What to make from porcini mushrooms for the winter. Simple step-by-step recipes for preparing pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter at home

Greetings, friends. Yesterday we went to the forest with our parents. We grilled kebabs. By the way, I used one of the recipes from the article “”. It turned out great. But that’s not what we’ll be talking about today. I decided to devote this article to the porcini mushroom or, as it is also called, boletus. And if you have never cooked in jars for the winter before, I recommend giving it a try. This article contains the best recipes for pickling porcini mushrooms. And what amazing salads and soups you make with them. Well, just delicious :)

Have you ever wondered why this mushroom is called white? I was interested to learn that it got its name due to the behavior of the pulp during heat treatment. She remains white. However, its color does not change during drying. Noticing this unique feature of these mushrooms, people called them white mushrooms.

They grow in both coniferous and deciduous forests. However, some connoisseurs of mushroom delicacies have managed to domesticate this forest product. They grow boletus mushrooms in their garden plot.

Typically, the life cycle of a porcini mushroom is 9 days. But there are also long-livers among them. These “live” up to 15 days. They differ significantly from their relatives in size.

After collecting boletus mushrooms, they need to be processed as quickly as possible. Already 10 hours after cutting them, the content of useful substances is halved. Yes, and worms grow in them. If you are still suspicious, place the boletus mushrooms in salted cold water overnight. All the excess protein will crawl out :)

And yet, in the forest you can find boletus mushrooms that have turned slightly green in the area where spores are formed. If such a product is not wormy, it can be used. Just first you need to carefully remove the greens. This boletus is usually used to make soup or sauce, but it is not suitable for canning.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms at home

There are many different options for pickling boletus mushrooms. And today I will introduce you to options for every taste. And to whet the appetite, I supported the recipes with photos :) Be sure to write down what you made from it and whether you liked it.

But first, I’ll make a couple more important notes. If a white precipitate has formed in the jar with the preparation, do not eat such mushrooms. And when preparing boletus mushrooms, do not overdo it with spices, otherwise they will simply drown out the mushroom aroma.

Step-by-step recipe for pickled boletus mushrooms for the winter (with vinegar)

Naturally, for the preparation you need boletus mushrooms (take as many as you have). For marinade per 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 8 tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. with a pile of sugar;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. with a heap of coarse salt.

Boil the pre-prepared mushrooms. You need to cook for about 40 minutes. There are several features here that I would like to draw your attention to. During heat treatment, boletus mushrooms decrease in volume. As a result, you will get 1/3 of the original volume. Based on this quantity, you need to determine how many sterile cans you will need for preservation. By the way, if you want to save time, try.

Due to prolonged cooking, a minimal amount of vinegar is added to the preservation. And such a preparation can be stored for a long time. After the liquid boils, you need to remove the foam with a slotted spoon, and then add salt to the water. As for salt, add less salt than you would if you were salting the same volume of soup. At this stage it is very important not to over-salt.

Add sugar and salt, pepper, bay leaf and cloves to the water. Add vinegar to the mixture and bring the solution to a boil. After washing, add the boletus mushrooms to the marinade and cook for about a quarter of an hour.

And here is a step-by-step video of preparing such a preparation

Marinating boletus mushrooms without sterilization

Do you want to whip up marinated porcini mushrooms? Then this simple recipe is what you need. For the snack you will need:

  • kilo of boletus;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tsp (without a slide) citric acid;
  • 2 tsp 9% vinegar;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • a few mustard seeds;
  • columns of dried dill;
  • 1.5 tsp. coarse salt;
  • 2 lavrushki.

We send the pre-prepared boletus mushrooms to cook. They need to be boiled over medium heat. It’s difficult to say how long you need to cook the mushrooms. Focus on the behavior of the product: the finished mushrooms sink to the bottom of the dish.

Prepare the marinade. Place a pan of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Then add sugar and salt. After a couple of minutes, add vinegar and citric acid, and then turn off the brine.

Place dill, bay leaf and mustard in clean jars. Place the boiled boletus mushrooms here and pour the marinade over the mushrooms. Cover the jars with nylon lids and wait until the workpieces have cooled. You need to store the delicacy in the refrigerator. Within a day you can take a sample.

