What is the difference between people born in the year of the rooster? What will the Year of the Rooster be like? Meaning of the year of the rooster

Every year people are worried about the question of what the next year will be like according to the Chinese zodiac calendar. Will he turn into a dragon, or will he plant a pig?

The zodiac cycle consists of 12 years and traditionally begins with the sign of the rat. Each of the signs belongs to one of the 5 elements, which also cyclically replace each other every two years.

Zodiac table from 2008-2067

You can determine the element and sign of the year from the following table.

Rat 2008 2020 2032 2044 2056
Bull 2009 2021 2033 2045 2057
Tiger 2010 2022 2034 2046 2058
Rabbit 2011 2023 2035 2047 2059
The Dragon 2012 2024 2036 2048 2060
Snake 2013 2025 2037 2049 2061
Horse 2014 2026 2038 2050 2062
Goat 2015 2027 2039 2051 2063
Monkey 2016 2028 2040 2052 2064
Rooster 2017 2029 2041 2053 2065
Dog 2018 2030 2042 2054 2066
Pig 2019 2031 2043 2055 2067

White is metal, black is water, green is wood, red is fire and yellow is earth.


Below are all the animals in order. Follow the link to see a brief description of the sign:


Each of the elements has a number of initial characteristics and is associated with special colors and shapes.


This element belongs to evening and autumn. The main qualities of the element Metal is determination and activity in achieving your goals. But it can also be destructive. Besides, Metal represents resilience and perseverance. A person born under this element can best prove himself in the role of a lawyer or politician. The fight for justice is a distinctive character trait. You have beautiful, even teeth, a square-shaped face and small lips. Metal governs the lungs and skin, Metal colorwhite.


This element belongs to night and winter. Coldness and calmness - typical qualities of the element Water. Infallible intuition is a distinctive feature of water. In addition, water represents fruitfulness and strength, but these are counteracted by excessive restraint. This element corresponds to artists and businessmen. It gives big and strong arms, very thick lips and curly hair. A massive tip of the nose and wide-set eyes are an unlucky sign. In addition, you need to avoid being overweight, as it can lead to infertility. Water governs the kidneys and ears. The colors associated with it are: black And Navy blue.


This element belongs to morning and spring. The main qualities of the element Wood is beauty, chastity and elegance. Tree the most powerful, decisive and unyielding of all elements. Tree represents creative powers and imagination. Born under this element, you can become a poet, artist or farmer. He is most likely tall, thin, with beautiful eyes and small hands and feet. Tree The most fertile of all elements, it brings forth the seeds of life and death, knowledge and intelligence. Tree people are natural leaders, leaders by nature. Tree governs the liver and eyes. Lucky color - green or blue.


This element belongs to the middle of the day and summer. The main qualities of the element Fire- beauty, happiness and joy, but Fire may also be associated with suffering, heat and clairvoyance. Born under sign of fire- an active fighter and leader. Of the people Fire they make excellent teachers, leaders, writers, healers, and even high-ranking executives. Fire often produces a reddish skin color, an eagle nose, and thick hair. Fire rules the heart and blood, its color is red.


This element belongs to the afternoon and the hottest summer days. Main qualities elements Earth- fertility and endurance, diligence and strategic thinking. Earth also represents realism and hard work - elements inherent in a businessman. The people of the earth know how to realize their own ideas, but not in teamwork, but independently. They make excellent salespeople, architects or landscape designers. Typical features are bushy eyebrows and a flat stomach. Earth governs the spleen and mouth. Her color is yellow.

Where did this order come from?

One version has its origins in the Chinese legend of the Jade Emperor.

Command of the Jade Emperor

The Jade Emperor's servant was sent to find the 12 most beautiful animals and bring them to be rewarded; The audience was scheduled for 6 am. The servant came down and immediately found and invited rat and then called bull, tiger,rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster And dog; not finding cat, he asked the rat to convey the invitation. She fulfilled her promise, but the cat loved to sleep and asked to wake him up; The rat realized that the cat was more beautiful than her, and did not wake the cat.

Everyone came to the audience on time except the cat; The best prepared was the rat, which on the back of the bull began to play the pipe, which caused delight, and received first place. The bull was given second place for his kindness, the tiger - third, the rabbit for his beautiful fur - fourth, the dragon for his unusual appearance - fifth, the snake for wisdom - sixth, the horse - seventh, the sheep - eighth, the monkey for dexterity - ninth, the rooster - tenth and the dog is the eleventh. Then they noticed that one animal was missing; the servant had to urgently look for the twelfth animal, and he called pig, which was given twelfth place.

At this time the cat woke up and ran as fast as he could into the palace, but all the places had already been allocated. Since then, the cat has been very offended by the Rat and they have been irreconcilably at odds.

According to the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, each year has its own patron - one of the twelve animals. Oddly enough, but every year, a certain eastern sign influences the destinies of people at a super level. Therefore, it is extremely important to know under whose auspices the next year will be in order to properly prepare for its meeting.

