into an elastic, soft dough that does not stick to your hands;
  10. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, cover and leave for two hours;
  11. After two hours the dough is ready to use.

Tip: flour should be added gradually because the dough may take in less than what is indicated in the recipe or, conversely, more.

The good thing about kefir in baking is that it can perfectly replace yeast or baking powder. This is a more useful component that will make baked goods voluminous and fluffy.

How much time - 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 304 calories.

How to cook:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine kefir and soda, mix well;
  2. Wait seven minutes for the fizzing reaction to take place and then add vegetable oil and salt;
  3. Mix the mass well again;
  4. Gradually, in several stages, add flour through a sieve, each time mixing the mass with your hands until smooth;
  5. Add flour until the dough becomes smooth and does not stick to your hands;
  6. Grease a deep bowl with oil and place the dough there;
  7. Cover it with cling film and leave in a warm place for thirty minutes;
  8. After the time has passed, you can start working with the test.

Tip: to make the pies golden brown, brush them with yolk before putting them in the oven.

The recipe is incredibly simple and easy. It can even be called lean, since no dairy products need to be added to it. Shall we try?

How long is it - 20 minutes?

What is the calorie content - 358 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the water so that it is warm, but not hot;
  2. Pass the flour through a sieve, then mix it with salt;
  3. Pour into dry ingredients warm water and add oil;
  4. Next, use your hands to knead the elastic, soft dough;
  5. Stir until the dough becomes smooth and does not stick to your hands - no more than ten minutes;
  6. Now you need to give the dough about fifteen minutes to rest and then you can form it into pies with the desired filling.

Tip: if the pies are sweet, you can add a little sugar to the dough to taste.

In order for the baked goods to have a beautiful, ruddy color, each pie must be additionally greased before baking. This can be a yolk or a whole egg, water with sugar or salt, tea and even coffee with milk.

In order for the pies to be as voluminous and fluffy as possible, they need to be allowed to rest in their finished form. That is, covering a baking sheet with paper and placing the pies on it, give them ten to fifteen minutes. The dough will start to rise again, and when you put them in a hot oven, they will be baked in this volume.

Often the pies do not stick to the baking sheet or parchment. But if you are still afraid, then you can play it safe. To do this, you need to sprinkle the surface with flour (especially in the places where the pies are located) or grease it with oil.

If you want to try the pies with a crispy crust, you can sprinkle them with sugar after brushing them and then put them in the oven. You can even mix sugar and cinnamon. But this only applies if the filling is sweet.

Having prepared pies from one of our recipes, consider your evening a success. Perhaps even the next morning, if, of course, there are still pies left. Make some hot tea or cocoa, turn on your favorite movie and relax. In the morning you can eat a few pies with a cup of coffee and already in good mood go to work/study.