Marinate porcini mushrooms in jars

We wash the mushrooms and cut them (if they are very large). Place them in a saucepan, fill with clean water and cook for about a quarter of an hour. The water you cook in needs to be salted.

Then pour 2 tsp into each sterile half-liter jar. 9% vinegar. We also throw in 2 bay leaves and a couple of black peppercorns. To give the pepper flavor, first pour boiling water over it.

Place the boiled mushrooms in jars and fill them with the water in which they were boiled. And cover the dishes with lids. We wait until the workpiece cools down and put it in the refrigerator. You can store this yummy food even for a year. Only something tells me that it will evaporate sooner for you :)

What to cook from pickled boletus

From pickled mushrooms you can prepare a lot of all sorts of delicacies - first, second, appetizers, etc. These can be both festive and everyday dishes. Catch the recipes.

These dishes are simply delicious. They are so delicious and easy to prepare. Be sure to cook them and invite your friends - they will be shocked by your culinary abilities.

Simple Lenten Salad

Products you need to stock up on:

  • 100 g pickled boletus;
  • salt + pepper;
  • 2 pcs. medium-sized boiled potatoes;
  • half an onion;
  • 2 pcs. pickled cucumbers;
  • 4 tbsp. canned peas;
  • 2 tbsp. unrefined vegetable oil;
  • parsley.

Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. We also send pickled mushrooms there (if they are large, they need to be cut). Next, add diced onion and cucumbers cut into thin semicircles. Then add the peas, salt and pepper. Season the salad with oil and mix it well. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Delicious salad with ham and eggs

For it you will need:

  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • 160 g ham;
  • 1 boiled potato;
  • 100 g boletus;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • a little mayonnaise.

Chop cucumber, eggs, potatoes and ham into cubes. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Pass the garlic cloves through a press. Mix all these ingredients and flavor the mixture with mayonnaise. That's all - the salad is ready.

Cooking soup

The soup prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty. And a great alternative to one cooked from fresh mushrooms. For this dish, stock up on:

  • 250 g pickled boletus;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. rice;
  • 1 egg;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 10 g green onions;
  • salt;
  • water (2 l).

Pour water into the pan and place the dishes on the stove. When it boils, add rice to it. Add liquid, stir, cook rice until tender.

While the rice is cooking, you can prepare the sauté. To do this, fry diced onions, grated carrots and chopped garlic in oil. Then add mushrooms cut into small pieces. Just before cutting, they need to be washed.

Separately, beat the egg with a fork until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. And add the egg mass into the pan with the soup. We taste the food for salt. If necessary, add salt. Bring the dish to a boil again and remove it from the stove. Next, add chopped green onions and cover the dish with a lid. After 15 minutes you can set the table.

In addition, porcini mushrooms help in the fight against atherosclerosis and tuberculosis. They are also an oncoprotector. In addition, boletus helps keep the thyroid gland healthy. They are also used for therapeutic purposes in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How do you, my dear readers, pickle porcini mushrooms? Share your experience. And on. And that’s all for today: bye-bye!

Just the sight of the treasured mushroom jar in a transparent filling with spicy spices causes an irresistible attack of appetite. Marinated porcini mushrooms will be a high-quality and especially tasty preparation if you follow certain rules at all stages of preparation, which you will learn about today.

Young fruiting bodies of boletus mushrooms are best suited for canning in marinade. If you need to marinate large white mushrooms, cut them into large pieces.

You should not use overripe specimens with a dense green and dark brown tubular layer.

Fresh porcini mushrooms without wormholes, cleared of forest debris, need to be rinsed well. If not only the caps are used, but also the legs, they should be additionally cleaned with a brush or particularly dirty areas should be cut off.

You can also preserve frozen fruiting bodies, from which pickled porcini mushrooms can be just as attractive and tasty as fresh ones.

Good preservation of pickled porcini mushrooms is ensured by acetic acid. To balance its taste, sugar, salt, and a whole bunch of suitable spices are added to the marinade solution in the required proportions. The main question of how to pickle porcini mushrooms at home already has a great many solutions, and among them two universal methods can be distinguished.