Knowing the characteristics of a particular sign, it is easy to try to appease the owner of the year from the very beginning. Then all twelve months until the next New Year will pass cheerfully, at ease, generously presenting you with gifts of fate.

Last year, the Year of the Goat was replaced by the Year of the Monkey. The coming year 2017 – . On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will transfer its powers to the Rooster. The tenth sign of the Chinese twelve-year horoscope is almost the most interesting animal in the entire eastern calendar.

He is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable. However, in addition to the animal itself, you also need to know color and element of the patron sign of 2017. The element, like the color of the Rooster, directly affects what 2017 will be like for each person.

The mystery of the appearance of the eastern calendar

The most widespread and beautiful existing legend about the appearance of the eastern horoscope says: before leaving the Earth, Buddha invited all the animals to come to him. And the first twelve little animals who came to say goodbye to him, Buddha promised to give them the opportunity to lead a whole year, every twelve years.

The first to run to the Buddha was a nimble rat, then the hard worker Ox came, followed by the brave Tiger, after whom the quiet Rabbit ran, softly moving his paws, immediately after him a mighty Dragon appeared and a wise Snake crawled, then a graceful Horse galloped up and arrived on thin legs of a virtuoso Goat, followed by a savvy Monkey, followed by a motley Rooster, walking proudly, then a faithful Dog came and, finally, a cheerful Pig ran out to the sacred gathering place.

Immediately after each year he became attached to the animals, he acquired their character, qualities, emotionality and some distinctive features. Needless to say, people born under one or another sign of the Chinese horoscope also copied these features.

Element and color of 2017 Rooster

The coming 2017 will be the year of the Bright or Fiery Rooster, and its color is red. Since ancient times, sages believed that the element of Fire personifies continuous upward movement and has unsurpassed vital energy, characterized by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

The red color is closely intertwined with the fire element and this is very good, because such a mixture means complete harmony in all matters. Red is the color of love, infatuation, ardor, passion. So we can say with confidence that 2017 will be a busy year in terms of romance. The coming year promises a possible wedding for strong couples, married people will revive their former love passion, and single people will find their soul mates.

The red fiery color displays strength, confidence, as well as good luck. Therefore, in the coming year, you need to boldly cast aside all doubt and rush towards the new with abandon, not be afraid of changes and all kinds of changes.

Characteristics of the symbol

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. The Rooster is incredibly insightful, meticulous, organized, scrupulous, decisive, demanding, conservative, vigilant, responsible and practical. In his affairs, the Rooster strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He also simply adores attention and literally basks in compliments and praise.

Despite his positive qualities, the Rooster is stubborn and arrogant. His selfishness and pickiness do not add to his advantages, and his penchant for empty bravado sometimes makes the decent Rooster a real windbag. It is extremely rare for the Rooster to show interest in anyone other than himself. Despite this, the opposite sex is unable to resist the charm of the charming Rooster and completely surrenders to his power. Despite his callousness, the Rooster is extremely lucky in love. However, he will still put himself above family values, and if the Rooster does not “take his head” in time, then everything may end in a sad outcome.

The Rooster is adored for his ardent temperament and his ability to play a beautiful love game. A certain mystery allows the Rooster to subtly feel the edges of romance and skillfully play on the strings of love.

The Rooster loves his bachelor life, however, if he meets “the one,” he will, without a twinge of conscience, rush into the pond of a new passionate relationship, which will subsequently lead to the conclusion of a strong family union.

Most Compatible Partners: Snake and Ox

All is well with the Rooster in the business field. Due to his sharp mind and brilliant intelligence, he holds his business tightly with both hands. Despite some extravagance in small things, the Rooster is very thrifty, which once again proves his thriftiness.

People born in the year of the Rooster are extremely difficult to fool. Their intelligence is often above average, and their natural ingenuity will not allow anyone to deceive themselves. The Rooster vigilantly notices every little thing that is more or less dubious. Unless a huge portion of compliments can confuse the Rooster for a short time, because the proud bird will not miss an opportunity to once again be in the center of everyone's attention.

The Fiery Red Rooster loves to command, and if we add his temper, then there is no doubt that the tenth sign of the eastern horoscope will definitely express everything that is boiling up in the opponent’s face.

All the traits inherent in the Rooster will manifest themselves throughout 2017 to one degree or another. In order to follow your usual rut and not get out of line, or to move to a new, higher level, you need to try to adapt to the restive sign.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Rooster for 2017

Already wayward, the Rooster will be simply unbearable. His correct statements and a large number of fresh ideas will simply be leveled out by his own cocky selfishness and eternal irritation. Everyone who was born in the year of this beautiful bird should remember their extraordinary abilities and remarkable willpower and, perhaps, step over themselves somewhere, but direct all their positive rays towards the light, towards their goal.

