What can you take on a plane for a child? On a plane with a baby: how to organize a flight with a newborn and at what age to buy a ticket for a child? Big bonuses for little passengers

An experienced traveler is confident even before boarding the plane that he will have a comfortable flight. He knows how to extract necessary information from the plane seat plan and reserve the most comfortable seat long before you arrive at the airport.

He takes into account a lot of nuances and as a result enjoys the journey. Yes, to be able to do this, you need to take many flights - or read the Kidpassage article once.

It contains everything you need to know about the best seats on the plane and how to book them. Our review will be especially useful for parents with children: they definitely need to know how to choose a seat on the plane so that the flight goes smoothly.

Airplane seat classes

The comfort of the seats and the range of services on the plane depend on what class you are flying. All seats in the cabin are divided into three main classes - economy, business and first class.

Most often, tourists buy economy class seats. In terms of comfort, they can be compared with modern buses: the cabin is equipped with chairs, between which there is a small space for the legs.

People of average height will be able to get comfortable, but long-legged passengers need to know which seat is best to choose.

Parents with restless children will also need this life hack for choosing seats in economy class: who wants their child to trample on their feet during a several-hour flight?

However, flying in economy class does not mean you are deprived of all amenities. You will definitely be fed during the flight, and many airlines offer free baby food - ask how to order such a service (usually this need must be reported 24-48 hours before the flight).

For infants, you can reserve a hanging cradle. Air carriers often give little tourists gifts - toys, coloring books, stickers: a new entertainment will help the child pass the time during the flight. Each seat can be equipped with a TV.

Please note that an economy class ticket imposes restrictions on baggage allowance: most often you are allowed to carry up to 20 kg of baggage per person free of charge. You can take it to the salon hand luggage, placing it on special shelf or under the chair.

Business class seats on the plane are somewhat more comfortable. The distance between the seats is greater, and the seats themselves are usually designed so that you can relax during the flight.

Business class passengers are offered more plentiful and refined meals, and the free baggage allowance is increased. Business class seats are also equipped with sockets, so passengers can charge a smartphone or connect a laptop.

Sometimes planes have first class seats. This is the most comfortable class for long-haul flights, but also the most expensive. A common bonus for first and business class passengers is a separate boarding check-in counter.

Please note: some airlines introduce their own gradation of seats on the plane, creating superior seats in economy class.

Where is the best place to sit on a plane?

You will be surprised, but travelers do not have a consensus on which seats on the plane are best. Preferences are influenced various factors, from the height of the passenger to his ideas about safety.

We suggest considering several cabin placement options to find out their advantages and disadvantages.

1. Seats along the sides of the aircraft. Convenient if your child wants to look out the window or you are going to read, draw with your baby, or do other things that require good lighting.

If your family occupies all the adjacent seats, you will have two additional advantages: you will not disturb the neighbors if you need to go to the toilet, and the tallest member of the family will have the opportunity to straighten their legs in the aisle.

2. Aisle Seats. They will be suitable if you have a restless child - he will have the opportunity to exercise at least a little in the aisle. With a baby who will sleep in your arms, it is better not to choose this place: on the one hand, you will be disturbed by fellow travelers who need to go to the toilet, on the other, by flight attendants delivering food around the cabin.

3. Front row seats. The most comfortable seats on the plane for flying with a baby: usually in the front row there are mounts for a hanging cradle. Since there are no seats in front, no one will lower the back of their chair and take away your space.

Also, passengers in the front seat usually receive food first and can choose from any of the menu options offered. But there are also disadvantages: a bag with children’s things that will be needed during the flight cannot be pushed under the seat in front.

You'll have to put it at your feet, and that will take up space. Another drawback is that, as a rule, the armrests of the seats in the first row do not rise, so it is impossible to turn neighboring seats into a solid sofa.

4. Middle row seats on wide-body aircraft. Not a bad choice if you manage to occupy three adjacent seats. If the flight is relatively short, then flight attendants and passengers passing along the rows will not annoy you.

5. Places in the tail. Statistically, these are the safest seats on the plane. If your fear of air travel is overwhelming, retreat deep into the cabin and dream about what family fun awaits you in a few hours. But if you are not afraid of flying, it is advisable not to choose seats in the back of the plane - the disadvantages significantly outweigh the advantages.

The backs of the seats in the last row do not recline, and a long flight can be torture. Also, at the end of the salon there is usually a small queue of people wanting to go to the toilet.

Almost all the necessary information about the benefits of a particular place can be obtained by studying the salon plan. You will find it on the websites of air carriers or on aggregator websites that offer a search for air tickets.

For example, the SeatGuru service allows you to find an aircraft by flight number and study the cabin layout. A description is given for each seat on the plan: the width of the seat, the distance between the seats, the location of the windows, sockets, and toilets are indicated.

If the airline offers premium seats, they will also be marked on the diagram.

Emergency exit seats on the plane

Emergency exits on an airplane are usually located on both sides in the middle part of the cabin. If you manage to take seats in front of which the emergency exits are located, then you will feel very good during the flight.

The main advantage of these seats is the increased distance between the seats. The child will be able to move around without going out into the main aisle, it will be easier for you to get to the toilet, and the lowered backs of the front seats will not be particularly bothersome.

But it should be noted that they usually try to seat strong passengers near emergency exits, who in case emergency situation will be able to help other people get out of the cabin. Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women are not seated in these seats.

Even if there are a lot of empty seats on the plane, and you manage to get a seat next to the emergency exit, you will have to put your hand luggage in the overhead bin.

Please note: Some airlines offer emergency row seats at an additional cost.

Where is the best place to sit on a plane with a child?

Despite all the pros and cons, the best place on a plane to fly with children is the front row of seats. It is important that there are much more advantages: increased space in front of the chair, the presence of mounts for a crib, the ability to choose food.

In addition, there is less shaking at the front of the airliner if the plane encounters turbulence.

It must be said that employees checking in for a flight often try to allocate seats on the plane for children under 2 years old in the front part.

This means that there may be several babies next to you, not all of whom will snore peacefully all the way. If quiet is more important to you than a hanging bassinet, ask for a seat in the middle section of the cabin.