Recipe 1: Instant porcini mushrooms

If you want to quickly marinate prepared porcini mushrooms and enjoy them in the near future, this cooking option is most suitable. It will be possible to take a sample in a couple of days.

For it you will need:

  • porcini mushrooms - from 2 to 2.5 kg;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tablespoon each;
  • black pepper - 5 peas;
  • carnations - 2 inflorescences;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • 70% acetic acid - 1 tablespoon.


  • Place the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan, add cold water, add salt, boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour out the broth, rinse the mushrooms, put them back in a saucepan with cold water, wait until it boils, and this time cook for half an hour. Then drain and rinse the mushrooms.
  • After this, a marinade for porcini mushrooms is prepared - pouring water into a pan and adding salt, sugar and spices to it, you need to boil everything and only then pour in acetic acid.
  • Place boiled mushrooms into the boiling marinade, boil for a few minutes, remove from heat and put everything into jars.
  • Then close with lids (those with threads are also suitable), cool to room temperature and place in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: pickled porcini mushrooms with vinegar for the winter

When deciding how to marinate boletus mushrooms and how much to add herbs and spices, you can rely on a proven option that everyone likes. The described recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms for the winter allows you to obtain a spicy preparation with a delicate aroma, ready for use in 20-30 days.


  • boletus - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • table or sea salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • cinnamon - half a stick;
  • white or allspice pepper - 7 peas;
  • carnations - 3 inflorescences;
  • medium-sized bay leaves - 4 pieces;
  • 9% table vinegar - 150 ml (three-quarters of a glass).


  • Boil water, which should be well salted and acidified with citric acid (4 g). This additive will soften the taste of the product and preserve the natural shades of the caps. Then place the boletus mushrooms in boiling water and, stirring, cook them over medium heat until the mushrooms sink to the bottom.
  • Let's start preparing the marinade: boil all the ingredients of the recipe, except vinegar, cook for 15 minutes, then acidify the marinade with vinegar and immediately remove from the stove.
  • Distribute the mushrooms among the prepared sterilized jars, pour in the marinade almost to the top, cover with boiled lids, roll up and, turning over, cool to room temperature. You can send the jar for storage in a dark place, away from sunlight.

Preparing and filling jars

To ensure reliable preservation, porcini mushrooms should be pickled for the winter in a sterilized container. Banks can be prepared in several ways:

  1. If the jars are filled with hot contents fresh from the fire, it is enough to wash them thoroughly and hold them near the spout of a boiling kettle so that the steam gets inside.
  2. There is a microwave treatment option: containers with 2 tablespoons of water poured into them are sent to the microwave for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Fans of cleanliness and sterility are advised to wash containers for pickling porcini mushrooms with warm soap, mustard or soda solution, rinse thoroughly, and then sterilize over a kettle, removing the lid, for about 5 minutes.

It is convenient to fill the prepared jars with a ladle, scooping the hot mushroom mixture into the marinade mixture or pouring the boiling marinade into jars with boletus mushrooms with spices laid out on them.

Rules for storing the finished product

For the winter, pickled porcini mushrooms are placed in a cool, dry and dark place, for example in a cellar, or the lower compartment of the refrigerator, since they are best stored at a temperature of +8 ºC. It is better to use the contents of opened cans immediately. Only canned products with a large amount of vinegar can be stored open.

Clean boletus mushrooms, carefully preserved in marinade, are a real decoration for any table. Basic recipes can be improved due to the composition of spices, larger or smaller proportions of sugar and salt, but a sufficient amount of vinegar remains the same condition. It is this acid that guarantees long-term storage and an attractive appearance of pickled mushrooms.

At the beginning of autumn, mushrooms are at their peak in the forests, and mushroom pickers return from a “quiet hunt” with buckets and baskets full of these wonderful gifts of nature. As a result, the collected trophies need to be used somehow: some go for frying, some for drying, and most of the collected mushrooms, as a rule, are pickled or salted. Today we will talk about the 5 best recipes for pickling mushrooms.