Roosters should not forget that in some situations their temper does not play into the hands of wayward bearers of motley plumage. Therefore, in 2017 we need to try to be a little more tactful so that problems with the public do not arise.

In general, the year will bring a lot of interesting things to emotional Roosters. It definitely won’t be boring, because the Rooster himself, worse than other signs, knows how to find adventures for himself. But, thanks to his innate talent to charm those around him, the Rooster will skillfully overcome all the vicissitudes that arise along his path.

In 2017, the Roosters should push themselves a little more at work and you can be sure that the merits of the hard worker will be rewarded in full. The career will move uphill, the financial side will only please you if the Rooster plays fair, without deceiving or falsifying the facts.

On the personal front, Roosters seeth passions: love, jealousy, passion, tenderness and scandals, giving way to stormy reconciliations. Roosters will fully experience all the delights of a serious relationship. Those who break will be left without a soulmate in 2017.

According to the Chinese calendar, New Year does not occur on January 1st. This date changes every time, so it is important to learn how to calculate the time of the Eastern New Year on your own.

The reason for the shift in the date of 2017 is that in China and neighboring countries, the New Year is celebrated based on the behavior and condition of the Moon. The lunar calendar will help you track the lunar phases.

When is the Year of the Rooster coming?

2017 is just around the corner. It will come on January 28th. This suggests that until January 28, the Fire Monkey will still be relevant. Many people think that the year of the Red or Fire Rooster will begin on January 1, but this is a common misconception.

To learn how to independently calculate the date of the Eastern New Year, you will need a lunar calendar: from it you will find out when the New Moon will be after December 21. December 21 is the winter solstice, which marks the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere.

So, after December 21, two New Moons must pass. On the second New Moon, the New Year begins to be celebrated in China. The fifteen-day celebration ends with the Lantern Festival.

The patron animal changes directly on the second New Moon after December 21st. In 2017, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Rooster will take the place of the Monkey.

What does the Year of the Rooster promise us?

It is worth noting that in their moods the Rooster and the Monkey are very similar. The Rooster is not so restless, but no less creative. This year can be very successful for everyone who is engaged in areas that require large intellectual investments.

The Rooster loves to be admired, so be careful with delusions of grandeur. Try not to let high self-esteem cloud your judgment. This can be dangerous both in love and in work. If you don’t want people to turn away from you in the year of the Red Rooster, then always be modest and restrained on the outside. There are five elements in Chinese philosophy: fire, wood, metal, earth and water. The Fire Rooster is an excellent combination in the Chinese horoscope, which tells us that this year we should forget about feelings and emotions. Love, hate, contempt, rage - don't hold back any of it, but be careful, because your colleagues, friends and loved ones may interpret it in their own way. It will not be easy to receive forgiveness in the year of the Rooster, and especially the Year of the Fire. This suggests that you will also have difficulties with this, so try to forget the grievances as quickly as possible.

Try to realize all your most ambitious plans in business, work and, of course, love, because the next such favorable year will come only in 60 years. The Chinese sincerely believe that patron animals give us their strength. Accept it with dignity.

On January 28, don’t forget to make a wish before the Fire Rooster comes into force. Our thoughts already have enormous energy potential, and in the coming year they will be even stronger. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.12.2016 07:30

The red thread can help you attract good luck during Chinese New Year. With its help you...

As the eastern horoscope says, each year has its own color, its own element and, of course, its patron animal. ...

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

2017 - Year of the Rooster
Eastern calendar
When is Chinese New Year 2017?

The attitude towards the Rooster - the symbol of the tenth year of the 12-year earthly cycle of the eastern calendar - in countries where the main religion is Buddhism is significantly different from the European one; in the east, the Rooster is endowed primarily with such qualities as hard work, perseverance, honesty and fidelity...
"Ancient Eastern epic"

2017 is the year of the Orange Rooster

January 28, 2017 year on the second new moon after the winter solstice according to the Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar, the year of the celestial trunk of the time “Fire” begins in the “Yin” stage of the earthly branch “Rooster”, the 34th year of the 34th cycle of the new chronology.
What does this all mean?
Let's turn to ancient Chinese philosophy. According to her ideas, time flows differently in heaven and on earth. Therefore, earthly and heavenly signs were used to indicate time. According to ancient Chinese ideas, the main flow of time is carried out along the heavenly trunks, and time flows to earth from these trunks along the branches leading to it. There are five heavenly trunks, and 12 branches extend from them to the earth.
“Fire” - a symbol of the Heavenly flow of time of the coming year, carries with it the properties of the primary element of the same name: the controlling direction is south; characterizing colors - red, orange and pink; the presence of this element in a person means passion, determination, focus on the future.

All signs of the earthly branch are the generation of heavenly trunks, so the branch of the “Rooster” 酉 inherits the signs of the generative trunk-element “Metal” in the “YIN” stage, but it also has some qualities of the real earthly collective image of the rooster, in the ancient Eastern view these are: courage, ardor, initiative, perseverance, hard work, intelligence, honesty and loyalty, and on the other side of the coin, obsession, persistence, vanity, a tendency towards authoritarianism and straightforwardness.