If you are flying alone with a child over 2 years old (and such a traveler needs a separate seat), try to take the first and third seats in a group of three seats.

If the flight is not full, they may not seat anyone in the empty seat between you. And you will have extra space - on a plane with a child it is better to have at least a small island for games and relaxation.

When choosing a seat on a plane with children, do not try to get into the rear section. But if there are a lot of empty seats left on the plane, then after the announcement of the end of boarding, you can move to the rear and take three adjacent seats. It is quite possible to put a child to sleep there.

Please note: check-in staff do not always pay attention to the age of travelers and may give parents and children seats at different ends of the cabin. Therefore, during check-in, please ask to be placed next to your children.

How to choose a seat on a plane using an electronic ticket

There are two ways to find the seat you like best on the plane. The first is to find the location of the seats on the plane before departure, study their benefits, show up at the check-in counter two hours before departure and ask to be seated in the selected seats.

The front desk person will most likely accommodate you unless the seats are already occupied. The fact is that advanced travelers try to book a seat on the plane immediately when purchasing an electronic ticket.

Booking your seats in advance is the second way to ensure your comfort during the flight. We recommend that you select your seats online immediately after you have purchased your e-ticket.

This service is provided by many airlines, as well as aggregator sites. When there is no line of people waiting to check in for a flight behind you, you can calmly study how the seats on the plane are located and choose the most comfortable ones.

It is enough to mark the required seats on the interactive diagram, and the airline will receive information about booking seats. Then at the airport you will be sure that you will be seated comfortably in the aircraft cabin.

Sometimes during booking it turns out that the best seats are already taken. Don't get upset: this may mean the airline is holding back the most comfortable seats until check-in opens.

They are often left to accommodate passengers with babies or people tall. In this case, we recommend using method one - come to registration early and ask to be seated more comfortably.

Important: not all airlines provide the ability to reserve seats before registration opens. It is also not possible to reserve seats on low-cost airlines.

Now you know what you need to do to make your flight go smoothly. Let's share a few more little things that will help you get the best seats.

  • Don't be lazy to study the airplane diagram. This way you will know in advance how not to end up in an uncomfortable place - for example, next to the toilet (and in large airliners, bathrooms are located not only in the tail of the plane).
  • Look for reviews from travelers who have flown on the same type of aircraft as the one you are about to fly on. From there you can get useful information: from the temperature on board to small services that make the flight easier.
  • Try to get on a less crowded flight - you will have a better chance of getting seated a good place. Typically, flights on weekdays, except Fridays, have fewer passengers than on weekends.
  • During check-in, ask to be seated in the seats you want. If you are undecided on a seat, simply say that you would like to sit next to the window, or in the aisle, or in the front row. You can also ask for a “quiet place”: the plane’s plan does not provide information about the location of the engines, but employees know where the hum of the engines is least audible.
  • If you still get unfavorable seats, change to better ones after the announcement of the end of boarding.
  • Do not occupy places behind which emergency exits are located. These chairs usually do not have reclining backs or the backs only recline slightly.
  • Some airlines provide passengers with the most comfortable seats for an additional fee. You can use this service to play it safe. But if you use our tips, then in most cases you can get comfortable on the plane without paying extra.

    We fly often, 4-5 times a year, because we live in another country. There is also a list of my own life hacks. Ever since my daughter turned 2 years old and had to buy her a separate ticket, I always take an inflatable leg pillow with me. It is placed between your own and the chair in front and makes the chair longer, so that the child can lie down and sleep. We still sleep like this on planes and buses.

    I flew with my husband and little son to Thailand. We took 3 places in a row at the porthole. The kid liked it - he kept looking at the clouds behind the glass. He also played on the phone and drew on the pull-out table. And I slept there - no one bothered me. Dad stretched his legs along our chairs and he also managed to get some sleep. In general, these places are not bad if you are flying with a baby. We liked.

    My five-year-old daughter and I travel often. If possible, I choose seats in advance when booking tickets. I prefer rows closer to the exit and the cockpit. I have her as a fidget, so one of the seats is in the middle of the row and the second is from the aisle. So she can get up and walk around the salon. To keep her busy, I take coloring books and a tablet with cartoons to the salon.

    I try to get tickets at the head of the plane. Most often there is more space; when landing, you can get there without crowding. You can also be the first to leave the plane when disembarking; at the end of the flight, my five-year-old simply cannot bear to sit for even one more minute) True, the toilet turns out to be exactly at the other end of the plane, but this is even a plus, there is some kind of movement.
    We sit near the porthole; you can always keep your child busy looking at clouds (in addition to stocked coloring books, toys, etc.).

    But our family always tries to buy tickets at the head of the plane or close to it. There are just a couple of unsuccessful flights in the tail, where there is a lot of shaking and my child cried a lot and was afraid. This has never happened before. And it is desirable that there be seats next to the window, then the son will be glued to everything and look at everything during the flight and will be calm.

    We have two kids. The eldest daughter is twelve, the youngest is seven years old.
    During our annual flights to hot countries, we have probably tried all possible accommodation options in the aircraft cabin.
    We always try to take three seats on one side and the next one across the aisle. Children compete to see who will sit at the porthole and who will sit next to them. Adults can take a short break by switching extreme places.
    In terms of location in the aircraft cabin, the middle is more convenient for me, of course, if not near the toilet) You can send your child to walk along the aisle and monitor his movements.
    Once we sat in the front row. Very uncomfortable. There is nowhere to put bags with things for the flight and nowhere to stretch your legs.

    Last summer me, my wife and child (a little more than a year) flew to Turkey. At the check-in desk we were immediately offered to sit at the front of the plane. We had no reason to refuse, so we sat there. And everything would be fine, but a young mother was sitting with us with a very loud child, who, it seems, was older than our Danka. Half the time of the flight he gave no rest to anyone who was sitting more or less nearby. In the end, I asked the flight attendant to transfer us to somewhere quieter. She put us in the tail section. And, despite all the possible inconveniences there, we arrived safely. This case is rather one of the rare ones. After all, in the same front part there were other families with children, and their children almost did not scream, just like ours. In general, I advise you to choose places wisely. Because the front part of the plane is not always suitable for flying with children.