Pickling any mushrooms in general is not difficult, but you need to know some of the features of this method of preparing mushrooms. You can marinate porcini mushrooms, greenfinches, goats, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, row mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, russula, fat mushrooms, champignons and other mushrooms. It is important that when marinating, some types of mushrooms should be prepared following certain rules:
If the mushrooms are small, they are marinated whole; only the lower part of the stem needs to be cut off;
When pickling, large mushrooms are usually cut into 3-4 parts;
In the case of boletus and porcini mushrooms, the legs need to be marinated separately from the caps;
Remove the skin from the butter before marinating;
Valui is soaked for several hours before cooking.


First stage: sorting mushrooms. First, the mushrooms need to be sorted into different types, since, as noted above, different mushrooms need to be prepared for pickling in different ways. Also, you cannot boil and pickle some mushrooms together - it is best to do this separately by type.

You cannot cook boletus together with boletus, because... the first ones will darken and take on an unattractive appearance. Boletus mushrooms cannot be cooked with porcini and aspen mushrooms, because they may be overcooked, while white and boletus mushrooms may be undercooked.

Second stage: soaking. To make it easier, more thorough and simpler to clean the mushrooms from dirt and debris, it is better to soak them in cold water for a while; this water can also be salted - everything unnecessary will fall behind even better and float up.

You should not keep mushrooms in water for long - they can absorb excess water.

Stage four: cooking and marinating. It is recommended to boil any mushrooms before pickling; this will eliminate the risk of poisoning and guarantee that the preparation will not deteriorate, but there are two options: preliminary and non-pre-boiling. The method without preliminary boiling is that the mushrooms are placed in boiling salted water, to which vinegar has also been added, boiled and then seasoned with spices and marinated in the same water. The pre-boiling method means that the mushrooms are first boiled in salted water (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) until tender, then dried, cooled, placed in jars and poured with pre-chilled marinade.

With the method without preliminary boiling, the mushrooms need to be cooked for different times depending on their type, the time is counted from the moment when the mushrooms placed in boiling water boil again: mushrooms with dense pulp (champignons, boletus, porcini, etc.) are cooked for 20- 25 minutes, legs of boletuses and boletuses - 15-20 minutes, honey mushrooms and chanterelles - 25-30 minutes, boil boletus mushrooms, butter mushrooms and boletus mushrooms for 10-15 minutes.


There are a lot of recipes for pickling mushrooms; we will tell you about five of the most versatile and simple recipes, according to which you can prepare only tasty and appetizing mushrooms.
Recipe for marinating any mushrooms without pre-boiling

You will need: for 1 kg of mushrooms 2/3 cup of vinegar 8% and 1/3 cup of water, 1 tbsp. salt, spices - 5 allspice peas, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. sugar, cloves, bay leaf.

How to marinate any mushrooms without first boiling them. Prepare the mushrooms in accordance with the recommendations for the type, bring water with vinegar and salt to a boil in a saucepan, lower the mushrooms into it and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook the mushrooms until tender.

You can also determine that the mushrooms are ready by this sign: the finished mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan, and the broth becomes transparent.

3-5 minutes before the mushrooms are ready, you need to add all the spices, then remove the pan from the stove, cool everything and put it in sterilized jars. Then you need to pour a little vegetable oil into the jars and seal them with sterilized plastic lids.

Never roll up pickled mushrooms with metal lids - experts do not recommend doing this due to the risk of botulism.


You will need: for 1 liter of water, 60 g of salt, 10 black peppercorns, 5 cloves and bay leaves, star anise, cinnamon, garlic, 40 ml of acetic acid 80%.

How to marinate boiled mushrooms. Mushrooms need to be prepared and boiled in salted water (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water) until tender, placed in a colander, then placed in sterilized jars. Having combined all the ingredients indicated in the recipe, excluding vinegar, you need to boil them after boiling for half an hour at a low boil, then the marinade is cooled, vinegar is poured into it, the mushrooms are poured with the marinade, a little vegetable oil is poured into each jar on top, closed with boiled plastic lids and the mushrooms are removed in the cold for storage.

This marinade is best suited for chanterelles, boletus, saffron milk caps and russula.


You will need: for 1 liter of marinade - 1 liter of water, 5-6 black peppercorns and 2-3 allspice peas, 2 clove buds, 1-2 bay leaves, 1.5 tbsp each. sugar and salt, 1 tsp. vinegar essence, for 1 1 liter jar - 1 kg of mushrooms, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1 dill umbrella or its seeds.