In China and some neighboring countries, it is customary to celebrate the New Year wearing the colors of the celestial sign. The element “Fire” has several symbolic colors: red, orange and pink. To celebrate the New Year, all these colors and their combinations are acceptable, but red is considered the main one. For the New Year, it is advisable for men to have some element of red clothing (for example, a tie or shirt, or, in extreme cases, red socks). Women have more choice in terms of colors - they can afford orange and pink. The symbolic red color of this year of the Rooster in the eastern calendar is somewhat different from the red we are used to - it is closer to brick (approximately, this color is used on the page splash with an outline image of a rooster - more details about the symbolism and structure of the eastern calendar can be found in the next section) .
I would like to add one more remark about the “fiery” of the year: The branch of time of the Rooster is a product of the element “Metal” and inherits mainly its qualities, therefore, despite the fact that the expressions “ “ or “ Year of the Orange Rooster"already carry semantic license in the translation of the 2017 designation in the Chinese calendar 丁酉 , but the expression “Year of the Fire Rooster”, in semantic terms, no longer fits into any framework, since it changes the ancestor of the Rooster... True, in mnemonic terms, the expression “Year of the Red Fire Rooster” has the right to life... I preferred would call the coming year a year Orange Rooster, since the expression “red rooster” in Russian has unpleasant connotations. And, if we call 2017 in a completely native way, then 2017 is the Year of the Red Rooster.

So, in order to receive the patronage of the Rooster in the new 2017, when celebrating the New Year you need to wear something red, orange or pink and add some touch of green or yellow to your clothes, and it is desirable to have seafood, fruit, natural wine or juice on the table, just in case, try to avoid poultry and egg dishes.

Using the table presented here, you can determine when to celebrate the New Year according to the eastern calendar, as well as determine your eastern patron signs by date of birth...

Table: 34 cycle. Chinese cyclical calendar from 1960 to 2019 New Year start dates

Sergey Ov

This table clearly shows a 12-year calendar cycle of the earthly branches, and not very clearly a 10-year one - each of the five primary elements “takes control of the development of world events” for 2 solar years. The main cycle lasts 60 years - the cycle begins with the celestial trunk "Tree", the earthly branch "Rat" - now the 34th cycle is underway from the beginning of the calculation of new time, it began on February 2, 1984. (If you want to see dates in a wider time range (1924-2043), click on the table).

Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar.

According to the worldview of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, as well as in later ancient philosophy, there are two passages of time - in heaven and on earth. In heaven, time continuously flows through five essential world-forming elements (elements, entities): “Wood”, “Fire”, “Earth” (“Soil”), “Metal”, “Water” - figuratively “along the heavenly trunks of these elemental entities " The main, most powerful flow of time flows from one entity to another. When the flow of time flows into the celestial trunk of the essence inherent in the year (the first year), it is in the YANG stage, when it begins to leave (the second year), it goes into the YIN stage (The properties of the element-entities are displayed in the table:).

Sergey Ov

To enlarge the table of entity properties, click on it

The earthly world has its own stream of time, it flows along earthly branches that are generated by heavenly trunks. The fertile underlying “Earth” generates 4 branches on its trunk in a 12-year cycle: two in the YAN stage - Dragon, Dog; and two in the YIN stage - Ox, Sheep. The remaining trunks, respectively: “Metal” - the Monkey and Rooster branches; “Water” - Rat and Pig; "Tree" - Tiger and Rabbit; "Fire" - Horse and Snake. All this underlies the construction, so to speak, of the outer cover of the cyclic calendar.

The true basis of the cyclic calendar is the results of observations of the movements of the planets, the Moon and the Sun. The founders of the calendar knew that 29 and a half days pass from new moon to new moon; that for an terrestrial observer, Mars returns to the point in the starry sky fixed at the time of the beginning of observation after almost 2 years, Jupiter - after about 12 years, and Saturn after 30. For both Jupiter and Saturn to return to their original configuration at the same time, it takes 60 years - this period is also was adopted as the main longest cycle of the calendar. The next longest 12-year cycle corresponds to the orbital period of Jupiter. But the ten-year and two-year cycles are already a tribute to the metaphysical ideas of that time.
Despite this complex interweaving of the rational and the metaphysical, we can say that the Chinese cyclic lunisolar calendar is the first documented attempt by mankind to synchronize the time counting system with the movement of celestial bodies, which took place more than 4600 years ago!