    Flying on an airplane is always exciting. I believe that a child should not convey his excitement; on the contrary, set him up for a positive adventure. It is worth taking some food and water so that the child does not cry from hunger, and grumpy neighbors do not show dissatisfaction. And, if the baby gets motion sickness, then you should also take care of this in advance and buy some anti-motion sickness pills. If the baby is still naughty, you can ask the flight attendant to move him to a better seat if possible.

    I have flown on an airplane with my child more than once, and in my opinion, the most comfortable seats for the child and parents are at the very beginning of the plane, where the child will not disturb anyone, and the flight attendants are always nearby and can help if anything happens. But again, if you are flying far away, it will be difficult to keep the child in one place, here it is probably better in the middle of the plane, so that he can at least somehow walk around during the flight.

    My child and I flew on charter flights several times and tried to ask for tickets at the emergency exit, where there was more space in the aisle. My daughter always asked to go to the window; it was interesting for her to watch through the window as the plane took off and the earth moved away. Well, of course, we often ran to the toilet, but fortunately we had all 3 chairs, we didn’t have to ask anyone 100 times to let us pass.

    We usually choose the first seats at the emergency exit; it seems to me that there is more space there than in regular seats. But it is better to book them in advance, otherwise it often happens that they are occupied. We had such a case, we didn’t have time to book the required seats in time, we ended up sitting in completely different rows, our daughter was only 3 years old at that time. There are also good seats by the window - at least, my daughter likes to watch the view from the window and doesn’t interferes with other passengers.

    When I travel with a child, I always try to take seats closer to the toilet, about 4-5 rows before it and sit towards the aisle. Sometimes you are even lucky and the seats nearby are not occupied. This location allows me to get out of the chair more often if the child needs to go to the toilet or if he suddenly feels unwell. You can also walk along the aisle to distract your child a little from the flight, and to stretch your legs yourself.

    If we fly with a child, we usually always take seats “by the window”. And the baby is interested in seeing what’s going on there, and I’m calmer, after all, it’s not in the aisle and no one is walking past.
    We flew for the first time when my son was 9 years old, now he is 11. We were just flying over the ocean at sunset. He was delighted, pressed himself against the glass and asked me to take a photo of him)) He wasn’t scared at all when the plane took off, and when landing he didn’t feel any negative emotions. Now he looks forward to each of our trips and constantly wonders when we’ll fly again)
    I consider this type of transport the most acceptable if traveling with a child. It's fast and comfortable.

    We often fly as a family, or as a couple with our 7-year-old daughter. When there are three of us traveling, we try to take seats on the side of the cabin. While the plane takes off, the child, of course, looks out the window. When there is nothing left to see there, my daughter moves to the chair between us, puts her feet on the knees of one parent, her head on the other, covers herself with a blanket and sleeps safely the whole way. True, it’s not very convenient for us, but at the end of the journey the child is happy and well-rested!

    We also booked seats at the travel agency for our two year old son. After studying the layout of the plane, we chose two aisle seats. To be honest, I had no idea how the flight would go for him, although the flight was only 3 hours. But no matter how afraid I was, everything went well, the baby just fell asleep and woke up at the very end of the flight. The flight attendant provided a special belt for the child, which was very useful during the flight.

    The Internet gives people enormous opportunities, which, unfortunately, no one takes advantage of, either due to ignorance or laziness. I was the same type of person until one incident. We all understand perfectly well that the best seats on the plane are by the window. So, I always asked passengers to change seats with me so that my child could watch the clouds from the window. I asked until one day they asked me to do this. I realized how unpleasant it was. And now I always reserve seats in advance. Therefore, if you are flying somewhere with a small child, take care of your seats in advance.

    When we were planning to fly on vacation, the travel agency advised us to choose seats at the front of the plane. After listening to the managers, my family and I - my husband and two children - sat in the front part of the plane. In fact, we saw the difference right away. More space for our feet, where we were able to put the bag that we were allowed to take in hand luggage. There, at the beginning of the plane, many were with children.

    Once I had to fly with my daughter, she was 4 years old at the time. I wasn’t particularly worried, since she usually felt and behaved well in transport. Indeed, as described in the article, we were given seats in the front row and it was very convenient. The entire time we were flying, my daughter was sleeping. And I was incredibly happy about it. Since another mother on board no longer knew what to do with her child. All his fellow travelers entertained him.

    We flew on vacation several times with our little daughter. We flew to Egypt for the first time when she was 6 months old. We were lucky with a seat, we got it in the first row, it was quite comfortable. The baby endured the flight there and back well; she slept in my arms for almost the entire five hours. The second time we flew, and she was already a year and a half old, we didn’t have enough space in front, we got it in the middle of the plane, near the aisle. The trip was difficult, she was capricious, and apparently her ears were blocked. And it was difficult to keep my daughter in one place, and you can’t walk in the aisle for a long time.

    First of all, I choose not seats but an airline that operates new planes, they have more space and more comfortable seats. Secondly, there are side seats, and not the middle, so that your family can sit and there is no one to disturb, and then it’s easier to decide where the child will sit. Well, thirdly, I never take the first and last seats, their backs do not recline, and this is very inconvenient.

    During the flight, we chose seats that were on the edge so that the child could move comfortably. Our flight was when the child was 2.5 years old, naturally he cannot sit in one place for a long time and he needs to move, the most comfortable seats are the outer ones, so that he could walk around the cabin while the plane was moving. Once we bought seats with a window, but the child was not interested in looking there at all.

    On this moment my son is already 6 years old. But we flew with him on vacation from the very beginning. small age, we never had a shutdown because of this. As for the seats, I can freely say that it’s comfortable to sit everywhere. Of course, if you have the money for business class, choose only these seats. Although this is not necessary. You can sit anywhere. The only thing I can advise is don’t fly long distances, it’s hard!

Even the thought of the turquoise sea and eternal summer fades and shrinks against the prospect of spending several hours on a plane with a child. But when proper organization flying with a young traveler is not such a troublesome undertaking that you have to give up traveling to beautiful places far away.