How to marinate mushrooms with garlic. Cut off the stems of the mushrooms, cutting them at a distance of 1 cm from the cap, cover with cold water, leave for an hour, rinse thoroughly, dry, add salt, cover with cold water, put on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes, constantly removing the foam. Pour water for the marinade into a saucepan, add spices, sugar and salt, taste - the marinade should be a little salty, bring to a boil, pour in vinegar, boil for 5 minutes, taste. Place the cooked mushrooms in a colander, rinse, place in a pan, pour in the boiling marinade, leaving 500 ml of it, put the pan on the fire again, bring to a boil and boil the mushrooms in the marinade for 15-20 minutes. Cut the garlic into thick slices, sterilize the plastic lids and jars, put an umbrella of dill and garlic in each, place mushrooms on top, filling the jar up to the hangers, pour in the remaining boiling marinade to the top, close the lids, turn them over and leave until cool, wrapping the jars with something. then warm.

Mushrooms prepared in this way can spoil due to insufficient vinegar or salt, poor sterilization of lids and jars, or too warm a temperature in the room where they are stored. The fact that the mushrooms have spoiled will be indicated by cloudiness of the marinade; under no circumstances should such mushrooms be eaten; they will have to be thrown away.


You will need: for 1 kg of mushrooms 20 g of salt, 60-70 ml of acetic acid 30%, 1-2 glasses of water, 12 black peppercorns and 5 allspice, 2 bay leaves, ½ tsp. sugar, onion, pinch of nutmeg.

How to pickle boletuses, boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms or boletus mushrooms. Peel and rinse the mushrooms, after soaking them in water, prepare, chop, put in a pan, add salt, pour in a little water and bring to a boil, boil for 5-10 minutes, add spices and chopped onions, boil until tender, pour in vinegar at the end of cooking . Place the mushrooms in sterilized jars and seal with sterile lids.

The last recipe for pickled mushrooms is quick; you can eat such prepared mushrooms within 3 days, but they should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.


You will need: 700g mushrooms, 5-7 buds of cloves, 3 bay leaves, 2-3 sprigs of fresh thyme/oregano/marjoram/savory/parsley/celery leaves/basil, 1 onion, 0.75 cups of water, 1/3 cup white wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt, 1.5 tsp. allspice peas.

How to quickly pickle mushrooms. Sort well, peel, rinse the mushrooms with cold water, leave the small ones whole, chop the large ones, finely chop the onion, place the washed greens on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Combine mushrooms and all ingredients, excluding greens, in a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, simmer for another 15 minutes, then let cool slightly. Pour the mushrooms with the marinade into a jar, let cool, close with a nylon lid, and store in the cold.


Always boil the mushrooms for 15-30 minutes before marinating, placing them in already boiling water.

Do not cover pickled mushrooms with metal lids.

Before use, pickled mushrooms must be kept for at least 25-30 days to achieve optimal taste.

Store any pickled mushrooms for no more than 6-12 months in a dark, dry place.

Before use, pickled mushrooms need to be boiled: put in a saucepan and add a little cold boiled water, boil for 25 minutes, then add vinegar/citric acid and salt to taste, boil for another 5 minutes.

Pickling is a very popular way of preserving mushrooms for the winter. Almost everything can be pickled: russula, milk mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms and, of course, white mushrooms. The method is called so because the product is poured with marinade, that is, water with various spices, salt, sugar, vinegar. Then the container is hermetically sealed. Mushrooms can be stored in marinade for up to two years. Vinegar must be added to the marinade. Covering mushrooms without vinegar at home is strictly prohibited! Why? We will consider this question below.

Is it possible to roll up pickled mushrooms with iron lids?

This question is asked often, but its formulation itself is incorrect. It would be more correct to ask whether it is possible to seal mushrooms hermetically without vinegar. To understand this, you will have to return to the forest.

Many types of bacteria live in forest soil, and one of them produces a deadly poison - botulinum toxin. The species is called Clostridium botulinum, and poisoning from the poison of this bacteria is known as botulism. Sixty percent of botulism cases result in death. Seventy percent of the sick were poisoned by canned mushrooms.