Based on historical, philosophical and astronomical materials from the network: Sergey Ov(Seosnews9)

Let's try to imagine what the coming year has in store for us, using our tables of the properties of the primary elements.
So, 2017, (starting from January 28, 2017- New Year according to the eastern calendar), heavenly trunk “Fire”, earthly branch “Rooster”:

Weather 2017
The control of the weather will almost completely be taken over by the heavenly trunk - Fire, and in a tough stage, however, it cannot be done without the intervention of the Rooster.
Let's look at the table.
"Fire": control direction - south; energy type - heat.
"Rooster" (trunk branch Metal): control direction "west"; type of energy - dryness. The corresponding time of year for the Rooster sign is autumn.

Based on this information, we find that starting from the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the southwest direction will have an increasing influence on the weather - in the central part of Russia, southwest winds usually bring with them humid and warm, but “dry” weather at this time. the energy of the earthly branch of the Rooster will suddenly make adjustments in the form of sharp cold snaps under clear skies and, although spring will come earlier than usual, cold weather will suddenly return from time to time.
By summer, the influence of “fire” will increase, so the coming summer as a whole will be warm and dry, however, one should not discount the influence of the west - southwestern winds carry moisture, but given that the time of greatest influence of the Rooster is autumn, it is possible that Autumn will begin with warm and dry weather.

Year of the Rooster. Society

The decisive factor in the development of social life will be the influence from the southwestern direction. The influence of the West will gradually increase over the course of the year.

Year of the Rooster. People

Success, as usual, will be most conducive to those born in the Year of the Rooster, as well as those born under the shadow of the celestial branch “Fire” (in the years of the Horse and Snake), in general, if you stock up on patience for the whole year, and water in the summer, then the upcoming 2017 does not bode well for anyone.

In the previous Year of the Rooster (2005), a commemorative coin was issued in Russia with a very successful image of a rooster (photo) - this year, by the way, also turned out to be quite good. So, keep in mind - this coin can bring good luck in 2017 too.

P.S.. Fashion in the Year of the Rooster: Red colors and shades in clothing, with jewelry elements including metal, create an additional impetus for success.

Other articles on the topic calendar:

* On the views of ancient philosophers on time:

New Year dates according to the Chinese cyclic calendar from 1924 to 2043.

Trunks and branches of time Heavenly trunks
tree fire Earth metal water
Rat February 5, 1924 January 24, 1936 February 10, 1948 January 28, 1960 Rat February 15, 1972
Bull January 25, 1925 February 11, 1937 January 29, 1949 Bull February 15, 1961 February 3, 1973
Tiger January 23, 1974 February 13, 1926 January 31, 1938 February 17, 1950 February 5, 1962
Rabbit February 11, 1975 Rabbit February 2, 1927 February 19, 1939 February 6, 1951 January 25, 1963
The Dragon February 13, 1964 January 31, 1976 The Dragon January 23, 1928 February 8, 1940 January 27, 1952
Snake February 2, 1965 February 18, 1977 Snake February 10, 1929 January 27, 1941 February 14, 1953
Horse February 3, 1954 Horse January 21, 1966 February 7, 1978 January 30, 1930 February 15, 1942
Sheep January 24, 1955 February 9, 1967 January 28, 1979 Sheep February 17, 1931 February 5, 1943
Monkey January 25, 1944 February 12, 1956 January 30, 1968 Monkey February 16, 1980 February 6, 1932
Rooster February 13, 1945 January 31, 1957 February 17, 1969 February 5, 1981 Rooster January 26, 1933
Dog February 14, 1934 February 2, 1946 Dog February 18, 1958 February 6, 1970 January 25, 1982
Pig February 4, 1935 January 22, 1947 February 8, 1959 January 27, 1971 February 13, 1983 Pig
Rat February 2, 1984 February 19, 1996 February 7, 2008 January 25, 2020 Rat February 11, 2032
Bull February 20, 1985 February 7, 1997 January 26, 2009 Bull February 12, 2021 January 31, 2033
Tiger February 19, 2034 February 9, 1986 January 28, 1998 February 14, 2010 February 1, 2022
Rabbit February 8, 2035 Rabbit January 29, 1987 February 16, 1999 February 3, 2011 January 22, 2023
The Dragon February 10, 2024 January 28, 2036 The Dragon February 17, 1988 February 5, 2000 January 23, 2012
Snake January 29, 2025 February 15, 2037 Snake February 6, 1989 January 24, 2001 February 10, 2013
Horse January 31, 2014 Horse February 17, 2026 February 4, 2038 January 27, 1990 February 12, 2002
Sheep February 19, 2015 February 6, 2027 February 24, 2039 Sheep February 15, 1991 February 1, 2003
Monkey January 22, 2004 February 8, 2016 January 26, 2028 Monkey February 12, 2040 February 4, 1992
Rooster February 9, 2005 January 28, 2017 February 13, 2029 February 1, 2041 Rooster January 23, 1993
Dog February 10, 1994 January 29, 2006 Dog February 16, 2018 February 3, 2030 February 22, 2042
Pig January 31, 1995 February 18, 2007 February 5, 2019 January 23, 2031 February 10, 2043 Pig

1. Years increase down diagonally, from the rightmost cell of the calendar, look for the continuation in the leftmost cell.
2. In the intervals between the “trunks of time” “earthly branches” are symbolically depicted, named by the corresponding signs - in each calendar cycle the earthly branches are renewed.