Takeoff and landing

The most unpleasant moments. Passengers experience discomfort caused by pressure differences due to changes in altitude. This, in particular, explains painful sensations in the ears, as well as baby crying, covering the sound of working turbines. If your child has a stuffy nose or ear problems, there will be even more crying, so check with your doctor about special drops in advance.

It is more comfortable for babies to spend this time at their mother’s breast, with a pacifier or bottle. Older children may need to swallow occasionally. The lollipop works flawlessly - its “action” period is just enough for the required period. If you are not allergic, you can try inhaling the vapors of eucalyptus oil - for example, by dropping a few drops on a scarf. And stock up on a book, coloring book, new toy or tablet game in advance that will help you keep your child on a leash for these 20 minutes.

How not to get sick?

Despite all the assurances of airlines that the air in the cabin is renewed about 15 times per hour, you can find in it: products of fuel combustion, including carbon monoxide; ozone, which causes irritation of the respiratory tract and aggravates asthmatic symptoms; and even pesticides that are used to kill insects (especially if the plane flies in southern countries). And, of course, viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms circulating inside the isolated cabin. Against the latter, preventive measures can and should be taken: from simple oxolinic ointment in the nose to imported broad-spectrum drugs.

What to take with you?

A set of change of clothes is a must, even if your traveler has long ago irrevocably given up on a diaper. Wet wipes(preferably antibacterial). Medicines if your child is receiving treatment. It would be nice to have a replacement pair of socks - they will be needed when the child finally slips out of his parents' arms and goes traveling around the cabin. Chewing gum or lollipops will be needed during takeoff and landing, and non-sticky cookies or dried fruits will be needed as a light snack (to avoid making your child feel faint, do not take carbonated drinks or fatty foods with you).

How to put you to bed?

Take with you something that your child usually falls asleep with at home - a favorite toy, pillow, blanket, etc. For older children, buy a collar pillow that will support the neck and head in the correct position. If you are lucky and there are free seats nearby, do not hesitate to place your baby in them. Sometimes the light in the cabin prevents your child from falling asleep - ask the flight attendant for a blanket and throw it over the back of your seat and the front seat, creating a canopy. Experienced travelers manage to time flights to coincide with their child's sleep time - only here it is important not to forget about the time difference.

What to do if a child gets motion sickness?

In this case, doctors advise giving a slice of lemon or drinking in small sips, but in practice this does not always help. There are a number of medications for motion sickness that are safe for children, but they should be given before the flight begins, and not when the child has already begun to feel nauseous. In general, it is believed that due to the structure of the vestibular apparatus, such troubles occur extremely rarely with children under one year old. Over time it useful property, unfortunately, is lost, so a hygiene bag or small towel should always be at hand.

What to do with a child?

Most airlines provide children with a so-called “young traveler package.” It may include markers, puzzles, puzzles, etc. However, the imagination and generosity of some carriers is only enough for a keychain or microscopic coloring. Therefore, the issue of high-quality entertainment should be taken care of at least a few days before departure. If the child is not yet old enough to independently watch films from the air cinema repertoire, be patient and have toys.

It is advisable that the latter were new (it is better to collect them in a separate bag and open them only on the plane, periodically removing new artifacts). It could be a soft construction set, a sticker book, an unexplored interactive game on your phone, a collection of cartoons on your computer, a wind-up toy - in a word, everything that can keep your baby occupied for a relatively long time.

What to do if the toilet is busy?

Adult passengers can cope with such a hitch without any consequences, but for the parents of a traveler who really cannot stand it, the issue can turn into a problem on a universal scale. If you don’t want to bang loudly on a closed door, you can ask the flight attendant to let you into a similar room in business class. There are fewer users there, which means the toilet is free more often.

You can stock up on a camp collapsible pot with disposable absorbent bags in advance so as not to spill the contents. They are available in a variety of options (inflatable, in the form of a suitcase, etc.), are inexpensive, weigh little and are quite suitable for further use in non-flying conditions. If trouble takes you by surprise, then feel free to use hygiene bags in the front seat pocket - they are waterproof.

What to eat?

When booking tickets on the airline's website, be sure to indicate the type of meal you require—among other options, there is food for babies and toddlers. It will be too late to place an order on the plane - special meals are ordered a day in advance according to the requests of passengers. Your food should be served earlier than others. Please note that juices from ready-made sets always very cold.

If your child is a picky eater, it is better to take proven products with you. According to the rules for transporting liquids, baby food (including water and juices), as well as medicines, are allowed to be carried on board in the quantity you need. But be prepared to be asked to take a sip from each container to prove to airport staff that the bottle contains no explosives.

Big bonuses for little passengers

If you did not indicate your desired seat when booking, it is better to be one of the first to arrive at check-in (although passengers with children go ahead of the queue, but in practice this is not always observed, especially by our compatriots). The most advantageous seats in economy class are the first row. There is additional space to sort out your bags and even organize a small playing field by laying out a blanket on the floor. A special cradle is attached to the front wall, where children weighing up to 10 kg and height up to 70 cm can be accommodated with maximum comfort.

But don’t count on seats near the emergency exit - according to the rules, passengers with children are not allowed to sit there. If fortune smiles especially broadly on you, then as an exception you may be upgraded to business class (meals, however, will be from economy).

Myths and reality

"The stroller must be checked in with your luggage." In fact, you can hand it in at the gate and get it back when you leave the plane (although sometimes you have to wait a little while it is brought from the luggage compartment). If the stroller is small and folds compactly, then you may be allowed to take it on board. By the way, at some airports (for example, in Dubai) strollers are rented free of charge.

“A child can take any toys.” Toy guns, knives and other plastic weapons will have to be checked in as luggage.

"Children under two years old can only fly in a car seat." Children under two years old can fly in the arms of a parent without paying for a separate seat. If you're paying for your child's seat and plan to take a car seat, make sure it's certified for airplane use (usually indicated on a sticker). Strollers and car seats are not counted as baggage weight. Some airlines provide their own child seat upon request.