For Clostridium botulinum, air, temperatures above 121 degrees (which cannot be obtained on a home stove) and acid are destructive. Therefore, in terms of botulism, mushrooms are safe: salted in barrels, pans and jars under nylon lids (air penetrates under such lids), as well as dried and frozen. And in jars intended for hermetically sealed iron, glass and other vacuum lids, vinegar is added, which prevents bacteria from living, multiplying and producing deadly botulinum toxin.

Attention! You need to add at least three teaspoons of 70% essence per liter of water. Pour the vinegar essence directly into the jar, just before capping it.

Mushrooms for the winter, classic marinade recipe

This recipe works well with any mushrooms. The jars are secure, do not explode, and the mushrooms without spices taste almost like fresh ones.

Required ingredients:

  • table vinegar 9%;
  • salt (a tablespoon per liter of water);
  • water;
  • mushrooms.

Cooking method

  1. Boil the prepared mushrooms for 10 minutes with salt.

  2. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to scalded jars.
  3. Before adding mushrooms, pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 100 grams into each 0.5 liter jar. boiling water

  4. Cover the jars with lids and place in boiling water to which 400 grams of salt per liter of water has been added.

  5. Sterilize for 20 minutes.
  6. In winter, after opening a jar of mushroom preparation, the brine is drained, and the mushrooms are lightly fried in a frying pan or stewed in sour cream for 5-10 minutes.

    Once upon a time, salted saffron milk caps were the hallmark of Russian national cuisine. Unfortunately, they only need to be stored in the cold. There used to be cellars, but now there is always not enough space in the refrigerator. Jars of homemade pickled saffron milk caps are perfectly stored outside the refrigerator.

    Required ingredients:

  • salted saffron milk caps 800 g;
  • marinade 200 g;
  • brine from salted saffron milk caps;
  • vinegar % 150 g; cinnamon 1 g;
  • citric acid 2 g;
  • black pepper 7 pcs;
  • cloves 4 pcs.

Cooking method

  1. Salt the saffron milk caps using any of the hot methods you know, remove from the brine, and drain in a colander.
  2. Boil the brine for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  3. Rinse the saffron milk caps with boiling water, put them in a jar along with the spices, and pour boiling brine over them.
  4. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars for 40 minutes, then pour vinegar under the lid and roll up.

How to properly roll porcini mushrooms for the winter

The king of all mushrooms is white and can also be pickled. It is very tasty when marinated.

On a note! If you can make an assortment of other types by mixing them in one jar, then the white ones need to be marinated separately from all the others so as not to drown out the special aroma of this mushroom. For canning, large specimens are cut into pieces, small ones are taken whole.

  • 2 liters of water
  • 40 g salt
  • 6 allspice peas
  • a little cinnamon
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 g citric acid
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 3 cloves

Cooking method

  1. Wash the mushrooms.
  2. Place all the necessary ingredients for the marinade in a saucepan. When the marinade boils, add boletus mushrooms to it.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes, at the end the mushrooms should sink to the bottom of the pan and the brine should lighten. Take it out, place it tightly in 0.5 liter boiled jars, pour in the marinade broth.
  4. Sterilize for 30 minutes.

On a note! Instead of vinegar, this recipe adds citric acid, which, unlike essence, does not evaporate when heated. Mushrooms cannot be preserved with aspirin, as it does not produce a sufficient degree of acid.

Recipe for pickled porcini mushrooms with vinegar

You can prepare white ones in the classic way, with vinegar.

Required ingredients for marinade:

  • 1l water
  • 110 ml 6% vinegar
  • 35 g salt
  • carnation
  • peppercorns
  • lavrushka
  • cinnamon to taste

Cooking method

  1. Boil mushrooms in salted water until they sink to the bottom.
  2. Transfer to jars that already contain spices. Pour vinegar into boiling water with salt and quickly fill the jars.
  3. Sterilize 0.5 liter containers for 20 minutes, and liter containers for 30 minutes. Roll up.

Marinated champignons, video recipe

Abroad they also love mushrooms, but they only harvest champignons, as in this video.

Now you have several simple but tasty recipes in your arsenal on how to roll mushrooms in jars for the winter. Enjoy the taste of white and butter even in winter. Enjoy your meal!