Table: “Properties of the Five Elements and the qualities they support”

Qualities and properties Essences of the universe, primary elements
Tree Fire The soil Metal Water
Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury
Green, blue-green, blue Red, pink, orange Brown, yellow, flesh White, any metal Black,dark blue

Energy of nature

Wind (movement) Warm Humidity Dryness Cold
Active, purposeful, assertive Lively, impulsive, absent-minded Nourishing, kind, thorough Cold, reserved, aristocratic Deep, secret, mysterious

Side of the world

East South Center West North

Qualities manifested through a person and in a person

Sour Bitter Sweet Spicy Salty
Rancid, musty Scorched, burnt Fragrant, sweet Fish Rotten
Scream Laughter Singing Crying (Sighs) Moan


Dog Goat, sheep Bull, cow Rooster, chicken Pig

Life cycle

Birth Height Maturity Withering Death

Facial features

Eyebrows, jaws Eyes, lips Mouth, cheeks Nose, cheekbones, moles Ears, forehead, chin

Body types

Tall - wiry, low - mobile Slimness, beauty Roundness, fatness Thin bones, thin skin Large bones, wide hips
Liver Heart Spleen Lungs Bud
Pointing Average Big Nameless Little finger

Spectrum of emotions

Anger, humanity Excitement, love Anxiety, intuition Grief, gratitude Fear


Water Year of the Blue Rooster
1945 February 13, 1945 - February 1, 1946 Tree Year of the Green Rooster
1957 January 31, 1957 – February 17, 1958 Fire Year of the Orange Rooster
1969 February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970 The soil Year of the Yellow Rooster
1981 February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982 Metal Year of the White Rooster
1993 January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994 Water Year of the Blue Rooster
2005 February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006 Tree Year of the Green Rooster
2017 January 28, 2017 - February 15, 2018 Fire Year of the Orange Rooster
2029 February 13, 2029 - February 2, 2030 The soil Year of the Yellow Rooster
2041 01 February 2041 - 21 January 2042 Metal Year of the White Rooster
2053 February 19, 2053 - February 8, 2054 Water Year of the Blue Rooster
2065 February 5, 2005 - January 26, 2066 Tree Year of the Green Rooster
2077 January 24, 2077 - February 12, 2078 Fire Year of the Orange Rooster
2089 February 10, 2089 - January 30, 2090 The soil Year of the Yellow Rooster

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017 and will influence our lives right up to February 15, 2018. The Fire Rooster differs from other Roosters in having a more passionate, assertive, energetic and decisive character. His penetration abilities can only be envied, and his courage often borders on recklessness. It is thanks to the above qualities that the Fire Rooster often achieves success where other signs give up and retreat. But, along with undoubted advantages, the Fire Rooster has not very positive character traits, because of which his grandiose plans periodically fail. To achieve the desired heights in life, the Fire Rooster must first overcome impatience and irritability. Often, the Fire Rooster abandons the work he has started in the middle, without completing it, only because the development of events seems to him too slow. However, the stars have endowed the Fire Rooster with such impenetrable optimism and such self-confidence that even having failed, he very quickly forgets about it and rushes to conquer new heights in life. Both in business and in love, the Fire Rooster is prone to maximalism. If he works, then with full strength, if he rests, then with his soul, if he loves, then with all his heart. In a word, despite his difficult character, the Fire Rooster is a very integral nature, and therefore happiness and luck accompany him both in business and in his personal life.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will give us all a chance to find solid ground under our feet and improve our affairs. We can expect flourishing agriculture and political stability. At the same time, in 2017 no one should count on easy and quick success. To earn the desired amount of money, you will need to work hard and diligently.

IMPORTANT!!! The Fire Rooster does not like or tolerate lazy people, so idleness can lead to professional failures and large financial losses. But for those who are accustomed to working honestly and hard, the Year of the Rooster in 2017 will bring creative success, achievements in business, honors, and financial stability.

The motto of the Fire Rooster: less words - more action. Therefore, in 2017, you should spend less precious time on empty talk and empty talk, and rather spend it on achieving real and useful goals.

To ensure that love relationships do not collapse in 2017, but become even stronger, you should clarify them as quickly as possible and decide on plans for the future. For frivolous people who themselves do not know what they want, the year of the Fire Rooster will bring only failures and troubles in their personal lives. In the year of the Fire Rooster, couples in love should pay attention not only to romance, but also to establishing a common life together. The habit of resolving everyday issues jointly will greatly help spouses strengthen their relationship. An exceptionally suitable year for engagement and starting a family. Marriages that will be concluded in 2017 will turn out to be surprisingly strong - they will not be afraid of any tests.

Let's take a closer look at the 2017 eastern horoscope by year of birth for all signs.