“You can check in the same baggage for a child as for an adult.” As a rule, only one piece of baggage with a lighter weight can be checked in for a child under two years of age (up to 10 kg for most European airlines).


I advise everyone - if you fly for more than 4 hours, be sure to take a leg pillow so that the child can sleep. If mine doesn’t sleep, it makes scandals out of the blue, simply because it’s tired. I have a Nappa pillow, I put it on the floor in front of the chair (in the space between mine and the front chair) - my legs are on the pillow, my torso is on the seat, I sleep fine, better than on me, hard and uneven))) And it’s easier for me, too. ..

07/15/2015 18:11:20, Maria9999

For Anna99 - Stinginess is always punishable - for such nervous people there is 1st class! And it doesn’t matter whether you have children or not, what matters is whether you love your children or whether they always bother you.
There are children on all planes and they bang their feet on the front seats and run around and scream all the time. I have been traveling for many years and with my children of all ages. The most important thing for parents is to never worry about anything. The child feels nervous and begins to act up. New toys are very important on the plane. They will help while away 90% of the flight time. For the eldest I took paper crafts “without scissors and glue”, now there are tablets - indispensable in any situation. And for little ones, Lego figures - cars and dolls - are really very interesting.

Dear author of the article, you would better advise what to do so that the passengers of the plane, who also have the RIGHT to rest, do not become enraged by children’s screams throughout the flight, when mothers are unable to calm their children, but believe that all passengers are not even obliged , and should even experience the joy of having to endure the screams, and the passengers sitting directly in the front seats did not experience constant pushes in the back and pain from hair being pulled out by gentle children’s hands for several hours.
I’ll preface the standard arrogant question from moms (and dads): Do you have children? I answer: Yes.

06/04/2013 10:30:13, Anna99

A very useful article, especially before summer holidays and trips!
From my travel experience, I know that the worst thing on a trip with Renek is boredom! Therefore, as the article says, we collect a separate backpack with toys. Firstly, be sure to take some of your favorite and familiar toys. A favorite plush bunny is simply an inevitable attribute of falling asleep or in any stressful situation.
And secondly, we always take something new with us, it really helps to distract our son when he’s already tired of everything on a trip or flight. We get it as needed. Nass is best saved by small Lego Duplo sets, always with figures! You can always come up with something new, and you can act out entire scenes with Lego men or animals.
But the coloring books didn’t really suit us - it’s difficult to paint beautifully in travel conditions :(

06/02/2013 18:11:45, SaraBaraBu

Is traveling with children on a plane always a controversial topic? Especially if it is an infant. How will he survive the flight? What will he need? Every parent should know about this.

Baby and flying: how it affects health

Flights on any aircraft are accompanied by pressure differences. They have a negative impact on the health of adults. His head begins to hurt and his ears are blocked. The child also experiences these symptoms.

Important. If in an adult they pass quickly, then in a baby they can develop into serious illness. His body is not yet strong and cannot resist such negative influences.

Baby bassinet on an airplane

Children are very susceptible to atmospheric pressure. When it changes, they experience discomfort. They may experience a sharp ear pain and feel dizzy. This makes the baby fussy.

Moreover, ear pain can develop into otitis media within a few hours. This is a serious disease that requires treatment under medical supervision.

It is forbidden to fly with a baby if he has a runny nose.. This will cause the baby's nose to become completely blocked and he will not be able to breathe normally. A simple runny nose will develop into inflammation of the inner ear. The pain will go to the head. The pressure will begin to jump.

Advice. Before flying with your child, you should consult with your child's doctor. He will tell you what medications you will need to take with you.

Before boarding the flight, children undergo a medical examination directly at the airport. In some cases, the doctor may not allow the child to board the plane due to the presence of a disease.

At what age can you fly?

Each child's body is individual. Only a doctor can say for sure when it is safe to fly with a newborn on an airplane.

If there are no prohibitions, you can plan travel from the 7th day of your baby’s life. In this case, parents must write a receipt that they will not make claims to the airline if their child’s well-being worsens.

That is, all responsibility lies with them.

How do kids of different ages cope with flying?

  • Up to 6 months. Flying with babies is quite easy. They quickly fall asleep as soon as the plane begins to gain altitude. They are not susceptible to extraneous sounds. It is worth considering that they will survive the trip well if they do not have diseases. Otherwise the flight will be hectic.
  • From 6 to 12 months. At this age, the child no longer wants to sit in his mother’s arms. He needs to move. He will know the world. It is quite difficult to keep it, but it is possible. To distract your baby's attention from constantly looking at other passengers, you can take a few new toys on board.
  • From 12 to 24 months. It's easier to fly, but you still can't hold the baby in place. New toys are not enough here. In this case, modern gadgets with cartoons will come to the rescue. Putting a baby to sleep is quite difficult.

You need to be extremely careful when flying with an infant to hot countries. Firstly, the journey takes several hours. Secondly, each baby reacts differently to the change climatic conditions. He might get sick.

Advice. You need to fly on vacation with a small child for several weeks.

As a rule, after a week's rest, children become very ill upon arrival home. Planning a long trip virtually eliminates this possibility. The child’s body will have time to adapt to the climate.

Buying a ticket for a newborn

Airlines provide younger travelers with more favorable ticket prices. They are classified according to the age of the child.

Ticket names according to age:

  • 0-2 years - “Infant”;
  • 2-11 years old - “Child”;
  • from 12 years old - “Adult”.

According to the rules of the Infant fare, children under two years old fly in the arms of one of their parents. The cost of their ticket is 10% of the price of an adult travel document. On many airlines, children under two years old fly free. This is possible when traveling on local airlines.

In some cases, flight attendants leave a free seat in the aircraft cabin specifically for the baby. It is located next to mom or dad.

When purchasing a plane ticket for a child 0-2 years old, you must consider the following:

  1. If the child is already two years old at the time of departure, a ticket is purchased for him according to the airline’s tariffs.
  2. If a child turns two years old when he is on a trip, he is issued 1 ticket free of charge, and the second at established rates.

You can purchase tickets in advance. But provided that their cost corresponds to the airline’s tariffs. If parents have issued a travel document for a child under 2 years old, and he has already turned that age on the day of departure, they will have to reissue it.

Children under 11 years of age can enjoy benefits. The price of their tickets is 50-75% of the cost of an adult travel document. For a child 12 years old, tickets are purchased at full price.

Documents required for flying with a child under one year old

If parents take their child on a trip abroad, they need to have the following documents with them:

  • birth certificate;
  • visa (if required);
  • parents' identity documents.

If the child travels with one of them, you must provide the airline employee with permission to take the child abroad from the other parent. It must be notarized.

To travel within the country you also need to have a birth certificate and parental documents. No permit or visa required.

Important. When children travel with third people, a notarized permission from two parents is required.


Before the flight, all passengers undergo the necessary registration. During it, they confirm their identity, show documents, weigh their luggage and check their hand luggage. This procedure is necessary even when traveling with children. Parents must register as soon as an airline employee announces it.

Note. The faster you go through the registration procedure, the higher the likelihood of choosing normal seats in the cabin. This is provided that parents do not fly business class.

Registration can be done not only at a special counter. Many airports have written priority rules for passengers with children. They can be served without a queue. They also have the opportunity to check in online at the Business or First Class counter.

Stroller in the salon

Each airline has established standards for transporting children's luggage. When purchasing a ticket, you need to check with the employee whether it is possible to fly with a baby on the plane along with a stroller.

As a rule, such a child's attribute is taken away when boarding the plane, and then allowed to be taken. Especially if the journey is long. Some companies equate a stroller with luggage. They place her in the cargo hold. They only receive it upon landing. She is brought to the exit.

Takeoff and landing with a baby

These moments in flight are considered the most critical. They sometimes experience turbulence, which makes even adults worry. This is stressful for a child.

All passengers must wear seat belts during takeoff and landing. This also applies to children. Babies must be secured in the arms of those accompanying them. For this, the flight attendant will provide special belts. They are attached to an adult's seat belt.

Advice. During takeoff and landing, you need to give your baby a pacifier or bottle of water. This will help stabilize his blood pressure.

The best seats on board when flying with a baby

As practice shows, airline employees try to place passengers with children in the front rows of the cabin. There are definitely windows in this part of the plane. The child will be captivated by the view from it, so the flight will go quickly and without hysterics.

Parents with children are prohibited from occupying seats that are located in close proximity to emergency exits. If you don't keep an eye on your child, he may pull the handle. This will lead to depressurization of the interior.

Advice. When registering, you must ask a company employee to provide the most comfortable seats for the child and his parents. As a rule, such requests are always granted. The main thing is to come to registration early.

Children under one year old can sit in the arms of their mother or father. Airline employees can also provide a special seat. It is installed on the seat next to the accompanying person.

What to take to the salon

To ensure that your child is comfortable during the flight, he should be dressed in light clothing. It is necessary to take a replacement set with you if your baby gets sweaty or dirty. Also, do not forget about warm clothes if a cold climate awaits you when leaving the plane.

Necessary care items:

  • several bibs;
  • disposable diapers;
  • dry and wet wipes;
  • several pacifiers;
  • diapers.

Airplanes are equipped with special places for changing and changing clothes. They are located in sanitary rooms.

Nutrition for a newborn

Many parents are interested in how to fly with infant in airplane? What can you take on board?

The first thing you should always have is water and baby food. All this can be easily transported in hand luggage.

Important. When searching your belongings, you may be asked to leave a bottle of water, but an exception is made for infants.

The total volume of food and water for a child should not exceed 1 liter. Parents need to ensure adequate fluid intake. The air on the plane is dry, and babies are often thirsty.

If you need to prepare baby formula hot water, the flight attendant will bring it. Therefore, you should not worry about this and put boiling water in a thermos.

First aid kit

In the cabin of each aircraft there are the most necessary medications for adults. Airline employees undergo special medical training. If necessary, they can even deliver babies on board.

As for children's medicines, then there is a limited number of them.

Important. Children's medications are selected depending on individual characteristics child's body

Therefore, parents should take care of collecting a children's first aid kit in advance.

It should contain the following drugs:

  • For pain and colic in the stomach. It is especially important to take these medications if the baby is not yet 6 months old.
  • Painkillers and antipyretics. During the flight, the child may develop a fever and experience pain in the ears and head.
  • Remedies for diarrhea. If the pressure drops, the child's stool may be disrupted.
  • Vasoconstrictor nasal drops. They will help relieve your baby of congestion.
  • Ear drops. They are used in case of ear pain.

You need to make sure that the drugs have not expired. Otherwise, their use will negatively affect the child’s health.

Amenities on the plane

In addition to the fact that the sanitary rooms in the aircraft cabin are equipped with folding tables for changing, there is everything on board that is necessary for a comfortable flight with children. The first is cradles. They are issued if necessary. They can carry a small passenger weighing up to 11 kg.

Note. The bassinets are attached to the partition between business and economy class.

If the mother prefers to be in close proximity to the baby, she may be provided with another cradle. She is installed on the passenger seat next to her seat.

Advice. Cradles for children must be reserved when ordering or purchasing a ticket.

Some airlines allow folding strollers on board. They do not take much time, and the child feels comfortable in them. It is important to remember that children must be in the arms of their parents during takeoff and landing and be fastened.

If you are planning to fly with a child or the child will fly on his own, then see the information in the article. You will learn all the intricacies of such flights.

Now it is not new when the youngest passengers travel with or without their parents to other cities and countries by plane. It’s not surprising, because airplanes are fast transport and can transport a person to another continent in a few hours’ flight. Trusted airlines annually increase the number of services for children and parents. Thanks to them, completely new opportunities open up. Let us dwell in more detail on the topic of how children are transported.

Rules for transporting children by plane: documents

Without proper documentation, you will not be able to travel by plane with children, even within your own country. And even more so abroad. For the flight, you should prepare a whole package of documentation.

  • baby's birth certificate
  • foreign passport, visa
  • questionnaire
  • flight ticket
  • permission from the mother and father certified by a notary in situations where children are flying unaccompanied.