Year of the Rooster: what years of birth - 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Horoscope for 2017 for the Rat

The Rat will love the new prospects that will open up to it in 2017. The difficulties of this year will hardly affect you, but you will take full advantage of its advantages and good chances. No one can handle problems at work as quickly and deftly as you. And therefore, you have every reason to count on indulgences and encouragement from your superiors.

2017 will be a period of financial savings and profitable acquisitions for the Rat. Your income will suit you quite well. In 2017, you will be reluctant to spend money - it will be much more pleasant for you to save it, gradually increasing your capital. Although, if the purchase is beneficial to you, then you will not regret the money. No large forced expenses are expected.

In love, the Rat will show the most positive traits of his character. A loved one can completely rely on you - you will not abandon him in difficult times. In 2017, your love relationships will be built on the basis of mutual assistance and mutual support. A lonely Rat will have a chance to meet a soul mate.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Ox

In 2017, the Ox will finally find peace of mind and begin to implement his plans with renewed vigor. You are not afraid of work, so 2017 will be a period of great career and professional achievements for you. You can try to make a career in sports or politics. Almost all of your grandiose business endeavors will be crowned with success, especially if you manage to not only start them, but also finish them in 2017.
The Ox need not worry about his financial situation in 2017 - money will flow to him like a river. Surely by the end of the year you will be able to not only patch up holes in the budget, but also set aside a tidy sum for a rainy day. Large expenses are also not excluded, but they will fully justify themselves.

2017 will bring big adjustments to the Ox’s personal life. If you are in love, this year may mark your marriage, no matter how long you have known your loved one. Events will develop rapidly. And before you know it, you will find yourself in the role of a happy family man.

Horoscope for 2017 for Tiger

2017 may turn out to be a year of strength testing for the Tiger. But if you don’t give up and manage not to lose heart, then success will definitely come to you, although not immediately. Wait your time patiently. You shouldn't be active much. It is better not to change jobs and, if possible, avoid changes. Strive for stability so that you have fewer problems in 2017.

The main source of income for Tiger will be his permanent job. Income will depend on your hard work. Don’t even dream about easy money! 2017 will not bring you financial problems if you do not take risks, do not chase the long ruble and try to live within your means.
In 2017, Tiger's dream of a happy marriage may come true. Many Tiger women will receive marriage proposals. Tiger men will finally decide to call their beloved down the aisle. But remember that a successful relationship depends on both partners, and that love often requires personal sacrifice. If you are able to overcome your selfishness and put your soul into the relationship, then everything will work out well for you.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Cat (Rabbit)

The cat will only benefit if he takes more into account objective circumstances and tries to adapt to them. 2017 will not be a very easy year for you, since much will depend not on your will, but on other people and the situation. Be diplomatic under any circumstances! It is possible that you will be transferred to another position, or you will have to establish cooperation with new business partners.

In 2017, financial problems will not worry the Cat. No matter what happens, you will find how and where to make money for your bread and butter. Moreover, successful opportunities will come to you on their own. The main thing is that you do not reject new business proposals, do not be lazy and show hard work.

The sphere of love will come to the fore for the Cat in 2017. You will persistently look for ways to improve your relationship with your loved one. Try to avoid excessive straightforwardness, do not offend your partner with harsh criticism - and then 2017 will not bring you serious love problems. Lonely Cats will find great love where they don’t expect it.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Dragon

The dragon will lead a social life and dream of a brilliant career. In 2017, nothing will be impossible for you if only your dreams and words are supported by active actions. Do not refuse to participate in social activities - they will contribute to your social success and professional achievements. Probably, thanks to the patronage of influential friends, you will be able to move to a more prestigious position.

The financial position of the Dragon in 2017 will be, if not brilliant, then quite satisfactory. And this despite the fact that you will not save on yourself. The main thing is not to invest money in dubious enterprises - and then you will not face financial losses.

In 2017, the Dragon will be a little lacking in romance. You will not like the need to distribute household responsibilities and solve everyday problems. But, despite this, you will find a way to harmonize your relationship with your loved one and establish a happy life together with him. Lonely Dragons will have no shortage of admirers and admirers.

Horoscope for 2017 for Snake

The Snake will have no time to relax in 2017 - work will require activity and initiative from it. In 2017, you will have to spend less time on entertainment and pleasure, and focus more closely on solving business issues. Sometimes you will feel very tired. But the professional successes you achieve will compensate for your lack of rest.

Money will not come easily to the Snake, but it will not feel a lack of it either. In 2017, your financial situation will not cause you concern, although it can hardly be called brilliant. You will probably have a chance to make successful business investments that will bring benefits in the near future.

On the love front, little will change for the Snake in 2017. If you already have a loved one, then you will definitely not strive for change, but on the contrary, you will avoid it in every possible way. And, most likely, you will be able to maintain your relationship even despite the circumstances. Lonely Snakes will experience a new strong feeling, which will most likely be mutual.