Only after you have collected the entire package of papers can you fill out the form and purchase a plane ticket for your little one.

IMPORTANT: If the parents have an old-style foreign passport, and the baby is registered with at least one of them, then the child does not need to receive the document. In cases where parents have a new type of international passport, children should also have their own passport in hand for flying abroad.

To avoid troubles when checking documentation, the parents and the baby must have the same last name. If it differs, then you must provide a document confirming the change of surname. Airlines make such identification solely to protect the rights of children and to avoid kidnapping - theft of a child.

Rules for transporting children on an airplane: what can and cannot be taken with you on board the plane?

Now airlines have quite advanced service. You can even order baby food on board the plane in advance. The main thing is to negotiate this service in advance. On the plane, you can also ask the flight attendant for water if your bottle runs out. Many more companies give out coloring books, toys and other items to little travelers completely free of charge, so that children have something to do on the plane.

Flying with children. What should I take with me?

Video: What to take on a plane if you are flying with a small child?

When can you fly with a newborn on an airplane?

Still very small children under two years old carry out flights in the arms of their parents. That is why Airplane ticket for them is free. And if you urgently need to make a flight, then even a newborn will have to issue a free ticket.

From infancy, travel is already possible, the main thing is that mothers and fathers are calm, then the baby will endure this journey well.

According to the rules, one adult has the right to transport only one child, which is why if you have twins, then you must take a second child ticket.

Flying with newborns

Companies charge 10% of the cost of an adult ticket for flights for children under two years of age. However, children are not provided with separate seats. If you buy a ticket for a separate seat for a child, then the fee for it will already be 50% or even 67%, when it is another special rate or excursion.

Cost of flight tickets for children under 2 years old

IMPORTANT: For each small passenger it is recommended to carry no more than 10 kilograms of luggage on board. These rules apply until the age of two.

At what age can a child fly unaccompanied on an airplane?

At a certain age, children can already fly completely independently. Such travel is already permitted from five years to fourteen. Not only children, but also adults should prepare for independent travel. You need to fill out all the documentation in advance and take into account the rules of the state where you are sending your children.

If the child goes on a trip alone, then the parents must also provide the following documentation:

  • Parents' request for the airline to provide accompanying personnel.
  • Accompanying documentation indicating the details of the employees who will accompany the children.
  • Agreement between the mother and father of the child for a flight abroad, certified by legal entities.

Can unaccompanied children fly?

In addition, the company will ask parents to fill out a questionnaire. It will write everything about the baby, about the faces who will meet the little traveler at his place of stay.

Flights for babies - rules

Where is the best place to sit on a plane with a child?

The most comfortable places to fly with children are first places. The advantages of this choice are the following:

  • large space in front
  • There are sleeping facilities
  • the movement of the aircraft in the turbulence zone is almost imperceptible
  • comfort and space for the baby.

Which seats should you buy?

Suitable for fidgets seats near the aisle. From time to time, the baby will be able to stretch his legs: walk around, move around. It is better for calm little ones not to take such a place. They will be stressed by the constant movement of people to the toilet or the flight attendant walking around the cabin.

Best places on the plane for children

Seat near the plane Suitable for kids who like to watch what is happening outside the airplane window or who like to draw and play games. They won't be disturbed here.

How to fly on an airplane with a newborn, a small child, a one-year-old child, up to 2 years old: tips, what to eat, what toys you can take with you?

If you are traveling with a baby or toddler under two years old, then you are entitled to a zero ticket. You must take such a ticket without a seat for a crumb. The child will be in your arms. To make your child comfortable, immediately prepare water for him without gas ahead of time, and do not overdress him. On the plane, passengers are subject to normal temperature regime. And even if it gets colder, you can borrow a blanket from the flight attendant.

Flying with small children

For older children, on a short flight, the food offered in the cabin will be enough.

Meals for children during flights

It won't hurt you to stock up on things and items for your child for the flight:

  • Diapers - take the approximate amount you will need for your trip.
  • Dry, wet wipes are useful for wiping a dirty baby.
  • For sleep, take your baby a disposable diaper.
  • A change of clothes - just in case.
  • A bib, a bib - for the little ones, so that they don’t get dirty while eating.
  • The pillow is small so that the baby can sit comfortably when he wants to sleep.

Meals on airplanes

Be sure to prepare yourself in advance for the trip. A little rest and a snack would be a good idea. Also go to the restroom before checking in. On board an airplane - this will be more difficult to do with a baby in your arms.

Are there bassinets on planes for children under one year old?

In order for the baby to get some rest and relaxation, it is advisable to take - horizontal position and sleep. But in my arms for a long time Holding a baby is tiring. That's why there are cradles in the comfortable aircraft cabin.

Bassinets for children on the plane

They look different for different airlines. The only thing they have in common is that the baby will feel great in the cradle when he falls asleep.

Airplane cradle for the youngest passengers

But parents need to be prudent in advance. Because these cradles are located only in the first places. So, if you buy tickets, immediately check the information on this issue in order to buy tickets specifically for the first rows.

If all these seats have already been snapped up by travelers, then buy your child a seat next to you and don’t forget to take a special pillow for feeding babies. You can sleep on it and eat on it for the kids.

How do children cope with an airplane? What should you give your child for nausea? What should you take for stuffy ears?

You should feed your children already an hour and a half before departure. To prevent them from getting sick later, give them light food without sweets and fatty foods. You can drink plain water, do not spoil your kids with sweet soda - it will not benefit them.

Dramamine is an effective remedy for motion sickness, but it should only be given on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to put a baby to sleep on a plane?

If your child gets sick on board an airplane, give him cool water. Drinks prepared as follows also reduce the gag reflex well:

  1. Brew one liter of boiling water, add finely chopped apples (2 pieces) and grate 3 by 3 centimeters of ginger there.
  2. Add two grated green apples, a few raisins, and dried apricots to one liter of hot boiled water. Cool the drink, strain and pour into a bottle.

Rules for child behavior when flying

IMPORTANT: Don't forget that such trips are sometimes stressful for children. Therefore, take their favorite toys, pacifiers, etc. with you on the road so that they feel calm. Try not to disturb their daily routine, otherwise whims and hysterics are possible.

Rules of behavior on an airplane for children during a flight: list

Adults are always role models for children. Therefore, if parents behave correctly in the aircraft cabin, then their children will not allow themselves anything unnecessary. Therefore, it is older people who travel with children who must build the correct model of behavior in flying transport.

Parents shouldn't:

  • You can’t smoke or drink too much alcohol.
  • don't use drugs.
  • Passengers are required to treat those sitting next to them and other people on board with respect.

What to do with your baby on a long flight?

Children are also required to obey while in the aircraft cabin. generally accepted rules. And the adults accompanying them must monitor this. After all, these recommendations are aimed at a number of measures that ensure flight safety and eliminate all kinds of accidents.

Rules for children and parents when flying:

  1. Adults are obliged to monitor their children and not allow children to move independently along the runway.
  2. It is forbidden for a child to enter Staff only at the airport, airplane, etc.
  3. Children cannot walk around the aircraft cabin independently without adult supervision.
  4. When an emergency situation arises, everyone is unquestioningly obliged to follow the clear recommendations of crew members.

Discussion of rules of conduct for children during a flight

For children older parents They must explain themselves how to behave in the cabin. Moreover, it is better to do this in advance. Come up with situations and tell them what to do in order to solve the problem. This will be especially necessary when independent travel children over long distances.

Is there a service for accompanying children on the plane?

If you cannot fly with your baby yourself, the company will provide you with the appropriate service. The flight attendant will go through security without any queues and will escort your child to board. And after that, her responsibilities will include looking after the child. The only thing is that for parents such a flight for their child can be very stressful. Especially when you have to travel on two planes with transfers. Even the airlines themselves do not recommend sending children without parents in such cases.

Accompanying children during flights

Every child - individual personality. Parents know exactly his interests, abilities, weak sides. This must be taken into account when flying. And only parents can organize a relaxing plane trip for their children.

Each airline has its own rules. But there are some things you should definitely take to the salon. Otherwise, the flight will not be a breeze.

“The lady checked in a sofa, a suitcase, a travel bag as luggage...”

We change the word “lady” to the word “mother” in a famous children’s poem and we get the classic image of a woman going on vacation with a small child. Only instead of a “little dog” (and for those who are especially brave, not instead of, but along with it), most likely there will also be a stroller, a carrier and a million other, of course, very necessary items.

It is clear that each carrier has its own rules. These should be reviewed before you book your tickets. But there are some general trends that we will talk about.

Let's start with the fact that most airlines understand: a child at any age is a full-fledged passenger. With things. Therefore, even babies under two years old, although not allocated a seat in the aircraft cabin, are entitled to a separate piece of luggage. Just not 20-25 kilograms, like for adults, but 5-10.

The exception is some low-cost airlines that do not provide separate luggage for children. In this case, either the whole family must fit into the allotted quota, or pay for an additional suitcase. Children from two to twelve years old, as well as children flying on a child ticket, have the right to carry the same amount of baggage as an adult.

Important point! If you have booked a separate seat for your child, then you may (we emphasize once again, everything depends on the carrier’s rules) be allowed to take a car seat on board for free in order to install it on the seat and put the baby in it. This seat must be certified specifically for flight use.

In addition, almost all airlines allow strollers to be carried free of charge, but there is another nuance here. Some ask you to check them in as luggage at the airport, others allow you to take the baby in a stroller to the plane, others allow you to take children's transport, if it is foldable and compact, into the salon.

If you have a lot of bulky children's things with you - bassinets, strollers, seat cushions, car seats - then you may be asked to choose one or two things that you will carry for free, and will be asked to pay extra for the rest.

What to take on a plane

1. A change of clothes. Not only the baby can get dirty, but also an older child. For example, if the plane hit an air pocket just at the moment when he was drinking juice. He can also get motion sickness.

2. Water. Several small bottles. At the airport they are much more expensive than in regular stores. Just keep in mind: they will allow you to bring liquids with you totaling a liter. This will include water, tonics, lotions, as well as creams, shampoos and other cosmetics. Liquids carried by passengers traveling together cannot be combined. So it turns out to be quite a lot. But liquids should be in bottles no larger than 100 ml in volume.

3. Snack. Dryers, cookies, crackers.

4. Baby food, homemade food, if you are not sure that the child will eat what is provided on board. It is better to use disposable devices.

5. Books, toys, games. Everything you can do to entertain your child on the go. Sometimes, but not always, carriers take care of this. So we hope for them, but we don’t make a mistake ourselves. Many publishing houses produce special travel kits: compactly packaged felt-tip pens, sheets with coloring books and activities, stickers, Board games etc. Supporters of gadgets can download games and cartoons to their phone or tablet in advance.

6. If the child is not yet potty trained, then several spare diapers. If the trip was during the training process, two options are possible: either the child still flies in a diaper, or you take with you a travel potty with replacement bags. You know very well what queues for the toilet on an airplane are.

7. Wet wipes, ideally antibacterial.

8. Lollipops for takeoff and landing to prevent stuffy ears. Many pediatricians advise putting drops in your nose before a flight - so we take drops too.

9. Medicines, if your baby needs them. Pay attention to the composition of the drugs. In some cases, you may need a certificate from your attending physician confirming their prescription. In case of emergency, if something hurts, use Nurofen, Panadol or other similar drugs.

10. Sling, if the child is accustomed to it. It will be easier to put your baby to sleep in it.

11. Light stole or scarf. They can cover a dozing baby or cover yourself if the baby needs to be breastfed.

Life hack: to free your hands, fold it all in a different way travel bag, and in a backpack. Ideally – large, touristic. It is very roomy, and there are also many small compartments and pockets. And you won’t have to dig through the entire bag, looking for the right thing.

It is forbidden!

1. Take toys that imitate weapons on the plane: pistols, swords, knives, etc. These will have to be checked in as baggage.

2. Sit with children at the emergency exit.

3. Require baby food on the plane if you have not asked for it in advance. Food for children is ordered at least 24 hours before the flight.