Horoscope for 2017 for Horse

The horse will be happy - finally everything has fallen into place! 2017 will be extremely fruitful for you. Firstly, you will put your affairs in order, and secondly, take part in a profitable and successful business project. In 2017, many Horses will successfully engage not only in business, but also in political activities. Career growth is likely, although career will not be your main goal.

In 2017, the Horse's financial situation will improve significantly, even if the Horse does not put much effort into it. Most likely, money will be a by-product of your successful business activities. Almost every business transaction will bring you profit. But if you want to save the money you have saved, refrain from squandering.

2017 promises a stormy personal life for the Horse. You will be inclined to do rash things and lose your head in love. However, if the relationship does not work out, you will not worry about it for a long time and will quickly find a successful replacement for the partner who disappointed you.

Horoscope for 2017 for Goat (Sheep)

For the Goat, 2017 will be a mixed year. On the one hand, you will feel like a sought-after employee - and this will add confidence and optimism to you. Your talents will be useful in solving many important problems at work, and your work will be fairly paid. The only downside of 2017 is that it will be difficult for you to get out of a relaxed state and switch to active work mode.

In 2017, money will be the main incentive for work for the Goat. The fear of possible lack of money will force you to mobilize all your strength and plunge headlong into work. However, closer to the second half of 2017, your earnings will increase and become stable - and then you will be able to relax and slow down the pace of work a little.

The love sphere in 2017 will sometimes please the Goat, sometimes upset it. It is possible that your loved one will begin to demand proof of love from you or want to legitimize the relationship. And here you will have to decide what is more important for you: preserving freedom or preserving love. However, there is no doubt that you will choose love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Monkey

For the Monkey, 2017 will not seem as wonderful as the previous one. But, despite this, the Monkey will quickly navigate the situation and derive considerable benefit from it for himself. Don't be afraid of drastic changes this year. For most Monkeys, 2017 will be a period of prosperity. You will be able to consolidate the successes already achieved, strengthen your rear and protect yourself and your loved ones in case of any unforeseen events.

In 2017, the Monkey can count on high and stable earnings. But if you want to avoid financial problems, it’s better not to change your job in 2017, even if it doesn’t suit you very much. Keep in mind that any changes in the professional sphere that you yourself provoke may be fraught with financial losses for you.

The Monkey's personal life will be successful only if the Monkey begins to take love and relationships more seriously. Frivolous actions can lead you to loneliness. Stay faithful to your partner, and then in 2017 you will feel most loved and happy.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster

In 2017, the Rooster will feel in his element and will begin to actively implement his grandiose plans. Luck will accompany you in almost all matters. But at the same time, it is advisable that you do not overestimate your strengths and do not take on too many responsibilities. Don’t go to extremes, don’t create problems for yourself - and then 2017 will be a year of great career and professional achievements for you.

Money in 2017 will come to the Rooster easily, and he will also easily spend it on his whims and pleasures. You will not deny yourself or your loved ones anything. Basically, in 2017 you will have the opportunity to live large. But at the same time, make sure that your generosity does not develop into squandering.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rooster will behave boldly and self-confidently. 2017 will be a period of brilliant love victories for you. But this, of course, does not mean that you will be frivolous. As soon as you feel that you have fallen in love, you will immediately take your relationship with your loved one into a serious direction.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Dog

For the Dog, 2017 will be a period of life transformation and struggle for a place in the sun. In 2017, big changes await you in the professional sphere. There is a possibility that as you move to another position, you will have new and complex responsibilities. But don't worry - you can easily cope with it. The main thing is that you are not too lazy to improve your professional skills.

The Dog's financial situation in 2017 will be good, although not brilliant. It is possible that you will have to take out a loan or borrow money from friends to make a large purchase. But if you manage your finances correctly, you will be able to compensate yourself for any expenses.

The Dog’s personal life in 2017 will be successful if the Dog is more lenient towards his partner and lowers the bar of demands. The less you demand from your loved one, the more he will do for you. Lonely Dogs should look for love, not profit, in new relationships - then 2017 will bring them happiness.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pig (Pig)

Pig will be able to achieve a lot in 2017, if only he has the desire and desire. If you love your job, career growth awaits you. If you are not satisfied with your current position, you will have the chance to move to another job, where you will have a better chance to show your talents and make a career. Well, if your work is related to creativity, it is possible that 2017 will bring you recognition and fame.

In 2017, Pig will not face any problems with money. You will strive for financial stability. And more than likely, your earnings will skyrocket due to your professional achievements. The main thing is that you are not lazy - laziness can prevent you from achieving the desired level of well-being!

In a relationship with a loved one, in 2017, Pigs will look primarily for stability and reliability. No amount of passion will save your love union if you or your partner are not attentive enough to each other. However, everything that happens in your personal life in 2017 will turn out to be for the best for you!

Sergey Vasilenkov
